Variant for differents Components UI Libraries.
This is a preset package that provides variants for Components Libraries based on data-state attribute value, and help to create custom variant selector.
Generate variants selector based on data-state attribute, however you can use it with other data-* attributes like (data-name="john" then fx-john:p4
- Radix
- Flexilla
- Radix Vue
- React Area
- Headless UI
: will be applied if element has data-state='open'
Easily create custom variants for browser selector like ::moz-* ::webki...
npm i -D @unifydev/unify-preset
yarn add @unifydev/unify-preset -D
bun add @unifydev/unify-preset -d
In you uno.config.(js|ts)
// import the packages
import {dataStateVariants, browserVariants} from '@unifydev/unify-variant'
export default defineConfig({
// ...config
prefix: 'fx', // prefix, you can use whatever you want as prefix
variants: "visible|hidden|active|inactive|open|close|resize|minimize|maximaze", // indicate all values, those values will help to generate variant
selector: "data-state" //Indicate the data-attribute to be used
variants: {
"meter-inner-el": "::-webkit-meter-inner-element",
"meter-optimum-val": "::-webkit-meter-optimum-value",
"metter-bar": "::-webkit-meter-bar",
"moz-meter-bar": "::-moz-meter-bar"
Now you can use :
fx-visible:opacity-100 fx-visible:visible
: this will apply opacity:1 and visiblity:visible to the element when the data-state attribute is open.moz-meter-bar:bg-red
, ...
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