Releases: uliss/pd-ceammc
Pd-ceammc-2019.03 and ceammclib 0.7
Pd-ceammc-2018.08 and ceammclib 0.6
Pd-ceammc-2018.03 and ceammclib 0.5
Pd-ceammc-2017.10 and ceammclib 0.4
This is release of PureData distribution used in CEAMMC and ZIL-electrostudio.
It includes library of external - ceammclib v0.4
- Preset system
- MIDI file objects, MIDI event data type and utility functions
- Miscellaneous:
- more [flow.*] objects: mulitiplex/demultiplex, split, gate, group
- array [window] generator
- MOD file player (using libmodplug)
- random.* - more generators: random weighted integers, piecewise random distribution
- patch info: [canvas.current], [], [patch.args]
- New third-party libraries included in the build
Included third-party libraries:
Autotune - an autotuner for Puredata ported from the autotalented LADSPA plugin
FFTease - a collection of Max/MSP objects implementing various forms of spectral sound processing. These include an additive-synthesis phase vocoder, noise reduction, cross synthesis, and more unusual forms of spectral processing.
VASP modular – Vector assembling signal processor for Pure Data and Max by
[declare -lib vasp]
Leapmotion - Pd external for leap motion
xsample - collection of efficient buffer-based sampling objects for Pure Data. There’s the variable-speed interpolating player xgroove~, the index-driven xplay~ and the sample-accurate recorder xrecord~.
[declare -lib xsample]
zconf library - zeroconf networking objects for Pure data.
[declare -lib zconf]
LyonPotpourri - a collection of externals developed for the creation and performance of computer music.
Soundtouch - using Olli Parviainen SoundTouch Audio Processing Library. Pitch-shifter [soundtouch~]
disis_munger a realtime multichannel granulator. [disis_munger~]
Pd-ceammc-2017.07 and ceammclib 0.3
This is release of PureData distribution used in CEAMMC and ZIL-electrostudio.
It includes library of external - ceammclib v0.3
One of major things - new data types supported. Set and String added.
Pd-ceammc-2017.05 and ceammclib 0.2
This is release of PureData distribution used in CEAMMC and ZIL-electrostudio.
It includes library of external - ceammclib v0.2
revision 1
Issue #24 fixed.
February St. Valentine first release
First alpha release of CEAMMC distribution of PureData.
Bundle release version is v2017.02 and version of ceammc extension library is 0.1-alpha.