Archelon requires the following:
- Ruby 2.7.6
- Bundler 1.17.2
- Yarn
The recommended way to install the required version of Ruby is to use the rbenv version manager.
On OS X with Homebrew, run the following:
brew install rbenv
rbenv init
Follow the printed instructions to set up rbenv shell integration. Then, in a new terminal:
rbenv install 2.7.6
Make sure you are using the correct Ruby environment, then install the gem as usual:
rbenv shell 2.7.6
gem install bundler:1.17.2
Note: Archelon's Gemfile is currently created with an older version of Bundler, so requires a specific version to be installed.
On OS X with Homebrew, Yarn can be installed with: brew install yarn
Edit your "/etc/hosts" file:
sudo vi /etc/hosts
and add "fcrepo-local" and "archelon-local" aliases to the "" entry: localhost fcrepo-local archelon-local