diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index f652b45..26f9671 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -297,3 +297,10 @@ __pycache__/
+# ASS stuff
diff --git a/About.cpp b/About.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e680621
--- /dev/null
+++ b/About.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#include "StdAfx.h"
+#include "About.h"
diff --git a/About.h b/About.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6feb2e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/About.h
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "Version.h"
+#include "Common.h"
+using namespace System;
+using namespace System::ComponentModel;
+using namespace System::Collections;
+using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
+using namespace System::Data;
+using namespace System::Drawing;
+namespace MHXXASS {
+ public ref class About : public System::Windows::Forms::Form
+ {
+ public:
+ About(void)
+ {
+ InitializeComponent();
+ lblVersion->Text = StartString( Version ) + STRINGIZE( VERSION_NO );
+ label1->Text += GAMES;
+ btnClose->Text = StaticString( Close );
+ Text = BasicString( About );
+ String^ credit = StaticString( TranslationCredit );
+ if( credit != L"-" )
+ {
+ this->Height += 20;
+ Label^ l = gcnew Label();
+ l->AutoSize = true;
+ l->Name = L"lblTranslation";
+ l->Text = credit;
+ l->Size = TextRenderer::MeasureText( l->Text, l->Font );
+ l->Location = System::Drawing::Point( ( this->Width - l->Width ) / 2, 260 );
+ this->Controls->Add( l );
+ }
+ this->FormBorderStyle = System::Windows::Forms::FormBorderStyle::FixedDialog;
+ }
+ protected:
+ ///
+ /// Clean up any resources being used.
+ ///
+ ~About()
+ {
+ if (components)
+ {
+ delete components;
+ }
+ }
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Label^ label1;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Label^ lblVersion;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnClose;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::PictureBox^ pictureBox1;
+ private:
+ ///
+ /// Required designer variable.
+ ///
+ System::ComponentModel::Container ^components;
+#pragma region Windows Form Designer generated code
+ ///
+ /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
+ /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
+ ///
+ void InitializeComponent(void)
+ {
+ System::ComponentModel::ComponentResourceManager^ resources = (gcnew System::ComponentModel::ComponentResourceManager(About::typeid));
+ this->label1 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Label());
+ this->lblVersion = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Label());
+ this->btnClose = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->pictureBox1 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::PictureBox());
+ (cli::safe_cast(this->pictureBox1))->BeginInit();
+ this->SuspendLayout();
+ //
+ // label1
+ //
+ this->label1->Anchor = static_cast(((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Left)
+ | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Right));
+ this->label1->Location = System::Drawing::Point(25, 213);
+ this->label1->Name = L"label1";
+ this->label1->Size = System::Drawing::Size(244, 22);
+ this->label1->TabIndex = 0;
+ this->label1->Text = L"Athena\'s Armor Set Search for ";
+ this->label1->TextAlign = System::Drawing::ContentAlignment::TopCenter;
+ //
+ // lblVersion
+ //
+ this->lblVersion->Location = System::Drawing::Point(25, 235);
+ this->lblVersion->Name = L"lblVersion";
+ this->lblVersion->Size = System::Drawing::Size(244, 14);
+ this->lblVersion->TabIndex = 1;
+ this->lblVersion->Text = L"Version";
+ this->lblVersion->TextAlign = System::Drawing::ContentAlignment::TopCenter;
+ //
+ // btnClose
+ //
+ this->btnClose->Anchor = static_cast((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Left));
+ this->btnClose->Location = System::Drawing::Point(108, 263);
+ this->btnClose->Name = L"btnClose";
+ this->btnClose->Size = System::Drawing::Size(75, 23);
+ this->btnClose->TabIndex = 2;
+ this->btnClose->Text = L"&Close";
+ this->btnClose->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnClose->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &About::btnClose_Click);
+ //
+ // pictureBox1
+ //
+ this->pictureBox1->Image = (cli::safe_cast(resources->GetObject(L"pictureBox1.Image")));
+ this->pictureBox1->Location = System::Drawing::Point(25, 10);
+ this->pictureBox1->Name = L"pictureBox1";
+ this->pictureBox1->Size = System::Drawing::Size(244, 191);
+ this->pictureBox1->TabIndex = 3;
+ this->pictureBox1->TabStop = false;
+ //
+ // About
+ //
+ this->AutoScaleDimensions = System::Drawing::SizeF(6, 13);
+ this->AutoScaleMode = System::Windows::Forms::AutoScaleMode::Font;
+ this->ClientSize = System::Drawing::Size(293, 298);
+ this->Controls->Add(this->pictureBox1);
+ this->Controls->Add(this->btnClose);
+ this->Controls->Add(this->lblVersion);
+ this->Controls->Add(this->label1);
+ this->MaximizeBox = false;
+ this->MinimizeBox = false;
+ this->Name = L"About";
+ this->Text = L"About";
+ (cli::safe_cast(this->pictureBox1))->EndInit();
+ this->ResumeLayout(false);
+ }
+#pragma endregion
+ private:
+ System::Void btnClose_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ Close();
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/About.resx b/About.resx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ac0f6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/About.resx
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+ text/microsoft-resx
+ 2.0
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
+ Z2hpanN0dXZ3eHl6g4SFhoeIiYqSk5SVlpeYmZqio6Slpqeoqaqys7S1tre4ubrCw8TFxsfIycrS09TV
+ JfEXGBkaJicoKSo1Njc4OTpDREVGR0hJSlNUVVZXWFlaY2RlZmdoaWpzdHV2d3h5eoKDhIWGh4iJipKT
+ lJWWl5iZmqKjpKWmp6ipqrKztLW2t7i5usLDxMXGx8jJytLT1NXW19jZ2uLj5OXm5+jp6vLz9PX29/j5
+ lJJXYWC+mMUYx3OKih1BViJZhkdB3qjqEslwvzHIB/CsVvEAj8SxadJGwe4t2njkzwdrAFPrg5+gPpXD
+ UxVndGsadzpLfWo5JmVjkooYgdgc4/kfypYtWVpMNgA9K43RddS68S63IWC29rFBGHYhVwpl3HJ4wDnn
+ 0rM8R/EO4a1mm0+OG10+3Rnl1K8OyPaByY1PYc/O3HAwrg5rB41pXZoqF3Y7zUvFtpp0kKySbDM4SNSf
+ mkY8YAHJ/p1qaPWRKw2rivFvA/izTtOlbWNan1G51efPkxvbSnyIyOPmICb2HXBwgO0Y+bOvP8Z7zWLn
+ 7LoeiS3FzICI2uJAAD/eKpn5R3JdcVgs0W8n8lqavBy2SPX4rlZIwdwye2acLhN4UsAx6DPJrmPC5vNN
+ 02Jbu5kvLojdNKyBFLeigDAUdB+ZySa2LbVzO4UlRjqc16dHFRmlfRnLKm0aVFRQz7h1B+lS11GYUUUU
+ m6vIYDNHYr/z0lC5cR+rhSq4y20c11UzbSBjJJ6VW1C1NxENvVTXLiItlxZkeE/Fuk+OdDW90fUrHVLK
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+ CgliUlSIirmIOoRXVpMbgWweWrhXUpudJ3t02f8AXpf0Q6WIUKihVVr9d1/Xrb1Z+jOg+BZNUuZBOF/s
+ 6CVRFADuWXYAFaTP3sYJC8gEljk429PfeFkvCm59gjO9QsauVYchvmU/N0wccV+Btr/wVi+P/wCyULXU
+ 7D4o614ttJ5v3mneJSurRXOOcFpf3qj/AK5SJ+Ffdf7En/BwZ4H/AGpLSDSfFVuPAXjlSiHTp5DJZ6rn
+ jdZz7cB89YZQrf8APNpsNt49IK0lb8jt5HLWDv8AmfcfjD4NWevRebNrOuwzAf6xJInPTjh4z09BivLP
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+ T3DIv616N8JvjtpUcMFpObCzgmwRcwwArOf7zupAJ/2sd+gHNcOExEKdTknp83/wx04ilKUeaOp7zpl7
+ +7w4BQnA960YpATgYI9ulcvAzsco42uAdwPBHt7VsaVeOwCEDHavq8PX+yzxJx6mrRTY23LTq7zIKKKK
+ ACiiigAooooAKKKKACiiigAooooAKKKKACiiigAooooAhuAc5UZNNPyx88kVM43KfaoJjhPrWVTTUa3M
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+ 9wGXX7Q8BzFjbHLsb541ZiG3Ku4D5KEn7cjeEtWfwp4qi03xl8N/Elvu0+/u2WcRWsowYZyeJrfB27s7
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+ mdvLUkkD1+tez+GoTBo0KkYO2uT8PfD1bKaNgpwDnnvXcwxCGJUHRRivby+g4+9I87EVFLRDqKKK9M5i
+ t/Zi/wB79Kjn0sOhGcg1dorB4am+hftJdznp/DDlzswQf0p9r4VVWy+RjtW9RXOsto3vY1+s1LWuZP8A
+ YcYPc0i6JznsO1a9FX9RpdiPbz7lG300RdVBpx0iJ2zs2/jVyitFhqdrWJ9pLe5DHYoi42in+Qo7Cn0V
+ qqcVsiW2yOS1Rx90flUR05SegAqzRQ6cXug5mRR2UUY4QfU1IIwOwpaKpRS2QXY0xKf4RR5Kf3V/KnUU
+ cqEN8lP7i/lUMmlwSnmNQfYVYopcq7DuyhL4dtpTyv5gGm/8IxbHqo/KtGil7OHYOZmevhiyX/lip+tS
+ x6FZxdLaD/vgGrdFCpxXQOZ9yFdOt06QQj6IKcLOIf8ALNP++akop8kewXYwW0YH3F/KkFpEDkRqD9Kk
+ oo5I9guyM2kZ/gFJ9ij/ALv61LRS9nDsHMxEQRqABgClooqkraIQUUUUwP/Z
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Advanced.cpp b/Advanced.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb2ade3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Advanced.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#include "StdAfx.h"
+#include "Advanced.h"
diff --git a/Advanced.h b/Advanced.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d4d303
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Advanced.h
@@ -0,0 +1,803 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "Solution.h"
+#include "Armor.h"
+#include "Common.h"
+#include "Decoration.h"
+#include "LoadedData.h"
+#include "PreviewImage.h"
+using namespace System;
+using namespace System::ComponentModel;
+using namespace System::Collections;
+using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
+using namespace System::Data;
+using namespace System::Drawing;
+namespace MHXXASS {
+ public ref class Advanced : public System::Windows::Forms::Form
+ {
+ private:
+ Generic::Dictionary< Button^, int > button_dict;
+ System::Windows::Forms::ContextMenuStrip^ contextMenuStrip1;
+ Query^ query;
+ PreviewImage^ preview_pane;
+ const static Color color_default = Color::Black;
+ const static Color color_enabled = Color::Green;
+ const static Color color_disabled = Color::Gray;
+ bool manual_checking, want_taunt;
+ public:
+#pragma warning( disable : 4677 )
+ Advanced( Query^ query )
+ {
+ manual_checking = false;
+ want_taunt = query->want_taunt;
+ InitializeComponent();
+ this->query = query;
+ this->DialogResult = System::Windows::Forms::DialogResult::Cancel;
+ grpArmors->Layout += gcnew LayoutEventHandler( this, &Advanced::ArmorGroupResized);
+ boxes.Add( lvHead );
+ boxes.Add( lvBody );
+ boxes.Add( lvArms );
+ boxes.Add( lvWaist );
+ boxes.Add( lvLegs );
+ boxes.Add( lvDecorations );
+ def_buttons.Add( btnDefaultHead );
+ def_buttons.Add( btnDefaultBody );
+ def_buttons.Add( btnDefaultArms );
+ def_buttons.Add( btnDefaultWaist );
+ def_buttons.Add( btnDefaultLegs );
+ def_buttons.Add( btnDefaultDecorations );
+ none_buttons.Add( btnNoneHead );
+ none_buttons.Add( btnNoneBody );
+ none_buttons.Add( btnNoneArms );
+ none_buttons.Add( btnNoneWaist );
+ none_buttons.Add( btnNoneLegs );
+ none_buttons.Add( btnNoneDecorations );
+ button_dict.Add( btnDefaultHead, 0 );
+ button_dict.Add( btnDefaultBody, 1 );
+ button_dict.Add( btnDefaultArms, 2 );
+ button_dict.Add( btnDefaultWaist, 3 );
+ button_dict.Add( btnDefaultLegs, 4 );
+ button_dict.Add( btnDefaultDecorations, 5 );
+ button_dict.Add( btnNoneHead, 0 );
+ button_dict.Add( btnNoneBody, 1 );
+ button_dict.Add( btnNoneArms, 2 );
+ button_dict.Add( btnNoneWaist, 3 );
+ button_dict.Add( btnNoneLegs, 4 );
+ button_dict.Add( btnNoneDecorations, 5 );
+ if( query == nullptr )
+ return;
+ for( int i = 0; i < int( Armor::ArmorType::NumArmorTypes ); ++i )
+ {
+ boxes[ i ]->SuspendLayout();
+ for each( Armor^ armor in query->inf_armor[ i ] )
+ {
+ armor->adv_index = boxes[ i ]->Items->Count;
+ AddCheckedItem( boxes[ i ], armor->name, Utility::Contains( query->rel_armor[ i ], armor ), armor );
+ }
+ FixColumnWidth( boxes[ i ] );
+ boxes[ i ]->ResumeLayout();
+ boxes[ i ]->ItemChecked += gcnew ItemCheckedEventHandler( this, &Advanced::CheckBoxClicked );
+ RecheckDefaultItems( boxes[ i ] );
+ }
+ lvDecorations->SuspendLayout();
+ for each( Decoration^ deco in query->inf_decorations )
+ {
+ deco->adv_index = lvDecorations->Items->Count;
+ AddCheckedItem( lvDecorations, deco->name, Utility::Contains( %query->rel_decorations, deco ), deco );
+ }
+ RecheckDefaultItems( lvDecorations );
+ FixColumnWidth( lvDecorations );
+ lvDecorations->ResumeLayout();
+ lvDecorations->ItemChecked += gcnew ItemCheckedEventHandler( this, &Advanced::CheckBoxClicked );
+ Text = BasicString( AdvancedSearch );
+ btnSearch->Text = StaticString( Search );
+ btnCancel->Text = StaticString( Cancel );
+ grpArmors->Text = StaticString( SelectArmor );
+ for each( Button^ btn in none_buttons )
+ btn->Text = StaticString( AdvancedNone );
+ for each( Button^ btn in def_buttons )
+ btn->Text = StaticString( Default );
+ }
+ virtual void OnShown( EventArgs^ e ) override
+ {
+ Form::OnShown( e );
+ //only enable checkbox watching after here since
+ //Windows will trigger the event after construction
+ //and the logic will screw up :P
+ manual_checking = true;
+ //apparently this needs to happen here, not in the constructor
+ for( int i = 0; i < int( Armor::ArmorType::NumArmorTypes ); ++i )
+ {
+ if( boxes[ i ]->Items->Count > 0 )
+ boxes[ i ]->Items[ boxes[ i ]->Items->Count - 1 ]->EnsureVisible();
+ }
+ if( lvDecorations->Items->Count > 0 )
+ lvDecorations->Items[ lvDecorations->Items->Count - 1 ]->EnsureVisible();
+ }
+ void FixColumnWidth( ListView^ lv )
+ {
+ int max_width = 0;
+ for each( ListViewItem^ item in lv->Items )
+ max_width = Math::Max( max_width, TextRenderer::MeasureText( item->Text, item->Font ).Width );
+ lv->Columns[ 0 ]->Width = max_width + 20;
+ }
+ property System::Drawing::Size DefaultSize
+ {
+ virtual System::Drawing::Size get() override
+ {
+ return System::Drawing::Size( 1031, 587 );
+ }
+ }
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox^ grpArmors;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ListView^ lvHead;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ListView^ lvLegs;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ListView^ lvWaist;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ListView^ lvArms;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ListView^ lvBody;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ColumnHeader^ columnHead;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ColumnHeader^ columnLegs;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ColumnHeader^ columnWaist;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ColumnHeader^ columnArms;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ColumnHeader^ columnBody;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnNoneHead;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnDefaultHead;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnNoneBody;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnDefaultBody;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnNoneLegs;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnDefaultLegs;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnNoneWaist;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnDefaultWaist;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnNoneArms;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnDefaultArms;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnNoneDecorations;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnDefaultDecorations;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ListView^ lvDecorations;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ColumnHeader^ columnHeader1;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnSearch;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnCancel;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox^ groupBox1;
+ public:
+ List_t< ListView^ > boxes;
+ List_t< Button^ > def_buttons, none_buttons;
+ protected:
+ ///
+ /// Clean up any resources being used.
+ ///
+ ~Advanced()
+ {
+ if (components)
+ {
+ delete components;
+ }
+ }
+ private: System::ComponentModel::IContainer^ components;
+ private:
+ ///
+ /// Required designer variable.
+ ///
+#pragma region Windows Form Designer generated code
+ ///
+ /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
+ /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
+ ///
+ void InitializeComponent(void)
+ {
+ this->components = (gcnew System::ComponentModel::Container());
+ this->btnSearch = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->btnCancel = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->groupBox1 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox());
+ this->lvHead = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ListView());
+ this->columnHead = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ColumnHeader());
+ this->contextMenuStrip1 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ContextMenuStrip(this->components));
+ this->grpArmors = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox());
+ this->btnNoneDecorations = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->btnDefaultDecorations = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->lvDecorations = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ListView());
+ this->columnHeader1 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ColumnHeader());
+ this->btnNoneLegs = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->btnDefaultLegs = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->btnNoneWaist = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->btnDefaultWaist = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->btnNoneArms = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->btnDefaultArms = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->btnNoneBody = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->btnDefaultBody = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->btnNoneHead = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->btnDefaultHead = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->lvLegs = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ListView());
+ this->columnLegs = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ColumnHeader());
+ this->lvWaist = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ListView());
+ this->columnWaist = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ColumnHeader());
+ this->lvArms = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ListView());
+ this->columnArms = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ColumnHeader());
+ this->lvBody = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ListView());
+ this->columnBody = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ColumnHeader());
+ this->groupBox1->SuspendLayout();
+ this->grpArmors->SuspendLayout();
+ this->SuspendLayout();
+ //
+ // btnSearch
+ //
+ this->btnSearch->Anchor = static_cast(((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom)
+ | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Left));
+ this->btnSearch->Location = System::Drawing::Point(6, 13);
+ this->btnSearch->Name = L"btnSearch";
+ this->btnSearch->Size = System::Drawing::Size(75, 26);
+ this->btnSearch->TabIndex = 10;
+ this->btnSearch->Text = L"&Search";
+ this->btnSearch->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnSearch->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Advanced::btnSearch_Click);
+ //
+ // btnCancel
+ //
+ this->btnCancel->Anchor = static_cast((((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom)
+ | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Left)
+ | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Right));
+ this->btnCancel->Location = System::Drawing::Point(87, 13);
+ this->btnCancel->Name = L"btnCancel";
+ this->btnCancel->Size = System::Drawing::Size(75, 26);
+ this->btnCancel->TabIndex = 11;
+ this->btnCancel->Text = L"&Cancel";
+ this->btnCancel->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnCancel->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Advanced::btnCancel_Click);
+ //
+ // groupBox1
+ //
+ this->groupBox1->Anchor = System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom;
+ this->groupBox1->Controls->Add(this->btnSearch);
+ this->groupBox1->Controls->Add(this->btnCancel);
+ this->groupBox1->Location = System::Drawing::Point(433, 491);
+ this->groupBox1->Name = L"groupBox1";
+ this->groupBox1->Size = System::Drawing::Size(168, 47);
+ this->groupBox1->TabIndex = 13;
+ this->groupBox1->TabStop = false;
+ //
+ // lvHead
+ //
+ this->lvHead->Anchor = static_cast((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom));
+ this->lvHead->CheckBoxes = true;
+ this->lvHead->Columns->AddRange(gcnew cli::array< System::Windows::Forms::ColumnHeader^ >(1) {this->columnHead});
+ this->lvHead->ContextMenuStrip = this->contextMenuStrip1;
+ this->lvHead->HeaderStyle = System::Windows::Forms::ColumnHeaderStyle::None;
+ this->lvHead->LabelWrap = false;
+ this->lvHead->Location = System::Drawing::Point(6, 19);
+ this->lvHead->MultiSelect = false;
+ this->lvHead->Name = L"lvHead";
+ this->lvHead->Size = System::Drawing::Size(158, 405);
+ this->lvHead->TabIndex = 0;
+ this->lvHead->UseCompatibleStateImageBehavior = false;
+ this->lvHead->View = System::Windows::Forms::View::Details;
+ //
+ // columnHead
+ //
+ this->columnHead->Text = L"";
+ this->columnHead->Width = 137;
+ //
+ // contextMenuStrip1
+ //
+ this->contextMenuStrip1->Name = L"contextMenuStrip1";
+ this->contextMenuStrip1->Size = System::Drawing::Size(61, 4);
+ this->contextMenuStrip1->Text = L"asdfasdf";
+ this->contextMenuStrip1->Opening += gcnew System::ComponentModel::CancelEventHandler(this, &Advanced::contextMenuStrip1_Opening);
+ this->contextMenuStrip1->Closing += gcnew ToolStripDropDownClosingEventHandler( this, &Advanced::contextMenuStrip1_Closing );
+ //
+ // grpArmors
+ //
+ this->grpArmors->Anchor = static_cast((((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom)
+ | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Left)
+ | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Right));
+ this->grpArmors->Controls->Add(this->btnNoneDecorations);
+ this->grpArmors->Controls->Add(this->btnDefaultDecorations);
+ this->grpArmors->Controls->Add(this->lvDecorations);
+ this->grpArmors->Controls->Add(this->btnNoneLegs);
+ this->grpArmors->Controls->Add(this->btnDefaultLegs);
+ this->grpArmors->Controls->Add(this->btnNoneWaist);
+ this->grpArmors->Controls->Add(this->btnDefaultWaist);
+ this->grpArmors->Controls->Add(this->btnNoneArms);
+ this->grpArmors->Controls->Add(this->btnDefaultArms);
+ this->grpArmors->Controls->Add(this->btnNoneBody);
+ this->grpArmors->Controls->Add(this->btnDefaultBody);
+ this->grpArmors->Controls->Add(this->btnNoneHead);
+ this->grpArmors->Controls->Add(this->btnDefaultHead);
+ this->grpArmors->Controls->Add(this->lvLegs);
+ this->grpArmors->Controls->Add(this->lvWaist);
+ this->grpArmors->Controls->Add(this->lvArms);
+ this->grpArmors->Controls->Add(this->lvBody);
+ this->grpArmors->Controls->Add(this->lvHead);
+ this->grpArmors->Location = System::Drawing::Point(12, 12);
+ this->grpArmors->Name = L"grpArmors";
+ this->grpArmors->Size = System::Drawing::Size(992, 476);
+ this->grpArmors->TabIndex = 12;
+ this->grpArmors->TabStop = false;
+ this->grpArmors->Text = L"Select Armor";
+ //
+ // btnNoneDecorations
+ //
+ this->btnNoneDecorations->Anchor = System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom;
+ this->btnNoneDecorations->Location = System::Drawing::Point(908, 430);
+ this->btnNoneDecorations->Name = L"btnNoneDecorations";
+ this->btnNoneDecorations->Size = System::Drawing::Size(76, 26);
+ this->btnNoneDecorations->TabIndex = 17;
+ this->btnNoneDecorations->Text = L"&None";
+ this->btnNoneDecorations->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnNoneDecorations->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Advanced::ClearChecked);
+ //
+ // btnDefaultDecorations
+ //
+ this->btnDefaultDecorations->Anchor = System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom;
+ this->btnDefaultDecorations->Location = System::Drawing::Point(826, 430);
+ this->btnDefaultDecorations->Name = L"btnDefaultDecorations";
+ this->btnDefaultDecorations->Size = System::Drawing::Size(76, 26);
+ this->btnDefaultDecorations->TabIndex = 16;
+ this->btnDefaultDecorations->Text = L"&Default";
+ this->btnDefaultDecorations->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnDefaultDecorations->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Advanced::DefaultChecked);
+ //
+ // lvDecorations
+ //
+ this->lvDecorations->Anchor = static_cast((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom));
+ this->lvDecorations->CheckBoxes = true;
+ this->lvDecorations->Columns->AddRange(gcnew cli::array< System::Windows::Forms::ColumnHeader^ >(1) {this->columnHeader1});
+ this->lvDecorations->ContextMenuStrip = this->contextMenuStrip1;
+ this->lvDecorations->HeaderStyle = System::Windows::Forms::ColumnHeaderStyle::None;
+ this->lvDecorations->LabelWrap = false;
+ this->lvDecorations->Location = System::Drawing::Point(826, 19);
+ this->lvDecorations->MultiSelect = false;
+ this->lvDecorations->Name = L"lvDecorations";
+ this->lvDecorations->Size = System::Drawing::Size(158, 405);
+ this->lvDecorations->TabIndex = 15;
+ this->lvDecorations->UseCompatibleStateImageBehavior = false;
+ this->lvDecorations->View = System::Windows::Forms::View::Details;
+ //
+ // columnHeader1
+ //
+ this->columnHeader1->Width = 137;
+ //
+ // btnNoneLegs
+ //
+ this->btnNoneLegs->Anchor = System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom;
+ this->btnNoneLegs->Location = System::Drawing::Point(744, 430);
+ this->btnNoneLegs->Name = L"btnNoneLegs";
+ this->btnNoneLegs->Size = System::Drawing::Size(76, 26);
+ this->btnNoneLegs->TabIndex = 14;
+ this->btnNoneLegs->Text = L"&None";
+ this->btnNoneLegs->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnNoneLegs->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Advanced::ClearChecked);
+ //
+ // btnDefaultLegs
+ //
+ this->btnDefaultLegs->Anchor = System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom;
+ this->btnDefaultLegs->Location = System::Drawing::Point(662, 430);
+ this->btnDefaultLegs->Name = L"btnDefaultLegs";
+ this->btnDefaultLegs->Size = System::Drawing::Size(76, 26);
+ this->btnDefaultLegs->TabIndex = 13;
+ this->btnDefaultLegs->Text = L"&Default";
+ this->btnDefaultLegs->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnDefaultLegs->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Advanced::DefaultChecked);
+ //
+ // btnNoneWaist
+ //
+ this->btnNoneWaist->Anchor = System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom;
+ this->btnNoneWaist->Location = System::Drawing::Point(580, 430);
+ this->btnNoneWaist->Name = L"btnNoneWaist";
+ this->btnNoneWaist->Size = System::Drawing::Size(76, 26);
+ this->btnNoneWaist->TabIndex = 12;
+ this->btnNoneWaist->Text = L"&None";
+ this->btnNoneWaist->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnNoneWaist->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Advanced::ClearChecked);
+ //
+ // btnDefaultWaist
+ //
+ this->btnDefaultWaist->Anchor = System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom;
+ this->btnDefaultWaist->Location = System::Drawing::Point(498, 430);
+ this->btnDefaultWaist->Name = L"btnDefaultWaist";
+ this->btnDefaultWaist->Size = System::Drawing::Size(76, 26);
+ this->btnDefaultWaist->TabIndex = 11;
+ this->btnDefaultWaist->Text = L"&Default";
+ this->btnDefaultWaist->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnDefaultWaist->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Advanced::DefaultChecked);
+ //
+ // btnNoneArms
+ //
+ this->btnNoneArms->Anchor = System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom;
+ this->btnNoneArms->Location = System::Drawing::Point(416, 430);
+ this->btnNoneArms->Name = L"btnNoneArms";
+ this->btnNoneArms->Size = System::Drawing::Size(76, 26);
+ this->btnNoneArms->TabIndex = 10;
+ this->btnNoneArms->Text = L"&None";
+ this->btnNoneArms->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnNoneArms->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Advanced::ClearChecked);
+ //
+ // btnDefaultArms
+ //
+ this->btnDefaultArms->Anchor = System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom;
+ this->btnDefaultArms->Location = System::Drawing::Point(334, 430);
+ this->btnDefaultArms->Name = L"btnDefaultArms";
+ this->btnDefaultArms->Size = System::Drawing::Size(76, 26);
+ this->btnDefaultArms->TabIndex = 9;
+ this->btnDefaultArms->Text = L"&Default";
+ this->btnDefaultArms->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnDefaultArms->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Advanced::DefaultChecked);
+ //
+ // btnNoneBody
+ //
+ this->btnNoneBody->Anchor = System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom;
+ this->btnNoneBody->Location = System::Drawing::Point(252, 430);
+ this->btnNoneBody->Name = L"btnNoneBody";
+ this->btnNoneBody->Size = System::Drawing::Size(76, 26);
+ this->btnNoneBody->TabIndex = 8;
+ this->btnNoneBody->Text = L"&None";
+ this->btnNoneBody->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnNoneBody->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Advanced::ClearChecked);
+ //
+ // btnDefaultBody
+ //
+ this->btnDefaultBody->Anchor = System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom;
+ this->btnDefaultBody->Location = System::Drawing::Point(170, 430);
+ this->btnDefaultBody->Name = L"btnDefaultBody";
+ this->btnDefaultBody->Size = System::Drawing::Size(76, 26);
+ this->btnDefaultBody->TabIndex = 7;
+ this->btnDefaultBody->Text = L"&Default";
+ this->btnDefaultBody->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnDefaultBody->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Advanced::DefaultChecked);
+ //
+ // btnNoneHead
+ //
+ this->btnNoneHead->Anchor = System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom;
+ this->btnNoneHead->Location = System::Drawing::Point(88, 430);
+ this->btnNoneHead->Name = L"btnNoneHead";
+ this->btnNoneHead->Size = System::Drawing::Size(76, 26);
+ this->btnNoneHead->TabIndex = 6;
+ this->btnNoneHead->Text = L"&None";
+ this->btnNoneHead->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnNoneHead->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Advanced::ClearChecked);
+ //
+ // btnDefaultHead
+ //
+ this->btnDefaultHead->Anchor = System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom;
+ this->btnDefaultHead->Location = System::Drawing::Point(6, 430);
+ this->btnDefaultHead->Name = L"btnDefaultHead";
+ this->btnDefaultHead->Size = System::Drawing::Size(76, 26);
+ this->btnDefaultHead->TabIndex = 5;
+ this->btnDefaultHead->Text = L"&Default";
+ this->btnDefaultHead->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnDefaultHead->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Advanced::DefaultChecked);
+ //
+ // lvLegs
+ //
+ this->lvLegs->Anchor = static_cast((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom));
+ this->lvLegs->CheckBoxes = true;
+ this->lvLegs->Columns->AddRange(gcnew cli::array< System::Windows::Forms::ColumnHeader^ >(1) {this->columnLegs});
+ this->lvLegs->ContextMenuStrip = this->contextMenuStrip1;
+ this->lvLegs->HeaderStyle = System::Windows::Forms::ColumnHeaderStyle::None;
+ this->lvLegs->LabelWrap = false;
+ this->lvLegs->Location = System::Drawing::Point(662, 19);
+ this->lvLegs->MultiSelect = false;
+ this->lvLegs->Name = L"lvLegs";
+ this->lvLegs->Size = System::Drawing::Size(158, 405);
+ this->lvLegs->TabIndex = 4;
+ this->lvLegs->UseCompatibleStateImageBehavior = false;
+ this->lvLegs->View = System::Windows::Forms::View::Details;
+ //
+ // columnLegs
+ //
+ this->columnLegs->Width = 137;
+ //
+ // lvWaist
+ //
+ this->lvWaist->Anchor = static_cast((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom));
+ this->lvWaist->CheckBoxes = true;
+ this->lvWaist->Columns->AddRange(gcnew cli::array< System::Windows::Forms::ColumnHeader^ >(1) {this->columnWaist});
+ this->lvWaist->ContextMenuStrip = this->contextMenuStrip1;
+ this->lvWaist->HeaderStyle = System::Windows::Forms::ColumnHeaderStyle::None;
+ this->lvWaist->LabelWrap = false;
+ this->lvWaist->Location = System::Drawing::Point(498, 19);
+ this->lvWaist->MultiSelect = false;
+ this->lvWaist->Name = L"lvWaist";
+ this->lvWaist->Size = System::Drawing::Size(158, 405);
+ this->lvWaist->TabIndex = 3;
+ this->lvWaist->UseCompatibleStateImageBehavior = false;
+ this->lvWaist->View = System::Windows::Forms::View::Details;
+ //
+ // columnWaist
+ //
+ this->columnWaist->Width = 137;
+ //
+ // lvArms
+ //
+ this->lvArms->Anchor = static_cast((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom));
+ this->lvArms->CheckBoxes = true;
+ this->lvArms->Columns->AddRange(gcnew cli::array< System::Windows::Forms::ColumnHeader^ >(1) {this->columnArms});
+ this->lvArms->ContextMenuStrip = this->contextMenuStrip1;
+ this->lvArms->HeaderStyle = System::Windows::Forms::ColumnHeaderStyle::None;
+ this->lvArms->LabelWrap = false;
+ this->lvArms->Location = System::Drawing::Point(334, 19);
+ this->lvArms->MultiSelect = false;
+ this->lvArms->Name = L"lvArms";
+ this->lvArms->Size = System::Drawing::Size(158, 405);
+ this->lvArms->TabIndex = 2;
+ this->lvArms->UseCompatibleStateImageBehavior = false;
+ this->lvArms->View = System::Windows::Forms::View::Details;
+ //
+ // columnArms
+ //
+ this->columnArms->Width = 137;
+ //
+ // lvBody
+ //
+ this->lvBody->Anchor = static_cast((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom));
+ this->lvBody->CheckBoxes = true;
+ this->lvBody->Columns->AddRange(gcnew cli::array< System::Windows::Forms::ColumnHeader^ >(1) {this->columnBody});
+ this->lvBody->ContextMenuStrip = this->contextMenuStrip1;
+ this->lvBody->HeaderStyle = System::Windows::Forms::ColumnHeaderStyle::None;
+ this->lvBody->LabelWrap = false;
+ this->lvBody->Location = System::Drawing::Point(170, 19);
+ this->lvBody->MultiSelect = false;
+ this->lvBody->Name = L"lvBody";
+ this->lvBody->Size = System::Drawing::Size(158, 405);
+ this->lvBody->TabIndex = 1;
+ this->lvBody->UseCompatibleStateImageBehavior = false;
+ this->lvBody->View = System::Windows::Forms::View::Details;
+ //
+ // columnBody
+ //
+ this->columnBody->Width = 137;
+ //
+ // Advanced
+ //
+ this->AutoScaleDimensions = System::Drawing::SizeF(6, 13);
+ this->AutoScaleMode = System::Windows::Forms::AutoScaleMode::Font;
+ this->ClientSize = System::Drawing::Size(1015, 549);
+ this->Controls->Add(this->groupBox1);
+ this->Controls->Add(this->grpArmors);
+ this->Name = L"Advanced";
+ this->Text = L"Advanced Search";
+ this->groupBox1->ResumeLayout(false);
+ this->grpArmors->ResumeLayout(false);
+ this->ResumeLayout(false);
+ }
+#pragma endregion
+ System::Void ArmorGroupResized( System::Object^ sender, LayoutEventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ if( grpArmors->Size.Width <= 36 ) return;
+ const int new_column_width = ( grpArmors->Size.Width - 42 ) / 6;
+ grpArmors->SuspendLayout();
+ for( int i = 0; i < 6; ++i )
+ {
+ const int new_x = 6 + ( 6 + new_column_width ) * i;
+ boxes[ i ]->SuspendLayout();
+ boxes[ i ]->SetBounds( new_x, boxes[ i ]->Location.Y, new_column_width, grpArmors->Size.Height - 72 );
+ def_buttons[ i ]->Location.X = new_x;
+ none_buttons[ i ]->Location.X = new_x + new_column_width / 2 + 3;
+ def_buttons[ i ]->SetBounds( new_x, grpArmors->Size.Height - 48, new_column_width / 2 - 3, def_buttons[ i ]->Size.Height );
+ none_buttons[ i ]->SetBounds( new_x + new_column_width / 2 + 3, grpArmors->Size.Height - 48, new_column_width / 2 - 3, none_buttons[ i ]->Size.Height );
+ boxes[ i ]->ResumeLayout();
+ }
+ grpArmors->ResumeLayout();
+ }
+ System::Void btnSearch_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ this->DialogResult = System::Windows::Forms::DialogResult::OK;
+ Close();
+ }
+ System::Void btnCancel_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ Close();
+ }
+ System::Void AddCheckedItem( ListView^ lv, String^ name, const bool checked, AdvancedSearchOptions^ tag )
+ {
+ tag->default_piece = checked;
+ ListViewItem^ item = gcnew ListViewItem( name );
+ item->Checked = ( checked || tag->force_enable ) && !tag->force_disable;
+ item->Tag = tag;
+ item->ForeColor = tag->force_enable ? color_enabled : tag->force_disable ? color_disabled : color_default;
+ if( checked )
+ item->Font = gcnew Drawing::Font( item->Font->Name, item->Font->Size, item->Font->Style | Drawing::FontStyle::Bold );
+ lv->Items->Add( item );
+ }
+ System::Void ClearChecked( System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ manual_checking = false;
+ ListView^ lv = boxes[ button_dict[ (Button^)sender ] ];
+ lv->BeginUpdate();
+ for each( ListViewItem^ item in lv->Items )
+ {
+ item->Checked = false;
+ item->ForeColor = color_disabled;
+ AdvancedSearchOptions^ op = safe_cast< AdvancedSearchOptions^ >( item->Tag );
+ op->force_disable = true;
+ op->force_enable = false;
+ }
+ lv->EndUpdate();
+ manual_checking = true;
+ }
+ System::Void DefaultChecked( System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ manual_checking = false;
+ ListView^ lv = boxes[ button_dict[ (Button^)sender ] ];
+ lv->BeginUpdate();
+ for each( ListViewItem^ item in lv->Items )
+ {
+ item->Checked = item->Font->Bold;
+ item->ForeColor = color_default;
+ AdvancedSearchOptions^ op = safe_cast< AdvancedSearchOptions^ >( item->Tag );
+ op->force_disable = false;
+ op->force_enable = false;
+ }
+ lv->EndUpdate();
+ manual_checking = true;
+ }
+ private:
+ template< class T >
+ System::Void RecalculateDefaults( ListView^ lv, const bool want_taunt )
+ {
+ List_t< T^ > inf, rel;
+ for( int i = 0; i < lv->Items->Count; ++i )
+ {
+ T^ item = safe_cast< T^ >( lv->Items[ i ]->Tag );
+ AddToList( %rel, item, %query->rel_abilities, %inf, true, want_taunt );
+ }
+ //check for anything to enable
+ for each( T^ item in rel )
+ {
+ if( !item->force_enable && !item->force_disable && !lv->Items[ item->adv_index ]->Checked )
+ lv->Items[ item->adv_index ]->Checked = true;
+ }
+ //check for anything to disable
+ for each( T^ item in inf )
+ {
+ if( !item->force_enable && !item->force_disable && lv->Items[ item->adv_index ]->Checked && !Utility::Contains( %rel, item ) )
+ lv->Items[ item->adv_index ]->Checked = false;
+ }
+ }
+ System::Void RecheckDefaultItems( System::Object^ sender )
+ {
+ if( sender == lvDecorations )
+ {
+ RecalculateDefaults< Decoration>( lvDecorations, want_taunt );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for each( ListView^ lv in boxes )
+ {
+ if( lv == sender )
+ {
+ RecalculateDefaults< Armor >( lv, want_taunt );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ System::Void CheckBoxClicked( System::Object^ sender, ItemCheckedEventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ if( !manual_checking )
+ return;
+ manual_checking = false;
+ AdvancedSearchOptions^ op = safe_cast< AdvancedSearchOptions^ >( e->Item->Tag );
+ if( e->Item->Checked )
+ {
+ if( op->force_disable )
+ {
+ e->Item->ForeColor = color_default;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ op->force_enable = true;
+ e->Item->ForeColor = color_enabled;
+ }
+ op->force_disable = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( op->force_enable )
+ {
+ e->Item->ForeColor = color_default;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ op->force_disable = true;
+ e->Item->ForeColor = color_disabled;
+ }
+ op->force_enable = false;
+ }
+ RecheckDefaultItems( sender );
+ manual_checking = true;
+ }
+ System::Void contextMenuStrip1_Opening(System::Object^ sender, System::ComponentModel::CancelEventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ contextMenuStrip1->Items->Clear();
+ e->Cancel = true;
+ if( lvDecorations->Focused && lvDecorations->SelectedIndices->Count == 1 )
+ {
+ Utility::UpdateContextMenu( contextMenuStrip1, query->inf_decorations[ lvDecorations->SelectedIndices[ 0 ] ] );
+ e->Cancel = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ List_t< Armor^ > preview_armors;
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < 5; ++i )
+ {
+ if( boxes[ i ]->Focused && boxes[ i ]->SelectedIndices->Count == 1 )
+ {
+ Armor^ armor = query->inf_armor[ i ][ boxes[ i ]->SelectedIndices[ 0 ] ];
+ Utility::UpdateContextMenu( contextMenuStrip1, armor );
+ e->Cancel = false;
+ if( preview_pane )
+ preview_pane->Close();
+ preview_pane = gcnew PreviewImage( query->gender == Gender::FEMALE );
+ preview_armors.Add( armor );
+ while( preview_armors.Count < 5 )
+ preview_armors.Add( nullptr );
+ if( preview_pane->SetData( preview_armors ) )
+ {
+ preview_pane->Show( this );
+ preview_pane->SetLocation( contextMenuStrip1 );
+ }
+ else preview_pane = nullptr;
+ break;
+ }
+ preview_armors.Add( nullptr );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void contextMenuStrip1_Closing( System::Object^ sender, ToolStripDropDownClosingEventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ if( preview_pane )
+ {
+ preview_pane->Close();
+ preview_pane = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/Advanced.resx b/Advanced.resx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdafbb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Advanced.resx
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+ text/microsoft-resx
+ 2.0
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
+ True
+ True
+ True
+ 17, 17
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Armor.cpp b/Armor.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b03a37
Binary files /dev/null and b/Armor.cpp differ
diff --git a/Armor.h b/Armor.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c660cd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Armor.h
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "Common.h"
+#include "Skill.h"
+ref struct Query;
+ref struct Armor : public AdvancedSearchOptions
+ enum class ArmorType { HEAD = 0, BODY, ARMS, WAIST, LEGS, NumArmorTypes };
+ System::String^ name;
+ System::String^ jap_name;
+ System::String^ eng_name;
+ unsigned hr, elder_star, num_slots, defence, max_defence, rarity, difficulty, index, family, ping_index, male_image, female_image;
+ int ice_res, water_res, fire_res, thunder_res, dragon_res;
+ Gender gender;
+ HunterType type;
+ bool torso_inc, no_skills, is_event, jap_only, arena, chakra, jap_genders_only, nonjap, relic, gunner_def, hr_or, charm_up;
+ Ability^ danger;
+ List_t< AbilityPair^ > abilities;
+ List_t< MaterialComponent^ > components;
+ bool IsBetterThan( Armor^ other, List_t< Ability^ >^ rel_abilities, const bool want_taunt );
+ bool IsBetterAtNonSkills( Armor^ other );
+ int GetSkillAt( Ability^ ability );
+ bool MatchesQuery( Query^ query, List_t< Ability^ >^ danger_skills, const unsigned max_slots );
+ bool ContainsAnyAbility( List_t< Ability^ >% to_search );
+ void SetExName( const int type );
+ static void Load( System::String^ filename, ArmorType armor_type );
+ static void LoadLanguage( System::String^ filename, ArmorType armor_type );
+ static array< List_t< Armor^ >^ >^ static_armors;
+ static array< Armor^ >^ charm_up_armors_b;
+ static array< Armor^ >^ charm_up_armors_g;
+ref struct Family
+ static unsigned count = 0;
+ static Map_t< System::String^, unsigned > map;
+ static List_t< List_t< Armor^ >^ > families;
+ref struct Charm
+ List_t< AbilityPair^ > abilities;
+ unsigned num_slots;
+ bool custom, optimal, hacked;
+ Charm() : num_slots( 0 ), custom( false ), optimal( false ), hacked( false ) {}
+ Charm( Charm^ other );
+ Charm( const unsigned num_slots );
+ int GetSkillPointsFor( Ability^ a );
+ bool StrictlyBetterThan( Charm^ other );
+ bool BasicallyTheSameAs( Charm^ other );
+ bool operator == ( Charm^ other );
+ System::String^ GetName();
+ unsigned GetHash();
+ static unsigned HashFunction( const unsigned num_slots, const int a1, const int p1, const int a2, const int p2 );
+ static unsigned HashFunction( const unsigned num_slots, Ability^ a1, const int p1, Ability^ a2, const int p2 );
+ static void AddToOptimalList( List_t< Charm^ >% lst, Charm^ new_charm );
+//by first skill
+int CompareCharms1( Charm^ a, Charm^ b );
+int CompareCharms1Alphabetically( Charm^ a, Charm^ b );
+//by second skill, if any
+int CompareCharms2( Charm^ a, Charm^ b );
+int CompareCharms2Alphabetically( Charm^ a, Charm^ b );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AssemblyInfo.cpp b/AssemblyInfo.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9ac083
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AssemblyInfo.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#include "stdafx.h"
+using namespace System;
+using namespace System::Reflection;
+using namespace System::Runtime::CompilerServices;
+using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;
+using namespace System::Security::Permissions;
+// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following
+// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information
+// associated with an assembly.
+[assembly:AssemblyCopyrightAttribute("Copyright (c) 2015")];
+// Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values:
+// Major Version
+// Minor Version
+// Build Number
+// Revision
+// You can specify all the value or you can default the Revision and Build Numbers
+// by using the '*' as shown below:
+[assembly:SecurityPermission(SecurityAction::RequestMinimum, UnmanagedCode = true)];
diff --git a/CharmDatabase.cpp b/CharmDatabase.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2ae55a
Binary files /dev/null and b/CharmDatabase.cpp differ
diff --git a/CharmDatabase.h b/CharmDatabase.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a4ac82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CharmDatabase.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "Common.h"
+ref struct Charm;
+ref struct Query;
+ref struct Armor;
+ref struct Weapon;
+ref struct TableSlotDatum
+ array< signed char, 2 >^ max_single;
+ array< array< List_t< Charm^ >^, 2 >^ >^ two_skill_data;
+ref struct CharmLocationDatum
+ array< unsigned, 2 >^ table;
+ System::String^ example;
+ array< System::String^ >^ examples;
+ref struct CharmDatabase
+ static List_t< Charm^ > mycharms;
+ //static array< TableSlotDatum^, 2 >^ min_max;
+ //static Map_t< unsigned, unsigned >^ hash_to_table;
+ static Map_t< System::String^, CharmLocationDatum^ >^ location_cache;
+ static array< int >^ table_seeds = { 1, 15, 5, 13, 4, 3, 9, 12, 26, 18, 163, 401, 6, 2, 489, 802, 1203 };
+ static array< List_t< unsigned short >^ >^ table_seed_list;
+ static unsigned NumCharmTypes = 4;
+ static List_t< Charm^ >^ LoadCharms( System::String^ filename );
+ static bool LoadCustom();
+ static void SaveCustom();
+ static bool CreateNewCustom();
+ static void GenerateCharmTable();
+ static bool CharmIsLegal( Charm^ charm );
+ static List_t< Charm^ >^ GetCharms( Query^ query, const bool use_two_skill_charms );
+ static CharmLocationDatum^ FindCharmLocations( Charm^ charm );
diff --git a/Common.cpp b/Common.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc36dba
Binary files /dev/null and b/Common.cpp differ
diff --git a/Common.h b/Common.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45cd055
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Common.h
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+#pragma once
+enum class HunterType { BLADEMASTER = 1, GUNNER, BOTH_TYPES };
+enum class Gender { MALE = 4, FEMALE, BOTH_GENDERS };
+#define List_t System::Collections::Generic::List
+#define Map_t System::Collections::Generic::Dictionary
+ref struct Armor;
+ref struct Ability;
+ref struct Decoration;
+ref struct CharmLocationDatum;
+ref struct AbilityPair;
+ref struct Skill;
+ref struct AdvancedSearchOptions abstract
+ bool force_enable, force_disable, default_piece;
+ unsigned adv_index;
+namespace Utility
+ template< class T >
+ bool Contains( List_t< T^ >^ cont, const T^ val )
+ {
+ for( int i = 0; i < cont->Count; ++i )
+ {
+ if( cont[ i ] == val )
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool Contains( List_t< Skill^ >^ cont, const Ability^ val );
+ template< class T >
+ bool Contains( array< T^ >^ cont, const T^ val )
+ {
+ for( int i = 0; i < cont->Length; ++i )
+ {
+ if( cont[ i ] == val )
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ template< class T >
+ int GetIndexOf( List_t< T^ >^ cont, const T^ val )
+ {
+ for( int i = 0; i < cont->Count; ++i )
+ {
+ if( cont[ i ] == val )
+ return i;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ template< class T >
+ T^ FindByName( List_t< T^ >^ cont, System::String^ name )
+ {
+ for each( T^% item in cont )
+ {
+ if( item->name == name )
+ return item;
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ void AddAbilitiesToMap( List_t< AbilityPair^ >% _list, Map_t< Ability^, int >% _map, const int mult = 1 );
+ System::String^ SlotString( const unsigned slots );
+ unsigned CountChars( System::String^ str, const wchar_t c );
+ bool ContainsString( List_t< System::String^ >% vec, System::String^ item );
+ void SplitString( List_t< System::String^ >^ vec, System::String^ str, const wchar_t c );
+ void FindLevelReqs( unsigned% available, unsigned% required, System::String^ input );
+ System::String^ RemoveQuotes( System::String^ in_out );
+ inline unsigned Min( const unsigned a, const unsigned b ) { return a > b ? b : a; }
+ CharmLocationDatum^ UpdateCharmLocationCache( System::String^ charm );
+ void UpdateContextMenu( System::Windows::Forms::ContextMenuStrip^ strip, Decoration^ decoration );
+ void UpdateContextMenu( System::Windows::Forms::ContextMenuStrip^ strip, Armor^ armor );
+ void UpdateContextMenu( System::Windows::Forms::ContextMenuStrip^ strip, Ability^ ability );
+ void UpdateContextMenu( System::Windows::Forms::ContextMenuStrip^ strip, System::String^ charm, const unsigned table );
+void myassert( const bool val, System::String^ message );
+void myassert( const bool val, System::String^ message, System::String^ suffix_copy );
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+#define Assert( X, Y ) myassert( !!(X), Y )
+#define AssertCopy( X, Y, Z ) myassert( !!(X), Y, Z )
+#define Assert( X, Y )
+#define AssertCopy( X, Y, Z )
+inline int Min( const int a, const int b )
+ return a > b ? b : a;
+ref struct Material
+ System::String^ name;
+ bool event_only, jap_only, non_jap, arena;
+ unsigned difficulty, ping_index;
+ static List_t< Material^ > static_materials;
+ static Material^ FindMaterial( System::String^ name );
+ static void LoadMaterials( System::String^ filename );
+ static void LoadLanguage( System::String^ filename );
+ static Map_t< System::String^, Material^ > static_material_map;
+ref struct MaterialComponent
+ Material^ material;
+ unsigned amount;
+ref class SuspendUpdate
+ const static int WM_SETREDRAW = 0x000B;
+ static void Suspend( System::Windows::Forms::Control^ c )
+ {
+ using namespace System;
+ using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
+ Message^ m = Message::Create( c->Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, IntPtr::Zero, IntPtr::Zero );
+ NativeWindow^ w = NativeWindow::FromHandle( c->Handle );
+ w->DefWndProc( *m );
+ for each( Control^ child in c->Controls )
+ {
+ Suspend( child );
+ }
+ }
+ static void Resume( System::Windows::Forms::Control^ c )
+ {
+ using namespace System;
+ using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
+ Message^ m = Message::Create( c->Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, IntPtr( 1 ), IntPtr::Zero );
+ NativeWindow^ w = NativeWindow::FromHandle( c->Handle );
+ w->DefWndProc( *m );
+ c->Invalidate();
+ for each( Control^ child in c->Controls )
+ {
+ Resume( child );
+ }
+ }
+ref struct StringTable
+ static bool japanese, english;
+ static array< System::String^ >^ text;
+ static void LoadLanguage( System::String^ lang );
+ enum class StringIndex
+ {
+ TranslationCredit = 0,
+ File,
+ Options,
+ Language,
+ Help,
+ LoadData,
+ SaveData,
+ SaveCharms,
+ Exit,
+ ClearSettings,
+ AllowBadSkills,
+ AllowArena,
+ AllowEventArmor,
+ AllowJapaneseOnlyDLC,
+ AllowLowerTierArmor,
+ ShowRequiredSkillPoints,
+ SortSkillsAlphabetically,
+ AllowGunnerHelms,
+ Donate,
+ SpendSpareSlots,
+ SkillHelp,
+ CheckForUpdates,
+ About,
+ MyCharms,
+ Import,
+ QuickSearch,
+ AdvancedSearch,
+ Cancel,
+ Default,
+ AdvancedNone,
+ FilterByNone,
+ SortByNone,
+ Search,
+ SelectNone,
+ SelectBest,
+ AddNewCharm,
+ ResetCharm,
+ DeleteCharm,
+ DeleteAllCharms,
+ MoveUp,
+ MoveDown,
+ TrimCharms,
+ Close,
+ FindNext,
+ Jap,
+ SelectJapaneseSkill,
+ LengthN,
+ HR,
+ VillageQuests,
+ MaxWeaponSlots,
+ Male,
+ Female,
+ NoExtraSkillFiltering,
+ SortFilterResults,
+ All,
+ DragonRes,
+ FireRes,
+ IceRes,
+ ThunderRes,
+ WaterRes,
+ BaseDefence,
+ MaxDefence,
+ Difficulty,
+ Rarity,
+ SortSlotsSpare,
+ SortFamily,
+ SortExtraSkills,
+ Charms,
+ UseNoCharms,
+ UseOnlyMyCharms,
+ UseOnlySlottedCharms,
+ UseUpToOneSkillCharms,
+ UseOnlyTwoSkillCharms,
+ Skill,
+ Skills,
+ SkillFilters,
+ Blademaster,
+ Gunner,
+ SelectArmor,
+ ImportCharmsFromSaveData,
+ Characters,
+ DeleteExistingCharms,
+ AreYouSure,
+ Sort,
+ SortBySkill1,
+ SortBySkill2,
+ Slots,
+ NoneBrackets,
+ SlotSpare,
+ SlotsSpare,
+ OrAnythingWithSingular,
+ OrAnythingWithPlural,
+ OrAnythingWithTorsoInc,
+ InTorso,
+ InCharm,
+ SolutionsFound,
+ ShowingFirstSolutionsOnly,
+ SaveDataFile,
+ MyCharmList,
+ SaveDataFileCorrupted,
+ Version,
+ Find,
+ Cheater,
+ Error,
+ To,
+ Defence,
+ Table,
+ Results,
+ UnknownCharm,
+ DeleteAllCharmsMessage,
+ ASSSettings,
+ MaxResults,
+ PrintDecoNames,
+ PrintMaterials,
+ Zoom,
+ DefEleAbbrev,
+ JewelFormat,
+ ItemType,
+ HunterType,
+ BothHunterTypes,
+ Weapon,
+ Helm,
+ Torso,
+ Arms,
+ Waist,
+ Legs,
+ SkillPossible,
+ Show,
+ Description,
+ SkillsHelp,
+ SkillTrees,
+ ArmorsWithSkill,
+ VEStar,
+ HRNum,
+ HRG,
+ HRAll,
+ SkillPointsRequiredFormat,
+ NumStrings
+ };
+void SuspendDrawing( System::Windows::Forms::Control^ control );
+void ResumeDrawing( System::Windows::Forms::Control^ control );
+bool ConvertInt( int% i, System::String^ str, StringTable::StringIndex err );
+bool ConvertUInt( unsigned% i, System::String^ str, StringTable::StringIndex err );
+System::String^ StripAmpersands( System::String^ input );
+#define StaticString( X ) StringTable::text[ (int)StringTable::StringIndex::X ]
+#define StartString( X ) StaticString( X ) + L" "
+#define BasicString( X ) StripAmpersands( StaticString( X ) )
+#define ColonString( X ) StaticString( X ) + L": "
+#define FormatString1( X, Y ) StaticString( X )->Replace( L"%1", Y )
+#define FormatString2( X, Y, Z ) StaticString( X )->Replace( L"%1", Convert::ToString( Y ) )->Replace( L"%2", Convert::ToString( Z ) )
+#define FormatString7( X, A, B, C, D, E, F, G ) StaticString( X )->Replace( L"%1", Convert::ToString( A ) )->Replace( L"%2", Convert::ToString( B ) )->Replace( L"%3", Convert::ToString( C ) )->Replace( L"%4", Convert::ToString( D ) )->Replace( L"%5", Convert::ToString( E ) )->Replace( L"%6", Convert::ToString( F ) )->Replace( L"%7", Convert::ToString( G ) )
+#define FormatStringN( X, Y ) StaticString( X )->Replace( L"%1", Convert::ToString( Y ) )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Decoration.cpp b/Decoration.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2140ac2
Binary files /dev/null and b/Decoration.cpp differ
diff --git a/Decoration.h b/Decoration.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7002d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Decoration.h
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "Common.h"
+#include "Skill.h"
+ref struct Query;
+ref struct Decoration : public AdvancedSearchOptions
+ System::String^ name;
+ System::String^ jap_name;
+ System::String^ eng_name;
+ unsigned hr, elder_star, slots_required, rarity, difficulty, index, ping_index;
+ bool is_event, hr_or;
+ List_t< AbilityPair^ > abilities;
+ List_t< MaterialComponent^ > components, components2;
+ bool IsBetterThan( Decoration^ other, List_t< Ability^ >^ rel_abilities );
+ int GetSkillAt( Ability^ ability );
+ bool MatchesQuery( Query^ query );
+ static void Load( System::String^ filename );
+ static void LoadLanguage( System::String^ filename );
+ static List_t< Decoration^ > static_decorations;
+ static Map_t< Ability^, List_t< Decoration^ >^ > static_decoration_ability_map;
+ static Map_t< System::String^, Decoration^ > static_decoration_map;
+ static Decoration^ FindDecoration( System::String^ name );
+ static Decoration^ FindDecorationFromString( System::String^ line );
+ static Decoration^ GetBestDecoration( Ability^ ability, const unsigned max_slots, List_t< List_t< Decoration^ >^ >% rel_deco_map );
+ static Decoration^ GetBestDecoration( Ability^ ability, const unsigned max_slots, const unsigned hr, const unsigned elder_star );
+ static void RecheckEfficientDecorations( Query^ query );
diff --git a/Find.cpp b/Find.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e10bcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Find.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#include "StdAfx.h"
+#include "Find.h"
diff --git a/Find.h b/Find.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9684b15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Find.h
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "Common.h"
+using namespace System;
+using namespace System::ComponentModel;
+using namespace System::Collections;
+using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
+using namespace System::Data;
+using namespace System::Drawing;
+namespace MHXXASS {
+ public ref class Find : public System::Windows::Forms::Form
+ {
+ public:
+ int index, length;
+ event EventHandler^ TextFound;
+ event EventHandler^ DialogClosing;
+ RichTextBox^ text_box;
+ Find( RichTextBox^ text_box )
+ {
+ InitializeComponent();
+ //
+ //TODO: Add the constructor code here
+ //
+ this->text_box = text_box;
+ txtFind->KeyDown += gcnew KeyEventHandler( this, &Find::KeyDown );
+ Text = BasicString( Find );
+ btnFind->Text = StaticString( FindNext );
+ btnClose->Text = StaticString( Close );
+ }
+ protected:
+ ///
+ /// Clean up any resources being used.
+ ///
+ ~Find()
+ {
+ if (components)
+ {
+ delete components;
+ }
+ }
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::TextBox^ txtFind;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnFind;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnClose;
+ protected:
+ private:
+ ///
+ /// Required designer variable.
+ ///
+ System::ComponentModel::Container ^components;
+#pragma region Windows Form Designer generated code
+ ///
+ /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
+ /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
+ ///
+ void InitializeComponent(void)
+ {
+ this->txtFind = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::TextBox());
+ this->btnFind = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->btnClose = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->SuspendLayout();
+ //
+ // txtFind
+ //
+ this->txtFind->Location = System::Drawing::Point(12, 12);
+ this->txtFind->Name = L"txtFind";
+ this->txtFind->Size = System::Drawing::Size(207, 20);
+ this->txtFind->TabIndex = 0;
+ //
+ // btnFind
+ //
+ this->btnFind->Location = System::Drawing::Point(225, 10);
+ this->btnFind->Name = L"btnFind";
+ this->btnFind->Size = System::Drawing::Size(75, 23);
+ this->btnFind->TabIndex = 1;
+ this->btnFind->Text = L"&Find Next";
+ this->btnFind->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnFind->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Find::btnFind_Click);
+ //
+ // btnClose
+ //
+ this->btnClose->Location = System::Drawing::Point(306, 10);
+ this->btnClose->Name = L"btnClose";
+ this->btnClose->Size = System::Drawing::Size(75, 23);
+ this->btnClose->TabIndex = 2;
+ this->btnClose->Text = L"&Close";
+ this->btnClose->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnClose->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Find::btnClose_Click);
+ //
+ // Find
+ //
+ this->AutoScaleDimensions = System::Drawing::SizeF(6, 13);
+ this->AutoScaleMode = System::Windows::Forms::AutoScaleMode::Font;
+ this->ClientSize = System::Drawing::Size(393, 41);
+ this->ControlBox = false;
+ this->Controls->Add(this->btnClose);
+ this->Controls->Add(this->btnFind);
+ this->Controls->Add(this->txtFind);
+ this->MaximizeBox = false;
+ this->MinimizeBox = false;
+ this->Name = L"Find";
+ this->ShowIcon = false;
+ this->ShowInTaskbar = false;
+ this->Text = L"Find";
+ this->TopMost = true;
+ this->ResumeLayout(false);
+ this->PerformLayout();
+ }
+#pragma endregion
+ System::Void btnClose_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ DialogClosing( this, EventArgs::Empty );
+ Close();
+ }
+ System::Void btnFind_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ if( txtFind->Text == L"" ) return;
+ int start = text_box->SelectionStart + text_box->SelectionLength;
+ if( start == text_box->Text->Length ) start = 0;
+ index = text_box->Text->IndexOf( txtFind->Text, start, StringComparison::CurrentCultureIgnoreCase );
+ length = txtFind->Text->Length;
+ TextFound( this, EventArgs::Empty );
+ }
+ System::Void KeyDown( System::Object^ sender, KeyEventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ if( e->KeyCode == Keys::Enter )
+ {
+ e->Handled = true;
+ e->SuppressKeyPress = true;
+ btnFind_Click( this, EventArgs::Empty );
+ }
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/Find.resx b/Find.resx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19dc0dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Find.resx
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ text/microsoft-resx
+ 2.0
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Form1.h b/Form1.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d350edb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Form1.h
@@ -0,0 +1,3362 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "LoadedData.h"
+#include "About.h"
+#include "Advanced.h"
+#include "Find.h"
+#include "CharmDatabase.h"
+#include "Version.h"
+#include "ManageCharms.h"
+#include "SkillHelp.h"
+#include "NumericUpDownHR.h"
+#include "PreviewImage.h"
+namespace MHXXASS
+ using namespace System;
+ using namespace System::ComponentModel;
+ using namespace System::Collections;
+ using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
+ using namespace System::Data;
+ using namespace System::Drawing;
+#pragma region Comparison Functions
+ int Compare( const int x, const int y )
+ {
+ return x < y ? -1 : y < x ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ int ReverseCompare( const int x, const int y )
+ {
+ return x < y ? 1 : y < x ? -1 : 0;
+ }
+#define TryReverseCompare( X, Y ) X != Y ? ReverseCompare( X, Y )
+#define BasicCompare( Name, Var ) \
+ int CompareSolutionBy##Name( Solution^ s1, Solution^ s2 )\
+ {\
+ return s1->Var != s2->Var ? ReverseCompare( s1->Var, s2->Var ) : ReverseCompare( s1->total_slots_spare, s2->total_slots_spare );\
+ }
+ BasicCompare( Defence, defence );
+ BasicCompare( MaxDefence, max_defence );
+ BasicCompare( Rarity, rarity );
+ BasicCompare( FireRes, fire_res );
+ BasicCompare( IceRes, ice_res );
+ BasicCompare( WaterRes, water_res );
+ BasicCompare( ThunderRes, thunder_res );
+ BasicCompare( DragonRes, dragon_res );
+#undef BasicCompare
+ int CompareSolutionByDifficulty( Solution^ s1, Solution^ s2 )
+ {
+ return Compare( s1->difficulty, s2->difficulty );
+ }
+ int CompareSolutionBySlotsSpare( Solution^ s1, Solution^ s2 )
+ {
+ return ReverseCompare( s1->total_slots_spare, s2->total_slots_spare );
+ }
+ int CompareSolutionByFamily( Solution^ s1, Solution^ s2 )
+ {
+ return TryReverseCompare( s1->family_score[0], s2->family_score[0] ) :
+ TryReverseCompare( s1->family_score[1], s2->family_score[1] ) :
+ TryReverseCompare( s1->family_score[2], s2->family_score[2] ) :
+ ReverseCompare( s1->total_slots_spare, s2->total_slots_spare );
+ }
+ int CompareSolutionsByExtraSkills( Solution^ s1, Solution^ s2 )
+ {
+ return TryReverseCompare( s1->extra_skills.Count, s2->extra_skills.Count ) :
+ ReverseCompare( s1->extra_skill_score, s2->extra_skill_score );
+ }
+ int CompareSkillsByName( Skill^ s1, Skill^ s2 )
+ {
+ return s1->name->CompareTo( s2->name );
+ }
+#pragma endregion
+ public ref class Form1 : public System::Windows::Forms::Form
+ {
+ typedef System::Windows::Forms::DialogResult DialogResult_t;
+ const static DialogResult_t OK = DialogResult_t::OK;
+ int MAX_LIMIT;
+ const static int NumSkills = 7;
+ const static int MaxSolutions = 100000;
+ static Threading::Mutex^ progress_mutex = gcnew Threading::Mutex;
+ static Threading::Mutex^ results_mutex = gcnew Threading::Mutex;
+ static Threading::Mutex^ charm_map_mutex = gcnew Threading::Mutex;
+ static Threading::Mutex^ worker_mutex = gcnew Threading::Mutex;
+ String^ CFG_FILE;
+ String^ endl;
+ String^ last_result;
+ bool lock_skills, sort_off, can_save, last_search_gunner, updating_language, construction_complete, lock_related, search_cancelled, updating_extra_skills;
+ LoadedData^ data;
+ Query^ query;
+ Find^ find_dialog;
+ typedef Generic::Dictionary< unsigned, unsigned > IndexMap;
+ typedef Generic::Dictionary< String^, List_t< Solution^ >^ > CharmSolutionMap;
+ CharmSolutionMap charm_solution_map;
+ Generic::Dictionary< String^, Generic::Dictionary< __int64, bool >^ > existing_armor;
+ Generic::Dictionary< __int64, bool > existing_no_charm_armor;
+ SkillHelp^ help_window;
+ PreviewImage^ preview_pane;
+ List_t< Solution^ > final_solutions, no_charm_solutions, all_solutions;
+ List_t< ComboBox^ > bSkills, gSkills;
+ List_t< ComboBox^ > bSkillFilters, gSkillFilters;
+ List_t< IndexMap^ > bIndexMaps, gIndexMaps;
+ List_t< String^ > languages;
+ List_t< Charm^ > charm_box_charms;
+ List_t< int > result_offsets;
+ List_t< Ability^ > b_last_selected_ability, g_last_selected_ability;
+ List_t< Skill^ > solutions_extra_skills;
+ int language, adv_x, adv_y;
+#pragma region Members
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::MenuStrip^ menuStrip1;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem^ mnuFile;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem^ mnuExit;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem^ mnuHelp;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem^ mnuAbout;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem^ mnuLanguage;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox^ groupBox6;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::RadioButton^ rdoFemale;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::RadioButton^ rdoMale;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnAdvancedSearch;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::TabControl^ tabHunterType;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::TabPage^ tabBlademaster;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::TabPage^ tabGunner;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox^ grpGSkillFilters;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox^ grpGSkills;
+ private: MHXXASS::NumericUpDownHR^ nudHR;
+ private: MHXXASS::NumericUpDownVE^ nudElder;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::NumericUpDown^ nudWeaponSlots;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox^ groupBox1;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Label^ lblHR;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Label^ lblElder;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Label^ lblSlots;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnCancel;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox^ grpBSkills;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnSearch;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ProgressBar^ progressBar1;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::RichTextBox^ txtSolutions;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox^ groupBox4;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox^ grpResults;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox^ grpBSkillFilters;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox^ grpSortFilter;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ComboBox^ cmbSort;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ContextMenuStrip^ cmsSolutions;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ComboBox^ cmbCharms;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem^ mnuOptions;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem^ mnuAllowBadSkills;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem^ mnuAllowArena;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem^ mnuAllowEventArmor;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnCharms;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox^ grpCharms;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ComboBox^ cmbCharmSelect;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem^ mnuCheckForUpdates;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem^ mnuClearSettings;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripSeparator^ toolStripSeparator1;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ContextMenuStrip^ cmsCharms;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem^ mnuLoadData;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem^ mnuSaveData;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem^ mnuSortSkillsAlphabetically;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem^ mnuPrintDecoNames;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem^ mnuMaxResults;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripTextBox^ mnuNumResults;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem^ mnuAllowLowerTierArmor;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem^ mnuSkillHelp;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem^ mnuAllowJapaneseOnlyDLC;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripSeparator^ toolStripSeparator2;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem^ mnuSpendSpareSlots;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ComboBox^ cmbFilterByExtraSkill;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ContextMenuStrip^ cmsSkills;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem^ mnuClearSkill;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem^ mnuShowRequiredSkillPoints;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem^ mnuDonate;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem^ mnuAllowGunnerHelms;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem^ mnuPrintMaterials;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem^ mnuZoom;
+#pragma endregion
+ List_t< BackgroundWorker^ > workers;
+ List_t< Object^ > worker_data;
+ unsigned finished_workers, total_progress, worker_start_index, num_updates;
+ void ClearFilters()
+ {
+ for each( ComboBox^ box in bSkillFilters )
+ box->Items->Clear();
+ for each( ComboBox^ box in gSkillFilters )
+ box->Items->Clear();
+ }
+ void AddFilters()
+ {
+ for each( SkillTag^ tag in SkillTag::tags )
+ {
+ if( !tag->disable_b )
+ {
+ for each( ComboBox^ box in bSkillFilters )
+ box->Items->Add( tag->name );
+ }
+ if( !tag->disable_g )
+ {
+ for each( ComboBox^ box in gSkillFilters )
+ box->Items->Add( tag->name );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void InitFilters()
+ {
+ ClearFilters();
+ AddFilters();
+ for each( ComboBox^ box in gSkillFilters )
+ box->SelectedIndex = 0;
+ for each( ComboBox^ box in bSkillFilters )
+ box->SelectedIndex = 0;
+ }
+ void ResetSkill( ComboBox^ box, IndexMap^ map, Skill^ skill )
+ {
+ if( skill == nullptr ) return;
+ IndexMap::Enumerator iter = map->GetEnumerator();
+ while( iter.MoveNext() )
+ {
+ if( Skill::static_skills[ iter.Current.Value ] == skill )
+ {
+ box->SelectedIndex = iter.Current.Key;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void InitSkills2( ComboBox^ box, IndexMap^ map, const int filter, List_t< Ability^ >^ disallowed )
+ {
+ map->Clear();
+ box->SelectedIndex = -1;
+ box->Items->Clear();
+ if( filter < 0 || !StringTable::text )
+ return;
+ box->Items->Add( StaticString( NoneBrackets ) );
+ List_t< Skill^ >^ the_list = mnuSortSkillsAlphabetically->Checked ? %Skill::ordered_skills : %Skill::static_skills;
+ for each( Skill^ skill in the_list )
+ {
+ if( skill->points_required <= 0 && !skill->is_taunt ||
+ Utility::Contains( disallowed, skill->ability ) )
+ continue;
+ if( filter == 0 || filter == 1 && skill->ability->tags.Count == 0 ||
+ filter == 2 && skill->ability->related ||
+ !!Utility::FindByName( %skill->ability->tags, SkillTag::tags[ filter ]->name ) )
+ {
+ map[ box->Items->Count ] = skill->static_index;
+ if( mnuShowRequiredSkillPoints->Checked )
+ {
+ String^ num = ( skill->points_required < 0 ? L"" : L"+" ) + Convert::ToString( skill->points_required );
+ box->Items->Add( FormatString2( SkillPointsRequiredFormat, skill->name, num ) );
+ }
+ else
+ box->Items->Add( skill->name );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void InitSkills( ComboBox^ box, IndexMap^ map, const int filter, List_t< Ability^ >^ disallowed, const bool blade )
+ {
+ unsigned index = filter;
+ if( blade )
+ {
+ for( int i = 0; i <= filter; ++i )
+ index += SkillTag::tags[i]->disable_b;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for( int i = 0; i <= filter; ++i )
+ index += SkillTag::tags[i]->disable_g;
+ }
+ InitSkills2( box, map, index, disallowed );
+ }
+ void InitSkills()
+ {
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < NumSkills; ++i )
+ {
+ InitSkills( gSkills[ i ], gIndexMaps[ i ], gSkillFilters[ i ]->SelectedIndex, gcnew List_t< Ability^ >(), false );
+ InitSkills( bSkills[ i ], bIndexMaps[ i ], bSkillFilters[ i ]->SelectedIndex, gcnew List_t< Ability^ >(), true );
+ }
+ }
+ ref class MyComboBox : public ComboBox
+ {
+ bool draw_focus;
+ public:
+ MyComboBox() : draw_focus( false ) {}
+ void SetOwnerDraw()
+ {
+ DrawMode = Windows::Forms::DrawMode::OwnerDrawFixed;
+ try
+ {
+ VisualStyles::VisualStyleRenderer renderer( "COMBOBOX", 1, (int)VisualStyles::ComboBoxState::Normal );
+ }
+ catch( Exception^ e )
+ {
+ Assert( false, e->Message );
+ return; //failed to create style renderer. don't set user paint
+ }
+ SetStyle( ControlStyles::UserPaint | ControlStyles::DoubleBuffer, true );
+ }
+ virtual void OnLostFocus( System::EventArgs^ e ) override
+ {
+ draw_focus = false;
+ Refresh();
+ }
+ virtual void OnGotFocus( System::EventArgs^ e ) override
+ {
+ draw_focus = true;
+ Refresh();
+ }
+ virtual void OnDrawItem( DrawItemEventArgs^ e ) override
+ {
+ e->DrawBackground();
+ e->DrawFocusRectangle();
+ if( e->Index < 0 )
+ return;
+ String^ text = Items[ e->Index ]->ToString();
+ Skill^ skill = Skill::FindSkill( text );
+ TextRenderer::DrawText( e->Graphics, text, e->Font, e->Bounds, ( skill && skill->impossible ) ? Color::Red : Color::Black, TextFormatFlags::Left );
+ }
+ virtual void OnDropDown( System::EventArgs^ e ) override
+ {
+ draw_focus = false;
+ Invalidate();
+ }
+ virtual void OnDropDownClosed( System::EventArgs^ e ) override
+ {
+ if( SelectedIndex == 0 && DrawMode == Windows::Forms::DrawMode::OwnerDrawFixed )
+ {
+ SuspendDrawing( this );
+ SelectedIndex = -1;
+ ResumeDrawing( this );
+ }
+ draw_focus = false;
+ }
+ virtual void OnPaint( PaintEventArgs^ e ) override
+ {
+ ButtonRenderer::DrawButton( e->Graphics, Rectangle( -1, -1, Size.Width + 2, Size.Height + 2 ), DroppedDown ? VisualStyles::PushButtonState::Pressed : VisualStyles::PushButtonState::Normal );
+ //See https://www.gittprogram.com/question/479791_comboboxrenderer-does-not-look-like-windows-7-combobox.html
+ VisualStyles::VisualStyleRenderer renderer( "COMBOBOX", 1, (int)(DroppedDown ? VisualStyles::ComboBoxState::Pressed : VisualStyles::ComboBoxState::Normal) );
+ renderer.DrawBackground( e->Graphics, Rectangle( Size.Width - 20, 0, 20, Size.Height ), Rectangle( Size.Width - 15, 5, 10, Size.Height - 10 ) );
+ if( Focused && !DroppedDown && draw_focus )
+ ControlPaint::DrawFocusRectangle( e->Graphics, Rectangle( 3, 3, Width - 23, Height - 6 ) );
+ if( SelectedIndex < 0 )
+ return;
+ Skill^ skill = Skill::FindSkill( Text );
+ TextRenderer::DrawText( e->Graphics, Text, Font, Point( 2, 4 ), ( skill && skill->impossible ) ? Color::Red : Color::Black );
+ }
+ };
+ ComboBox^ GetNewComboBox( const unsigned width, const unsigned i, const bool is_filter )
+ {
+ MyComboBox^ box = gcnew MyComboBox;
+ box->Location = System::Drawing::Point( 6, 19 + i * 27 );
+ box->Size = System::Drawing::Size( width, box->Size.Height );
+ box->DropDownStyle = System::Windows::Forms::ComboBoxStyle::DropDownList;
+ box->AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource::ListItems;
+ box->AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode::Suggest;
+ if( is_filter )
+ {
+ box->SelectedIndexChanged += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::cmbSkillFilter_SelectedIndexChanged);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ box->SelectionChangeCommitted += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::cmbSkill_SelectedIndexChanged);
+ box->ContextMenuStrip = cmsSkills;
+ box->SetOwnerDraw();
+ }
+ return box;
+ }
+ void ClearSkillClicked( Object^ sender, EventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ ComboBox^ box = safe_cast< ComboBox^ >( cmsSkills->SourceControl );
+ if( box )
+ box->SelectedIndex = -1;
+ }
+ void InitializeComboBoxes()
+ {
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < NumSkills; ++i )
+ {
+ gSkillFilters.Add( GetNewComboBox( 134, i, true ) );
+ bSkillFilters.Add( GetNewComboBox( 134, i, true ) );
+ grpGSkillFilters->Controls->Add( gSkillFilters[ i ] );
+ grpBSkillFilters->Controls->Add( bSkillFilters[ i ] );
+ gSkills.Add( GetNewComboBox( 171, i, false ) );
+ bSkills.Add( GetNewComboBox( 171, i, false ) );
+ grpGSkills->Controls->Add( gSkills[ i ] );
+ grpBSkills->Controls->Add( bSkills[ i ] );
+ gIndexMaps.Add( gcnew IndexMap );
+ bIndexMaps.Add( gcnew IndexMap );
+ b_last_selected_ability.Add( nullptr );
+ g_last_selected_ability.Add( nullptr );
+ }
+ charm_solution_map.Clear();
+ cmbSort->SelectedIndex = 0;
+ cmbCharms->SelectedIndex = 1;
+ cmbCharmSelect->SelectedIndex = 2;
+ }
+ void AddZoomOption( const int zoom_level )
+ {
+ ToolStripMenuItem^ item = gcnew ToolStripMenuItem( zoom_level + L"%" );
+ item->Tag = zoom_level;
+ item->Checked = zoom_level == PreviewImage::zoom;
+ item->Name = L"mnuZoom" + zoom_level;
+ item->Size = System::Drawing::Size(152, 22);
+ item->Click += gcnew EventHandler( this, &Form1::ZoomLevelChanged );
+ mnuZoom->DropDownItems->Add( item );
+ }
+ public:
+ Form1(void) : CFG_FILE( L"settings.cfg" ), endl( L"\r\n" ), construction_complete( false ), MAX_LIMIT( 1000 )
+ {
+ DoubleBuffered = true;
+ language = -1;
+ sort_off = false;
+ updating_language = false;
+ can_save = false;
+ last_search_gunner = false;
+ lock_related = false;
+ updating_extra_skills = false;
+ InitializeComponent();
+ InitializeComboBoxes();
+ this->Text += GAMES;
+ mnuNumResults->KeyPress += gcnew KeyPressEventHandler( this, &Form1::MaxResultsTextBoxKeyPress );
+ mnuNumResults->TextChanged += gcnew EventHandler( this, &Form1::MaxResultsTextChanged );
+ cmsSolutions->Closing += gcnew ToolStripDropDownClosingEventHandler( this, &Form1::contextMenuStrip1_Closing );
+ cmbFilterByExtraSkill->SelectedIndex = 0;
+ mnuClearSkill->Click += gcnew EventHandler( this, &Form1::ClearSkillClicked );
+ AddZoomOption( 50 );
+ AddZoomOption( 75 );
+ AddZoomOption( 100 );
+ AddZoomOption( 150 );
+ AddZoomOption( 200 );
+ can_save = true;
+ adv_x = 1031;
+ adv_y = 587;
+ preview_pane = nullptr;
+ data = gcnew LoadedData();
+ data->LoadDataFiles();
+ CharmDatabase::GenerateCharmTable();
+ LoadLanguages();
+ InitFilters();
+ InitSkills();
+ lock_skills = false;
+ btnCancel->Enabled = false;
+ LoadConfig( true );
+ if( !CharmDatabase::CreateNewCustom() )
+ {
+ //try settings language first
+ if( !CharmDatabase::LoadCustom() )
+ {
+ int lang = language;
+ bool failed = true;
+ for each( Object^ o in mnuLanguage->DropDownItems )
+ {
+ LanguageSelect_Click( o, nullptr );
+ if( CharmDatabase::LoadCustom() )
+ {
+ failed = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ LanguageSelect_Click( mnuLanguage->DropDownItems[ lang ], nullptr );
+ if( failed )
+ MessageBox::Show( L"Failed to load charms file!" );
+ }
+ }
+ LoadConfig( false );
+ UpdateImpossibleSkills();
+ Text += " v" + STRINGIZE( VERSION_NO );
+ construction_complete = true;
+ }
+ void LoadLanguages()
+ {
+ array< String^ >^ langs = IO::Directory::GetDirectories( L"Data/Languages" );
+ for each( String^% lang in langs )
+ {
+ ToolStripMenuItem^ item = gcnew ToolStripMenuItem( lang->Substring( lang->LastIndexOf( L'\\' ) + 1 ) );
+ item->Click += gcnew EventHandler( this, &Form1::LanguageSelect_Click );
+ mnuLanguage->DropDownItems->Add( item );
+ }
+ }
+ void AddSolution( String^ line, const unsigned version )
+ {
+ if( all_solutions.Count >= MaxSolutions )
+ return;
+ List_t< String^ > split;
+ Utility::SplitString( %split, line, L' ' );
+ Solution^ solution = gcnew Solution;
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < 5; ++i )
+ {
+ const int index = Convert::ToInt32( split[ i ] );
+ if( index < 0 )
+ solution->armors.Add( nullptr );
+ else solution->armors.Add( Armor::static_armors[ i ][ index ] );
+ }
+ unsigned num_decorations = 0;
+ const unsigned num_torso_decorations = Convert::ToUInt32( split[ 9 ] );
+ const unsigned num_charm_decorations = Convert::ToUInt32( split[ 10 ] );
+ const unsigned num_non_torso_decorations = Convert::ToUInt32( split[ 11 ] );
+ num_decorations = num_torso_decorations + num_non_torso_decorations + num_charm_decorations;
+ {
+ unsigned si = 0;
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < num_torso_decorations; ++i, ++si )
+ solution->body_decorations.Add( Decoration::static_decorations[ Convert::ToUInt32( split[ 12 + si ] ) ] );
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < num_charm_decorations; ++i, ++si )
+ solution->charm_decorations.Add( Decoration::static_decorations[ Convert::ToUInt32( split[ 12 + si ] ) ] );
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < num_non_torso_decorations; ++i, ++si )
+ solution->non_body_decorations.Add( Decoration::static_decorations[ Convert::ToUInt32( split[ 12 + si ] ) ] );
+ }
+ solution->decorations.AddRange( %solution->body_decorations );
+ solution->decorations.AddRange( %solution->non_body_decorations );
+ const unsigned decorations_end = 12 + num_decorations;
+ const unsigned num_skills = Convert::ToUInt32( split[ decorations_end ] );
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < num_skills; ++i )
+ {
+ const int index = Convert::ToUInt32( split[ 1 + decorations_end + i ] );
+ solution->extra_skills.Add( Skill::static_skills[ index ] );
+ }
+ unsigned num_pot_skills = Convert::ToUInt32( split[ 1 + decorations_end + num_skills ] );
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < num_pot_skills; ++i )
+ {
+ const int index = Convert::ToUInt32( split[ 2 + decorations_end + i + num_skills ] );
+ solution->potential_extra_skills.Add( Skill::static_skills[ index ] );
+ }
+ const unsigned charm_start = 2 + decorations_end + num_skills + num_pot_skills;
+ if( charm_start < unsigned( split.Count ) )
+ {
+ solution->charm = gcnew Charm;
+ solution->charm->num_slots = Convert::ToUInt32( split[ charm_start ] );
+ const unsigned num_abilities = Convert::ToUInt32( split[ charm_start + 1 ] );
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < num_abilities; ++i )
+ {
+ Ability^ ability = Ability::static_abilities[ Convert::ToUInt32( split[ charm_start + 3 + i * 2 ] ) ];
+ const int amount = Convert::ToInt32( split[ charm_start + 2 + i * 2 ] );
+ solution->charm->abilities.Add( gcnew AbilityPair( ability, amount ) );
+ }
+ }
+ solution->slots_spare = gcnew array< unsigned >( 4 );
+ solution->total_slots_spare = Convert::ToUInt32( split[ 5 ] );
+ for( unsigned i = 1; i <= 3; ++i )
+ solution->slots_spare[ i ] = Convert::ToUInt32( split[ 5 + i ] );
+ solution->CalculateData( int( nudHR->Value ), int( nudElder->Value ) );
+ if( solution->charm )
+ AddSolution( solution->charm->GetName(), solution );
+ else
+ {
+ no_charm_solutions.Add( solution );
+ all_solutions.Add( solution );
+ }
+ }
+ void LoadDefaultLanguage()
+ {
+ language = -1;
+ String^ native_lang = System::Globalization::CultureInfo::InstalledUICulture->Parent->NativeName->ToLower();
+ for each( ToolStripItem^ item in mnuLanguage->DropDownItems )
+ {
+ if( item->ToString()->ToLower()->IndexOf( native_lang ) >= 0 )
+ {
+ LanguageSelect_Click( item, nullptr );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( language == -1 )
+ {
+ for each( ToolStripItem^ item in mnuLanguage->DropDownItems )
+ {
+ if( item->ToString()->ToLower()->IndexOf( L"English" ) >= 0 )
+ {
+ LanguageSelect_Click( item, nullptr );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( language == -1 )
+ LanguageSelect_Click( mnuLanguage->DropDownItems[ 0 ], nullptr );
+ }
+ void LoadConfig( String^ file, const bool lang )
+ {
+ can_save = false;
+ if( IO::File::Exists( file ) )
+ {
+ IO::StreamReader fin( file );
+ String^ version_string = fin.ReadLine();
+ const int version = Convert::ToInt32( version_string );
+ if( version < 1 || version > 1 )
+ {
+ fin.Close();
+ if( mnuLanguage->HasDropDownItems )
+ LoadDefaultLanguage();
+ can_save = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ String^ lang_name = nullptr;
+ lang_name = fin.ReadLine();
+ int temp = -1;
+ for( int i = 0; i < mnuLanguage->DropDownItems->Count; ++i )
+ {
+ if( mnuLanguage->DropDownItems[ i ]->ToString() == lang_name )
+ {
+ temp = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( lang )
+ {
+ language = -1;
+ if( temp < 0 )
+ LoadDefaultLanguage();
+ else LanguageSelect_Click( mnuLanguage->DropDownItems[ temp ], nullptr );
+ return;
+ }
+ MAX_LIMIT = Convert::ToInt32( fin.ReadLine() );
+ mnuNumResults->Text = L"" + MAX_LIMIT;
+ last_search_gunner = Convert::ToBoolean( fin.ReadLine() );
+ const int hunter_type = Convert::ToInt32( fin.ReadLine() );
+ rdoMale->Checked = Convert::ToBoolean( fin.ReadLine() );
+ rdoFemale->Checked = !rdoMale->Checked;
+ mnuAllowBadSkills->Checked = Convert::ToBoolean( fin.ReadLine() );
+ mnuAllowArena->Checked = Convert::ToBoolean( fin.ReadLine() );
+ mnuAllowEventArmor->Checked = Convert::ToBoolean( fin.ReadLine() );
+ mnuAllowJapaneseOnlyDLC->Checked = Convert::ToBoolean( fin.ReadLine() );
+ mnuAllowLowerTierArmor->Checked = Convert::ToBoolean( fin.ReadLine() );
+ mnuSpendSpareSlots->Checked = Convert::ToBoolean( fin.ReadLine() );
+ mnuPrintDecoNames->Checked = Convert::ToBoolean( fin.ReadLine() );
+ mnuPrintMaterials->Checked = Convert::ToBoolean( fin.ReadLine() );
+ mnuSortSkillsAlphabetically->Checked = Convert::ToBoolean( fin.ReadLine() );
+ mnuShowRequiredSkillPoints->Checked = Convert::ToBoolean( fin.ReadLine() );
+ const int zoom = Convert::ToInt32( fin.ReadLine() );
+ for each( ToolStripMenuItem^ item in mnuZoom->DropDownItems )
+ {
+ if( zoom == (Int32)item->Tag )
+ {
+ ZoomLevelChanged( item, nullptr );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ cmbSort->SelectedIndex = Convert::ToInt32( fin.ReadLine() );
+ cmbCharmSelect->SelectedIndex = Convert::ToInt32( fin.ReadLine() );
+ nudHR->Value = Convert::ToInt32( fin.ReadLine() );
+ nudElder->Value = Convert::ToInt32( fin.ReadLine() );
+ nudWeaponSlots->Value = Convert::ToInt32( fin.ReadLine() );
+ adv_x = Convert::ToInt32( fin.ReadLine() );
+ adv_y = Convert::ToInt32( fin.ReadLine() );
+ tabHunterType->SuspendLayout();
+ const unsigned num_saved = NumSkills;
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < num_saved; ++i )
+ {
+ tabHunterType->SelectedIndex = 0;
+ const int bfilter_index = Convert::ToInt32( fin.ReadLine() );
+ if( bSkillFilters[ i ]->SelectedIndex == bfilter_index )
+ bSkillFilters[ i ]->SelectedIndex = -1;
+ bSkillFilters[ i ]->SelectedIndex = bfilter_index; //force selected index to change
+ if( bSkillFilters[ i ]->SelectedIndex == 2 ) //related
+ {
+ bSkillFilters[ i ]->SelectedIndex = 0;
+ bSkills[ i ]->SelectedIndex = SearchIndexMap( bIndexMaps[ i ], Convert::ToInt32( fin.ReadLine() ) );
+ bSkillFilters[ i ]->SelectedIndex = 2;
+ }
+ else bSkills[ i ]->SelectedIndex = SearchIndexMap( bIndexMaps[ i ], Convert::ToInt32( fin.ReadLine() ) );
+ tabHunterType->SelectedIndex = 1;
+ const int gfilter_index = Convert::ToInt32( fin.ReadLine() );
+ if( gSkillFilters[ i ]->SelectedIndex == gfilter_index )
+ gSkillFilters[ i ]->SelectedIndex = -1;
+ gSkillFilters[ i ]->SelectedIndex = gfilter_index; //force selected index to change
+ if( gSkillFilters[ i ]->SelectedIndex == 2 ) //related
+ {
+ gSkillFilters[ i ]->SelectedIndex = 0;
+ gSkills[ i ]->SelectedIndex = SearchIndexMap( gIndexMaps[ i ], Convert::ToInt32( fin.ReadLine() ) );
+ gSkillFilters[ i ]->SelectedIndex = 2;
+ }
+ gSkills[ i ]->SelectedIndex = SearchIndexMap( gIndexMaps[ i ], Convert::ToInt32( fin.ReadLine() ) );
+ }
+ tabHunterType->SelectedIndex = hunter_type;
+ tabHunterType->ResumeLayout();
+ const unsigned num_searched_skills = Convert::ToUInt32( fin.ReadLine() );
+ List_t< Skill^ > searched_skills;
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < num_searched_skills; ++i )
+ {
+ searched_skills.Add( Skill::static_skills[ Convert::ToUInt32( fin.ReadLine() ) ] );
+ }
+ FormulateQuery( false, last_search_gunner, %searched_skills );
+ charm_solution_map.Clear();
+ all_solutions.Clear();
+ no_charm_solutions.Clear();
+ existing_armor.Clear();
+ existing_no_charm_armor.Clear();
+ while( !fin.EndOfStream )
+ AddSolution( fin.ReadLine(), version );
+ last_result = nullptr;
+ fin.Close();
+ UpdateCharmComboBox( 1 );
+ UpdateExtraSkillCombo( false );
+ }
+ }
+ else if( mnuLanguage->HasDropDownItems )
+ {
+ LoadDefaultLanguage();
+ }
+ can_save = true;
+ SaveConfig();
+ }
+ void LoadConfig( const bool lang )
+ {
+ LoadConfig( CFG_FILE, lang );
+ }
+ void SaveConfig( String^ file )
+ {
+ if( !can_save )
+ return;
+ IO::StreamWriter fout( file );
+ fout.WriteLine( L"1" ); //version
+ fout.WriteLine( mnuLanguage->DropDownItems[ language ]->ToString() );
+ fout.WriteLine( MAX_LIMIT );
+ fout.WriteLine( last_search_gunner );
+ fout.WriteLine( tabHunterType->SelectedIndex );
+ fout.WriteLine( rdoMale->Checked );
+ fout.WriteLine( mnuAllowBadSkills->Checked );
+ fout.WriteLine( mnuAllowArena->Checked );
+ fout.WriteLine( mnuAllowEventArmor->Checked );
+ fout.WriteLine( mnuAllowJapaneseOnlyDLC->Checked );
+ fout.WriteLine( mnuAllowLowerTierArmor->Checked );
+ fout.WriteLine( mnuSpendSpareSlots->Checked );
+ fout.WriteLine( mnuPrintDecoNames->Checked );
+ fout.WriteLine( mnuPrintMaterials->Checked );
+ fout.WriteLine( mnuSortSkillsAlphabetically->Checked );
+ fout.WriteLine( mnuShowRequiredSkillPoints->Checked );
+ fout.WriteLine( PreviewImage::zoom );
+ fout.WriteLine( cmbSort->SelectedIndex );
+ fout.WriteLine( cmbCharmSelect->SelectedIndex );
+ fout.WriteLine( nudHR->Value );
+ fout.WriteLine( nudElder->Value );
+ fout.WriteLine( nudWeaponSlots->Value );
+ fout.WriteLine( adv_x );
+ fout.WriteLine( adv_y );
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < NumSkills; ++i )
+ {
+ fout.WriteLine( bSkillFilters[ i ]->SelectedIndex );
+ if( bSkills[ i ]->SelectedIndex <= 0 )
+ fout.WriteLine( -1 );
+ else fout.WriteLine( bIndexMaps[ i ][ bSkills[ i ]->SelectedIndex ] );
+ fout.WriteLine( gSkillFilters[ i ]->SelectedIndex );
+ if( gSkills[ i ]->SelectedIndex <= 0 )
+ fout.WriteLine( -1 );
+ else fout.WriteLine( gIndexMaps[ i ][ gSkills[ i ]->SelectedIndex ] );
+ }
+ const unsigned num_searched_skills = query ? query->skills.Count : 0;
+ fout.WriteLine( num_searched_skills );
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < num_searched_skills; ++i )
+ fout.WriteLine( query->skills[ i ]->static_index );
+ for each( Solution^ solution in all_solutions )
+ {
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < 5; ++i )
+ {
+ Armor^ a = solution->armors[ i ];
+ if( a )
+ fout.Write( Convert::ToString( a->index ) );
+ else
+ fout.Write( L"-1" );
+ fout.Write( L" " );
+ }
+ fout.Write( Convert::ToString( solution->total_slots_spare ) );
+ fout.Write( L" " );
+ for( unsigned i = 1; i <= 3; ++i )
+ {
+ fout.Write( Convert::ToString( solution->slots_spare[ i ] ) );
+ fout.Write( L" " );
+ }
+ fout.Write( Convert::ToString( solution->body_decorations.Count ) );
+ fout.Write( L" " );
+ fout.Write( Convert::ToString( solution->charm_decorations.Count ) );
+ fout.Write( L" " );
+ fout.Write( Convert::ToString( solution->non_body_decorations.Count ) );
+ fout.Write( L" " );
+ for each( Decoration^ decoration in solution->body_decorations )
+ {
+ fout.Write( Convert::ToString( Utility::GetIndexOf( %Decoration::static_decorations, decoration ) ) );
+ fout.Write( L" " );
+ }
+ for each( Decoration^ decoration in solution->charm_decorations )
+ {
+ fout.Write( Convert::ToString( Utility::GetIndexOf( %Decoration::static_decorations, decoration ) ) );
+ fout.Write( L" " );
+ }
+ for each( Decoration^ decoration in solution->non_body_decorations )
+ {
+ fout.Write( Convert::ToString( Utility::GetIndexOf( %Decoration::static_decorations, decoration ) ) );
+ fout.Write( L" " );
+ }
+ fout.Write( Convert::ToString( solution->extra_skills.Count ) );
+ fout.Write( L" " );
+ for each( Skill^ skill in solution->extra_skills )
+ {
+ fout.Write( Convert::ToString( Utility::GetIndexOf( %Skill::static_skills, skill ) ) );
+ fout.Write( L" " );
+ }
+ fout.Write( Convert::ToString( solution->potential_extra_skills.Count ) );
+ fout.Write( L" " );
+ for each( Skill^ skill in solution->potential_extra_skills )
+ {
+ fout.Write( Convert::ToString( Utility::GetIndexOf( %Skill::static_skills, skill ) ) );
+ fout.Write( L" " );
+ }
+ if( solution->charm )
+ {
+ fout.Write( Convert::ToString( solution->charm->num_slots ) );
+ fout.Write( L" " );
+ fout.Write( Convert::ToString( solution->charm->abilities.Count ) );
+ fout.Write( L" " );
+ for each( AbilityPair^ ap in solution->charm->abilities )
+ {
+ fout.Write( Convert::ToString( ap->amount ) );
+ fout.Write( L" " );
+ fout.Write( Convert::ToString( Utility::GetIndexOf( %Ability::static_abilities, ap->ability ) ) );
+ fout.Write( L" " );
+ }
+ }
+ fout.WriteLine();
+ }
+ fout.Close();
+ }
+ void SaveConfig()
+ {
+ SaveConfig( CFG_FILE );
+ }
+ int SearchIndexMap( IndexMap^ imap, int skill_index )
+ {
+ for each( Generic::KeyValuePair< unsigned, unsigned > kvp in imap )
+ {
+ if( kvp.Value == skill_index )
+ return kvp.Key;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ protected:
+ ~Form1()
+ {
+ SaveConfig();
+ }
+ private: System::ComponentModel::IContainer^ components;
+#pragma region Windows Form Designer generated code
+ ///
+ /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
+ /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
+ ///
+ void InitializeComponent(void)
+ {
+ this->components = (gcnew System::ComponentModel::Container());
+ System::ComponentModel::ComponentResourceManager^ resources = (gcnew System::ComponentModel::ComponentResourceManager(Form1::typeid));
+ this->groupBox1 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox());
+ this->nudWeaponSlots = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::NumericUpDown());
+ this->lblElder = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Label());
+ this->lblSlots = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Label());
+ this->lblHR = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Label());
+ this->grpBSkills = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox());
+ this->btnSearch = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->progressBar1 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ProgressBar());
+ this->txtSolutions = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::RichTextBox());
+ this->cmsSolutions = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ContextMenuStrip(this->components));
+ this->groupBox4 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox());
+ this->btnAdvancedSearch = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->btnCancel = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->grpResults = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox());
+ this->btnCharms = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->grpBSkillFilters = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox());
+ this->menuStrip1 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::MenuStrip());
+ this->mnuFile = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem());
+ this->mnuLoadData = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem());
+ this->mnuSaveData = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem());
+ this->mnuExit = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem());
+ this->mnuOptions = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem());
+ this->mnuClearSettings = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem());
+ this->toolStripSeparator1 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripSeparator());
+ this->mnuAllowBadSkills = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem());
+ this->mnuAllowArena = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem());
+ this->mnuAllowEventArmor = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem());
+ this->mnuAllowJapaneseOnlyDLC = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem());
+ this->mnuAllowLowerTierArmor = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem());
+ this->mnuAllowGunnerHelms = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem());
+ this->toolStripSeparator2 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripSeparator());
+ this->mnuMaxResults = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem());
+ this->mnuNumResults = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripTextBox());
+ this->mnuZoom = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem());
+ this->mnuPrintDecoNames = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem());
+ this->mnuPrintMaterials = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem());
+ this->mnuSortSkillsAlphabetically = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem());
+ this->mnuShowRequiredSkillPoints = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem());
+ this->mnuSpendSpareSlots = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem());
+ this->mnuLanguage = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem());
+ this->mnuHelp = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem());
+ this->mnuSkillHelp = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem());
+ this->mnuDonate = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem());
+ this->mnuCheckForUpdates = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem());
+ this->mnuAbout = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem());
+ this->groupBox6 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox());
+ this->rdoFemale = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::RadioButton());
+ this->rdoMale = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::RadioButton());
+ this->tabHunterType = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::TabControl());
+ this->tabBlademaster = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::TabPage());
+ this->tabGunner = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::TabPage());
+ this->grpGSkillFilters = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox());
+ this->grpGSkills = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox());
+ this->grpSortFilter = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox());
+ this->cmbFilterByExtraSkill = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ComboBox());
+ this->cmbCharms = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ComboBox());
+ this->cmbSort = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ComboBox());
+ this->grpCharms = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox());
+ this->cmbCharmSelect = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ComboBox());
+ this->cmsCharms = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ContextMenuStrip(this->components));
+ this->cmsSkills = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ContextMenuStrip(this->components));
+ this->mnuClearSkill = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripMenuItem());
+ this->nudHR = (gcnew MHXXASS::NumericUpDownHR());
+ this->nudElder = (gcnew MHXXASS::NumericUpDownVE());
+ this->groupBox1->SuspendLayout();
+ (cli::safe_cast(this->nudWeaponSlots))->BeginInit();
+ this->groupBox4->SuspendLayout();
+ this->grpResults->SuspendLayout();
+ this->menuStrip1->SuspendLayout();
+ this->groupBox6->SuspendLayout();
+ this->tabHunterType->SuspendLayout();
+ this->tabBlademaster->SuspendLayout();
+ this->tabGunner->SuspendLayout();
+ this->grpSortFilter->SuspendLayout();
+ this->grpCharms->SuspendLayout();
+ this->cmsSkills->SuspendLayout();
+ (cli::safe_cast(this->nudHR))->BeginInit();
+ (cli::safe_cast(this->nudElder))->BeginInit();
+ this->SuspendLayout();
+ //
+ // groupBox1
+ //
+ this->groupBox1->Controls->Add(this->nudWeaponSlots);
+ this->groupBox1->Controls->Add(this->lblElder);
+ this->groupBox1->Controls->Add(this->lblSlots);
+ this->groupBox1->Controls->Add(this->nudHR);
+ this->groupBox1->Controls->Add(this->nudElder);
+ this->groupBox1->Controls->Add(this->lblHR);
+ this->groupBox1->Location = System::Drawing::Point(12, 27);
+ this->groupBox1->Name = L"groupBox1";
+ this->groupBox1->Size = System::Drawing::Size(154, 111);
+ this->groupBox1->TabIndex = 0;
+ this->groupBox1->TabStop = false;
+ //
+ // nudWeaponSlots
+ //
+ this->nudWeaponSlots->Anchor = static_cast((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Right));
+ this->nudWeaponSlots->BackColor = System::Drawing::SystemColors::Control;
+ this->nudWeaponSlots->Location = System::Drawing::Point(109, 80);
+ this->nudWeaponSlots->Maximum = System::Decimal(gcnew cli::array< System::Int32 >(4) {3, 0, 0, 0});
+ this->nudWeaponSlots->Name = L"nudWeaponSlots";
+ this->nudWeaponSlots->Size = System::Drawing::Size(35, 20);
+ this->nudWeaponSlots->TabIndex = 5;
+ this->nudWeaponSlots->TextAlign = System::Windows::Forms::HorizontalAlignment::Center;
+ //
+ // lblElder
+ //
+ this->lblElder->AutoSize = true;
+ this->lblElder->Location = System::Drawing::Point(7, 52);
+ this->lblElder->Name = L"lblElder";
+ this->lblElder->Size = System::Drawing::Size(74, 13);
+ this->lblElder->TabIndex = 2;
+ this->lblElder->Text = L"Village Quests";
+ //
+ // lblSlots
+ //
+ this->lblSlots->AutoSize = true;
+ this->lblSlots->Location = System::Drawing::Point(7, 82);
+ this->lblSlots->Name = L"lblSlots";
+ this->lblSlots->Size = System::Drawing::Size(97, 13);
+ this->lblSlots->TabIndex = 4;
+ this->lblSlots->Text = L"Max Weapon Slots";
+ //
+ // lblHR
+ //
+ this->lblHR->AutoSize = true;
+ this->lblHR->Location = System::Drawing::Point(7, 22);
+ this->lblHR->Name = L"lblHR";
+ this->lblHR->Size = System::Drawing::Size(67, 13);
+ this->lblHR->TabIndex = 0;
+ this->lblHR->Text = L"Guild Quests";
+ //
+ // grpBSkills
+ //
+ this->grpBSkills->Anchor = static_cast(((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom)
+ | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Left));
+ this->grpBSkills->Location = System::Drawing::Point(6, 8);
+ this->grpBSkills->Name = L"grpBSkills";
+ this->grpBSkills->Size = System::Drawing::Size(183, 209);
+ this->grpBSkills->TabIndex = 0;
+ this->grpBSkills->TabStop = false;
+ this->grpBSkills->Text = L"Skills";
+ //
+ // btnSearch
+ //
+ this->btnSearch->Location = System::Drawing::Point(6, 12);
+ this->btnSearch->Name = L"btnSearch";
+ this->btnSearch->Size = System::Drawing::Size(107, 27);
+ this->btnSearch->TabIndex = 0;
+ this->btnSearch->Text = L"&Quick Search";
+ this->btnSearch->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnSearch->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::btnSearch_Click);
+ //
+ // progressBar1
+ //
+ this->progressBar1->Location = System::Drawing::Point(12, 495);
+ this->progressBar1->Name = L"progressBar1";
+ this->progressBar1->Size = System::Drawing::Size(353, 10);
+ this->progressBar1->Step = 1;
+ this->progressBar1->TabIndex = 6;
+ //
+ // txtSolutions
+ //
+ this->txtSolutions->Anchor = static_cast((((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom)
+ | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Left)
+ | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Right));
+ this->txtSolutions->ContextMenuStrip = this->cmsSolutions;
+ this->txtSolutions->Font = (gcnew System::Drawing::Font(L"Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System::Drawing::FontStyle::Regular, System::Drawing::GraphicsUnit::Point,
+ static_cast(0)));
+ this->txtSolutions->Location = System::Drawing::Point(6, 16);
+ this->txtSolutions->Name = L"txtSolutions";
+ this->txtSolutions->ReadOnly = true;
+ this->txtSolutions->Size = System::Drawing::Size(332, 454);
+ this->txtSolutions->TabIndex = 0;
+ this->txtSolutions->Text = L"";
+ this->txtSolutions->WordWrap = false;
+ this->txtSolutions->KeyDown += gcnew System::Windows::Forms::KeyEventHandler(this, &Form1::KeyDown);
+ //
+ // cmsSolutions
+ //
+ this->cmsSolutions->Name = L"contextMenuStrip1";
+ this->cmsSolutions->Size = System::Drawing::Size(61, 4);
+ this->cmsSolutions->Opening += gcnew System::ComponentModel::CancelEventHandler(this, &Form1::contextMenuStrip1_Opening);
+ //
+ // groupBox4
+ //
+ this->groupBox4->Controls->Add(this->btnAdvancedSearch);
+ this->groupBox4->Controls->Add(this->btnCancel);
+ this->groupBox4->Controls->Add(this->btnSearch);
+ this->groupBox4->Location = System::Drawing::Point(12, 443);
+ this->groupBox4->Name = L"groupBox4";
+ this->groupBox4->Size = System::Drawing::Size(353, 46);
+ this->groupBox4->TabIndex = 5;
+ this->groupBox4->TabStop = false;
+ //
+ // btnAdvancedSearch
+ //
+ this->btnAdvancedSearch->Location = System::Drawing::Point(119, 12);
+ this->btnAdvancedSearch->Name = L"btnAdvancedSearch";
+ this->btnAdvancedSearch->Size = System::Drawing::Size(137, 27);
+ this->btnAdvancedSearch->TabIndex = 1;
+ this->btnAdvancedSearch->Text = L"&Advanced Search";
+ this->btnAdvancedSearch->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnAdvancedSearch->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::btnAdvancedSearch_Click);
+ //
+ // btnCancel
+ //
+ this->btnCancel->Location = System::Drawing::Point(262, 12);
+ this->btnCancel->Name = L"btnCancel";
+ this->btnCancel->Size = System::Drawing::Size(85, 27);
+ this->btnCancel->TabIndex = 2;
+ this->btnCancel->Text = L"Ca&ncel";
+ this->btnCancel->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnCancel->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::btnCancel_Click);
+ //
+ // grpResults
+ //
+ this->grpResults->Anchor = static_cast((((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom)
+ | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Left)
+ | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Right));
+ this->grpResults->Controls->Add(this->txtSolutions);
+ this->grpResults->Location = System::Drawing::Point(373, 27);
+ this->grpResults->Name = L"grpResults";
+ this->grpResults->Size = System::Drawing::Size(344, 480);
+ this->grpResults->TabIndex = 7;
+ this->grpResults->TabStop = false;
+ this->grpResults->Text = L"Results";
+ //
+ // btnCharms
+ //
+ this->btnCharms->Location = System::Drawing::Point(5, 46);
+ this->btnCharms->Name = L"btnCharms";
+ this->btnCharms->Size = System::Drawing::Size(89, 23);
+ this->btnCharms->TabIndex = 1;
+ this->btnCharms->Text = L"My &Charms";
+ this->btnCharms->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnCharms->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::btnCharms_Click);
+ //
+ // grpBSkillFilters
+ //
+ this->grpBSkillFilters->Anchor = static_cast(((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom)
+ | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Left));
+ this->grpBSkillFilters->Location = System::Drawing::Point(195, 8);
+ this->grpBSkillFilters->Name = L"grpBSkillFilters";
+ this->grpBSkillFilters->Size = System::Drawing::Size(146, 209);
+ this->grpBSkillFilters->TabIndex = 1;
+ this->grpBSkillFilters->TabStop = false;
+ this->grpBSkillFilters->Text = L"Skill Filters";
+ //
+ // menuStrip1
+ //
+ this->menuStrip1->Items->AddRange(gcnew cli::array< System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripItem^ >(4) {this->mnuFile, this->mnuOptions,
+ this->mnuLanguage, this->mnuHelp});
+ this->menuStrip1->Location = System::Drawing::Point(0, 0);
+ this->menuStrip1->Name = L"menuStrip1";
+ this->menuStrip1->Size = System::Drawing::Size(729, 24);
+ this->menuStrip1->TabIndex = 16;
+ this->menuStrip1->Text = L"menuStrip1";
+ //
+ // mnuFile
+ //
+ this->mnuFile->DropDownItems->AddRange(gcnew cli::array< System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripItem^ >(3) {this->mnuLoadData,
+ this->mnuSaveData, this->mnuExit});
+ this->mnuFile->Name = L"mnuFile";
+ this->mnuFile->Size = System::Drawing::Size(37, 20);
+ this->mnuFile->Text = L"&File";
+ //
+ // mnuLoadData
+ //
+ this->mnuLoadData->Name = L"mnuLoadData";
+ this->mnuLoadData->Size = System::Drawing::Size(152, 22);
+ this->mnuLoadData->Text = L"&Load";
+ this->mnuLoadData->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::mnuLoad_Click);
+ //
+ // mnuSaveData
+ //
+ this->mnuSaveData->Name = L"mnuSaveData";
+ this->mnuSaveData->Size = System::Drawing::Size(152, 22);
+ this->mnuSaveData->Text = L"&Save";
+ this->mnuSaveData->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::mnuSave_Click);
+ //
+ // mnuExit
+ //
+ this->mnuExit->Name = L"mnuExit";
+ this->mnuExit->Size = System::Drawing::Size(152, 22);
+ this->mnuExit->Text = L"E&xit";
+ this->mnuExit->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::exitToolStripMenuItem_Click);
+ //
+ // mnuOptions
+ //
+ this->mnuOptions->DropDownItems->AddRange(gcnew cli::array< System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripItem^ >(16) {this->mnuClearSettings,
+ this->toolStripSeparator1, this->mnuAllowBadSkills, this->mnuAllowArena, this->mnuAllowEventArmor, this->mnuAllowJapaneseOnlyDLC,
+ this->mnuAllowLowerTierArmor, this->mnuAllowGunnerHelms, this->toolStripSeparator2, this->mnuMaxResults, this->mnuZoom, this->mnuPrintDecoNames,
+ this->mnuPrintMaterials, this->mnuSortSkillsAlphabetically, this->mnuShowRequiredSkillPoints, this->mnuSpendSpareSlots});
+ this->mnuOptions->Name = L"mnuOptions";
+ this->mnuOptions->Size = System::Drawing::Size(61, 20);
+ this->mnuOptions->Text = L"&Options";
+ //
+ // mnuClearSettings
+ //
+ this->mnuClearSettings->Name = L"mnuClearSettings";
+ this->mnuClearSettings->Size = System::Drawing::Size(238, 22);
+ this->mnuClearSettings->Text = L"&Clear Settings";
+ this->mnuClearSettings->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::mnuClearSettings_Click);
+ //
+ // toolStripSeparator1
+ //
+ this->toolStripSeparator1->Name = L"toolStripSeparator1";
+ this->toolStripSeparator1->Size = System::Drawing::Size(235, 6);
+ //
+ // mnuAllowBadSkills
+ //
+ this->mnuAllowBadSkills->CheckOnClick = true;
+ this->mnuAllowBadSkills->Name = L"mnuAllowBadSkills";
+ this->mnuAllowBadSkills->Size = System::Drawing::Size(238, 22);
+ this->mnuAllowBadSkills->Text = L"Allow &Bad Skills";
+ this->mnuAllowBadSkills->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::OptionsChanged);
+ //
+ // mnuAllowArena
+ //
+ this->mnuAllowArena->Checked = true;
+ this->mnuAllowArena->CheckOnClick = true;
+ this->mnuAllowArena->CheckState = System::Windows::Forms::CheckState::Checked;
+ this->mnuAllowArena->Name = L"mnuAllowArena";
+ this->mnuAllowArena->Size = System::Drawing::Size(238, 22);
+ this->mnuAllowArena->Text = L"Allow &Arena Armor";
+ this->mnuAllowArena->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::OptionsChanged);
+ //
+ // mnuAllowEventArmor
+ //
+ this->mnuAllowEventArmor->Checked = true;
+ this->mnuAllowEventArmor->CheckOnClick = true;
+ this->mnuAllowEventArmor->CheckState = System::Windows::Forms::CheckState::Checked;
+ this->mnuAllowEventArmor->Name = L"mnuAllowEventArmor";
+ this->mnuAllowEventArmor->Size = System::Drawing::Size(238, 22);
+ this->mnuAllowEventArmor->Text = L"Allow &Event Armor";
+ this->mnuAllowEventArmor->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::OptionsChanged);
+ //
+ // mnuAllowJapaneseOnlyDLC
+ //
+ this->mnuAllowJapaneseOnlyDLC->Checked = true;
+ this->mnuAllowJapaneseOnlyDLC->CheckOnClick = true;
+ this->mnuAllowJapaneseOnlyDLC->CheckState = System::Windows::Forms::CheckState::Checked;
+ this->mnuAllowJapaneseOnlyDLC->Enabled = false;
+ this->mnuAllowJapaneseOnlyDLC->Name = L"mnuAllowJapaneseOnlyDLC";
+ this->mnuAllowJapaneseOnlyDLC->Size = System::Drawing::Size(238, 22);
+ this->mnuAllowJapaneseOnlyDLC->Text = L"Allow &Japanese-Only DLC";
+ this->mnuAllowJapaneseOnlyDLC->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::OptionsChanged);
+ //
+ // mnuAllowLowerTierArmor
+ //
+ this->mnuAllowLowerTierArmor->Checked = true;
+ this->mnuAllowLowerTierArmor->CheckOnClick = true;
+ this->mnuAllowLowerTierArmor->CheckState = System::Windows::Forms::CheckState::Checked;
+ this->mnuAllowLowerTierArmor->Name = L"mnuAllowLowerTierArmor";
+ this->mnuAllowLowerTierArmor->Size = System::Drawing::Size(238, 22);
+ this->mnuAllowLowerTierArmor->Text = L"Allow &Lower Tier Armor";
+ this->mnuAllowLowerTierArmor->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::OptionsChanged);
+ //
+ // mnuAllowGunnerHelms
+ //
+ this->mnuAllowGunnerHelms->Checked = true;
+ this->mnuAllowGunnerHelms->CheckOnClick = true;
+ this->mnuAllowGunnerHelms->CheckState = System::Windows::Forms::CheckState::Checked;
+ this->mnuAllowGunnerHelms->Name = L"mnuAllowGunnerHelms";
+ this->mnuAllowGunnerHelms->Size = System::Drawing::Size(238, 22);
+ this->mnuAllowGunnerHelms->Text = L"Allow &Gunner Helms";
+ this->mnuAllowGunnerHelms->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::OptionsChanged);
+ //
+ // toolStripSeparator2
+ //
+ this->toolStripSeparator2->Name = L"toolStripSeparator2";
+ this->toolStripSeparator2->Size = System::Drawing::Size(235, 6);
+ //
+ // mnuMaxResults
+ //
+ this->mnuMaxResults->DropDownItems->AddRange(gcnew cli::array< System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripItem^ >(1) {this->mnuNumResults});
+ this->mnuMaxResults->Name = L"mnuMaxResults";
+ this->mnuMaxResults->Size = System::Drawing::Size(238, 22);
+ this->mnuMaxResults->Text = L"&Max Results";
+ //
+ // mnuNumResults
+ //
+ this->mnuNumResults->Name = L"mnuNumResults";
+ this->mnuNumResults->Size = System::Drawing::Size(100, 23);
+ this->mnuNumResults->Text = L"1000";
+ //
+ // mnuZoom
+ //
+ this->mnuZoom->Enabled = false;
+ this->mnuZoom->Name = L"mnuZoom";
+ this->mnuZoom->Size = System::Drawing::Size(238, 22);
+ this->mnuZoom->Text = L"Preview Image &Zoom";
+ //
+ // mnuPrintDecoNames
+ //
+ this->mnuPrintDecoNames->Checked = true;
+ this->mnuPrintDecoNames->CheckOnClick = true;
+ this->mnuPrintDecoNames->CheckState = System::Windows::Forms::CheckState::Checked;
+ this->mnuPrintDecoNames->Name = L"mnuPrintDecoNames";
+ this->mnuPrintDecoNames->Size = System::Drawing::Size(238, 22);
+ this->mnuPrintDecoNames->Text = L"Print &Decoration Names";
+ this->mnuPrintDecoNames->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::OptionsChanged);
+ //
+ // mnuPrintMaterials
+ //
+ this->mnuPrintMaterials->CheckOnClick = true;
+ this->mnuPrintMaterials->Name = L"mnuPrintMaterials";
+ this->mnuPrintMaterials->Size = System::Drawing::Size(238, 22);
+ this->mnuPrintMaterials->Text = L"Print &Materials";
+ this->mnuPrintMaterials->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::OptionsChanged);
+ //
+ // mnuSortSkillsAlphabetically
+ //
+ this->mnuSortSkillsAlphabetically->Checked = true;
+ this->mnuSortSkillsAlphabetically->CheckOnClick = true;
+ this->mnuSortSkillsAlphabetically->CheckState = System::Windows::Forms::CheckState::Checked;
+ this->mnuSortSkillsAlphabetically->Name = L"mnuSortSkillsAlphabetically";
+ this->mnuSortSkillsAlphabetically->Size = System::Drawing::Size(238, 22);
+ this->mnuSortSkillsAlphabetically->Text = L"Sort Skills &Alphabetically";
+ this->mnuSortSkillsAlphabetically->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::OptionsChanged);
+ //
+ // mnuShowRequiredSkillPoints
+ //
+ this->mnuShowRequiredSkillPoints->CheckOnClick = true;
+ this->mnuShowRequiredSkillPoints->Name = L"mnuShowRequiredSkillPoints";
+ this->mnuShowRequiredSkillPoints->Size = System::Drawing::Size(238, 22);
+ this->mnuShowRequiredSkillPoints->Text = L"Show Points &Required for Skills";
+ this->mnuShowRequiredSkillPoints->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::mnuShowRequiredSkillPoints_Click);
+ //
+ // mnuSpendSpareSlots
+ //
+ this->mnuSpendSpareSlots->Checked = true;
+ this->mnuSpendSpareSlots->CheckOnClick = true;
+ this->mnuSpendSpareSlots->CheckState = System::Windows::Forms::CheckState::Checked;
+ this->mnuSpendSpareSlots->Name = L"mnuSpendSpareSlots";
+ this->mnuSpendSpareSlots->Size = System::Drawing::Size(238, 22);
+ this->mnuSpendSpareSlots->Text = L"&Spend spare slots on extra skills";
+ this->mnuSpendSpareSlots->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::OptionsChanged);
+ //
+ // mnuLanguage
+ //
+ this->mnuLanguage->Name = L"mnuLanguage";
+ this->mnuLanguage->Size = System::Drawing::Size(71, 20);
+ this->mnuLanguage->Text = L"&Language";
+ //
+ // mnuHelp
+ //
+ this->mnuHelp->DropDownItems->AddRange(gcnew cli::array< System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripItem^ >(4) {this->mnuSkillHelp,
+ this->mnuDonate, this->mnuCheckForUpdates, this->mnuAbout});
+ this->mnuHelp->Name = L"mnuHelp";
+ this->mnuHelp->Size = System::Drawing::Size(44, 20);
+ this->mnuHelp->Text = L"&Help";
+ //
+ // mnuSkillHelp
+ //
+ this->mnuSkillHelp->Name = L"mnuSkillHelp";
+ this->mnuSkillHelp->Size = System::Drawing::Size(189, 22);
+ this->mnuSkillHelp->Text = L"&What do the skills do\?";
+ this->mnuSkillHelp->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::mnuSkillHelp_Click);
+ //
+ // mnuDonate
+ //
+ this->mnuDonate->Font = (gcnew System::Drawing::Font(L"Segoe UI", 9, System::Drawing::FontStyle::Underline, System::Drawing::GraphicsUnit::Point,
+ static_cast(0)));
+ this->mnuDonate->ForeColor = System::Drawing::SystemColors::HotTrack;
+ this->mnuDonate->Name = L"mnuDonate";
+ this->mnuDonate->Size = System::Drawing::Size(189, 22);
+ this->mnuDonate->Text = L"&Donate";
+ this->mnuDonate->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::mnuDonate_Click);
+ //
+ // mnuCheckForUpdates
+ //
+ this->mnuCheckForUpdates->Font = (gcnew System::Drawing::Font(L"Segoe UI", 9, System::Drawing::FontStyle::Underline, System::Drawing::GraphicsUnit::Point,
+ static_cast(0)));
+ this->mnuCheckForUpdates->ForeColor = System::Drawing::SystemColors::HotTrack;
+ this->mnuCheckForUpdates->Name = L"mnuCheckForUpdates";
+ this->mnuCheckForUpdates->Size = System::Drawing::Size(189, 22);
+ this->mnuCheckForUpdates->Text = L"Check for &Updates";
+ this->mnuCheckForUpdates->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::UpdateMenuItem_Click);
+ //
+ // mnuAbout
+ //
+ this->mnuAbout->Name = L"mnuAbout";
+ this->mnuAbout->Size = System::Drawing::Size(189, 22);
+ this->mnuAbout->Text = L"&About";
+ this->mnuAbout->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::aboutToolStripMenuItem_Click);
+ //
+ // groupBox6
+ //
+ this->groupBox6->Controls->Add(this->rdoFemale);
+ this->groupBox6->Controls->Add(this->rdoMale);
+ this->groupBox6->Location = System::Drawing::Point(12, 144);
+ this->groupBox6->Name = L"groupBox6";
+ this->groupBox6->Size = System::Drawing::Size(154, 40);
+ this->groupBox6->TabIndex = 2;
+ this->groupBox6->TabStop = false;
+ //
+ // rdoFemale
+ //
+ this->rdoFemale->AutoSize = true;
+ this->rdoFemale->Checked = true;
+ this->rdoFemale->Location = System::Drawing::Point(83, 15);
+ this->rdoFemale->Name = L"rdoFemale";
+ this->rdoFemale->Size = System::Drawing::Size(59, 17);
+ this->rdoFemale->TabIndex = 1;
+ this->rdoFemale->TabStop = true;
+ this->rdoFemale->Text = L"Female";
+ this->rdoFemale->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ //
+ // rdoMale
+ //
+ this->rdoMale->AutoSize = true;
+ this->rdoMale->Location = System::Drawing::Point(13, 15);
+ this->rdoMale->Name = L"rdoMale";
+ this->rdoMale->Size = System::Drawing::Size(48, 17);
+ this->rdoMale->TabIndex = 0;
+ this->rdoMale->TabStop = true;
+ this->rdoMale->Text = L"Male";
+ this->rdoMale->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ //
+ // tabHunterType
+ //
+ this->tabHunterType->Controls->Add(this->tabBlademaster);
+ this->tabHunterType->Controls->Add(this->tabGunner);
+ this->tabHunterType->Location = System::Drawing::Point(12, 190);
+ this->tabHunterType->Name = L"tabHunterType";
+ this->tabHunterType->SelectedIndex = 0;
+ this->tabHunterType->Size = System::Drawing::Size(355, 247);
+ this->tabHunterType->TabIndex = 4;
+ //
+ // tabBlademaster
+ //
+ this->tabBlademaster->BackColor = System::Drawing::SystemColors::Control;
+ this->tabBlademaster->Controls->Add(this->grpBSkills);
+ this->tabBlademaster->Controls->Add(this->grpBSkillFilters);
+ this->tabBlademaster->Location = System::Drawing::Point(4, 22);
+ this->tabBlademaster->Name = L"tabBlademaster";
+ this->tabBlademaster->Padding = System::Windows::Forms::Padding(3);
+ this->tabBlademaster->Size = System::Drawing::Size(347, 221);
+ this->tabBlademaster->TabIndex = 0;
+ this->tabBlademaster->Text = L"Blademaster";
+ //
+ // tabGunner
+ //
+ this->tabGunner->BackColor = System::Drawing::SystemColors::Control;
+ this->tabGunner->Controls->Add(this->grpGSkillFilters);
+ this->tabGunner->Controls->Add(this->grpGSkills);
+ this->tabGunner->Location = System::Drawing::Point(4, 22);
+ this->tabGunner->Name = L"tabGunner";
+ this->tabGunner->Padding = System::Windows::Forms::Padding(3);
+ this->tabGunner->Size = System::Drawing::Size(347, 221);
+ this->tabGunner->TabIndex = 1;
+ this->tabGunner->Text = L"Gunner";
+ //
+ // grpGSkillFilters
+ //
+ this->grpGSkillFilters->Anchor = static_cast(((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom)
+ | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Left));
+ this->grpGSkillFilters->Location = System::Drawing::Point(195, 8);
+ this->grpGSkillFilters->Name = L"grpGSkillFilters";
+ this->grpGSkillFilters->Size = System::Drawing::Size(146, 209);
+ this->grpGSkillFilters->TabIndex = 1;
+ this->grpGSkillFilters->TabStop = false;
+ this->grpGSkillFilters->Text = L"Skill Filters";
+ //
+ // grpGSkills
+ //
+ this->grpGSkills->Anchor = static_cast(((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom)
+ | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Left));
+ this->grpGSkills->Location = System::Drawing::Point(6, 8);
+ this->grpGSkills->Name = L"grpGSkills";
+ this->grpGSkills->Size = System::Drawing::Size(183, 209);
+ this->grpGSkills->TabIndex = 0;
+ this->grpGSkills->TabStop = false;
+ this->grpGSkills->Text = L"Skills";
+ //
+ // grpSortFilter
+ //
+ this->grpSortFilter->Controls->Add(this->cmbFilterByExtraSkill);
+ this->grpSortFilter->Controls->Add(this->cmbCharms);
+ this->grpSortFilter->Controls->Add(this->cmbSort);
+ this->grpSortFilter->Location = System::Drawing::Point(172, 27);
+ this->grpSortFilter->Name = L"grpSortFilter";
+ this->grpSortFilter->Size = System::Drawing::Size(193, 100);
+ this->grpSortFilter->TabIndex = 1;
+ this->grpSortFilter->TabStop = false;
+ this->grpSortFilter->Text = L"Sort/Filter Results";
+ //
+ // cmbFilterByExtraSkill
+ //
+ this->cmbFilterByExtraSkill->Anchor = static_cast(((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Left)
+ | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Right));
+ this->cmbFilterByExtraSkill->DropDownStyle = System::Windows::Forms::ComboBoxStyle::DropDownList;
+ this->cmbFilterByExtraSkill->FormattingEnabled = true;
+ this->cmbFilterByExtraSkill->Items->AddRange(gcnew cli::array< System::Object^ >(1) {L"No extra skill filtering"});
+ this->cmbFilterByExtraSkill->Location = System::Drawing::Point(6, 70);
+ this->cmbFilterByExtraSkill->Name = L"cmbFilterByExtraSkill";
+ this->cmbFilterByExtraSkill->Size = System::Drawing::Size(181, 21);
+ this->cmbFilterByExtraSkill->TabIndex = 2;
+ this->cmbFilterByExtraSkill->SelectedIndexChanged += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::cmbFilterByExtraSkill_SelectedIndexChanged);
+ //
+ // cmbCharms
+ //
+ this->cmbCharms->Anchor = static_cast(((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Left)
+ | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Right));
+ this->cmbCharms->DropDownStyle = System::Windows::Forms::ComboBoxStyle::DropDownList;
+ this->cmbCharms->FormattingEnabled = true;
+ this->cmbCharms->Items->AddRange(gcnew cli::array< System::Object^ >(2) {L"None", L"All"});
+ this->cmbCharms->Location = System::Drawing::Point(6, 43);
+ this->cmbCharms->Name = L"cmbCharms";
+ this->cmbCharms->Size = System::Drawing::Size(181, 21);
+ this->cmbCharms->TabIndex = 1;
+ this->cmbCharms->SelectedIndexChanged += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::cmbCharms_SelectedIndexChanged);
+ //
+ // cmbSort
+ //
+ this->cmbSort->Anchor = static_cast(((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Left)
+ | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Right));
+ this->cmbSort->DropDownStyle = System::Windows::Forms::ComboBoxStyle::DropDownList;
+ this->cmbSort->FormattingEnabled = true;
+ this->cmbSort->Items->AddRange(gcnew cli::array< System::Object^ >(13) {L"None", L"Dragon res", L"Fire res", L"Ice res",
+ L"Thunder res", L"Water res", L"Base defence", L"Max defence", L"Difficulty", L"Rarity", L"Slots spare", L"Family", L"Extra Skills"});
+ this->cmbSort->Location = System::Drawing::Point(6, 16);
+ this->cmbSort->Name = L"cmbSort";
+ this->cmbSort->Size = System::Drawing::Size(181, 21);
+ this->cmbSort->TabIndex = 0;
+ this->cmbSort->SelectedIndexChanged += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::cmbSort_SelectedIndexChanged);
+ //
+ // grpCharms
+ //
+ this->grpCharms->Controls->Add(this->cmbCharmSelect);
+ this->grpCharms->Controls->Add(this->btnCharms);
+ this->grpCharms->Location = System::Drawing::Point(172, 129);
+ this->grpCharms->Name = L"grpCharms";
+ this->grpCharms->Size = System::Drawing::Size(193, 77);
+ this->grpCharms->TabIndex = 3;
+ this->grpCharms->TabStop = false;
+ this->grpCharms->Text = L"Charms";
+ //
+ // cmbCharmSelect
+ //
+ this->cmbCharmSelect->Anchor = static_cast(((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Left)
+ | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Right));
+ this->cmbCharmSelect->ContextMenuStrip = this->cmsCharms;
+ this->cmbCharmSelect->DropDownStyle = System::Windows::Forms::ComboBoxStyle::DropDownList;
+ this->cmbCharmSelect->FormattingEnabled = true;
+ this->cmbCharmSelect->Items->AddRange(gcnew cli::array< System::Object^ >(5) {L"Use no charms", L"Use my charms", L"Use only slotted charms",
+ L"Use up to one skill charms", L"Use up to two skill charms"});
+ this->cmbCharmSelect->Location = System::Drawing::Point(6, 19);
+ this->cmbCharmSelect->Name = L"cmbCharmSelect";
+ this->cmbCharmSelect->Size = System::Drawing::Size(181, 21);
+ this->cmbCharmSelect->TabIndex = 0;
+ //
+ // cmsCharms
+ //
+ this->cmsCharms->Name = L"cmsCharms";
+ this->cmsCharms->Size = System::Drawing::Size(61, 4);
+ //
+ // cmsSkills
+ //
+ this->cmsSkills->Items->AddRange(gcnew cli::array< System::Windows::Forms::ToolStripItem^ >(1) {this->mnuClearSkill});
+ this->cmsSkills->Name = L"cmsSkills";
+ this->cmsSkills->Size = System::Drawing::Size(102, 26);
+ //
+ // mnuClearSkill
+ //
+ this->mnuClearSkill->Name = L"mnuClearSkill";
+ this->mnuClearSkill->Size = System::Drawing::Size(101, 22);
+ this->mnuClearSkill->Text = L"&Clear";
+ //
+ // nudHR
+ //
+ this->nudHR->Anchor = static_cast((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Right));
+ this->nudHR->BackColor = System::Drawing::SystemColors::Control;
+ this->nudHR->Location = System::Drawing::Point(100, 20);
+ this->nudHR->Maximum = System::Decimal(gcnew cli::array< System::Int32 >(4) {13, 0, 0, 0});
+ this->nudHR->Minimum = System::Decimal(gcnew cli::array< System::Int32 >(4) {1, 0, 0, 0});
+ this->nudHR->Name = L"nudHR";
+ this->nudHR->Size = System::Drawing::Size(44, 20);
+ this->nudHR->TabIndex = 1;
+ this->nudHR->TextAlign = System::Windows::Forms::HorizontalAlignment::Center;
+ this->nudHR->Value = System::Decimal(gcnew cli::array< System::Int32 >(4) {13, 0, 0, 0});
+ this->nudHR->ValueChanged += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::nudHR_ValueChanged);
+ //
+ // nudElder
+ //
+ this->nudElder->Anchor = static_cast((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Right));
+ this->nudElder->BackColor = System::Drawing::SystemColors::Control;
+ this->nudElder->Location = System::Drawing::Point(100, 50);
+ this->nudElder->Maximum = System::Decimal(gcnew cli::array< System::Int32 >(4) {10, 0, 0, 0});
+ this->nudElder->Minimum = System::Decimal(gcnew cli::array< System::Int32 >(4) {1, 0, 0, 0});
+ this->nudElder->Name = L"nudElder";
+ this->nudElder->Size = System::Drawing::Size(44, 20);
+ this->nudElder->TabIndex = 3;
+ this->nudElder->TextAlign = System::Windows::Forms::HorizontalAlignment::Center;
+ this->nudElder->Value = System::Decimal(gcnew cli::array< System::Int32 >(4) {10, 0, 0, 0});
+ this->nudElder->ValueChanged += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::nudElder_ValueChanged);
+ //
+ // Form1
+ //
+ this->AutoScaleDimensions = System::Drawing::SizeF(6, 13);
+ this->AutoScaleMode = System::Windows::Forms::AutoScaleMode::Font;
+ this->ClientSize = System::Drawing::Size(729, 512);
+ this->Controls->Add(this->grpSortFilter);
+ this->Controls->Add(this->grpResults);
+ this->Controls->Add(this->groupBox1);
+ this->Controls->Add(this->menuStrip1);
+ this->Controls->Add(this->grpCharms);
+ this->Controls->Add(this->groupBox6);
+ this->Controls->Add(this->tabHunterType);
+ this->Controls->Add(this->groupBox4);
+ this->Controls->Add(this->progressBar1);
+ this->Icon = (cli::safe_cast(resources->GetObject(L"$this.Icon")));
+ this->Name = L"Form1";
+ this->Text = L"Athena\'s ASS for ";
+ this->groupBox1->ResumeLayout(false);
+ this->groupBox1->PerformLayout();
+ (cli::safe_cast(this->nudWeaponSlots))->EndInit();
+ this->groupBox4->ResumeLayout(false);
+ this->grpResults->ResumeLayout(false);
+ this->menuStrip1->ResumeLayout(false);
+ this->menuStrip1->PerformLayout();
+ this->groupBox6->ResumeLayout(false);
+ this->groupBox6->PerformLayout();
+ this->tabHunterType->ResumeLayout(false);
+ this->tabBlademaster->ResumeLayout(false);
+ this->tabGunner->ResumeLayout(false);
+ this->grpSortFilter->ResumeLayout(false);
+ this->grpCharms->ResumeLayout(false);
+ this->cmsSkills->ResumeLayout(false);
+ (cli::safe_cast(this->nudHR))->EndInit();
+ (cli::safe_cast(this->nudElder))->EndInit();
+ this->ResumeLayout(false);
+ this->PerformLayout();
+ }
+#pragma endregion
+ System::Void FormulateQuery( const bool danger, const bool use_gunner_skills, List_t< Skill^ >^ skills )
+ {
+ query = gcnew Query;
+ for( int i = 0; i < int( Armor::ArmorType::NumArmorTypes ); ++i )
+ {
+ query->rel_armor.Add( gcnew List_t< Armor^ >() );
+ query->inf_armor.Add( gcnew List_t< Armor^ >() );
+ }
+ query->weapon_slots_allowed = int( nudWeaponSlots->Value );
+ query->elder_star = int( nudElder->Value );
+ query->hr = int( nudHR->Value );
+ query->gender = rdoMale->Checked ? Gender::MALE : Gender::FEMALE;
+ query->hunter_type = !use_gunner_skills ? HunterType::BLADEMASTER : HunterType::GUNNER;
+ query->include_arena = mnuAllowArena->Checked;
+ query->allow_bad = mnuAllowBadSkills->Checked;
+ query->allow_event = mnuAllowEventArmor->Checked;
+ query->allow_japs = mnuAllowJapaneseOnlyDLC->Checked;
+ query->allow_lower_tier = mnuAllowLowerTierArmor->Checked;
+ query->add_extra = mnuSpendSpareSlots->Checked;
+ query->allow_gunner_helms = mnuAllowGunnerHelms->Checked;
+ query->want_taunt = false;
+ for each( Skill^ s in skills )
+ {
+ if( s->is_taunt )
+ query->want_taunt = true;
+ }
+ query->skills.AddRange( skills );
+ data->GetRelevantData( query );
+ }
+ System::Void FormulateQuery( const bool danger, const bool use_gunner_skills )
+ {
+ List_t< Skill^ > skills;
+ if( !use_gunner_skills )
+ {
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < NumSkills; ++i )
+ if( bSkills[ i ]->SelectedIndex >= 0 )
+ skills.Add( data->FindSkill( bIndexMaps[ i ][ bSkills[ i ]->SelectedIndex ] ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < NumSkills; ++i )
+ if( gSkills[ i ]->SelectedIndex >= 0 )
+ skills.Add( data->FindSkill( gIndexMaps[ i ][ gSkills[ i ]->SelectedIndex ] ) );
+ }
+ FormulateQuery( danger, use_gunner_skills, %skills );
+ }
+ System::Void UpdateImpossibleSkills()
+ {
+ if( Skill::UpdateImpossibleSkills( (int)nudHR->Value, (int)nudElder->Value ) )
+ {
+ for each( ComboBox^ cb in bSkillFilters )
+ cmbSkillFilter_SelectedIndexChanged( cb, nullptr );
+ for each( ComboBox^ cb in gSkillFilters )
+ cmbSkillFilter_SelectedIndexChanged( cb, nullptr );
+ }
+ }
+ System::Void MaxResultsTextBoxKeyPress( System::Object^ sender, KeyPressEventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ //ignore all keypresses that aren't numeric digits or control chars
+ if( !Char::IsControl( e->KeyChar ) &&
+ !Char::IsDigit( e->KeyChar ) )
+ e->Handled = true;
+ }
+ System::Void MaxResultsTextChanged( System::Object^ sender, EventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ MAX_LIMIT = Convert::ToUInt32( mnuNumResults->Text );
+ }
+ catch( Exception^ )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ SaveConfig();
+ }
+ System::Void OptionsChanged( System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ SaveConfig();
+ if( sender == mnuPrintDecoNames ||
+ sender == mnuPrintMaterials )
+ cmbCharms_SelectedIndexChanged( nullptr, nullptr );
+ else if( sender == mnuSortSkillsAlphabetically )
+ {
+ for each( ComboBox^ cb in bSkillFilters )
+ cmbSkillFilter_SelectedIndexChanged( cb, nullptr );
+ for each( ComboBox^ cb in gSkillFilters )
+ cmbSkillFilter_SelectedIndexChanged( cb, nullptr );
+ }
+ }
+ System::Void QueueTask( Query^ query, Charm^ ct )
+ {
+ BackgroundWorker^ new_thread = gcnew BackgroundWorker;
+ new_thread->WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;
+ new_thread->WorkerReportsProgress = true;
+ new_thread->DoWork += gcnew System::ComponentModel::DoWorkEventHandler(this, &Form1::backgroundWorker1_DoWork);
+ new_thread->RunWorkerCompleted += gcnew System::ComponentModel::RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(this, &Form1::backgroundWorker1_RunWorkerCompleted);
+ new_thread->ProgressChanged += gcnew System::ComponentModel::ProgressChangedEventHandler(this, &Form1::backgroundWorker1_ProgressChanged);
+ ThreadSearchData^ tsd = gcnew ThreadSearchData;
+ tsd->charm_template = ct;
+ tsd->query = query;
+ worker_data.Add( tsd );
+ workers.Add( new_thread );
+ }
+ System::Void QueueTask2( Query^ query, List_t< Charm^ >^ cts )
+ {
+ BackgroundWorker^ new_thread = gcnew BackgroundWorker;
+ new_thread->WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;
+ new_thread->WorkerReportsProgress = true;
+ new_thread->DoWork += gcnew System::ComponentModel::DoWorkEventHandler(this, &Form1::backgroundWorker1_DoWork2);
+ new_thread->RunWorkerCompleted += gcnew System::ComponentModel::RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(this, &Form1::backgroundWorker1_RunWorkerCompleted);
+ new_thread->ProgressChanged += gcnew System::ComponentModel::ProgressChangedEventHandler(this, &Form1::backgroundWorker1_ProgressChanged);
+ ThreadSearchData2^ tsd = gcnew ThreadSearchData2;
+ tsd->charm_templates = cts;
+ tsd->query = query;
+ worker_data.Add( tsd );
+ workers.Add( new_thread );
+ }
+ void EnableSearchControls( const bool enabled )
+ {
+ btnSearch->Enabled = enabled;
+ btnAdvancedSearch->Enabled = enabled;
+ btnCancel->Enabled = !enabled;
+ btnCharms->Enabled = enabled;
+ mnuMaxResults->Enabled = enabled;
+ mnuNumResults->Enabled = enabled;
+ cmbSort->Enabled = enabled;
+ cmbCharms->Enabled = enabled;
+ cmbFilterByExtraSkill->Enabled = enabled;
+ }
+ void StartTasks()
+ {
+ worker_mutex->WaitOne();
+ worker_start_index = Math::Max( 1, Math::Min( Environment::ProcessorCount, workers.Count ) );
+ //worker_start_index = workers.Count;
+ if( workers.Count > 0 )
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < worker_start_index; ++i )
+ workers[ i ]->RunWorkerAsync( worker_data[ i ] );
+ worker_mutex->ReleaseMutex();
+ }
+ System::Void StartSearch()
+ {
+ progressBar1->Value = 0;
+ total_progress = 0;
+ num_updates = 0;
+ search_cancelled = false;
+ if( query->skills.Count > 0 )
+ {
+ existing_armor.Clear();
+ existing_no_charm_armor.Clear();
+ EnableSearchControls( false );
+ charm_solution_map.Clear();
+ cmbCharms->SelectedIndex = 1;
+ txtSolutions->Text = StartString( SolutionsFound ) + L"0";
+ final_solutions.Clear();
+ all_solutions.Clear();
+ no_charm_solutions.Clear();
+ workers.Clear();
+ worker_data.Clear();
+ last_result = nullptr;
+ last_search_gunner = tabHunterType->SelectedIndex == 1;
+ finished_workers = 0;
+ List_t< Charm^ >^ to_search;
+ switch( cmbCharmSelect->SelectedIndex )
+ {
+ case 0: // no charms
+ {
+ //do nothing
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1: // my charms only
+ {
+ to_search = gcnew List_t< Charm^ >();
+ for each( Charm^ ct in CharmDatabase::mycharms )
+ {
+ Charm::AddToOptimalList( *to_search, ct );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2: // slotted charms only
+ {
+ to_search = gcnew List_t< Charm^ >();
+ //if( CharmDatabase::have_slots[ cmbCharmTable->SelectedIndex, 1 ] & 0x2 )
+ if( query->elder_star > 2 )
+ to_search->Add( gcnew Charm( 1 ) );
+ //if( ( query->elder_star > 6 || query->hr >= 3 ) && CharmDatabase::have_slots[ cmbCharmTable->SelectedIndex, 2 ] & 0x4 )
+ if( query->hr > 3 || query->elder_star > 6 )
+ to_search->Add( gcnew Charm( 2 ) );
+ //if( ( query->elder_star > 8 || query->hr >= 4 ) && CharmDatabase::have_slots[ cmbCharmTable->SelectedIndex, 3 ] & 0x8 )
+ if( query->hr > 4 || query->elder_star > 7 )
+ to_search->Add( gcnew Charm( 3 ) );
+ if( to_search->Count > 0 )
+ QueueTask( query, nullptr );
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3: // one skill charms
+ {
+ to_search = CharmDatabase::GetCharms( query, false );
+ Assert( to_search, L"No one-skill charms found" );
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4: // two skill charms
+ {
+ to_search = CharmDatabase::GetCharms( query, true );
+ Assert( to_search, L"No two-skill charms found" );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if( !to_search || to_search->Count == 0 )
+ {
+ if( query->hr >= 13 )
+ QueueTask2( query, nullptr );
+ QueueTask( query, nullptr );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( query->hr >= 13 )
+ QueueTask2( query, to_search );
+ for each( Charm^ ct in to_search )
+ {
+ QueueTask( query, ct );
+ }
+ }
+ StartTasks();
+ }
+ }
+ System::Void btnAdvancedSearch_Click( System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ //updatedata();
+ //return;
+ FormulateQuery( true, tabHunterType->SelectedIndex == 1 );
+ Advanced advanced_search( query );
+ advanced_search.Width = adv_x;
+ advanced_search.Height = adv_y;
+ advanced_search.ShowDialog( this );
+ adv_x = advanced_search.Width;
+ adv_y = advanced_search.Height;
+ SaveConfig();
+ if( advanced_search.DialogResult != System::Windows::Forms::DialogResult::OK )
+ return;
+ for( int p = 0; p < int( Armor::ArmorType::NumArmorTypes ); ++p )
+ {
+ query->rel_armor[ p ]->Clear();
+ for( int i = 0; i < query->inf_armor[ p ]->Count; ++i )
+ {
+ if( advanced_search.boxes[ p ]->Items[ i ]->Checked )
+ query->rel_armor[ p ]->Add( query->inf_armor[ p ][ i ] );
+ }
+ }
+ query->rel_decorations.Clear();
+ for( int i = 0; i < query->inf_decorations.Count; ++i )
+ {
+ if( advanced_search.boxes[ int( Armor::ArmorType::NumArmorTypes ) ]->Items[ i ]->Checked )
+ query->rel_decorations.Add( query->inf_decorations[ i ] );
+ }
+ StartSearch();
+ }
+ System::Void btnSearch_Click( System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ FormulateQuery( false, tabHunterType->SelectedIndex == 1 );
+ StartSearch();
+ }
+ System::Void btnCancel_Click( System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ search_cancelled = true;
+ for each( BackgroundWorker^ worker in workers )
+ worker->CancelAsync();
+ EnableSearchControls( true );
+ progressBar1->Value = 0;
+ }
+ System::Void cmbSkillFilter_SelectedIndexChanged( System::Object^ sender, List_t< ComboBox^ >% skills, List_t< ComboBox^ >% skill_filters, List_t< IndexMap^ >% index_maps )
+ {
+ List_t< Ability^ > old_skills;
+ int index = -1;
+ Skill^ selected_skill = nullptr;
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < NumSkills; ++i )
+ {
+ if( sender == skill_filters[ i ] )
+ index = i;
+ //Assert( skills[ i ]->SelectedIndex != 0, L"What happen" );
+ if( skills[ i ]->SelectedIndex < 1 )
+ continue;
+ Skill^ skill = Skill::static_skills[ index_maps[ i ][ skills[ i ]->SelectedIndex ] ];
+ if( sender == skill_filters[ i ] )
+ selected_skill = skill;
+ else old_skills.Add( skill->ability );
+ }
+ if( index == -1 )
+ return;
+ if( skill_filters[ index ]->SelectedIndex == 2 )
+ FindRelatedSkills( skills, skill_filters, index_maps );
+ skills[ index ]->BeginUpdate();
+ lock_related = true;
+ InitSkills( skills[ index ], index_maps[ index ], skill_filters[ index ]->SelectedIndex, %old_skills, %skill_filters == %bSkillFilters );
+ ResetSkill( skills[ index ], index_maps[ index ], selected_skill );
+ lock_related = false;
+ skills[ index ]->EndUpdate();
+ }
+ System::Void cmbSkillFilter_SelectedIndexChanged( System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ )
+ {
+ if( tabHunterType->SelectedIndex == 0 )
+ {
+ cmbSkillFilter_SelectedIndexChanged( sender, bSkills, bSkillFilters, bIndexMaps );
+ }
+ else if( tabHunterType->SelectedIndex == 1 )
+ {
+ cmbSkillFilter_SelectedIndexChanged( sender, gSkills, gSkillFilters, gIndexMaps );
+ }
+ }
+ void cmbSkill_SelectedIndexChanged( System::Object^ sender, List_t< ComboBox^ >% skills, List_t< ComboBox^ >% skill_filters, List_t< IndexMap^ >% index_maps, List_t< Ability^ >% last_abilities )
+ {
+ int index = -1;
+ for( int i = 0; i < NumSkills; ++i )
+ {
+ if( sender == skills[ i ] )
+ {
+ index = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( index == -1 )
+ return;
+ Skill^ selected_skill = nullptr;
+ if( skills[ index ]->SelectedIndex < 1 )
+ {
+ last_abilities[ index ] = nullptr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ selected_skill = Skill::static_skills[ index_maps[ index ][ skills[ index ]->SelectedIndex ] ];
+ //if( last_abilities[ index ] == selected_skill->ability )
+ // return;
+ last_abilities[ index ] = selected_skill->ability;
+ }
+ lock_skills = true;
+ if( skills[ index ]->SelectedIndex == 0 && !skills[ index ]->DroppedDown )
+ {
+ SuspendDrawing( skills[ index ] );
+ skills[ index ]->SelectedIndex = -1;
+ ResumeDrawing( skills[ index ] );
+ }
+ if( !lock_related )
+ FindRelatedSkills( skills, skill_filters, index_maps );
+ for( int i = 0; i < NumSkills; ++i )
+ {
+ if( i == index && skill_filters[ i ]->SelectedIndex != 2 )
+ continue;
+ Skill^ skill = skills[ i ]->SelectedIndex <= 0 ? nullptr : Skill::static_skills[ index_maps[ i ][ skills[ i ]->SelectedIndex ] ];
+ List_t< Ability^ > old_skills;
+ for( int j = 0; j < NumSkills; ++j )
+ {
+ if( skills[ j ]->SelectedIndex <= 0 )
+ continue;
+ Skill^ os = Skill::static_skills[ index_maps[ j ][ skills[ j ]->SelectedIndex ] ];
+ if( j != i )
+ old_skills.Add( os->ability );
+ if( i == index && i == j )
+ continue;
+ }
+ skills[ i ]->BeginUpdate();
+ InitSkills( skills[ i ], index_maps[ i ], skill_filters[ i ]->SelectedIndex, %old_skills, %skill_filters == %bSkillFilters );
+ ResetSkill( skills[ i ], index_maps[ i ], skill );
+ skills[ i ]->EndUpdate();
+ }
+ lock_skills = false;
+ //check compound skills aren't overlapping their component skills
+ for( int i = 0; i < NumSkills; ++i )
+ {
+ Skill^ skill = skills[ i ]->SelectedIndex <= 0 ? nullptr : Skill::static_skills[ index_maps[ i ][ skills[ i ]->SelectedIndex ] ];
+ if( i != index && skill && selected_skill )
+ {
+ if( Skill::CompoundSkillOverrides( skill, selected_skill ) ||
+ Skill::CompoundSkillOverrides( selected_skill, skill ) )
+ skills[ i ]->SelectedIndex = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ System::Void cmbSkill_SelectedIndexChanged( System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ if( lock_skills )
+ return;
+ if( tabHunterType->SelectedIndex == 0 )
+ {
+ cmbSkill_SelectedIndexChanged( sender, bSkills, bSkillFilters, bIndexMaps, b_last_selected_ability );
+ }
+ else if( tabHunterType->SelectedIndex == 1 )
+ {
+ cmbSkill_SelectedIndexChanged( sender, gSkills, gSkillFilters, gIndexMaps, g_last_selected_ability );
+ }
+ }
+ unsigned UpdateResultDecorations( System::Text::StringBuilder% sb, List_t< Decoration^ >% decorations, String^ suffix )
+ {
+ Generic::Dictionary< Decoration^, unsigned > deco_dict;
+ for each( Decoration^ decoration in decorations )
+ {
+ if( !deco_dict.ContainsKey( decoration ) )
+ deco_dict.Add( decoration, 1 );
+ else deco_dict[ decoration ]++;
+ }
+ Generic::Dictionary< Decoration^, unsigned >::Enumerator iter = deco_dict.GetEnumerator();
+ while( iter.MoveNext() )
+ {
+ sb.Append( Convert::ToString( iter.Current.Value ) )->Append( L"x " );
+ if( mnuPrintDecoNames->Checked )
+ sb.AppendLine( iter.Current.Key->name + suffix );
+ else
+ {
+ sb.AppendLine( FormatString2( JewelFormat, L"+" + Convert::ToString( iter.Current.Key->abilities[ 0 ]->amount ), iter.Current.Key->abilities[ 0 ]->ability->name ) + suffix );
+ }
+ }
+ return deco_dict.Count;
+ }
+ System::Void UpdateResultString( List_t< Solution^ >^ solutions )
+ {
+ if( !StringTable::text )
+ return;
+ result_offsets.Clear();
+ unsigned offset = 1;
+ if( solutions->Count > MAX_LIMIT )
+ offset++;
+ System::Text::StringBuilder sb( solutions->Count * 1024 );
+ if( last_result ) sb.Append( last_result );
+ System::String^ dash = L"-----------------";
+ for each( Solution^ solution in solutions )
+ {
+ sb.Append( endl );
+ result_offsets.Add( ++offset );
+ for each( Armor^ armor in solution->armors )
+ {
+ if( armor )
+ {
+ sb.Append( armor->name );
+ if( armor->no_skills )
+ {
+ if( armor->num_slots == 1 )
+ sb.Append( StaticString( OrAnythingWithSingular ) );
+ else
+ sb.Append( FormatStringN( OrAnythingWithPlural, armor->num_slots ) );
+ }
+ else if( armor->torso_inc )
+ sb.Append( StaticString( OrAnythingWithTorsoInc ) );
+ sb.Append( endl );
+ offset++;
+ }
+ }
+ if( solution->charm )
+ {
+ sb.AppendLine( dash );
+ sb.AppendLine( solution->charm->GetName() );
+ offset += 2;
+ }
+ if( solution->decorations.Count > 0 )
+ {
+ sb.AppendLine( dash );
+ offset++;
+ if( solution->torso_multiplier > 1 )
+ offset += UpdateResultDecorations( sb, solution->body_decorations, StaticString( InTorso ) );
+ if( solution->charm_up )
+ offset += UpdateResultDecorations( sb, solution->charm_decorations, StaticString( InCharm ) );
+ if( solution->torso_multiplier > 1 || solution->charm_up )
+ offset += UpdateResultDecorations( sb, solution->non_body_decorations, "" );
+ else
+ offset += UpdateResultDecorations( sb, solution->decorations, "" );
+ }
+ if( solution->total_slots_spare > 0 || cmbSort->SelectedIndex == 10 )
+ {
+ if( solution->total_slots_spare == 1 )
+ {
+ sb.AppendLine( StaticString( SlotSpare ) );
+ }
+ else if( solution->total_slots_spare == 0 )
+ {
+ sb.AppendLine( FormatString1( SlotsSpare, L"0" ) );
+ }
+ else if( !solution->slots_spare || ( solution->total_slots_spare <= 3 && solution->slots_spare[ solution->total_slots_spare ] == 1 ) )
+ {
+ sb.AppendLine( FormatStringN( SlotsSpare, solution->total_slots_spare ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sb.Append( FormatStringN( SlotsSpare, solution->total_slots_spare ) );
+ sb.Append( L" (" );
+ bool first = true;
+ for( unsigned i = 1; i <= 3; ++i )
+ for( unsigned j = 0; j < solution->slots_spare[ i ]; ++j )
+ {
+ sb.Append( ( first ? L"" : L"+" ) + Convert::ToString( i ) );
+ first = false;
+ }
+ sb.AppendLine( L")" );
+ }
+ offset++;
+ }
+ if( cmbSort->SelectedIndex > 0 && cmbSort->SelectedIndex < 10 )
+ {
+ if( cmbSort->SelectedIndex < 8 )
+ {
+ sb.AppendLine( dash );
+ sb.AppendLine( FormatString7( DefEleAbbrev, solution->defence, solution->max_defence, solution->fire_res, solution->water_res, solution->ice_res, solution->thunder_res, solution->dragon_res ) );
+ offset += 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( cmbSort->SelectedIndex == 8 ) sb.Append( solution->difficulty );
+ else if( cmbSort->SelectedIndex == 9 ) sb.Append( solution->rarity );
+ sb.Append( L" " )->AppendLine( (String^)cmbSort->SelectedItem );
+ offset++;
+ }
+ }
+ if( solution->extra_skills.Count > 0 || solution->potential_extra_skills.Count > 0 )
+ {
+ sb.AppendLine( dash );
+ offset++;
+ for each( Skill^ skill in solution->extra_skills )
+ {
+ if( !skill->autodisabled && !Utility::Contains( %query->skills, skill ) )
+ {
+ sb.AppendLine( skill->name );
+ offset++;
+ }
+ }
+ for each( Skill^ skill in solution->potential_extra_skills )
+ {
+ if( !skill->autodisabled && !Utility::Contains( %query->skills, skill ) )
+ {
+ sb.AppendLine( FormatString1( SkillPossible, skill->name ) );
+ offset++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( cmbSort->SelectedIndex == 12 ) //extra skills
+ {
+ bool first = true;
+ AbilityMap::Enumerator e = solution->abilities.GetEnumerator();
+ while( e.MoveNext() )
+ {
+ Skill^ sk = e.Current.Key->GetWorstGoodSkill();
+ if( sk && sk->autodisabled )
+ continue;
+ if( e.Current.Value < 10 && e.Current.Value > 3 ||
+ Utility::Contains( %solution->potential_extra_skills, e.Current.Key ) )
+ {
+ if( first )
+ {
+ first = false;
+ sb.AppendLine( dash );
+ offset++;
+ }
+ sb.Append( L"+" )->Append( e.Current.Value )->Append( L" " )->AppendLine( e.Current.Key->name );
+ offset++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( mnuPrintMaterials->Checked )
+ {
+ sb.AppendLine( dash );
+ offset++;
+ Generic::SortedDictionary< String^, int > materials;
+ for each( Armor^ armor in solution->armors )
+ for each( MaterialComponent^ mat in armor->components )
+ {
+ if( materials.ContainsKey( mat->material->name ) )
+ materials[ mat->material->name ] += mat->amount;
+ else
+ materials.Add( mat->material->name, mat->amount );
+ }
+ for each( Decoration^ deco in solution->decorations )
+ for each( MaterialComponent^ mat in deco->components )
+ {
+ if( materials.ContainsKey( mat->material->name ) )
+ materials[ mat->material->name ] += mat->amount;
+ else
+ materials.Add( mat->material->name, mat->amount );
+ }
+ Generic::SortedDictionary< String^, int >::Enumerator e = materials.GetEnumerator();
+ while( e.MoveNext() )
+ {
+ sb.Append( e.Current.Value )->Append( L"x " )->AppendLine( e.Current.Key );
+ offset++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( %final_solutions != solutions )
+ final_solutions.AddRange( solutions );
+ System::Text::StringBuilder sb2;
+ sb2.Append( StartString( SolutionsFound ) )->AppendLine( Convert::ToString( final_solutions.Count ) );
+ if( solutions->Count > MAX_LIMIT )
+ {
+ sb2.AppendLine( FormatStringN( ShowingFirstSolutionsOnly, MAX_LIMIT ) );
+ }
+ sb2.Append( last_result = sb.ToString() );
+ results_mutex->WaitOne();
+ //if( updating_language || language >= 0 && mnuLanguage->DropDownItems[ language ]->ToString() == L"Japanese" )
+ {
+ //noobery to ensure entire textbox is correct font
+ SuspendDrawing( txtSolutions );
+ txtSolutions->Text = sb2.ToString();
+ txtSolutions->SelectionStart = 0;
+ txtSolutions->SelectionLength = txtSolutions->Text->Length;
+ txtSolutions->SelectionFont = gcnew Drawing::Font( L"Microsoft Sans Serif", txtSolutions->Font->Size );
+ txtSolutions->SelectionLength = 0;
+ ResumeDrawing( txtSolutions );
+ }
+ //else txtSolutions->Text = sb2.ToString();
+ results_mutex->ReleaseMutex();
+ }
+#pragma region Worker Thread Stuff
+ __int64 HashArmor( List_t< Armor^ >% armors )
+ {
+ __int64 res = 0;
+ for( int i = 0; i < armors.Count; ++i )
+ {
+ res += armors[ i ] ? ( armors[ i ]->index << ( i * 3 ) ) : 0;
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ bool SolutionExists( String^ charm, Solution^ sol )
+ {
+ if( !existing_armor.ContainsKey( charm ) )
+ {
+ existing_armor.Add( charm, gcnew Generic::Dictionary< __int64, bool > );
+ existing_armor[ charm ]->Add( HashArmor( sol->armors ), true );
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Generic::Dictionary< __int64, bool >^ set = existing_armor[ charm ];
+ const __int64 armor_hash = HashArmor( sol->armors );
+ if( set->ContainsKey( armor_hash ) )
+ return true;
+ else
+ {
+ set->Add( armor_hash, true );
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ System::Void AddSolution( String^ charm, Solution^ sol )
+ {
+ if( SolutionExists( charm, sol ) )
+ return;
+ if( !charm_solution_map.ContainsKey( charm ) )
+ charm_solution_map.Add( charm, gcnew List_t< Solution^ > );
+ charm_solution_map[ charm ]->Add( sol );
+ all_solutions.Add( sol );
+ }
+ System::Void AddSolutions( List_t< Solution^ >^ solutions )
+ {
+ charm_map_mutex->WaitOne();
+ for each( Solution^ sol in solutions )
+ {
+ if( all_solutions.Count >= MaxSolutions )
+ {
+ charm_map_mutex->ReleaseMutex();
+ search_cancelled = true;
+ for each( BackgroundWorker^ worker in workers )
+ worker->CancelAsync();
+ return;
+ }
+ if( sol->charm )
+ AddSolution( sol->charm->GetName(), sol );
+ else
+ {
+ const __int64 armor_hash = HashArmor( sol->armors );
+ if( !existing_no_charm_armor.ContainsKey( armor_hash ) )
+ {
+ existing_no_charm_armor.Add( armor_hash, true );
+ all_solutions.Add( sol );
+ no_charm_solutions.Add( sol );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ charm_map_mutex->ReleaseMutex();
+ }
+ System::Void cmbFilterByExtraSkill_SelectedIndexChanged(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ if( solutions_extra_skills.Count == 0 || updating_extra_skills || updating_language )
+ return;
+ cmbCharms_SelectedIndexChanged( nullptr, nullptr );
+ }
+ System::Void UpdateExtraSkillCombo( const bool preserve_selected_index )
+ {
+ updating_extra_skills = true;
+ Skill^ prev_selected = nullptr;
+ if( preserve_selected_index && cmbFilterByExtraSkill->SelectedIndex > 0 && cmbFilterByExtraSkill->SelectedIndex - 1 < solutions_extra_skills.Count )
+ {
+ prev_selected = solutions_extra_skills[ cmbFilterByExtraSkill->SelectedIndex - 1 ];
+ }
+ cmbFilterByExtraSkill->BeginUpdate();
+ solutions_extra_skills.Clear();
+ cmbFilterByExtraSkill->Items->Clear();
+ cmbFilterByExtraSkill->Items->Add( StaticString( NoExtraSkillFiltering ) );
+ for each( Solution^ sol in all_solutions )
+ {
+ for each( Skill^ sk in sol->extra_skills )
+ {
+ if( !sk->autodisabled &&
+ ( sk->is_taunt || sk->points_required > 0 ) &&
+ !Utility::Contains( %solutions_extra_skills, sk ) )
+ solutions_extra_skills.Add( sk );
+ }
+ for each( Skill^ sk in sol->potential_extra_skills )
+ {
+ if( !sk->autodisabled &&
+ !Utility::Contains( %solutions_extra_skills, sk ) )
+ solutions_extra_skills.Add( sk );
+ }
+ }
+ solutions_extra_skills.Sort( gcnew Comparison< Skill^ >( CompareSkillsByName ) );
+ for each( Skill^ sk in solutions_extra_skills )
+ {
+ cmbFilterByExtraSkill->Items->Add( sk->name );
+ }
+ if( prev_selected )
+ {
+ for( int i = 0; i < solutions_extra_skills.Count; ++i )
+ {
+ if( solutions_extra_skills[ i ] == prev_selected )
+ {
+ cmbFilterByExtraSkill->SelectedIndex = i + 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else cmbFilterByExtraSkill->SelectedIndex = 0;
+ cmbFilterByExtraSkill->EndUpdate();
+ updating_extra_skills = false;
+ }
+ System::Void UpdateCharmComboBox()
+ {
+ UpdateCharmComboBox( -1 );
+ }
+ System::Void UpdateCharmComboBox( const int new_index )
+ {
+ Charm^ selected_charm = cmbCharms->SelectedIndex > 1 ? charm_box_charms[ cmbCharms->SelectedIndex - 2 ] : nullptr;
+ const int old_index = cmbCharms->SelectedIndex;
+ charm_box_charms.Clear();
+ List_t< String^ > to_order;
+ Map_t< String^, Charm^ > charm_map;
+ for each( Solution^ s in all_solutions )
+ {
+ if( s->charm )
+ {
+ String^ name = s->charm->GetName();
+ if( !charm_map.ContainsKey( name ) )
+ {
+ to_order.Add( name );
+ charm_map.Add( name, s->charm );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ to_order.Sort();
+ cmbCharms->BeginUpdate();
+ cmbCharms->Items->Clear();
+ cmbCharms->Items->Add( BasicString( FilterByNone ) );
+ cmbCharms->Items->Add( StaticString( All ) );
+ for each( String^% str in to_order )
+ {
+ charm_box_charms.Add( charm_map[ str ] );
+ cmbCharms->Items->Add( str );
+ }
+ if( new_index == -1 )
+ {
+ if( old_index == -1 )
+ cmbCharms->SelectedIndex = 1;
+ else if( old_index < 2 )
+ cmbCharms->SelectedIndex = old_index;
+ else
+ {
+ for( int i = 2; i < cmbCharms->Items->Count; ++i )
+ {
+ if( cmbCharms->Items[ i ]->ToString() == selected_charm->GetName() )
+ {
+ cmbCharms->SelectedIndex = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else cmbCharms->SelectedIndex = new_index;
+ cmbCharms->EndUpdate();
+ }
+ System::Void backgroundWorker1_RunWorkerCompleted( Object^ /*sender*/, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ if( e->Error != nullptr )
+ {
+ MessageBox::Show( e->Error->Message );
+ progressBar1->Value = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ else if( e->Cancelled )
+ {
+ progressBar1->Value = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ else if( e->Result )
+ {
+ if( !search_cancelled )
+ {
+ worker_mutex->WaitOne();
+ if( worker_start_index < unsigned( workers.Count ) )
+ {
+ workers[ worker_start_index ]->RunWorkerAsync( worker_data[ worker_start_index ] );
+ worker_start_index++;
+ }
+ worker_mutex->ReleaseMutex();
+ }
+ AddSolutions( static_cast< List_t< Solution^ >^ >( e->Result ) );
+ progress_mutex->WaitOne();
+ if( ++finished_workers >= worker_start_index )
+ {
+ EnableSearchControls( true );
+ progressBar1->Value = 100;
+ UpdateExtraSkillCombo( false );
+ SaveConfig();
+ UpdateCharmComboBox( 1 );
+ }
+ else txtSolutions->Text = StartString( SolutionsFound ) + Convert::ToString( all_solutions.Count );
+ progress_mutex->ReleaseMutex();
+ }
+ }
+ System::Void backgroundWorker1_ProgressChanged( Object^ /*sender*/, ProgressChangedEventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ progress_mutex->WaitOne();
+ num_updates++;
+ total_progress += e->ProgressPercentage;
+ progressBar1->Value = total_progress / workers.Count;
+ progress_mutex->ReleaseMutex();
+ if( e->UserState )
+ {
+ AddSolutions( static_cast< List_t< Solution^ >^ >( e->UserState ) );
+ txtSolutions->Text = StartString( SolutionsFound ) + Convert::ToString( all_solutions.Count );
+ }
+ }
+ System::Void backgroundWorker1_DoWork2( System::Object^ sender, System::ComponentModel::DoWorkEventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ BackgroundWorker^ worker = static_cast< BackgroundWorker^ >( sender );
+ ThreadSearchData2^ qc2 = static_cast< ThreadSearchData2^ >( e->Argument );
+ List_t< Solution ^ >^ solutions = gcnew List_t< Solution^ >;
+ array< Armor^ >^ armors = ( query->hunter_type == HunterType::GUNNER ) ? Armor::charm_up_armors_g : Armor::charm_up_armors_b;
+ if( qc2->charm_templates )
+ {
+ for each( Charm^ charm_template in qc2->charm_templates )
+ {
+ Solution^ good = backgroundWorker1_Search( worker, e, qc2->query, charm_template, armors );
+ if( good )
+ solutions->Add( good );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Solution^ good = backgroundWorker1_Search( worker, e, qc2->query, nullptr, armors );
+ if( good )
+ solutions->Add( good );
+ }
+ worker->ReportProgress( 100 );
+ e->Result = solutions;
+ }
+ catch( Exception^ e )
+ {
+ Assert( false, L"Worker thread exception2: " + e->ToString() );
+ }
+ }
+ Solution^ backgroundWorker1_Search( BackgroundWorker^ worker, System::ComponentModel::DoWorkEventArgs^ e, Query^ query, Charm^ charm_template, array< Armor^ >^ armors )
+ {
+ Solution^ job = gcnew Solution();
+ job->armors.AddRange( armors );
+ job->charm = charm_template ? gcnew Charm( charm_template ) : nullptr;
+ try
+ {
+ if( job->MatchesQuery( query ) )
+ return job;
+ }
+ catch( Exception^ e )
+ {
+ MessageBox::Show( e->ToString() );
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ System::Void backgroundWorker1_DoWork( System::Object^ sender, System::ComponentModel::DoWorkEventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ BackgroundWorker^ worker = static_cast< BackgroundWorker^ >( sender );
+ ThreadSearchData^ qc = static_cast< ThreadSearchData^ >( e->Argument );
+ List_t< Solution ^ >^ solutions = gcnew List_t< Solution^ >;
+ List_t< Armor^ >^ head = query->rel_armor[ int( Armor::ArmorType::HEAD ) ];
+ List_t< Armor^ >^ body = query->rel_armor[ int( Armor::ArmorType::BODY ) ];
+ List_t< Armor^ >^ arms = query->rel_armor[ int( Armor::ArmorType::ARMS ) ];
+ List_t< Armor^ >^ waist = query->rel_armor[ int( Armor::ArmorType::WAIST ) ];
+ List_t< Armor^ >^ legs = query->rel_armor[ int( Armor::ArmorType::LEGS ) ];
+ if( head->Count == 0 ) head->Add( nullptr );
+ if( body->Count == 0 ) body->Add( nullptr );
+ if( arms->Count == 0 ) arms->Add( nullptr );
+ if( waist->Count == 0 ) waist->Add( nullptr );
+ if( legs->Count == 0 ) legs->Add( nullptr );
+ //int solutions_found = 0;
+ unsigned last_percent = 0;
+ bool new_stuff = false;
+ for( int i = 0; i < head->Count; ++i )
+ {
+ for( int j = 0; j < body->Count; ++j )
+ {
+ const int progress = ( 100 * ( i * body->Count + j ) ) / ( head->Count * body->Count );
+ if( !new_stuff )
+ {
+ worker->ReportProgress( progress - last_percent );
+ last_percent = progress;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ List_t< Solution ^ >^ temp = solutions; //handle race-condition: shouldn't modify solution list while iterating through it
+ solutions = gcnew List_t< Solution^ >;
+ worker->ReportProgress( progress - last_percent, temp );
+ last_percent = progress;
+ new_stuff = false;
+ }
+ for( int k = 0; k < arms->Count; ++k )
+ {
+ for( int l = 0; l < waist->Count; ++l )
+ {
+ for( int m = 0; m < legs->Count; ++m )
+ {
+ if( worker->CancellationPending )
+ {
+ e->Result = solutions;
+ return;
+ }
+ array< Armor^ >^ search_armors = { head[i], body[j], arms[k], waist[l], legs[m] };
+ Solution^ good = backgroundWorker1_Search( worker, e, query, qc->charm_template, search_armors );
+ if( good )
+ {
+ solutions->Add( good );
+ new_stuff = true;
+ /*if( ++solutions_found >= MAX_LIMIT )
+ {
+ e->Result = solutions;
+ worker->ReportProgress( 100 - last_percent );
+ return;
+ }*/
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ worker->ReportProgress( 100 - last_percent );
+ e->Result = solutions;
+ }
+ catch( Exception^ e )
+ {
+ Assert( false, L"Worker thread exception: " + e->ToString() );
+ }
+ }
+#pragma endregion
+ System::Void FindDialogClosed( System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ find_dialog = nullptr;
+ }
+ System::Void FindDialogFoundText( System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ Find^ find = (Find^)sender;
+ if( find->index == -1 )
+ {
+ txtSolutions->SelectionStart = txtSolutions->Text->Length;
+ txtSolutions->SelectionLength = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ txtSolutions->SelectionStart = find->index;
+ txtSolutions->SelectionLength = find->length;
+ }
+ txtSolutions->ScrollToCaret();
+ txtSolutions->Focus();
+ }
+ System::Void KeyDown( System::Object^ sender, System::Windows::Forms::KeyEventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ if( sender == txtSolutions && e->Control )
+ {
+ if( e->KeyValue == L'A' )
+ {
+ txtSolutions->SelectAll();
+ e->Handled = true;
+ e->SuppressKeyPress = true;
+ }
+ else if( e->KeyValue == L'F' && !find_dialog )
+ {
+ find_dialog = gcnew Find( txtSolutions );
+ find_dialog->DialogClosing += gcnew EventHandler( this, &Form1::FindDialogClosed );
+ find_dialog->TextFound += gcnew EventHandler( this, &Form1::FindDialogFoundText );
+ find_dialog->Show( this );
+ e->Handled = true;
+ e->SuppressKeyPress = true;
+ }
+ else if( e->KeyValue == L'X' )
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ System::Void cmbSort_SelectedIndexChanged( System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ static int last_index = -1;
+ if( cmbSort->SelectedIndex == last_index ) return;
+ last_index = cmbSort->SelectedIndex;
+ if( data )
+ {
+ SaveConfig();
+ if( final_solutions.Count > 0 )
+ {
+ SortResults();
+ last_result = nullptr;
+ UpdateResultString( %final_solutions );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ System::Void UpdateComboBoxLanguage( ComboBox^ cb )
+ {
+ cb->BeginUpdate();
+ for( int i = 1; i < cb->Items->Count; ++i )
+ {
+ String^ name = (String^)cb->Items[ i ];
+ Skill^ skill = Skill::FindSkill( name );
+ Assert( skill, L"No such skill!" );
+ cb->Items[ i ] = skill->name;
+ }
+ cb->EndUpdate();
+ }
+ System::Void LanguageSelect_Click( System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ const int old_language = language;
+ for( int index = 0; index < mnuLanguage->DropDownItems->Count; ++index )
+ {
+ ToolStripMenuItem^ item = static_cast< ToolStripMenuItem^ >( mnuLanguage->DropDownItems[ index ] );
+ if( mnuLanguage->DropDownItems[ index ] == sender )
+ {
+ if( index == language )
+ return;
+ language = index;
+ item->Checked = true;
+ }
+ else item->Checked = false;
+ }
+ if( old_language == language )
+ return;
+ updating_language = true;
+ StringTable::LoadLanguage( static_cast< ToolStripMenuItem^ >( sender )->ToString() );
+ for each( ComboBox^ box in bSkillFilters )
+ {
+ box->BeginUpdate();
+ for( int i = 0, j = 0; i < SkillTag::tags.Count; ++i )
+ if( !SkillTag::tags[ i ]->disable_b )
+ box->Items[ j++ ] = SkillTag::tags[ i ]->name;
+ box->EndUpdate();
+ }
+ for each( ComboBox^ box in gSkillFilters )
+ {
+ box->BeginUpdate();
+ for( int i = 0, j = 0; i < SkillTag::tags.Count; ++i )
+ if( !SkillTag::tags[ i ]->disable_g )
+ box->Items[ j++ ] = SkillTag::tags[ i ]->name;
+ box->EndUpdate();
+ }
+#define UpdateMenu( X ) mnu##X->Text = StaticString( X )
+ UpdateMenu( File );
+ UpdateMenu( Options );
+ UpdateMenu( Language );
+ UpdateMenu( Help );
+ UpdateMenu( LoadData );
+ UpdateMenu( SaveData );
+ UpdateMenu( Exit );
+ UpdateMenu( ClearSettings );
+ UpdateMenu( AllowBadSkills );
+ UpdateMenu( AllowEventArmor );
+ UpdateMenu( AllowLowerTierArmor );
+ UpdateMenu( ShowRequiredSkillPoints );
+ UpdateMenu( AllowJapaneseOnlyDLC );
+ UpdateMenu( Donate );
+ UpdateMenu( AllowGunnerHelms );
+ UpdateMenu( AllowArena );
+ UpdateMenu( CheckForUpdates );
+ UpdateMenu( SpendSpareSlots );
+ UpdateMenu( About );
+ UpdateMenu( MaxResults );
+ UpdateMenu( PrintDecoNames );
+ UpdateMenu( SortSkillsAlphabetically );
+ UpdateMenu( SkillHelp );
+ UpdateMenu( Zoom );
+ UpdateMenu( PrintMaterials );
+#undef UpdateMenu
+ nudHR->UpdateEditText();
+ nudElder->UpdateEditText();
+ lblHR->Text = StaticString( HR );
+ lblElder->Text = StaticString( VillageQuests );
+ lblSlots->Text = StaticString( MaxWeaponSlots );
+ grpSortFilter->Text = StaticString( SortFilterResults );
+ grpCharms->Text = StaticString( Charms );
+ grpResults->Text = StaticString( Results );
+ rdoMale->Text = StaticString( Male );
+ rdoFemale->Text = StaticString( Female );
+ tabBlademaster->Text = StaticString( Blademaster );
+ tabGunner->Text = StaticString( Gunner );
+ grpBSkills->Text = StaticString( Skills );
+ grpGSkills->Text = StaticString( Skills );
+ grpBSkillFilters->Text = StaticString( SkillFilters );
+ grpGSkillFilters->Text = StaticString( SkillFilters );
+ btnCharms->Text = StaticString( MyCharms );
+ btnSearch->Text = StaticString( QuickSearch );
+ btnAdvancedSearch->Text = StaticString( AdvancedSearch );
+ btnCancel->Text = StaticString( Cancel );
+ cmbCharmSelect->Items[ 0 ] = StaticString( UseNoCharms );
+ cmbCharmSelect->Items[ 1 ] = StaticString( UseOnlyMyCharms );
+ cmbCharmSelect->Items[ 2 ] = StaticString( UseOnlySlottedCharms );
+ cmbCharmSelect->Items[ 3 ] = StaticString( UseUpToOneSkillCharms );
+ cmbCharmSelect->Items[ 4 ] = StaticString( UseOnlyTwoSkillCharms );
+ cmbSort->Items[ 0 ] = BasicString( SortByNone );
+ cmbSort->Items[ 1 ] = StaticString( DragonRes );
+ cmbSort->Items[ 2 ] = StaticString( FireRes );
+ cmbSort->Items[ 3 ] = StaticString( IceRes );
+ cmbSort->Items[ 4 ] = StaticString( ThunderRes );
+ cmbSort->Items[ 5 ] = StaticString( WaterRes );
+ cmbSort->Items[ 6 ] = StaticString( BaseDefence );
+ cmbSort->Items[ 7 ] = StaticString( MaxDefence );
+ cmbSort->Items[ 8 ] = StaticString( Difficulty );
+ cmbSort->Items[ 9 ] = StaticString( Rarity );
+ cmbSort->Items[ 10 ] = StaticString( SortSlotsSpare );
+ cmbSort->Items[ 11 ] = StaticString( SortFamily );
+ cmbSort->Items[ 12 ] = StaticString( SortExtraSkills );
+ charm_solution_map.Clear();
+ for each( Solution^ s in all_solutions )
+ {
+ if( s->charm )
+ {
+ String^ str = s->charm->GetName();
+ if( !charm_solution_map.ContainsKey( str ) )
+ charm_solution_map.Add( str, gcnew List_t< Solution^ > );
+ charm_solution_map[ str ]->Add( s );
+ }
+ }
+ for( int i = 0; i < NumSkills; ++i )
+ {
+ bSkills[ i ]->BeginUpdate();
+ cmbSkillFilter_SelectedIndexChanged( bSkillFilters[ i ], bSkills, bSkillFilters, bIndexMaps );
+ bSkills[ i ]->EndUpdate();
+ gSkills[ i ]->BeginUpdate();
+ cmbSkillFilter_SelectedIndexChanged( gSkillFilters[ i ], gSkills, gSkillFilters, gIndexMaps );
+ gSkills[ i ]->EndUpdate();
+ }
+ UpdateCharmComboBox();
+ UpdateExtraSkillCombo( true );
+ if( construction_complete )
+ {
+ CharmDatabase::SaveCustom();
+ }
+ updating_language = false;
+ cmbCharms_SelectedIndexChanged( nullptr, nullptr );
+ }
+ System::Void aboutToolStripMenuItem_Click( System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ About about_form;
+ about_form.ShowDialog( this );
+ }
+ System::Void SortResults()
+ {
+ if( cmbSort->SelectedIndex < 1 || sort_off ) return;
+ else if( cmbSort->SelectedIndex == 1 )
+ final_solutions.Sort( gcnew Comparison< Solution^ >( CompareSolutionByDragonRes ) );
+ else if( cmbSort->SelectedIndex == 2 )
+ final_solutions.Sort( gcnew Comparison< Solution^ >( CompareSolutionByFireRes ) );
+ else if( cmbSort->SelectedIndex == 3 )
+ final_solutions.Sort( gcnew Comparison< Solution^ >( CompareSolutionByIceRes ) );
+ else if( cmbSort->SelectedIndex == 4 )
+ final_solutions.Sort( gcnew Comparison< Solution^ >( CompareSolutionByThunderRes ) );
+ else if( cmbSort->SelectedIndex == 5 )
+ final_solutions.Sort( gcnew Comparison< Solution^ >( CompareSolutionByWaterRes ) );
+ else if( cmbSort->SelectedIndex == 6 )
+ final_solutions.Sort( gcnew Comparison< Solution^ >( CompareSolutionByDefence ) );
+ else if( cmbSort->SelectedIndex == 7 )
+ final_solutions.Sort( gcnew Comparison< Solution^ >( CompareSolutionByMaxDefence ) );
+ else if( cmbSort->SelectedIndex == 8 )
+ final_solutions.Sort( gcnew Comparison< Solution^ >( CompareSolutionByDifficulty ) );
+ else if( cmbSort->SelectedIndex == 9 )
+ final_solutions.Sort( gcnew Comparison< Solution^ >( CompareSolutionByRarity ) );
+ else if( cmbSort->SelectedIndex == 10 )
+ final_solutions.Sort( gcnew Comparison< Solution^ >( CompareSolutionBySlotsSpare ) );
+ else if( cmbSort->SelectedIndex == 11 )
+ final_solutions.Sort( gcnew Comparison< Solution^ >( CompareSolutionByFamily ) );
+ else if( cmbSort->SelectedIndex == 12 )
+ final_solutions.Sort( gcnew Comparison< Solution^ >( CompareSolutionsByExtraSkills ) );
+ }
+ bool EndsWithSlots( String^% s )
+ {
+ return s->EndsWith( L" ---" ) ||
+ s->EndsWith( L"O--" ) ||
+ s->EndsWith( L"OO-" ) ||
+ s->EndsWith( L"OOO" );
+ }
+ void contextMenuStrip1_Closing( System::Object^ sender, ToolStripDropDownClosingEventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ if( preview_pane )
+ {
+ preview_pane->Close();
+ preview_pane = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ System::Void contextMenuStrip1_Opening( System::Object^ sender, CancelEventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ if( txtSolutions->Text == L"" )
+ return;
+ cmsSolutions->Items->Clear();
+ e->Cancel = true;
+ Point pos = txtSolutions->PointToClient( txtSolutions->MousePosition );
+ int chr = txtSolutions->GetCharIndexFromPosition( pos );
+ int line = txtSolutions->GetLineFromCharIndex( chr );
+ String^ str = txtSolutions->Lines[ line ];
+ if( str == L"" )
+ return;
+ //check for decorations
+ if( str->Length >= 4 )
+ {
+ if( str->Substring( 1, 2 ) == L"x " || str->Substring( 2, 2 ) == L"x " )
+ {
+ String^ deco_name = str->Substring( str->IndexOf( L' ' ) + 1 );
+ if( deco_name->EndsWith( StaticString( InTorso ) ) )
+ deco_name = deco_name->Substring( 0, deco_name->Length - StaticString( InTorso )->Length );
+ else if( deco_name->EndsWith( StaticString( InCharm ) ) )
+ deco_name = deco_name->Substring( 0, deco_name->Length - StaticString( InCharm )->Length );
+ Decoration^ decoration = Decoration::FindDecoration( deco_name );
+ if( decoration )
+ {
+ Utility::UpdateContextMenu( cmsSolutions, decoration );
+ e->Cancel = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Decoration^ decoration = Decoration::FindDecorationFromString( deco_name );
+ if( decoration )
+ {
+ Utility::UpdateContextMenu( cmsSolutions, decoration );
+ e->Cancel = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ //check for armors
+ for( int i = 0; i < result_offsets.Count; ++i )
+ {
+ if( result_offsets[ i ] > line )
+ break;
+ int offset = result_offsets[ i ];
+ int num_armors = 0;
+ for each( Armor^ a in final_solutions[ i ]->armors )
+ {
+ if( a )
+ num_armors++;
+ }
+ if( line >= offset &&
+ line < offset + num_armors )
+ {
+ for( int a = 0, c = 0; a < final_solutions[ i ]->armors.Count; ++a )
+ {
+ if( final_solutions[ i ]->armors[ a ] && c++ == line - offset )
+ {
+ Utility::UpdateContextMenu( cmsSolutions, final_solutions[ i ]->armors[ a ] );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( preview_pane )
+ preview_pane->Close();
+ preview_pane = gcnew PreviewImage( rdoFemale->Checked );
+ final_solutions[ i ]->preview_image = preview_pane->SetData( final_solutions[ i ]->armors, final_solutions[ i ]->preview_image );
+ if( final_solutions[ i ]->preview_image )
+ {
+ preview_pane->Show( this );
+ preview_pane->SetLocation( cmsSolutions );
+ }
+ else preview_pane = nullptr;
+ e->Cancel = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ //check for charms
+ if( EndsWithSlots( str ) )
+ {
+ Utility::UpdateContextMenu( cmsSolutions, str, 0 );
+ e->Cancel = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ //check for extra skills
+ {
+ //full skills
+ Skill^ extra = Skill::FindSkill( str );
+ if( extra )
+ {
+ Utility::UpdateContextMenu( cmsSolutions, extra->ability );
+ e->Cancel = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ //partial abilities
+ else if( str->StartsWith( L"+" ) )
+ {
+ const int space = str->IndexOf( L" " );
+ if( space >= 0 && space + 1 < str->Length )
+ {
+ Ability^ a = Ability::FindAbility( str->Substring( space + 1 ) );
+ if( a )
+ {
+ Utility::UpdateContextMenu( cmsSolutions, a );
+ e->Cancel = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //check potential extra skills
+ {
+ String^ pots = StaticString( SkillPossible );
+ const int i = pots->IndexOf( "%1" );
+ if( i >= 0 )
+ {
+ const unsigned prefix = pots->Substring( 0, i )->Length;
+ const unsigned suffix = pots->Substring( i + 2 )->Length;
+ const int len = str->Length - prefix - suffix;
+ if( len > 0 )
+ {
+ String^ skillname = str->Substring( prefix, len );
+ extra = Skill::FindSkill( skillname );
+ if( extra )
+ {
+ Utility::UpdateContextMenu( cmsSolutions, extra->ability );
+ e->Cancel = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ System::Void cmbCharms_SelectedIndexChanged( System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ if( updating_language || cmbCharms->SelectedIndex < 0 )
+ return;
+ last_result = L"";
+ final_solutions.Clear();
+ String^ charm = (String^)cmbCharms->SelectedItem;
+ List_t< Solution^ >^ to_add = nullptr;
+ if( cmbCharms->SelectedIndex == 0 ) // None
+ {
+ to_add = %no_charm_solutions;
+ }
+ else if( cmbCharms->SelectedIndex == 1 ) // All
+ {
+ to_add = %all_solutions;
+ }
+ else if( charm_solution_map.ContainsKey( charm ) )
+ {
+ to_add = charm_solution_map[ charm ];
+ }
+ else
+ UpdateResultString( gcnew List_t< Solution^ > );
+ if( to_add )
+ {
+ if( cmbFilterByExtraSkill->SelectedIndex < 1 || cmbFilterByExtraSkill->SelectedIndex - 1 >= solutions_extra_skills.Count )
+ {
+ final_solutions.AddRange( to_add );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Skill^ selected_extra_skill = solutions_extra_skills[ cmbFilterByExtraSkill->SelectedIndex - 1 ];
+ for each( Solution^ s in to_add )
+ {
+ if( Utility::Contains( %s->extra_skills, selected_extra_skill ) ||
+ Utility::Contains( %s->potential_extra_skills, selected_extra_skill ) )
+ final_solutions.Add( s );
+ }
+ }
+ SortResults();
+ UpdateResultString( %final_solutions );
+ }
+ }
+ System::Void btnCharms_Click( System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ ManageCharms mycharms( language, data, mnuSortSkillsAlphabetically->Checked );
+ mycharms.ShowDialog( this );
+ UpdateImpossibleSkills();
+ }
+ System::Void UpdateMenuItem_Click( System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ System::Diagnostics::Process::Start( "https://www.facebook.com/AthenasArmorSetSearch/" );
+ }
+ System::Void mnuDonate_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ System::Diagnostics::Process::Start( "https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=8A7BDLKN7ZK6W&lc=NZ&item_name=Athena%27s%20Armor%20Set%20Search¤cy_code=NZD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted" );
+ }
+ System::Void mnuClearSettings_Click( System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ cmbSort->SelectedIndex = 0;
+ for each( ComboBox^ cb in bSkills )
+ {
+ cb->SelectedIndex = -1;
+ }
+ for each( ComboBox^ cb in gSkills )
+ {
+ cb->SelectedIndex = -1;
+ }
+ for each( ComboBox^ cb in bSkillFilters )
+ {
+ cb->SelectedIndex = 0;
+ }
+ for each( ComboBox^ cb in gSkillFilters )
+ {
+ cb->SelectedIndex = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ System::Void nudHR_ValueChanged(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ UpdateImpossibleSkills();
+ }
+ System::Void nudElder_ValueChanged(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ UpdateImpossibleSkills();
+ }
+ System::Void mnuLoad_Click( System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ OpenFileDialog dlg;
+ dlg.InitialDirectory = System::Environment::CurrentDirectory;
+ dlg.DefaultExt = L".ass";
+ dlg.AddExtension = true;
+ dlg.Filter = StartString( ASSSettings ) + L"(*.ass)|*.ass";
+ dlg.FilterIndex = 0;
+ Windows::Forms::DialogResult res = dlg.ShowDialog();
+ if( res == Windows::Forms::DialogResult::OK )
+ {
+ LoadConfig( dlg.FileName, true );
+ LoadConfig( dlg.FileName, false );
+ }
+ }
+ System::Void mnuSave_Click( System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ SaveFileDialog dlg;
+ dlg.InitialDirectory = System::Environment::CurrentDirectory;
+ dlg.DefaultExt = L".ass";
+ dlg.AddExtension = true;
+ dlg.Filter = StartString( ASSSettings ) + L"(*.ass)|*.ass";
+ dlg.FilterIndex = 0;
+ dlg.FileName = L"results.ass";
+ Windows::Forms::DialogResult res = dlg.ShowDialog();
+ if( res == Windows::Forms::DialogResult::OK )
+ SaveConfig( dlg.FileName );
+ }
+ void SkillHelp_FormClosed( System::Object^ sender, FormClosedEventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ help_window = nullptr;
+ }
+ System::Void mnuSkillHelp_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ if( help_window != nullptr )
+ {
+ help_window->SwitchModes( sender == mnuSkillHelp );
+ help_window->Focus();
+ return;
+ }
+ help_window = gcnew SkillHelp( -1, sender == mnuSkillHelp, mnuSortSkillsAlphabetically->Checked, rdoFemale->Checked );
+ help_window->FormClosed += gcnew FormClosedEventHandler( this, &Form1::SkillHelp_FormClosed );
+ help_window->Show( this );
+ }
+ System::Void mnuShowRequiredSkillPoints_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ SuspendUpdate::Suspend( tabHunterType );
+ for( int i = 0; i < NumSkills; ++i )
+ {
+ cmbSkillFilter_SelectedIndexChanged( bSkillFilters[ i ], bSkills, bSkillFilters, bIndexMaps );
+ cmbSkillFilter_SelectedIndexChanged( gSkillFilters[ i ], gSkills, gSkillFilters, gIndexMaps );
+ }
+ SuspendUpdate::Resume( tabHunterType );
+ OptionsChanged( sender, e );
+ }
+ System::Void ZoomLevelChanged( System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ ToolStripMenuItem^ item = safe_cast< ToolStripMenuItem^ >( sender );
+ if( !item )
+ return;
+ for each( ToolStripMenuItem^ m in mnuZoom->DropDownItems )
+ if( m != sender )
+ m->Checked = false;
+ item->Checked = true;
+ PreviewImage::zoom = (int)(Int32)item->Tag;
+ SaveConfig();
+ }
+ System::Void exitToolStripMenuItem_Click( System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ this->Close();
+ }
diff --git a/Form1.resx b/Form1.resx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f985018
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Form1.resx
@@ -0,0 +1,1334 @@
+ text/microsoft-resx
+ 2.0
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
+ 246, 17
+ 131, 17
+ 17, 17
+ 370, 17
+ 3P/h4eH/3d3d/9fX1//V1dX/2tra/+Dg4P/e3t7/19fX/+Hh4f/Z2dn/2NjY/7i4uP9qamr/Y2Nj/4eH
+ h/9bW1v/PT09/5mZmf/a2tr/19fX/9jY2P/IyMj/6+vr/5ycnP/Dw8P//f39//j4+P/p6en/0NDQ/6qq
+ qv9LS0v/Q0ND/7y8vP/+/v7/+vr6//b29v+kpKT/fX19/5WVlf+CgoL/dnZ2/8rKyv/U1NT/wsLC/8rK
+ yv+ysrL/bW1t/5KSkv/w8PD/3Nzc/21tbf+/v7//9vb2//Pz8//r6+v/5+fn/+Li4v/e3t7/yMjI/2Zm
+ Zv+Li4v/v7+//39/f/+Tk5P/zs7O/8jIyP+wsLD/m5ub/729vf/BwcH/z8/P/8bGxv+ZmZn/l5eX/8bG
+ xv+xsbH/l5eX/8LCwv/MzMz/yMjI/8jIyP/b29v/ysrK/+bm5v//////0dHR/56env/Kysr//f39////
+ ///9/f3/9PT0//v7+///////+vr6//f39//W1tb/q6ur/+fn5///////+vr6////////////8vLy/7W1
+ tf+wsLD/tbW1/66urv+6urr/np6e/2JiYv+Li4v/+vr6///////f39//39/f/+Hh4f/c3Nz/29vb/93d
+ 3f/e3t7/29vb/9fX1//Z2dn/3t7e/+Xl5f/e3t7/5eXl/8zMzP99fX3/vr6+/6Wlpf9RUVH/YWFh/7y8
+ vP/e3t7/z8/P/9bW1v/Z2dn/19fX/6Ghof/V1dX//Pz8//j4+P/U1NT/urq6/25ubv9LS0v/Wlpa/7q6
+ uv///////////97e3v+EhIT/xsbG///////d3d3/ioqK/29vb/+ampr/zs7O/8jIyP+ioqL/Xl5e/8PD
+ w//5+fn/w8PD/21tbf/V1dX///////z8/P/09PT/7Ozs/93d3f/g4OD/2NjY/5CQkP9paWn/vr6+/4iI
+ iP+Kior/zc3N/7e3t/+Xl5f/pqam/8zMzP+8vLz/wsLC/7u7u/+JiYn/qamp/8LCwv/Dw8P/iIiI/6mp
+ qf/Pz8//xcXF/8LCwv+jo6P/srKy/8vLy//BwcH/kZGR/7e3t///////+/v7//z8/P//////////////
+ ///6+vr//////9XV1f+oqKj/6+vr///////9/f3///////r6+v/6+vr//////+rq6v/IyMj/urq6/8vL
+ y//a2tr/gICA/3Fxcf/g4OD/+vr6///////o6Oj/5eXl/+Xl5f/k5OT/4uLi/9/f3//e3t7/4ODg/+Hh
+ 4f/i4uL/4+Pj/+Tk5P/m5ub/4eHh/6Wlpf+BgYH/zc3N/4KCgv9bW1v/rq6u/8jIyP/S0tL/0dHR/9PT
+ 0//c3Nz/1NTU/6Ghof/e3t7/8vLy///////FxcX/Y2Nj/05OTv+enp7/sbGx/9/f3///////+Pj4/7Oz
+ s/+VlZX/8PDw//7+/v//////5OTk/4iIiP9iYmL/np6e/8nJyf+lpaX/aGho/9XV1f/r6+v/wsLC/5ub
+ m//p6en/6Ojo//Dw8P/MzM3/09PU/+Li4//f39//5eXl/6qqqv9xcXH/qqqq/5SUlP97e3v/yMjI/7Cw
+ sP+Tk5P/u7u7/8PDw//ExMT/xMTE/62trf+EhIT/wcHB/8PDw//ExMT/iIiI/4SEhP/Ly8v/ycnJ/6mp
+ qf+srKz/lJSU/3Z2dv9eXl7/v7+///7+/v/8/Pz///////j4+P///////Pz8//b29v//////5OTk/7Cw
+ sP/X19f////////////6+vr//Pz8//7+/v//////9/f3//39/f/+/v7///////T09P+ioqL/b29v/8fH
+ x//8/Pz//Pz8///////z8/P/8PDw/+7u7v/r6+v/6enp/+fn5//m5ub/5+fn/+fn5//n5+f/5ubm/+Xl
+ 5f/n5+f/z8/P/4eHh/+Xl5f/srKy/15eXv+AgID/xcXF/9TU1P/U1NT/0tLS/9bW1v/g4OD/x8fH/6Ki
+ ov/x8fH///////Hx8f+fn5//Pz8//1ZWVv+2trb/4+Pj//f39///////7u7u/6Wlpf/Gxsb/+/v7////
+ ///u7u7/9fX1/8rKyv9jY2P/ioqK/8PDw/+Wlpb/d3d3/9zc3P/a2tv/0NDQ/7+/v//m5+r/09zp/63B
+ 3f+Gmrb/g5Ko/6awvv/V2d//3d3e/6urq/9qamr/jo6O/8LCwv9jY2P/srKy/5qamv+pqan/xMTE/8rK
+ yv+/v7//w8PD/5KSkv+ampr/wMDA/8TExP/Gxsb/l5eX/3V1df+9vb3/t7e3/6Kiov/R0dH/ysrK/7a2
+ tv+wsLD/5ubm//f39////////v7+///////9/f3/+vr6///////h4eH/tbW1/8XFxf///////Pz8//v7
+ +//9/f3///////7+/v/6+vr////////////39/f//f39/9HR0f+kpKT/ra2t//f39///////9PT0/6ys
+ rP/7+/v/9/f3//X19f/z8/P/8fHx/+/v7//u7u7/7u7u/+3t7f/r6+v/6urq/+fn5//o6Oj/q6ur/3d3
+ d/+rq6v/goKC/1ZWVv+wsLD/zs7O/9bW1v/S0tL/1NTU/97e3v/r6+v/u7u7/66urv/y8vL///////j4
+ +P+mpqb/R0dH/4CAgP/T09P/7+/v///////5+fn/0dHR/6enp//l5eX/6enp/+Pj4//g4OD/3t7e/7q6
+ uv9NTU3/enp6/8vLy/+qqqr/fX19/6Kjpv+Mkpv/rbjJ/7jM6P+myPf/oMf9/5W78P+QtOf/i63d/4Kd
+ w/+ImbL/j5Sb/3Jyc/9vb2//pKSk/6ampv9QUFD/qqqq/6mpqf+/v7//wsLC/8bGxv/AwMD/tbW1/4eH
+ h/+1tbX/v7+//8PDw//IyMj/rq6u/2lpaf+fn5//p6en/5+fn/+8vLz/t7e3/8HBwf/Pz8//8PDw//Pz
+ 8////////Pz8//r6+v////////////j4+P/S0tL/y8vL//39/f//////+Pj4///////9/f3//f39////
+ ///4+Pj//Pz8//z8/P//////1NTU/76+vv/Y2Nj/09PT///////j4+P/n5+f/5ubm//+/v7/+/v7//r6
+ +v/4+Pj/9fX1//Ly8v/w8PD/7+/v/+/v7//u7u7/7e3t/+rq6v/a2tr/jIyM/4iIiP+goKD/WVlZ/4KC
+ gv/MzMz/yMjI/9HR0f/T09P/29vb/+bm5v/u7u7/sLCw/8DAwP//////+fn5/9DQ0P+BgYH/aWlp/7S0
+ tP/i4uL/8vLy//r6+v/w8PD/tra2/7S0tP/b29v/39/f/8/Pz//S0tL/t7e3/2xsbP9eXl7/r6+v/9TU
+ 1P+ioqL/V1dZ/2BncP9abIb/haPP/5zC+f+awPf/n8b//53E/P+fxv//n8b//5e98/9zj7f/YnKK/1BT
+ WP9jY2T/y8vL/6ioqP+CgoL/rKys/8vLy//Dw8P/u7u7/8PDw//Gxsb/nZ2d/5iYmP/FxcX/wMDA/8PD
+ w//Gxsb/wcHB/3Fxcf95eXn/p6en/6+vr/+Kior/d3d3/4uLi/+ZmZn/0NDQ//T09P/6+vr/+vr6/+3t
+ 7f/Kysr/pKSk/7CwsP/i4uL//Pz8//b29v/8/Pz/+Pj4////////////9/f3/////////////f39////
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+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
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+ wf/Pz8//7u7u//r6+v/e3t7/rKys/4qNkv9tiK7/ncT8/57G/v+dxf3/n8b//5/G//+exv7/nsb+/5/G
+ //+fxv//n8b//5/G//+fxv//n8b//5/G//+fxv//n8b//5/G//+fxv//n8b//5/G//+YvvT/kKG6/2Rk
+ ZP/Dw8P/3t7e/97e3v/z8/P/6+vr/8PDw//Gxsb/09PT/9XV1f/4+Pj/1dXV/9XV1f/T09P/0tLS////
+ ////////s7Oz/8TExP/Q0ND/9fX1//r6+v/X19f/nJyc/11mdP+NseT/nsX9/57F/v+fxv//nsb+/57G
+ /v+exv7/nsX+/57G/v+exv7/nsX+/5/G//+fxv//nsb+/57G/v+exv7/nsb+/5/G//+fxv//n8b//57G
+ /v+TuO3/laW8/3Jycv/Ly8v/2tra/+bm5v/9/f3//v7+/8jIyP/CwsL/0tLS/9PT0//39/f/5eXl/9PT
+ 0//U1NT/1NTU////////////sLCw/8rKyv/S0tL/9/f3//n5+f/T09P/fX5+/2J2k/+awfj/msD3/57G
+ /v+exf3/ncX9/53F/f+dxf3/nsb+/57G/v+exv7/nsb+/57G/v+exv7/n8b//57G/v+fxv//nsX9/57F
+ /v+fxv//n8b//57G/v+MruD/l6e8/4+Pj//Dw8P/19fX//Pz8////////v7+/8rKyv/AwMD/0tLS/9TU
+ 1P/39/f/8PDw/9PT0//T09P/19fX///////+/v7/ra2t/8rKyv/W1tb/+/v7//f39//Q0ND/XV5g/4qr
+ 2v+dxPz/mb/1/5S25/+hwvP/jrHi/4ap2P+cxPv/m8L5/5m/9P+cxPv/nsb+/57F/f+cxPz/mcD2/5/G
+ /v+exv7/nsb+/5/G//+fxv//n8b//57G/v+AoM7/oq/B/66urv+srKz/29vb//z8/P///////v7+/8bG
+ xv++vr7/0tLS/9TU1P/39/f/8/Pz/87Ozv/U1NT/29vb///////9/f3/ra2t/8rKyv/Y2Nj//Pz8//X1
+ 9f/Ozs7/Zmlu/5e88f+Fptb/n67E/7Gjmf/Xp4L/gImZ/42x4/+cxPv/gZm+/6Srtv+Go8v/ncX8/57G
+ /v+dxf3/cYyz/83a7f/K3/7/o8n+/57F/v+exf7/nsX9/57G/v9yjrb/uL3G/76+vv+srKz/6urq//7+
+ /v/+/v7//v7+/8LCwv/Dw8P/0tLS/9XV1f/39/f/8vLy/8vLy//T09P/3d3d///////+/v7/tbW1/8bG
+ xv/c3Nz//v7+//X19f/Ozs7/dXyH/2+Ksf9udH3/tbOz/8mQY/+8i2X/WGZ8/2N8oP+OseT/W2Rx/8HB
+ wv+Pman/habW/53E/P+exf3/Zn+j/7G2vf/3+f3/xsrS/3aDl/+LqNT/m8L5/53E/P9keZf/zMzN/8zM
+ zP/MzMz/+fn5//7+/v///////f39/7m5uf/Kysr/09PT/9fX1//6+vr/6+vr/8/Pz//W1tb/4ODg////
+ ///9/f3/ubm5/8bGxv/f39////////b29v/Q0dH/U11r/zVAUP+GiY7/j42O/4FfRf9MVGP/PEth/2yH
+ rf9leZf/ra6v/8zMzP/DxMX/V2qF/2qFq/9/n83/WXCQ/1pibv+6vsT/dWBQ/9WXZv+ygFj/gZOw/5e8
+ 8v9mdoz/09PT/9TU1P/p6en//v7+///////+/v7//v7+/6enp//Ozs7/09PT/9vb2//7+/v/2tra/9fX
+ 1//a2tr/4+Pj//T09P/R0dH/bm5u/6urq//g4OD//v7+//b29v/S0tL/W2Nu/yMrN/8pLzj/QExe/1Vl
+ ff88R1j/UWaD/3CJrv+JjZP/1NTU/9/f3//c3Nz/jZSf/1Zle/8wPE7/ZH2g/zI+UP9LTVT/xYhX/+qh
+ Zv/rpGv/dVpG/2yGrP+SmKD/1dXV/9zc3P/7+/v//v7+//7+/v/9/f3/+vr6/5aWlv/S0tL/0tLS/+Li
+ 4v/5+fn/yMjI/+Dg4P/e3t7/6Ojo/3V1df9wcHD/U1NT/6Ojo//l5eX///////f39//W1tb/fIKL/2mE
+ qv9kfqL/Wml+/1tcXv+Ji4//Y3ud/213hv/a2tr/8PDw/+np6f/Ly8v/xMTE/31+f/9ZXmT/Pk1j/26K
+ sf86Rlf/gVo8/9GQW//Gg03/cUwt/zQ8SP+wsbP/2NjY//Ly8v/+/v7////////////9/f3/zs7O/4qK
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+ +P/Y2Nj/iIuQ/2R8n/90foz/o6Sl/4mJif+bo67/ZXyc/8nLzf/6+vr//Pz8//v7+//19fX/5ubm/6qq
+ qv+dnZ3/UFNX/01ge/90krz/VmmF/zc8Rf8xMTX/PEhZ/1JYYf+enp7/5eXl//39/f//////////////
+ ///+/v7/zs7O/3t7e//Q0ND/1dXV/+7u7v/Nzc3/4ODg//Pz8//W1tb/3Nzc/5WVlf9ycnL/oaGh/6Cg
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+ ///+/v7//v7+/+rq6v+Hh4f/0tLS/2FmbP9Zb5D/d5bA/3uaxv+EpdT/gqLQ/5ecpP/X19f/+Pj4//39
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+ h/91dXX/v7+//46Ojv/q6ur//f39//v7+//Z2dn/jY2N/8rKyv+5ubn/urq6/8bHyP+kpqn/5ufp//39
+ /f/9/f3//v7+//////////////////7+/v+vr6//39/f/9zc3f9TZH3/XnWX/3KOt/+Aoc//e5S3/8jI
+ yv/s7Oz///////7+/v/+/v7//f39//39/f/y8vL/paWl/7y8vP+1tbX/3Nzc/83Nzf/l5eX/6urq/9HR
+ 0f/z8/P//v7+/4+Pj/+IiIj/19fX/4eHh//V1dX//f39//z8/P/Nzc3/qamp/9XV1f/X19f/zc3N/9na
+ 2v/Jycn//f39//39/f///////v7+//////////////////z8/P/n5+f/29vb//f39/+IkqH/cIy1/3CM
+ tf92k77/jpmp/9jY2P/7+/v//v7+//7+/v///////v7+//z8/P/S0tL/x8fH/8nJyf+4uLj/1tbW/9nZ
+ 2f/m5ub/3d3d//f39//7+/v//v7+/62trf+4uLj/+/v7/66urv/c3Nz//f39//z8/P/FxcX/w8PD/+fn
+ 5//x8fH/6+vr//f39//y8vL//v7+///////+/v7//v7+//////////////////7+/v/6+vr/3Nzc//v7
+ +//N0db/ZHye/3ybyP+Dm77/ysvN/+Pj4//9/f3//f39/////////////v7+//z8/P+6urr/y8vL/7W1
+ tf/X19f/z8/P/9bW1v/k5OT/+/v7//j4+P/9/f3//v7+/87Ozv/Ozs7//Pz8/9vb2/+9vb3//f39//39
+ /f/Dw8P/zc3N//T09P/6+vr/+/v7//z8/P/9/f3//v7+//////////////////////////////////7+
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+ 6v/Q0ND/vr6+/7e3t//X19f/xsbG//Dw8P/4+Pj/+Pj4//39/f////////////Pz8//BwcH/9PT0/76+
+ vv+Wlpb/+vr6//v7+//MzMz/0tLS//n5+f/+/v7//v7+////////////////////////////////////
+ //////////////7+/v/9/f3//v7+//7+/v/9/f3/tLW2/7e5vP/Ly8v/8PDw//7+/v////////////7+
+ /v/+/v7/8fHx/8LCwv/ExMT/kZGR/8rKyv+8vLz/6enp//Hx8f/8/Pz////////////+/v7///////Pz
+ 8//c3Nz/nJyc/5ubm/+Xl5f/1tbW//z8/P/d3d3/0NDQ//7+/v//////////////////////////////
+ /////////////////////////////////////////v7+//7+/v/+/v7/39/f/8jIyP/e3t7/+fn5//7+
+ /v////////////7+/v/5+fn/ysrK/4mJif9oaGj/e3t7/8HBwf/s7Oz/9fX1//39/f/8/Pz/////////
+ /////////////5ubm//u7u7/3d3d/6qqqv+oqKj/enp6/+vr6//x8fH/y8vL//39/f/+/v7/////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////+/v7////////////8/Pz/+fn5/+Tk
+ 5P/19fX//v7+//7+/v/9/f3//v7+//z8/P/MzMz/nJyc/3R0dP+Kior/2NjY/8zMzP/q6ur//f39//v7
+ +//+/v7//////////////////////9fX1/+Xl5f/hoaG/6CgoP+np6f/cHBw/4mJif/09PT/7+/v//z8
+ /P/9/f3//v7+////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ///+/v7//v7+//v7+//8/Pz//f39//7+/v/9/f3/+/v7/7y8vP+CgoL/goKC/3Fxcf/Hx8f/9/f3/9zc
+ 3P/d3d3/7+/v//r6+v/+/v7//////////////////v7+/1NTU/9oaGj/v7+//7e3t//Hx8f/ampq/2dn
+ Z/+JiYn/ysrK//b29v/9/f3//v7+////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //////////////7+/v/+/v7///////39/f/+/v7//v7+//z8/P/t7e3/mpqa/3V1df+IiIj/bGxs/5+f
+ n//29vb/+/v7/+Tk5P+lpaX/3t7e//Dw8P/+/v7//////////////////////8HBwf/o6Oj/7e3t/8jI
+ yP/o6Oj/aWlp/3h4eP9jY2P/dXV1/7i4uP/7+/v//v7+///////+/v7//v7+/////////////v7+////
+ ///+/v7////////////+/v7//v7+//7+/v/+/v7//v7+//39/f/9/f3/7e3t/7S0tP+AgID/eXl5/4mJ
+ if95eXn/enp6/+Pj4//+/v7//f39//n5+f+ioqL/qamp/+Dg4P/z8/P//v7+//7+/v//////////////
+ ///+/v7/7+/v/9PT0//7+/v/kZGR/29vb/9ubm7/XFxc/3h4eP+SkpL/wMDA/+Pj4//19fX//Pz8//39
+ /f/9/f3//v7+//39/f/9/f3//v7+//39/f/8/Pz//v7+//7+/v/+/v7/+Pj4/+Li4v+lpaX/dnZ2/3Z2
+ dv98fHz/iYmJ/35+fv9gYGD/0tLS//z8/P/9/f3//v7+//7+/v/o6Oj/fHx8/9fX1//h4eH/9fX1//r6
+ +v/+/v7//f39///////+/v7/8PDw/+Dg4P/+/v7/19fX/3R0dP9wcHD/a2tr/1paWv9nZ2f/cnJy/3Fx
+ cf+Dg4P/o6Oj/8rKyv/d3d3/5+fn/+zs7P/u7u7/7u7u/+zs7P/p6en/2dnZ/7e3t/+UlJT/iYmJ/3h4
+ eP96enr/gYGB/4eHh/+Li4v/gICA/2BgYP/AwMD/+/v7//z8/P/9/f3//v7+//7+/v/8/Pz/m5ub/8PD
+ w//Z2dn/6enp//f39//8/Pz//f39///////+/v7/6enp/+Dg4P/9/f3/+/v7/8bGxv92dnb/bm5u/2xl
+ Yv+Va1z/gWFW/2FYVP9fX1//cHBw/3Nzc/96enr/enp6/3Z2dv94eHj/dHR0/29vb/9sbGz/aGho/2ho
+ aP91dXX/g4OD/4mJif+Li4v/ioqK/4aGhv9ycnL/YGBg/8/Pz//5+fn//f39//z8/P/+/v7///////7+
+ /v/+/v7/0dHR/5mZmf/X19f/29vb/+/v7//9/f3//v7+///////+/v7/3d3d/+Xl5f/7+/v/8/Pz//v7
+ +//CwsL/fHx8/6J2Zv/olXf/6ZV3/+WYfP+OaVv/Uk9O/15eXv9lZWX/cXFx/3Jycv9zc3P/cHBw/29v
+ b/9zc3P/f39//4mJif+MjIz/jIyM/4qKiv+JiYn/fn5+/2JiYv9sbGz/4eHh//39/f/9/f3//v7+//39
+ /f/+/v7////////////+/v7/8fHx/4KCgv/Z2dn/29vb/97e3v/09PT//v7+///////+/v7/1tbW/+Pj
+ 4//19fX/nZ2d//T09P/AwMD/emRc/89/Yv/dimz/6pd5//ikhv/3pIb/xIFp/3dkXv93d3f/hoaG/4qK
+ iv+JiYn/iYmJ/4uLi/+Li4v/i4uL/4qKiv+Kior/ioqK/4CAgP9mZmb/U1NT/5+fn//y8vL//Pz8//39
+ /f/9/f3//f39//z8/P//////////////////////+vr6/6Kiov/Ly8v/39/f/93d3f/h4eH/9fX1////
+ ///+/v7/yMjI/+3t7f/f39//l5eX//Pz8/+1sa//y4Zu/+KPcf/ZhWf/2YZp/9aDZf/1oYP/7pp8/6t4
+ Zv96enr/i4uL/4uLi/+Li4v/i4uL/4qKiv+Li4v/iYmJ/4ODg/90dHT/YWFh/11dXf97e3v/3Nzc//39
+ /f/8/Pz//f39//39/f/+/v7//f39//T09P/9/f3////////////+/v7//f39/+Li4v+1tbX/6enp/+Tk
+ 5P/a2tr/mZmZ///////9/f3/sbGx//f39/+6urr/q6ur/+vq6v+le2z/45Fz/+aTdf/2ooT//qqM//Og
+ gv/WgmT/55l9/4RkWP+CgoL/goKC/4KCgv+BgYH/gICA/3t7e/9xcXH/ZWVl/1tbW/9hYWH/l5eX/9ra
+ 2v/6+vr//v7+//7+/v///////v7+//39/f/8/Pz//f39/+/v7//6+vr///////7+/v/+/v7/9fX1/+bm
+ 5v+7u7v/7Ozs/+vr6/+dnZ3/oqKi///////7+/v/paWl//b29v+np6f/x8fH/7qgl//KeVz/z3xe/9B8
+ Xv/UgGL/4o5w//Kfgf/He2D/k4J8/6moqP+Ghob/YWFh/1paWv9ZWVn/WVlZ/1FRUf9cXFz/g4OD/8nJ
+ yf/29vb//v7+//39/f///////////////////////v7+//z8/P/6+vr/+/v7/9vb2//s7Oz//v7+//7+
+ /v/+/v7/9vb2/8LCwv/Y2Nj/8PDw/7CwsP+ioqL/8/Pz///////f39//wsLC/9XV1f/Kysr/ysfG/7d0
+ XP/plXf/7pp8//yoiv/7p4n/6pd6/71yV/+xk4j/7+7u//v7+//p6en/1tbW/9LS0v/Pz8//1tbW/+jo
+ 6P/29vb//f39//39/f/+/v7//f39/////////////////////////////v7+//r6+v/09PT/9PT0/9HR
+ 0f/z8/P//v7+///////+/v7/9fX1/9ra2v+xsbH/0tLS/8PDw//5+fn//f39//7+/v+ysrL/6urq/7m5
+ uf/29vb/poyD/9yJbP/jkHH/7Jh6//Gdfv/3pIb/z4Zs/6aTjf/y8vL//f39//7+/v/9/f3//f39//7+
+ /v////////////7+/v/+/v7//v7+//7+/v/////////////////////////////////+/v7//v7+//n5
+ +f/s7Oz/7+/v/8vLy//u7u7//v7+//39/f/+/v7/9/f3/+jo6P+RkZH/5+fn//v7+//+/v7//v7+//b2
+ 9v+lpaX/6+vr/9fX1//My8v/pG9b/9eEZv/ijnD/6JR2/+WSdP+9cVb/rp2Y/+7t7f/9/f3/////////
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////7+/v///////v7+////////////////////
+ ///+/v7///////r6+v/o6Oj/6enp/76+vv++vr7//Pz8//39/f/+/v7/+vr6/+zs7P+srKz/xMTE//39
+ /f/+/v7//////9/f3//Pz8//29vb/+3t7f+TgXv/3pB0//Ofgf/9qYv//amL/9mPdP+5qKL/8fHx//7+
+ /v/+/v7//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////f39//7+
+ /v/////////////////+/v7//v7+//z8/P/n5+f/4uLi/7+/v//AwMD/5OTk//39/f/9/f3/+/v7/+7u
+ 7v/Gxsb/qKio//j4+P/9/f3//////729vf/u7u7/7+/v/8O7uP+3b1X/24hq/+CNb//ij3D/04ht/72x
+ rP/19fX/+/v7//7+/v/+/v7/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ///+/v7//Pz8//39/f/+/v7////////////+/v7//v7+//39/f/n5+f/2dnZ/8vLy//z8/P/rq6u//r6
+ +v/8/Pz//v7+//Ly8v/d3d3/wMDA/8HBwf/8/Pz//////729vf/4+Pj/7Ovq/7KBb//ejG7/7pt9//Gf
+ gf/ai27/sJqT//r6+v/8/Pz//v7+//7+/v//////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ///////////////////+/v7/9fX1//X19f/9/f3//f39//7+/v////////////7+/v/q6ur/zc3N/9bW
+ 1v/19fX/p6en/8PDw//4+Pj/+fn5//b29v/t7e3/w8PD/8LCwv/t7e3//v7+/wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ImportCharms.cpp b/ImportCharms.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8706153
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ImportCharms.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#include "StdAfx.h"
+#include "ImportCharms.h"
diff --git a/ImportCharms.h b/ImportCharms.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a858bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ImportCharms.h
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "CharmDatabase.h"
+#include "Armor.h"
+#include "SaveData.h"
+using namespace System;
+using namespace System::ComponentModel;
+using namespace System::Collections;
+using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
+using namespace System::Data;
+using namespace System::Drawing;
+namespace MHXXASS {
+ public ref class ImportCharms : public System::Windows::Forms::Form
+ {
+ array< List_t< Charm^ >^ >^ charms;
+ array< RadioButton^ >^ char_buttons;
+ unsigned selected;
+ public:
+ unsigned language;
+ bool failed;
+ ImportCharms(void)
+ {
+ InitializeComponent();
+ {
+ array< RadioButton^ >^ temp = { rdoChar1, rdoChar2, rdoChar3 };
+ char_buttons = temp;
+ }
+ failed = false;
+ listView1->Columns[ 0 ]->Width = -1;
+ DialogResult = System::Windows::Forms::DialogResult::Cancel;
+ Text = StaticString( ImportCharmsFromSaveData );
+ btnOK->Text = StaticString( Import );
+ btnSelectBest->Text = StaticString( SelectBest );
+ btnSelectNone->Text = StaticString( SelectNone );
+ btnCancel->Text = StaticString( Cancel );
+ btnSort->Text = StaticString( Sort );
+ chkDeleteExisting->Text = StaticString( DeleteExistingCharms );
+ grpCharms->Text = StaticString( Charms );
+ grpCharacters->Text = StaticString( Characters );
+ }
+ protected:
+ ///
+ /// Clean up any resources being used.
+ ///
+ ~ImportCharms()
+ {
+ if (components)
+ {
+ delete components;
+ }
+ }
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnOK;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnCancel;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ListView^ listView1;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox^ grpCharms;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::CheckBox^ chkDeleteExisting;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox^ groupBox2;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ColumnHeader^ columnHeader1;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnSelectNone;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnSelectBest;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnSort;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox^ grpCharacters;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::RadioButton^ rdoChar3;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::RadioButton^ rdoChar2;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::RadioButton^ rdoChar1;
+ private:
+ ///
+ /// Required designer variable.
+ ///
+ System::ComponentModel::Container ^components;
+#pragma region Windows Form Designer generated code
+ ///
+ /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
+ /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
+ ///
+ void InitializeComponent(void)
+ {
+ this->btnOK = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->btnCancel = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->listView1 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ListView());
+ this->columnHeader1 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ColumnHeader());
+ this->grpCharms = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox());
+ this->chkDeleteExisting = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::CheckBox());
+ this->groupBox2 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox());
+ this->btnSort = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->btnSelectBest = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->btnSelectNone = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->grpCharacters = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox());
+ this->rdoChar3 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::RadioButton());
+ this->rdoChar2 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::RadioButton());
+ this->rdoChar1 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::RadioButton());
+ this->grpCharms->SuspendLayout();
+ this->groupBox2->SuspendLayout();
+ this->grpCharacters->SuspendLayout();
+ this->SuspendLayout();
+ //
+ // btnOK
+ //
+ this->btnOK->Location = System::Drawing::Point(87, 42);
+ this->btnOK->Name = L"btnOK";
+ this->btnOK->Size = System::Drawing::Size(75, 23);
+ this->btnOK->TabIndex = 0;
+ this->btnOK->Text = L"&Import";
+ this->btnOK->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnOK->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &ImportCharms::btnOK_Click);
+ //
+ // btnCancel
+ //
+ this->btnCancel->Location = System::Drawing::Point(87, 71);
+ this->btnCancel->Name = L"btnCancel";
+ this->btnCancel->Size = System::Drawing::Size(75, 23);
+ this->btnCancel->TabIndex = 1;
+ this->btnCancel->Text = L"&Cancel";
+ this->btnCancel->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnCancel->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &ImportCharms::btnCancel_Click);
+ //
+ // listView1
+ //
+ this->listView1->Anchor = static_cast((((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom)
+ | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Left)
+ | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Right));
+ this->listView1->CheckBoxes = true;
+ this->listView1->Columns->AddRange(gcnew cli::array< System::Windows::Forms::ColumnHeader^ >(1) {this->columnHeader1});
+ this->listView1->Location = System::Drawing::Point(6, 19);
+ this->listView1->MultiSelect = false;
+ this->listView1->Name = L"listView1";
+ this->listView1->Size = System::Drawing::Size(319, 328);
+ this->listView1->TabIndex = 2;
+ this->listView1->UseCompatibleStateImageBehavior = false;
+ this->listView1->View = System::Windows::Forms::View::List;
+ //
+ // grpCharms
+ //
+ this->grpCharms->Anchor = static_cast((((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom)
+ | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Left)
+ | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Right));
+ this->grpCharms->Controls->Add(this->listView1);
+ this->grpCharms->Location = System::Drawing::Point(12, 8);
+ this->grpCharms->Name = L"grpCharms";
+ this->grpCharms->Size = System::Drawing::Size(331, 353);
+ this->grpCharms->TabIndex = 3;
+ this->grpCharms->TabStop = false;
+ this->grpCharms->Text = L"Charms";
+ //
+ // chkDeleteExisting
+ //
+ this->chkDeleteExisting->AutoSize = true;
+ this->chkDeleteExisting->Checked = true;
+ this->chkDeleteExisting->CheckState = System::Windows::Forms::CheckState::Checked;
+ this->chkDeleteExisting->Location = System::Drawing::Point(6, 19);
+ this->chkDeleteExisting->Name = L"chkDeleteExisting";
+ this->chkDeleteExisting->Size = System::Drawing::Size(134, 17);
+ this->chkDeleteExisting->TabIndex = 4;
+ this->chkDeleteExisting->Text = L"Delete Existing Charms";
+ this->chkDeleteExisting->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ //
+ // groupBox2
+ //
+ this->groupBox2->Anchor = static_cast((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Right));
+ this->groupBox2->Controls->Add(this->btnSort);
+ this->groupBox2->Controls->Add(this->btnSelectBest);
+ this->groupBox2->Controls->Add(this->btnSelectNone);
+ this->groupBox2->Controls->Add(this->chkDeleteExisting);
+ this->groupBox2->Controls->Add(this->btnOK);
+ this->groupBox2->Controls->Add(this->btnCancel);
+ this->groupBox2->Location = System::Drawing::Point(349, 8);
+ this->groupBox2->Name = L"groupBox2";
+ this->groupBox2->Size = System::Drawing::Size(174, 129);
+ this->groupBox2->TabIndex = 5;
+ this->groupBox2->TabStop = false;
+ //
+ // btnSort
+ //
+ this->btnSort->Location = System::Drawing::Point(6, 100);
+ this->btnSort->Name = L"btnSort";
+ this->btnSort->Size = System::Drawing::Size(75, 23);
+ this->btnSort->TabIndex = 7;
+ this->btnSort->Text = L"&Sort";
+ this->btnSort->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnSort->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &ImportCharms::btnSort_Click);
+ //
+ // btnSelectBest
+ //
+ this->btnSelectBest->Location = System::Drawing::Point(6, 71);
+ this->btnSelectBest->Name = L"btnSelectBest";
+ this->btnSelectBest->Size = System::Drawing::Size(75, 23);
+ this->btnSelectBest->TabIndex = 6;
+ this->btnSelectBest->Text = L"Select &Best";
+ this->btnSelectBest->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnSelectBest->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &ImportCharms::btnSelectBest_Click);
+ //
+ // btnSelectNone
+ //
+ this->btnSelectNone->Location = System::Drawing::Point(6, 42);
+ this->btnSelectNone->Name = L"btnSelectNone";
+ this->btnSelectNone->Size = System::Drawing::Size(75, 23);
+ this->btnSelectNone->TabIndex = 5;
+ this->btnSelectNone->Text = L"Select &None";
+ this->btnSelectNone->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnSelectNone->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &ImportCharms::btnSelectNone_Click);
+ //
+ // grpCharacters
+ //
+ this->grpCharacters->Anchor = static_cast((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Right));
+ this->grpCharacters->Controls->Add(this->rdoChar3);
+ this->grpCharacters->Controls->Add(this->rdoChar2);
+ this->grpCharacters->Controls->Add(this->rdoChar1);
+ this->grpCharacters->Location = System::Drawing::Point(349, 143);
+ this->grpCharacters->Name = L"grpCharacters";
+ this->grpCharacters->Size = System::Drawing::Size(174, 92);
+ this->grpCharacters->TabIndex = 6;
+ this->grpCharacters->TabStop = false;
+ this->grpCharacters->Text = L"Characters";
+ //
+ // rdoChar3
+ //
+ this->rdoChar3->AutoSize = true;
+ this->rdoChar3->Location = System::Drawing::Point(6, 65);
+ this->rdoChar3->Name = L"rdoChar3";
+ this->rdoChar3->Size = System::Drawing::Size(85, 17);
+ this->rdoChar3->TabIndex = 2;
+ this->rdoChar3->TabStop = true;
+ this->rdoChar3->Text = L"radioButton3";
+ this->rdoChar3->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->rdoChar3->CheckedChanged += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &ImportCharms::rdoChar_CheckedChanged);
+ //
+ // rdoChar2
+ //
+ this->rdoChar2->AutoSize = true;
+ this->rdoChar2->Location = System::Drawing::Point(6, 42);
+ this->rdoChar2->Name = L"rdoChar2";
+ this->rdoChar2->Size = System::Drawing::Size(85, 17);
+ this->rdoChar2->TabIndex = 1;
+ this->rdoChar2->TabStop = true;
+ this->rdoChar2->Text = L"radioButton2";
+ this->rdoChar2->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->rdoChar2->CheckedChanged += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &ImportCharms::rdoChar_CheckedChanged);
+ //
+ // rdoChar1
+ //
+ this->rdoChar1->AutoSize = true;
+ this->rdoChar1->Location = System::Drawing::Point(6, 19);
+ this->rdoChar1->Name = L"rdoChar1";
+ this->rdoChar1->Size = System::Drawing::Size(85, 17);
+ this->rdoChar1->TabIndex = 0;
+ this->rdoChar1->TabStop = true;
+ this->rdoChar1->Text = L"radioButton1";
+ this->rdoChar1->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->rdoChar1->CheckedChanged += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &ImportCharms::rdoChar_CheckedChanged);
+ //
+ // ImportCharms
+ //
+ this->AutoScaleDimensions = System::Drawing::SizeF(6, 13);
+ this->AutoScaleMode = System::Windows::Forms::AutoScaleMode::Font;
+ this->ClientSize = System::Drawing::Size(535, 373);
+ this->Controls->Add(this->grpCharacters);
+ this->Controls->Add(this->groupBox2);
+ this->Controls->Add(this->grpCharms);
+ this->Name = L"ImportCharms";
+ this->Text = L"Import Charms";
+ this->grpCharms->ResumeLayout(false);
+ this->groupBox2->ResumeLayout(false);
+ this->groupBox2->PerformLayout();
+ this->grpCharacters->ResumeLayout(false);
+ this->grpCharacters->PerformLayout();
+ this->ResumeLayout(false);
+ }
+#pragma endregion
+ void btnCancel_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ Close();
+ }
+ void AddCharms()
+ {
+ List_t< Charm^ >^ charm_list = charms[ selected ];
+ for( int i = 0; i < charm_list->Count; ++i )
+ {
+ if( listView1->Items[ i ]->Checked && !charm_list[ i ]->hacked )
+ {
+ charm_list[ i ]->custom = true;
+ CharmDatabase::mycharms.Add( charm_list[ i ] );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void btnOK_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ DialogResult = System::Windows::Forms::DialogResult::OK;
+ if( chkDeleteExisting )
+ CharmDatabase::mycharms.Clear();
+ listView1->Enabled = false;
+ AddCharms();
+ CharmDatabase::SaveCustom();
+ Close();
+ }
+ void RefreshCharmList()
+ {
+ listView1->BeginUpdate();
+ listView1->Clear();
+ for each( Charm^ charm in charms[ selected ] )
+ {
+ listView1->Items->Add( charm->GetName() );
+ }
+ listView1->EndUpdate();
+ //select best ones by default
+ btnSelectBest_Click( nullptr, nullptr );
+ }
+ void LoadCharms( String^ filename )
+ {
+ if( filename->EndsWith( L"mycharms.txt" ) )
+ {
+ charms = gcnew array< List_t< Charm^ >^ >( 1 );
+ charms[0] = CharmDatabase::LoadCharms( filename );
+ selected = 0;
+ grpCharacters->Visible = false;
+ rdoChar1->Visible = false;
+ rdoChar2->Visible = false;
+ rdoChar3->Visible = false;
+ rdoChar1->Enabled = false;
+ rdoChar2->Enabled = false;
+ rdoChar3->Enabled = false;
+ RefreshCharmList();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //load save data
+ SaveData save_data( filename );
+ if( save_data.failed )
+ {
+ MessageBox::Show( this, StaticString( SaveDataFileCorrupted ), StaticString( Error ), MessageBoxButtons::OK, MessageBoxIcon::Error );
+ return;
+ }
+ charms = gcnew array< List_t< Charm^ >^ >( 3 );
+ for( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
+ {
+ if( save_data.characters[ i ] )
+ {
+ char_buttons[ i ]->Text = save_data.characters[ i ]->name;
+ charms[ i ] = %save_data.characters[ i ]->charms;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ char_buttons[ i ]->Text = StaticString( NoneBrackets );
+ charms[ i ] = gcnew List_t< Charm^ >();
+ char_buttons[ i ]->Enabled = false;
+ }
+ }
+ selected = save_data.last_used;
+ char_buttons[ selected ]->Checked = true;
+ //RefreshCharmList() will be called by the radio button checked event
+ }
+ }
+ System::Void btnSelectNone_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ listView1->BeginUpdate();
+ for each( ListViewItem^ item in listView1->Items )
+ item->Checked = false;
+ listView1->EndUpdate();
+ }
+ System::Void btnSelectBest_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ listView1->BeginUpdate();
+ for each( Ability^ a in Ability::static_abilities )
+ {
+ a->relevant = true;
+ }
+ List_t< Charm^ >^ charm_list = charms[ selected ];
+ for( int i = 0; i < charm_list->Count; ++i )
+ {
+ if( charm_list[ i ]->hacked )
+ {
+ listView1->Items[ i ]->ForeColor = Color::Red;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ listView1->Items[ i ]->Checked = true;
+ for( int j = 0; j < i; j++ )
+ {
+ if( listView1->Items[ j ]->Checked )
+ {
+ if( charm_list[ i ]->StrictlyBetterThan( charm_list[ j ] ) )
+ listView1->Items[ j ]->Checked = false;
+ else if( charm_list[ j ]->StrictlyBetterThan( charm_list[ i ] ) ||
+ charm_list[ i ] == charm_list[ j ] )
+ listView1->Items[ i ]->Checked = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ listView1->EndUpdate();
+ }
+ System::Void listView1_ItemChecked(System::Object^ sender, ItemCheckEventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ if( charms[ selected ][ e->Index ]->hacked )
+ e->NewValue = e->CurrentValue;
+ }
+ System::Void btnSort_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ btnSort->Enabled = false;
+ charms[ selected ]->Sort( gcnew Comparison< Charm^ >( CompareCharms1 ) );
+ RefreshCharmList();
+ }
+ System::Void rdoChar_CheckedChanged(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ RadioButton^ rdo = safe_cast< RadioButton^ >( sender );
+ if( rdo->Checked )
+ {
+ selected = rdo->TabIndex;
+ RefreshCharmList();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/ImportCharms.resx b/ImportCharms.resx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19dc0dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ImportCharms.resx
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ text/microsoft-resx
+ 2.0
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Language.cpp b/Language.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5831707
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Language.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "Language.h"
+#include "Armor.h"
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < int( Armor::ArmorType::NumArmorTypes ); ++i )
+ armors.Add( gcnew List_t< System::String^ > );
diff --git a/Language.h b/Language.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1454bf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Language.h
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "Common.h"
+ref struct Language
+ System::String^ name;
+ List_t< System::String^ > decorations, skills, abilities, tags, components, string_table;
+ List_t< List_t< System::String^ >^ > armors;
+ Language();
diff --git a/LoadedData.cpp b/LoadedData.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..274f1e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LoadedData.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "Skill.h"
+#include "Common.h"
+#include "LoadedData.h"
+#include "CharmDatabase.h"
+using namespace System;
+Skill^ LoadedData::FindSkill( const unsigned skill )
+ Assert( int( skill ) < Skill::static_skills.Count, L"Skill index out of range" );
+ return Skill::static_skills[ skill ];
+SkillTag^ SkillTag::FindTag( String^ tag )
+ for each( SkillTag^ st in tags )
+ {
+ if( st->name == tag )
+ return st;
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+void DumpFamilies( String^ filename )
+ Map_t< int, List_t< Armor^ >^ > fammap;
+ for each( List_t< Armor^ >^ l in Armor::static_armors )
+ {
+ for each( Armor^ a in l )
+ {
+ if( !fammap.ContainsKey( a->family ) )
+ fammap.Add( a->family, gcnew List_t< Armor^ >() );
+ fammap[ a->family ]->Add( a );
+ }
+ }
+ IO::StreamWriter fout( filename );
+ Map_t< int, List_t< Armor^ >^ >::Enumerator e = fammap.GetEnumerator();
+ int last_family = -1;
+ while( e.MoveNext() )
+ {
+ if( e.Current.Key != last_family )
+ {
+ last_family = e.Current.Key;
+ fout.WriteLine( L"\nFamily " + last_family );
+ }
+ for each( Armor^ a in e.Current.Value )
+ {
+ fout.WriteLine( a->name );
+ }
+ }
+void DumpSkills( String^ filename )
+ IO::StreamWriter fout( filename );
+ for each( Ability^ ab in Ability::static_abilities )
+ {
+ fout.WriteLine( ab->jap_name );
+ }
+ fout.WriteLine();
+ for each( Skill^ sk in Skill::static_skills )
+ {
+ fout.WriteLine( sk->name );
+ }
+void LoadedData::LoadDataFiles()
+ Armor::static_armors = gcnew array< List_t< Armor^ >^ >( int( Armor::ArmorType::NumArmorTypes ) );
+ Armor::charm_up_armors_b = gcnew array< Armor^ >( int( Armor::ArmorType::NumArmorTypes ) );
+ Armor::charm_up_armors_g = gcnew array< Armor^ >( int( Armor::ArmorType::NumArmorTypes ) );
+ for( int i = 0; i < Armor::static_armors->Length; ++i )
+ Armor::static_armors[ i ] = gcnew List_t< Armor^ >;
+ Material::LoadMaterials( L"Data/components.txt" );
+ SkillTag::Load( L"Data/tags.txt" );
+ Skill::Load( L"Data/skills.txt" );
+ Skill::LoadCompound( L"Data/compound_skills.txt" );
+ //DumpSkills( L"Data/Languages/Japanese/skills.txt" );
+ Skill::LoadSaveData( L"Data/savedata_format.txt");
+ Armor::Load( L"Data/head.txt", Armor::ArmorType::HEAD );
+ Armor::Load( L"Data/body.txt", Armor::ArmorType::BODY );
+ Armor::Load( L"Data/arms.txt", Armor::ArmorType::ARMS );
+ Armor::Load( L"Data/waist.txt", Armor::ArmorType::WAIST );
+ Armor::Load( L"Data/legs.txt", Armor::ArmorType::LEGS );
+ Decoration::Load( L"Data/decorations.txt" );
+ //DumpFamilies( L"Data/families.txt" );
+void AddToList( List_t< Decoration^ >^ list, Decoration^ item, List_t< Ability^ >^ rel_abilities, List_t< Decoration^ >^ inf_decs, const bool adv, const bool want_taunt )
+ if( adv && item->force_disable )
+ return;
+ const bool may_remove_self = !adv || !item->force_enable;
+ for( int i = 0; i < list->Count; ++i )
+ {
+ if( item->IsBetterThan( list[ i ], rel_abilities ) )
+ {
+ const bool may_remove = !adv || !list[ i ]->force_enable;
+ if( may_remove && !list[ i ]->IsBetterThan( item, rel_abilities ) )
+ list->Remove( list[ i-- ] );
+ }
+ else if( may_remove_self && list[ i ]->IsBetterThan( item, rel_abilities ) )
+ return;
+ }
+ list->Add( item );
+ inf_decs->Add( item );
+void AddToList( List_t< Armor^ >^ list, Armor^ armor, List_t< Ability^ >^ rel_abilities, List_t< Armor^ >^ inf_armor, const bool adv, const bool want_taunt )
+ if( adv && armor->force_disable )
+ return;
+ const bool may_remove_self = !adv || !armor->force_enable;
+ for( int i = 0; i < list->Count; ++i )
+ {
+ if( armor->IsBetterThan( list[ i ], rel_abilities, want_taunt) )
+ {
+ const bool may_remove = !adv || !list[ i ]->force_enable;
+ if( may_remove && ( !armor->danger || armor->danger == list[ i ]->danger ) && !list[ i ]->IsBetterThan( armor, rel_abilities, want_taunt ) )
+ {
+ list->Remove( list[ i-- ] );
+ }
+ }
+ else if( may_remove_self && ( !list[ i ]->danger || list[ i ]->danger == armor->danger ) && list[ i ]->IsBetterThan( armor, rel_abilities, want_taunt ) )
+ {
+ if( inf_armor )
+ {
+ inf_armor->Add( armor );
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ list->Add( armor );
+ if( inf_armor )
+ inf_armor->Add( armor );
+void GetRelevantArmors( Query^ query, List_t< Armor^ >^ rel_armor, List_t< Armor^ >^ list, List_t< Armor^ >^ inf_armor, List_t< Ability^ >^ danger_skills, unsigned % max_slots )
+ bool need_slot_only = true;
+ for each( Armor^ armor in list )
+ {
+ if( armor->MatchesQuery( query, danger_skills, max_slots ) )
+ {
+ if( armor->num_slots > max_slots )
+ {
+ max_slots = armor->num_slots;
+ need_slot_only = armor->no_skills;
+ }
+ else if( armor->num_slots == max_slots && !armor->no_skills )
+ need_slot_only = false;
+ AddToList( rel_armor, armor, %query->rel_abilities, inf_armor, false, query->want_taunt );
+ }
+ }
+ for( int i = 0; i < inf_armor->Count; ++i )
+ {
+ Armor^ a = inf_armor[ i ];
+ if( a->no_skills )
+ {
+ if( a->num_slots < max_slots ||
+ a->num_slots == max_slots && !need_slot_only )
+ inf_armor->RemoveAt( i-- );
+ }
+ }
+void GetRelevantDecorations( Query^ query )
+ for each( Skill^ skill in query->skills )
+ {
+ if( !Decoration::static_decoration_ability_map.ContainsKey( skill->ability ) ||
+ skill->is_taunt )
+ continue;
+ for each( Decoration^ decoration in Decoration::static_decoration_ability_map[ skill->ability ] )
+ {
+ if( decoration->MatchesQuery( query ) )
+ {
+ AddToList( %query->rel_decorations, decoration, %query->rel_abilities, %query->inf_decorations, false, query->want_taunt );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( query->want_taunt )
+ {
+ for each( Decoration^ decoration in Decoration::static_decorations )
+ {
+ if( decoration->slots_required == 1 &&
+ decoration->abilities.Count == 2 &&
+ decoration->abilities[1]->ability == SpecificAbility::sense &&
+ decoration->abilities[1]->amount < 0 )
+ {
+ if( decoration->hr > query->hr && decoration->elder_star > query->elder_star ||
+ decoration->is_event && !query->allow_event )
+ continue;
+ query->taunt_decorations.Add( decoration );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //for each( Decoration^ decoration in query->rel_decorations )
+ // decoration->dangerous = decoration->abilities.Count == 2 && Utility::Contains( %query->rel_abilities, decoration->abilities[ 1 ]->ability );
+int NeededPoints( List_t< Skill^ >^ skills, Ability^ ability )
+ for each( Skill^ skill in skills )
+ {
+ if( skill->ability == ability )
+ return skill->points_required;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void LoadedData::GetRelevantData( Query^ query )
+ for each( Ability^ ab in Ability::static_abilities )
+ {
+ ab->relevant = false;
+ }
+ for each( Skill^ skill in query->skills )
+ {
+ skill->autodisabled = false;
+ }
+ List_t< Ability^ > danger_skills;
+ //get relevant abilities
+ for each( Skill^ skill in query->skills )
+ {
+ if( !skill->is_taunt )
+ {
+ query->rel_abilities.Add( skill->ability );
+ skill->ability->relevant = true;
+ }
+ if( Skill::compound_skill_map.ContainsKey( skill ) )
+ {
+ for each( Skill^ s in Skill::compound_skill_map[ skill ] )
+ {
+ s->autodisabled = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ query->rel_abilities.TrimExcess();
+ //get relevant decorations
+ Decoration::RecheckEfficientDecorations( query );
+ GetRelevantDecorations( query );
+ query->rel_decorations.TrimExcess();
+ //get danger skills
+ /*if( query->danger )
+ for each( Decoration^ decoration in query->rel_decorations )
+ {
+ Ability^ bad_ability = nullptr;
+ bool points20 = false;
+ for each( AbilityPair^ apair in decoration->abilities )
+ {
+ if( apair->amount < 0 )
+ {
+ if( !Utility::Contains( %danger_skills, apair->ability ) )
+ bad_ability = apair->ability;
+ }
+ else if( NeededPoints( %query->skills, apair->ability ) == 20 )
+ points20 = true;
+ }
+ if( points20 && bad_ability )
+ danger_skills.Add( bad_ability );
+ }*/
+ //get relevant armors
+ for( int i = 0; i < int( Armor::ArmorType::NumArmorTypes ); ++i )
+ {
+ unsigned max_slots = 0;
+ GetRelevantArmors( query, query->rel_armor[ i ], Armor::static_armors[ i ], query->inf_armor[ i ], %danger_skills, max_slots );
+ query->rel_armor[ i ]->TrimExcess();
+ }
+ query->rel_armor.TrimExcess();
+void SkillTag::Load( System::String^ filename )
+ tags.Clear();
+ tags.Add( gcnew SkillTag( L"All" ) );
+ tags.Add( gcnew SkillTag( L"Misc" ) );
+ tags.Add( gcnew SkillTag( L"Related" ) );
+ IO::StreamReader fin( filename );
+ while( !fin.EndOfStream )
+ {
+ String^ tag = fin.ReadLine();
+ if( tag != L"" )
+ tags.Add( gcnew SkillTag( tag ) );
+ }
+void SkillTag::LoadLanguage( String^ filename )
+ IO::StreamReader fin( filename );
+ for( int i = 0; i < tags.Count; )
+ {
+ String^ line = fin.ReadLine();
+ if( line == L"" || line[ 0 ] == L'#' )
+ continue;
+ tags[ i ]->name = line;
+ i++;
+ }
+SkillTag::SkillTag( System::String^ s )
+ : name( s ), disable_g( s == "Blademaster" ), disable_b( s == "Bow/Gunner" )
diff --git a/LoadedData.h b/LoadedData.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5832f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LoadedData.h
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "Armor.h"
+#include "Decoration.h"
+#include "Solution.h"
+ref struct SkillTag
+ System::String^ name;
+ bool disable_g, disable_b;
+ SkillTag( System::String^ s );
+ static List_t< SkillTag^ > tags;
+ static SkillTag^ FindTag( System::String^ tag );
+ static void Load( System::String^ filename );
+ static void LoadLanguage( System::String^ filename );
+void AddToList( List_t< Decoration^ >^ list, Decoration^ item, List_t< Ability^ >^ rel_abilities, List_t< Decoration^ >^ inf_decs, const bool adv, const bool want_taunt );
+void AddToList( List_t< Armor^ >^ list, Armor^ armor, List_t< Ability^ >^ rel_abilities, List_t< Armor^ >^ inf_armor, const bool adv, const bool want_taunt );
+ref class LoadedData
+ Skill^ FindSkill( const unsigned skill );
+ void LoadDataFiles();
+ void GetRelevantData( Query^ query );
diff --git a/MHXX ASS.cpp b/MHXX ASS.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f676bef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MHXX ASS.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// MHXX ASS.cpp : main project file.
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "Form1.h"
+using namespace MHXXASS;
+int main(array ^args)
+ // Enabling Windows XP visual effects before any controls are created
+ Application::EnableVisualStyles();
+ Application::SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false);
+ // Create the main window and run it
+ Application::Run(gcnew Form1());
+ return 0;
diff --git a/MHXX ASS.sln b/MHXX ASS.sln
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d115560
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MHXX ASS.sln
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
+# Visual Studio 15
+VisualStudioVersion = 15.0.26730.12
+MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "MHXX ASS", "MHXX ASS.vcxproj", "{A81954DD-AC39-4BA0-89B7-209D242373BF}"
+ GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
+ Debug|Win32 = Debug|Win32
+ Release|Win32 = Release|Win32
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
+ {A81954DD-AC39-4BA0-89B7-209D242373BF}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {A81954DD-AC39-4BA0-89B7-209D242373BF}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {A81954DD-AC39-4BA0-89B7-209D242373BF}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {A81954DD-AC39-4BA0-89B7-209D242373BF}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
+ HideSolutionNode = FALSE
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(ExtensibilityGlobals) = postSolution
+ SolutionGuid = {40FA9A12-EF9D-4910-B270-602BFE23DBED}
+ EndGlobalSection
diff --git a/MHXX ASS.vcproj b/MHXX ASS.vcproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a50b202
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MHXX ASS.vcproj
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
diff --git a/MHXX ASS.vcxproj b/MHXX ASS.vcxproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc30f6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MHXX ASS.vcxproj
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+ Debug
+ Win32
+ Release
+ Win32
+ {A81954DD-AC39-4BA0-89B7-209D242373BF}
+ ManagedCProj
+ 10.0.15063.0
+ 4.5
+ Application
+ v141
+ Unicode
+ true
+ true
+ Application
+ v141
+ Unicode
+ true
+ <_ProjectFileVersion>15.0.26730.12
+ $(SolutionDir)$(Configuration)\
+ $(Configuration)\
+ true
+ $(SolutionDir)$(Configuration)\
+ $(Configuration)\
+ false
+ Disabled
+ WIN32;_DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ MultiThreadedDebugDLL
+ Use
+ Level3
+ ProgramDatabase
+ true
+ true
+ Windows
+ main
+ MachineX86
+ WIN32;NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ MultiThreadedDLL
+ Use
+ Level3
+ ProgramDatabase
+ true
+ Windows
+ main
+ MachineX86
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Create
+ Create
+ CppForm
+ CppForm
+ CppForm
+ CppForm
+ CppForm
+ CppForm
+ CppForm
+ CppForm
+ CppForm
+ About.h
+ Designer
+ Advanced.h
+ Designer
+ Find.h
+ Designer
+ Form1.h
+ Designer
+ ImportCharms.h
+ Designer
+ ManageCharms.h
+ Designer
+ PreviewImage.h
+ Designer
+ SelectJapaneseSkill.h
+ Designer
+ SkillHelp.h
+ Designer
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MHXX ASS.vcxproj.filters b/MHXX ASS.vcxproj.filters
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58afa8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MHXX ASS.vcxproj.filters
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+ {4FC737F1-C7A5-4376-A066-2A32D752A2FF}
+ cpp;c;cc;cxx;def;odl;idl;hpj;bat;asm;asmx
+ {93995380-89BD-4b04-88EB-625FBE52EBFB}
+ h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl;inc;xsd
+ {67DA6AB6-F800-4c08-8B7A-83BB121AAD01}
+ rc;ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe;resx;tiff;tif;png;wav
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Header Files
+ Header Files
+ Header Files
+ Header Files
+ Header Files
+ Header Files
+ Header Files
+ Header Files
+ Header Files
+ Header Files
+ Header Files
+ Header Files
+ Header Files
+ Header Files
+ Header Files
+ Header Files
+ Header Files
+ Header Files
+ Header Files
+ Header Files
+ Header Files
+ Header Files
+ Resource Files
+ Resource Files
+ Resource Files
+ Resource Files
+ Resource Files
+ Resource Files
+ Resource Files
+ Resource Files
+ Resource Files
+ Resource Files
+ Resource Files
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ManageCharms.cpp b/ManageCharms.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a7da39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ManageCharms.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#include "StdAfx.h"
+#include "ManageCharms.h"
diff --git a/ManageCharms.h b/ManageCharms.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5aab20d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ManageCharms.h
@@ -0,0 +1,939 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "CharmDatabase.h"
+#include "Armor.h"
+#include "LoadedData.h"
+#include "Common.h"
+#include "ImportCharms.h"
+#include "SelectJapaneseSkill.h"
+using namespace System;
+using namespace System::ComponentModel;
+using namespace System::Collections;
+using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
+using namespace System::Data;
+using namespace System::Drawing;
+#pragma warning( disable: 4677 ) //warning for passing my own class into this form
+namespace MHXXASS {
+ public ref class ManageCharms : public System::Windows::Forms::Form
+ {
+ const int language;
+ bool update_skills, updating_charms, sort_alphabetically;
+ LoadedData^ data;
+ List_t< Charm^ > best_charms;
+ public:
+ ManageCharms( const int language, LoadedData^ _data, const bool sort_alphabetically )
+ : language( language ), data(_data ), update_skills( true ), updating_charms( false ), sort_alphabetically( sort_alphabetically )
+ {
+ InitializeComponent();
+ lstCharms->DrawItem += gcnew DrawItemEventHandler( this, &ManageCharms::lstCharms_DrawItem );
+ for each( Ability^ ab in Ability::static_abilities )
+ ab->relevant = true;
+ RefreshList( -1 );
+ UpdateBestCharms();
+ InitFilter( cmbSkillFilters1 );
+ InitFilter( cmbSkillFilters2 );
+ cmbAmount1->SelectedIndex = 0;
+ cmbAmount2->SelectedIndex = 0;
+ cmbAmount1->LostFocus += gcnew EventHandler( this, &ManageCharms::cmbAmount_LostFocus );
+ cmbAmount2->LostFocus += gcnew EventHandler( this, &ManageCharms::cmbAmount_LostFocus );
+ Text = BasicString( MyCharms );
+ btnAddNew->Text = StaticString( AddNewCharm );
+ btnSave->Text = StaticString( SaveCharms );
+ btnDelete->Text = StaticString( DeleteCharm );
+ btnDeleteAll->Text = StaticString( DeleteAllCharms );
+ btnMoveUp->Text = StaticString( MoveUp );
+ btnMoveDown->Text = StaticString( MoveDown );
+ btnTrim->Text = StaticString( TrimCharms );
+ btnSort1->Text = StaticString( SortBySkill1 );
+ btnSort2->Text = StaticString( SortBySkill2 );
+ lblSlots->Text = StaticString( Slots );
+ btnImport->Text = StaticString( Import );
+ btnReset->Text = StaticString( ResetCharm );
+ btnJap1->Text = StaticString( Jap );
+ btnJap2->Text = StaticString( Jap );
+ MatchWidthToText( btnAddNew );
+ MatchWidthToText( btnSave );
+ MatchWidthToText( btnReset );
+ lblSlots->Width = TextRenderer::MeasureText( lblSlots->Text, lblSlots->Font ).Width;
+ PlaceToTheRightOf( nudSlots, lblSlots, 6 );
+ PlaceToTheRightOf( btnAddNew, nudSlots, 6 );
+ PlaceToTheRightOf( btnSave, btnAddNew, 6 );
+ PlaceToTheRightOf( btnReset, btnSave, 6 );
+ if( lstCharms->SelectedIndex == -1 )
+ btnSave->Enabled = false;
+ cmbSkills1->DropDown += gcnew System::EventHandler( this, &ManageCharms::SkillCombo_DropDown );
+ cmbSkills2->DropDown += gcnew System::EventHandler( this, &ManageCharms::SkillCombo_DropDown );
+ cmbSkills1->DropDownClosed += gcnew System::EventHandler( this, &ManageCharms::SkillCombo_DropDownClosed );
+ cmbSkills2->DropDownClosed += gcnew System::EventHandler( this, &ManageCharms::SkillCombo_DropDownClosed );
+ }
+ void MatchWidthToText( Control^ b )
+ {
+ b->Width = 10 + TextRenderer::MeasureText( b->Text, b->Font ).Width;
+ }
+ void PlaceToTheRightOf( Control^ to_move, Control^ left, const int extra )
+ {
+ to_move->Location = Point( left->Location.X + left->Width + extra, to_move->Location.Y );
+ }
+ void InitFilter( ComboBox^ cb )
+ {
+ cb->BeginUpdate();
+ cb->Items->Clear();
+ for each( SkillTag^ tag in SkillTag::tags )
+ {
+ cb->Items->Add( tag->name );
+ }
+ cb->SelectedIndex = 0;
+ cb->EndUpdate();
+ }
+ protected:
+ ~ManageCharms()
+ {
+ if( components )
+ {
+ for each( Ability^ ab in Ability::static_abilities )
+ ab->relevant = false;
+ delete components;
+ }
+ }
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ListBox^ lstCharms;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Label^ lblSlots;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::NumericUpDown^ nudSlots;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnAddNew;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnSave;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ComboBox^ cmbSkills1;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ComboBox^ cmbSkills2;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ComboBox^ cmbAmount1;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ComboBox^ cmbAmount2;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnDelete;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnMoveUp;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnMoveDown;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox^ groupBox1;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox^ groupBox2;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ComboBox^ cmbSkillFilters2;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::ComboBox^ cmbSkillFilters1;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnDeleteAll;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnTrim;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnSort1;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnSort2;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnJap2;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnJap1;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnImport;
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ btnReset;
+private: System::ComponentModel::IContainer^ components;
+#pragma region Windows Form Designer generated code
+ ///
+ /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
+ /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
+ ///
+ void InitializeComponent(void)
+ {
+ this->lstCharms = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ListBox());
+ this->lblSlots = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Label());
+ this->nudSlots = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::NumericUpDown());
+ this->btnAddNew = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->btnSave = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->cmbSkills1 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ComboBox());
+ this->cmbSkills2 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ComboBox());
+ this->cmbAmount1 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ComboBox());
+ this->cmbAmount2 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ComboBox());
+ this->btnDelete = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->btnMoveUp = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->btnMoveDown = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->groupBox1 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox());
+ this->btnReset = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->btnJap2 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->btnJap1 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->cmbSkillFilters2 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ComboBox());
+ this->cmbSkillFilters1 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ComboBox());
+ this->groupBox2 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::GroupBox());
+ this->btnSort2 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->btnImport = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->btnSort1 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->btnTrim = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ this->btnDeleteAll = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button());
+ (cli::safe_cast(this->nudSlots))->BeginInit();
+ this->groupBox1->SuspendLayout();
+ this->groupBox2->SuspendLayout();
+ this->SuspendLayout();
+ //
+ // lstCharms
+ //
+ this->lstCharms->Anchor = static_cast((((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom)
+ | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Left)
+ | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Right));
+ this->lstCharms->DrawMode = System::Windows::Forms::DrawMode::OwnerDrawFixed;
+ this->lstCharms->FormattingEnabled = true;
+ this->lstCharms->IntegralHeight = false;
+ this->lstCharms->Location = System::Drawing::Point(6, 19);
+ this->lstCharms->Name = L"lstCharms";
+ this->lstCharms->Size = System::Drawing::Size(231, 211);
+ this->lstCharms->TabIndex = 12;
+ this->lstCharms->SelectedIndexChanged += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &ManageCharms::lstCharms_SelectedIndexChanged);
+ //
+ // lblSlots
+ //
+ this->lblSlots->AutoSize = true;
+ this->lblSlots->Location = System::Drawing::Point(5, 87);
+ this->lblSlots->Name = L"lblSlots";
+ this->lblSlots->Size = System::Drawing::Size(30, 13);
+ this->lblSlots->TabIndex = 2;
+ this->lblSlots->Text = L"Slots";
+ //
+ // nudSlots
+ //
+ this->nudSlots->Location = System::Drawing::Point(41, 84);
+ this->nudSlots->Maximum = System::Decimal(gcnew cli::array< System::Int32 >(4) {3, 0, 0, 0});
+ this->nudSlots->Name = L"nudSlots";
+ this->nudSlots->Size = System::Drawing::Size(31, 20);
+ this->nudSlots->TabIndex = 8;
+ //
+ // btnAddNew
+ //
+ this->btnAddNew->Location = System::Drawing::Point(78, 81);
+ this->btnAddNew->Name = L"btnAddNew";
+ this->btnAddNew->Size = System::Drawing::Size(66, 25);
+ this->btnAddNew->TabIndex = 9;
+ this->btnAddNew->Text = L"&Add New";
+ this->btnAddNew->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnAddNew->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &ManageCharms::btnAddNew_Click);
+ //
+ // btnSave
+ //
+ this->btnSave->Location = System::Drawing::Point(150, 81);
+ this->btnSave->Name = L"btnSave";
+ this->btnSave->Size = System::Drawing::Size(66, 25);
+ this->btnSave->TabIndex = 10;
+ this->btnSave->Text = L"&Save";
+ this->btnSave->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnSave->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &ManageCharms::btnSave_Click);
+ //
+ // cmbSkills1
+ //
+ this->cmbSkills1->AutoCompleteMode = System::Windows::Forms::AutoCompleteMode::Suggest;
+ this->cmbSkills1->AutoCompleteSource = System::Windows::Forms::AutoCompleteSource::ListItems;
+ this->cmbSkills1->DropDownStyle = System::Windows::Forms::ComboBoxStyle::DropDownList;
+ this->cmbSkills1->FormattingEnabled = true;
+ this->cmbSkills1->Location = System::Drawing::Point(52, 19);
+ this->cmbSkills1->Name = L"cmbSkills1";
+ this->cmbSkills1->Size = System::Drawing::Size(132, 21);
+ this->cmbSkills1->TabIndex = 1;
+ this->cmbSkills1->SelectedIndexChanged += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &ManageCharms::cmbSkills1_SelectedIndexChanged);
+ //
+ // cmbSkills2
+ //
+ this->cmbSkills2->AutoCompleteMode = System::Windows::Forms::AutoCompleteMode::Suggest;
+ this->cmbSkills2->AutoCompleteSource = System::Windows::Forms::AutoCompleteSource::ListItems;
+ this->cmbSkills2->DropDownStyle = System::Windows::Forms::ComboBoxStyle::DropDownList;
+ this->cmbSkills2->FormattingEnabled = true;
+ this->cmbSkills2->Location = System::Drawing::Point(52, 46);
+ this->cmbSkills2->Name = L"cmbSkills2";
+ this->cmbSkills2->Size = System::Drawing::Size(132, 21);
+ this->cmbSkills2->TabIndex = 5;
+ this->cmbSkills2->SelectedIndexChanged += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &ManageCharms::cmbSkills2_SelectedIndexChanged);
+ //
+ // cmbAmount1
+ //
+ this->cmbAmount1->FormattingEnabled = true;
+ this->cmbAmount1->Items->AddRange(gcnew cli::array< System::Object^ >(15) {L"0", L"1", L"2", L"3", L"4", L"5", L"6", L"7",
+ L"8", L"9", L"10", L"11", L"12", L"13", L"14"});
+ this->cmbAmount1->Location = System::Drawing::Point(6, 19);
+ this->cmbAmount1->MaxLength = 3;
+ this->cmbAmount1->Name = L"cmbAmount1";
+ this->cmbAmount1->Size = System::Drawing::Size(40, 21);
+ this->cmbAmount1->TabIndex = 0;
+ //
+ // cmbAmount2
+ //
+ this->cmbAmount2->FormattingEnabled = true;
+ this->cmbAmount2->Items->AddRange(gcnew cli::array< System::Object^ >(25) {L"0", L"1", L"2", L"3", L"4", L"5", L"6", L"7",
+ L"8", L"9", L"10", L"11", L"12", L"13", L"14", L"-1", L"-2", L"-3", L"-4", L"-5", L"-6", L"-7", L"-8", L"-9", L"-10"});
+ this->cmbAmount2->Location = System::Drawing::Point(6, 46);
+ this->cmbAmount2->MaxLength = 3;
+ this->cmbAmount2->Name = L"cmbAmount2";
+ this->cmbAmount2->Size = System::Drawing::Size(40, 21);
+ this->cmbAmount2->TabIndex = 4;
+ //
+ // btnDelete
+ //
+ this->btnDelete->Anchor = static_cast((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Right));
+ this->btnDelete->Location = System::Drawing::Point(243, 19);
+ this->btnDelete->Name = L"btnDelete";
+ this->btnDelete->Size = System::Drawing::Size(111, 25);
+ this->btnDelete->TabIndex = 13;
+ this->btnDelete->Text = L"De&lete";
+ this->btnDelete->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnDelete->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &ManageCharms::btnDelete_Click);
+ //
+ // btnMoveUp
+ //
+ this->btnMoveUp->Anchor = static_cast((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Right));
+ this->btnMoveUp->Location = System::Drawing::Point(243, 100);
+ this->btnMoveUp->Name = L"btnMoveUp";
+ this->btnMoveUp->Size = System::Drawing::Size(111, 25);
+ this->btnMoveUp->TabIndex = 16;
+ this->btnMoveUp->Text = L"Move &Up";
+ this->btnMoveUp->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnMoveUp->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &ManageCharms::btnMoveUp_Click);
+ //
+ // btnMoveDown
+ //
+ this->btnMoveDown->Anchor = static_cast((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Right));
+ this->btnMoveDown->Location = System::Drawing::Point(243, 125);
+ this->btnMoveDown->Name = L"btnMoveDown";
+ this->btnMoveDown->Size = System::Drawing::Size(111, 25);
+ this->btnMoveDown->TabIndex = 17;
+ this->btnMoveDown->Text = L"Move &Down";
+ this->btnMoveDown->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnMoveDown->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &ManageCharms::btnMoveDown_Click);
+ //
+ // groupBox1
+ //
+ this->groupBox1->Anchor = static_cast(((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Left)
+ | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Right));
+ this->groupBox1->Controls->Add(this->btnReset);
+ this->groupBox1->Controls->Add(this->btnJap2);
+ this->groupBox1->Controls->Add(this->btnJap1);
+ this->groupBox1->Controls->Add(this->cmbSkillFilters2);
+ this->groupBox1->Controls->Add(this->cmbSkillFilters1);
+ this->groupBox1->Controls->Add(this->cmbAmount2);
+ this->groupBox1->Controls->Add(this->lblSlots);
+ this->groupBox1->Controls->Add(this->nudSlots);
+ this->groupBox1->Controls->Add(this->btnAddNew);
+ this->groupBox1->Controls->Add(this->btnSave);
+ this->groupBox1->Controls->Add(this->cmbAmount1);
+ this->groupBox1->Controls->Add(this->cmbSkills1);
+ this->groupBox1->Controls->Add(this->cmbSkills2);
+ this->groupBox1->Location = System::Drawing::Point(12, 12);
+ this->groupBox1->Name = L"groupBox1";
+ this->groupBox1->Size = System::Drawing::Size(366, 117);
+ this->groupBox1->TabIndex = 14;
+ this->groupBox1->TabStop = false;
+ //
+ // btnReset
+ //
+ this->btnReset->Location = System::Drawing::Point(222, 82);
+ this->btnReset->Name = L"btnReset";
+ this->btnReset->Size = System::Drawing::Size(75, 23);
+ this->btnReset->TabIndex = 11;
+ this->btnReset->Text = L"&Reset";
+ this->btnReset->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnReset->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &ManageCharms::btnReset_Click);
+ //
+ // btnJap2
+ //
+ this->btnJap2->Location = System::Drawing::Point(306, 45);
+ this->btnJap2->Name = L"btnJap2";
+ this->btnJap2->Size = System::Drawing::Size(43, 23);
+ this->btnJap2->TabIndex = 7;
+ this->btnJap2->Text = L"Jap\?";
+ this->btnJap2->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnJap2->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &ManageCharms::btnJap_Click);
+ //
+ // btnJap1
+ //
+ this->btnJap1->Location = System::Drawing::Point(306, 18);
+ this->btnJap1->Name = L"btnJap1";
+ this->btnJap1->Size = System::Drawing::Size(43, 23);
+ this->btnJap1->TabIndex = 3;
+ this->btnJap1->Text = L"Jap\?";
+ this->btnJap1->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnJap1->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &ManageCharms::btnJap_Click);
+ //
+ // cmbSkillFilters2
+ //
+ this->cmbSkillFilters2->AutoCompleteMode = System::Windows::Forms::AutoCompleteMode::Suggest;
+ this->cmbSkillFilters2->AutoCompleteSource = System::Windows::Forms::AutoCompleteSource::ListItems;
+ this->cmbSkillFilters2->DropDownStyle = System::Windows::Forms::ComboBoxStyle::DropDownList;
+ this->cmbSkillFilters2->FormattingEnabled = true;
+ this->cmbSkillFilters2->Location = System::Drawing::Point(190, 46);
+ this->cmbSkillFilters2->Name = L"cmbSkillFilters2";
+ this->cmbSkillFilters2->Size = System::Drawing::Size(110, 21);
+ this->cmbSkillFilters2->TabIndex = 6;
+ this->cmbSkillFilters2->SelectedIndexChanged += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &ManageCharms::cmbSkillFilters2_SelectedIndexChanged);
+ //
+ // cmbSkillFilters1
+ //
+ this->cmbSkillFilters1->AutoCompleteMode = System::Windows::Forms::AutoCompleteMode::Suggest;
+ this->cmbSkillFilters1->AutoCompleteSource = System::Windows::Forms::AutoCompleteSource::ListItems;
+ this->cmbSkillFilters1->DropDownStyle = System::Windows::Forms::ComboBoxStyle::DropDownList;
+ this->cmbSkillFilters1->FormattingEnabled = true;
+ this->cmbSkillFilters1->Location = System::Drawing::Point(190, 19);
+ this->cmbSkillFilters1->Name = L"cmbSkillFilters1";
+ this->cmbSkillFilters1->Size = System::Drawing::Size(110, 21);
+ this->cmbSkillFilters1->TabIndex = 2;
+ this->cmbSkillFilters1->SelectedIndexChanged += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &ManageCharms::cmbSkillFilters1_SelectedIndexChanged);
+ //
+ // groupBox2
+ //
+ this->groupBox2->Anchor = static_cast((((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom)
+ | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Left)
+ | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Right));
+ this->groupBox2->Controls->Add(this->btnSort2);
+ this->groupBox2->Controls->Add(this->btnImport);
+ this->groupBox2->Controls->Add(this->btnSort1);
+ this->groupBox2->Controls->Add(this->btnTrim);
+ this->groupBox2->Controls->Add(this->btnDeleteAll);
+ this->groupBox2->Controls->Add(this->lstCharms);
+ this->groupBox2->Controls->Add(this->btnDelete);
+ this->groupBox2->Controls->Add(this->btnMoveDown);
+ this->groupBox2->Controls->Add(this->btnMoveUp);
+ this->groupBox2->Location = System::Drawing::Point(12, 135);
+ this->groupBox2->Name = L"groupBox2";
+ this->groupBox2->Size = System::Drawing::Size(366, 238);
+ this->groupBox2->TabIndex = 15;
+ this->groupBox2->TabStop = false;
+ //
+ // btnSort2
+ //
+ this->btnSort2->Anchor = static_cast((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Right));
+ this->btnSort2->Location = System::Drawing::Point(243, 175);
+ this->btnSort2->Name = L"btnSort2";
+ this->btnSort2->Size = System::Drawing::Size(111, 25);
+ this->btnSort2->TabIndex = 19;
+ this->btnSort2->Text = L"S&ort by Skill 2";
+ this->btnSort2->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnSort2->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &ManageCharms::btnSort_Click);
+ //
+ // btnImport
+ //
+ this->btnImport->Anchor = static_cast((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Right));
+ this->btnImport->Location = System::Drawing::Point(243, 206);
+ this->btnImport->Name = L"btnImport";
+ this->btnImport->Size = System::Drawing::Size(111, 25);
+ this->btnImport->TabIndex = 20;
+ this->btnImport->Text = L"&Import Charms";
+ this->btnImport->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnImport->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &ManageCharms::btnImport_Click);
+ //
+ // btnSort1
+ //
+ this->btnSort1->Anchor = static_cast((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Right));
+ this->btnSort1->Location = System::Drawing::Point(243, 150);
+ this->btnSort1->Name = L"btnSort1";
+ this->btnSort1->Size = System::Drawing::Size(111, 25);
+ this->btnSort1->TabIndex = 18;
+ this->btnSort1->Text = L"&Sort by Skill 1";
+ this->btnSort1->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnSort1->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &ManageCharms::btnSort_Click);
+ //
+ // btnTrim
+ //
+ this->btnTrim->Anchor = static_cast((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Right));
+ this->btnTrim->Location = System::Drawing::Point(243, 69);
+ this->btnTrim->Name = L"btnTrim";
+ this->btnTrim->Size = System::Drawing::Size(111, 25);
+ this->btnTrim->TabIndex = 15;
+ this->btnTrim->Text = L"&Trim";
+ this->btnTrim->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnTrim->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &ManageCharms::btnTrim_Click);
+ //
+ // btnDeleteAll
+ //
+ this->btnDeleteAll->Anchor = static_cast((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Right));
+ this->btnDeleteAll->Location = System::Drawing::Point(243, 44);
+ this->btnDeleteAll->Name = L"btnDeleteAll";
+ this->btnDeleteAll->Size = System::Drawing::Size(111, 25);
+ this->btnDeleteAll->TabIndex = 14;
+ this->btnDeleteAll->Text = L"Delete &All";
+ this->btnDeleteAll->UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this->btnDeleteAll->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &ManageCharms::btnDeleteAll_Click);
+ //
+ // ManageCharms
+ //
+ this->AutoScaleDimensions = System::Drawing::SizeF(6, 13);
+ this->AutoScaleMode = System::Windows::Forms::AutoScaleMode::Font;
+ this->ClientSize = System::Drawing::Size(390, 385);
+ this->Controls->Add(this->groupBox2);
+ this->Controls->Add(this->groupBox1);
+ this->Name = L"ManageCharms";
+ this->Text = L"My Charms";
+ (cli::safe_cast(this->nudSlots))->EndInit();
+ this->groupBox1->ResumeLayout(false);
+ this->groupBox1->PerformLayout();
+ this->groupBox2->ResumeLayout(false);
+ this->ResumeLayout(false);
+ }
+#pragma endregion
+ private:
+ void lstCharms_DrawItem( System::Object^ sender, DrawItemEventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ e->DrawBackground();
+ if( ( e->State & DrawItemState::Focus ) == DrawItemState::Focus )
+ e->DrawFocusRectangle();
+ if( e->Index < 0 || e->Index >= lstCharms->Items->Count || !CharmDatabase::mycharms[ e->Index ] )
+ return;
+ SolidBrush brush( ( cmbSkills1->DroppedDown || cmbSkills2->DroppedDown || !CharmDatabase::mycharms[ e->Index ]->optimal ) ? Color::LightGray : Color::Black );
+ e->Graphics->TextRenderingHint = System::Drawing::Text::TextRenderingHint::ClearTypeGridFit;
+ e->Graphics->DrawString( lstCharms->Items[ e->Index ]->ToString(), e->Font, %brush, e->Bounds );
+ }
+ System::Void RefreshList( const int new_index )
+ {
+ lstCharms->BeginUpdate();
+ lstCharms->Items->Clear();
+ for each( Charm^ charm in CharmDatabase::mycharms )
+ {
+ lstCharms->Items->Add( charm->GetName() );
+ }
+ lstCharms->SelectedIndex = new_index;
+ lstCharms->EndUpdate();
+ }
+ Charm^ CreateCharm()
+ {
+ const unsigned num_slots = (int)nudSlots->Value;
+ int amount1 = 0, amount2 = 0;
+ Ability^ ability1 = nullptr, ^ability2 = nullptr;
+ if( cmbAmount1->Text != L"0" && cmbSkills1->SelectedIndex != -1 )
+ {
+ amount1 = Convert::ToInt32( cmbAmount1->Text );
+ ability1 = Ability::FindAbility( (String^)cmbSkills1->SelectedItem );
+ Assert( ability1 && amount1 >= 0 && amount1 <= 14, L"Create-a-charm skill amount1 is invalid" );
+ }
+ if( cmbAmount2->Text != L"0" && cmbSkills2->SelectedIndex != -1 )
+ {
+ amount2 = Convert::ToInt32( cmbAmount2->Text );
+ ability2 = Ability::FindAbility( (String^)cmbSkills2->SelectedItem );
+ Assert( ability2 && amount2 >= -10 && amount2 <= 14, L"Create-a-charm skill amount2 is invalid" );
+ }
+ if( num_slots == 0 && !ability1 && !ability2 )
+ return nullptr;
+ Charm^ ch = gcnew Charm( num_slots );
+ ch->custom = true;
+ if( ability1 )
+ ch->abilities.Add( gcnew AbilityPair( ability1, amount1 ) );
+ if( ability2 )
+ ch->abilities.Add( gcnew AbilityPair( ability2, amount2 ) );
+ return CharmDatabase::CharmIsLegal( ch ) ? ch : nullptr;
+ }
+ System::Void btnSave_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ if( lstCharms->SelectedIndex > -1 )
+ {
+ updating_charms = true;
+ try
+ {
+ Charm^ ch = CreateCharm();
+ if( ch )
+ {
+ CharmDatabase::mycharms[ lstCharms->SelectedIndex ] = ch;
+ lstCharms->BeginUpdate();
+ lstCharms->Items[ lstCharms->SelectedIndex ] = ch->GetName();
+ lstCharms->EndUpdate();
+ UpdateBestCharms();
+ CharmDatabase::SaveCustom();
+ }
+ }
+ catch( FormatException^ )
+ {
+ }
+ updating_charms = false;
+ }
+ }
+ System::Void btnDelete_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ if( lstCharms->SelectedIndex > -1 )
+ {
+ const int old_index = lstCharms->SelectedIndex;
+ CharmDatabase::mycharms.RemoveAt( lstCharms->SelectedIndex );
+ if( old_index < CharmDatabase::mycharms.Count )
+ RefreshList( old_index );
+ else
+ RefreshList( CharmDatabase::mycharms.Count - 1 );
+ UpdateBestCharms();
+ CharmDatabase::SaveCustom();
+ }
+ }
+ System::Void btnAddNew_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ updating_charms = true;
+ try
+ {
+ if( Charm^ ch = CreateCharm() )
+ {
+ ch->custom = true;
+ CharmDatabase::mycharms.Add( ch );
+ lstCharms->BeginUpdate();
+ lstCharms->Items->Add( ch->GetName() );
+ lstCharms->SelectedIndex = lstCharms->Items->Count - 1;
+ lstCharms->EndUpdate();
+ btnSave->Enabled = true;
+ Charm::AddToOptimalList( best_charms, ch );
+ UpdateBestCharmsColours();
+ CharmDatabase::SaveCustom();
+ }
+ }
+ catch( FormatException^ )
+ {
+ }
+ updating_charms = false;
+ }
+ System::Void btnMoveUp_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ if( lstCharms->SelectedIndex > 0 )
+ {
+ const int old_index = lstCharms->SelectedIndex;
+ Charm^ temp = CharmDatabase::mycharms[ old_index];
+ CharmDatabase::mycharms[ old_index ] = CharmDatabase::mycharms[ old_index - 1 ];
+ CharmDatabase::mycharms[ old_index - 1 ] = temp;
+ RefreshList( old_index - 1 );
+ CharmDatabase::SaveCustom();
+ }
+ }
+ System::Void btnMoveDown_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ if( lstCharms->SelectedIndex > -1 && lstCharms->SelectedIndex < lstCharms->Items->Count - 1 )
+ {
+ const int old_index = lstCharms->SelectedIndex;
+ Charm^ temp = CharmDatabase::mycharms[ old_index ];
+ CharmDatabase::mycharms[ old_index ] = CharmDatabase::mycharms[ old_index + 1 ];
+ CharmDatabase::mycharms[ old_index + 1 ] = temp;
+ RefreshList( old_index + 1 );
+ CharmDatabase::SaveCustom();
+ }
+ }
+ System::Void UpdateFilter( ComboBox^ skill, ComboBox^ filter, Ability^ banned )
+ {
+ if( !update_skills )
+ return;
+ List_t< Ability^ >^ the_list = sort_alphabetically ? %Ability::ordered_abilities : %Ability::static_abilities;
+ update_skills = false;
+ String^ old_item = (String^)skill->SelectedItem;
+ skill->BeginUpdate();
+ skill->Items->Clear();
+ skill->Items->Add( StaticString( NoneBrackets ) );
+ if( filter->SelectedIndex == 0 )
+ {
+ for each( Ability^ ab in the_list )
+ {
+ if( ab != SpecificAbility::torso_inc && ab != banned )
+ skill->Items->Add( ab->name );
+ }
+ }
+ else if( filter->SelectedIndex == 1 )
+ {
+ for each( Ability^ ab in the_list )
+ {
+ if( ab->tags.Count == 0 && ab != SpecificAbility::torso_inc && ab != banned )
+ skill->Items->Add( ab->name );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ String^ tag = (String^)filter->SelectedItem;
+ for each( Ability^ ab in the_list )
+ {
+ if( ab == banned )
+ continue;
+ for each( SkillTag^ st in ab->tags )
+ {
+ if( st->name == tag )
+ {
+ skill->Items->Add( ab->name );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //reselect if possible
+ for( int i = 0; i < skill->Items->Count; ++i )
+ {
+ if( (String^)skill->Items[ i ] == old_item )
+ {
+ skill->SelectedIndex = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ skill->EndUpdate();
+ update_skills = true;
+ }
+ System::Void cmbSkillFilters2_SelectedIndexChanged(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ UpdateFilter( cmbSkills2, cmbSkillFilters2, Ability::FindAbility( (String^)cmbSkills1->SelectedItem ) );
+ }
+ System::Void cmbSkillFilters1_SelectedIndexChanged(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ UpdateFilter( cmbSkills1, cmbSkillFilters1, Ability::FindAbility( (String^)cmbSkills2->SelectedItem ) );
+ }
+ System::Void cmbSkills1_SelectedIndexChanged(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ if( cmbSkills1->SelectedIndex == 0 )
+ cmbSkills1->SelectedIndex = -1;
+ else
+ UpdateFilter( cmbSkills2, cmbSkillFilters2, Ability::FindAbility( (String^)cmbSkills1->SelectedItem ) );
+ }
+ System::Void cmbSkills2_SelectedIndexChanged(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ if( cmbSkills2->SelectedIndex == 0 )
+ cmbSkills2->SelectedIndex = -1;
+ else
+ UpdateFilter( cmbSkills1, cmbSkillFilters1, Ability::FindAbility( (String^)cmbSkills2->SelectedItem ) );
+ }
+ System::Void SwitchToAbility( ComboBox^ cb, Ability^ ab )
+ {
+ for( int i = 0; i < cb->Items->Count; ++i )
+ {
+ if( Ability::FindAbility( (String^)cb->Items[ i ] ) == ab )
+ {
+ cb->BeginUpdate();
+ cb->SelectedIndex = i;
+ cb->EndUpdate();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ System::Void lstCharms_SelectedIndexChanged(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ if( updating_charms )
+ return;
+ else if( lstCharms->SelectedIndex < 0 )
+ {
+ btnSave->Enabled = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ btnSave->Enabled = true;
+ Charm^ ch = CharmDatabase::mycharms[ lstCharms->SelectedIndex ];
+ cmbSkills1->BeginUpdate();
+ cmbSkills2->BeginUpdate();
+ nudSlots->Value = ch->num_slots;
+ cmbSkillFilters1->SelectedIndex = 0;
+ cmbSkillFilters2->SelectedIndex = 0;
+ cmbSkills1->SelectedIndex = 0;
+ cmbSkills2->SelectedIndex = 0;
+ if( ch->abilities.Count > 0 )
+ {
+ SwitchToAbility( cmbSkills1, ch->abilities[ 0 ]->ability );
+ cmbAmount1->Text = Convert::ToString( ch->abilities[ 0 ]->amount );
+ if( ch->abilities.Count > 1 )
+ {
+ SwitchToAbility( cmbSkills2, ch->abilities[ 1 ]->ability );
+ cmbAmount2->Text = Convert::ToString( ch->abilities[ 1 ]->amount );
+ }
+ }
+ cmbSkills1->EndUpdate();
+ cmbSkills2->EndUpdate();
+ }
+ System::Void cmbAmount_LostFocus(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ ComboBox^ cb = (ComboBox^)sender;
+ try
+ {
+ int val = Convert::ToInt32( cb->Text );
+ if( cb == cmbAmount1 )
+ {
+ if( val < 0 )
+ cb->Text = L"0";
+ else if( val > 14 )
+ cb->Text = L"14";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Assert( cb == cmbAmount2, L"Converted amount is invalid" );
+ if( val < -10 )
+ cb->Text = L"-10";
+ else if( val > 14 )
+ cb->Text = L"14";
+ }
+ }
+ catch( FormatException^ )
+ {
+ cb->Text = L"0";
+ }
+ }
+ System::Void btnDeleteAll_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ if( System::Windows::Forms::DialogResult::OK != MessageBox::Show( StaticString( AreYouSure ), StaticString( DeleteAllCharmsMessage ), MessageBoxButtons::OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon::Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton::Button2 ) )
+ return;
+ CharmDatabase::mycharms.Clear();
+ best_charms.Clear();
+ RefreshList( -1 );
+ CharmDatabase::SaveCustom();
+ }
+ void UpdateBestCharms()
+ {
+ best_charms.Clear();
+ for each( Charm^ charm in CharmDatabase::mycharms )
+ Charm::AddToOptimalList( best_charms, charm );
+ UpdateBestCharmsColours();
+ }
+ void UpdateBestCharmsColours()
+ {
+ lstCharms->BeginUpdate();
+ for each( Charm^ charm in CharmDatabase::mycharms )
+ {
+ charm->optimal = false;
+ }
+ for each( Charm^ charm in best_charms )
+ {
+ charm->optimal = true;
+ }
+ lstCharms->EndUpdate();
+ }
+ void SkillCombo_DropDown( System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ lstCharms->ForeColor = Color::LightGray;
+ }
+ void SkillCombo_DropDownClosed( System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ lstCharms->ForeColor = Color::Black;
+ }
+ System::Void btnTrim_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ UpdateBestCharms();
+ CharmDatabase::mycharms.Clear();
+ CharmDatabase::mycharms.AddRange( %best_charms );
+ RefreshList( -1 );
+ CharmDatabase::SaveCustom();
+ }
+ System::Void btnSort_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ Charm^ selected = nullptr;
+ if( lstCharms->SelectedIndex != -1 )
+ selected = CharmDatabase::mycharms[ lstCharms->SelectedIndex ];
+ if( sender == btnSort1 )
+ {
+ if( sort_alphabetically )
+ CharmDatabase::mycharms.Sort( gcnew Comparison< Charm^ >( CompareCharms1Alphabetically ) );
+ else
+ CharmDatabase::mycharms.Sort( gcnew Comparison< Charm^ >( CompareCharms1 ) );
+ }
+ else if( sender = btnSort2 )
+ {
+ if( sort_alphabetically )
+ CharmDatabase::mycharms.Sort( gcnew Comparison< Charm^ >( CompareCharms2Alphabetically ) );
+ else
+ CharmDatabase::mycharms.Sort( gcnew Comparison< Charm^ >( CompareCharms2 ) );
+ }
+ int new_selected = -1;
+ if( selected )
+ {
+ for( int i = 0; i < CharmDatabase::mycharms.Count; ++i )
+ {
+ if( CharmDatabase::mycharms[ i ] == selected )
+ {
+ new_selected = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ RefreshList( new_selected );
+ CharmDatabase::SaveCustom();
+ }
+ System::Void btnImport_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ OpenFileDialog dlg;
+ dlg.InitialDirectory = System::Environment::CurrentDirectory;
+ dlg.Filter = StaticString( SaveDataFile ) + L"|system;system2|" + StaticString( MyCharmList ) + L"|mycharms.txt";
+ dlg.FilterIndex = 0;
+ System::Windows::Forms::DialogResult res = dlg.ShowDialog();
+ if( res == System::Windows::Forms::DialogResult::OK )
+ {
+ ImportCharms ic;
+ ic.language = language;
+ ic.LoadCharms( dlg.FileName );
+ if( ic.failed )
+ return;
+ res = ic.ShowDialog();
+ RefreshList( -1 );
+ UpdateBestCharms();
+ }
+ }
+ System::Void btnJap_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ SelectJapaneseSkill skill_form;
+ if( skill_form.ShowDialog( this ) == System::Windows::Forms::DialogResult::OK &&
+ skill_form.selected_ability_index > -1 )
+ {
+ Ability^ ability = Ability::static_abilities[ skill_form.selected_ability_index ];
+ if( sender == btnJap1 )
+ {
+ if( ability == Ability::FindAbility( (String^)cmbSkills2->SelectedItem ) )
+ cmbSkills2->SelectedIndex = -1;
+ cmbSkillFilters1->SelectedIndex = 0;
+ cmbSkills1->SelectedItem = ability->name;
+ }
+ else if( sender == btnJap2 )
+ {
+ if( ability == Ability::FindAbility( (String^)cmbSkills1->SelectedItem ) )
+ cmbSkills1->SelectedIndex = -1;
+ cmbSkillFilters2->SelectedIndex = 0;
+ cmbSkills2->SelectedItem = ability->name;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ System::Void btnReset_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
+ {
+ nudSlots->Value = 0;
+ cmbAmount1->SelectedIndex = 0;
+ cmbAmount2->SelectedIndex = 0;
+ cmbSkillFilters1->SelectedIndex = 0;
+ cmbSkillFilters2->SelectedIndex = 0;
+ cmbSkills1->SelectedIndex = 0;
+ cmbSkills2->SelectedIndex = 0;
+ cmbAmount1->Focus();
+ }
diff --git a/ManageCharms.resx b/ManageCharms.resx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19dc0dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ManageCharms.resx
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ text/microsoft-resx
+ 2.0
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ManageEquipment.resx b/ManageEquipment.resx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19dc0dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ManageEquipment.resx
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ text/microsoft-resx
+ 2.0
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/NumericUpDownHR.cpp b/NumericUpDownHR.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..600a80a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NumericUpDownHR.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#include "StdAfx.h"
+#include "NumericUpDownHR.h"
+namespace MH4GASS
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/NumericUpDownHR.h b/NumericUpDownHR.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b81874e
Binary files /dev/null and b/NumericUpDownHR.h differ
diff --git a/PreviewImage.cpp b/PreviewImage.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed780d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PreviewImage.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#include "StdAfx.h"
+#include "PreviewImage.h"
diff --git a/PreviewImage.h b/PreviewImage.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5842a18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PreviewImage.h
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "Common.h"
+#include "Armor.h"
+using namespace System;
+using namespace System::ComponentModel;
+using namespace System::Collections;
+using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
+using namespace System::Data;
+using namespace System::Drawing;
+namespace MHXXASS
+ public ref class PreviewImage : public System::Windows::Forms::Form
+ {
+ Bitmap^ image;
+ String^ path;
+ bool female;
+ int current_zoom;
+ Control^ parent_control;
+ public:
+ static int zoom = 100;
+ PreviewImage( const bool female )
+ : female( female )
+ {
+ InitializeComponent();
+ this->FormBorderStyle = Windows::Forms::FormBorderStyle::SizableToolWindow;
+ this->MouseWheel += gcnew MouseEventHandler( this, &PreviewImage::OnMouseWheelInput );
+ this->pictureBox1->MouseWheel += gcnew MouseEventHandler( this, &PreviewImage::OnMouseWheelInput );
+ current_zoom = zoom;
+ if( female )
+ path = L"Data/Images/f_";
+ else
+ path = L"Data/Images/m_";
+ String^ base_filename = path + L"base.png";
+ if( IO::File::Exists( base_filename ) )
+ {
+ image = gcnew Bitmap( base_filename );
+ this->ClientSize = System::Drawing::Size( image->Width * zoom / 200, image->Height * zoom / 200 );
+ }
+ }
+ void SetLocation( Control^ parent_control )
+ {
+ this->parent_control = parent_control;
+ UpdateLocation();
+ }
+#pragma warning( disable: 4677 )
+ Bitmap^ SetData( List_t< Armor^ >% armors ) { return SetData( armors, nullptr ); }
+ Bitmap^ SetData( List_t< Armor^ >% armors, Bitmap^ cached_image )
+ {
+ if( !image )
+ return nullptr;
+ if( cached_image )
+ {
+ pictureBox1->Image = cached_image;
+ return cached_image;
+ }
+ Drawing::Rectangle r( 0, 0, image->Width, image->Height );
+ Imaging::BitmapData^ bd = image->LockBits( r, Imaging::ImageLockMode::ReadWrite, Imaging::PixelFormat::Format32bppArgb );
+ array< int >^ pix = gcnew array< int >( image->Width * image->Height );
+ Runtime::InteropServices::Marshal::Copy( bd->Scan0, pix, 0, pix->Length );
+ array< Byte >^ head_info = LoadImagePack( L"head" );
+ array< Byte >^ body_info = LoadImagePack( L"body" );
+ array< Byte >^ arms_info = LoadImagePack( L"arms" );
+ array< Byte >^ waist_info = LoadImagePack( L"waist" );
+ array< Byte >^ legs_info = LoadImagePack( L"legs" );
+ MergeImage( head_info, pix, armors[ (int)Armor::ArmorType::HEAD ], true );
+ MergeImage( body_info, pix, armors[ (int)Armor::ArmorType::BODY ], true );
+ MergeImage( waist_info, pix, armors[ (int)Armor::ArmorType::WAIST ], true );
+ MergeImage( legs_info, pix, armors[ (int)Armor::ArmorType::LEGS ], false );
+ if( !IsGammothMail( armors[ (int)Armor::ArmorType::BODY ] ) )
+ MergeImage( body_info, pix, armors[ (int)Armor::ArmorType::BODY ], false );
+ MergeImage( waist_info, pix, armors[ (int)Armor::ArmorType::WAIST ], false );
+ MergeImage( arms_info, pix, armors[ (int)Armor::ArmorType::ARMS ], false );
+ if( IsGammothMail( armors[ (int)Armor::ArmorType::BODY ] ) )
+ MergeImage( body_info, pix, armors[ (int)Armor::ArmorType::BODY ], false );
+ MergeImage( head_info, pix, armors[ (int)Armor::ArmorType::HEAD ], false );
+ Runtime::InteropServices::Marshal::Copy( pix, 0, bd->Scan0, pix->Length );
+ image->UnlockBits( bd );
+ pictureBox1->Image = image;
+ return image;
+ }
+ bool CanShow()
+ {
+ return !!image;
+ }
+ protected:
+ void UpdateLocation()
+ {
+ if( !parent_control )
+ return;
+ Screen^ screen = Screen::FromControl( this );
+ if( parent_control->Location.Y + this->Size.Height >= screen->WorkingArea.Bottom )
+ this->Location = Point( parent_control->Location.X + parent_control->Size.Width, Math::Max( 0, screen->WorkingArea.Bottom - this->Size.Height ) );
+ else
+ this->Location = Point( parent_control->Location.X + parent_control->Size.Width, parent_control->Location.Y );
+ }
+ void OnMouseWheelInput( System::Object^ sender, MouseEventArgs^ e )
+ {
+ const int dz = 5 * e->Delta / 120;
+ const int new_zoom = Math::Max( 50, Math::Min( 200, current_zoom + dz ) );
+ if( new_zoom == current_zoom )
+ return;
+ current_zoom = new_zoom;
+ this->ClientSize = System::Drawing::Size( image->Width * current_zoom / 200, image->Height * current_zoom / 200 );
+ UpdateLocation();
+ }
+ bool IsGammothMail( Armor^ armor )
+ {
+ if( !armor )
+ return false;
+ if( female )
+ {
+ return armor->female_image == 135 ||
+ armor->female_image == 136 ||
+ armor->female_image == 401 ||
+ armor->female_image == 402;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ unsigned ReadUInt( array< Byte >^ data, const unsigned offset )
+ {
+ unsigned n = int(data[offset]) << 24;
+ n |= int(data[offset + 1]) << 16;
+ n |= int(data[offset + 2]) << 8;
+ n |= int(data[offset + 3]);
+ return n;
+ }
+ unsigned short ReadUShort( array< Byte >^ data, const unsigned offset )
+ {
+ unsigned short n = (unsigned short)data[offset] << 8;
+ n |= (unsigned short)data[offset + 1];
+ return n;
+ }
+ array< Byte >^ LoadImagePack( String^ subpath )
+ {
+ String^ filename = path + subpath + L".pak";
+ if( IO::File::Exists( filename ) )
+ return IO::File::ReadAllBytes( filename );
+ else
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ Bitmap^ LoadPackedImage( array< Byte >^ data, const unsigned index, int% dx, int% dy, const bool need_alpha )
+ {
+ const unsigned images_offset = ReadUInt( data, 0 );
+ const unsigned index_offset = index * 4;
+ if( index_offset + 4 > images_offset )
+ return nullptr;
+ const unsigned offset = ReadUInt( data, index_offset );
+ if( offset == 0xffffffff )
+ return nullptr;
+ dx = ReadUShort( data, images_offset + offset );
+ dy = ReadUShort( data, images_offset + offset + 2 );
+ if( dx & 0x8000 )
+ {
+ dx = dx & 0x7fff;
+ }
+ else if( need_alpha )
+ return nullptr;
+ return gcnew Bitmap( gcnew IO::MemoryStream( data, images_offset + offset + 4, data->Length - offset - images_offset - 4, false, true ) );
+ }
+ void MergeImage( array< Byte >^ data, array< int >^ pix, Armor^ armor, bool use_mid_alpha_only )
+ {
+ if( !armor || !data )
+ return;
+ const int index = female ? armor->female_image : armor->male_image;
+ if( index < 1 )
+ return;
+ int dx, dy;
+ Bitmap^ b = LoadPackedImage( data, index, dx, dy, use_mid_alpha_only );
+ if( !b )
+ return;
+ Drawing::Rectangle r( 0, 0, b->Width, b->Height );
+ Imaging::BitmapData^ bd = b->LockBits( r, Imaging::ImageLockMode::ReadWrite, Imaging::PixelFormat::Format32bppArgb );
+ array< int >^ bpix = gcnew array< int >( b->Width * b->Height );
+ Runtime::InteropServices::Marshal::Copy( bd->Scan0, bpix, 0, bpix->Length );
+ b->UnlockBits( bd );
+ for( int x = 0; x < b->Width; ++x )
+ {
+ for( int y = 0; y < b->Height; ++y )
+ {
+ const int c = bpix[ x + b->Width * y ];
+ const unsigned char alpha = (c >> 24) & 0xff;
+ if( alpha == 0 )
+ continue;
+ if( ( alpha < 255 ) == use_mid_alpha_only )
+ {
+ pix[ x + dx + image->Width * (y + dy) ] = c | 0xff000000;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ~PreviewImage()
+ {
+ if (components)
+ {
+ delete components;
+ }
+ }
+ private: System::Windows::Forms::PictureBox^ pictureBox1;
+ private:
+ ///
+ /// Required designer variable.
+ ///
+ System::ComponentModel::Container ^components;
+#pragma region Windows Form Designer generated code
+ ///
+ /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
+ /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
+ ///
+ void InitializeComponent(void)
+ {
+ this->pictureBox1 = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::PictureBox());
+ (cli::safe_cast(this->pictureBox1))->BeginInit();
+ this->SuspendLayout();
+ //
+ // pictureBox1
+ //
+ this->pictureBox1->Anchor = static_cast((((System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom)
+ | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Left)
+ | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Right));
+ this->pictureBox1->Location = System::Drawing::Point(0, 0);
+ this->pictureBox1->Name = L"pictureBox1";
+ this->pictureBox1->Size = System::Drawing::Size(190, 500);
+ this->pictureBox1->SizeMode = System::Windows::Forms::PictureBoxSizeMode::StretchImage;
+ this->pictureBox1->TabIndex = 0;
+ this->pictureBox1->TabStop = false;
+ //
+ // PreviewImage
+ //
+ this->AutoScaleDimensions = System::Drawing::SizeF(6, 13);
+ this->AutoScaleMode = System::Windows::Forms::AutoScaleMode::Font;
+ this->ClientSize = System::Drawing::Size(190, 500);
+ this->ControlBox = false;
+ this->Controls->Add(this->pictureBox1);
+ this->MaximizeBox = false;
+ this->MinimizeBox = false;
+ this->Name = L"PreviewImage";
+ this->ShowIcon = false;
+ this->ShowInTaskbar = false;
+ this->TopMost = true;
+ (cli::safe_cast(this->pictureBox1))->EndInit();
+ this->ResumeLayout(false);
+ }
+#pragma endregion
+ };
diff --git a/PreviewImage.resx b/PreviewImage.resx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19dc0dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PreviewImage.resx
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ text/microsoft-resx
+ 2.0
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Run/Data/Charm Generation/ancient_skill1.csv b/Run/Data/Charm Generation/ancient_skill1.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f5bd1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run/Data/Charm Generation/ancient_skill1.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
diff --git a/Run/Data/Charm Generation/ancient_skill2.csv b/Run/Data/Charm Generation/ancient_skill2.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..290d8c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run/Data/Charm Generation/ancient_skill2.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
diff --git a/Run/Data/Charm Generation/ancient_slots.csv b/Run/Data/Charm Generation/ancient_slots.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..048c051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run/Data/Charm Generation/ancient_slots.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
diff --git a/Run/Data/Charm Generation/enduring_skill1.csv b/Run/Data/Charm Generation/enduring_skill1.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7a14c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run/Data/Charm Generation/enduring_skill1.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
diff --git a/Run/Data/Charm Generation/enduring_skill2.csv b/Run/Data/Charm Generation/enduring_skill2.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44f5bf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run/Data/Charm Generation/enduring_skill2.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
diff --git a/Run/Data/Charm Generation/enduring_slots.csv b/Run/Data/Charm Generation/enduring_slots.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0ad2f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run/Data/Charm Generation/enduring_slots.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Run/Data/Charm Generation/mystery_skill1.csv b/Run/Data/Charm Generation/mystery_skill1.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d479fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run/Data/Charm Generation/mystery_skill1.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
diff --git a/Run/Data/Charm Generation/mystery_slots.csv b/Run/Data/Charm Generation/mystery_slots.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..050cd3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run/Data/Charm Generation/mystery_slots.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
diff --git a/Run/Data/Charm Generation/shining_skill1.csv b/Run/Data/Charm Generation/shining_skill1.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11eeacd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run/Data/Charm Generation/shining_skill1.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Run/Data/Charm Generation/shining_skill2.csv b/Run/Data/Charm Generation/shining_skill2.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d035b0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run/Data/Charm Generation/shining_skill2.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
diff --git a/Run/Data/Charm Generation/shining_slots.csv b/Run/Data/Charm Generation/shining_slots.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54b3992
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run/Data/Charm Generation/shining_slots.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
diff --git a/Run/Data/Languages/English/arms.txt b/Run/Data/Languages/English/arms.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a9a7f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run/Data/Languages/English/arms.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1167 @@
+Leather Gloves
+Chainmail Gloves
+Bherna Braces
+Hunting Braces
+Hunting Guards
+Mafumofu Mittens
+Yukumo Kote
+Hunter's Vambraces
+Hunter's Guards
+Bone Vambraces
+Bone Guards
+Trapper's Gauntlets
+Trapper's Gloves
+Maccao Gauntlets
+Maccao Gloves
+Jaggi Gauntlets
+Jaggi Gloves
+Jaggi Vambraces
+Jaggi Guards
+Maccao Braces
+Maccao Guards
+Velociprey Braces
+Velociprey Guards
+Giaprey Vambraces
+Giaprey Guards
+Genprey Vambraces
+Genprey Guards
+Vespoid Vambraces
+Vespoid Guards
+Hornetaur Braces
+Hornetaur Guards
+Bnahabra Gloves
+Bnahabra Sleeves
+Konchu Braces
+Konchu Guards
+Mosswine Gloves
+Rhenoplos Vambraces
+Rhenoplos Guards
+Bulldrome Braces
+Bulldrome Guards
+Arzuros Vambraces
+Arzuros Guards
+Cephalos Braces
+Cephalos Guards
+Derring Gloves
+Alloy Vambraces
+Alloy Guards
+Battle Vambraces
+Battle Guards
+Ingot Vambraces
+Ingot Guards
+High Metal Braces
+High Metal Guards
+Melahoa Branch
+Melahoa Petal
+Makluva Sleeves
+Makluva Sucker
+Obituary Brachia
+Obituary Manus
+Butterfly Brachia
+Butterfly Manus
+Death Stench Grip
+Death Stench Grasp
+Mosgharl Creeper
+Mosgharl Tendril
+Edel Creeper
+Edel Tendril
+Skalda Brachia
+Skalda Manus
+Spio Brachia
+Spio Manus
+Moofah Claws
+Moofah Sleeves
+Velociprey Claws
+Velociprey Gloves
+Genprey Claws
+Genprey Gloves
+Ioprey Claws
+Ioprey Gloves
+Remobra Gloves
+Remobra Hands
+Ioprey Vambraces
+Ioprey Guards
+Kut-Ku Vambraces
+Kut-Ku Guards
+Lagombi Vambraces
+Lagombi Guards
+Gypceros Braces
+Gypceros Guards
+Tetsucabra Braces
+Tetsucabra Guards
+Hermitaur Braces
+Hermitaur Guards
+Volvidon Vambraces
+Volvidon Guards
+Ludroth Braces
+Ludroth Guards
+Malfestio Braces
+Malfestio Guards
+Khezu Vambraces
+Khezu Guards
+Rathian Braces
+Rathian Guards
+Nibelsnarf Braces
+Nibelsnarf Guards
+Blango Vambraces
+Blango Guards
+Ceanataur Braces
+Ceanataur Guards
+Najarala Braces
+Najarala Guards
+Nargacuga Braces
+Nargacuga Guards
+Scholarly Grips
+Scholarly Cuffs
+Vaik Braces
+Vaik Guards
+Aelucanth Brachia
+Aelucanth Manus
+Rhopessa Brachia
+Rhopessa Manus
+Artian Braces
+Artian Guards
+Garuga Vambraces
+Garuga Guards
+Uragaan Vambraces
+Uragaan Guards
+Rathalos Braces
+Rathalos Guards
+Lagiacrus Braces
+Lagiacrus Guards
+Zinogre Braces
+Zinogre Guards
+Mizutsune Braces
+Mizutsune Guards
+Astalos Braces
+Astalos Guards
+Gammoth Braces
+Gammoth Guards
+Glavenus Braces
+Glavenus Guards
+Gore Braces
+Gore Guards
+Regios Vambraces
+Regios Guards
+Tigrex Braces
+Tigrex Guards
+Kirin Longarms
+Kirin Gloves
+Brachydios Braces
+Brachydios Guards
+Arc Vambraces
+Arc Guards
+Storge Braces
+Storge Guards
+Kushala Grip
+Kushala Embrace
+Mizuha Sleeves
+Cham Sleeves
+Kaiser Vambraces
+Kaiser Guards
+Skeletal Humerus
+Decayed Humerus
+Black Claw
+Black Fist
+Black Belt Braces
+Black Belt Guards
+Guild Bard Braces
+Guild Bard Sleeves
+Maiden's Gloves
+French Maid Sleeves
+Helper Sleeves
+Healer Sleeves
+Dianthus Sleeves
+Campanile Sleeves
+Bath Sleeves
+Gourmew Gloves
+Gourmew Mitts
+Leather Braces S
+Leather Guards S
+Chainmail Braces S
+Chainmail Guards S
+Bherna Braces S
+Bherna Guards S
+Hunting Braces S
+Hunting Guards S
+Mafumofu Grips S
+Mafumofu Mittens S
+Yukumo Sky Kote
+Yukumo Land Kote
+Hunter's Vambraces S
+Hunter's Guards S
+Hunter's Braces R
+Hunter's Guards R
+Bone Vambraces S
+Bone Guards S
+Melahoa Branch S
+Melahoa Petal S
+Melahoa Branch U
+Melahoa Petal U
+Makluva Sleeves S
+Makluva Sucker S
+Makluva Sleeves U
+Makluva Sucker U
+Mosgharl Creeper S
+Mosgharl Tendril S
+Edel Creeper S
+Edel Tendril S
+Moofah Claws S
+Moofah Sleeves S
+Velociprey Claws S
+Velociprey Gloves S
+Giaprey Claws S
+Giaprey Gloves S
+Genprey Claws S
+Genprey Gloves S
+Ioprey Claws S
+Ioprey Gloves S
+Remobra Gloves S
+Remobra Hands S
+Trapper's Gauntlets S
+Trapper's Gloves S
+Maccao Gauntlets S
+Maccao Gloves S
+Jaggi Gauntlets S
+Jaggi Gloves S
+Mosswine Gloves S
+Rhenoplos Braces S
+Rhenoplos Guards S
+Jaggi Vambraces S
+Jaggi Guards S
+Maccao Braces S
+Maccao Guards S
+Velociprey Braces S
+Velociprey Guards S
+Giaprey Braces S
+Giaprey Guards S
+Genprey Vambraces S
+Genprey Guards S
+EX Genprey Braces
+EX Genprey Guards
+Ioprey Vambraces S
+Ioprey Guards S
+EX Ioprey Vambraces
+EX Ioprey Guards
+Vespoid Vambraces S
+Vespoid Guards S
+EX Vespoid Vambraces
+EX Vespoid Guards
+Hornetaur Braces S
+Hornetaur Guards S
+EX Hornetaur Braces
+EX Hornetaur Guards
+Hornetaur Braces R
+Hornetaur Guards R
+Bnahabra Gloves S
+Bnahabra Sleeves S
+Konchu Braces S
+Konchu Guards S
+Bulldrome Braces S
+Bulldrome Guards S
+Arzuros Vambraces S
+Arzuros Guards S
+Cephalos Vambraces S
+Cephalos Guards S
+EX Cephalos Braces
+EX Cephalos Guards
+Kut-Ku Vambraces S
+Kut-Ku Guards S
+Kecha Vambraces
+Kecha Guards
+Lagombi Vambraces S
+Lagombi Guards S
+Gypceros Braces S
+Gypceros Guards S
+Gypceros Braces R
+Gypceros Guards R
+Tetsucabra Braces S
+Tetsucabra Guards S
+Hermitaur Braces S
+Hermitaur Guards S
+EX Hermitaur Braces
+EX Hermitaur Guards
+Hermitaur Braces R
+Hermitaur Guards R
+Volvidon Vambraces S
+Volvidon Guards S
+Conga Vambraces
+Conga Guards
+Ludroth Braces S
+Ludroth Guards S
+Ludroth Braces R
+Ludroth Guards R
+Barroth Vambraces
+Barroth Guards
+Lecturer's Braces
+Lecturer's Guards
+Alloy Vambraces S
+Alloy Guards S
+Alloy Braces R
+Alloy Guards R
+Battle Vambraces S
+Battle Guards S
+Ingot Vambraces S
+Ingot Guards S
+Ingot Vambraces R
+Ingot Guards R
+High Metal Braces S
+High Metal Guards S
+High Metal Braces U
+High Metal Guards U
+Lobster Vambraces
+Lobster Guards
+Obituary Brachia S
+Obituary Manus S
+Butterfly Brachia S
+Butterfly Manus S
+Death Stench Grip S
+Death Stench Grasp S
+Death Stench Grip R
+Death Stench Grasp R
+Vaik Braces S
+Vaik Guards S
+Aelucanth Brachia S
+Aelucanth Manus S
+Rhopessa Brachia S
+Rhopessa Manus S
+Patissier's Gloves
+Patissier's Mitts
+Skalda Brachia S
+Skalda Manus S
+Spio Brachia S
+Spio Manus S
+Basarios Braces
+Basarios Guards
+Malfestio Braces S
+Malfestio Guards S
+Zamtrios Braces
+Zamtrios Guards
+Khezu Vambraces S
+Khezu Guards S
+Khezu Braces R
+Khezu Guards R
+Nerscylla Braces
+Nerscylla Guards
+Rathian Braces S
+Rathian Guards S
+EX Rathian Braces
+EX Rathian Guards
+Rathian Braces R
+Rathian Guards R
+Nibelsnarf Braces S
+Nibelsnarf Guards S
+Plesioth Vambraces
+Plesioth Guards
+Blango Vambraces S
+Blango Guards S
+EX Blango Braces
+EX Blango Guards
+Lavasioth Braces
+Lavasioth Guards
+EX Lavasioth Braces
+EX Lavasioth Guards
+Ceanataur Braces S
+Ceanataur Guards S
+EX Ceanataur Braces
+EX Ceanataur Guards
+Ceanataur Braces R
+Ceanataur Guards R
+Najarala Braces S
+Najarala Guards S
+Nargacuga Braces S
+Nargacuga Guards S
+Garuga Vambraces S
+Garuga Guards S
+Uragaan Vambraces S
+Uragaan Guards S
+Black Belt Braces S
+Black Belt Guards S
+Guardian Braces
+Guardian Guards
+Guardian Braces U
+Guardian Guards U
+Scholar's Gloves
+Scholar's Sleeves
+Sailor Gloves
+Sailor Sleeves
+Luxury Bath Sleeves
+Kita Star Sleeves
+Umi Ocean Sleeves
+Derring Vambraces S
+Derring Guards S
+Dober Vambraces
+Dober Guards
+Damascus Vambraces
+Damascus Guards
+Damascus Braces R
+Damascus Guards R
+Artian Braces S
+Artian Guards S
+Artian Braces R
+Artian Guards R
+Barioth Braces
+Barioth Guards
+Seltas Vambraces
+Seltas Guards
+Rathalos Braces S
+Rathalos Guards S
+EX Rathalos Braces
+EX Rathalos Guards
+Rathalos Braces R
+Rathalos Guards R
+Lagiacrus Braces S
+Lagiacrus Guards S
+Lagiacrus Braces R
+Lagiacrus Guards R
+Zinogre Braces S
+Zinogre Guards S
+EX Zinogre Braces
+EX Zinogre Guards
+Gravios Braces
+Gravios Guards
+Mizutsune Braces S
+Mizutsune Guards S
+Astalos Braces S
+Astalos Guards S
+Gammoth Braces S
+Gammoth Guards S
+Glavenus Braces S
+Glavenus Guards S
+Agnaktor Vambraces
+Agnaktor Guards
+Gore Braces S
+Gore Guards S
+EX Gore Braces
+EX Gore Guards
+Gore Braces R
+Gore Guards R
+Regios Vambraces S
+Regios Guards S
+Duramboros Braces
+Duramboros Guards
+Tigrex Braces S
+Tigrex Guards S
+EX Tigrex Braces
+EX Tigrex Guards
+Tigrex Braces R
+Tigrex Guards R
+Kirin Longarms S
+Kirin Gloves S
+Kirin Longarms R
+Kirin Gloves R
+Brachydios Braces S
+Brachydios Guards S
+EX Brachydios Braces
+EX Brachydios Guards
+Golden Kote
+Puppeteer Gloves
+Vangis Vambraces
+Vangis Guards
+Guild Knight Gloves
+Guild Knight Sleeves
+Maiden's Gloves S
+French Maid Sleeves S
+Blue Guild Gloves
+Blue Guild Sleeves
+Blue Guild Gloves
+Blue Guild Sleeves
+Red Guild Gloves
+Red Guild Sleeves
+Red Guild Gloves
+Red Guild Sleeves
+Helper Sleeves S
+Healer Sleeves S
+Helper Sleeves U
+Healer Sleeves U
+Guild Bard Braces S
+Guild Bard Sleeves S
+Chakra Bracelet
+Dianthus Wealsleeves
+Campanile Wealsleeves
+Ace Vambraces
+Ace Guards
+Sororal Vambraces
+Sororal Guards
+Gourmew Gloves S
+Gourmew Mitts S
+Scholarly Grips S
+Scholarly Cuffs S
+Ranger's Gauntlets
+Archer's Gauntlets
+Shinobi Heaven Kote
+Shinobi Land Kote
+Shinobi Sky Kote
+Shinobi Sea Kote
+Ancient Arms
+Ancient Guards
+Master's Gauntlets
+Master's Guards
+Black Claw S
+Black Fist S
+Toka Kote
+Mitsuaoi Kote
+Wisdom Gloves
+Wisdom Cuffs
+Cheerful Vambraces
+Cheerful Guards
+Sailor Gloves
+Sailor Sleeves
+EX Rathian Braces S
+EX Rathian Guards S
+EX Rathalos Braces S
+EX Rathalos Guards S
+EX Tigrex Braces S
+EX Tigrex Guards S
+Diablos Braces
+Diablos Guards
+True Skeletal Humerus
+True Decayed Humerus
+Arc Vambraces S
+Arc Guards S
+Storge Braces S
+Storge Guards S
+EX Arc Vambraces
+EX Arc Guards
+EX Storge Vambraces
+EX Storge Guards
+Arc Braces R
+Arc Guards R
+Storge Braces R
+Storge Guards R
+Bulk Vambraces
+Bulk Guards
+Kushala Grip S
+Kushala Embrace S
+EX Kushala Grip
+EX Kushala Embrace
+Kushala Grip R
+Kushala Embrace R
+Mizuha Sleeves S
+Cham Sleeves S
+EX Mizuha Sleeves
+EX Cham Sleeves
+Kaiser Vambraces S
+Kaiser Guards S
+EX Kaiser Vambraces
+EX Kaiser Guards
+Silver Solbraces
+Silver Solguards
+EX Silver Solbraces
+EX Silver Solguards
+Silver Solbraces R
+Silver Solguards R
+Golden Lunebraces
+Golden Luneguards
+EX Golden Lunebraces
+EX Golden Luneguards
+Divine Ire Kote
+Crusher Braces
+Esurient Vambraces
+Esurient Guards
+Esurient Braces R
+Esurient Guards R
+Akantor Claws
+Akantor Gauntlets
+Akantor Claws R
+Akantor Gauntlets R
+Ukanlos Claws
+Ukanlos Gauntlets
+Tempest Sleeves
+Welkin Sleeves
+Tempest Sleeves R
+Welkin Sleeves R
+Skeletal Humerus R
+Decayed Humerus R
+Astral Vambraces
+Astral Guards
+Escadora Armguards
+Escadora Arma
+Escadora Armguards R
+Escadora Arma R
+Caravaneer's Armlets
+Leather Braces X
+Leather Guards X
+Chainmail Braces X
+Chainmail Guards X
+Bherna Braces X
+Bherna Guards X
+Hunting Braces X
+Hunting Guards X
+Mafumofu Gloves X
+Mafumofu Mittens X
+Yukumo Sky Kote X
+Yukumo Land Kote X
+Luxury Bath Sleeves X
+Hunter's Braces X
+Hunter's Guards X
+Hunter's Braces XR
+Hunter's Guards XR
+Bone Vambraces X
+Bone Guards X
+Trapper's Gauntlets X
+Trapper's Gloves X
+Maccao Gauntlets X
+Maccao Gloves X
+Jaggi Gauntlets X
+Jaggi Gloves X
+Melahoa Branch X
+Melahoa Petal X
+Melahoa Branch Z
+Melahoa Petal Z
+Makluva Sleeves X
+Makluva Sucker X
+Makluva Sleeves Z
+Makluva Sucker Z
+Obituary Brachia X
+Obituary Manus X
+Butterfly Brachia X
+Butterfly Manus X
+Death Stench Grip X
+Death Stench Grasp X
+Death Stench Grip XR
+Death Stench Grasp XR
+Mosgharl Creeper X
+Mosgharl Tendril X
+Edel Creeper X
+Edel Tendril X
+Skalda Brachia X
+Skalda Manus X
+Spio Brachia X
+Spio Manus X
+Alloy Vambraces X
+Alloy Guards X
+Alloy Vambraces XR
+Alloy Guards XR
+Battle Vambraces X
+Battle Guards X
+Ingot Vambraces X
+Ingot Guards X
+Ingot Vambraces XR
+Ingot Guards XR
+High Metal Braces X
+High metal Guards X
+High Metal Braces Z
+High metal Guards Z
+Lobster Vambraces X
+Lobster Guards X
+Vaik Vambraces X
+Vaik Guards X
+Patissier's Gloves X
+Patissier's Mitts X
+Gourmew Gloves X
+Gourmew Gloves X
+Aelucanth Brachia X
+Aelucanth Manus X
+Rhopessa Brachia X
+Rhopessa Manus X
+Lecturer's Braces X
+Lecturer's Guards X
+Derring Vambraces X
+Derring Guards X
+Artian Vambraces X
+Artian Guards X
+Artian Vambraces XR
+Artian Guards XR
+Maiden's Gloves X
+French Maid Sleeves X
+True Dianthus Sleeves
+True Campanile Sleeves
+Hawkbraces X
+Hawkguards X
+Scholarly Grips X
+Scholarly Cuffs X
+Dober Vambraces X
+Dober Guards X
+Scholar's Gloves X
+Scholar's Sleeves X
+Sailor Gloves X
+Sailor Sleeves X
+Marinero Gloves X
+Marinero Sleeves X
+Jaggi Vambraces X
+Jaggi Guards X
+Maccao Vambraces X
+Maccao Guards X
+Velociprey Braces X
+Velociprey Guards X
+Giaprey Braces X
+Giaprey Guards X
+Genprey Braces X
+Genprey Guards X
+GX Genprey Braces
+GX Genprey Guards
+Vespoid Braces X
+Vespoid Guards X
+GX Vespoid Braces
+GX Vespoid Guards
+Hornetaur Braces X
+Hornetaur Guards X
+GX Hornetaur Braces
+GX Hornetaur Guards
+Hornetaur Braces XR
+Hornetaur Guards XR
+Bnahabra Gloves X
+Bnahabra Sleeves X
+Konchu Braces X
+Konchu Guards X
+Mosswine Gloves X
+Rhenoplos Braces X
+Rhenoplos Guards X
+Bulldrome Braces X
+Bulldrome Guards X
+Arzuros Braces X
+Arzuros Guards X
+Cephelos Braces X
+Cephelos Guards X
+GX Cephelos Braces
+GX Cephelos Guards
+Moofah Claws X
+Moofah Sleeves X
+Velociprey Claws X
+Velociprey Gloves X
+Giaprey Claws X
+Giaprey Gloves X
+Genprey Claws X
+Genprey Gloves X
+Ioprey Claws X
+Ioprey Gloves X
+Remobra Gloves X
+Remobra Hands X
+Ioprey Braces X
+Ioprey Guards X
+GX Ioprey Braces
+GX Ioprey Guards
+Kut-Ku Braces X
+Kut-Ku Guards X
+Kecha Braces X
+Kecha Guards X
+Lagombi Braces X
+Lagombi Guards X
+Gypceros Braces X
+Gypceros Guards X
+Gypceros Braces XR
+Gypceros Guards XR
+Tetsucabra Braces X
+Tetsucabra Guards X
+Hermitaur Braces X
+Hermitaur Guards X
+GX Hermitaur Braces
+GX Hermitaur Guards
+Hermitaur Braces XR
+Hermitaur Guards XR
+Volvidon Braces X
+Volvidon Guards X
+Conga Braces X
+Conga Guards X
+GX Conga Braces
+GX Conga Guards
+Ludroth Braces X
+Ludroth Guards X
+Ludroth Braces XR
+Ludroth Guards XR
+Barroth Braces X
+Barroth Guards X
+Basarios Braces X
+Basarios Guards X
+Malfestio Braces X
+Malfestio Guards X
+Zamtrios Braces X
+Zamtrios Guards X
+Khezu Braces X
+Khezu Guards X
+Khezu Braces XR
+Khezu Guards XR
+Nerscylla Braces X
+Nerscylla Guards X
+Rathian Braces X
+Rathian Guards X
+GX Rathian Braces
+GX Rathian Guards
+Rathian Braces XR
+Rathian Guards XR
+Nibelsnarf Braces X
+Nibelsnarf Guards X
+Plesioth Braces X
+Plesioth Guards X
+Blango Braces X
+Blango Guards X
+GX Blango Braces
+GX Blango Guards
+Lavasioth Braces X
+Lavasioth Guards X
+GX Lavasioth Braces
+GX Lavasioth Guards
+Ceanataur Braces X
+Ceanataur Guards X
+GX Ceanataur Braces
+GX Ceanataur Guards
+Ceanataur Braces XR
+Ceanataur Guards XR
+Najarala Braces X
+Najarala Guards X
+Nargacuga Braces X
+Nargacuga Guards X
+Garuga Braces X
+Garuga Guards X
+Uragaan Braces X
+Uragaan Guards X
+GX Kita Star Sleeves
+GX Umi Ocean Sleeves
+Guild Knight Gloves X
+Guild Knight Sleeves X
+Guild Bard Braces X
+Guild Bard Sleeves X
+Helper Sleeves X
+Healer Sleeves X
+Helper Sleeves Z
+Healer Sleeves Z
+Ancient Arms X
+Ancient Guards X
+Ace Vambraces X
+Ace Guards X
+Sororal Vambraces X
+Sororal Guards X
+Citadel Ranger's Gauntlets
+Citadel Archer's Gauntlets
+True Skeletal Humerus
+True Decayed Humerus
+Master's Braces X
+Master's Guards X
+Grand Toka Kote
+Grand Mitsuaoi Kote
+Yaksha Braces
+Carnage Vambraces
+Helios Braces X
+Helios Guards X
+Selene Braces X
+Selene Guards X
+Kaiserin Braces
+Kaiserin Guards
+Wisdom Gloves X
+Wisdom Cuffs X
+Richeruka Gloves
+Richeruka Cuffs
+Cheerful Braces X
+Cheerful Guards X
+Bartender's Gloves
+Bartender's Cuffs
+Barmaid's Gloves
+Barmaid's Cuffs
+Barioth Braces X
+Barioth Guards X
+Seltas Braces X
+Seltas Guards X
+Rathalos Braces X
+Rathalos Guards X
+GX Rathalos Braces
+GX Rathalos Guards
+Rathalos Braces XR
+Rathalos Guards XR
+Lagiacrus Braces X
+Lagiacrus Guards X
+Lagiacrus Braces XR
+Lagiacrus Guards XR
+Zinogre Braces X
+Zinogre Guards X
+GX Zinogre Braces
+GX Zinogre Guards
+Gravios Braces X
+Gravios Guards X
+Mizutsune Braces X
+Mizutsune Guards X
+Astalos Braces X
+Astalos Guards X
+Gammoth Braces X
+Gammoth Guards X
+Glavenus Braces X
+Glavenus Guards X
+Agnaktor Braces X
+Agnaktor Guards X
+Gore Braces X
+Gore Guards X
+GX Gore Braces
+GX Gore Guards
+Gore Braces XR
+Gore Guards XR
+Regios Braces X
+Regios Guards X
+Duramboros Braces X
+Duramboros Guards X
+Tigrex Braces X
+Tigrex Guards X
+GX Tigrex Braces
+GX Tigrex Guards
+Tigrex Braces XR
+Tigrex Guards XR
+Diablos Braces X
+Diablos Guards X
+Diablos Braces XR
+Diablos Guards XR
+Kirin Longarms X
+Kirin Gloves X
+Kirin Longarms XR
+Kirin Gloves XR
+Brachydios Braces X
+Brachydios Guards X
+GX Brachydios Braces
+GX Brachydios Guards
+Arc Braces X
+Arc Guards X
+Philia Braces X
+Philia Guards X
+GX Arc Braces
+GX Arc Guards
+GX Philia Braces
+GX Philia Guards
+Arc Braces XR
+Arc Guards XR
+Philia Braces XR
+Philia Guards XR
+Valfalk Braces X
+Valfalk Guards X
+Grand God's Peer Arms
+Grand Hermit Arms
+Vangis Braces X
+Vangis Guards X
+Chaos Braces
+Chaos Guards
+Nephelim Braces
+Nephelim Guards
+Black Belt Braces X
+Black Belt Guards X
+Guardian Braces X
+Guardian Guards X
+Guardian Braces Z
+Guardian Guards Z
+Blue Guild Gloves X
+Blue Guild Sleeves X
+Blue Guild Gloves X
+Blue Guild Sleeves X
+Red Guild Gloves X
+Red Guild Sleeves X
+Red Guild Gloves X
+Red Guild Sleeves X
+Black Claw X
+Black Fist X
+Damascus Braces X
+Damascus Guards X
+Damascus Braces XR
+Damascus Guards XR
+Caravaneer's Armlets X
+Kushala Grip X
+Kushala Embrace X
+GX Kushala Grip
+GX Kushala Embrace
+Kushala Grip XR
+Kushala Embrace XR
+True Mizuha Sleeves
+True Cham Sleeves
+GX Mizuha Sleeves
+GX Cham Sleeves
+Kaiser Braces X
+Kaiser Guards X
+GX Kaiser Braces
+GX Kaiser Guards
+Silver Solbraces Z
+Silver Solguards Z
+GX Silver Solbraces
+GX Silver Solguards
+Silver Solbraces XR
+Silver Solguards XR
+Golden Lunebraces Z
+Golden Luneguards Z
+GX Golden Lunebraces
+GX Golden Luneguards
+Grand Divine Ire Kote
+Grand Crusher Braces
+Esurient Braces Z
+Esurient Guards Z
+Esurient Braces XR
+Esurient Guards XR
+Bracchium Braces
+Bracchium Guards
+Auroros Gauntlets
+Genesis Gauntlets
+Borealis Gauntlets
+Glyph Gauntlets
+GX Auroros Gauntlets
+GX Genesis Gauntlets
+GX Borealis Gauntlets
+GX Glyph Gauntlets
+Auroros Battle Gauntlets
+Genesis Battle Gauntlets
+Borealis Battle Gauntlets
+Glyph Battle Gauntlets
+Akantor Claws X
+Akantor Gauntlets X
+Akantor Claws XR
+Akantor Gauntlets XR
+Ukanlos Claws X
+Ukanlos Gauntlets X
+True Tempest Sleeves
+True Welkin Sleeves
+Tempest Battle Sleeves
+Welkin Battle Sleeves
+True Skeletal Humerus
+True Decayed Humerus
+Astral Braces X
+Astral Guards X
+Neset Tahad
+Neset Mano
+Escadora Armguards X
+Escadora Arma X
+Escadora Armguards XR
+Escadora Arma XR
+Fatalis Crimsonclaw
+Fatalis Cimsonfist
+Fatalis Crimsonclaw XR
+Fatalis Cimsonfist XR
+White Fatalis Claw
+White Fatalis Fist
+Strange Vambraces
+Strange Guards
+Strange Vambraces X
+Strange Guards X
+Redhelm Braces LV1
+Redhelm Guards LV1
+Redhelm Braces LV6
+Redhelm Guards LV6
+Redhelm Braces LV14
+Redhelm Guards LV14
+Snowbaron Braces LV1
+Snowbaron Guards LV1
+Snowbaron Braces LV6
+Snowbaron Guards LV6
+Snowbaron Braces LV14
+Snowbaron Guards LV14
+Stonefist Braces LV1
+Stonefist Guards LV1
+Stonefist Braces LV6
+Stonefist Guards LV6
+Stonefist Braces LV14
+Stonefist Guards LV14
+Dreadqueen Braces LV1
+Dreadqueen Guards LV1
+Dreadqueen Braces LV6
+Dreadqueen Guards LV6
+Dreadqueen Braces LV14
+Dreadqueen Guards LV14
+Drilltusk Braces LV1
+Drilltusk Guards LV1
+Drilltusk Braces LV6
+Drilltusk Guards LV6
+Drilltusk Braces LV14
+Drilltusk Guards LV14
+Silverwind Braces LV1
+Silverwind Guards LV1
+Silverwind Braces LV6
+Silverwind Guards LV6
+Silverwind Braces LV14
+Silverwind Guards LV14
+Crystalbeard Braces LV1
+Crystalbeard Guards LV1
+Crystalbeard Braces LV6
+Crystalbeard Guards LV6
+Crystalbeard Braces LV14
+Crystalbeard Guards LV14
+Deadeye Braces LV1
+Deadeye Guards LV1
+Deadeye Braces LV6
+Deadeye Guards LV6
+Deadeye Braces LV14
+Deadeye Guards LV14
+Dreadking Braces LV1
+Dreadking Guards LV1
+Dreadking Braces LV6
+Dreadking Guards LV6
+Dreadking Braces LV14
+Dreadking Guards LV14
+Thunderlord Braces LV1
+Thunderlord Guards LV1
+Thunderlord Braces LV6
+Thunderlord Guards LV6
+Thunderlord Braces LV14
+Thunderlord Guards LV14
+Grimclaw Braces LV1
+Grimclaw Guards LV1
+Grimclaw Braces LV6
+Grimclaw Guards LV6
+Grimclaw Braces LV14
+Grimclaw Guards LV14
+Hellblade Braces LV1
+Hellblade Guards LV1
+Hellblade Braces LV6
+Hellblade Guards LV6
+Hellblade Braces LV14
+Hellblade Guards LV14
+Hazewing Braces LV1
+Hazewing Guards LV1
+Hazewing Braces LV4
+Hazewing Guards LV4
+Shredclaw Braces LV1
+Shredclaw Guards LV1
+Shredclaw Braces LV4
+Shredclaw Guards LV4
+Divinesight Braces LV1
+Divinesight Guards LV1
+Divinesight Braces LV4
+Divinesight Guards LV4
+Azurebolt Braces LV1
+Azurebolt Guards LV1
+Azurebolt Braces LV4
+Azurebolt Guards LV4
+Silverpeak Braces LV1
+Silverpeak Guards LV1
+Silverpeak Braces LV4
+Silverpeak Guards LV4
+Bloodlust Braces LV1
+Bloodlust Guards LV1
+Bloodlust Braces LV4
+Bloodlust Guards LV4
+Promising Braces
+Halcyon Braces
+Lucid Gauntlets
+Dreamy Gauntlets
+Gudetama Arm Tights
+Gudetama Arm Suit
+Pirate Gloves J
+Pirate Cuffs J
+Buccaneer Gloves J
+Buccaneer Cuffs J
+Zodias Vambraces
+Zodias Guards
+Champion's Wraps
+Strongman's Wraps
+Dynaqlo Glovelettes
+Dynaqlo Gloves
+Blue Star Braces
+Blue Star Sleeves
+Star Knight Vambraces
+Star Knight Guards
+Star Rook Vambraces
+Star Rook Guards
+Promising Archbraces
+Halcyon Archbraces
+Lucid Archbraces
+Dreamy Archbraces
+Gudetama Arm Tights S
+Gudetama Arm Suit S
+Varia Suit Guards
+Varia Suit Shield
+Zero Suit Gloves
+Zero Suit Hands
+Hero's Braces
+Hero's Gloves
+Lodestar Arms
+Lodestar Cuffs
+Braces of Rage
+Guards of Rage
+Braces of Anat
+Guards of Anat
+Hiryu Sky Kote
+Hiryu Land Kote
diff --git a/Run/Data/Languages/English/body.txt b/Run/Data/Languages/English/body.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5916b6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run/Data/Languages/English/body.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1194 @@
+Leather Vest
+Chainmail Vest
+Bherna Mail
+Hunting Mail
+Hunting Vest
+Mafumofu Jacket
+Yukumo Dogi
+Loc Lac Shawl
+Hunter's Mail
+Hunter's Vest
+Bone Mail
+Bone Vest
+Chaos Plate
+Chaos Brigandine
+Jaggi Mail
+Jaggi Vest
+Maccao Mail
+Maccao Vest
+Velociprey Mail
+Velociprey Vest
+Giaprey Mail
+Giaprey Vest
+Genprey Mail
+Genprey Vest
+Vespoid Mail
+Vespoid Vest
+Hornetaur Mail
+Hornetaur Vest
+Bnahabra Suit
+Bnahabra Vest
+Mosswine Vest
+Rhenoplos Mail
+Rhenoplos Vest
+Bulldrome Mail
+Bulldrome Vest
+Arzuros Mail
+Arzuros Vest
+Cephalos Mail
+Cephalos Vest
+Derring Jacket
+Alloy Mail
+Alloy Vest
+Battle Mail
+Battle Vest
+Ingot Mail
+Ingot Vest
+High Metal Mail
+High Metal Vest
+Melahoa Jacket
+Melahoa Stalk
+Makluva Cover
+Makluva Scale
+Bistro Suit
+Bistro Vest
+Obituary Thorax
+Obituary Pleuron
+Butterfly Thorax
+Butterfly Pleuron
+Death Stench Muscle
+Death Stench Heart
+Acorn Mail
+Acorn Vest
+Mosgharl Ribplate
+Mosgharl Ribguard
+Edel Ribplate
+Edel Ribguard
+Skalda Thorax
+Skalda Pleuron
+Spio Thorax
+Spio Pleuron
+Droth Mail
+Droth Vest
+Uroktor Torso
+Uroktor Vest
+Moofah Suit
+Moofah Jacket
+Velociprey Body
+Velociprey Suit
+Genprey Body
+Genprey Suit
+Ioprey Body
+Ioprey Wear
+Remobra Suit
+Remobra Wear
+Ioprey Mail
+Ioprey Vest
+Kut-Ku Mail
+Kut-Ku Vest
+Lagombi Mail
+Lagombi Vest
+Gypceros Mail
+Gypceros Vest
+Tetsucabra Mail
+Tetsucabra Vest
+Hermitaur Mail
+Hermitaur Vest
+Volvidon Mail
+Volvidon Vest
+Ludroth Mail
+Ludroth Vest
+Malfestio Mail
+Malfestio Vest
+Khezu Mail
+Khezu Vest
+Rathian Mail
+Rathian Vest
+Nibelsnarf Mail
+Nibelsnarf Vest
+Blango Mail
+Blango Vest
+Ceanataur Mail
+Ceanataur Vest
+Najarala Mail
+Najarala Vest
+Nargacuga Mail
+Nargacuga Vest
+Scholarly Suit
+Scholarly Vest
+Vaik Mail
+Vaik Vest
+Aelucanth Thorax
+Aelucanth Pleuron
+Rhopessa Thorax
+Rhopessa Pleuron
+Artian Mail
+Artian Vest
+Garuga Mail
+Garuga Vest
+Uragaan Mail
+Uragaan Vest
+Rathalos Mail
+Rathalos Vest
+Lagiacrus Mail
+Lagiacrus Vest
+Zinogre Mail
+Zinogre Vest
+Mizutsune Mail
+Mizutsune Vest
+Astalos Mail
+Astalos Vest
+Gammoth Mail
+Gammoth Vest
+Glavenus Mail
+Glavenus Vest
+Gore Mail
+Gore Vest
+Regios Mail
+Regios Vest
+Tigrex Mail
+Tigrex Vest
+Kirin Jacket
+Kirin Cape
+Brachydios Mail
+Brachydios Vest
+Arc Mail
+Arc Vest
+Storge Mail
+Storge Vest
+Kushala Cista
+Kushala Vise
+Mizuha Guards
+Cham Camise
+Kaiser Mail
+Kaiser Vest
+Skeletal Sternum
+Decayed Sternum
+Black Hide
+Black Skin
+Black Belt Mail
+Black Belt Vest
+Guild Bard Bolero
+Guild Bard Vest
+Maiden's Suit
+French Maid Vest
+Helper Suit
+Healer Vest
+Dianthus Gown
+Campanile Gown
+Bath Robe
+Gourmew Suit
+Gourmew Vest
+Leather Mail S
+Leather Vest S
+Chainmail Armor S
+Chainmail Vest S
+Bherna Mail S
+Bherna Vest S
+Hunting Mail S
+Hunting Vest S
+Mafumofu Suit S
+Mafumofu Jacket S
+Yukumo Sky Dogi
+Yukumo Land Dogi
+Loc Lac Shawl S
+Hunter's Mail S
+Hunter's Vest S
+Hunter's Mail R
+Hunter's Vest R
+Bone Mail S
+Bone Vest S
+Chaos Archplate
+Chaos Archbrigandine
+Melahoa Jacket S
+Melahoa Stalk S
+Melahoa Jacket U
+Melahoa Stalk U
+Makluva Cover S
+Makluva Scale S
+Makluva Cover U
+Makluva Scale U
+Bistro Suit S
+Bistro Vest S
+Acorn Mail S
+Acorn Vest S
+Mosgharl Ribplate S
+Mosgharl Ribguard S
+Edel Ribplate S
+Edel Ribguard S
+Moofah Suit S
+Moofah Jacket S
+Slagtoth Cloak
+Slagtoth Wrap
+Velociprey Body S
+Velociprey Suit S
+Giaprey Body S
+Giaprey Suit S
+Genprey Body S
+Genprey Suit S
+Ioprey Body S
+Ioprey Wear S
+Remobra Suit S
+Remobra Wear S
+Mosswine Vest S
+Rhenoplos Mail S
+Rhenoplos Vest S
+Jaggi Mail S
+Jaggi Vest S
+Droth Mail S
+Droth Vest S
+Uroktor Torso S
+Uroktor Vest S
+Maccao Mail S
+Maccao Vest S
+Velociprey Mail S
+Velociprey Vest S
+Giaprey Mail S
+Giaprey Vest S
+Genprey Mail S
+Genprey Vest S
+EX Genprey Mail
+EX Genprey Vest
+Ioprey Mail S
+Ioprey Vest S
+EX Ioprey Mail
+EX Ioprey Vest
+Vespoid Mail S
+Vespoid Vest S
+EX Vespoid Mail
+EX Vespoid Vest
+Hornetaur Mail S
+Hornetaur Vest S
+EX Hornetaur Mail
+EX Hornetaur Vest
+Hornetaur Mail R
+Hornetaur Vest R
+Bnahabra Suit S
+Bnahabra Vest S
+Bulldrome Mail S
+Bulldrome Vest S
+Arzuros Mail S
+Arzuros Vest S
+Cephalos Mail S
+Cephalos Vest S
+EX Cephalos Mail
+EX Cephalos Vest
+Kut-Ku Mail S
+Kut-Ku Vest S
+Kecha Mail
+Kecha Vest
+Lagombi Mail S
+Lagombi Vest S
+Gypceros Mail S
+Gypceros Vest S
+Gypceros Mail R
+Gypceros Vest R
+Tetsucabra Mail S
+Tetsucabra Vest S
+Hermitaur Mail S
+Hermitaur Vest S
+EX Hermitaur Mail
+EX Hermitaur Vest
+Hermitaur Mail R
+Hermitaur Vest R
+Volvidon Mail S
+Volvidon Vest S
+Conga Mail
+Conga Vest
+Ludroth Mail S
+Ludroth Vest S
+Ludroth Mail R
+Ludroth Vest R
+Barroth Mail
+Barroth Vest
+Lecturer's Suit
+Lecturer's Jacket
+Alloy Mail S
+Alloy Vest S
+Alloy Mail R
+Alloy Vest R
+Battle Mail S
+Battle Vest S
+Ingot Mail S
+Ingot Vest S
+Ingot Mail R
+Ingot Vest R
+High Metal Mail S
+High Metal Vest S
+High Metal Mail U
+High Metal Vest U
+Lobster Mail
+Lobster Vest
+Obituary Thorax S
+Obituary Pleuron S
+Butterfly Thorax S
+Butterfly Pleuron S
+Death Stench Muscle S
+Death Stench Heart S
+Death Stench Muscle R
+Death Stench Heart R
+Vaik Mail S
+Vaik Vest S
+Aelucanth Thorax S
+Aelucanth Pleuron S
+Rhopessa Thorax S
+Rhopessa Pleuron S
+Patissier's Suit
+Patissier's Vest
+Skalda Thorax S
+Skalda Pleuron S
+Spio Thorax S
+Spio Pleuron S
+Basarios Mail
+Basarios Vest
+Malfestio Mail S
+Malfestio Vest S
+Zamtrios Mail
+Zamtrios Vest
+Khezu Mail S
+Khezu Vest S
+Khezu Mail R
+Khezu Vest R
+Nerscylla Mail
+Nerscylla Vest
+Rathian Mail S
+Rathian Vest S
+EX Rathian Mail
+EX Rathian Vest
+Rathian Mail R
+Rathian Vest R
+Nibelsnarf Mail S
+Nibelsnarf Vest S
+Plesioth Mail
+Plesioth Vest
+Blango Mail S
+Blango Vest S
+EX Blango Mail
+EX Blango Vest
+Lavasioth Mail
+Lavasioth Vest
+EX Lavasioth Mail
+EX Lavasioth Vest
+Ceanataur Mail S
+Ceanataur Vest S
+EX Ceanataur Mail
+EX Ceanataur Vest
+Ceanataur Mail R
+Ceanataur Vest R
+Najarala Mail S
+Najarala Vest S
+Nargacuga Mail S
+Nargacuga Vest S
+Garuga Mail S
+Garuga Vest S
+Uragaan Mail S
+Uragaan Vest S
+Black Belt Mail S
+Black Belt Vest S
+Guardian Suit
+Guardian Vest
+Guardian Suit U
+Guardian Vest U
+Scholar's Blouse
+Scholar's Vest
+Sailor Suit
+Sailor Vest
+Luxury Bath Robe
+Kita Star Jacket
+Umi Ocean Jacket
+Derring Mail S
+Derring Vest S
+Dober Mail
+Dober Vest
+Damascus Mail
+Damascus Vest
+Damascus Mail R
+Damascus Vest R
+Artian Mail S
+Artian Vest S
+Artian Mail R
+Artian Vest R
+Barioth Mail
+Barioth Vest
+Seltas Mail
+Seltas Vest
+Rathalos Mail S
+Rathalos Vest S
+EX Rathalos Mail
+EX Rathalos Vest
+Rathalos Mail R
+Rathalos Vest R
+Lagiacrus Mail S
+Lagiacrus Vest S
+Lagiacrus Mail R
+Lagiacrus Vest R
+Zinogre Mail S
+Zinogre Vest S
+EX Zinogre Mail
+EX Zinogre Vest
+Gravios Mail
+Gravios Vest
+Mizutsune Mail S
+Mizutsune Vest S
+Astalos Mail S
+Astalos Vest S
+Gammoth Mail S
+Gammoth Vest S
+Glavenus Mail S
+Glavenus Vest S
+Agnaktor Mail
+Agnaktor Vest
+Gore Mail S
+Gore Vest S
+EX Gore Mail
+EX Gore Vest
+Gore Mail R
+Gore Vest R
+Regios Mail S
+Regios Vest S
+Duramboros Mail
+Duramboros Vest
+Tigrex Mail S
+Tigrex Vest S
+EX Tigrex Mail
+EX Tigrex Vest
+Tigrex Mail R
+Tigrex Vest R
+Kirin Jacket S
+Kirin Cape S
+Kirin Jacket R
+Kirin Cape R
+Brachydios Mail S
+Brachydios Vest S
+EX Brachydios Mail
+EX Brachydios Vest
+Golden Haori
+Puppeteer Suit
+Vangis Mail
+Vangis Vest
+Guild Knight Suit
+Guild Knight Vest
+Maiden's Suit S
+French Maid Vest S
+Blue Guild Suit
+Blue Guild Vest
+Blue Guild Suit
+Blue Guild Vest
+Red Guild Suit
+Red Guild Vest
+Red Guild Suit
+Red Guild Vest
+Helper Suit S
+Healer Vest S
+Helper Suit U
+Healer Vest U
+Guild Bard Bolero S
+Guild Bard Vest S
+Chakra Necklace
+Dianthus Wealgown
+Campanile Wealgown
+Ace Mail
+Ace Vest
+Sororal Mail
+Sororal Vest
+Gourmew Suit S
+Gourmew Vest S
+Scholarly Suit S
+Scholarly Vest S
+Ranger's Girdle
+Archer's Girdle
+Shinobi Heaven Suit
+Shinobi Land Suit
+Shinobi Sky Suit
+Shinobi Sea Suit
+Ancient Mail
+Ancient Vest
+Master's Mail
+Master's Vest
+Black Hide S
+Black Skin S
+Toka Doate
+Mitsuaoi Doate
+Wisdom Suit
+Wisdom Vest
+Cheerful Suit
+Cheerful Vest
+Sailor Suit
+Sailor Vest
+EX Rathian Mail S
+EX Rathian Vest S
+EX Rathalos Mail S
+EX Rathalos Vest S
+EX Tigrex Mail S
+EX Tigrex Vest S
+Diablos Mail
+Diablos Vest
+Diablos Mail R
+Diablos Vest R
+Arc Mail S
+Arc Vest S
+Storge Mail S
+Storge Vest S
+EX Arc Mail
+EX Arc Vest
+EX Storge Mail
+EX Storge Vest
+Arc Mail R
+Arc Vest R
+Storge Mail R
+Storge Vest R
+Bulk Mail
+Buld Vest
+Kushala Cista S
+Kushala Vise S
+EX Kushala Cista
+EX Kushala Vise
+Kushala Cista R
+Kushala Vise R
+Mizuha Guards S
+Cham Camise S
+EX Mizuha Guards
+EX Cham Camise
+Kaiser Mail S
+Kaiser Vest S
+EX Kaiser Mail
+EX Kaiser Vest
+Silver Solmail
+Silver Solvest
+EX Silver Solmail
+EX Silver Solvest
+Silver Solmail R
+Silver Solvest R
+Golden Lunemail
+Golden Lunevest
+EX Golden Lunemail
+EX Golden Lunevest
+Divine Ire Haori
+Crusher Garb
+Esurient Mail
+Esurient Vest
+Esurient Mail R
+Esurient Vest R
+Akantor Aegis
+Akantor Plate
+Akantor Aegis R
+Akantor Plate R
+Ukanlos Aegis
+Ukanlos Plate
+Tempest Robe
+Welkin Robe
+Tempest Robe R
+Welkin Robe R
+Skeletal Sternum R
+Decayed Sternum R
+Astral Suit
+Astral Vest
+Escadora Soul
+Escadora Seele
+Escadora Soul R
+Escadora Seele R
+Leather Mail X
+Leather Vest X
+Chainmail Mail X
+Chainmail Vest X
+Bherna Mail X
+Bherna Vest X
+Hunting Mail X
+Hunting Vest X
+Mafumofu Suit X
+Mafumofu Jacket X
+Yukumo Sky Dogi X
+Yukumo Land Dogi X
+Luxury Bath Robe X
+Loc Lac Suit X
+Hunter's Mail X
+Hunter's Vest X
+Hunter's Mail XR
+Hunter's Vest XR
+Bone Mail X
+Bone Vest X
+True Chaos Plate
+True Chaos Brigandine
+Melahoa Jacket X
+Melahoa Stalk X
+Melahoa Jacket Z
+Melahoa Stalk Z
+Makluva Cover X
+Makluva Scale X
+Makluva Cover Z
+Makluva Scale Z
+Obituary Thorax X
+Obituary Pleuron X
+Butterfly Thorax X
+Butterfly Pleuron X
+Death Stench Muscle X
+Death Stench Heart X
+Death Stench Muscle XR
+Death Stench Heart XR
+Acorn Mail X
+Acorn Vest X
+Mosgharl Ribplate X
+Mosgharl Ribguard X
+Edel Ribplate X
+Edel Ribguard X
+Skalda Thorax X
+Skalda Pleuron X
+Spio Thorax X
+Spio Pleuron X
+Alloy Mail X
+Alloy Vest X
+Alloy Mail XR
+Alloy Vest XR
+Battle Mail X
+Battle Vest X
+Ingot Mail X
+Ingot Vest X
+Ingot Mail XR
+Ingot Vest XR
+High Metal Mail X
+High Metal Vest X
+High Metal Mail Z
+High Metal Vest Z
+Lobster Mail X
+Lobster Vest X
+Vaik Mail X
+Vaik Vest X
+Bistro Suit X
+Bistro Vest X
+Patissier's Suit X
+Patissier's Vest X
+Gourmew Suit X
+Gourmew Vest X
+Aelucanth Thorax X
+Aelucanth Pleuron X
+Rhopessa Thorax X
+Rhopessa Pleuron X
+Lecturer's Suit X
+Lecturer's Jacket X
+Derring Mail X
+Derring Vest X
+Artian Mail X
+Artian Vest X
+Artian Mail XR
+Artian Vest XR
+Maiden's Suit X
+French Maid Vest X
+True Dianthus Gown
+True Campanile Gown
+Hawksuit X
+Hawkjacket X
+Scholarly Suit X
+Schoarly Vest X
+Dober Mail X
+Dober Vest X
+Scholar's Suit X
+Scholar's Vest X
+Sailor Suit X
+Sailor Vest X
+Marinero Suit S
+Marinero Vest S
+Slagtoth Cloak X
+Slagtoth Cape X
+Jaggi Mail X
+Jaggi Vest X
+Maccao Mail X
+Maccao Vest X
+Velociprey Mail X
+Velociprey Vest X
+Giaprey Mail X
+Giaprey Vest X
+Genprey Mail X
+Genprey Vest X
+GX Genprey Mail
+GX Genprey Vest
+Vespoid Mail X
+Vespoid Vest X
+GX Vespoid Mail
+GX Vespoid Vest
+Hornetaur Mail X
+Hornetaur Vest X
+GX Hornetaur Mail
+GX Hornetaur Vest
+Hornetaur Mail XR
+Hornetaur Vest XR
+Bnahabra Suit X
+Bnahabra Vest X
+Mosswine Plate X
+Rhenoplos Mail X
+Rhenoplos Vest X
+Bulldrome Mail X
+Bulldrome Vest X
+Arzuros Mail X
+Arzuros Vest X
+Cephalos Mail X
+Cephalos Vest X
+GX Cephalos Mail
+GX Cephalos Vest
+Droth Mail X
+Droth Vest X
+Uroktor Torso X
+Uroktor Vest X
+Moofah Suit X
+Moofah Jacket X
+Velociprey Body X
+Velociprey Suit X
+Giaprey Body X
+Giaprey Suit X
+Genprey Body X
+Genprey Suit X
+Ioprey Body X
+Ioprey Suit X
+Remobra Body X
+Remobra Suit X
+Ioprey Mail X
+Ioprey Vest X
+GX Ioprey Mail
+GX Ioprey Vest
+Kut-Ku Mail X
+Kut-Ku Vest X
+Kecha Mail X
+Kecha Vest X
+Lagombi Mail X
+Lagombi Vest X
+Gypceros Mail X
+Gypceros Vest X
+Gypceros Mail XR
+Gypceros Vest XR
+Tetsucabra Mail X
+Tetsucabra Vest X
+Hermitaur Mail X
+Hermitaur Vest X
+GX Hermitaur Mail
+GX Hermitaur Vest
+Hermitaur Mail XR
+Hermitaur Vest XR
+Volvidon Mail X
+Volvidon Vest X
+Conga Mail X
+Conga Vest X
+GX Conga Mail
+GX Conga Vest
+Ludroth Mail X
+Ludroth Vest X
+Ludroth Mail XR
+Ludroth Vest XR
+Barroth Mail X
+Barroth Vest X
+Basarios Mail X
+Basarios Vest X
+Malfestio Mail X
+Malfestio Vest X
+Zamtrios Mail X
+Zamtrios Vest X
+Khezu Mail X
+Khezu Vest X
+Khezu Mail XR
+Khezu Vest XR
+Nerscylla Mail X
+Nerscylla Vest X
+Rathian Mail X
+Rathian Vest X
+GX Rathian Mail
+GX Rathian Vest
+Rathian Mail XR
+Rathian Vest XR
+Nibelsnarf Mail X
+Nibelsnarf Vest X
+Plesioth Mail X
+Plesioth Vest X
+Blango Mail X
+Blango Vest X
+GX Blango Mail
+GX Blango Vest
+Lavasioth Mail X
+Lavasioth Vest X
+GX Lavasioth Mail
+GX Lavasioth Vest
+Ceanataur Mail X
+Ceanataur Vest X
+GX Ceanataur Mail
+GX Ceanataur Vest
+Ceanataur Mail XR
+Ceanataur Vest XR
+Najarala Mail X
+Najarala Vest X
+Nargacuga Mail X
+Nargacuga Vest X
+Garuga Mail X
+Garuga Vest X
+Uragaan Mail X
+Uragaan Vest X
+GX Kita Star Jacket
+GX Umi Ocean Jacket
+Guild Knight Suit X
+Guild Knight Vest X
+Guild Bard Bolero X
+Guild Bard Vest X
+Helper Suit X
+Healer Vest X
+Helper Suit Z
+Healer Vest Z
+Ancient Mail X
+Ancient Vest X
+Ace Mail X
+Ace Vest X
+Sororal Mail X
+Sororal Vest X
+Citadel Ranger's Girdle
+Citadel Archer's Girdle
+Shinobi Sky Mask X
+Shinobi Land Mask X
+Master's Mail X
+Master's Vest X
+True Toka Doate
+True Mitsuaoi Doate
+Yaksha Raiment
+Carnage Raiment
+Helios Mail X
+Helios Vest X
+Selene Mail X
+Selene Vest X
+Kaiserin Mail
+Kaiserin Vest
+Wisdom Suit X
+Wisdom Vest X
+Richeruka Suit
+Richeruka Vest
+Cheerful Suit X
+Cheerful Vest X
+Bartender's Suit
+Bartender's Vest
+Barmaid's Suit
+Barmaid's Vest
+Barioth Mail X
+Barioth Vest X
+Seltas Mail X
+Seltas Vest X
+Rathalos Mail X
+Rathalos Vest X
+GX Rathalos Mail
+GX Rathalos Vest
+Rathalos Mail XR
+Rathalos Vest XR
+Lagiacrus Mail X
+Lagiacrus Vest X
+Lagiacrus Mail XR
+Lagiacrus Vest XR
+Zinogre Mail X
+Zinogre Vest X
+GX Zinogre Mail
+GX Zinogre Vest
+Gravios Mail X
+Gravios Vest X
+Mizutsune Mail X
+Mizutsune Vest X
+Astalos Mail X
+Astalos Vest X
+Gammoth Mail X
+Gammoth Vest X
+Glavenus Mail X
+Glavenus Vest X
+Agnaktor Mail X
+Agnaktor Vest X
+Gore Mail X
+Gore Vest X
+GX Gore Mail
+GX Gore Vest
+Gore Mail XR
+Gore Vest XR
+Regios Mail X
+Regios Vest X
+Duramboros Mail X
+Duramboros Vest X
+Tigrex Mail X
+Tigrex Vest X
+GX Tigrex Mail
+GX Tigrex Vest
+Tigrex Mail XR
+Tigrex Vest XR
+Diablos Mail X
+Diablos Vest X
+Diablos Mail XR
+Diablos Vest XR
+Kirin Vest X
+Kirin Cape X
+Kirin Vest XR
+Kirin Cape XR
+Brachydios Mail X
+Brachydios Vest X
+GX Brachydios Mail
+GX Brachydios Vest
+Arc Mail X
+Arc Vest X
+Philia Mail X
+Philia Vest X
+GX Arc Mail
+GX Arc Vest
+GX Philia Mail
+GX Philia Vest
+Arc Mail XR
+Arc Vest XR
+Philia Mail XR
+Philia Vest XR
+Valfalk Mail X
+Valfalk Vest X
+Grand God's Peer Robe
+Grand Hermit Robe
+Vangis Mail X
+Vangis Vest X
+Chaos Mail
+Chaos Vest
+Nephelim Mail
+Nephelim Vest
+Black Belt Mail X
+Black Belt Vest X
+Guardian Suit X
+Guardian Vest X
+Guardian Suit Z
+Guardian Vest Z
+Blue Guild Suit X
+Blue Guild Vest X
+Blue Guild Suit X
+Blue Guild Vest X
+Red Guild Suit X
+Red Guild Vest X
+Red Guild Suit X
+Red Guild Vest X
+Black Hide X
+Black Skin X
+Damascus Mail X
+Damascus Vest X
+Damascus Mail XR
+Damascus Vest XR
+Kushala Cista X
+Kushala Vise X
+GX Kushala Cista
+GX Kushala Vise
+Kushala Cista XR
+Kushala Vise XR
+True Mizuha Guards
+True Cham Camise
+GX Mizuha Guards
+GX Cham Camise
+Kaiser Mail X
+Kaiser Vest X
+GX Kaiser Mail
+GX Kaiser Vest
+Silver Solmail Z
+Silver Solvest Z
+GX Silver Solmail
+GX Silver Solvest
+Silver Solmail XR
+Silver Solvest XR
+Golden Lunemail Z
+Golden Lunevest Z
+GX Golden Lunemail
+GX Golden Lunevest
+Grand Divine Ire Haori
+Grand Crusher Garb
+Esurient Mail Z
+Esurient Vest Z
+Esurient Mail XR
+Esurient Vest XR
+Bracchium Mail
+Bracchium Vest
+Auroros Torso
+Genesis Torso
+Borealis Chest
+Glyph Chest
+GX Auroros Torso
+GX Genesis Torso
+GX Borealis Chest
+GX Glyph Chest
+Auroros Battle Torso
+Genesis Battle Torso
+Borealis Battle Chest
+Glyph Battle Chest
+Akantor Aegis X
+Akantor Plate X
+Akantor Aegis XR
+Akantor Plate XR
+Ukanlos Aegis X
+Ukanlos Plate X
+True Tempest Robe
+True Welkin Robe
+Tempest Battle Robe
+Welkin Battle Robe
+True Skeletal Sternum
+True Decayed Sternum
+Astral Suit X
+Astral Vest X
+Neset Mail
+Neset Vest
+Escadora Soul X
+Escadora Seele X
+Escadora Soul XR
+Escadora Seele XR
+Fatalis Crimsonhide
+Fatalis Crimsonskin
+Fatalis Crimsonhide XR
+Fatalis Crimsonskin XR
+White Fatalis Hide
+White Fatalis Skin
+Strange Mail
+Strange Vest
+Strange Mail X
+Strange Vest X
+Redhelm Mail LV1
+Redhelm Vest LV1
+Redhelm Mail LV6
+Redhelm Vest LV6
+Redhelm Mail LV14
+Redhelm Vest LV14
+Snowbaron Mail LV1
+Snowbaron Vest LV1
+Snowbaron Mail LV6
+Snowbaron Vest LV6
+Snowbaron Mail LV14
+Snowbaron Vest LV14
+Stonefist Mail LV1
+Stonefist Vest LV1
+Stonefist Mail LV6
+Stonefist Vest LV6
+Stonefist Mail LV14
+Stonefist Vest LV14
+Dreadqueen Mail LV1
+Dreadqueen Vest LV1
+Dreadqueen Mail LV6
+Dreadqueen Vest LV6
+Dreadqueen Mail LV14
+Dreadqueen Vest LV14
+Drilltusk Mail LV1
+Drilltusk Vest LV1
+Drilltusk Mail LV6
+Drilltusk Vest LV6
+Drilltusk Mail LV14
+Drilltusk Vest LV14
+Silverwind Mail LV1
+Silverwind Vest LV1
+Silverwind Mail LV6
+Silverwind Vest LV6
+Silverwind Mail LV14
+Silverwind Vest LV14
+Crystalbeard Mail LV1
+Crystalbeard Vest LV1
+Crystalbeard Mail LV6
+Crystalbeard Vest LV6
+Crystalbeard Mail LV14
+Crystalbeard Vest LV14
+Deadeye Mail LV1
+Deadeye Vest LV1
+Deadeye Mail LV6
+Deadeye Vest LV6
+Deadeye Mail LV14
+Deadeye Vest LV14
+Dreadking Mail LV1
+Dreadking Vest LV1
+Dreadking Mail LV6
+Dreadking Vest LV6
+Dreadking Mail LV14
+Dreadking Vest LV14
+Thunderlord Mail LV1
+Thunderlord Vest LV1
+Thunderlord Mail LV6
+Thunderlord Vest LV6
+Thunderlord Mail LV14
+Thunderlord Vest LV14
+Grimclaw Mail LV1
+Grimclaw Vest LV1
+Grimclaw Mail LV6
+Grimclaw Vest LV6
+Grimclaw Mail LV14
+Grimclaw Vest LV14
+Hellblade Mail LV1
+Hellblade Vest LV1
+Hellblade Mail LV6
+Hellblade Vest LV6
+Hellblade Mail LV14
+Hellblade Vest LV14
+Hazewing Mail LV1
+Hazewing Vest LV1
+Hazewing Mail LV4
+Hazewing Vest LV4
+Shredclaw Mail LV1
+Shredclaw Vest LV1
+Shredclaw Mail LV4
+Shredclaw Vest LV4
+Divinesight Mail LV1
+Divinesight Vest LV1
+Divinesight Mail LV4
+Divinesight Vest LV4
+Azurebolt Mail LV1
+Azurebolt Vest LV1
+Azurebolt Mail LV4
+Azurebolt Vest LV4
+Silverpeak Mail LV1
+Silverpeak Vest LV1
+Silverpeak Mail LV4
+Silverpeak Vest LV4
+Bloodlust Mail LV1
+Bloodlust Vest LV1
+Bloodlust Mail LV4
+Bloodlust Vest LV4
+Promising Plate
+Halcyon Plate
+Lucid Robe
+Dreamy Robe
+Gudetama Body Tights
+Gudetama Body Suit
+Pirate Suit J
+Pirate Jacket J
+Buccaneer Suit J
+Buccaneer Jacket J
+Zodias Mail
+Zodias Vest
+Booyah Jacket
+Booyah Bomber
+Biker Jacket
+Biker Leather
+Ultimate Garb
+Ultimate Attire
+Champion's Body
+Strongman's Body
+Dynaqlo Coat
+Dynaqlo Jacket
+Blue Star Suit
+Blue Star Jacket
+Star Knight Mail
+Star Knight Vest
+Star Rook Mail
+Star Rook Vest
+Promising Archplate
+Halcyon Archplate
+Lucid Archrobe
+Dreamy Archrobe
+Gudetama Body Tights S
+Gudetama Body Suit S
+Varia Suit Armor
+Varia Suit Barrier
+Zero Suit Body
+Zero Suit Wear
+Hero's Clothes
+Hero's Tunic
+Lodestar Suit
+Lodestar Vest
+Mail of Rage
+Vest of Rage
+Mail of Anat
+Vest of Anat
+Rider Jacket
+Rider Leather
+X Gammoth Jacket
+X Gammoth Jersey
+X Mizutsune Jacket
+X Mizutsune Jersey
+X Dino Jacket
+X Dino Jersey
+X Astalos Jacket
+X Astalos Jersey
+Hiryu Sky Suit
+Hiryu Land Suit
diff --git a/Run/Data/Languages/English/components.txt b/Run/Data/Languages/English/components.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6762b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run/Data/Languages/English/components.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2892 @@
+Book of Combos 2
+Book of Combos 3
+Book of Combos 4
+Book of Combos 5
+Organizer Guide
+Pack Rat Guide
+Mega Potion
+Mega Nutrients
+Dash Juice
+Mega Dash Juice
+Mega Demondrug
+Might Pill
+Mega Armorskin
+Adamant Pill
+Cool Drink
+Hot Drink
+Herbal Medicine
+Max Potion
+Ancient Potion
+Energy Drink
+Dust of Life
+Hunter's Drink
+Yukumo Egg
+Tanzia Chips
+BBQ Spit
+Raw Meat
+Poisoned Meat
+Tinged Meat
+Drugged Meat
+Rare Steak
+Well-done Steak
+Burnt Meat
+Chilled Meat
+Hot Meat
+Mosswine Jerky
+Old Pickaxe
+Iron Pickaxe
+Mega Pickaxe
+Old Bug Net
+Bug Net
+Mega Bug Net
+Throwing Knife
+Poison Knife
+Sleep Knife
+Paralysis Knife
+Tranq Knife
+Bomb Casing
+Flash Bomb
+Sonic Bomb
+Tranq Bomb
+Smoke Bomb
+Poison Smoke Bomb
+Dung Bomb
+Trap Tool
+Spider Web
+Pitfall Trap
+Shock Trap
+Barrel Lid
+Small Barrel
+Large Barrel
+Barrel Bomb S
+Barrel Bomb L
+Barrel Bomb L+
+Bounce Bomb
+Bounce Bomb+
+Affinity Oil
+Destroyer Oil
+Stamina Oil
+Mind's Eye Oil
+Bone Husk
+Normal S Lv1
+Normal S Lv2
+Normal S Lv3
+Pierce S Lv1
+Pierce S Lv2
+Pierce S Lv3
+Pellet S Lv1
+Pellet S Lv2
+Pellet S Lv3
+Crag S Lv1
+Crag S Lv2
+Crag S Lv3
+Clust S Lv1
+Clust S Lv2
+Clust S Lv3
+Flaming S Lv1
+Water S Lv1
+Thunder S Lv1
+Freeze S Lv1
+Dragon S Lv1
+Poison S Lv1
+Poison S Lv2
+Para S Lv1
+Para S Lv2
+Sleep S Lv1
+Sleep S Lv2
+Exhaust S Lv1
+Exhaust S Lv2
+Recover S Lv1
+Recover S Lv2
+Paint S
+Tranq S
+Stone S
+Wyvern S
+Slicing S Lv1
+Slicing S Lv2
+Blast S Lv1
+Blast S Lv2
+Demon S
+Demon Aff S
+Armor S
+Super Armor S
+Force S Lv1
+Force S Lv2
+Heavy S Lv1
+Heavy S Lv2
+Sting S
+Flaming S Lv2
+Water S Lv2
+Thunder S Lv2
+Freeze S Lv2
+Dragon S Lv2
+P.Flaming S Lv1
+P.Flaming S Lv2
+P.Water S Lv1
+P.Water S Lv2
+P.Thunder S Lv1
+P.Thunder S Lv2
+P.Freeze S Lv1
+P.Freeze S Lv2
+Cannon S Lv1
+Cannon S Lv2
+Long S Lv1
+Long S Lv2
+Triblast S
+Shrapnel S
+Dazzling S
+Poison Smoke S
+Flash S
+Dung S
+Remedy S
+Group Recover S
+Demon Armor S
+Empty Phial
+Power Coating Lv1
+Power Coating Lv2
+Elem Coating Lv1
+Elem Coating Lv2
+C.Range Coating
+Poison Coating
+Para Coating
+Sleep Coating
+Exhaust Coating
+Blast Coating
+Paint Coating
+Larval Extract
+Paralarval Extract
+Power Jelly
+Heavy Jelly
+Speed Jelly
+Fire Ambrosia
+Water Ambrosia
+Thunder Ambrosia
+Ice Ambrosia
+Dragon Ambrosia
+Power Jelly+
+Heavy Jelly+
+Speed Jelly+
+Power Jelly++
+Heavy Jelly++
+Speed Jelly++
+Fire Ambrosia+
+Water Ambrosia+
+Thunder Ambrosia+
+Ice Ambrosia+
+Dragon Ambrosia+
+Douse Ambrosia
+Drought Ambrosia
+Resistor Ambrosia
+Melt Ambrosia
+De-wyrm Ambrosia
+Reverse Ambrosia
+Alchemy Barrel
+Alch. Food
+Alch. HP Agent
+Alch. Earplugs
+Alch. Fuel
+Alch. Art Bomb
+Alch. Whetstone
+Alch. Shot
+Alch. Coating
+Alch. Sonic Bomb
+Alch. Quick Drug
+Alch. Bazooka
+Alch. Healing Spray
+Mega Fishing Fly
+Sushifish Bait
+Burst Bait
+Goldenfish Bait
+Field Horn
+Health Flute
+Antidote Flute
+Demon Flute
+Armor Flute
+Antidote Herb
+Fire Herb
+Sleep Herb
+Sap Plant
+Gloamgrass Root
+Hot Pepper
+Snow Herb
+Spicy Mushroom
+Frozen Berry
+King Cactus
+Stargazer Flower
+Prismatic Dandelion
+Dragon Vine
+L Dragon Vine
+Blue Mushroom
+Dragon Toadstool
+Chaos Mushroom
+Might Seed
+Adamant Seed
+Dragonfell Berry
+Giant Acorn
+Spiky Acorn
+Yukumo Wood
+Yukumo Hardwood
+Yukumo Heavywood
+Iron Ore
+Earth Crystal
+Machalite Ore
+Disc Stone
+Ice Crystal
+Bealite Ore
+Dragonite Ore
+Allfire Stone
+Lava Nugget
+Carbalite Ore
+Eltalite Ore
+Meldspar Ore
+Fucium Ore
+Firecell Stone
+Rainbow Ore
+Lab Stone S
+Hi-Dense Lab Stone
+Ultima Crystal
+Aquaglow Jewel
+Sunspire Jewel
+Bloodrun Jewel
+Lazurite Jewel
+Adamant Orb
+Sovereign Orb
+Armor Stone
+Armor Sphere
+Armor Sphere+
+Adv Armor Sphere
+Hard Armor Sphere
+Heavy Armor Sphere
+Royal Armor Gem
+True Armor Sphere
+Mystery Charm
+Shining Charm
+Timeworn Charm
+Enduring Charm
+Ancient Shard
+Rare Fish
+Burnt Fish
+Gourmet Fish
+Pin Tuna
+Burst Arowana
+Bomb Arowana
+Glutton Tuna
+Gastronome Tuna
+Ancient Fish
+Small Goldenfish
+Blue Cutthroat
+Humspun Conch
+Armored Bream
+Springnight Carp
+Tailed Frog
+Golden King Fish
+Insect Husk
+Snakebee Larva
+Shiny Beetle
+King Scarab
+Rare Scarab
+Blossom Cricket
+Great Hornfly
+Butterfly Beetle
+Great Ladybug
+Emperor Hopper
+Dark Silkworm
+Toxic Kumori
+Large Toxic Kumori
+Great Toxic Kumori
+Dracophage Bug
+Monster Bone S
+Monster Bone M
+Monster Bone L
+Mystery Bone
+Unknown Skull
+Huge Mystery Bone
+Monster Bone+
+Monster Keenbone
+Monster Hardbone
+Monster Strongbone
+Monster Slogbone
+Elder Dragon Bone
+Lrg ElderDragon Bone
+Avian Finebone
+Avian Stoutbone
+Herbiv. Heavy Bone
+Brute Bone
+Jumbo Bone
+Massive Bone
+Dragonbone Relic
+Dragonbone Artifact
+Irregular Bone
+Irregular Stoutbone
+Irregular Heavy Bone
+Wyvern Fang
+Wyvern Claw
+Sharp Claw
+Piercing Claw
+Sharp Fang
+Crushing Fang
+Bird Wyvern Gem
+Fey Wyvern Gem
+Wyvern Gem
+Lrg Wyvern Gem
+Elder Dragon Blood
+Pure Dragon Blood
+Thick Dragon Blood
+Lrg Elder Dragon Gem
+Steel Egg
+Silver Egg
+Golden Egg
+Platinum Egg
+Screamer Sac
+Poison Sac
+Toxin Sac
+Deadly Poison Sac
+Paralysis Sac
+Omniplegia Sac
+Thick Paralysis Sac
+Sleep Sac
+Coma Sac
+Dead-Sleep Sac
+Flame Sac
+Inferno Sac
+Conflagrant Sac
+Electro Sac
+Thunder Sac
+Lightning Sac
+Freezer Sac
+Cryo Sac
+Aqua Sac
+Torrent Sac
+Flood Sac
+Dash Extract
+Pale Extract
+Hyper Extract
+Hyper Thick Extract
+Hyper Fang
+Hyper Fang+
+Hyper Hardfang
+Hyper Hardfang+
+Hyper Rough Fang
+Hyper Claw
+Hyper Claw+
+Hyper Heavy Claw
+Hyper Heavy Claw+
+Hyper Rough Claw
+Hyper Monster Bone
+Hyper Strongbone
+Hyper Slogbone
+Hyper Horn+
+Hyper Hardhorn
+Hyper Flame Sac
+Hyper Conflagrant Sac
+Hyper Pyroscale
+Hyper Pyroscale+
+Hyper Aqua Sac
+Hyper Flood Sac
+Hyper Fluid
+Hyper Thick Fluid
+Hyper Electro Sac
+Hyper Lightning Sac
+Hyper Charged Shell
+Hyper Charged Cortex
+Hyper Shockfur
+Hyper Electrofur+
+Hyper Ice Block
+Hyper Ice Block L
+Hyper Draco. Scale
+Hyper Draco. Shard
+Hyper Toxin
+Hyper Venom
+Hyper Paratoxin
+Hyper Petritoxin
+Hyper Sleep Sac
+Hyper Coma Sac
+Hyper Narcotoxin
+Hyper Trypanotoxin
+Hyper Catalyst
+Hyper Implode Catalyst
+Felyne Fur Ruby
+Larinoth Hide
+Larinoth Finehide
+Gargwa Feather
+Gargwa Finefeather
+Moofah Horn
+Moofah Fleeceball
+Moofah Heavy Horn
+Kelbi Horn
+Warm Pelt
+High-quality Pelt
+Prized Pelt
+Anteka Antler
+Anteka Heavy Antler
+Rhenoplos Shell
+Rhenoplos Carapace
+Rhenoplos Scalp
+Slagtoth Hide+
+Flimsy Piel
+Monster Fluid
+Monster Broth
+Monster Essence
+Bnahabra Shell
+Bnahabra Carapace
+Bnahabra Wing
+Bnahabra Razorwing
+Altaroth Jaw
+Altaroth Stomach
+Quality Stomach
+Prized Stomach
+Vespoid Shell
+Vespoid Carapace
+Vespoid Wing
+Vespoid Innerwing
+Vespoid Razorwing
+Hornetaur Shell
+Hornetaur Carapace
+Hornetaur Wing
+Hornetaur Innerwing
+Hornetaur Razorwing
+Hornetaur Head
+Konchu Shell
+Konchu Carapace
+Konchu Cortex
+Thunderbug Extract
+Thunderbug Jelly
+Remobra Hide
+Remobra Hide+
+Remobra Finehide
+Striped Skin
+Striped Fineskin
+Remobra Head
+Remobra Finehead
+Bird Wyvern Fang
+Maccao Scale
+Maccao Scale+
+Maccao Shard
+Maccao Hide
+Great Maccao Scale
+Great Maccao Scale+
+Great Maccao Shard
+Great Maccao Hide
+Great Maccao Hide+
+Maccao Redhide
+Champion's Crest
+Grand Crest
+Maccao Tailspike
+Maccao Tailspear
+Jaggi Scale
+Jaggi Scale+
+Jaggi Shard
+Jaggi Hide
+Jaggi Piel
+Velociprey Scale
+Velociprey Scale+
+Velociprey Shard
+Velociprey Hide
+Velociprey Hide+
+Velocidrome Hide
+Velocidrome Hide+
+Velocidrome Piel
+Velocidrome Claw
+Velocidrome Claw+
+Velociprey Hardclaw
+Velocidrome Head
+Genprey Fang
+Genprey Scale
+Genprey Scale+
+Genprey Shard
+Genprey Hide
+Genprey Hide+
+Gendrome Hide
+Gendrome Hide+
+Gendrome Piel
+Gendrome Fang
+Gendrome Fang+
+Genprey Hardfang
+Gendrome Head
+Ioprey Fang
+Ioprey Scale
+Ioprey Scale+
+Ioprey Shard
+Ioprey Hide
+Ioprey Hide+
+Iodrome Hide
+Iodrome Hide+
+Iodrome Piel
+Iodrome Violet Scale
+Iodrome Violet Scale+
+Iodrome Violet Shard
+Iodrome Head
+Giaprey Scale
+Giaprey Scale+
+Giaprey Shard
+Giaprey Hide
+Giaprey Hide+
+Giadrome Hide+
+Giadrome Piel
+Giaprey Claw+
+Giaprey Hardclaw
+Giadrome Head
+Arzuros Pelt
+Arzuros Pelt+
+Arzuros Fur
+Arzuros Shell
+Arzuros Carapace
+Arzuros Cortex
+Arzuros Brace
+Arzuros Brace+
+Azuros Allbrace
+Redhelm Pelt
+Redhelm Pelt+
+Redhelm Fur
+Redhelm Shell
+Redhelm Carapace
+Redhelm Cortex
+Redhelm Ragehair
+Redhelm Furyhair
+Redhelm Wrathhair
+Lagombi Pelt
+Lagombi Pelt+
+Lagombi Fur
+Lagombi Ear
+Lagombi Ear+
+Lagombi Plastron
+Lagombi Plastron+
+Lagombi Pericarp
+Lagombi Iceclaw
+Lagombi Frozenclaw
+Lagombi Blizzclaw
+Snowbaron Pelt
+Snowbaron Pelt+
+Snowbaron Fur
+Snowbaron Plastron
+Snowbaron Plastron+
+Snowbaron Pericarp
+Volvidon Shell
+Volvidon Carapace
+Volvidon Cortex
+Volvidon Claw
+Volvidon Claw+
+Volvidon Hardclaw
+Volvi Rickrack
+Volvi Fullrack
+Kut-Ku Scale
+Kut-Ku Scale+
+Kut-Ku Shard
+Kut-Ku Shell
+Kut-Ku Carapace
+Kut-Ku Cortex
+Kut-Ku Ear
+Kut-Ku Auricle
+Kut-Ku Luckear
+Giant Beak
+Splendid Beak
+Kut-Ku Webbing
+Kut-Ku Thick Webbing
+Hyper Kut-Ku Scale
+Hyper Kut-Ku Shard
+Rubbery Hide
+Rubbery Hide+
+Rubbery Finehide
+Gypceros Webbing
+Gypceros Thick Webbing
+Gypceros Wing
+Gypceros Head
+Gypceros Hardhead
+Hyper Gypceros Hide
+Hyper Gypceros Finehide
+Fine Azurefeather
+Malfestio Webbing
+Malfestio Wing
+Malfestio Vastwing
+Malfestio Wingtalon
+Malfestio Wingtalon+
+Malfestio Scrapper
+Malfestio Ear
+Malfestio Luckear
+Malfestio Tailfeather
+Malfestio Featherblade
+Malfestio Goldfeather
+Malfestio Goldfeather+
+Hyper Azurefeather
+Hyper Finefeather
+Hazewing Finescale
+Hazewing Vastwing
+Hazewing Clear Scale
+Garuga Scale
+Garuga Scale+
+Garuga Shard
+Garuga Shell
+Garuga Carapace
+Garuga Cortex
+Garuga Ear
+Garuga Auricle
+Sharpened Beak
+Rejuvenated Beak
+Garuga Wing
+Garuga Fellwing
+Garuga Tail
+Garuga Lash
+Garuga Mane
+Garuga Silverpelt
+Hyper Garuga Scale
+Hyper Garuga Shard
+Deadeye Scale
+Deadeye Scale+
+Deadeye Shard
+Deadeye Shell
+Deadeye Carapace
+Deadeye Cortex
+Mosswine Hide
+Mosswine Piel
+Bullfango Pelt
+Bullfango Pelt+
+Bullfango Thickfur
+Bullfango Head
+Bulldrome Hide
+Bulldrome Hide+
+Bulldrome Piel
+Bulldrome Tusk
+Bulldrome Tusk+
+Bulldrome Hardtusk
+Conga Pelt+
+Conga Fur
+Congalala Pelt+
+Congalala Fur
+Congalala Fang
+Beastly Fang
+Congalala Claw+
+Congalala Hardclaw
+Vibrant Pelt
+Vibrant Fur
+Hyper Congalala Pelt+
+Blango Pelt
+Blango Pelt+
+Blango Fur
+Blangonga Pelt
+Blangonga Pelt+
+Blangonga Fur
+Blangonga Fang
+Blangonga Fang+
+Blangonga Hardfang
+Blangonga Whisker
+Lthr Pelagus Plt
+Blangonga Tail
+Blangonga Lash
+Hyper Blangonga Pelt
+Hyper Blangonga Pelt+
+Kecha Pelt+
+Kecha Fur
+Kecha Grandbone
+Kecha Leadbone
+Kecha Talon
+Kecha Ripper
+Kecha Ear+
+Kecha Auricle
+Kecha Tail
+Kecha Lash
+Hyper Kecha Pelt
+Hyper Kecha Pelt+
+Small Lobstershell
+Large Lobstershell
+Huge Lobstershell
+Cephalos Scale
+Cephalos Scale+
+Cephalos Shard
+Cephalos Fin
+Cephalos Fin+
+Cephalos Grandfin
+Cephalos Fang
+Cephalos Fang+
+Cephalos Hardfang
+Plesioth Scale+
+Plesioth Shard
+Plesioth Fin+
+Plesioth Grandfin
+Plesioth Fang+
+Plesioth Hardfang
+Plesioth Webbing
+Hrd Ples Webbing
+Plesioth Head
+Uber Plesio Head
+Hyper Plesioth Scale
+Hyper Plesioth Shard
+Lavasioth Scale+
+Lavasioth Shard
+Lavasioth Carapace
+Lavasioth Cortex
+Lavasioth Fang+
+Lavasioth Hardfang
+Lavasioth Fin+
+Lavasioth Grandfin
+Hyper Lavasioth Scale
+Hyper Lavasioth Shard
+Hydro Hide
+Hydro Hide+
+Hydro Piel
+Immature Sponge
+Spongy Hide
+Spongy Hide+
+Spongy Piel
+R.Ludroth Scale
+R.Ludroth Scale+
+R.Ludroth Shard
+R.Ludroth Claw
+R.Ludroth Claw+
+R.Ludroth Hardclaw
+R.Ludroth Crest
+R.Ludroth Crest+
+Chic Crest
+R.Ludroth Tail
+R.Ludroth Lash
+Hyper R.Ludroth Scale
+Hyper R.Ludroth Shard
+Nibelsnarf Shell
+Nibelsnarf Carap.
+Nibelsnarf Cortex
+Nibelsnarf Hide
+Nibelsnarf Hide+
+Nibelsnarf Piel
+Nibelsnarf Claw
+Nibelsnarf Claw+
+Nibelsnarf Hardclaw
+Nibelsnarf Scalp
+Nibelsnarf Crown
+Vivid Fluid
+Brilliant Fluid
+Dazzling Fluid
+Hyper Nibelsnarf Shell
+Hyper Nibelsnarf Cortex
+Lagiacrus Hide
+Lagiacrus Hide+
+Lagiacrus Piel
+Lagiacrus Scale
+Lagiacrus Scale+
+Lagiacrus Shard
+Shell Shocker
+Shell Shocker+
+Deathly Shocker
+Lagiacrus Horn
+Lagiacrus Horn+
+Lagiacrus Hardhorn
+Lagiacrus Tail
+Lagiacrus Hardtail
+Lagiacrus Claw
+Lagiacrus Claw+
+Lagiacrus Hardclaw
+Lagiacrus Plate
+Lagiacrus Sapphire
+Lagiacrus Mantle
+Hyper Lagiacrus Hide
+Hyper Lagiacrus Piel
+Uroktor Scale
+Uroktor Scale+
+Uroktor Shard
+Agnaktor Scale
+Agnaktor Carapace
+Agnaktor Cortex
+Agnaktor Hide+
+Agnaktor Piel
+Agnaktor Claw+
+Agnaktor Hardclaw
+Agnaktor Fin+
+Agnaktor Grandfin
+Agnaktor Beak
+Agnaktor Tail
+Scalding Pleura+
+Scalding Hvy Pleura
+Hyper Agnaktor Shell
+Hyper Agnaktor Cortex
+Tetsucabra Scale
+Tetsucabra Scale+
+Tetsucabra Shard
+Tetsucabra Shell
+Tetsucabra Carapace
+Tetsucabra Cortex
+Tetsucabra Claw
+Tetsucabra Claw+
+Tetsucabra Hardclaw
+Tetsucabra Tusks
+Tetsucabra Tusks+
+Tetsucabra Gnawrl
+Dignified Skull
+Vicious Visage
+Paddock Oil
+Paddock Oil+
+Paddock Cream
+Hyper Tetsu. Scale
+Hyper Tetsu. Shard
+Drilltusk Scale
+Drilltusk Scale+
+Drilltusk Shard
+Drilltusk Shell
+Drilltusk Carapace
+Drilltusk Cortex
+Drilltusk Tusk
+Drilltusk Tusk+
+Drilltusk Gnawrl
+Sharqskin Scale
+Meaty Hide+
+Zamtrios Hide+
+Zamtrios Piel
+Zamtrios Scale+
+Zamtrios Shard
+Zamtrios Fin+
+Zamtrios Grandfin
+Zamtrios Sawtooth
+Zamtrios Sawtooth+
+Zamtrios Tailblade
+Zamtrios Tailbrand
+Hyper Zamtrios Hide
+Hyper Zamtrios Piel
+Najarala Shell
+Najarala Carapace
+Najarala Cortex
+Najarala Hide
+Najarala Hide+
+Najarala Piel
+Najarala Marrow
+Najarala Medulla
+Najarala Sounder
+Najarala Sounder+
+Najarala Ampsounder
+Najarala Fang
+Chilling Beak
+Heart-stopping Beak
+Hyper Najarala Shell
+Hyper Najarala Cortex
+Black Pearl
+Fine Black Pearl
+Wyvern Scalp
+Wyvern Hvy Scalp
+Decayed Crimson Horn
+Ancient Crimson Horn
+Sm. Hermitaur Shell
+Tiny Hermitaur Shell
+Hermitaur Shell
+Hermitaur Carapace
+Hermitaur Cortex
+Hermitaur Claw
+Hermitaur Claw+
+Hermitaur Hardclaw
+Hyper Hermitaur Scale
+Hyper Hermitaur Cortex
+Stonefist Shell
+Stonefist Carapace
+Stonefist Cortex
+Stonefist Claw
+Stonefist Claw+
+Stonefist Hardclaw
+Small Ceanataur Shell
+Ceanataur Shell
+Ceanataur Carapace
+Ceanataur Cortex
+Ceanataur Leg
+Ceanataur Leg+
+Ceanataur Hvy Leg
+Ceanataur Claw
+Ceanataur Claw+
+Ceanataur Hardclaw
+Hyper Ceanataur Shell
+Hyper Ceanataur Cortex
+Shredclaw Cortex
+Shredclaw Hardclaw
+Hyper Wyvern Hvy Scalp
+Nerscylla Carapace
+Nerscylla Cortex
+Nerscylla Shear
+Nerscylla Scishorn
+Nerscylla Sharpclaw
+Nerscylla Hardclaw
+Nerscylla Spike+
+Nerscylla Surspike
+Hyper Nerscylla Cortex
+Seltas Carapace
+Seltas Cortex
+Seltas Innerwing
+Seltas Razorwing
+Seltas Horn+
+Seltas Hardhorn
+S.Queen Carapace
+S.Queen Cortex
+S.Queen Hardpectus
+S.Queen Pectus+
+S.Queen Sharpclaw
+S.Queen Hardclaw
+S.Queen Jaw
+S.Queen Maw
+S.Queen Crescent
+S.Queen Moonlash
+S.Queen Extract
+Hyper S.Queen Shell
+Hyper S.Queen Cortex
+Barroth Carapace
+Barroth Cortex
+Barroth Ridge+
+Barroth Chine
+Barroth Sharpclaw
+Barroth Hardclaw
+Barroth Scalp
+Barroth Crown
+Barroth Tail
+Barroth Lash
+Fertile Mud
+Hyper Barroth Cortex
+Uragaan Scale
+Uragaan Scale+
+Uragaan Shard
+Uragaan Shell
+Uragaan Carapace
+Uragaan Cortex
+Uragaan Jaw
+Uragaan Maw
+Uragaan Scute
+Uragaan Heatshield
+Uragaan Marrow
+Uragaan Ruby
+Uragaan Pallium
+Hyper Uragaan Scale
+Hyper Uragaan Shard
+Crystalbeard Scale
+Crystalbeard Scale+
+Crystalbeard Shard
+Crystalbeard Jaw
+Crystalbeard Maw
+Crystalbeard Underjaw
+Treasure Nugget
+Giant Treasure Nugget
+Brach Shell
+Brach Carapace
+Brach Cortex
+Brach Ebonshell
+Brach Ebonshell+
+Fine Brach Ebonshell
+Brach Scalp
+Brach Scalp+
+Brach Crown
+Mystery Slime
+Glowing Slime
+Brach Hammer
+Brach Pounder
+Brach Pounder+
+Brach Tail
+Brach Lash
+Brach Marrow
+Brach Gem
+Brach Pallium
+Brach Warhead
+Flashpoint Slime
+Brach Obliterator
+Immortal Reactor
+Hyper Brach Shell
+Hyper Brach Cortex
+Duram Carapace
+Duramboros Cortex
+Hard Mossplate
+Heavy Mossplate
+Duramboros Hump
+Marbled Hump
+Duram Tailcase+
+Duram Hardtail
+Duramboros Horn+
+Duramboros Hardhorn
+Duram Sacrum
+Hyper Duram Shell
+Hyper Duram Cortex
+Flabby Hide
+Pearl Hide
+Pearl Glosshide
+Pale Bone
+Pale Steak
+Khezu Special Cut
+Hyper Khezu Hide
+Hyper Khezu Glosshide
+Nargacuga Scale
+Nargacuga Scale+
+Nargacuga Shard
+Nargacuga Blackfur
+Nargacuga Pelt+
+Nargacuga Blackfur+
+Nargacuga Tail
+Nargacuga Lash
+Narga Tailspike
+Narga Tailspear
+Nargacuga Cutwing
+Narga Razor
+Nargacuga Cutwing+
+Nargacuga Fang
+Nargacuga Fang+
+Nargacuga Hardfang
+Nargacuga Marrow
+Narga Medulla
+Nargacuga Mantle
+Hyper Narga Scale
+Hyper Narga Shard
+Silverwind Scale
+Silverwind Scale+
+Silverwind Shard
+Silverwind Blackfur
+Silverwind Pelt+
+Silverwind Blackfur+
+Barioth Carapace
+Barioth Cortex
+Barioth Pelt+
+Barioth Thickfur
+Barioth Claw+
+Barioth Hardclaw
+Amber Tusks+
+Amber Hardtusk
+Barioth Spike
+Barioth Tail
+Barioth Lash
+Hyper Barioth Piel
+Basarios Carapace
+Basarios Cortex
+Basarios Wing
+Basarios Fellwing
+Basarios Tears
+Basarios Pallium
+Hyper Basarios Cortex
+Gravios Carapace
+Gravios Cortex
+Gravios Scalp
+Gravios Crown
+Gravios Wing
+Gravios Fellwing
+Gravios Medulla
+Gravios Pallium
+Hyper Gravios Cortex
+Rathian Scale
+Rathian Scale+
+Rathian Shard
+Rathian Shell
+Rathian Carapace
+Rathian Cortex
+Rathian Webbing
+Rathian Thick Webbing
+Rathian Spike
+Rathian Spike+
+Rathian Surspike
+Rathian Plate
+Rathian Ruby
+Rathian Mantle
+Hyper Rathian Scale
+Hyper Rathian Shard
+Dreadqueen Scale
+Dreadqueen Scale+
+Dreadqueen Shard
+Dreadqueen Shell
+Dreadqueen Carapace
+Dreadqueen Cortex
+G.Rathian Scale+
+G.Rathian Shard
+G.Rathian Carapace
+G.Rathian Cortex
+G.Rathian Spike+
+G.Rath Surspike
+Hyper G.Rathian Scale
+Hyper G.Rathian Shard
+Rathalos Scale
+Rathalos Scale+
+Rathalos Shard
+Rathalos Shell
+Rathalos Carapace
+Rathalos Cortex
+Rathalos Webbing
+Rathalos Wing
+Rathalos Fellwing
+Rathalos Tail
+Rathalos Lash
+Rathalos Plate
+Rathalos Ruby
+Rathalos Mantle
+Hyper Rathalos Scale
+Hyper Rathalos Shard
+Dreadking Scale
+Dreadking Scale+
+Dreadking Shard
+Dreadking Shell
+Dreadking Carapace
+Dreadking Cortex
+S.Rathalos Scale+
+S.Rathalos Shard
+S.Rathalos Carapace
+S.Rath Cortex
+S.Rathalos Tail
+S.Rath Lash
+Hyper S.Rath. Scale
+Hyper S.Rath. Shard
+Rath Wingtalon
+Rath Wingtalon+
+Rath Marrow
+Rath Medulla
+Rath Gleam
+Firegleam Dollop
+Zinogre Shell
+Zinogre Carapace
+Zinogre Cortex
+Zinogre Shockfur
+Zinogre Electrofur
+Zinogre Electrofur+
+Zinogre Horn
+Zinogre Horn+
+Zinogre Hardhorn
+Zinogre Claw
+Zinogre Claw+
+Zinogre Hardclaw
+Zinogre Tail
+Zinogre Lash
+Zinogre Shocker
+Zinogre Shocker+
+Zinogre D-Shocker
+Zinogre Plate
+Zinogre Jasper
+Zinogre Skymerald
+Hyper Zinogre Shell
+Hyper Zinogre Cortex
+Thunderlord Shell
+Thunderlord Carapace
+Thunderlord Cortex
+Thunderlord Shockfur
+Thunderlord Electrofur
+Thunderlord Electrofur+
+Thunderlord Horn
+Thunderlord Horn+
+Thunderlord Whirlhorn
+Astalos Scale
+Astalos Scale+
+Astalos Shard
+Astalos Shell
+Astalos Shell+
+Astalos Hvy Shell
+Astalos Membrane
+Astalos Membrane+
+Astalos Charged Membrane
+Astalos Wingtalon
+Astalos Wingtalon+
+Astalos Scraper
+Astalos Crest
+Astalos Crest+
+Astalos Grandcrest
+Astalos Scissortail
+Astalos Sheartail
+Astalos Plate
+Astalos Electrogem
+Astalos Mantle
+Hyper Astalos Scale
+Hyper Astalos Shard
+Azurebolt Shard
+Azurebolt Shell
+Azurebolt ElectroShell
+Gammoth Pelt
+Gammoth Pelt+
+Gammoth Fur
+Gammoth Shell
+Gammoth Carapace
+Gammoth Cortex
+Gammoth Fang
+Gammoth Fang+
+Gammoth Hardfang
+Firm Trunkspine
+Gammoth Redfur
+Large Snowclod
+Giant Snowclod
+Gammoth Scalp
+Gammoth Ice Orb
+Gammoth Pallium
+Hyper Gammoth Fur
+Hyper Gammoth Pelt
+Frostpeak Fur
+Frostpeak Cortex
+Frostpeak Trunkspine
+Mizutsune Scale
+Mizutsune Scale+
+Mizutsune Shard
+Mizutsune Purplefur
+Mizutsune Purplefur+
+Mizutsune Purplepelt
+Mizutsune Claw
+Mizutsune Claw+
+Mizutsune Hardclaw
+Mizutsune Fin
+Mizutsune Fin+
+Mizutsune Grandfin
+Mizutsune Tail
+Mizutsune Lash
+Bubble Concentrate
+Mizutsune Plate
+Mizutsune Water Orb
+Mizutsune Mantle
+Hyper Mizutsune Scale
+Hyper Mizutsune Shard
+Divinesight Shard
+Divinesight Purplepelt
+Divinesight Tail
+Glavenus Scale
+Glavenus Scale+
+Glavenus Shard
+Glavenus Shell
+Glavenus Carapace
+Glavenus Cortex
+Glavenus Fang
+Glavenus Fang+
+Glavenus Hardfang
+Glavenus Pyroshell
+Glavenus Pyroshell+
+Glavenus Hellshell
+Glavenus Tail
+Glavenus Cracked Tail
+Glavenus Tailpiece
+Flaming Bursa
+Solar Bursa
+Melting Bursa
+Glavenus Plate
+Glavenus Fire Orb
+Glavenus Mantle
+Hyper Glavenus Scale
+Hyper Glavenus Shard
+Hellblade Scale
+Hellblade Scale+
+Hellblade Shard
+Hellblade Shell
+Hellblade Carapace
+Hellblade Cortex
+Hellblade Powder
+Tigrex Scale
+Tigrex Scale+
+Tigrex Shard
+Tigrex Shell
+Tigrex Carapace
+Tigrex Cortex
+Tigrex Tail
+Tigrex Lash
+Tigrex Claw
+Tigrex Claw+
+Tigrex Hardclaw
+Tigrex Fang
+Tigrex Fang+
+Tigrex Hardfang
+Tigrex Scalp
+Tigrex Maw
+Tigrex Mantle
+Hyper Tigrex Scale
+Hyper Tigrex Shard
+Grimclaw Scale
+Grimclaw Scale+
+Grimclaw Shard
+Grimclaw Shell
+Grimclaw Carapace
+Grimclaw Cortex
+Grimclaw Talon
+Grimclaw Talon+
+Grimclaw Hardtalon
+Seregios Bladescale
+Seregios Slavescale
+Seregios Slavescale+
+Airblade Shard
+Seregios Airblade
+Seregios Airblade+
+Seregios Talon
+Seregios Carver
+Seregios Carver+
+Seregios Impaler
+Seregios Impaler+
+Seregios Sunderer
+Seregios Breacher
+Seregios Breacher+
+Seregios Wingtalon
+Seregios Scraper
+Seregios Scraper+
+Seregios Dissenter
+Seregios Lens
+Hyper Seregios Scale
+Hyper Seregios Slash Scl
+Diablos Carapace
+Diablos Cortex
+Diablos Ridge+
+Diablos Chine
+Twisted Horn
+Majestic Horn
+Diablos Hardhorn
+Diablos Fang
+Diablos Tailcase
+Diablos Hardtail
+Blos Medulla
+Hyper Diablos Cortex
+Bloodlust Cortex
+Bloodlust Chine
+Bloodlust Gore Horn
+Gore Magala Scale
+Gore Magala Scale+
+Gore Magala Shard
+Gore Magala Shell
+Gore Magala Carapace
+Gore Magala Cortex
+Gore Magala Wing
+Gore Magala Wing+
+Gore Magala Eclipse
+Gore Magala Ripclaw
+Gore Magala Ripclaw+
+Gore Magala Shredder
+Gore Magala Tail
+Gore Magala Lash
+Gore Magala Plate
+Gore Magala Nyctgem
+Gore Magala Mantle
+Gore Magala Feeler
+Gore Magala Feeler+
+Gore Magala Sensor
+Defiled Scale
+Chaos Scale
+Diametrical Horn
+Antinomic Wing
+Contrary Scale
+Hyper G.Magala Scale
+Hyper G.Magala Shard
+S.Magala Scale
+S.Magala Scale+
+S.Magala Shard
+S.Magala Shell
+S.Magala Carapace
+S.Magala Cortex
+S.Magala Prismwing
+S.Magala Prismwing+
+S.Magala Lightwing
+S.Magala Caress
+S.Magala Caress+
+S.Magala Purifier
+S.Magala Tail
+S.Magala Lash
+S.Magala Plate
+S.Magala Phosgem
+S.Magala Mantle
+S.Magala Horn
+S.Magala Horn+
+S.Magala Hardhorn
+Pure Scale
+Rajang Horn+
+Rajang Hardhorn
+Rajang Fang+
+Rajang Hardfang
+Rajang Blackfur
+Rajang Wildpelt
+Rajang Claw+
+Rajang Hardclaw
+Rajang Tail
+Gold Rajang Pelt
+Gold Rajang Pelt+
+Rajang Ragehair
+Rajang Apoplexy
+Rajang Nerve
+Rajang Heart
+Ghoulish Gold Horn
+Ghoulish Gold Gorer
+Hyper Rajang Fur
+Hyper Rajang Pelt+
+Deviljho Scale
+Deviljho Shard
+Deviljho Hide
+Deviljho Blackpiel
+Deviljho Tallfang
+Deviljho Hardfang
+Deviljho Talon
+Deviljho Ripper
+Deviljho Scalp
+Deviljho Tail
+Deviljho Flail
+Deviljho Saliva
+Black Blood
+Vile Fang
+Spattered Hide
+Bloodied Ebonhide
+Deviljho Gem
+Deviljho Crook
+Hyper Deviljho Scale
+Hyper Deviljho Shard
+Kirin Thunderhorn
+Kirin Hide
+Kirin Hide+
+Kirin Finehide
+Kirin Mane
+Platinum Mane
+Kirin Thundertail
+Kirin Thunderlash
+Kirin Azure Horn
+Kirin Azure Peak
+Daora Shell
+Daora Carapace
+Daora Cortex
+Daora Scale
+Daora Dragon Scale+
+Daora Shard
+Daora Webbing
+Daora Fellwing
+Daora Horn
+Daora Hardhorn
+Daora Horn+
+Daora Tail
+Daora Lash
+Daora Claw
+Daora Claw+
+Daora Hardclaw
+Daora Gem
+Chameleos Hide
+Chameleos Hide+
+Chameleos Finehide
+Chameleos Horn
+Chameleos Spike
+Chameleos Hardhorn
+Chameleos Claw
+Chameleos Claw+
+Chameleos Hardclaw
+Chameleos Webbing
+Chameleos Fellwing
+Chameleos Tail
+Chameleos Lash
+Chameleos Gem
+Teostra Shell
+Teostra Carapace
+Teostra Cortex
+Teostra Mane
+Teostra Tail
+Teostra Lash
+Teostra Horn
+Teostra Horn+
+Teostra Hardhorn
+Fire Dragon Scale
+Fire Dragon Scale+
+Flame Shard
+Fire Dragon Claw
+Teostra Claw+
+Fire Dragon Hardclaw
+Teostra Webbing
+Teostra Powder
+Teostra Gem
+Wyvern Crystal
+Dragon Crystal
+Akantor Scale+
+Akantor Shard
+Akantor Carapace
+Akantor Cortex
+Akantor Tail
+Akantor Flail
+Akantor Hardclaw
+Akantor Shredtalon
+Akantor Tallfang
+Akantor Greatfang
+Akantor Spike
+Akantor Thickspike
+Akantor Gem
+Conquest Sphere
+Ukanlos Carapace
+Ukanlos Cortex
+Ukanlos Underscale
+Ukanlos Underscale+
+Ukanlos Tail
+Ukanlos Flail
+Ukanlos Digger
+Ukanlos Digger+
+Ukanlos Shoveljaw
+Ukanlos Shoveljaw+
+Ukanlos Fin+
+Ukanlos Hardfin
+Ukanlos Gem
+Ukanlos Stone
+Alatreon Scute
+Alatreon Pallium
+Alatreon Plate
+Alatreon Mantle
+Alatreon Talon
+Alatreon Riptalon
+Alatreon Webbing
+Alatreon Evil Wing
+Alatreon Tail
+Alatreon Diretail
+Broken Skypiercer
+Azure Dragongem
+Azure Dragonsphire
+Amatsu Carapace
+Amatsu Cortex
+Amatsu Webbing
+Amatsu Thick Webbing
+Amatsu Horn
+Amatsu Hardhorn
+Amatsu Claw+
+Amatsu Hardclaw
+Amatsu Tail
+Amatsu Stormtail
+Amatsu Pleura
+Amatsu Hvy Pleura
+Storm Vesicle
+Storm Vesicle+
+Heavenly Dragongem
+Heavenly Dragonsphire
+Lao-Shan Shard
+Lao-Shan Cortex
+Lao-Shan Hardhorn
+Lao-Shan Hugeclaw
+Lao-Shan Mantle
+Fatalis Shard
+Fatalis Cortex
+Fatalis Hardhorn
+Fatalis Evil Eye
+Fatalis Fellwing
+Fatalis Flamescale
+Fatalis Flameshell
+Fatalis Flamehorn
+Fatalis Flamewing
+Fatalis Devileye+
+Old Fatalis Shard
+Old Fatalis Cortex
+Old Fatalis Hardhorn
+Old Fatalis Fellwing
+Old Fatalis Souleye
+Nakarkos Husk
+Nakarkos Husk+
+Nakarkos Rigid Husk
+Nakarkos Shell
+Nakarkos Shell+
+Nakarkos Hvy Shell
+Nakarkos Skull
+Nakarkos Skull+
+Nakarkos Vertebra
+Nakarkos Vertebra+
+Nakarkos Hide
+Nakarkos Living Hide
+Nakarkos Arm Brace
+Nakarkos Dread Brace
+Nakarkos Fang
+Nakarkos Cuttlebone
+Nakakos Cuttlebone+
+Nakarkos Soul Orb
+Nakarkos Pneuma
+Radiant Mucus
+Radiant Mucus+
+Radiant Thick Mucus
+Valfalk Scale+
+Valfalk Shard
+Valfalk Carapace
+Valfalk Cortex
+Valfalk Claw+
+Valfalk Hardclaw
+Valfalk Tail
+Valfalk Curltail
+Valfalk Spearwing
+Valfalk Shearwing
+Valfalk Spineshell
+Valfalk Spineshell+
+Red Dragonjade
+Purple Dragonjade
+Burnt Shell
+Purple Fluid
+Golden Lump
+Atrulka Gold Shell
+Atrulka Purple Shell
+Atrulka Sickle
+Iridescent Backshell
+Atrulka Perfume
+Atrulka Thorn
+Throne Pyroxene
+Atrulka Glowgem
+First-aid Med
+First-aid Med+
+Portable Spit
+Mini Whetstone
+EZ Max Potion
+EZ Lifepowder
+EZ Dust of Life
+EZ Hunter's Drink
+EZ Flash Bomb
+EZ Sonic Bomb
+EZ Farcaster
+EZ Shock Trap
+EZ Pitfall Trap
+EZ Barrel Bomb L
+Anti-dragon Bomb
+Ballista Ammo
+One-shot Binder
+Dense Marcoal
+Paw Pass Ticket
+Rusted Fragment
+Ancient Fragment
+God Fragment
+Sinister Cloth
+Sinister Darkcloth
+Sinister Gloomcloth
+Extravagant Artifact
+Opulent Artifact
+Transcendent Artifact
+Broken Statue
+Large Broken Statue
+Broken Felyne Statue
+Dark Piece
+Dark Stone
+Felyne Kettle
+Yukumo Riceflour
+Doll Parts
+Weapon Codex
+Bowgun Codex
+Eroded Amber
+Turbid Fragment
+Odd Mask
+Sunmelt Crystal
+Oceanic Pyroxene
+White Soft Fleeceball
+Black Soft Fleeceball
+Mog Ore (Helm)
+Mog Ore (Chest)
+Mog Ore (Arm)
+Mog Ore (Waist)
+Mog Ore (Leg)
+F Mog Ore (Helm)
+F Mog Ore (Chest)
+Gourmet Voucher
+Commendation G
+Commendation XX
+Accolade G
+Accolade XX
+Proof of Skill
+Proof of Indomitable
+Proof of Indomitable G
+Conqueror's Seal
+Pawprint Stamp
+Pawprint Fond Stamp
+Bherna Ticket
+Bherna Ticket G
+Kokoto Ticket
+Kokoto Ticket G
+Pokke Ticket
+Pokke Ticket G
+Yukumo Ticket
+Yukumo Ticket G
+Wycademy Ticket
+Wycademy Ticket G
+Wyverian Airboat Ticket
+Tavern Ticket
+Palico Ticket
+Palico Ticket G
+Airship Ticket
+Airship Ticket G
+Bistro Ticket
+Bistro Ticket G
+Trade Ticket
+Footbath Ticket
+Bronze Guild Ticket
+Gold Guild Ticket
+Blackbelt Ticket
+Expert Ticket
+Expert Ticket G
+Legend Ticket
+Legend Ticket G
+VE Ticket
+VE Deluxe Ticket
+VE Bronze Ticket
+VE Silver Ticket
+VE Golden Ticket
+VE Cosmic Ticket
+EX Rathalos Ticket
+EX Rathalos Ticket S
+EX Lavasioth Ticket
+EX Tigrex Ticket
+EX Tigrex Ticket S
+EX Zinogre Ticket
+EX Brachydios Ticket
+EX Gore Magala Ticket
+EX S.Magala Ticket
+EX Daora Ticket
+EX Chameleos Ticket
+EX Teostra Ticket
+EX G.Rathian Ticket
+EX S.Rathalos Ticket
+Hyper Hunter I
+Hyper Hunter II
+Hyper Hunter III
+Hyper Hunter IV
+Hyper Hunter V
+Hyper Hunter VI
+Redhelm Hunter I
+Redhelm Hunter II
+Redhelm Hunter III
+Redhelm Hunter IV
+Redhelm Hunter V
+Redhelm Hunter VI
+Redhelm Hunter VII
+Redhelm Hunter VIII
+Redhelm Hunter IX
+Redhelm Hunter X
+Redhelm Hunter XI
+Redhelm Hunter XII
+Redhelm Hunter XIII
+Redhelm Hunter XIV
+Redhelm Hunter XV
+Snowbaron Hunter I
+Snowbaron Hunter II
+Snowbaron Hunter III
+Snowbaron Hunter IV
+Snowbaron Hunter V
+Snowbaron Hunter VI
+Snowbaron Hunter VII
+Snowbaron Hunter VIII
+Snowbaron Hunter IX
+Snowbaron Hunter X
+Snowbaron Hunter XI
+Snowbaron Hunter XII
+Snowbaron Hunter XIII
+Snowbaron Hunter XIV
+Snowbaron Hunter XV
+Stonefist Hunter I
+Stonefist Hunter II
+Stonefist Hunter III
+Stonefist Hunter IV
+Stonefist Hunter V
+Stonefist Hunter VI
+Stonefist Hunter VII
+Stonefist Hunter VIII
+Stonefist Hunter IX
+Stonefist Hunter X
+Stonefist Hunter XI
+Stonefist Hunter XII
+Stonefist Hunter XIII
+Stonefist Hunter XIV
+Stonefist Hunter XV
+Dreadqueen Hunter I
+Dreadqueen Hunter II
+Dreadqueen Hunter III
+Dreadqueen Hunter IV
+Dreadqueen Hunter V
+Dreadqueen Hunter VI
+Dreadqueen Hunter VII
+Dreadqueen Hunter VIII
+Dreadqueen Hunter IX
+Dreadqueen Hunter X
+Dreadqueen Hunter XI
+Dreadqueen Hunter XII
+Dreadqueen Hunter XIII
+Dreadqueen Hunter XIV
+Dreadqueen Hunter XV
+Drilltusk Hunter I
+Drilltusk Hunter II
+Drilltusk Hunter III
+Drilltusk Hunter IV
+Drilltusk Hunter V
+Drilltusk Hunter VI
+Drilltusk Hunter VII
+Drilltusk Hunter VIII
+Drilltusk Hunter IX
+Drilltusk Hunter X
+Drilltusk Hunter XI
+Drilltusk Hunter XII
+Drilltusk Hunter XIII
+Drilltusk Hunter XIV
+Drilltusk Hunter XV
+Silverwind Hunter I
+Silverwind Hunter II
+Silverwind Hunter III
+Silverwind Hunter IV
+Silverwind Hunter V
+Silverwind Hunter VI
+Silverwind Hunter VII
+Silverwind Hunter VIII
+Silverwind Hunter IX
+Silverwind Hunter X
+Silverwind Hunter XI
+Silverwind Hunter XII
+Silverwind Hunter XIII
+Silverwind Hunter XIV
+Silverwind Hunter XV
+Crystalbeard Hunter I
+Crystalbeard Hunter II
+Crystalbeard Hunter III
+Crystalbeard Hunter IV
+Crystalbeard Hunter V
+Crystalbeard Hunter VI
+Crystalbeard Hunter VII
+Crystalbeard Hunter VIII
+Crystalbeard Hunter IX
+Crystalbeard Hunter X
+Crystalbeard Hunter XI
+Crystalbeard Hunter XII
+Crystalbeard Hunter XIII
+Crystalbeard Hunter XIV
+Crystalbeard Hunter XV
+Deadeye Hunter I
+Deadeye Hunter II
+Deadeye Hunter III
+Deadeye Hunter IV
+Deadeye Hunter V
+Deadeye Hunter VI
+Deadeye Hunter VII
+Deadeye Hunter VIII
+Deadeye Hunter IX
+Deadeye Hunter X
+Deadeye Hunter XI
+Deadeye Hunter XII
+Deadeye Hunter XIII
+Deadeye Hunter XIV
+Deadeye Hunter XV
+Dreadking Hunter I
+Dreadking Hunter II
+Dreadking Hunter III
+Dreadking Hunter IV
+Dreadking Hunter V
+Dreadking Hunter VI
+Dreadking Hunter VII
+Dreadking Hunter VIII
+Dreadking Hunter IX
+Dreadking Hunter X
+Dreadking Hunter XI
+Dreadking Hunter XII
+Dreadking Hunter XIII
+Dreadking Hunter XIV
+Dreadking Hunter XV
+Thunderlord Hunter I
+Thunderlord Hunter II
+Thunderlord Hunter III
+Thunderlord Hunter IV
+Thunderlord Hunter V
+Thunderlord Hunter VI
+Thunderlord Hunter VII
+Thunderlord Hunter VIII
+Thunderlord Hunter IX
+Thunderlord Hunter X
+Thunderlord Hunter XI
+Thunderlord Hunter XII
+Thunderlord Hunter XIII
+Thunderlord Hunter XIV
+Thunderlord Hunter XV
+Grimclaw Hunter I
+Grimclaw Hunter II
+Grimclaw Hunter III
+Grimclaw Hunter IV
+Grimclaw Hunter V
+Grimclaw Hunter VI
+Grimclaw Hunter VII
+Grimclaw Hunter VIII
+Grimclaw Hunter IX
+Grimclaw Hunter X
+Grimclaw Hunter XI
+Grimclaw Hunter XII
+Grimclaw Hunter XIII
+Grimclaw Hunter XIV
+Grimclaw Hunter XV
+Hellblade Hunter I
+Hellblade Hunter II
+Hellblade Hunter III
+Hellblade Hunter IV
+Hellblade Hunter V
+Hellblade Hunter VI
+Hellblade Hunter VII
+Hellblade Hunter VIII
+Hellblade Hunter IX
+Hellblade Hunter X
+Hellblade Hunter XI
+Hellblade Hunter XII
+Hellblade Hunter XIII
+Hellblade Hunter XIV
+Hellblade Hunter XV
+Hazewing Hunter I
+Hazewing Hunter II
+Hazewing Hunter III
+Hazewing Hunter IV
+Hazewing Hunter V
+Shredclaw Hunter I
+Shredclaw Hunter II
+Shredclaw Hunter III
+Shredclaw Hunter IV
+Shredclaw Hunter V
+Divinesight Hunter I
+Divinesight Hunter II
+Divinesight Hunter III
+Divinesight Hunter IV
+Divinesight Hunter V
+Azurebolt Hunter I
+Azurebolt Hunter II
+Azurebolt Hunter III
+Azurebolt Hunter IV
+Azurebolt Hunter V
+Frostpeak Hunter I
+Frostpeak Hunter II
+Frostpeak Hunter III
+Frostpeak Hunter IV
+Frostpeak Hunter V
+Bloodlust Hunter I
+Bloodlust Hunter II
+Bloodlust Hunter III
+Bloodlust Hunter IV
+Bloodlust Hunter V
+Royal Honey
+Unique Mushroom
+Choice Mushroom
+Ripened Mushroom
+Great Shroom
+Abyssal Mushroom
+Super Sprout
+Tropical Berry
+Mountain Herbs
+Unique Fern
+Choice Fern
+King Brocadefish
+Premium Sashimi
+Royal Rhino
+Divine Rhino
+Silver Cricket
+Gold Cricket
+Immortal Moth
+Large Immortal Moth
+Auristone Piece
+Auristone Chunk
+Balmstone Piece
+Balmstone Chunk
+Dragon Amber Piece
+Dragon Amber Chunk
+Crystal Bone
+Deep Bloodstone
+Volatile Coal
+Fossilized Bone
+Decayed Scale
+White Liver
+Slagtoth Oil
+Secret Stash
+Round Acorn
+Fine Stomach
+Luminous Stomach
+Monster Guts
+Piscine Liver
+Popo Tongue
+Apceros Liver
+Ancient Berry
+Water Lily Root
+Water Lily Tuber
+Moofah Fur
+Beautiful Shell
+Phoenix Stone
+Deluxe Eryngii
+Dragon Stone
+Gargwa Egg
+Gold Gargwa Egg
+Wyvern Egg
+Sootstone Ore
+Quartz Ore
+Carnivore Egg
+Meteor Chunk
+Eternal Fossil
+Herbivore Egg
+Cannon Ammo
+Guild Flag
+Gargwa Guano
+Territorial Dung
+Territorial Dung+
+Drone Substance
+Queen Substance
+Toad Tear
+Large Toad Tear
+Carapaceon Brains
+Carapaceon Brains+
+Crab Pearl
+Crab Pearl+
+Wyvern Tear
+Large Wyvern Tear
+Beast Tear
+Large Beast Tear
+Dragon Treasure
+Old Dragon Treasure
+Frenzy Shard
+Frenzy Crystal
+Vile Frenzy Crystal
+Khezu Whelp
+Khezu Coin
+Najarala Coin
+Rathalos Coin
+Kecha Coin
+Plesioth Coin
+Brachydios Coin
+Gypceros Coin
+Drome Coin
+Garuga Coin
+Uragaan Coin
+Seregios Coin
+Cabra Coin
+Congalala Coin
+Horn Coin
+Humble Scrap
+Humble Scrap+
+Humble Hvy Scrap
+Handsome Scrap
+Handsome Scrap+
+Handsome Hvy Scrap
+Ore Scrap
+Ore Scrap+
+Ore Hvy Scrap
+Insect Scrap
+Insect Scrap+
+Insect Hvy Scrap
+Bone Scrap
+Bone Scrap+
+Bone Hvy Scrap
+Wood Scrap
+Wood Scrap+
+Wood Hvy Scrap
+Fur Scrap
+Fur Scrap+
+Fur Hvy Scrap
+Rhenoplos Scrap
+Rhenoplos Scrap+
+Rhenoplos Hvy Scrap
+Slagtoth Scrap+
+Bnahabra Scrap
+Bnahabra Scrap+
+Bnahabra Hvy Scrap
+Great Jaggi Scrap
+Great Jaggi Scrap+
+Great Jaggi Hvy Scrap
+Maccao Scrap
+Maccao Scrap+
+Maccao Hvy Scrap
+Velociprey Scrap
+Velociprey Scrap+
+Velociprey Hvy Scrap
+Giaprey Scrap+
+Giaprey Hvy Scrap
+Genprey Scrap
+Genprey Scrap+
+Genprey Hvy Scrap
+Ioprey Scrap
+Ioprey Scrap+
+Ioprey Hvy Scrap
+Arzuros Scrap
+Arzuros Scrap+
+Arzuros Hvy Scrap
+Redhelm Scrap
+Prime Redhelm Scrap
+Aged Redhelm Scrap
+Epic Redhelm Scrap
+Lagombi Scrap
+Lagombi Scrap+
+Lagombi Hvy Scrap
+Snowbaron Scrap
+Prime Snowbaron Scrap
+Aged Snowbaron Scrap
+Epic Snowbaron Scrap
+Volvidon Scrap
+Volvidon Scrap+
+Volvidon Hvy Scrap
+Yian Kut-Ku Scrap
+Yian Kut-Ku Scrap+
+Kut-Ku Hvy Scrap
+Hyper Kut-Ku Scrap
+Gypceros Scrap
+Gypceros Scrap+
+Gypceros Hvy Scrap
+Hyper Gypceros Scrap
+Malfestio Scrap
+Malfestio Scrap+
+Malfestio Hvy Scrap
+Hyper Malfestio Scrap
+Aged Hazewing Scrap
+Epic Hazewing Scrap
+Yian Garuga Scrap
+Yian Garuga Scrap+
+Garuga Hvy Scrap
+Hyper Garuga Scrap
+Deadeye Scrap
+Prime Deadeye Scrap
+Aged Deadeye Scrap
+Epic Deadeye Scrap
+Bulldrome Scrap
+Bulldrome Scrap+
+Bulldrome Hvy Scrap
+Congalala Scrap+
+Congalala Hvy Scrap
+Blangonga Scrap
+Blangonga Scrap+
+Blangonga Hvy Scrap
+Hyper Blangonga Scrap
+Kecha Wacha Scrap+
+Kecha Wacha Hvy Scrap
+Hyper Kecha Scrap
+Cephalos Scrap
+Cephalos Scrap+
+Cephalos Hvy Scrap
+Plesioth Scrap+
+Plesioth Hvy Scrap
+Hyper Plesioth Scrap
+Lavasioth Scrap+
+Lavasioth Hvy Scrap
+Hyper Lavasioth Scrap
+Royal Ludroth Scrap
+Royal Ludroth Scrap+
+R.Ludroth Hvy Scrap
+Hyper R.Ludroth Scrap
+Nibelsnarf Scrap
+Nibelsnarf Scrap+
+Nibelsnarf Hvy Scrap
+Hyper Nibelsnarf Scrap
+Lagiacrus Scrap
+Lagiacrus Scrap+
+Lagiacrus Hvy Scrap
+Hyper Lagiacrus Scrap
+Agnaktor Scrap+
+Agnaktor Hvy Scrap
+Hyper Agnaktor Scrap
+Tetsucabra Scrap
+Tetsucabra Scrap+
+Tetsucabra Hvy Scrap
+Hyper Tetsu. Scrap
+Drilltusk Scrap
+Prime Drilltusk Scrap
+Aged Drilltusk Scrap
+Epic Drilltusk Scrap
+Zamtrios Scrap+
+Zamtrios Hvy Scrap
+Hyper Zamtrios Scrap
+Najarala Scrap
+Najarala Scrap+
+Najarala Hvy Scrap
+Hyper Najarala Scrap
+Hermitaur Scrap
+Hermitaur Scrap+
+Hermitaur Hvy Scrap
+Hyper Hermitaur Scrap
+Stonefist Scrap
+Prime Stonefist Scrap
+Aged Stonefist Scrap
+Epic Stonefist Scrap
+Shogun Scrap
+Shogun Scrap+
+Shogun Hvy Scrap
+Hyper Shogun Scrap
+Aged Shredclaw Scrap
+Epic Shredclaw Scrap
+Nerscylla Scrap+
+Nerscylla Hvy Scrap
+Seltas Queen Scrap+
+S.Queen Hvy Scrap
+Hyper S.Queen Scrap
+Barroth Scrap+
+Barroth Hvy Scrap
+Uragaan Scrap
+Uragaan Scrap+
+Uragaan Hvy Scrap
+Hyper Uragaan Scrap
+Crystalbeard Scrap
+Prime C.beard Scrap
+Aged C.beard Scrap
+Epic C.beard Scrap
+Brach Scrap
+Brach Scrap+
+Brach Hvy Scrap
+Hyper Brach Scrap
+Duramboros Scrap+
+Duram Hvy Scrap
+Hyper Duram Scrap
+Khezu Scrap
+Khezu Scrap+
+Khezu Hvy Scrap
+Hyper Khezu Scrap
+Nargacuga Scrap
+Nargacuga Scrap+
+Narga Hvy Scrap
+Hyper Nargacuga Scrap
+Silverwind Scrap
+Prime Silverwind Scrap
+Aged Silverwind Scrap
+Epic Silverwind Scrap
+Barioth Scrap+
+Barioth Hvy Scrap
+Basarios Scrap+
+Basarios Hvy Scrap
+Gravios Scrap+
+Gravios Hvy Scrap
+Rathian Scrap
+Rathian Scrap+
+Rathian Hvy Scrap
+Hyper Rathian Scrap
+Dreadqueen Scrap
+Prime Dreadqueen Scrap
+Aged Dreadqueen Scrap
+Epic Dreadqueen Scrap
+Rathalos Scrap
+Rathalos Scrap+
+Rathalos Hvy Scrap
+Hyper Rathalos Scrap
+Dreadking Scrap
+Prime Dreadking Scrap
+Aged Dreadking Scrap
+Epic Dreadking Scrap
+Zinogre Scrap
+Zinogre Scrap+
+Zinogre Hvy Scrap
+Hyper Zinogre Scrap
+Thunderlord Scrap
+Prime Thunderlord Scrap
+Aged Thunderlord Scrap
+Epic Thunderlord Scrap
+Astalos Scrap
+Astalos Scrap+
+Astalos Hvy Scrap
+Hyper Astalos Scrap
+Aged Azurebolt Scrap
+Epic Azurebolt Scrap
+Gammoth Scrap
+Gammoth Scrap+
+Gammoth Hvy Scrap
+Hyper Gammoth Scrap
+Aged Frostpeak Scrap
+Epic Frostpeak Scrap
+Mizutsune Scrap
+Mizutsune Scrap+
+Mizutsune Hvy Scrap
+Hyper Mizutsune Scrap
+Aged Divinesight Scrap
+Epic Divinesight Scrap
+Glavenus Scrap
+Glavenus Scrap+
+Glavenus Hvy Scrap
+Hyper Glavenus Scrap
+Hellblade Scrap
+Prime Hellblade Scrap
+Aged Hellblade Scrap
+Epic Hellblade Scrap
+Tigrex Scrap
+Tigrex Scrap+
+Tigrex Hvy Scrap
+Hyper Tigrex Scrap
+Grimclaw Scrap
+Prime Grimclaw Scrap
+Aged Grimclaw Scrap
+Epic Grimclaw Scrap
+Seregios Scrap
+Seregios Scrap+
+Seregios Hvy Scrap
+Hyper Seregios Scrap
+Diablos Scrap+
+Diablos Hvy Scrap
+Aged Bloodlust Scrap
+Epic Bloodlust Scrap
+Gore Magala Scrap
+Gore Magala Scrap+
+Gore Magala Hvy Scrap
+Hyper G.Magala Scrap
+Chaos Hyv Scrap
+Shagaru Magala Scrap
+S.Magala Scrap+
+S.Magala Hvy Scrap
+Rajang Scrap+
+Rajang Hvy Scrap
+Hyper Rajang Scrap
+Deviljho Scrap+
+Deviljho Hvy Scrap
+Hyper Deviljho Scrap
+Kirin Scrap
+Kirin Scrap+
+Kirin Hvy Scrap
+Kushala Daora Scrap
+Kushala Daora Scrap+
+Kushala Daora Hvy Scrap
+Chameleos Scrap
+Chameleos Scrap+
+Chameleos Hvy Scrap
+Teostra Scrap
+Teostra Scrap+
+Teostra Hvy Scrap
+Akantor Scrap+
+Akantor Hvy Scrap
+Ukanlos Scrap+
+Ukanlos Hvy Scrap
+Alatreon Scrap+
+Alatreon Hvy Scrap
+Amatsu Scrap+
+Amatsu Hvy Scrap
+Lao-Shan Hvy Scrap
+Fatalis Hvy Scrap
+C.Fatalis Hvy Scrap
+W.Fatalis Hvy Scrap
+Husk Scrap
+Husk Scrap+
+Husk Hvy Scrap
+Nakarkos Scrap+
+Nakarkos Hvy Scrap
+Valfalk Scrap+
+Valfalk Hvy Scrap
+Atrulka Hvy Scrap
+Hyper Scrap
+Hyper Scrap+
+Irregular Scrap
+Prime Irregular Scrap
+Aged Irregular Scrap
+Rathian Item
+Gold Rathian Item
+Dreadqueen Item
+Rath Item
+Silver Rathalos Item
+Dreadking Item
+Khezu Item
+Basarios Item
+Gravios Item
+Diablos Item
+Bloodlust Item
+Yian Kut-Ku Item
+Gypceros Item
+Plesioth Item
+Kirin Item
+Lao-Shan Item
+Fatalis Item
+C.Fatalis Item
+W.Fatalis Item
+Velocidrome Item
+Gendrome Item
+Iodrome Item
+Cephadrome Item
+Yian Garuga Item
+Deadeye Item
+Daimyo Hermitaur Item
+Stonefist Item
+Shogun Ceanataur Item
+Shredclaw Item
+Congalala Item
+Blangonga Item
+Rajang Item
+Furious Rajang Item
+Kushala Daora Item
+Chameleos Item
+Teostra Item
+Bulldrome Item
+Tigrex Item
+Grimclaw Item
+Akantor Item
+Giadrome Item
+Lavasioth Item
+Nargacuga Item
+Silverwind Item
+Ukanlos Item
+Barioth Item
+Deviljho Item
+Savage Deviljho Item
+Barroth Item
+Uragaan Item
+Crystalbeard Item
+Lagiacrus Item
+Royal Ludroth Item
+Agnaktor Item
+Alatreon Item
+Duramboros Item
+Nibelsnarf Item
+Zinogre Item
+Thunderlord Item
+Amatsu Item
+Arzuros Item
+Redhelm Item
+Lagombi Item
+Snowbaron Item
+Volvidon Item
+Brachydios Item
+Raging Item
+Kecha Wacha Item
+Tetsucabra Item
+Drilltusk Item
+Zamtrios Item
+Najarala Item
+Seltas Queen Item
+Nerscylla Item
+Gore Magala Item
+Chaos Item
+Shagaru Magala Item
+Seltas Item
+Seregios Item
+Malfestio Item
+Hazewing Item
+Glavenus Item
+Hellblade Item
+Astalos Item
+Azurebolt Item
+Mizutsune Item
+Divinesight Item
+Gammoth Item
+Frostpeak Item
+Nakarkos Item
+Great Maccao Item
+Valfalk Item
+Atrulka Quest Item
+Atrulka Item
+Aptonoth Item
+Apceros Item
+Kelbi Item
+Mosswine Item
+Hornetaur Item
+Vespoid Item
+Velociprey Item
+Genprey Item
+Ioprey Item
+Cephalos Item
+Bullfango Item
+Popo Item
+Giaprey Item
+Anteka Item
+Great Thunderbug Item
+Remobra Item
+Hermitaur Item
+Ceanataur Item
+Conga Item
+Blango Item
+Rhenoplos Item
+Bnahabra Item
+Altaroth Item
+Jaggi Item
+Jaggia Item
+Ludroth Item
+Uroktor Item
+Slagtoth Item
+Gargwa Item
+Zamite Item
+Konchu Item
+Maccao Item
+Larinoth Item
+Moofah Item
+Big Lagniapple
+Grand Lagniapple
+Training Guide
+Training Codex
+Training Cyclopedia
+Felyne Secret Notes
+Timeworn Ballista Shot
+Antidote Jwl 1
+Antidote Jwl 2
+Paralysis Jwl 1
+Paralysis Jwl 2
+Pep Jwl 1
+Pep Jwl 2
+Steadfast Jwl 1
+Standfast Jwl 1
+Earplug Jwl 1
+Earplug Jwl 3
+Wind Res Jwl 1
+Wind Res Jwl 2
+Footing Jwl 1
+Tectonic Jwl 1
+Bind Jwl 1
+Shackle Jwl 1
+Heat Res Jwl 1
+Cold Res Jwl 1
+Polar Jwl 1
+Polar Jwl 3
+Solar Jwl 1
+Solar Jwl 3
+Safe Jwl 1
+Def Lock Jwl 1
+Sane Jwl 1
+Sane Jwl 3
+Biology Jwl 1
+Microbio Jwl 1
+Staunch Jwl 1
+Attack Jwl 1
+Attack Jwl 2
+Attack Jwl 3
+Defense Jwl 1
+Defense Jwl 2
+Vitality Jwl 1
+Fire Res Jwl 1
+Nul-Fire Jwl 1
+Water Res Jwl 1
+Nul-Water Jwl 1
+ThunderRes Jwl 1
+Nul-Thundr Jwl 1
+Ice Res Jwl 1
+Nul-Ice Jwl 1
+Dragon Res Jwl 1
+Nul-Dragon Jwl 1
+Resistor Jwl 1
+Resistor Jwl 3
+Blaze Jwl 1
+Blaze Jwl 2
+Stream Jwl 1
+Stream Jwl 2
+Bolt Jwl 1
+Bolt Jwl 2
+Frost Jwl 1
+Frost Jwl 2
+Dragon Jwl 1
+Dragon Jwl 2
+Element Jwl 1
+Element Jwl 3
+Disabler Jwl 1
+Disabler Jwl 2
+Grinder Jwl 1
+Handicraft Jwl 1
+Handicraft Jwl 3
+Razor Jwl 1
+Razor Jwl 3
+Fencer Jwl 1
+Fencer Jwl 3
+Sharp Jwl 1
+Sharp Jwl 3
+Blunt Jwl 1
+Blunt Jwl 2
+Draw Jwl 1
+Draw Jwl 2
+Gambit Jwl 1
+Gambit Jwl 3
+Sheath Jwl 1
+Sheath Jwl 2
+Sheath Art Jwl 1
+Scalpel Jwl 1
+Scalpel Jwl 3
+Quickload Jwl 1
+Quickload Jwl 2
+Absorber Jwl 1
+Absorber Jwl 3
+Sniper Jwl 1
+Forceshot Jwl 1
+Forceshot Jwl 3
+Pierce Jwl 1
+Pierce Jwl 3
+Pellet Jwl 1
+Pellet Jwl 3
+Heavyshot Jwl 1
+Heavyshot Jwl 3
+ShotPlus Jwl 1
+ShotPlus Jwl 2
+PiercePlus Jwl 1
+PelletPlus Jwl 1
+CragPlus Jwl 1
+ClustPlus Jwl 1
+ClustPlus Jwl 3
+Poisoncoat Jwl 1
+Paracoat Jwl 1
+Paracoat Jwl 2
+Sleep Jwl 1
+Powercoat Jwl 1
+Powercoat Jwl 2
+Elemcoat Jwl 1
+Elemcoat Jwl 2
+Rangecoat Jwl 1
+Draincoat Jwl 1
+Blastcoat Jwl 1
+Salvo Jwl 1
+Salvo Jwl 3
+Precise Jwl 1
+Precise Jwl 2
+Capacity Jwl 1
+Capacity Jwl 3
+Irregular Jwl 1
+Thrift Jwl 1
+Thrift Jwl 2
+Expert Jwl 1
+Expert Jwl 2
+Expert Jwl 3
+Tenderizer Jwl 1
+Tenderizer Jwl 3
+Chain Jwl 1
+Chain Jwl 3
+Crit Status Jwl 1
+Crit Status Jwl 2
+CritElementJwl 1
+CritElementJwl 2
+Critical Jwl 1
+Critical Jwl 3
+Neg-Crit Jwl 1
+Neg-Crit Jwl 3
+Charger Jwl 1
+Charger Jwl 3
+Sprinter Jwl 1
+Sprinter Jwl 3
+Physique Jwl 1
+Physique Jwl 2
+Refresh Jwl 1
+Refresh Jwl 2
+Fleet-Footed Jwl 1
+Fleet-Footed Jwl 2
+Evasion Jwl 1
+Evasion Jwl 2
+Jumping Jwl 1
+Jumping Jwl 3
+Bubble Jwl 1
+Bubble Jwl 3
+Ironwall Jwl 1
+Ironwall Jwl 2
+Shield Jwl 1
+Shield Jwl 2
+KO Jwl 1
+KO Jwl 2
+Drain Jwl 1
+Drain Jwl 2
+Sonorous Jwl 1
+Artillery Jwl 1
+Destroyer Jwl 1
+Destroyer Jwl 3
+Bombardier Jwl 1
+Throttle Jwl 1
+Throttle Jwl 2
+Spirit Jwl 1
+Spirit Jwl 2
+Flawless Jwl 1
+Flawless Jwl 2
+Favor Jwl 1
+Favor Jwl 3
+DRG Trait Jwl 1
+DRG Trait Jwl 3
+Potential Jwl 1
+Potential Jwl 2
+Fortitude Jwl 1
+Fortitude Jwl 2
+Furor Jwl 1
+Furor Jwl 2
+Crisis Jwl 1
+Crisis Jwl 2
+Guts Jwl 1
+Guts Jwl 2
+Ninja Jwl 1
+Player Jwl 1
+Morale Jwl 1
+Leader Jwl 1
+Leader Jwl 2
+Rodeo Jwl 1
+Flight Jwl 1
+Insight Jwl 1
+Insight Jwl 3
+Proud Jwl 1
+Tech Ext Jwl 1
+Tech Ext Jwl 2
+Psychic Jwl 1
+Perception Jwl 1
+Ranger Jwl 1
+Transportr Jwl 1
+Protection Jwl 1
+Asylum Jwl 1
+Hero Jwl 1
+Hero Jwl 3
+Medicine Jwl 1
+Medicine Jwl 2
+Recovery Jwl 1
+Recovery Jwl 2
+Enduring Jwl 1
+Friendship Jwl 1
+Friendship Jwl 2
+Hungerless Jwl 1
+Metabolism Jwl 1
+Gobbler Jwl 1
+Gobbler Jwl 3
+Satiated Jwl 1
+Meateater Jwl 1
+Meatlover Jwl 1
+Fungiform Jwl 1
+Grass Jwl 1
+Professor Jwl 1
+Factory Jwl 1
+Trapmaster Jwl 1
+Gathering Jwl 1
+Honeybee Jwl 1
+Queenbee Jwl 1
+Charmer Jwl 1
+Charmer Jwl 3
+Blessing Jwl 1
+Fate Jwl 1
+Fate Jwl 3
+Carver Jwl 1
+Carver Jwl 3
+Capture Jwl 1
+Capture Jwl 3
+Bell Jwl 1
+Novice Jwl 1
+Snowflake Jwl 1
+Springs Jwl 1
+Wisdom Jwl 1
+Sky Tavern Jwl 1
+Tomato Juice
+Fairy Tail Mark
+F Pirate Coin J
+Uniqlo Coin
+Studio Pass
+Gudetama Egg
+Soul Stone
+Crows Coin
+Bicycle Club Application
+Arena Ticket
+Grandpaw Coin
+CoroCoro Ticket
+Ushio Coin
+Magi Coin
+Pluto Stardust
+Roll of Fate
+Pirate Ticket J
+Famitsu Ticket
+Dengeki Ticket
+Uniqlo Coin S
+Extraordinary Pass
+Gold Studio Pass
+Wonderful Pass
+Salmon Fillet
+Wind Waker
+Arwing Boarding Pass
+Super Mushroom
+Design Pattern
+Samus Coin
+Goddess's Grace
+Goddess's Embrace
+SF Coin
+Red Orb
+Hero's Seal
+Baby Journal
+Sunsnug Journal
+Fan Club Newsletter
+Fan Club Application
+Fan Club Invite
+Puppet Ticket
+Great Stone
+Courier's Letter
+Sealing Shield
+Hyper Item
+Rathalos Item
+Crimson Fatalis Item
+EX Congalala Ticket
+EX Lao Shan Ticket
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Run/Data/Languages/English/decorations.txt b/Run/Data/Languages/English/decorations.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cb927c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run/Data/Languages/English/decorations.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+Antidote Jwl 1
+Antidote Jwl 2
+Paralysis Jwl 1
+Paralysis Jwl 2
+Pep Jwl 1
+Pep Jwl 2
+Steadfast Jwl 1
+Standfast Jwl 1
+Earplug Jwl 1
+Earplug Jwl 3
+Wind Res Jwl 1
+Wind Res Jwl 2
+Footing Jwl 1
+Tectonic Jwl 1
+Bind Jwl 1
+Shackle Jwl 1
+Heat Res Jwl 1
+Cold Res Jwl 1
+Polar Jwl 1
+Polar Jwl 3
+Solar Jwl 1
+Solar Jwl 3
+Safe Jwl 1
+Def Lock Jwl 1
+Sane Jwl 1
+Sane Jwl 3
+Biology Jwl 1
+Microbio Jwl 1
+Staunch Jwl 1
+Attack Jwl 1
+Attack Jwl 2
+Attack Jwl 3
+Defense Jwl 1
+Defense Jwl 2
+Vitality Jwl 1
+Fire Res Jwl 1
+Nul-Fire Jwl 1
+Water Res Jwl 1
+Nul-Water Jwl 1
+ThunderRes Jwl 1
+Nul-Thundr Jwl 1
+Ice Res Jwl 1
+Nul-Ice Jwl 1
+Dragon Res Jwl 1
+Nul-Dragon Jwl 1
+Resistor Jwl 1
+Resistor Jwl 3
+Blaze Jwl 1
+Blaze Jwl 2
+Stream Jwl 1
+Stream Jwl 2
+Bolt Jwl 1
+Bolt Jwl 2
+Frost Jwl 1
+Frost Jwl 2
+Dragon Jwl 1
+Dragon Jwl 2
+Element Jwl 1
+Element Jwl 3
+Disabler Jwl 1
+Disabler Jwl 2
+Grinder Jwl 1
+Handicraft Jwl 1
+Handicraft Jwl 3
+Razor Jwl 1
+Razor Jwl 3
+Fencer Jwl 1
+Fencer Jwl 3
+Sharp Jwl 1
+Sharp Jwl 3
+Blunt Jwl 1
+Blunt Jwl 2
+Draw Jwl 1
+Draw Jwl 2
+Gambit Jwl 1
+Gambit Jwl 3
+Sheath Jwl 1
+Sheath Jwl 2
+Sheath Art Jwl 1
+Scalpel Jwl 1
+Scalpel Jwl 3
+Quickload Jwl 1
+Quickload Jwl 2
+Absorber Jwl 1
+Absorber Jwl 3
+Sniper Jwl 1
+Forceshot Jwl 1
+Forceshot Jwl 3
+Pierce Jwl 1
+Pierce Jwl 3
+Pellet Jwl 1
+Pellet Jwl 3
+Heavyshot Jwl 1
+Heavyshot Jwl 3
+ShotPlus Jwl 1
+ShotPlus Jwl 2
+PiercePlus Jwl 1
+PelletPlus Jwl 1
+CragPlus Jwl 1
+ClustPlus Jwl 1
+ClustPlus Jwl 3
+Poisoncoat Jwl 1
+Paracoat Jwl 1
+Paracoat Jwl 2
+Sleep Jwl 1
+Powercoat Jwl 1
+Powercoat Jwl 2
+Elemcoat Jwl 1
+Elemcoat Jwl 2
+Rangecoat Jwl 1
+Draincoat Jwl 1
+Blastcoat Jwl 1
+Salvo Jwl 1
+Salvo Jwl 3
+Precise Jwl 1
+Precise Jwl 2
+Capacity Jwl 1
+Capacity Jwl 3
+Irregular Jwl 1
+Thrift Jwl 1
+Thrift Jwl 2
+Expert Jwl 1
+Expert Jwl 2
+Expert Jwl 3
+Tenderizer Jwl 1
+Tenderizer Jwl 3
+Chain Jwl 1
+Chain Jwl 3
+Crit Status Jwl 1
+Crit Status Jwl 2
+CritElementJwl 1
+CritElementJwl 2
+Critical Jwl 1
+Critical Jwl 3
+Neg-Crit Jwl 1
+Neg-Crit Jwl 3
+Charger Jwl 1
+Charger Jwl 3
+Sprinter Jwl 1
+Sprinter Jwl 3
+Physique Jwl 1
+Physique Jwl 2
+Refresh Jwl 1
+Refresh Jwl 2
+Fleet-Footed Jwl 1
+Fleet-Footed Jwl 2
+Evasion Jwl 1
+Evasion Jwl 2
+Jumping Jwl 1
+Jumping Jwl 3
+Bubble Jwl 1
+Bubble Jwl 3
+Ironwall Jwl 1
+Ironwall Jwl 2
+Shield Jwl 1
+Shield Jwl 2
+KO Jwl 1
+KO Jwl 2
+Drain Jwl 1
+Drain Jwl 2
+Sonorous Jwl 1
+Artillery Jwl 1
+Destroyer Jwl 1
+Destroyer Jwl 3
+Bombardier Jwl 1
+Throttle Jwl 1
+Throttle Jwl 2
+Spirit Jwl 1
+Spirit Jwl 2
+Flawless Jwl 1
+Flawless Jwl 2
+Favor Jwl 1
+Favor Jwl 3
+DRG Trait Jwl 1
+DRG Trait Jwl 3
+Potential Jwl 1
+Potential Jwl 2
+Fortitude Jwl 1
+Fortitude Jwl 2
+Furor Jwl 1
+Furor Jwl 2
+Crisis Jwl 1
+Crisis Jwl 2
+Guts Jwl 1
+Guts Jwl 2
+Ninja Jwl 1
+Player Jwl 1
+Morale Jwl 1
+Leader Jwl 1
+Leader Jwl 2
+Rodeo Jwl 1
+Flight Jwl 1
+Insight Jwl 1
+Insight Jwl 3
+Proud Jwl 1
+Tech Ext Jwl 1
+Tech Ext Jwl 2
+Psychic Jwl 1
+Perception Jwl 1
+Ranger Jwl 1
+Transportr Jwl 1
+Protection Jwl 1
+Asylum Jwl 1
+Hero Jwl 1
+Hero Jwl 3
+Medicine Jwl 1
+Medicine Jwl 2
+Recovery Jwl 1
+Recovery Jwl 2
+Enduring Jwl 1
+Friendship Jwl 1
+Friendship Jwl 2
+Hungerless Jwl 1
+Metabolism Jwl 1
+Gobbler Jwl 1
+Gobbler Jwl 3
+Satiated Jwl 1
+Meateater Jwl 1
+Meatlover Jwl 1
+Fungiform Jwl 1
+Grass Jwl 1
+Professor Jwl 1
+Factory Jwl 1
+Trapmaster Jwl 1
+Gathering Jwl 1
+Honeybee Jwl 1
+Queenbee Jwl 1
+Charmer Jwl 1
+Charmer Jwl 3
+Blessing Jwl 1
+Fate Jwl 1
+Fate Jwl 3
+Carver Jwl 1
+Carver Jwl 3
+Capture Jwl 1
+Capture Jwl 3
+Bell Jwl 1
+Novice Jwl 1
+Snowflake Jwl 1
+Springs Jwl 1
+Wisdom Jwl 1
+Sky Tavern Jwl 1
diff --git a/Run/Data/Languages/English/head.txt b/Run/Data/Languages/English/head.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..569cec2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run/Data/Languages/English/head.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1213 @@
+Leather Headgear
+Chainmail Headgear
+Bherna Turban
+Hunting Helm
+Hunting Cap
+Mafumofu Hood
+Yukumo Kasa
+Hunter's Helm
+Hunter's Cap
+Bone Helm
+Bone Cap
+Chaos Diadem
+Jaggi Helm
+Jaggi Cap
+Maccao Helm
+Maccao Cap
+Velociprey Helm
+Velociprey Cap
+Giaprey Helm
+Giaprey Cap
+Genprey Helm
+Genprey Cap
+Vespoid Helm
+Vespoid Cap
+Hornetaur Helm
+Hornetaur Cap
+Bnahabra Hat
+Bnahabra Headpiece
+Konchu Helm
+Konchu Cap
+Mosswine Mask
+Rhenoplos Helm
+Rhenoplos Cap
+Bulldrome Helm
+Bulldrome Cap
+Bullfango Mask
+Arzuros Helm
+Arzuros Cap
+Cephalos Helm
+Cephalos Cap
+Derring Headgear
+Alloy Helm
+Alloy Cap
+Battle Helm
+Battle Cap
+Ingot Helm
+Ingot Cap
+High Metal Helm
+High Metal Cap
+Melahoa Hat
+Melahoa Bloom
+Makluva Hood
+Makluva Gills
+Bistro Toque
+Bistro Cap
+Obituary Vertex
+Obituary Clypeus
+Butterfly Vertex
+Butterfly Clypeus
+Death Stench Brain
+Death Stench Soul
+Acorn Helm
+Acorn Cap
+Mosgharl Vizor
+Mosgharl Brim
+Edel Vizor
+Edel Bloom
+Skalda Vertex
+Skalda Clypeus
+Spio Vertex
+Spio Clypeus
+Larinoth Mask
+Gargwa Mask
+Moofah Head
+Moofah Wig
+False Felyne
+Velociprey Head
+Velociprey Mask
+Genprey Head
+Genprey Mask
+Ioprey Head
+Ioprey Mask
+Remobra Headgear
+Remobra Mask
+Ioprey Helm
+Ioprey Cap
+Kut-Ku Helm
+Kut-Ku Cap
+Lagombi Helm
+Lagombi Cap
+Gypceros Helm
+Gypceros Cap
+Tetsucabra Helm
+Tetsucabra Cap
+Hermitaur Helm
+Hermitaur Cap
+Volvidon Helm
+Volvidon Cap
+Ludroth Helm
+Ludroth Cap
+Malfestio Helm
+Malfestio Cap
+Khezu Helm
+Khezu Cap
+Rathian Helm
+Rathian Cap
+Nibelsnarf Helm
+Nibelsnarf Cap
+Blango Helm
+Blango Cap
+Ceanataur Helm
+Ceanataur Cap
+Najarala Helm
+Najarala Cap
+Nargacuga Helm
+Nargacuga Cap
+Scholarly Hood
+Scholarly Cap
+Vaik Helm
+Vaik Cap
+Skull Visage
+Skull Mask
+Aelucanth Vertex
+Aelucanth Clypeus
+Rhopessa Vertex
+Rhopessa Clypeus
+Garuga Helm
+Garuga Cap
+Garuga Mask
+Uragaan Helm
+Uragaan Cap
+Rathalos Helm
+Rathalos Cap
+Lagiacrus Helm
+Lagiacrus Cap
+Zinogre Helm
+Zinogre Cap
+Mizutsune Helm
+Mizutsune Mask
+Astalos Helm
+Astalos Cap
+Gammoth Helm
+Gammoth Cap
+Glavenus Helm
+Glavenus Cap
+Gore Helm
+Gore Cap
+Regios Helm
+Regios Cap
+Tigrex Helm
+Tigrex Cap
+Kirin Horn
+Kirin Crest
+Brachydios Helm
+Brachydios Cap
+Arc Helm
+Arc Cap
+Storge Helm
+Storge Cap
+Kushala Glare
+Kushala Snarl
+Mizuha Cap
+Cham Hat
+Kaiser Crown
+Kaiser Mask
+Skeletal Skull
+Decayed Skull
+Black Head
+Black Face
+Black Belt Helm
+Black Belt Cap
+Guild Bard Lobos
+Guild Bard Hat
+Maiden's Hat
+French Maid Glasses
+Helper Hood
+Healer Glasses
+Dianthus Cap
+Campanile Cap
+Bath Towel
+Gourmew Toque
+Gourmew Cap
+Leather Helm S
+Leather Cap S
+Chainmail Helm S
+Chainmail Cap S
+Bherna Turban S
+Bherna Cap S
+Hunting Helm S
+Hunting Cap S
+Mafumofu Hood S
+Mafumofu Cap S
+Yukumo Sky Kasa
+Yukumo Land Kasa
+Hunter's Helm S
+Hunter's Cap S
+Hunter's Helm R
+Hunter's Cap R
+Bone Helm S
+Bone Cap S
+Chaos Archbun
+Chaos Archdiadem
+Melahoa Hat S
+Melahoa Bloom S
+Melahoa Hat U
+Melahoa Bloom U
+Makluva Hood S
+Makluva Gills S
+Makluva Hood U
+Makluva Gills U
+Bistro Toque S
+Bistro Cap S
+Acorn Helm S
+Acorn Cap S
+Mosgharl Vizor S
+Mosgharl Brim S
+Edel Vizor S
+Edel Bloom S
+Moofah Head S
+Moofah Wig S
+Slagtoth Hood
+Slagtoth Cowl
+Larinoth Mask S
+Gargwa Mask S
+False Felyne S
+Velociprey Head S
+Velociprey Mask S
+Giaprey Head S
+Giaprey Mask S
+Genprey Head S
+Genprey Mask S
+Ioprey Head S
+Ioprey Mask S
+Remobra Headgear S
+Remobra Mask S
+Mosswine Mask S
+Rhenoplos Helm S
+Rhenoplos Cap S
+Jaggi Helm S
+Jaggi Cap S
+Maccao Helm S
+Maccao Cap S
+Velociprey Helm S
+Velociprey Cap S
+Giaprey Helm S
+Giaprey Cap S
+Genprey Helm S
+Genprey Cap S
+EX Genprey Helm
+EX Genprey Cap
+Ioprey Helm S
+Ioprey Cap S
+EX Ioprey Helm
+EX Ioprey Cap
+Vespoid Helm S
+Vespoid Cap S
+EX Vespoid Helm
+EX Vespoid Cap
+Hornetaur Helm S
+Hornetaur Cap S
+EX Hornetaur Helm
+EX Hornetaur Cap
+Hornetaur Helm R
+Hornetaur Cap R
+Bnahabra Hat S
+Bnahabra Headpiece S
+Konchu Helm S
+Konchu Cap S
+Bulldrome Helm S
+Bulldrome Cap S
+Bulldrome Mask S
+Arzuros Helm S
+Arzuros Cap S
+Cephalos Helm S
+Cephalos Cap S
+EX Cephalos Helm
+EX Cephalos Cap
+Kut-Ku Helm S
+Kut-Ku Cap S
+Kecha Helm
+Kecha Cap
+Lagombi Helm S
+Lagombi Cap S
+Gypceros Helm S
+Gypceros Cap S
+Gypceros Helm R
+Gypceros Cap R
+Tetsucabra Helm S
+Tetsucabra Cap S
+Hermitaur Helm S
+Hermitaur Cap S
+EX Hermitaur Helm
+EX Hermitaur Cap
+Hermitaur Helm R
+Hermitaur Cap R
+Volvidon Helm S
+Volvidon Cap S
+Conga Helm
+Conga Cap
+Ludroth Helm S
+Ludroth Cap S
+Ludroth Helm R
+Ludroth Cap R
+Barroth Helm
+Barroth Cap
+Lecturer's Hood
+Lecturer's Cap
+Alloy Helm S
+Alloy Cap S
+Alloy Helm R
+Alloy Cap R
+Battle Helm S
+Battle Cap S
+Ingot Helm S
+Ingot Cap S
+Ingot Helm R
+Ingot Cap R
+High Metal Helm S
+High Metal Cap S
+High Metal Helm U
+High Metal Cap U
+Lobster Helm
+Lobster Cap
+Obituary Vertex S
+Obituary Clypeus S
+Butterfly Vertex S
+Butterfly Clypeus S
+Death Stench Brain S
+Death Stench Soul S
+Death Stench Brain R
+Death Stench Soul R
+Vaik Helm S
+Vaik Cap S
+Aelucanth Vertex S
+Aelucanth Clypeus S
+Rhopessa Vertex S
+Rhopessa Clypeus S
+Patissier's Toque
+Patissier's Cap
+Skalda Vertex S
+Skalda Clypeus S
+Spio Vertex S
+Spio Clypeus S
+Jaggi Mask
+Basarios Helm
+Basarios Cap
+Malfestio Helm S
+Malfestio Cap S
+Zamtrios Helm
+Zamtrios Cap
+Khezu Helm S
+Khezu Cap S
+Khezu Helm R
+Khezu Cap R
+Nerscylla Helm
+Nerscylla Cap
+Rathian Helm S
+Rathian Cap S
+EX Rathian Helm
+EX Rathian Cap
+Rathian Helm R
+Rathian Cap R
+Nibelsnarf Helm S
+Nibelsnarf Cap S
+Plesioth Helm
+Plesioth Cap
+Blango Helm S
+Blango Cap S
+EX Blango Helm
+EX Blango Cap
+Lavasioth Helm
+Lavasioth Cap
+EX Lavasioth Helm
+EX Lavasioth Cap
+Ceanataur Helm S
+Ceanataur Cap S
+EX Ceanataur Helm
+EX Ceanataur Cap
+Ceanataur Helm R
+Ceanataur Cap R
+Najarala Helm S
+Najarala Cap S
+Nargacuga Helm S
+Nargacuga Cap S
+Garuga Helm S
+Garuga Cap S
+Garuga Mask S
+Uragaan Helm S
+Uragaan Cap S
+Black Belt Helm S
+Black Belt Cap S
+Guardian Helm
+Guardian Mask
+Guardian Helm U
+Guardian Mask U
+Scholar's Beret
+Scholar's Cap
+Sailor Hat
+Sailor Cap
+Luxury Bath Towel
+Kita Star Headdress
+Umi Ocean Headdress
+Cunning Specs
+Derring Helm S
+Derring Cap S
+Dober Helm
+Dober Cap
+Damascus Helm
+Damascus Cap
+Damascus Helm R
+Damascus Cap R
+Skull Visage S
+Skull Mask S
+Artian Helm S
+Artian Cap S
+Artian Helm R
+Artian Cap R
+Barioth Helm
+Barioth Cap
+Seltas Helm
+Seltas Cap
+Rathalos Helm S
+Rathalos Cap S
+EX Rathalos Helm
+EX Rathalos Cap
+Rathalos Helm R
+Rathalos Cap R
+Lagiacrus Helm S
+Lagiacrus Cap S
+Lagiacrus Helm R
+Lagiacrus Cap R
+Zinogre Helm S
+Zinogre Cap S
+EX Zinogre Helm
+EX Zinogre Cap
+Gravios Helm
+Gravios Cap
+Mizutsune Helm S
+Mizutsune Mask S
+Astalos Helm S
+Astalos Cap S
+Gammoth Helm S
+Gammoth Cap S
+Glavenus Helm S
+Glavenus Cap S
+Agnaktor Helm
+Agnaktor Cap
+Gore Helm S
+Gore Cap S
+EX Gore Helm
+EX Gore Cap
+Gore Helm R
+Gore Cap R
+Regios Helm S
+Regios Cap S
+Duramboros Helm
+Duramboros Cap
+Tigrex Helm S
+Tigrex Cap S
+EX Tigrex Helm
+EX Tigrex Cap
+Tigrex Helm R
+Tigrex Cap R
+Kirin Horn S
+Kirin Crest S
+Kirin Horn R
+Kirin Crest R
+Brachydios Helm S
+Brachydios Cap S
+EX Brachydios Helm
+EX Brachydios Cap
+Golden Headdress
+Puppeteer Mask
+Vangis Helm
+Vangis Cap
+Guild Knight Feather
+Guild Knight Mask
+Maiden's Hat S
+French Maid Glasses S
+Blue Guild Tricorne
+Blue Guild Mask
+Blue Guild Tricorne
+Blue Guild Piercing
+Red Guild Tricorne
+Red Guild Mask
+Red Guild Tricorne
+Red Guild Piercing
+Helper Hood S
+Healer Glasses S
+Helper Hood U
+Healer Beret U
+Guild Bard Lobos S
+Guild Bard Hat S
+Chakra Earring
+Dianthus Wealcap
+Campanile Wealcap
+Ace Headgear
+Ace Mask
+Sororal Headgear
+Sororal Mask
+Gourmew Toque S
+Gourmew Cap S
+Felyne Hairband
+Scholarly Hood S
+Scholarly Cap S
+Ranger's Headgear
+Archer's Turban
+Shinobi Heaven Mask
+Shinobi Land Mask
+Shinobi Sky Mask
+Shinobi Sea Mask
+Ancient Helm
+Ancient Cap
+Master's Earcuff
+Master's Earrings
+Black Head S
+Black Face S
+Toka Kabuto
+Mitsuaoi Kabuto
+Wisdom Head
+Wisdom Hat
+Cheerful Head
+Cheerful Hat
+Sailor Hat
+Sailor Cap
+EX Rathian Helm S
+EX Rathian Cap S
+EX Rathalos Helm S
+EX Rathalos Cap S
+EX Tigrex Helm S
+EX Tigrex Cap S
+Diablo Helm
+Diablo Cap
+Diablo Helm R
+Diablo Cap R
+Arc Helm S
+Arc Cap S
+Storge Helm S
+Storge Cap S
+EX Arc Helm
+EX Arc Cap
+EX Storge Helm
+EX Storge Cap
+Arc Helm R
+Arc Cap R
+Storge Helm R
+Storge Cap R
+Bulk Helm
+Bulk Cap
+Kushala Glare S
+Kushala Snarl S
+EX Kushala Glare
+EX Kushala Snarl
+Kushala Glare R
+Kushala Snarl R
+Mizuha Cap S
+Cham Hat S
+EX Mizuha Cap
+EX Cham Hat
+Kaiser Crown S
+Kaiser Mask S
+EX Kaiser Crown
+EX Kaiser Mask
+Silver Solhelm
+Silver Solcap
+EX Silver Solhelm
+EX Silver Solcap
+Silver Solhelm R
+Silver Solcap R
+Golden Lunehelm
+Golden Lunecap
+EX Golden Lunehelm
+EX Golden Lunecap
+Divine Ire Headdress
+Crusher Mask
+Esurient Helm
+Esurient Cap
+Esurient Helm R
+Esurient Cap R
+Akantor Mask
+Akantor Fangs
+Akantor Mask R
+Akantor Fangs R
+Ukanlos Mask
+Ukanlos Fangs
+Tempest Crown
+Welkin Crown
+Tempest Crown R
+Welkin Crown R
+Skeletal Skull R
+Decayed Skull R
+Astral Helm
+Astral Mask
+Escadora Wisdom
+Escadora Sagesse
+Escadora Wisdom R
+Escadora Sagesse R
+Dragonlord's Gaze
+Takami Feather
+Hayabusa Feather
+Kakuju Feather
+Sword Saint Earring
+Barrage Earring
+Fire Earring
+Thunder Earring
+Ice Earring
+Water Earring
+Dragon Earring
+Leather Helm X
+Leather Cap X
+Chainmail Helm X
+Chainmail Cap X
+Bherna Turban X
+Bherna Cap X
+Hunting Helm X
+Hunting Cap X
+Mafumofu Hood X
+Mafumofu Cap X
+Yukumo Sky Kasa X
+Yukumo Land Kasa X
+Luxury Bath Towel X
+Hunter's Helm X
+Hunter's Cap X
+Hunter's Helm XR
+Hunter's Cap XR
+Bone Helm X
+Bone Cap X
+True Chaoshroom
+True Chaos Diadem
+Melahoa Hat X
+Melahoa Bloom X
+Melahoa Hat Z
+Melahoa Bloom Z
+Makluva Hood X
+Makluva Gills X
+Makluva Hood Z
+Makluva Gills Z
+Obituary Vertex X
+Obituary Clypeus X
+Butterfly Vertex X
+Butterfly Clypeus X
+Death Stench Brain X
+Death Stench Soul X
+Death Stench Brain XR
+Death Stench Soul XR
+Acorn Helm X
+Acorn Cap X
+Mosgharl Vizor X
+Mosgharl Brim X
+Edel Vizor X
+Edel Bloom X
+Skalda Vertex X
+Skalda Clypeus X
+Spio Vertex X
+Spio Clypeus X
+Alloy Helm X
+Alloy Cap X
+Alloy Helm XR
+Alloy Cap XR
+Battle Helm X
+Battle Cap X
+Ingot Helm X
+Ingot Cap X
+Ingot Helm XR
+Ingot Cap XR
+High Metal Helm X
+High Metal Cap X
+High Metal Helm Z
+High Metal Cap Z
+Lobster Helm X
+Lobster Mask X
+Vaik Helm X
+Vaik Cap X
+Bistro Toque X
+Bistro Cap X
+Patissier's Toque X
+Patissier's Cap X
+Gourmew Toque X
+Gourmew Cap X
+Aelucanth Vertex X
+Aelucanth Clypeus X
+Rhopessa Vertex X
+Rhopessa Clypeus X
+Lecturer's Hood X
+Lecturer's Cap X
+Derring Helm X
+Derring Cap X
+Artian Helm X
+Artian Cap X
+Artian Helm XR
+Artian Cap XR
+Maiden's Hat X
+French Maid Glasses X
+Dianthus Wealcap X
+Campanile Wealcap X
+Hawkhat X
+Hawkcap X
+Scholarly Hood X
+Scholarly Cap X
+Dober Helm X
+Dober Cap X
+Scholar's Beret X
+Scholar's Cap X
+Sailor Hat X
+Sailor Cap X
+Marinero Hat X
+Marinero Cap X
+Slagtoth Hood X
+Slagtoth Cowl X
+Jaggi Helm X
+Jaggi Cap X
+Jaggi Mask X
+Maccao Helm X
+Maccao Cap X
+Velociprey Helm X
+Velociprey Cap X
+Giaprey Helm X
+Giaprey Cap X
+Genprey Helm X
+Genprey Cap X
+GX Genprey Helm
+GX Genprey Cap
+Vespoid Helm X
+Vespoid Cap X
+GX Vespoid Helm
+GX Vespoid Cap
+Hornetaur Helm X
+Hornetaur Cap X
+GX Hornetaur Helm
+GX Hornetaur Cap
+Hornetaur Helm XR
+Hornetaur Cap XR
+Bnahabra Hat X
+Bnahabra Cap X
+Konchu Helm X
+Konchi Cap X
+Mosswine Mask X
+Rhenoplos Helm X
+Rhenoplos Cap X
+Bulldrome Helm X
+Bulldrome Cap X
+Bullfango Mask X
+Arzuros Helm X
+Arzuros Cap X
+Cephalos Helm X
+Cephalos Cap X
+GX Cephalos Helm
+GX Cephalos Cap
+Larinoth Mask X
+Gagua Mask X
+Moofah Head X
+Moofah Wig X
+Velociprey Head X
+Velociprey Mask X
+Giaprey Head X
+Giaprey Mask X
+Genprey Head X
+Genprey Mask X
+Ioprey Head X
+Ioprey Mask X
+Remobra Headgear X
+Remobra Mask X
+Ioprey Helm X
+Ioprey Cap X
+GX Ioprey Helm
+GX Ioprey Cap
+Kut-Ku Helm X
+Kut-Ku Cap X
+Kecha Helm X
+Kecha Cap X
+Lagombi Helm X
+Lagombi Cap X
+Gypceros Helm X
+Gypceros Cap X
+Gypceros Helm XR
+Gypceros Cap XR
+Tetsucabra Helm X
+Tetsucabra Cap X
+Hermitaur Helm X
+Hermitaur Cap X
+GX Hermitaur Helm
+GX Hermitaur Cap
+Hermitaur Helm XR
+Hermitaur Cap XR
+Volvidon Helm X
+Volcidon Cap X
+Conga Helm X
+Conga Cap X
+GX Conga Helm
+GX Conga Cap
+Ludroth Helm X
+Ludroth Cap X
+Ludroth Helm XR
+Ludroth Cap XR
+Barroth Helm X
+Barroth Cap X
+Basarios Helm X
+Basarios Cap X
+Malfestio Helm X
+Malfestio Cap X
+Zamtrios Helm X
+Zamtrios Cap X
+Khezu Helm X
+Khezu Cap X
+Khezu Helm XR
+Khezu Cap XR
+Nerscylla Helm X
+Nerscylla Cap X
+Rathian Helm X
+Rathian Cap X
+GX Rathian Helm
+GX Rathian Cap
+Rathian Helm XR
+Rathian Cap XR
+Nibelsnarf Helm X
+Nivelsnarf Cap X
+Plesioth Helm X
+Plesioth Cap X
+Blangonga Helm X
+Blangonga Cap X
+GX Blangonga Helm
+GX Blangonga Cap
+Lavasioth Helm X
+Lavasioth Cap X
+GX Lavasioth Helm
+GX Lavasioth Cap
+Ceanataur Helm X
+Ceanataur Cap X
+GX Ceanataur Helm
+GX Ceanataur Cap
+Ceanataur Helm XR
+Ceanataur Cap XR
+Najarala Helm X
+Najarala Cap X
+Nargacuga Helm X
+Nargacuga Cap X
+Garuga Helm X
+Garuga Cap X
+Garuga Mask X
+Uragaan Helm X
+Uragaan Cap X
+GX Kita Star Headdress
+GX Umi Ocean Headdress
+Guild Knight Feather X
+Guild Knight Mask X
+Guild Bard Lobos X
+Guild Bard Hat X
+Smart Glasses X
+Helper Hood X
+Healer Glasses X
+Helper Hood Z
+Healer Glasses Z
+Ancient Helm X
+Ancient Cap X
+Ace Headgear X
+Ace Mask X
+Sororal Headgear X
+Sororal Mask X
+Citadel Ranger's Headgear
+Citadel Archer's Turban
+Shinobi Sky Mask X
+Shinobi Land Mask X
+Master's Earcuff
+Master's Earrings
+True Toka Kabuto
+True Mitsuaoi Kabuto
+Yaksha Mask
+Carnage Helm
+Helios Helm X
+Helios Cap X
+Selene Helm X
+Selene Cap X
+Kaiserin Sector
+Kaiserin Mask
+Wisdom Head X
+Wisdom Hat X
+Richeruka Hood
+Richeruka Cap
+Cheerful Headgear X
+Cheerful Cap X
+Bartender's Mask
+Bartender's Glasses
+Barmaid's Mask
+Barmaid's Earrings
+Barioth Helm X
+Barioth Cap X
+Seltas Helm X
+Seltas Cap X
+Rathalos Helm X
+Rathalos Cap X
+GX Rathalos Helm
+GX Rathalos Cap
+Rathalos Helm XR
+Rathalos Cap XR
+Lagiacrus Helm X
+Lagiacrus Cap X
+Lagiacrus Helm XR
+Lagiacrus Cap XR
+Zinogre Helm X
+Zinogre Cap X
+GX Zinogre Helm
+GX Zinogre Cap
+Gravios Helm X
+Gravios Cap X
+Mizutsune Helm X
+Mizutsune Cap X
+Astalos Helm X
+Astalos Cap X
+Gammoth Helm X
+Gammoth Cap X
+Glavenus Helm X
+Glavenus Cap X
+Agnaktor Helm X
+Agnaktor Cap X
+Gore Helm X
+Gore Cap X
+GX Gore Helm
+GX Gore Cap
+Gore Helm XR
+Gore Cap XR
+Seregios Helm X
+Seregios Cap X
+Duramboros Helm X
+Duramboros Cap X
+Tigrex Helm X
+Tigrex Cap X
+GX Tigrex Helm
+GX Tigrex Cap
+Tigrex Helm XR
+Tigrex Cap XR
+Diablos Helm X
+Diablos Cap X
+Diablos Helm XR
+Diablos Cap XR
+Kirin Horn X
+Kirin Crown X
+Kirin Horn XR
+Kirin Crown XR
+Brachydios Helm X
+Brachydios Cap X
+GX Brachydios Helm
+GX Brachydios Cap
+Arc Helm X
+Arc Cap X
+Philia Helm X
+Philia Cap X
+GX Arc Helm
+GC Arc Cap
+GX Philia Helm
+GX Philia Cap
+Arc Helm XR
+Arc Cap XR
+Philia Helm XR
+Philia Cap XR
+Valfalk Helm X
+Valfalk Cap X
+Grand God's Peer Mask
+Grand Hermit Mask
+Vangis Helm X
+Vangis Cap X
+Chaos Helm
+Chaos Cap
+Nephelim Helm
+Nephelim Cap
+Black Belt Helm X
+Black Belt Cap X
+Guardian Helm X
+Guardian Mask X
+Guardian Helm Z
+Guardian Mask Z
+Blue Guild Tricorne X
+Blue Guild Mask X
+Blue Guild Tricorne X
+Blue Guild Piercing X
+Red Guild Tricorne X
+Red Guild Mask X
+Red Guild Tricorne X
+Red Guild Piercing X
+Black Head X
+Black Mask X
+Damascus Helm X
+Damascus Cap X
+Damascus Helm XR
+Damascus Cap XR
+Dragonlord's Gaze X
+Emotion Earring
+Desire Earring
+Bherna Fiore
+Kokoto Albero
+Pokke Neve
+Yukumo Therme
+Kushala Glare X
+Kushala Snarl X
+GX Kushala Glare
+GX Kushala Snarl
+Kushala Glare XR
+Kushala Snarl XR
+True Mizuha Cap
+True Cham Hat
+GX Mizuha Cap
+GX Cham Hat
+Kaiser Crown X
+Kaiser Mask X
+GX Kaiser Crown
+GX Kaiser Mask
+Silver Solhelm Z
+Silver Solcap Z
+GX Silver Solhelm
+GX Silver Solcap
+Silver Solhelm XR
+Silver Solcap XR
+Golden Lunehelm Z
+Golden Lunecap Z
+GX Golden Lunehelm
+GX Golden Lunecap
+Grand Divine Ire Headdress
+Grand Crusher Mask
+Esurient Helm Z
+Esurient Cap Z
+Esurient Helm XR
+Esurient Cap XR
+Bracchium Helm
+Bracchium Cap
+Auroros Helm
+Genesis Headpiece
+Borealis Crown
+Glyph Crown
+GX Auroros Helm
+GX Genesis Headpiece
+GX Borealis Crown
+GX Glyph Crown
+Auroros Battle Crown
+Genesis Battle Crown
+Borealis Battle Crown
+Glyph Battle Crown
+Akantor Mask X
+Akantor Fangs X
+Akantor Mask XR
+Akantor Fangs XR
+Ukanlos Mask X
+Ukanlos Fangs X
+True Tempest Crown
+True Welkin Crown
+Tempest Battle Crown
+Welkin Battle Crown
+True Skeletal Skull
+True Decayed Skull
+Astral Helm X
+Astral Mask X
+Neset Helm
+Neset Cap
+Escadora Wisdom X
+Escadora Sagesse X
+Escadora Wisdom XR
+Escadora Sagesse XR
+Fatalis Crimsonhead
+Fatalis Crimsoncoif
+Fatalis Crimsonhead XR
+Fatalis Crimsoncoif XR
+White Fatalis Head
+White Fatalis Face
+Strange Helm
+Strange Cap
+Strange Helm X
+Strange Cap X
+Redhelm Helm LV1
+Redhelm Cap LV1
+Redhelm Helm LV6
+Redhelm Cap LV6
+Redhelm Helm LV14
+Redhelm Cap LV14
+Snowbaron Helm LV1
+Snowbaron Cap LV1
+Snowbaron Helm LV6
+Snowbaron Cap LV6
+Snowbaron Helm LV14
+Snowbaron Cap LV14
+Stonefist Helm LV1
+Stonefist Cap LV1
+Stonefist Helm LV6
+Stonefist Cap LV6
+Stonefist Helm LV14
+Stonefist Cap LV14
+Dreadqueen Helm LV1
+Dreadqueen Cap LV1
+Dreadqueen Helm LV6
+Dreadqueen Cap LV6
+Dreadqueen Helm LV14
+Dreadqueen Cap LV14
+Drilltusk Helm LV1
+Drilltusk Cap LV1
+Drilltusk Helm LV6
+Drilltusk Cap LV6
+Drilltusk Helm LV14
+Drilltusk Cap LV14
+Silverwind Helm LV1
+Silverwind Cap LV1
+Silverwind Helm LV6
+Silverwind Cap LV6
+Silverwind Helm LV14
+Silverwind Cap LV14
+Crystalbeard Helm LV1
+Crystalbeard Cap LV1
+Crystalbeard Helm LV6
+Crystalbeard Cap LV6
+Crystalbeard Helm LV14
+Crystalbeard Cap LV14
+Deadeye Helm LV1
+Deadeye Cap LV1
+Deadeye Helm LV6
+Deadeye Cap LV6
+Deadeye Helm LV14
+Deadeye Cap LV14
+Dreadking Helm LV1
+Dreadking Cap LV1
+Dreadking Helm LV6
+Dreadking Cap LV6
+Dreadking Helm LV14
+Dreadking Cap LV14
+Thunderlord Helm LV1
+Thunderlord Cap LV1
+Thunderlord Helm LV6
+Thunderlord Cap LV6
+Thunderlord Helm LV14
+Thunderlord Cap LV14
+Grimclaw Helm LV1
+Grimclaw Cap LV1
+Grimclaw Helm LV6
+Grimclaw Cap LV6
+Grimclaw Helm LV14
+Grimclaw Cap LV14
+Hellblade Helm LV1
+Hellblade Cap LV1
+Hellblade Helm LV6
+Hellblade Cap LV6
+Hellblade Helm LV14
+Hellblade Cap LV14
+Hazewing Helm LV1
+Hazewing Cap LV1
+Hazewing Helm LV4
+Hazewing Cap LV4
+Shredclaw Helm LV1
+Shredclaw Cap LV1
+Shredclaw Helm LV4
+Shredclaw Cap LV4
+Divinesight Helm LV1
+Divinesight Cap LV1
+Divinesight Helm LV4
+Divinesight Cap LV4
+Azurebolt Helm LV1
+Azurebolt Cap LV1
+Azurebolt Helm LV4
+Azurebolt Cap LV4
+Silverpeak Helm LV1
+Silverpeak Cap LV1
+Silverpeak Helm LV4
+Silverpeak Cap LV4
+Bloodlust Helm LV1
+Bloodlust Cap LV1
+Bloodlust Helm LV4
+Bloodlust Cap LV4
+Promising Helm
+Halcyon Helm
+Lucid Crown
+Dreamy Crown
+Gudetama Head Tights
+Gudetama Head Suit
+Pirate Hat J
+Pirate Roger J
+Buccaneer Hat J
+Buccaneer Roger J
+Ushio's Cut
+Ushio's Hair
+Zodias Helm
+Zodias Cap
+Bristling Mane
+Terrifying Mane
+Champion's Hair
+Strongman's Hair
+Dynaqlo Beanie
+Dynaqlo Headphones
+Blue Star Lobos
+Blue Star Hat
+Star Knight Helm
+Star Knight Cap
+Star Rook Helm
+Star Rook Cap
+Promising Archhelm
+Halcyon Archhelm
+Lucid Miter
+Dreamy Miter
+Gudetama Head Tights S
+Gudetama Head Suit S
+Varia Suit Visor
+Varia Suit Scope
+Zero Suit Ponytail
+Zero Suit Hairpiece
+Hero's Hat
+Hero's Cap
+Lodestar Band
+Lodestar Hoop
+Helm of Rage
+Cap of Rage
+Helm of Anat
+Cap of Anat
+Shadow Shades
+Hiryu Sky Mask
+Hiryu Land Mask
diff --git a/Run/Data/Languages/English/legs.txt b/Run/Data/Languages/English/legs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9267e98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run/Data/Languages/English/legs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1186 @@
+Leather Trousers
+Chainmail Trousers
+Bherna Greaves
+Hunting Greaves
+Hunting Leggings
+Mafumofu Boots
+Yukumo Hakama
+Loc Lac Boots
+Hunter's Greaves
+Hunter's Leggings
+Bone Greaves
+Bone Leggings
+Trapper's Greaves
+Trapper's Boots
+Maccao Shinguards
+Maccao Boots
+Jaggi Shinguards
+Jaggi Boots
+Jaggi Greaves
+Jaggi Leggings
+Maccao Greaves
+Maccao Leggings
+Velociprey Greaves
+Velociprey Leggings
+Giaprey Greaves
+Giaprey Leggings
+Genprey Greaves
+Genprey Leggings
+Vespoid Greaves
+Vespoid Leggings
+Hornetaur Greaves
+Hornetaur Leggings
+Bnahabra Boots
+Bnahabra Pants
+Mosswine Feet
+Rhenoplos Greaves
+Rhenoplos Leggings
+Bulldrome Greaves
+Bulldrome Leggings
+Arzuros Greaves
+Arzuros Leggings
+Cephalos Greaves
+Cephalos Leggings
+Derring Trousers
+Alloy Greaves
+Alloy Leggings
+Battle Greaves
+Battle Leggings
+Ingot Greaves
+Ingot Leggings
+High Metal Greaves
+High Metal Leggings
+Metal Boots
+Metal Feet
+Melahoa Roots
+Melahoa Taproot
+Makluva Pants
+Makluva Leggings
+Obituary Crura
+Obituary Tarsi
+Butterfly Crura
+Butterfly Tarsi
+Death Stench Heel
+Death Stench March
+Mosgharl Roots
+Mosgharl Radicles
+Edel Roots
+Edel Radicles
+Skalda Crura
+Skalda Tarsi
+Spio Crura
+Spio Tarsi
+Droth Greaves
+Droth Leggings
+Velociprey Feet
+Velociprey Tights
+Genprey Feet
+Genprey Tights
+Ioprey Feet
+Ioprey Tights
+Remobra Feet
+Remobra Tights
+Ioprey Greaves
+Ioprey Leggings
+Kut-Ku Greaves
+Kut-Ku Leggings
+Lagombi Greaves
+Lagombi Leggings
+Gypceros Greaves
+Gypceros Leggings
+Tetsucabra Greaves
+Tetsucabra Leggings
+Hermitaur Greaves
+Hermitaur Leggings
+Volvidon Greaves
+Volvidon Leggings
+Ludroth Greaves
+Ludroth Leggings
+Malfestio Greaves
+Malfestio Leggings
+Khezu Greaves
+Khezu Leggings
+Rathian Greaves
+Rathian Leggings
+Nibelsnarf Greaves
+Nibelsnarf Leggings
+Blango Greaves
+Blango Leggings
+Ceanataur Greaves
+Ceanataur Leggings
+Najarala Greaves
+Najarala Leggings
+Nargacuga Greaves
+Nargacuga Leggings
+Scholarly Boots
+Scholarly Tights
+Vaik Greaves
+Vaik Leggings
+Aelucanth Crura
+Aelucanth Tarsi
+Rhopessa Crura
+Rhopessa Tarsi
+Artian Greaves
+Artian Leggings
+Garuga Greaves
+Garuga Leggings
+Uragaan Greaves
+Uragaan Leggings
+Rathalos Greaves
+Rathalos Leggings
+Lagiacrus Greaves
+Lagiacrus Leggings
+Zinogre Greaves
+Zinogre Leggings
+Mizutsune Greaves
+Mizutsune Leggings
+Astalos Greaves
+Astalos Leggings
+Gammoth Greaves
+Gammoth Leggings
+Glavenus Greaves
+Glavenus Leggings
+Gore Greaves
+Gore Leggings
+Regios Greaves
+Regios Leggings
+Tigrex Greaves
+Tigrex Leggings
+Kirin Leg Guards
+Kirin Boots
+Brachydios Greaves
+Brachydios Leggings
+Arc Greaves
+Arc Leggings
+Storge Greaves
+Storge Leggings
+Kushala Crus
+Kushala Shank
+Mizuha Gaiters
+Cham Trousers
+Kaiser Greaves
+Kaiser Leggings
+Skeletal Femur
+Decayed Femur
+Black Feet
+Black Legs
+Black Belt Greaves
+Black Belt Leggings
+Guild Bard Boots
+Guild Bard Gaiters
+Maiden's Socks
+French Maid Tights
+Helper Socks
+Healer Socks
+Dianthus Pants
+Campanile Pants
+Bath Sandals
+Gourmew Boots
+Gourmew Paws
+Leather Greaves S
+Leather Leggings S
+Chainmail Greaves S
+Chainmail Leggings S
+Bherna Greaves S
+Bherna Leggings S
+Hunting Greaves S
+Hunting Leggings S
+Mafumofu Boots S
+Mafumofu Tights S
+Yukumo Sky Hakama
+Yukumo Land Hakama
+Loc Lac Boots S
+Hunter's Greaves S
+Hunter's Leggings S
+Hunter's Greaves R
+Hunter's Leggings R
+Bone Greaves S
+Bone Leggings S
+Silver Metal Boots
+Silver Feet
+Melahoa Roots S
+Melahoa Taproot S
+Melahoa Roots U
+Melahoa Taproot U
+Makluva Pants S
+Makluva Leggings S
+Makluva Pants U
+Makluva Leggings U
+Mosgharl Roots S
+Mosgharl Radicles S
+Edel Roots S
+Edel Radicles S
+Velociprey Feet S
+Velociprey Tights S
+Giaprey Feet S
+Giaprey Tights S
+Genprey Feet S
+Genprey Tights S
+Ioprey Feet S
+Ioprey Tights S
+Remobra Feet S
+Remobra Tights S
+Trapper's Shinguards S
+Trapper's Boots S
+Maccao Shinguards S
+Maccao Boots S
+Jaggi Shinguards S
+Jaggi Boots S
+Mosswine Feet S
+Rhenoplos Greaves S
+Rhenoplos Leggings S
+Jaggi Greaves S
+Jaggi Leggings S
+Droth Greaves S
+Droth Leggings S
+Maccao Greaves S
+Maccao Leggings S
+Velociprey Greaves S
+Velociprey Leggings S
+Giaprey Greaves S
+Giaprey Leggings S
+Genprey Greaves S
+Genprey Leggings S
+EX Genprey Greaves
+EX Genprey Leggings
+Ioprey Greaves S
+Ioprey Leggings S
+EX Ioprey Greaves
+EX Ioprey Leggings
+Vespoid Greaves S
+Vespoid Leggings S
+EX Vespoid Greaves
+EX Vespoid Leggings
+Hornetaur Greaves S
+Hornetaur Leggings S
+EX Hornetaur Greaves
+EX Hornetaur Leggings
+Hornetaur Greaves R
+Hornetaur Leggings R
+Bnahabra Boots S
+Bnahabra Pants S
+Bulldrome Greaves S
+Bulldrome Leggings S
+Arzuros Greaves S
+Arzuros Leggings S
+Cephalos Greaves S
+Cephalos Leggings S
+EX Cephalos Greaves
+EX Cephalos Leggings
+Kut-Ku Greaves S
+Kut-Ku Leggings S
+Kecha Greaves
+Kecha Leggings
+Lagombi Greaves S
+Lagombi Leggings S
+Gypceros Greaves S
+Gypceros Leggings S
+Gypceros Greaves R
+Gypceros Leggings R
+Tetsucabra Greaves S
+Tetsucabra Leggings S
+Hermitaur Greaves S
+Hermitaur Leggings S
+EX Hermitaur Greaves
+EX Hermitaur Leggings
+Hermitaur Greaves R
+Hermitaur Leggings R
+Volvidon Greaves S
+Volvidon Leggings S
+Conga Greaves
+Conga Leggings
+Ludroth Greaves S
+Ludroth Leggings S
+Ludroth Greaves R
+Ludroth Leggings R
+Barroth Greaves
+Barroth Leggings
+Lecturer's Boots
+Lecturer's Footwear
+Alloy Greaves S
+Alloy Leggings S
+Alloy Greaves R
+Alloy Leggings R
+Battle Greaves S
+Battle Leggings S
+Ingot Greaves S
+Ingot Leggings S
+Ingot Greaves R
+Ingot Leggings R
+High Metal Greaves S
+High Metal Leggings S
+High Metal Greaves U
+High Metal Leggings U
+Pink Metal Boots
+Pink Metal Feet
+Lobster Greaves
+Lobster Leggings
+Obituary Crura S
+Obituary Tarsi S
+Butterfly Crura S
+Butterfly Tarsi S
+Death Stench Heel S
+Death Stench March S
+Death Stench Heel R
+Death Stench March R
+Vaik Greaves S
+Vaik Leggings S
+Aelucanth Crura S
+Aelucanth Tarsi S
+Rhopessa Crura S
+Rhopessa Tarsi S
+Patissier's Boots
+Patissier's Footwear
+Skalda Crura S
+Skalda Tarsi S
+Spio Crura S
+Spio Tarsi S
+Basarios Greaves
+Basarios Leggings
+Malfestio Greaves S
+Malfestio Leggings S
+Zamtrios Greaves
+Zamtrios Leggings
+Khezu Greaves S
+Khezu Leggings S
+Khezu Greaves R
+Khezu Leggings R
+Nerscylla Greaves
+Nerscylla Leggings
+Rathian Greaves S
+Rathian Leggings S
+EX Rathian Greaves
+EX Rathian Leggings
+Rathian Greaves R
+Rathian Leggings R
+Nibelsnarf Greaves S
+Nibelsnarf Leggings S
+Plesioth Greaves
+Plesioth Leggings
+Blango Greaves S
+Blango Leggings S
+EX Blango Greaves
+EX Blango Leggings
+Lavasioth Greaves
+Lavasioth Leggings
+EX Lavasioth Greaves
+EX Lavasioth Leggings
+Ceanataur Greaves S
+Ceanataur Leggings S
+EX Ceanataur Greaves
+EX Ceanataur Leggings
+Ceanataur Greaves R
+Ceanataur Leggings R
+Najarala Greaves S
+Najarala Leggings S
+Nargacuga Greaves S
+Nargacuga Leggings S
+Garuga Greaves S
+Garuga Leggings S
+Uragaan Greaves S
+Uragaan Leggings S
+Black Belt Greaves S
+Black Belt Leggings S
+Guardian Boots
+Guardian Pants
+Guardian Boots U
+Guardian Pants U
+Scholar's Socks
+Scholar's Sandals
+Sailor Socks
+Sailor Sandals
+Luxury Bath Sandals
+Kita Star Hakama
+Umi Ocean Hakama
+Derring Greaves S
+Derring Leggings S
+Dober Greaves
+Dober Leggings
+Damascus Greaves
+Damascus Leggings
+Damascus Greaves R
+Damascus Leggings R
+Dark Metal Boots
+Dark Metal Feet
+Chrome Metal Boots
+Chrome Metal Feet
+Artian Greaves S
+Artian Leggings S
+Artian Greaves R
+Artian Leggings R
+Barioth Greaves
+Barioth Leggings
+Seltas Greaves
+Seltas Leggings
+Rathalos Greaves S
+Rathalos Leggings S
+EX Rathalos Greaves
+EX Rathalos Leggings
+Rathalos Greaves R
+Rathalos Leggings R
+Lagiacrus Greaves S
+Lagiacrus Leggings S
+Lagiacrus Greaves R
+Lagiacrus Leggings R
+Zinogre Greaves S
+Zinogre Leggings S
+EX Zinogre Greaves
+EX Zinogre Leggings
+Gravios Greaves
+Gravios Leggings
+Mizutsune Greaves S
+Mizutsune Leggings S
+Astalos Greaves S
+Astalos Leggings S
+Gammoth Greaves S
+Gammoth Leggings S
+Glavenus Greaves S
+Glavenus Leggings S
+Agnaktor Greaves
+Agnaktor Leggings
+Gore Greaves S
+Gore Leggings S
+EX Gore Greaves
+EX Gore Leggings
+Gore Greaves R
+Gore Leggings R
+Regios Greaves S
+Regios Leggings S
+Duramboros Greaves
+Duramboros Leggings
+Tigrex Greaves S
+Tigrex Leggings S
+EX Tigrex Greaves
+EX Tigrex Leggings
+Tigrex Greaves R
+Tigrex Leggings R
+Kirin Leg Guards S
+Kirin Boots S
+Kirin Leg Guards R
+Kirin Boots R
+Brachydios Greaves S
+Brachy Leggings S
+EX Brachydios Greaves
+EX Brachydios Leggings
+Golden Hakama
+Puppeteer Tabi
+Vangis Greaves
+Vangis Leggings
+Guild Knight Boots
+Guild Knight Tights
+Maiden's Socks S
+French Maid Tights S
+Blue Guild Boots
+Blue Guild Tights
+Blue Guild Boots
+Blue Guild Tights
+Red Guild Boots
+Red Guild Tights
+Red Guild Boots
+Red Guild Tights
+Helper Socks S
+Healer Socks S
+Helper Socks U
+Healer Socks U
+Guild Bard Boots S
+Guild Bard Gaiters S
+Chakra Anklet
+Dianthus Wealpants
+Campanile Wealpants
+Ace Greaves
+Ace Leggings
+Sororal Greaves
+Sororal Leggings
+Gourmew Boots S
+Gourmew Paws S
+Scholarly Boots S
+Scholarly Tights S
+Ranger's Espadrilles
+Archer's Espadrilles
+Shinobi Heaven Boots
+Shinobi Land Boots
+Shinobi Sky Boots
+Shinobi Sea Boots
+Ancient Boots
+Ancient Feet
+Master's Greaves
+Master's Leggings
+Black Feet S
+Black Legs S
+Toka Gusoku
+Mitsuaoi Gusoku
+Wisdom Boots
+Wisdom Feet
+Cheerful Boots
+Cheerful Feet
+Sailor Socks
+Sailor Sandals
+EX Rathian Greaves S
+EX Rathian Leggings S
+EX Rathalos Greaves S
+EX Rathalos Leggings S
+EX Tigrex Greaves S
+EX Tigrex Leggings S
+Diablos Greaves
+Diabloes Leggings
+Diablos Greaves R
+Diabloes Leggings R
+Arc Greaves S
+Arc Leggings S
+Storge Greaves S
+Storge Leggings S
+EX Arc Greaves
+EX Arc Leggings
+EX Storge Greaves
+EX Storge Leggings
+Arc Greaves R
+Arc Leggings R
+Storge Greaves R
+Storge Leggings R
+Bulk Greaves
+Bulk Leggings
+Kushala Crus S
+Kushala Shank S
+EX Kushala Crus
+EX Kushala Shank
+Kushala Crus R
+Kushala Shank R
+Mizuha Gaiters S
+Cham Trousers S
+EX Mizuha Gaiters
+EX Cham Trousers
+Kaiser Greaves S
+Kaiser Leggings S
+EX Kaiser Greaves
+EX Kaiser Leggings
+Silver Solgreaves
+Silver Solleggings
+EX Silver Solgreaves
+EX Silver Solleggings
+Silver Solgreaves R
+Silver Solleggings R
+Golden Lunegreaves
+Golden Luneleggings
+EX Golden Lunegreaves
+EX Golden Luneleggings
+Divine Ire Hakama
+Mind Crusher Tabi
+Esurient Greaves
+Esurient Leggings
+Esurient Greaves R
+Esurient Leggings R
+Akantor Hessian
+Akantor Boots
+Akantor Hessian R
+Akantor Boots R
+Ukanlos Hessian
+Ukanlos Boots
+Tempest Hakama
+Welkin Hakama
+Tempest Hakama R
+Welkin Hakama R
+Skeletal Femur R
+Decayed Femur R
+Astral Boots
+Astral Feet
+Escadora Sheath
+Escadora Scala
+Escadora Sheath R
+Escadora Scala R
+Leather Greaves X
+Leather Leggings X
+Chainmail Greaves X
+Chainmail Leggings X
+Bherna Greaves X
+Bherna Leggings X
+Hunting Greaves X
+Hunting Leggings X
+Mafumofu Boots X
+Mafumofu Tights X
+Yukumo Sky Hakama X
+Yukumo Land Hakama X
+Luxury Bath Sandals X
+Loc Lac Boots X
+Hunter's Greaves X
+Hunter's Leggings X
+Hunter's Greaves XR
+Hunter's Leggings XR
+Bone Greaves X
+Bone Leggings X
+Silver Metal Boots X
+Silver Metal Feet X
+Trapper's Shinguards X
+Trapper's Boots X
+Maccao Shinguards X
+Maccao Boots X
+Jaggi Shinguards X
+Jaggi Boots X
+Melahoa Roots X
+Melahoa Taproot X
+Melahoa Roots Z
+Melahoa Taproot Z
+Makluva Pants X
+Makluva Leggings X
+Makluva Pants Z
+Makluva Leggings Z
+Obituary Crura X
+Obituary Tarsi X
+Butterfly Crura X
+Butterfly Tarsi X
+Death Stench Heel X
+Death Stench March X
+Death Stench Heel XR
+Death Stench March XR
+Mosgharl Roots X
+Mosgharl Radicles X
+Edel Roots X
+Edel Radicles X
+Skalda Crura X
+Skalda Tarsi X
+Spio Crura X
+Spio Tarsi X
+Alloy Greaves X
+Alloy Leggings X
+Alloy Greaves XR
+Alloy Leggings XR
+Battle Greaves X
+Battle Leggings X
+Ingot Greaves X
+Ingot Leggings X
+Ingot Greaves XR
+Ingot Leggings XR
+High Metal Greaves X
+High Metal Leggings X
+High Metal Greaves Z
+High Metal Leggings Z
+Pink Metal Boots X
+Pink Metal Feet X
+Lobster Greaves X
+Lobster Leggings X
+Vaik Greaves X
+Vaik Leggings X
+Patissier's Boots X
+Patissier's Feet X
+Gourmew Boots X
+Gourmew Feet X
+Aelucanth Crura X
+Aelucanth Tarsi X
+Rhopessa Crura X
+Rhopessa Tarsi X
+Lecturer's Boots X
+Lecturer's Footwear X
+Derring Greaves X
+Derring Leggings X
+Artian Greaves X
+Artian Leggings X
+Artian Greaves XR
+Artian Leggings XR
+Maiden's Socks X
+French Maid Tights X
+True Dianthus Pants
+True Campanile Pants
+Hawkboots X
+Hawkfeet X
+Scholarly Boots X
+Scholarly Tights X
+Dober Greaves X
+Dober Leggings X
+Scholar's Socks X
+Scholar's Sandals X
+Sailor Socks X
+Sailor Sandals X
+Marinero Socks X
+Marinero Sandals X
+Jaggi Greaves X
+Jaggi Leggings X
+Maccao Greaves X
+Maccao Leggings X
+Velociprey Greaves X
+Velociprey Leggings X
+Giaprey Greaves X
+Giaprey Leggings X
+Genprey Greaves X
+Genprey Leggings X
+GX Genprey Greaves
+GX Genprey Leggings
+Vespoid Greaves X
+Vespoid Leggings X
+GX Vespoid Greaves
+GX Vespoid Leggings
+Hornetaur Greaves X
+Hornetaur Leggings X
+GX Hornetaur Greaves
+GX Hornetaur Leggings
+Hornetaur Greaves XR
+Hornetaur Leggings XR
+Bnahabra Boots X
+Bnahabra Feet X
+Mosswine Feet X
+Rhenoplos Greaves X
+Rhenoplos Leggings X
+Bulldrome Greaves X
+Bulldrome Leggings X
+Arzuros Greaves X
+Arzuros Leggings X
+Cephalos Greaves X
+Cephalos Leggings X
+GX Cephalos Greaves
+GX Cephalos Leggings
+Droth Greaves X
+Droth Leggings X
+Velociprey Feet X
+Velociprey Leggings X
+Giaprey Feet X
+Giaprey Tights X
+Genprey Feet X
+Genprey Tights X
+Ioprey Feet X
+Ioprey Tights X
+Remobra Feet X
+Remobra Tights X
+Ioprey Greaves X
+Ioprey Leggings X
+GX Ioprey Greaves
+GX Ioprey Leggings
+Kut-Ku Greaves X
+Kut-Ku Leggings X
+Kecha Greaves X
+Kecha Leggings X
+Lagombi Greaves X
+Lagombi Leggings X
+Gypceros Greaves X
+Gypceros Leggings X
+Gypceros Greaves XR
+Gypceros Leggings XR
+Tetsucabra Greaves X
+Tetsucabra Leggings X
+Hermitaur Greaves X
+Hermitaur Leggings X
+GX Hermitaur Greaves
+GX Hermitaur Leggings
+Hermitaur Greaves XR
+Hermitaur Leggings XR
+Volvidon Greaves X
+Volvidon Leggings X
+Conga Greaves X
+Conga Leggings X
+GX Conga Greaves
+GX Conga Leggings
+Ludroth Greaves X
+Ludroth Leggings X
+Ludroth Greaves XR
+Ludroth Leggings XR
+Barroth Greaves X
+Barroth Leggings X
+Basarios Greaves X
+Basarios Leggings X
+Malfestio Greaves X
+Malfestio Leggings X
+Zamtrios Greaves X
+Zamtrios Leggings X
+Khezu Greaves X
+Khezu Leggings X
+Khezu Greaves XR
+Khezu Leggings XR
+Nerscylla Greaves X
+Nerscylla Leggings X
+Rathian Greaves X
+Rathian Leggings X
+GX Rathian Greaves
+GX Rathian Leggings
+Rathian Greaves XR
+Rathian Leggings XR
+Nibelsnarf Greaves X
+Nibelsnarf Leggings X
+Plesioth Greaves X
+Plesioth Leggings X
+Blango Greaves X
+Blango Leggings X
+GX Blango Greaves
+GX Blango Leggings
+Lavasioth Greaves X
+Lavasioth Leggings X
+GX Lavasioth Greaves
+GX Lavasioth Leggings
+Ceanataur Greaves X
+Ceanataur Leggings X
+GX Ceanataur Greaves
+GX Ceanataur Leggings
+Ceanataur Greaves XR
+Ceanataur Leggings XR
+Najarala Greaves X
+Najarala Leggings X
+Nargacuga Greaves X
+Nargacuga Leggings X
+Garuga Greaves X
+Garuga Leggings X
+Uragaan Greaves X
+Uragaan Leggings X
+GX Kita Star Hakama
+GX Umi Ocean Hakama
+Guild Knight Boots X
+Guild Knight Tights X
+Guild Bard Boots X
+Guild Bard Gaiters X
+Dark Metal Boots X
+Dark Metal Feet X
+Chrome Metal Boots X
+Chrome Metal Feet X
+Helper Socks X
+Healer Socks X
+Helper Socks Z
+Healer Socks Z
+Ancient Boots X
+Ancient Feet X
+Ace Greaves X
+Ace Leggings X
+Sororal Greaves X
+Sororal Leggings X
+Citadel Ranger's Espadrilles
+Citadel Archer's Espadrilles
+Yukumo Sky Hakama X
+Yukumo Land Hakama X
+Master's Greaves X
+Master's Leggings X
+Grand Toka Gusoku
+Grand Mitsuaoi Gusoku
+Yaksha Boots
+Carnage Boots
+Helios Greaves X
+Helios Leggings X
+Selene Greaves X
+Selene Leggings X
+Kaiserin Greaves
+Kaiserin Leggings
+Wisdom Boots X
+Wisdom Feet X
+Richeruka Boots
+Richeruka Tights
+Cheerful Boots X
+Cheerful Feet X
+Bartender's Boots
+Bartender's Feet
+Barmaid's Boots
+Barmaid's Tights
+Barioth Greaves X
+Barioth Leggings X
+Seltas Greaves X
+Seltas Leggings X
+Rathalos Greaves X
+Rathalos Leggings X
+GX Rathalos Greaves
+GX Rathalos Leggings
+Rathalos Greaves XR
+Rathalos Leggings XR
+Lagiacrus Greaves X
+Lagiacrus Leggings X
+Lagiacrus Greaves XR
+Lagiacrus Leggings XR
+Zinogre Greaves X
+Zinogre Leggings X
+GX Zinogre Greaves
+GX Zinogre Leggings
+Gravios Greaves X
+Gravios Leggings X
+Mizutsune Greaves X
+Mizutsune Leggings X
+Astalos Greaves X
+Astalos Leggings X
+Gammoth Greaves X
+Gammoth Leggings X
+Glavenus Greaves X
+Glavenus Leggings X
+Agnaktor Greaves X
+Agnakor Leggings X
+Gore Greaves X
+Gore Leggings X
+GX Gore Greaves
+GX Gore Leggings
+Gore Greaves XR
+Gore Leggings XR
+Regios Greaves X
+Regios Leggings X
+Duramboros Greaves X
+Duramboros Leggings X
+Tigrex Greaves X
+Tigrex Leggings X
+GX Tigrex Greaves
+GX Tigrex Leggings
+Tigrex Greaves XR
+Tigrex Leggings XR
+Diablos Greaves X
+Diablos Leggings X
+Diablos Greaves XR
+Diablos Leggings XR
+Kirin Leg Guards X
+Kirin Boots X
+Kirin Leg Guards XR
+Kirin Boots XR
+Brachydios Greaves X
+Brachydios Leggings X
+GX Brachydios Greaves
+GX Brachydios Leggings
+Arc Greaves X
+Arc Leggings X
+Philia Greaves X
+Philia Leggings X
+GX Arc Greaves
+GX Arc Leggings
+GX Philia Greaves
+GX Philia Leggings
+Arc Greaves XR
+Arc Leggings XR
+Philia Greaves XR
+Philia Leggings XR
+Valfalk Greaves X
+Valfalk Leggings X
+Grand God's Peer Feet
+Grand Hermit Feet
+Vangis Greaves X
+Vangis Leggings X
+Chaos Greaves
+Chaos Leggings
+Nephelim Greaves
+Nephelim Leggings
+Black Belt Greaves X
+Black Belt Leggings X
+Guardian Boots X
+Guardian Pants X
+Guardian Boots Z
+Guardian Pants Z
+Blue Guild Boots X
+Blue Guild Tights X
+Blue Guild Boots X
+Blue Guild Tights X
+Red Guild Boots X
+Red Guild Tights X
+Red Guild Boots X
+Red Guild Tights X
+Black Feet X
+Black Legs X
+Damascus Greaves X
+Damascus Leggings X
+Damascus Greaves XR
+Damascus Leggings XR
+Kushala Crus X
+Kushala Shank X
+GX Kushala Crus
+GX Kushala Shank
+Kushala Crus XR
+Kushala Shank XR
+True Mizuha Gaiters
+True Cham Trousers
+GX Mizuha Gaiters
+GX Cham Trousers
+Kaiser Greaves X
+Kaiser Leggings X
+GX Kaiser Greaves
+GX Kaiser Leggings
+Silver Solgreaves Z
+Silver Solleggings Z
+GX Silver Solgreaves
+GX Silver Solleggings
+Silver Solgreaves XR
+Silver Solleggings XR
+Golden Lunegreaves Z
+Golden Luneleggings Z
+GX Golden Lunegreaves
+GX Golden Luneleggings
+Grand Divine Ire Hakama
+Grand Mind Crusher Tabi
+Esurient Greaves Z
+Esurient Leggings Z
+Esurient Greaves XR
+Esurient Leggings XR
+Bracchium Greaves
+Bracchiu, Leggings
+Auroros Pants
+Genesis Pants
+Borealis Pants
+Glyph Pants
+GX Auroros Pants
+GX Genesis Pants
+GX Borealis Pants
+GX Glyph Pants
+Auroros Battle Pants
+Genesis Battle Pants
+Borealis Battle Pants
+Glyph Battle Pants
+Akantor Hessian X
+Akantor Boots X
+Akantor Hessian XR
+Akantor Boots XR
+Ukanlos Hessian X
+Ukanlos Boots X
+True Tempest Hakama
+True Welkin Hakama
+Tempest Battle Hakama
+Welkin Battle Hakama
+True Skeletal Femur
+True Decayed Femur
+Astral Boots X
+Astral Feet X
+Neset Greaves
+Neset Leggings
+Escadora Sheath X
+Escadora Scala X
+Escadora Sheath XR
+Escadora Scala XR
+Fatalis Crimsonfeet
+Fatalis Crimsonlegs
+Fatalis Crimsonfeet XR
+Fatalis Crimsonlegs XR
+White Fatalis Feet
+White Fatalis Legs
+Strange Greaves
+Strange Leggings
+Strange Greaves X
+Strange Leggings X
+Redhelm Greaves LV1
+Redhelm Leggings LV1
+Redhelm Greaves LV6
+Redhelm Leggings LV6
+Redhelm Greaves LV14
+Redhelm Leggings LV14
+Snowbaron Greaves LV1
+Snowbaron Leggings LV1
+Snowbaron Greaves LV6
+Snowbaron Leggings LV6
+Snowbaron Greaves LV14
+Snowbaron Leggings LV14
+Stonefist Greaves LV1
+Stonefist Leggings LV1
+Stonefist Greaves LV6
+Stonefist Leggings LV6
+Stonefist Greaves LV14
+Stonefist Leggings LV14
+Dreadqueen Greaves LV1
+Dreadqueen Leggings LV1
+Dreadqueen Greaves LV6
+Dreadqueen Leggings LV6
+Dreadqueen Greaves LV14
+Dreadqueen Leggings LV14
+Drilltusk Greaves LV1
+Drilltusk Leggings LV1
+Drilltusk Greaves LV6
+Drilltusk Leggings LV6
+Drilltusk Greaves LV14
+Drilltusk Leggings LV14
+Silverwind Greaves LV1
+Silverwind Leggings LV1
+Silverwind Greaves LV6
+Silverwind Leggings LV6
+Silverwind Greaves LV14
+Silverwind Leggings LV14
+Crystalbeard Greaves LV1
+Crystalbeard Leggings LV1
+Crystalbeard Greaves LV6
+Crystalbeard Leggings LV6
+Crystalbeard Greaves LV14
+Crystalbeard Leggings LV14
+Deadeye Greaves LV1
+Deadeye Leggings LV1
+Deadeye Greaves LV6
+Deadeye Leggings LV6
+Deadeye Greaves LV14
+Deadeye Leggings LV14
+Dreadking Greaves LV1
+Dreadking Leggings LV1
+Dreadking Greaves LV6
+Dreadking Leggings LV6
+Dreadking Greaves LV14
+Dreadking Leggings LV14
+Thunderlord Greaves LV1
+Thunderlord Leggings LV1
+Thunderlord Greaves LV6
+Thunderlord Leggings LV6
+Thunderlord Greaves LV14
+Thunderlord Leggings LV14
+Grimclaw Greaves LV1
+Grimclaw Leggings LV1
+Grimclaw Greaves LV6
+Grimclaw Leggings LV6
+Grimclaw Greaves LV14
+Grimclaw Leggings LV14
+Hellblade Greaves LV1
+Hellblade Leggings LV1
+Hellblade Greaves LV6
+Hellblade Leggings LV6
+Hellblade Greaves LV14
+Hellblade Leggings LV14
+Hazewing Braces LV1
+Hazewing Guards LV1
+Hazewing Braces LV4
+Hazewing Guards LV4
+Shredclaw Braces LV1
+Shredclaw Guards LV1
+Shredclaw Braces LV4
+Shredclaw Guards LV4
+Divinesight Braces LV1
+Divinesight Guards LV1
+Divinesight Braces LV4
+Divinesight Guards LV4
+Azurebolt Braces LV1
+Azurebolt Guards LV1
+Azurebolt Braces LV4
+Azurebolt Guards LV4
+Silverpeak Braces LV1
+Silverpeak Guards LV1
+Silverpeak Braces LV4
+Silverpeak Guards LV4
+Bloodlust Braces LV1
+Bloodlust Guards LV1
+Bloodlust Braces LV4
+Bloodlust Guards LV4
+Promising Sabatons
+Halcyon Sabatons
+Lucid Pleats
+Dreamy Pleats
+Gudetama Leg Tights
+Gudetama Leg Suit
+Pirate Boots J
+Pirate Pants J
+Buccaneer Boots J
+Buccaneer Pants J
+Zodias Greaves
+Zodias Leggings
+Booyah Jeans
+Booyah Denim
+Ultimate Pleats
+Ultimate Walkers
+Champion's Shorts
+Strongman's Shorts
+Dynaqlo Cargo Pants
+Dynaqlo Combats
+Blue Star Boots
+Blue Star Footwear
+Star Knight Greaves
+Star Knight Leggings
+Star Rook Greaves
+Star Rook Leggings
+Promising Archpleats
+Halcyon Archpleats
+Lucid Archpleats
+Dreamy Archpleats
+Gudetama Leg Tights S
+Gudetama Leg Suit S
+Varia Suit Leg Guards
+Varia Suit Legs
+Zero Suit Boots
+Zero Suit Tights
+Hero's Boots
+Hero's Leggings
+Greaves of Rage
+Leggings of Rage
+Lodestar Boots
+Lodestar Feet
+Greaves of Anat
+Leggings of Anat
+Black Leather Chaps
+Black Leather Pants
+Hiryu Sky Boots
+Hiryu Land Boots
diff --git a/Run/Data/Languages/English/skill_descriptions.txt b/Run/Data/Languages/English/skill_descriptions.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a72b09b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run/Data/Languages/English/skill_descriptions.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+Torso armor skill points are doubled.
+Weakens the effects of Deadly Poison and completely prevents lesser Poisons.
+Doubles the damage received from Poison.
+Prevents Paralysis.
+Doubles the duration of Paralysis.
+Prevents Sleep.
+Doubles the duration of Sleep.
+Reduces the likelihood of being Stunned by 50%.
+Prevents Stun.
+Makes it harder to recover from being Stunned.
+Negates the effects of some large monsters' roars.
+Negates the effects of all large monsters' roars.
+Lessens almost all Wind Pressure.
+Negates Wind Pressure from almost all monsters.
+Prevents staggering from tremors created by large monsters.
+Negates the effects of Bind statuses such as Snowman and bubbles that impede movement.
+Negates the damage incurred from heat and lava.
+Increases the amount of Health lost due to heat.
+Negates all cold.
+Increases the speed at which your maximum Stamina depletes from cold.
+Powers you up in the cold. If you drink a Cool Drink...
+Powers you up in the heat. If you drink a Hot Drink...
+Prevents item theft.
+Negates the effects of Defense Down.
+Makes it harder to become Frenzied and enhances recovery.
+Increases Dung Bomb efficacy, and prevents Stench and Blastblight.
+Increases Dung Bomb efficacy, prevents Stench and Blastblight, and delays Virus onset.
+Prevents Bleeding.
+Doubles the damage received from Bleeding.
+Slightly increases Attack.
+Increases Attack.
+Greatly increases Attack.
+Slightly decreases Attack.
+Decreases Attack.
+Greatly decreases Attack.
+Slightly increases Defense.
+Increases Defense.
+Greatly increases Defense.
+Slightly decreases Defense.
+Decreases Defense.
+Greatly decreases Defense.
+Increases maximum Health by 20.
+Increases maximum Health by 50.
+Decreases maximum Health by 10.
+Decreases maximum Health by 30.
+Increases Fire Resistance by 15.
+Increases Fire Resistance by 20.
+Decreases Fire Resistance by 20.
+Increases Water Resistance by 15.
+Increases Water Resistance by 20.
+Decreases Water Resistance by 20.
+Increases Thunder Resistance by 15.
+Increases Thunder Resistance by 20.
+Decreases Thunder Resistance by 20.
+Increases Ice Resistance by 15.
+Increases Ice Resistance by 20.
+Decreases Ice Resistance by 20.
+Increases Dragon Resistance by 15.
+Increases Dragon Resistance by 20.
+Decreases Dragon Resistance by 20.
+Negates all elemental blights (Fire, Water, Thunder, Ice, and Dragon).
+Increases the power of Fire attacks and Flaming shots (Flaming S).
+Greatly increases the power of Fire attacks and Flaming shots (Flaming S).
+Decreases the power of Fire attacks and Flaming shots (Flaming S).
+Increases the power of Water attacks and Water shots (Water S).
+Greatly increases the power of Water attacks and Water shots (Water S).
+Decreases the power of Water attacks and Water shots (Water S).
+Increases the power of Thunder attacks and Thunder shots (Thunder S).
+Greatly increases the power of Thunder attacks and Thunder shots (Thunder S).
+Decreases the power of Thunder attacks and Thunder shots (Thunder S).
+Increases the power of Ice attacks and Freeze shots (Freeze S).
+Greatly increases the power of Ice attacks and Freeze shots (Freeze S).
+Decreases the power of Ice attacks and Freeze shots (Freeze S).
+Increases the power of Dragon attacks and Dragon shots (Dragon S).
+Greatly increases the power of Dragon attacks and Dragon shots (Dragon S).
+Decreases the power of Dragon attacks and Dragon shots (Dragon S).
+Increases the power of elemental attacks.
+Decreases the power of elemental attacks.
+Slightly increases the potency of abnormal status attacks.
+Increases the potency of abnormal status attacks.
+Decreases the potency of abnormal status attacks.
+Speeds up weapon sharpening.
+Slows down weapon sharpening.
+Slightly increases the length of your weapon's Sharpness Gauge.
+Increases the length of your weapon's Sharpness Gauge.
+Halves the rate at which your weapon loses Sharpness.
+Doubles the rate at which your weapon loses Sharpness.
+Prevents your attacks from being deflected.
+Causes your attacks to be deflected more easily.
+Use a whetstone to polish a weapon and briefly increase its strength.
+Increases Attack based on how low the Sharpness of your weapon is.
+Increases Affinity for all draw attacks by 100%.
+Can Stun monsters with draw attacks from cutting weapons, and slightly increases Attack.
+Increases weapon-sheathing speed.
+When a large monster enrages, theres a chance your weapon's sharpness will increase.
+Grants special effects when sheathing your weapon. Bow C.Range gains a bonus.
+Slightly speeds up Bowgun reloading, and speeds up Bow-coating loading.
+Speeds up Bowgun reloading, and auto-loads Bow coatings.
+Greatly speeds up Bowgun reloading, and auto-loads Bow coatings.
+Slightly slows down Bowgun reloading and Bow-coating loading.
+Slows down Bowgun reloading and Bow-coating loading.
+Greatly slows down Bowgun reloading and Bow-coating loading.
+Slightly reduces Bowgun recoil.
+Reduces Bowgun recoil.
+Greatly reduces Bowgun recoil.
+Slightly increases Bowgun recoil.
+Increases Bowgun recoil.
+Greatly increases Bowgun recoil.
+Decreases Deviation when firing.
+Greatly decreases Deviation when firing.
+Increases Deviation when firing.
+Greatly increases Deviation when firing.
+Increases the power of Normal shots (Normal S) and Rapid-type arrows.
+Increases the power of Pierce shots (Pierce S) and Pierce-type arrows.
+Increases the power of Pellet shots (Pellet S) and Spread-type arrows.
+Increases the power of Heavy shots (Heavy S) and Heavy arrows.
+Allows all levels of Normal shots (Normal S) to be loaded.
+Allows Lv1 Pierce shots (Pierce S) to be loaded.
+Allows all levels of Pierce shots (Pierce S) to be loaded.
+Allows Lv1 Pellet shots (Pellet S) to be loaded.
+Allows all levels of Pellet shots (Pellet S) to be loaded.
+Allows Lv1 Crag shots (Crag S) to be loaded.
+Allows all levels of Crag shots (Crag S) to be loaded.
+Allows Lv1 Cluster shots (Clust S) to be loaded.
+Allows all levels of Cluster shots (Clust S) to be loaded.
+Allows Poison coatings to be set when equipped with a Bow.
+Allows Paralysis coatings to be set when equipped with a Bow.
+Allows Sleep coatings to be set when equipped with a Bow.
+Allows Lv1 Power coatings to be set when wielding a Bow.
+Allows Power coatings of all levels to be set when wielding a Bow.
+Allows Elem Coating Lv1 to be set when wielding a Bow.
+Allows Elemental coatings of all levels to be set when wielding a Bow.
+Allows Close-range coatings to be set when equipped with a Bow.
+Allows Exhaust coatings to be set when equipped with a Bow.
+Allows Blast coatings to be set when equipped with a Bow.
+Allows one extra shot to be fired while Rapid Firing.
+Prolongs the time window certain ammo and arrows can hit at maximum power.
+Increases Bowgun and Gunlance ammo, Bow charge levels, and Charge Blade energy.
+Increases the power of Bowgun Internal Ammo, and the Bow's Arc Shot and Power Shot.
+Occasionally returns ammo or phials to inventory when firing.
+Increases Affinity by 10%.
+Increases Affinity by 20%.
+Increases Affinity by 30%.
+Decreases Affinity by 5%.
+Decreases Affinity by 10%.
+Decreases Affinity by 15%.
+Increases Affinity when striking body parts your attacks are highly effective against.
+Increases Affinity following repeated attacks.
+Increases abnormal status attack potency (Paralysis, Poison, Sleep) of your critical hits.
+Increases elemental damage (Fire, Water, Thunder, Ice, Dragon) of your critical hits.
+Increases the damage of critical hits.
+Negative crit hits have a chance to become strong critical hits.
+Speeds L.Sword/C.Blade/S.Axe/ D.Blades gauges, G.Sword/Hammer/Bow charge attacks, and some LBG techniques.
+Slows L.Sword/C.Blade/S.Axe/ D.Blades gauges, G.Sword/Hammer/Bow charge attacks, and some LBG techniques.
+Slows down Stamina depletion for actions which continuously drain Stamina (such as dashing).
+Speeds up Stamina depletion for actions which continuously drain Stamina (such as dashing).
+Slows down Stamina depletion when evading, blocking, etc.
+Greatly slows down Stamina depletion when evading, blocking, etc.
+Speeds up Stamina depletion when evading, blocking, etc.
+Greatly speeds up Stamina depletion when evading, blocking, etc.
+Increases Stamina recovery speed.
+Decreases Stamina recovery speed.
+While dashing, your stamina gauge stops depleting, but retains its current value.
+Slightly extends the invulnerability period when evading.
+Extends the invulnerability period when evading.
+Reduces the invulnerability period when evading.
+Increases evade distance.
+Evading covers you in bubbles, improving your ability to dodge enemy attacks.
+Increases the likelihood of standing your ground when blocking an attack.
+Greatly increases the likelihood of standing your ground when blocking an attack.
+Decreases the likelihood of standing your ground when blocking an attack.
+Causes previously unblockable attacks to become blockable.
+Makes it easier to stun monsters.
+Increases certain attacks' ability to Exhaust monsters.
+Decreases the likelihood of Horn/Flute items breaking, and increases the effect time of Hunting Horn melodies.
+Slightly boosts Ballistae, Crag shots, Impact Phials, Shells, etc. Makes the Heat Gauge more manageable.
+Boosts Ballistae, Crag shots, Impact Phials, Shells, etc. Makes the Heat Gauge more manageable.
+Makes it easier to break or sever parts of monsters.
+Increases bomb damage, and raises the Combination success rate for all bombs to 100%.
+Empowers you for a limited time when certain conditions are met.
+Greatly empowers you for a limited time when certain conditions are met.
+Increases Attack and Affinity when a large monster in the same area becomes angry.
+Greatly increases Attack and Affinity when a large monster in the same area becomes angry.
+Increases Attack when your Health Gauge is full.
+Increases Hunter Art power during fights with large monsters when the chance arises.
+When HP falls to 2/3 or below, you gain a DRG aligment that increases attack and resistances.
+Greatly increases Defense when Health is below 40% of the maximum amount.
+Greatly increases Attack and Defense when Health is below 40% of the maximum amount.
+Decreases Defense boost and Attack when Health is below 40% of maximum.
+Increases your Attack and Defense every time you fall in battle.
+Increases Attack when your Health Gauge is in the red.
+Increases Attack when you are suffering from abnormal status.
+Prevents fainting a single time if struck with a lethal blow when a certain amount of Health remains.
+Decreases the likelihood of being targeted by monsters.
+Increases the likelihood of being targeted by monsters.
+Increases the Attack and Defense of Palicoes.
+Allows "Fist Pump" gesture to call back fainted/recovering Palicoes. Cannot be used repeatedly.
+Makes it easier to mount and successfully topple a monster.
+Makes it harder to mount and successfully topple a monster.
+Increases the damage caused by Jumping Attacks.
+Makes it easier to fill the Arts, Brave, and Alchemy guages.
+Taking damage grants Hunter Art, Brave, and Alchemy gauge points.
+Extends the duration of SP Mode.
+Increases the information displayed on the Map when large monsters are marked.
+Large monsters always display on the Map, as if they were marked.
+Grants knowledge of when a large monster can be captured.
+Always shows the Map, even if you don't have one. Easier to fish and BBQ meat.
+Increases your speed while transporting items and decreases the likelihood of dropping them.
+Sometimes decreases damage taken.
+Sometimes increases damage taken.
+Negates the damage from minor enemy attacks.
+Increases the amount recovered when recovering Health.
+Decreases the amount recovered when recovering Health.
+Speeds recovery from temporary damage (the red portion of the Health Gauge).
+Greatly speeds recovery from temporary damage (the red portion of the Health Gauge).
+Slows recovery from temporary damage (the red portion of the Health Gauge).
+Greatly slows recovery from temporary damage (the red portion of the Health Gauge).
+Increases the effect time of certain items.
+Decreases the effect time of certain items.
+Transfers a portion of the effects of certain items to companions in the same area.
+Transfers the effects of certain items to companions in the same area.
+Halves the speed of maximum Stamina depletion over time.
+Negates maximum Stamina depletion over time.
+Speeds maximum Stamina depletion over time.
+Greatly speeds up maximum Stamina depletion over time.
+Increases the efficacy of meat that raises maximum Stamina.
+Gives any item you eat or drink the potential to also raise your maximum Stamina.
+Increases meat-eating speed.
+Increases meat-eating and item-consuming speed.
+Decreases meat-eating speed.
+Sometimes allows you to reuse items after you eat and drink them.
+Raw Meat becomes edible. Rare and Well-done Steaks temporarily grant unlimited Stamina.
+Allows the consumption of mushrooms which grant certain benefits as a result.
+Increases the amount of Health recovered from eating Herbs.
+Further increases the amount of Health recovered from eating Herbs.
+Increases your Combination success rate by 20%.
+Increases your Combination success rate by 45%.
+Decreases your Combination success rate by 10%.
+Decreases your Combination success rate by 20%.
+Guarantees maximum results with Combinations that can produce more than one item at a time.
+Guarantees trap Combinations will succeed, and speeds up trap- and bomb-setting time.
+Sometimes raises the number of times items can be gathered at Gathering Points.
+Often raises the number of times items can be gathered at Gathering Points.
+Sometimes lowers the number of times items can be gathered at Gathering Points.
+Allows you to gather two Honeys or Royal Honeys at once.
+Allows you to mine two Charms at once... Maaaybe.
+Allows you to mine two Charms at once... Maybe.
+Decreases the likelihood of Pickaxes, Bug Nets, Boomerangs, Flutes, and Horns breaking.
+Greatly decreases the likelihood of Pickaxes, Bug Nets, Boomerangs, Flutes, and Horns breaking.
+Increases the likelihood of Pickaxes, Bug Nets, Boomerang, Flutes, and Horns breaking.
+Greatly increases the likelihood of Pickaxes, Bug Nets, Boomerangs, Flutes, and Horns breaking.
+Sometimes increases the number of Reward Items received at the end of a Quest.
+Often increases the number of Reward Items received at the end of a Quest.
+Very often increases the number of Reward Items received at the end of a Quest.
+Sometimes decreases the number of Reward Items received at the end of a Quest.
+Often decreases the number of Reward Items received at the end of a Quest.
+Prevents knockbacks from attacks while carving.
+Increases the number of carving chances by one and prevents knockbacks while carving.
+Sometimes increases the number of Reward Items received for captures.
+Often increases the number of Reward Items received for captures.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>.
+Combines the effects of <>, <>, and <>.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>.
+Combines the effects of <>, <>, and <>.
+Grants <>, <>, and <>.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>
+Combines the effects of <>, <>, and <>.
+Grants <>, <>, and <>.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>.
+Combines the effects of <> <> and <>.
+Grants <>, <>, and <>.
+Grants <>, <>, and <>.
+Grants <>, <>, and <>.
+Grants <>, <>, and <>.
+Grants <>, <>, and <>.
+Combines the effects of <>, <>, and <>.
+Combines the effects of <>, <>, and <>.
+Grants <>, <>, and <>.
+Combines the effects of <>, <>, and <>.
+Combines the effects of <>, <>, and <>.
+Grants <>, <>, <>, and <>.
+Grants <>, <>, <>, and <>.
+Combines the effects of <>, <>, and <>.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>.
+Grants <>, <>, <>, and <>.
+Grants <>, <>, <>, and <>.
+Combines the effects of <>, <>, and <>.
+Combines the effects of <>, <>, and <>.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>.
+Combines the effects of <>, <>, and <>.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>.
+Combines the effects of <>, <>, and <>.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>.
+Grants <>, <>, and <>.
+Grants <>, <>, <>, and <>.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>.
+Combines the effects of <> and <- >.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>.
+Grants <>, <> and <>.
+Combines the effects of <>, <>, and <>.
+Grants <>, <>, and <>.
+All equipped skill points are increased by 2.
+Charm skill points are doubled.
diff --git a/Run/Data/Languages/English/skills.txt b/Run/Data/Languages/English/skills.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84c4f53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run/Data/Languages/English/skills.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
+Wind Res
+Tremor Res
+Bind Res
+Heat Res
+Cold Res
+Def Lock
+Frenzy Res
+Fire Res
+Water Res
+Thunder Res
+Ice Res
+Dragon Res
+Blight Res
+Fire Atk
+Water Atk
+Thunder Atk
+Ice Atk
+Dragon Atk
+Crit Draw
+Punish Draw
+Sword Polisher
+Blade Scale
+Reload Spd
+Normal Up
+Pierce Up
+Pellet Up
+Heavy Up
+Normal S+
+Pierce S+
+Pellet S+
+Crag S+
+Clust S+
+Poison C+
+Para C+
+Sleep C+
+Power C+
+Elem C+
+C.Range C+
+Exhaust C+
+Blast C+
+Rapid Fire
+Dead Eye
+Ammo Saver
+Chain Crit
+Crit Status
+Crit Element
+Critical Up
+Neg Affinity
+Stam Recov
+Evade Dist
+Guard Up
+Stam Drain
+Bomb Boost
+Gloves Off
+Team Player
+Hero Shield
+Rec Level
+Rec Speed
+Lasting Pwr
+Light Eater
+Combo Rate
+Combo Plus
+Speed Setup
+Redhelm G
+Snowbaron G
+Stonefist G
+Drilltusk G
+Dreadqueen G
+C.beard G
+Silverwind G
+Deadeye G
+Dreadking G
+Thunderlord G
+Grimclaw G
+Hellblade G
+Hazewing G
+Shredclaw G
+Divinesight G
+Azurebolt G
+Frostpeak G
+Bloodlust G
+D. Fencing
+Edge Lore
+Status Res
+Torso Up
+Negate Poison
+Double Poison
+Negate Paralysis
+Double Paralysis
+Negate Sleep
+Double Sleep
+Halve Stun
+Negate Stun
+Double Stun
+HG Earplugs
+Windproof (Lo)
+Windproof (Hi)
+Tremor Res
+Negate Bind
+Heat Cancel
+Heat Surge
+Cold Cancel
+Cold Surge
+Polar Hunter
+Tropic Hunter
+Iron Skin
+Bio Researcher
+Bio Master
+Negate Bleeding
+Double Bleeding
+Attack Up (S)
+Attack Up (M)
+Attack Up (L)
+Attack Down (S)
+Attack Down (M)
+Attack Down (L)
+Defense Up (S)
+Defense Up (M)
+Defense Up (L)
+Defense Down (S)
+Defense Down (M)
+Defense Down (L)
+Health +20
+Health +50
+Health -10
+Health -30
+Fire Res +15
+Fire Res +20
+Fire Res -20
+Water Res +15
+Water Res +20
+Water Res -20
+Thunder Res +15
+Thunder Res +20
+Thunder Res -20
+Ice Res +15
+Ice Res +20
+Ice Res -20
+Dragon Res +15
+Dragon Res +20
+Dragon Res -20
+Fire Atk +1
+Fire Atk +2
+Fire Atk Down
+Water Atk +1
+Water Atk +2
+Water Atk Down
+Thunder Atk +1
+Thunder Atk +2
+Thunder Atk Down
+Ice Atk +1
+Ice Atk +2
+Ice Atk Down
+Dragon Atk +1
+Dragon Atk +2
+Dragon Atk Down
+Element Atk Up
+Element Atk Down
+Status Atk +1
+Status Atk +2
+Status Atk Down
+Speed Sharpening
+Slow Sharpening
+Sharpness +1
+Sharpness +2
+Razor Sharp
+Blunt Edge
+Mind's Eye
+Blind Eye
+Heavy Polish
+Critical Draw
+Punishing Draw
+Quick Sheath
+Challenger's Sword
+Blade Scl Polish
+Reload Speed +1
+Reload Speed +2
+Reload Speed +3
+Reload Speed -1
+Reload Speed -2
+Reload Speed -3
+Recoil Down +1
+Recoil Down +2
+Recoil Down +3
+Recoil Down -1
+Recoil Down -2
+Recoil Down -3
+Steadiness +1
+Steadiness +2
+Steadiness -1
+Steadiness -2
+Normal/Rapid Up
+Pierce/Pierce Up
+Pellet/Spread Up
+Heavy/Heavy Up
+Use Any Normal S
+Use Lv1 Pierce S
+Use Any Pierce S
+Use Lv1 Pellet S
+Use Any Pellet S
+Use Lv1 Crag S
+Use Any Crag S
+Use Lv1 Clust S
+Use Any Clust S
+Use Poison Coat
+Use Para Coat
+Use Sleep Coat
+Power Phial (Lv1)
+Power Phial (All)
+Element Phial (Lv1)
+Element Phial (All)
+Use C.Range Coat
+Use Exhaust Coat
+Use Blast Coat
+Bonus Shot
+Shot Booster
+Load Up
+TrueShot Up
+Ammo Saver
+Critical Eye +1
+Critical Eye +2
+Critical Eye +3
+Critical Eye -1
+Critical Eye -2
+Critical Eye -3
+Weakness Exploit
+Repeat Offender
+Status Crit
+Elemental Crit
+Critical Boost
+Mad Affinity
+Marathon Runner
+Short Sprinter
+Constitution +1
+Constitution +2
+Constitution -1
+Constitution -2
+Stam Recov Up
+Stam Recov Down
+Key Plan
+Evasion +1
+Evasion +2
+Evasion Down
+Evade Extender
+Bubbly Dance
+Guard +1
+Guard +2
+Guard -1
+Guard Up
+Knockout King
+Stamina Thief
+Horn Maestro
+Artillery Novice
+Artillery Expert
+Latent Power +1
+Latent Power +2
+Challenger +1
+Challenger +2
+Peak Performance
+Dragon Instinct
+Adrenaline +1
+Adrenaline +2
+Palico Rally
+Palico Cheer
+Mounting Master
+Saddle Sore
+SP Extender
+Capture Guru
+Pro Transporter
+Divine Blessing
+Demonic Blessing
+Hero's Talisman
+Recovery Up
+Recovery Down
+Recovery Spd +1
+Recovery Spd +2
+Recovery Spd -1
+Recovery Spd -2
+Item Use Up
+Item Use Down
+Wide-Range +1
+Wide-Range +2
+Halve Hunger
+Negate Hunger
+Raise Hunger
+Double Hunger
+Speed Eating +1
+Speed Eating +2
+Slow Eater
+Meat Lover
+Ultra Herbology
+Combination +20%
+Combination +45%
+Combination -10%
+Combination -20%
+Combination Pro
+Trap Master
+Gathering +1
+Gathering +2
+Gathering -1
+Honey Hunter
+Charm Collector
+Charm Chaser
+Spirit's Whim
+Divine Whim
+Spectre's Whim
+Devil's Whim
+Good Luck
+Great Luck
+Miraculous Luck
+Bad Luck
+Horrible Luck
+Carving Pro
+Carving Celebrity
+Capture Expert
+Capture Master
+Soul of Bherna
+Soul of Kokoto
+Soul of Pokke
+Soul of Yukumo
+W.Airboat Heart
+F.Tavern Heart
+Redhelm Soul
+Snowbaron Soul
+Stonefist Soul
+Drilltusk Soul
+Dreadqueen Soul
+Crystalbeard Soul
+Silverwind Soul
+Deadeye Soul
+Dreadking Soul
+Thunderlord Soul
+Grimclaw Soul
+Hellblade Soul
+Hazewing Soul
+Shredclaw Soul
+Divinesight Soul
+Azurebolt Soul
+Frostpeak Soul
+Bloodlust Soul
+Redhelm Soul G
+Snowbaron Soul G
+Stonefist Soul G
+Drilltusk Soul G
+Dreadqueen Soul G
+Crystalbeard Soul G
+Silverwind Soul G
+Deadeye Soul G
+Dreadking Soul G
+Thunderlord Soul G
+Grimclaw Soul G
+Hellblade Soul G
+Hazewing Soul G
+Shredclaw Soul G
+Divinesight Soul G
+Azurebolt Soul G
+Frostpeak Soul G
+Bloodlust Soul G
+Pro Dirty Fencer
+Steady Hand
+Explosive Trapper
+Aching Pain
+Honed Blade
+Silver Bullet
+Wrath Awoken
+Sheath Control
+Iron Wall
+Shield Bearer
+Fleet Feet
+Pack Rat
+Bounty Hunter
+Haze-Skin Vest
+Fiery Defense
+Steel Shell
+Skill Pts +2
+Charm Up
diff --git a/Run/Data/Languages/English/strings.txt b/Run/Data/Languages/English/strings.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e0f4ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run/Data/Languages/English/strings.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+# MHX/Gen ASS Primary String Table
+# Documentation Notes
+# - Lines beginning with # are comments and are ignored.
+# - Empty lines are also ignored.
+# - The name of this language as it appears in the drop-down menu is the name of the folder inside the Languages folder.
+# - Menus and buttons may use an ampersand (&) symbol to denote a hotkey.
+# - Tokens (%1, %2 etc.) are replaced by numbers; they can be rearranged into any order.
+# Refer to the specific documentation below to see what the numbers are.
+# If you have any questions or require more strings/options/UI changes, please message AthenaADP on Facebook or reddit.
+#The first line is for translator credit. This appears in the About dialog when this language is selected. A single hyphen means nothing is shown.
+#This string is used in the File menu to save application settings.
+#This string is used for saving custom charm lists.
+#This options resets all settings to default
+&Clear Settings
+#"Bad" skills are ones activated at -10 points or less.
+Allow Ba&d Skills
+#This specifically refers to Arena reward helmets, such as the Barrage Piercing
+#and Sword Saint Piercing, which are difficult to obtain.
+Allow A&rena Armor
+#Event armor (and Decorations) from DLC quests
+Allow &Event Armor
+#Japanese only armor/decorations
+Allow &Japanese-Only DLC
+#This setting will ignore gear of a lower tier than you
+Allow &Lower Tier Armor
+Show Skill &Points Required for Skills
+Sort Skills Alpha&betically
+Allow &Gunner Helms
+&Spend spare slots on extra skills
+&What do the skills do?
+#This option opens a browser to my Facebook page
+Check for &Updates
+&Quick Search
+&Advanced Search
+#This string is used in the Advanced Search dialog to deselect all armors in a list.
+#This string is used in the combobox that filters solutions by charm
+No Charm
+#This string is used in the combobox that sorts solutions by various criteria
+Select &None
+Select &Best
+&Add New
+Delete &All
+Move &Up
+Move &Down
+&Find Next
+#These are used when selecting skills from the Japanese kana/characters
+Select Japanese Skill
+Length %1
+Guild Quests
+Village Quests
+Max Weapon Slots
+No Extra Skill Filtering
+Sort/Filter Results
+#This string is used in the combobox that filters solutions by charm
+Any Charm
+Dragon Res
+Fire Res
+Ice Res
+Thunder Res
+Water Res
+Base Defence
+Max Defence
+#When sorting solutions, "Difficulty" refers to the number of rare items required, e.g. plates/rubies/dragongems/etc.
+Slots Spare
+#When sorting solutions, "Family" refers to how similar the armor pieces are:
+# Rathalos X + Rathalos X (great!)
+# Rathalos X + Rathalos S (good)
+# Rathalos X + Rathalos U (ok...)
+# Rathalos X + Basarios S (bad)
+#Extra Skills are skills that a solution may have that the user did not search for
+Extra Skills
+Use no charms
+Use my charms
+#When searching using charms that have no skills, but 1-3 slots.
+Use slotted charms
+#When searching using charms with at most one skill and possibly some slots
+Use up to one skill charms
+#When searching using charms with at most two skills and possibly some slots (i.e. all possible charms)
+Use up to two skill charms
+Skill Filters
+#Used in the Advanced Search dialog
+Select Armor
+#For importing charms from a savefile
+Import Charms
+Delete Existing Charms
+Are you sure?
+&Sort by Skill 1
+S&ort by Skill 2
+#When a solution has exactly one slot spare
+1 slot spare
+#When a solution has multiple slots spare, %1 is that number.
+%1 slots spare
+#The following three strings deliberately begin with a space in English
+ (or anything with 1 slot)
+#%1 is the number of slots in the armor
+ (or anything with %1 slots)
+#This line is appended to armors with Torso Up
+ (or anything with Torso Inc)
+#This line is appended to decorations in the torso armor, if Torso Up is in effect
+ (in Torso)
+#This line is appended to decorations in the charm, if Charm Up is in effect
+ (in Charm)
+Solutions found:
+#When there are too many solutions to display all of them, %1 is the limit (default 1000)
+Showing first %1 solutions only:
+Save data dump
+Charm list
+File is corrupt.
+#This string is shown if a charm is loaded that is impossible to obtain legitimately
+You cheater, you.
+#Used in some error popups
+#For showing min (%1) and max (%2) defence, e.g. 10 to 100
+%1 to %2
+Unknown charm
+Delete All Charms
+ASS Settings
+&Max Results
+Print &Decoration Names
+Print &Material Lists
+Preview Image Default &Zoom
+#Showing min/max defence and elemental resists
+%1-%2 Def, %3 Fir, %4 Wat, %5 Ice, %6 Thn, %7 Drg
+#This string is used to show decorations as skills, e.g. "+5 Expert Jewel". %1 is the numeric value %2 is the skill name
+%1 %2 Jewel
+#Item Type refers to weapon/helm/body armor/etc.
+Item Type
+#Hunter Type means Blademaster or Gunner
+Hunter Type
+#Both Blademaster and Gunner (for helmets)
+#This string is for displaying potential extra skills
+(%1 possible)
+#Strings for the skill description dialog
+Skill Trees
+Armors with points of this skill:
+#Strings for displaying hunter rank, village quest progress etc.
+#Format string for showing a skill with the number of skill points required
+%1 (%2)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Run/Data/Languages/English/tags.txt b/Run/Data/Languages/English/tags.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f660b7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run/Data/Languages/English/tags.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Run/Data/Languages/English/waist.txt b/Run/Data/Languages/English/waist.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ba3eba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run/Data/Languages/English/waist.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1125 @@
+Leather Belt
+Chainmail Belt
+Bherna Belt
+Hunting Faulds
+Hunting Coat
+Mafumofu Coat
+Yukumo Obi
+Loc Lac Kilt
+Hunter's Faulds
+Hunter's Coat
+Bone Faulds
+Bone Coat
+Light Belt
+Iron Belt
+Jaggi Faulds
+Jaggi Coat
+Maccao Faulds
+Maccao Coat
+Velociprey Tassets
+Velociprey Coat
+Giaprey Tassets
+Giaprey Coat
+Genprey Tassets
+Genprey Coat
+Vespoid Tassets
+Vespoid Coat
+Hornetaur Tassets
+Hornetaur Coat
+Bnahabra Coil
+Bnahabra Coat
+Mosswine Hip
+Rhenoplos Coil
+Rhenoplos Coat
+Bulldrome Faulds
+Bulldrome Coat
+Arzuros Faulds
+Arzuros Coat
+Cephalos Tassets
+Cephalos Coat
+Derring Belt
+Alloy Coil
+Alloy Coat
+Battle Tassets
+Battle Coat
+Ingot Coil
+Ingot Coat
+High Metal Tassets
+High Metal Coat
+Melahoa Folia
+Melahoa Trunk
+Makluva Coil
+Makluva Fin
+Bistro Sarong
+Bistro Apron
+Obituary Elytra
+Obituary Alae
+Butterfly Elytra
+Butterfly Alae
+Death Stench Bowels
+Death Stench Belly
+Mosgharl Folia
+Mosgharl Fronds
+Edel Folia
+Edel Fronds
+Skalda Elytra
+Skalda Alae
+Spio Elytra
+Spio Alae
+Droth Faulds
+Droth Coat
+Uroktor Tassets
+Uroktor Coat
+Moofah Coil
+Moofah Coat
+Remobra Belt
+Remobra Band
+Ioprey Tassets
+Ioprey Coat
+Kut-Ku Tassets
+Kut-Ku Coat
+Lagombi Faulds
+Lagombi Coat
+Gypceros Tassets
+Gypceros Coat
+Tetsucabra Faulds
+Tetsucabra Coat
+Hermitaur Tassets
+Hermitaur Coat
+Volvidon Faulds
+Volvidon Coat
+Ludroth Faulds
+Ludroth Coat
+Malfestio Faulds
+Malfestio Coat
+Khezu Tassets
+Khezu Coat
+Rathian Faulds
+Rathian Coat
+Nibelsnarf Faulds
+Nibelsnarf Coat
+Blango Tassets
+Blango Coat
+Ceanataur Tassets
+Ceanataur Coat
+Najarala Faulds
+Najarala Coat
+Nargacuga Faulds
+Nargacuga Coat
+Scholarly Sash
+Scholarly Coat
+Vaik Faulds
+Vaik Coat
+Aelucanth Elytra
+Aelucanth Alae
+Rhopessa Elytra
+Rhopessa Alae
+Garuga Tassets
+Garuga Coat
+Uragaan Faulds
+Uragaan Coat
+Rathalos Faulds
+Rathalos Coat
+Lagiacrus Faulds
+Lagiacrus Coat
+Zinogre Faulds
+Zinogre Coat
+Mizutsune Faulds
+Mizutsune Coat
+Astalos Faulds
+Astalos Coat
+Gammoth Faulds
+Gammoth Coat
+Glavenus Faulds
+Glavenus Coat
+Gore Faulds
+Gore Coat
+Regios Tassets
+Regios Coat
+Tigrex Tassets
+Tigrex Coat
+Kirin Hoop
+Kirin Shorts
+Brachydios Faulds
+Brachydios Coat
+Arc Faulds
+Arc Coat
+Storge Faulds
+Storge Coat
+Kushala Cocoon
+Kushala Wind Wrap
+Mizuha Sash
+Cham Coat
+Kaiser Tassets
+Kaiser Coat
+Skeletal Hipbone
+Decayed Hipbone
+Black Spine
+Black Scale
+Black Belt Tassets
+Black Belt Coat
+Guild Bard Coil
+Guild Bard Coat
+Maiden's Skirt
+French Maid Frills
+Helper Skirt
+Healer Frills
+Dianthus Skirt
+Campanile Skirt
+Gourmew Sarong
+Gourmew Apron
+Leather Faulds S
+Leather Coat S
+Chainmail Faulds S
+Chainmail Coat S
+Bherna Belt S
+Bherna Coat S
+Hunting Faulds S
+Hunting Coat S
+Mafumofu Coil S
+Mafumofu Coat S
+Yukumo Sky Obi
+Yukumo Land Obi
+Loc Lac Kilt S
+Hunter's Faulds S
+Hunter's Coat S
+Hunter's Faulds R
+Hunter's Coat R
+Bone Faulds S
+Bone Coat S
+Light Belt S
+Iron Belt S
+Melahoa Folia S
+Melahoa Trunk S
+Melahoa Folia U
+Melahoa Trunk U
+Makluva Coil S
+Makluva Fin S
+Makluva Coil U
+Makluva Fin U
+Bistro Sarong S
+Bistro Apron S
+Mosgharl Folia S
+Mosgharl Fronds S
+Edel Folia S
+Edel Fronds S
+Moofah Coil S
+Moofah Coat S
+Remobra Belt S
+Remobra Band S
+Mosswine Hip S
+Rhenoplos Coil S
+Rhenoplos Coat S
+Jaggi Faulds S
+Jaggi Coat S
+Droth Faulds S
+Droth Coat S
+Uroktor Tassets S
+Uroktor Coat S
+Maccao Faulds S
+Maccao Coat S
+Velociprey Tassets S
+Velociprey Coat S
+Giaprey Faulds S
+Giaprey Coat S
+Genprey Tassets S
+Genprey Coat S
+EX Genprey Tassets
+EX Genprey Coat
+Ioprey Tassets S
+Ioprey Coat S
+EX Ioprey Tassets
+EX Ioprey Coat
+Vespoid Tassets S
+Vespoid Coat S
+EX Vespoid Tassets
+EX Vespoid Coat
+Hornetaur Tassets S
+Hornetaur Coat S
+EX Hornetaur Tassets
+EX Hornetaur Coat
+Hornetaur Tassets R
+Hornetaur Coat R
+Bnahabra Coil S
+Bnahabra Coat S
+Bulldrome Faulds S
+Bulldrome Coat S
+Arzuros Faulds S
+Arzuros Coat S
+Cephalos Tassets S
+Cephalos Coat S
+EX Cephalos Tassets
+EX Cephalos Coat
+Kut-Ku Tassets S
+Kut-Ku Coat S
+Kecha Faulds
+Kecha Coat
+Lagombi Faulds S
+Lagombi Coat S
+Gypceros Tassets S
+Gypceros Coat S
+Gypceros Tassets R
+Gypceros Coat R
+Tetsucabra Faulds S
+Tetsucabra Coat S
+Hermitaur Tassets S
+Hermitaur Coat S
+EX Hermitaur Tassets
+EX Hermitaur Coat
+Hermitaur Tassets R
+Hermitaur Coat R
+Volvidon Faulds S
+Volvidon Coat S
+Conga Faulds S
+Conga Coat S
+Ludroth Faulds S
+Ludroth Coat S
+Ludroth Tassets R
+Ludroth Coat R
+Barroth Faulds
+Barroth Coat
+Lecturer's Skirt
+Lecturer's Frills
+Alloy Coil S
+Alloy Coat S
+Alloy Coil R
+Alloy Coat R
+Battle Tassets S
+Battle Coat S
+Ingot Coil S
+Ingot Coat S
+Ingot Coil R
+Ingot Coat R
+High Metal Tassets S
+High Metal Coat S
+High Metal Tassets U
+High Metal Coat U
+Lobster Coil
+Lobster Coat
+Obituary Elytra S
+Obituary Alae S
+Butterfly Elytra S
+Butterfly Alae S
+Death Stench Bowels S
+Death Stench Belly S
+Death Stench Bowels R
+Death Stench Belly R
+Vaik Faulds S
+Vaik Coat S
+Aelucanth Elytra S
+Aelucanth Alae S
+Rhopessa Elytra S
+Rhopessa Alae S
+Patissier's Sarong
+Patissier's Apron
+Skalda Elytra S
+Skalda Alae S
+Spio Elytra S
+Spio Alae S
+Basarios Faulds
+Basarios Coat
+Malfestio Faulds S
+Malfestio Coat S
+Zamtrios Faulds
+Zamtrios Coat
+Khezu Tassets S
+Khezu Coat S
+Khezu Tassets R
+Khezu Coat R
+Nerscylla Faulds
+Nerscylla Coat
+Rathian Faulds S
+Rathian Coat S
+EX Rathian Faulds
+EX Rathian Coat
+Rathian Faulds R
+Rathian Coat R
+Nibelsnarf Faulds S
+Nibelsnarf Coat S
+Blango Tassets S
+Blango Coat S
+EX Blango Tassets
+EX Blango Coat
+Lavasioth Tassets
+Lavasioth Coat
+EX Lavasioth Tassets
+EX Lavasioth Coat
+Ceanataur Tassets S
+Ceanataur Coat S
+EX Ceanataur Tassets
+EX Ceanataur Coat
+Ceanataur Tassets R
+Ceanataur Coat R
+Najarala Faulds S
+Najarala Coat S
+Nargacuga Tassets S
+Nargacuga Coat S
+Garuga Tassets S
+Garuga Coat S
+Uragaan Faulds S
+Uragaan Coat S
+Black Belt Tassets S
+Black Belt Coat S
+Guardian Coil
+Guardian Coat
+Guardian Coil U
+Guardian Coat U
+Scholar's Skirt
+Scholar's Mini
+Sailor Skirt
+Sailor Mini
+Derring Faulds S
+Derring Coat S
+Dober Coil
+Dober Coat
+Damascus Coil
+Damascus Coat
+Damascus Coil R
+Damascus Coat R
+Chrome Metal Coil
+Chrome Metal Coat
+Artian Coil S
+Artian Coat S
+Artian Coil R
+Artian Coat R
+Barioth Faulds
+Barioth Coat
+Seltas Faulds
+Seltas Coat
+Rathalos Faulds S
+Rathalos Coat S
+EX Rathalos Faulds
+EX Rathalos Coat
+Rathalos Faulds R
+Rathalos Coat R
+Lagiacrus Faulds S
+Lagiacrus Coat S
+Lagiacrus Faulds R
+Lagiacrus Coat R
+Zinogre Faulds S
+Zinogre Coat S
+EX Zinogre Faulds
+EX Zinogre Coat
+Gravios Faulds
+Gravios Coat
+Mizutsune Faulds S
+Mizutsune Coat S
+Astalos Faulds S
+Astalos Coat S
+Gammoth Faulds S
+Gammoth Coat S
+Glavenus Faulds S
+Glavenus Coat S
+Agnaktor Faulds
+Agnaktor Coat
+Gore Faulds S
+Gore Coat S
+EX Gore Faulds
+EX Gore Coat
+Gore Faulds R
+Gore Coat R
+Regios Tassets S
+Regios Coat S
+Duramboros Faulds
+Duramboros Coat
+Tigrex Tassets S
+Tigrex Coat S
+EX Tigrex Tassets
+EX Tigrex Coat
+Tigrex Tassets R
+Tigrex Coat R
+Kirin Hoop S
+Kirin Shorts S
+Kirin Hoop R
+Kirin Shorts R
+Brachydios Faulds S
+Brachydios Coat S
+EX Brachydios Faulds
+EX Brachydios Coat
+Golden Obi
+Puppeteer Obi
+Vangis Coil
+Vangis Coat
+Guild Knight Coat
+Guild Knight Kilt
+Maiden's Skirt S
+French Maid Frills S
+Blue Guild Coil
+Blue Guild Coat
+Blue Guild Coil
+Blue Guild Coat
+Red Guild Coil
+Red Guild Coat
+Red Guild Coil
+Red Guild Coat
+Helper Skirt S
+Healer Frills S
+Helper Skirt U
+Healer Frills U
+Guild Bard Coil S
+Guild Bard Coat S
+Chakra Waistlet
+Dianthus Wealskirt
+Campanile Wealskirt
+Ace Faulds
+Ace Coat
+Sororal Faulds
+Sororal Coat
+Gourmew Sarong S
+Gourmew Apron S
+Scholarly Sash S
+Scholarly Coat S
+Ranger's Sash
+Archer's Belt
+Shinobi Heaven Belt
+Shinobi Land Belt
+Shinobi Sky Belt
+Shinobi Sea Belt
+Ancient Coil
+Ancient Coat
+Master's Faulds
+Master's Coat
+Black Spine S
+Black Scale S
+Toka Koshiate
+Mitsuaoi Koshiate
+Wisdom Coil
+Wisdom Coat
+Cheerful Belt
+Cheerful Band
+Sailor Skirt
+Sailor Mini
+EX Rathian Faulds S
+EX Rathian Coat S
+EX Rathalos Faulds S
+EX Rathalos Coat S
+EX Tigrex Coil S
+EX Tigrex Coat S
+Diablos Coil
+Diablos Coat
+Diablos Coil R
+Diablos Coat R
+Arc Faulds S
+Arc Coat S
+Storge Faulds S
+Storge Coat S
+EX Arc Faulds
+EX Arc Coat
+EX Storge Faulds
+EX Storge Coat
+Arc Faulds R
+Arc Coat R
+Storge Faulds R
+Storge Coat R
+Bulk Faulds
+Bulk Coat
+Kushala Cocoon S
+Kushala Wind Wrap S
+EX Kushala Cocoon
+EX Kushala Wind Wrap
+Kushala Cocoon R
+Kushala Wind Wrap R
+Mizuha Sash S
+Cham Coat S
+EX Mizuha Sash
+EX Cham Coat
+Kaiser Tassets S
+Kaiser Coat S
+EX Kaiser Tassets
+EX Kaiser Coat
+Silver Solcoil
+Silver Solcoat
+EX Silver Solcoil
+EX Silver Solcoat
+Silver Solcoil R
+Silver Solcoat R
+Golden Lunecoil
+Golden Lunecoat
+EX Golden Lunecoil
+EX Golden Lunecoat
+Divine Ire Obi
+Crusher Belt
+Esurient Faulds
+Esurient Coat
+Esurient Faulds R
+Esurient Coat R
+Akantor Cincture
+Akantor Sash
+Akantor Cincture R
+Akantor Sash R
+Ukanlos Cincture
+Ukanlos Sash
+Tempest Obi
+Welkin Obi
+Tempest Obi R
+Welkin Obi R
+Skeletal Hipbone R
+Decayed Hipbone R
+Astral Coil
+Astral Coat
+Escadora Might
+Escadora Force
+Escadora Might R
+Escadora Force R
+Leather Faulds X
+Leather Coat X
+Chainmail Faulds X
+Chainmail Coat X
+Bherna Belt X
+Bherna Coat X
+Hunting Faulds X
+Hunting Coat X
+Mafumofu Coil X
+Mafumofu Coat X
+Yukumo Sky Obi X
+Yukumo Land Obi X
+Loc Lac Coil X
+Hunter's Faulds X
+Hunter's Coat X
+Hunter's Faulds XR
+Hunter's Coat XR
+Bone Faulds X
+Bone Coat X
+Melahoa Folia X
+Melahoa Trunk X
+Melahoa Folia Z
+Melahoa Trunk Z
+Makluva Coil X
+Makluva Fin X
+Makluva Coil Z
+Makluva Fin Z
+Obituary Elytra X
+Obituary Alae X
+Butterfly Elytra X
+Butterfly Alae X
+Death Stench Bowels X
+Death Stench Belly X
+Death Stench Bowels XR
+Death Stench Belly XR
+Mosgharl Folia X
+Mosgharl Fronds X
+Edel Folia X
+Edel Fronds X
+Skalda Elytra X
+Skalda Alae X
+Spio Elytra X
+Spio Alae X
+Alloy Coil X
+Alloy Coat X
+Alloy Coil XR
+Alloy Coat XR
+Battle Faulds X
+Battle Coat X
+Ingot Coil X
+Ingot Coat X
+Ingot Coil XR
+Ingot Coat XR
+High Metal Faulds X
+High Metal Coat X
+High Metal Faulds Z
+High Metal Coat Z
+Lobster Coil X
+Lobster Coat X
+Vaik Faulds X
+Vaik Coat X
+Bistro Sarong X
+Bistro Apron X
+Patissier's Sarong X
+Patissier's Apron X
+Gourmew Sarong X
+Gourmew Apron X
+Aelucanth Elytra X
+Aelucanth Alae X
+Rhopessa Elytra X
+Rhopessa Alae X
+Lecturer's Skirt X
+Lecturer's Frills X
+Derring Faulds X
+Derring Coat X
+Artian Coil X
+Artian Coat X
+Artian Coil XR
+Artian Coat XR
+Maiden's Skirt X
+French Maid Frills X
+True Dianthus Skirt
+True Campanile Skirt
+Hawkcoil X
+Hawkcoat X
+Scholarly Sash X
+Scholarly Coat X
+Dober Coil X
+Dober Coat X
+Scholar's Skirt X
+Scholar's Frills X
+Sailor Skirt X
+Sailor Frulls X
+Marinero Skirt X
+Marinero Frills X
+Jaggi Faulds X
+Jaggi Coat X
+Maccao Faulds X
+Maccao Coat X
+Velociprey Faulds X
+Velociprey Coat X
+Giaprey Faulds X
+Giaprey Coat X
+Genprey Faulds X
+Genprey Coat X
+GX Genprey Faulds
+GX Genprey Coat
+Vespoid Faulds X
+Vespoid Coat X
+GX Vespoid Faulds
+GX Vespoid Coat
+Hornetaur Faulds X
+Hornetaur Coat X
+GX Hornetaur Faulds
+GX Hornetaur Coat
+Hornetaur Faulds XR
+Hornetaur Coat XR
+Bnahabra Coil X
+Bnahabra Coat X
+Mosswine Hip X
+Rhenoplos Coil X
+Rhenoplos Coat X
+Bulldrome Faulds X
+Bulldrome Coat X
+Arzuros Faulds X
+Arzuros Coat X
+Cephalos Faulds X
+Cephalos Coat X
+GX Cephalos Faulds
+GX Cephalos Coat
+Droth Faulds X
+Droth Coat X
+Uroktor Faulds X
+Uroktor Coat X
+Moofah Coil X
+Moofah Coat X
+Remobra Belt X
+Remobra Band X
+Ioprey Faulds X
+Ioprey Coat X
+GX Ioprey Faulds
+GX Ioprey Coat
+Kut-Ku Faulds X
+Kut-Ku Coat X
+Kecha Faulds X
+Kecha Coat X
+Lagombi Faulds X
+Lagombi Coat X
+Gypceros Faulds X
+Gypceros Coat X
+Gypceros Faulds XR
+Gypceros Coat XR
+Tetsucabra Faulds X
+Tetsucabra Coat X
+Hermitaur Faulds X
+Hermitaur Coat X
+GX Hermitaur Faulds
+GX Hermitaur Coat
+Hermitaur Faulds XR
+Hermitaur Coat XR
+Volvidon Faulds X
+Volvidon Coat X
+Conga Faulds X
+Conga Coat X
+GX Conga Faulds
+GX Conga Coat
+Ludroth Faulds X
+Ludroth Coat X
+Ludroth Faulds XR
+Ludroth Coat XR
+Barroth Faulds X
+Barroth Coat X
+Basarios Faulds X
+Basarios Coat X
+Malfestio Faulds X
+Malfestio Coat X
+Zamtrios Faulds X
+Zamtrios Coat X
+Khezu Faulds X
+Khezu Coat X
+Khezu Faulds XR
+Khezu Coat XR
+Nerscylla Faulds X
+Nerscylla Coat X
+Rathian Faulds X
+Rathian Coat X
+GX Rathian Faulds
+GX Rathian Coat
+Rathian Faulds XR
+Rathian Coat XR
+Nibelsnarf Faulds X
+Nibelsnarf Coat X
+Blango Faulds X
+Blango Coat X
+GX Blango Faulds
+GX Blango Coat
+Lavasioth Faulds X
+Lavasioth Coat X
+GX Lavasioth Faulds
+GX Lavasioth Coat
+Ceanataur Faulds X
+Ceanataur Coat X
+GX Ceanataur Faulds
+GX Ceanataur Coat
+Ceanataur Faulds XR
+Ceanataur Coat XR
+Najarala Faulds X
+Najarala Coat X
+Nargacuga Faulds X
+Nargacuga Coat X
+Garuga Faulds X
+Garuga Coat X
+Uragaan Faulds X
+Uragaan Coat X
+Guild Knight Coat X
+Guild Knight Kilt X
+Guild Bard Coil X
+Guild Bard Coat X
+Chrome Metal Coil X
+Chrome Metal Coat X
+Helper Skirt X
+Healer Frills X
+Helper Skirt Z
+Healer Frills Z
+Ancient Coil X
+Ancient Coat X
+Ace Faulds X
+Ace Coat X
+Sororal Faulds X
+Sororal Coat X
+Citadel Ranger's Belt
+Citadel Archer's Belt
+Shinobi Sky Belt X
+Shinobi Land Belt X
+Master's Faulds X
+Master's Coat X
+Grand Toka Koshiate
+Grand Mitsuaoi Koshiate
+Yaksha Coil
+Carnage Wrap
+Helios Coil X
+Helios Coat X
+Selene Coil X
+Selene Coat X
+Kaiserin Faulds
+Kaiserin Coat
+Wisdom Coil X
+Wisdom Coat X
+Richeruka Coil
+Richeruka Coat
+Cheerful Belt X
+Cheerful Band X
+Bartender's Coil
+Bartender's Coat
+Barmaid's Skirt
+Barmaid's Frills
+Barioth Faulds X
+Barioth Coat X
+Seltas Faulds X
+Seltas Coat X
+Rathalos Faulds X
+Rathalos Coat X
+GX Rathalos Faulds
+GX Rathalos Coat
+Rathalos Faulds XR
+Rathalos Coat XR
+Lagiacrus Faulds X
+Lagiacrus Coat X
+Lagiacrus Faulds XR
+Lagiacrus Coat XR
+Zinogre Faulds X
+Zinogre Coat X
+GX Zinogre Faulds
+GX Zinogre Coat
+Gravios Faulds X
+Gravios Coat X
+Mizutsune Faulds X
+Mizutsune Coat X
+Astalos Faulds X
+Astalos Coat X
+Gammoth Faulds X
+Gammoth Coat X
+Glavenus Faulds X
+Glavenus Coat X
+Agnaktor Faulds X
+Agnaktor Coat X
+Gore Faulds X
+Gore Coat X
+GX Gore Faulds
+GX Gore Coat
+Gore Faulds XR
+Gore Coat XR
+Regios Faulds X
+Regios Coat X
+Duramboros Faulds X
+Duramboros Coat X
+Tigrex Faulds X
+Tigrex Coat X
+GX Tigrex Faulds
+GX Tigrex Coat
+Tigrex Faulds XR
+Tigrex Coat XR
+Diablos Coil X
+Diablos Coat X
+Diablos Coil XR
+Diablos Coat XR
+Kirin Hoop X
+Kirin Shorts X
+Kirin Hoop XR
+Kirin Shorts XR
+Brachydios Faulds X
+Brachydios Coat X
+GX Brachydios Faulds
+GX Brachydios Coat
+Arc Faulds X
+Arc Coat X
+Philia Faulds X
+Philia Coat X
+GX Arc Faulds
+GX Arc Coat
+GX Philia Faulds
+GX Philia Coat
+Arc Faulds XR
+Arc Coat XR
+Philia Faulds XR
+Philia Coat XR
+Valfalk Faulds X
+Valfalk Coat X
+Grand God's Peer Belt
+Grand Hermit Belt
+Vangis Coil X
+Vangis Coat X
+Chaos Faulds
+Chaos Coat
+Nephelim Faulds
+Nephelim Coat
+Black Belt Faulds X
+Black Belt Coat X
+Guardian Coil X
+Guardian Coat X
+Guardian Coil Z
+Guardian Coat Z
+Blue Guild Coil X
+Blue Guild Coat X
+Blue Guild Coil X
+Blue Guild Coat X
+Red Guild Coil X
+Red Guild Coat X
+Red Guild Coil X
+Red Guild Coat X
+Black Spine X
+Black Scale X
+Damascus Coil X
+Damascus Coat X
+Damascus Coil XR
+Damascus Coat XR
+Kushala Cocoon X
+Kushala Wind Wrap X
+GX Kushala Cocoon
+GX Kushala Wind Wrap
+Kushala Cocoon XR
+Kushala Wind Wrap XR
+True Mizuha Sash
+True Cham Coat
+GX Mizuha Sash
+GX Cham Coat
+Kaiser Faulds X
+Kaiser Coat X
+GX Kaiser Faulds
+GX Kaiser Coat
+Silver Solcoil Z
+Silver Solcoat Z
+GX Silver Solcoil
+GX Silver Solcoat
+Silver Solcoil XR
+Silver Solcoat XR
+Golden Lunecoil Z
+Golden Lunecoat Z
+GX Golden Lunecoil
+GX Golden Lunecoat
+Grand Divine Ire Obi
+Grand Crusher Belt
+Esurient Faulds Z
+Esurient Coat Z
+Esurient Faulds XR
+Esurient Coat XR
+Bracchium Faulds
+Bracchium Coat
+Aururos Torso
+Genesis Torso
+Borealis Chest
+Glyph Chest
+GX Aururos Torso
+GX Genesis Torso
+GX Borealis Chest
+GX Glyph Chest
+Aururos Battle Torso
+Genesis Battle Torso
+Borealis Battle Chest
+Glyph Battle Chest
+Akantor Cincture X
+Akantor Sash X
+Akantor Cincture XR
+Akantor Sash XR
+Ukanlos Cincture X
+Ukanlos Sash X
+True Tempest Obi
+True Welkin Obi
+Tempest Battle Obi
+Welkin Battle Obi
+True Skeletal Hipbone
+True Decayed Hipbone
+Astral Coil X
+Astral Coat X
+Neset Hezam
+Neset Anka
+Escadora Might X
+Escadora Force X
+Escadora Might XR
+Escadora Force XR
+Fatalis Crimsonspine
+Fatalis Crimsonscale
+Fatalis Crimsonspine XR
+Fatalis Crimsonscale XR
+White Fatalis Spine
+White Fatalis Scale
+Strange Faulds
+Strange Coat
+Strange Faulds X
+Strange Coat X
+Redhelm Faulds LV1
+Redhelm Coat LV1
+Redhelm Faulds LV6
+Redhelm Coat LV6
+Redhelm Faulds LV14
+Redhelm Coat LV14
+Snowbaron Faulds LV1
+Snowbaron Coat LV1
+Snowbaron Faulds LV6
+Snowbaron Coat LV6
+Snowbaron Faulds LV14
+Snowbaron Coat LV14
+Stonefist Faulds LV1
+Stonefist Coat LV1
+Stonefist Faulds LV6
+Stonefist Coat LV6
+Stonefist Faulds LV14
+Stonefist Coat LV14
+Dreadqueen Faulds LV1
+Dreadqueen Coat LV1
+Dreadqueen Faulds LV6
+Dreadqueen Coat LV6
+Dreadqueen Faulds LV14
+Dreadqueen Coat LV14
+Drilltusk Faulds LV1
+Drilltusk Coat LV1
+Drilltusk Faulds LV6
+Drilltusk Coat LV6
+Drilltusk Faulds LV14
+Drilltusk Coat LV14
+Silverwind Faulds LV1
+Silverwind Coat LV1
+Silverwind Faulds LV6
+Silverwind Coat LV6
+Silverwind Faulds LV14
+Silverwind Coat LV14
+Crystalbeard Faulds LV1
+Crystalbeard Coat LV1
+Crystalbeard Faulds LV6
+Crystalbeard Coat LV6
+Crystalbeard Faulds LV14
+Crystalbeard Coat LV14
+Deadeye Faulds LV1
+Deadeye Coat LV1
+Deadeye Faulds LV6
+Deadeye Coat LV6
+Deadeye Faulds LV14
+Deadeye Coat LV14
+Dreadking Faulds LV1
+Dreadking Coat LV1
+Dreadking Faulds LV6
+Dreadking Coat LV6
+Dreadking Faulds LV14
+Dreadking Coat LV14
+Thunderlord Faulds LV1
+Thunderlord Coat LV1
+Thunderlord Faulds LV6
+Thunderlord Coat LV6
+Thunderlord Faulds LV14
+Thunderlord Coat LV14
+Grimclaw Faulds LV1
+Grimclaw Coat LV1
+Grimclaw Faulds LV6
+Grimclaw Coat LV6
+Grimclaw Faulds LV14
+Grimclaw Coat LV14
+Hellblade Faulds LV1
+Hellblade Coat LV1
+Hellblade Faulds LV6
+Hellblade Coat LV6
+Hellblade Faulds LV14
+Hellblade Coat LV14
+Hazewing Braces LV1
+Hazewing Guards LV1
+Hazewing Braces LV4
+Hazewing Guards LV4
+Shredclaw Braces LV1
+Shredclaw Guards LV1
+Shredclaw Braces LV4
+Shredclaw Guards LV4
+Divinesight Braces LV1
+Divinesight Guards LV1
+Divinesight Braces LV4
+Divinesight Guards LV4
+Azurebolt Braces LV1
+Azurebolt Guards LV1
+Azurebolt Braces LV4
+Azurebolt Guards LV4
+Silverpeak Braces LV1
+Silverpeak Guards LV1
+Silverpeak Braces LV4
+Silverpeak Guards LV4
+Bloodlust Braces LV1
+Bloodlust Guards LV1
+Bloodlust Braces LV4
+Bloodlust Guards LV4
+Promising Girdle
+Halcyon Girdle
+Lucid Tassets
+Dreamy Tassets
+Pirate Coil J
+Pirate Skirt J
+Buccaneer Coil J
+Buccaneer Skirt J
+Zodias Coil
+Zodias Coat
+Booyah Belt
+Booyah Buckle
+Champion's Belt
+Strongman's Belt
+Dynaqlo Belt
+Dynaqlo Pouch
+Blue Star Coil
+Blue Star Coat
+Star Knight Coil
+Star Knight Coat
+Star Rook Coil
+Star Rook Coat
+Promising Archgirdle
+Halcyon Archgirdle
+Lucid Archgirdle
+Dreamy Archgirdle
+Hero's Belt
+Hero's Band
+Lodestar Coil
+Lodestar Coat
+Hiryu Sky Belt
+Hiryu Land Belt
diff --git a/Run/Data/Languages/Japanese/arms.txt b/Run/Data/Languages/Japanese/arms.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..332274d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run/Data/Languages/Japanese/arms.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1167 @@
+LV1 紅兜アーム
+LV1 紅兜ガード
+LV6 紅兜アーム
+LV6 紅兜ガード
+LV14 紅兜アーム
+LV14 紅兜ガード
+LV1 大雪主アーム
+LV1 大雪主ガード
+LV6 大雪主アーム
+LV6 大雪主ガード
+LV14 大雪主アーム
+LV14 大雪主ガード
+LV1 矛砕アーム
+LV1 矛砕ガード
+LV6 矛砕アーム
+LV6 矛砕ガード
+LV14 矛砕アーム
+LV14 矛砕ガード
+LV1 紫毒姫アーム
+LV1 紫毒姫ガード
+LV6 紫毒姫アーム
+LV6 紫毒姫ガード
+LV14 紫毒姫アーム
+LV14 紫毒姫ガード
+LV1 岩穿アーム
+LV1 岩穿ガード
+LV6 岩穿アーム
+LV6 岩穿ガード
+LV14 岩穿アーム
+LV14 岩穿ガード
+LV1 白疾風アーム
+LV1 白疾風ガード
+LV6 白疾風アーム
+LV6 白疾風ガード
+LV14 白疾風アーム
+LV14 白疾風ガード
+LV1 宝纏アーム
+LV1 宝纏ガード
+LV6 宝纏アーム
+LV6 宝纏ガード
+LV14 宝纏アーム
+LV14 宝纏ガード
+LV1 隻眼アーム
+LV1 隻眼ガード
+LV6 隻眼アーム
+LV6 隻眼ガード
+LV14 隻眼アーム
+LV14 隻眼ガード
+LV1 黒炎王アーム
+LV1 黒炎王ガード
+LV6 黒炎王アーム
+LV6 黒炎王ガード
+LV14 黒炎王アーム
+LV14 黒炎王ガード
+LV1 金雷公アーム
+LV1 金雷公ガード
+LV6 金雷公アーム
+LV6 金雷公ガード
+LV14 金雷公アーム
+LV14 金雷公ガード
+LV1 荒鉤爪アーム
+LV1 荒鉤爪ガード
+LV6 荒鉤爪アーム
+LV6 荒鉤爪ガード
+LV14 荒鉤爪アーム
+LV14 荒鉤爪ガード
+LV1 燼滅刃アーム
+LV1 燼滅刃ガード
+LV6 燼滅刃アーム
+LV6 燼滅刃ガード
+LV14 燼滅刃アーム
+LV14 燼滅刃ガード
+LV1 朧隠アーム
+LV1 朧隠ガード
+LV4 朧隠アーム
+LV4 朧隠ガード
+LV1 鎧裂アーム
+LV1 鎧裂ガード
+LV4 鎧裂アーム
+LV4 鎧裂ガード
+LV1 天眼アーム
+LV1 天眼ガード
+LV4 天眼アーム
+LV4 天眼ガード
+LV1 青電主アーム
+LV1 青電主ガード
+LV4 青電主アーム
+LV4 青電主ガード
+LV1 銀嶺アーム
+LV1 銀嶺ガード
+LV4 銀嶺アーム
+LV4 銀嶺ガード
+LV1 鏖魔アーム
+LV1 鏖魔ガード
+LV4 鏖魔アーム
+LV4 鏖魔ガード
diff --git a/Run/Data/Languages/Japanese/body.txt b/Run/Data/Languages/Japanese/body.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6486786
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run/Data/Languages/Japanese/body.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1194 @@
+LV1 紅兜メイル
+LV1 紅兜レジスト
+LV6 紅兜メイル
+LV6 紅兜レジスト
+LV14 紅兜メイル
+LV14 紅兜レジスト
+LV1 大雪主メイル
+LV1 大雪主レジスト
+LV6 大雪主メイル
+LV6 大雪主レジスト
+LV14 大雪主メイル
+LV14 大雪主レジスト
+LV1 矛砕メイル
+LV1 矛砕レジスト
+LV6 矛砕メイル
+LV6 矛砕レジスト
+LV14 矛砕メイル
+LV14 矛砕レジスト
+LV1 紫毒姫メイル
+LV1 紫毒姫レジスト
+LV6 紫毒姫メイル
+LV6 紫毒姫レジスト
+LV14 紫毒姫メイル
+LV14 紫毒姫レジスト
+LV1 岩穿メイル
+LV1 岩穿レジスト
+LV6 岩穿メイル
+LV6 岩穿レジスト
+LV14 岩穿メイル
+LV14 岩穿レジスト
+LV1 白疾風メイル
+LV1 白疾風レジスト
+LV6 白疾風メイル
+LV6 白疾風レジスト
+LV14 白疾風メイル
+LV14 白疾風レジスト
+LV1 宝纏メイル
+LV1 宝纏レジスト
+LV6 宝纏メイル
+LV6 宝纏レジスト
+LV14 宝纏メイル
+LV14 宝纏レジスト
+LV1 隻眼メイル
+LV1 隻眼レジスト
+LV6 隻眼メイル
+LV6 隻眼レジスト
+LV14 隻眼メイル
+LV14 隻眼レジスト
+LV1 黒炎王メイル
+LV1 黒炎王レジスト
+LV6 黒炎王メイル
+LV6 黒炎王レジスト
+LV14 黒炎王メイル
+LV14 黒炎王レジスト
+LV1 金雷公メイル
+LV1 金雷公レジスト
+LV6 金雷公メイル
+LV6 金雷公レジスト
+LV14 金雷公メイル
+LV14 金雷公レジスト
+LV1 荒鉤爪メイル
+LV1 荒鉤爪レジスト
+LV6 荒鉤爪メイル
+LV6 荒鉤爪レジスト
+LV14 荒鉤爪メイル
+LV14 荒鉤爪レジスト
+LV1 燼滅刃メイル
+LV1 燼滅刃レジスト
+LV6 燼滅刃メイル
+LV6 燼滅刃レジスト
+LV14 燼滅刃メイル
+LV14 燼滅刃レジスト
+LV1 朧隠メイル
+LV1 朧隠レジスト
+LV4 朧隠メイル
+LV4 朧隠レジスト
+LV1 鎧裂メイル
+LV1 鎧裂レジスト
+LV4 鎧裂メイル
+LV4 鎧裂レジスト
+LV1 天眼メイル
+LV1 天眼レジスト
+LV4 天眼メイル
+LV4 天眼レジスト
+LV1 青電主メイル
+LV1 青電主レジスト
+LV4 青電主メイル
+LV4 青電主レジスト
+LV1 銀嶺メイル
+LV1 銀嶺レジスト
+LV4 銀嶺メイル
+LV4 銀嶺レジスト
+LV1 鏖魔メイル
+LV1 鏖魔レジスト
+LV4 鏖魔メイル
+LV4 鏖魔レジスト
diff --git a/Run/Data/Languages/Japanese/components.txt b/Run/Data/Languages/Japanese/components.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb74ce2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run/Data/Languages/Japanese/components.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2892 @@
+LV1 通常弾
+LV2 通常弾
+LV3 通常弾
+LV1 貫通弾
+LV2 貫通弾
+LV3 貫通弾
+LV1 散弾
+LV2 散弾
+LV3 散弾
+LV1 徹甲榴弾
+LV2 徹甲榴弾
+LV3 徹甲榴弾
+LV1 拡散弾
+LV2 拡散弾
+LV3 拡散弾
+LV1 火炎弾
+LV1 水冷弾
+LV1 電撃弾
+LV1 氷結弾
+LV1 滅龍弾
+LV1 毒弾
+LV2 毒弾
+LV1 麻痺弾
+LV2 麻痺弾
+LV1 睡眠弾
+LV2 睡眠弾
+LV1 減気弾
+LV2 減気弾
+LV1 回復弾
+LV2 回復弾
+LV1 斬裂弾
+LV2 斬裂弾
+LV1 爆破弾
+LV2 爆破弾
+LV1 強装弾
+LV2 強装弾
+LV1 重撃弾
+LV2 重撃弾
+LV2 火炎弾
+LV2 水冷弾
+LV2 電撃弾
+LV2 氷結弾
+LV2 滅龍弾
+LV1 貫通火炎弾
+LV2 貫通火炎弾
+LV1 貫通水冷弾
+LV2 貫通水冷弾
+LV1 貫通電撃弾
+LV2 貫通電撃弾
+LV1 貫通氷結弾
+LV2 貫通氷結弾
+LV1 大砲弾
+LV2 大砲弾
+LV1 遠撃弾
+LV2 遠撃弾
+LV1 強撃ビン
+LV2 強撃ビン
+LV1 属性強化ビン
+LV2 属性強化ビン
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Run/Data/Languages/Japanese/decorations.txt b/Run/Data/Languages/Japanese/decorations.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61bbafe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run/Data/Languages/Japanese/decorations.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
diff --git a/Run/Data/Languages/Japanese/head.txt b/Run/Data/Languages/Japanese/head.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29be20d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run/Data/Languages/Japanese/head.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1213 @@
+LV1 紅兜ヘルム
+LV1 紅兜キャップ
+LV6 紅兜ヘルム
+LV6 紅兜キャップ
+LV14 紅兜ヘルム
+LV14 紅兜キャップ
+LV1 大雪主ヘルム
+LV1 大雪主キャップ
+LV6 大雪主ヘルム
+LV6 大雪主キャップ
+LV14 大雪主ヘルム
+LV14 大雪主キャップ
+LV1 矛砕ヘルム
+LV1 矛砕キャップ
+LV6 矛砕ヘルム
+LV6 矛砕キャップ
+LV14 矛砕ヘルム
+LV14 矛砕キャップ
+LV1 紫毒姫ヘルム
+LV1 紫毒姫キャップ
+LV6 紫毒姫ヘルム
+LV6 紫毒姫キャップ
+LV14 紫毒姫ヘルム
+LV14 紫毒姫キャップ
+LV1 岩穿ヘルム
+LV1 岩穿キャップ
+LV6 岩穿ヘルム
+LV6 岩穿キャップ
+LV14 岩穿ヘルム
+LV14 岩穿キャップ
+LV1 白疾風ヘルム
+LV1 白疾風キャップ
+LV6 白疾風ヘルム
+LV6 白疾風キャップ
+LV14 白疾風ヘルム
+LV14 白疾風キャップ
+LV1 宝纏ヘルム
+LV1 宝纏キャップ
+LV6 宝纏ヘルム
+LV6 宝纏キャップ
+LV14 宝纏ヘルム
+LV14 宝纏キャップ
+LV1 隻眼ヘルム
+LV1 隻眼キャップ
+LV6 隻眼ヘルム
+LV6 隻眼キャップ
+LV14 隻眼ヘルム
+LV14 隻眼キャップ
+LV1 黒炎王ヘルム
+LV1 黒炎王キャップ
+LV6 黒炎王ヘルム
+LV6 黒炎王キャップ
+LV14 黒炎王ヘルム
+LV14 黒炎王キャップ
+LV1 金雷公ヘルム
+LV1 金雷公キャップ
+LV6 金雷公ヘルム
+LV6 金雷公キャップ
+LV14 金雷公ヘルム
+LV14 金雷公キャップ
+LV1 荒鉤爪ヘルム
+LV1 荒鉤爪キャップ
+LV6 荒鉤爪ヘルム
+LV6 荒鉤爪キャップ
+LV14 荒鉤爪ヘルム
+LV14 荒鉤爪キャップ
+LV1 燼滅刃ヘルム
+LV1 燼滅刃キャップ
+LV6 燼滅刃ヘルム
+LV6 燼滅刃キャップ
+LV14 燼滅刃ヘルム
+LV14 燼滅刃キャップ
+LV1 朧隠ヘルム
+LV1 朧隠キャップ
+LV4 朧隠ヘルム
+LV4 朧隠キャップ
+LV1 鎧裂ヘルム
+LV1 鎧裂キャップ
+LV4 鎧裂ヘルム
+LV4 鎧裂キャップ
+LV1 天眼ヘルム
+LV1 天眼キャップ
+LV4 天眼ヘルム
+LV4 天眼キャップ
+LV1 青電主ヘルム
+LV1 青電主キャップ
+LV4 青電主ヘルム
+LV4 青電主キャップ
+LV1 銀嶺ヘルム
+LV1 銀嶺キャップ
+LV4 銀嶺ヘルム
+LV4 銀嶺キャップ
+LV1 鏖魔ヘルム
+LV1 鏖魔キャップ
+LV4 鏖魔ヘルム
+LV4 鏖魔キャップ
diff --git a/Run/Data/Languages/Japanese/legs.txt b/Run/Data/Languages/Japanese/legs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e165719
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run/Data/Languages/Japanese/legs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1186 @@
+LV1 紅兜グリーヴ
+LV1 紅兜レギンス
+LV6 紅兜グリーヴ
+LV6 紅兜レギンス
+LV14 紅兜グリーヴ
+LV14 紅兜レギンス
+LV1 大雪主グリーヴ
+LV1 大雪主レギンス
+LV6 大雪主グリーヴ
+LV6 大雪主レギンス
+LV14 大雪主グリーヴ
+LV14 大雪主レギンス
+LV1 矛砕グリーヴ
+LV1 矛砕レギンス
+LV6 矛砕グリーヴ
+LV6 矛砕レギンス
+LV14 矛砕グリーヴ
+LV14 矛砕レギンス
+LV1 紫毒姫グリーヴ
+LV1 紫毒姫レギンス
+LV6 紫毒姫グリーヴ
+LV6 紫毒姫レギンス
+LV14 紫毒姫グリーヴ
+LV14 紫毒姫レギンス
+LV1 岩穿グリーヴ
+LV1 岩穿レギンス
+LV6 岩穿グリーヴ
+LV6 岩穿レギンス
+LV14 岩穿グリーヴ
+LV14 岩穿レギンス
+LV1 白疾風グリーヴ
+LV1 白疾風レギンス
+LV6 白疾風グリーヴ
+LV6 白疾風レギンス
+LV14 白疾風グリーヴ
+LV14 白疾風レギンス
+LV1 宝纏グリーヴ
+LV1 宝纏レギンス
+LV6 宝纏グリーヴ
+LV6 宝纏レギンス
+LV14 宝纏グリーヴ
+LV14 宝纏レギンス
+LV1 隻眼グリーヴ
+LV1 隻眼レギンス
+LV6 隻眼グリーヴ
+LV6 隻眼レギンス
+LV14 隻眼グリーヴ
+LV14 隻眼レギンス
+LV1 黒炎王グリーヴ
+LV1 黒炎王レギンス
+LV6 黒炎王グリーヴ
+LV6 黒炎王レギンス
+LV14 黒炎王グリーヴ
+LV14 黒炎王レギンス
+LV1 金雷公グリーヴ
+LV1 金雷公レギンス
+LV6 金雷公グリーヴ
+LV6 金雷公レギンス
+LV14 金雷公グリーヴ
+LV14 金雷公レギンス
+LV1 荒鉤爪グリーヴ
+LV1 荒鉤爪レギンス
+LV6 荒鉤爪グリーヴ
+LV6 荒鉤爪レギンス
+LV14 荒鉤爪グリーヴ
+LV14 荒鉤爪レギンス
+LV1 燼滅刃グリーヴ
+LV1 燼滅刃レギンス
+LV6 燼滅刃グリーヴ
+LV6 燼滅刃レギンス
+LV14 燼滅刃グリーヴ
+LV14 燼滅刃レギンス
+LV1 朧隠グリーヴ
+LV1 朧隠レギンス
+LV4 朧隠グリーヴ
+LV4 朧隠レギンス
+LV1 鎧裂グリーヴ
+LV1 鎧裂レギンス
+LV4 鎧裂グリーヴ
+LV4 鎧裂レギンス
+LV1 天眼グリーヴ
+LV1 天眼レギンス
+LV4 天眼グリーヴ
+LV4 天眼レギンス
+LV1 青電主グリーヴ
+LV1 青電主レギンス
+LV4 青電主グリーヴ
+LV4 青電主レギンス
+LV1 銀嶺グリーヴ
+LV1 銀嶺レギンス
+LV4 銀嶺グリーヴ
+LV4 銀嶺レギンス
+LV1 鏖魔グリーヴ
+LV1 鏖魔レギンス
+LV4 鏖魔グリーヴ
+LV4 鏖魔レギンス
diff --git a/Run/Data/Languages/Japanese/skill_descriptions.txt b/Run/Data/Languages/Japanese/skill_descriptions.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a72b09b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run/Data/Languages/Japanese/skill_descriptions.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+Torso armor skill points are doubled.
+Weakens the effects of Deadly Poison and completely prevents lesser Poisons.
+Doubles the damage received from Poison.
+Prevents Paralysis.
+Doubles the duration of Paralysis.
+Prevents Sleep.
+Doubles the duration of Sleep.
+Reduces the likelihood of being Stunned by 50%.
+Prevents Stun.
+Makes it harder to recover from being Stunned.
+Negates the effects of some large monsters' roars.
+Negates the effects of all large monsters' roars.
+Lessens almost all Wind Pressure.
+Negates Wind Pressure from almost all monsters.
+Prevents staggering from tremors created by large monsters.
+Negates the effects of Bind statuses such as Snowman and bubbles that impede movement.
+Negates the damage incurred from heat and lava.
+Increases the amount of Health lost due to heat.
+Negates all cold.
+Increases the speed at which your maximum Stamina depletes from cold.
+Powers you up in the cold. If you drink a Cool Drink...
+Powers you up in the heat. If you drink a Hot Drink...
+Prevents item theft.
+Negates the effects of Defense Down.
+Makes it harder to become Frenzied and enhances recovery.
+Increases Dung Bomb efficacy, and prevents Stench and Blastblight.
+Increases Dung Bomb efficacy, prevents Stench and Blastblight, and delays Virus onset.
+Prevents Bleeding.
+Doubles the damage received from Bleeding.
+Slightly increases Attack.
+Increases Attack.
+Greatly increases Attack.
+Slightly decreases Attack.
+Decreases Attack.
+Greatly decreases Attack.
+Slightly increases Defense.
+Increases Defense.
+Greatly increases Defense.
+Slightly decreases Defense.
+Decreases Defense.
+Greatly decreases Defense.
+Increases maximum Health by 20.
+Increases maximum Health by 50.
+Decreases maximum Health by 10.
+Decreases maximum Health by 30.
+Increases Fire Resistance by 15.
+Increases Fire Resistance by 20.
+Decreases Fire Resistance by 20.
+Increases Water Resistance by 15.
+Increases Water Resistance by 20.
+Decreases Water Resistance by 20.
+Increases Thunder Resistance by 15.
+Increases Thunder Resistance by 20.
+Decreases Thunder Resistance by 20.
+Increases Ice Resistance by 15.
+Increases Ice Resistance by 20.
+Decreases Ice Resistance by 20.
+Increases Dragon Resistance by 15.
+Increases Dragon Resistance by 20.
+Decreases Dragon Resistance by 20.
+Negates all elemental blights (Fire, Water, Thunder, Ice, and Dragon).
+Increases the power of Fire attacks and Flaming shots (Flaming S).
+Greatly increases the power of Fire attacks and Flaming shots (Flaming S).
+Decreases the power of Fire attacks and Flaming shots (Flaming S).
+Increases the power of Water attacks and Water shots (Water S).
+Greatly increases the power of Water attacks and Water shots (Water S).
+Decreases the power of Water attacks and Water shots (Water S).
+Increases the power of Thunder attacks and Thunder shots (Thunder S).
+Greatly increases the power of Thunder attacks and Thunder shots (Thunder S).
+Decreases the power of Thunder attacks and Thunder shots (Thunder S).
+Increases the power of Ice attacks and Freeze shots (Freeze S).
+Greatly increases the power of Ice attacks and Freeze shots (Freeze S).
+Decreases the power of Ice attacks and Freeze shots (Freeze S).
+Increases the power of Dragon attacks and Dragon shots (Dragon S).
+Greatly increases the power of Dragon attacks and Dragon shots (Dragon S).
+Decreases the power of Dragon attacks and Dragon shots (Dragon S).
+Increases the power of elemental attacks.
+Decreases the power of elemental attacks.
+Slightly increases the potency of abnormal status attacks.
+Increases the potency of abnormal status attacks.
+Decreases the potency of abnormal status attacks.
+Speeds up weapon sharpening.
+Slows down weapon sharpening.
+Slightly increases the length of your weapon's Sharpness Gauge.
+Increases the length of your weapon's Sharpness Gauge.
+Halves the rate at which your weapon loses Sharpness.
+Doubles the rate at which your weapon loses Sharpness.
+Prevents your attacks from being deflected.
+Causes your attacks to be deflected more easily.
+Use a whetstone to polish a weapon and briefly increase its strength.
+Increases Attack based on how low the Sharpness of your weapon is.
+Increases Affinity for all draw attacks by 100%.
+Can Stun monsters with draw attacks from cutting weapons, and slightly increases Attack.
+Increases weapon-sheathing speed.
+When a large monster enrages, theres a chance your weapon's sharpness will increase.
+Grants special effects when sheathing your weapon. Bow C.Range gains a bonus.
+Slightly speeds up Bowgun reloading, and speeds up Bow-coating loading.
+Speeds up Bowgun reloading, and auto-loads Bow coatings.
+Greatly speeds up Bowgun reloading, and auto-loads Bow coatings.
+Slightly slows down Bowgun reloading and Bow-coating loading.
+Slows down Bowgun reloading and Bow-coating loading.
+Greatly slows down Bowgun reloading and Bow-coating loading.
+Slightly reduces Bowgun recoil.
+Reduces Bowgun recoil.
+Greatly reduces Bowgun recoil.
+Slightly increases Bowgun recoil.
+Increases Bowgun recoil.
+Greatly increases Bowgun recoil.
+Decreases Deviation when firing.
+Greatly decreases Deviation when firing.
+Increases Deviation when firing.
+Greatly increases Deviation when firing.
+Increases the power of Normal shots (Normal S) and Rapid-type arrows.
+Increases the power of Pierce shots (Pierce S) and Pierce-type arrows.
+Increases the power of Pellet shots (Pellet S) and Spread-type arrows.
+Increases the power of Heavy shots (Heavy S) and Heavy arrows.
+Allows all levels of Normal shots (Normal S) to be loaded.
+Allows Lv1 Pierce shots (Pierce S) to be loaded.
+Allows all levels of Pierce shots (Pierce S) to be loaded.
+Allows Lv1 Pellet shots (Pellet S) to be loaded.
+Allows all levels of Pellet shots (Pellet S) to be loaded.
+Allows Lv1 Crag shots (Crag S) to be loaded.
+Allows all levels of Crag shots (Crag S) to be loaded.
+Allows Lv1 Cluster shots (Clust S) to be loaded.
+Allows all levels of Cluster shots (Clust S) to be loaded.
+Allows Poison coatings to be set when equipped with a Bow.
+Allows Paralysis coatings to be set when equipped with a Bow.
+Allows Sleep coatings to be set when equipped with a Bow.
+Allows Lv1 Power coatings to be set when wielding a Bow.
+Allows Power coatings of all levels to be set when wielding a Bow.
+Allows Elem Coating Lv1 to be set when wielding a Bow.
+Allows Elemental coatings of all levels to be set when wielding a Bow.
+Allows Close-range coatings to be set when equipped with a Bow.
+Allows Exhaust coatings to be set when equipped with a Bow.
+Allows Blast coatings to be set when equipped with a Bow.
+Allows one extra shot to be fired while Rapid Firing.
+Prolongs the time window certain ammo and arrows can hit at maximum power.
+Increases Bowgun and Gunlance ammo, Bow charge levels, and Charge Blade energy.
+Increases the power of Bowgun Internal Ammo, and the Bow's Arc Shot and Power Shot.
+Occasionally returns ammo or phials to inventory when firing.
+Increases Affinity by 10%.
+Increases Affinity by 20%.
+Increases Affinity by 30%.
+Decreases Affinity by 5%.
+Decreases Affinity by 10%.
+Decreases Affinity by 15%.
+Increases Affinity when striking body parts your attacks are highly effective against.
+Increases Affinity following repeated attacks.
+Increases abnormal status attack potency (Paralysis, Poison, Sleep) of your critical hits.
+Increases elemental damage (Fire, Water, Thunder, Ice, Dragon) of your critical hits.
+Increases the damage of critical hits.
+Negative crit hits have a chance to become strong critical hits.
+Speeds L.Sword/C.Blade/S.Axe/ D.Blades gauges, G.Sword/Hammer/Bow charge attacks, and some LBG techniques.
+Slows L.Sword/C.Blade/S.Axe/ D.Blades gauges, G.Sword/Hammer/Bow charge attacks, and some LBG techniques.
+Slows down Stamina depletion for actions which continuously drain Stamina (such as dashing).
+Speeds up Stamina depletion for actions which continuously drain Stamina (such as dashing).
+Slows down Stamina depletion when evading, blocking, etc.
+Greatly slows down Stamina depletion when evading, blocking, etc.
+Speeds up Stamina depletion when evading, blocking, etc.
+Greatly speeds up Stamina depletion when evading, blocking, etc.
+Increases Stamina recovery speed.
+Decreases Stamina recovery speed.
+While dashing, your stamina gauge stops depleting, but retains its current value.
+Slightly extends the invulnerability period when evading.
+Extends the invulnerability period when evading.
+Reduces the invulnerability period when evading.
+Increases evade distance.
+Evading covers you in bubbles, improving your ability to dodge enemy attacks.
+Increases the likelihood of standing your ground when blocking an attack.
+Greatly increases the likelihood of standing your ground when blocking an attack.
+Decreases the likelihood of standing your ground when blocking an attack.
+Causes previously unblockable attacks to become blockable.
+Makes it easier to stun monsters.
+Increases certain attacks' ability to Exhaust monsters.
+Decreases the likelihood of Horn/Flute items breaking, and increases the effect time of Hunting Horn melodies.
+Slightly boosts Ballistae, Crag shots, Impact Phials, Shells, etc. Makes the Heat Gauge more manageable.
+Boosts Ballistae, Crag shots, Impact Phials, Shells, etc. Makes the Heat Gauge more manageable.
+Makes it easier to break or sever parts of monsters.
+Increases bomb damage, and raises the Combination success rate for all bombs to 100%.
+Empowers you for a limited time when certain conditions are met.
+Greatly empowers you for a limited time when certain conditions are met.
+Increases Attack and Affinity when a large monster in the same area becomes angry.
+Greatly increases Attack and Affinity when a large monster in the same area becomes angry.
+Increases Attack when your Health Gauge is full.
+Increases Hunter Art power during fights with large monsters when the chance arises.
+When HP falls to 2/3 or below, you gain a DRG aligment that increases attack and resistances.
+Greatly increases Defense when Health is below 40% of the maximum amount.
+Greatly increases Attack and Defense when Health is below 40% of the maximum amount.
+Decreases Defense boost and Attack when Health is below 40% of maximum.
+Increases your Attack and Defense every time you fall in battle.
+Increases Attack when your Health Gauge is in the red.
+Increases Attack when you are suffering from abnormal status.
+Prevents fainting a single time if struck with a lethal blow when a certain amount of Health remains.
+Decreases the likelihood of being targeted by monsters.
+Increases the likelihood of being targeted by monsters.
+Increases the Attack and Defense of Palicoes.
+Allows "Fist Pump" gesture to call back fainted/recovering Palicoes. Cannot be used repeatedly.
+Makes it easier to mount and successfully topple a monster.
+Makes it harder to mount and successfully topple a monster.
+Increases the damage caused by Jumping Attacks.
+Makes it easier to fill the Arts, Brave, and Alchemy guages.
+Taking damage grants Hunter Art, Brave, and Alchemy gauge points.
+Extends the duration of SP Mode.
+Increases the information displayed on the Map when large monsters are marked.
+Large monsters always display on the Map, as if they were marked.
+Grants knowledge of when a large monster can be captured.
+Always shows the Map, even if you don't have one. Easier to fish and BBQ meat.
+Increases your speed while transporting items and decreases the likelihood of dropping them.
+Sometimes decreases damage taken.
+Sometimes increases damage taken.
+Negates the damage from minor enemy attacks.
+Increases the amount recovered when recovering Health.
+Decreases the amount recovered when recovering Health.
+Speeds recovery from temporary damage (the red portion of the Health Gauge).
+Greatly speeds recovery from temporary damage (the red portion of the Health Gauge).
+Slows recovery from temporary damage (the red portion of the Health Gauge).
+Greatly slows recovery from temporary damage (the red portion of the Health Gauge).
+Increases the effect time of certain items.
+Decreases the effect time of certain items.
+Transfers a portion of the effects of certain items to companions in the same area.
+Transfers the effects of certain items to companions in the same area.
+Halves the speed of maximum Stamina depletion over time.
+Negates maximum Stamina depletion over time.
+Speeds maximum Stamina depletion over time.
+Greatly speeds up maximum Stamina depletion over time.
+Increases the efficacy of meat that raises maximum Stamina.
+Gives any item you eat or drink the potential to also raise your maximum Stamina.
+Increases meat-eating speed.
+Increases meat-eating and item-consuming speed.
+Decreases meat-eating speed.
+Sometimes allows you to reuse items after you eat and drink them.
+Raw Meat becomes edible. Rare and Well-done Steaks temporarily grant unlimited Stamina.
+Allows the consumption of mushrooms which grant certain benefits as a result.
+Increases the amount of Health recovered from eating Herbs.
+Further increases the amount of Health recovered from eating Herbs.
+Increases your Combination success rate by 20%.
+Increases your Combination success rate by 45%.
+Decreases your Combination success rate by 10%.
+Decreases your Combination success rate by 20%.
+Guarantees maximum results with Combinations that can produce more than one item at a time.
+Guarantees trap Combinations will succeed, and speeds up trap- and bomb-setting time.
+Sometimes raises the number of times items can be gathered at Gathering Points.
+Often raises the number of times items can be gathered at Gathering Points.
+Sometimes lowers the number of times items can be gathered at Gathering Points.
+Allows you to gather two Honeys or Royal Honeys at once.
+Allows you to mine two Charms at once... Maaaybe.
+Allows you to mine two Charms at once... Maybe.
+Decreases the likelihood of Pickaxes, Bug Nets, Boomerangs, Flutes, and Horns breaking.
+Greatly decreases the likelihood of Pickaxes, Bug Nets, Boomerangs, Flutes, and Horns breaking.
+Increases the likelihood of Pickaxes, Bug Nets, Boomerang, Flutes, and Horns breaking.
+Greatly increases the likelihood of Pickaxes, Bug Nets, Boomerangs, Flutes, and Horns breaking.
+Sometimes increases the number of Reward Items received at the end of a Quest.
+Often increases the number of Reward Items received at the end of a Quest.
+Very often increases the number of Reward Items received at the end of a Quest.
+Sometimes decreases the number of Reward Items received at the end of a Quest.
+Often decreases the number of Reward Items received at the end of a Quest.
+Prevents knockbacks from attacks while carving.
+Increases the number of carving chances by one and prevents knockbacks while carving.
+Sometimes increases the number of Reward Items received for captures.
+Often increases the number of Reward Items received for captures.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>.
+Combines the effects of <> and <>.
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