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Loganathan Ramasamy edited this page Apr 16, 2015 · 58 revisions


Dataset name Source
korektor-czech-130202 The current Korektor model
syn2005 Czech National Corpus (CNC) -
syn2010 Czech National Corpus (CNC) -


precision = TP / (TP + FP)

recall = TP / (TP + FN)

F1-score = 2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall)

Error detection

Measure Description
TP Number of words with spelling errors that the spell checker detected correctly
FP Number of words identified as spelling errors that are not actually spelling errors
TN Number of correct words that the spell checker did not flag as having spelling errors
FN Number of words with spelling errors that the spell checker did not flag as having spelling errors

Error correction

Measure Description
TP Number of words with spelling errors for which the spell checker gave the correct suggestion
FP Number of words (with/without spelling errors) for which the spell checker made suggestions, and for those, either the suggestion is not needed (in the case of non-existing errors) or the suggestion is incorrect if indeed there was an error in the original word.
TN Number of correct words that the spell checker did not flag as having spelling errors and no suggestions were made.
FN Number of words with spelling errors that the spell checker did not flag as having spelling errors or did not provide any suggestions


Error detection based on varying edit distances

Dataset Max edit distance Precision Recall F1-score
kor-cz-130202 1-edit 94.7 90.8 92.7
syn2005 95.7 90.8 93.2
syn2010 94.7 89.9 92.2
kor-cz-130202 2-edit 94.1 95.4 94.8
syn2005 95.0 95.9 95.4
syn2010 94.1 95.0 94.5
kor-cz-130202 3edit 94.1 95.4 94.8
syn2005 95.0 95.9 95.4
syn2010 94.1 95.0 94.5
kor-cz-130202 4-edit 94.1 95.4 94.8
syn2005 95.0 95.9 95.4
syn2010 94.1 95.0 94.5
kor-cz-130202 5-edit 94.1 95.4 94.8
syn2005 95.0 95.9 95.4
syn2010 94.1 95.0 94.5

Note that the results are same for edit distances 2,3,4,5. This maybe due to the edit distance parameter does not really influence the error detection much.

Error correction results for varying edit distances

Item | top-1 | top-1 | top-1 | top-2 | top-2 | top-2 | top-3 | top-3 | top-3 ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ dataset | precision | recall | F1-score | precision | recall | F1-score | precision | recall | F1-score kor-cz-130202-1-ed | 85.2 | 89.9 | 87.5 | 90.9 | 90.5 | 90.7 | 93.3 | 90.7 | 92.0 syn2005-1-ed | 87.9 | 90.1 | 89.0 | 92.3 | 90.5 | 91.4 | 93.7 | 90.7 | 92.2 syn2010-1-ed | 86.0 | 89.0 | 87.5 | 91.8 | 89.6 | 90.7 | 92.3 | 89.7 | 91.0 kor-cz-130202-2-ed | 84.2 | 94.9 | 89.2 | 91.0 | 95.3 | 93.1 | 93.2 | 95.4 | 94.3 syn2005-2-ed | 86.8 | 95.5 | 91.0 | 91.8 | 95.7 | 93.7 | 93.2 | 95.8 | 94.5 syn2010-2-ed | 85.0 | 94.4 | 89.5 | 91.4 | 94.8 | 93.1 | 92.3 | 94.9 | 93.5 kor-cz-130202-3-ed | 84.2 | 94.9 | 89.2 | 91.0 | 95.3 | 93.1 | 93.2 | 95.4 | 94.3 syn2005-3-ed | 86.8 | 95.5 | 91.0 | 91.4 | 95.7 | 93.5 | 92.7 | 95.8 | 94.2 syn2010-3-ed | 85.0 | 94.4 | 89.5 | 90.9 | 94.8 | 92.8 | 91.8 | 94.8 | 93.3 kor-cz-130202-4-ed | 84.2 | 94.9 | 89.2 | 91.0 | 95.3 | 93.1 | 93.2 | 95.4 | 94.3 syn2005-4-ed | 86.8 | 95.5 | 91.0 | 91.4 | 95.7 | 93.5 | 92.7 | 95.8 | 94.2 syn2010-4-ed | 85.0 | 94.4 | 89.5 | 90.9 | 94.8 | 92.8 | 91.8 | 94.8 | 93.3 kor-cz-130202-5-ed | 84.2 | 94.9 | 89.2 | 91.0 | 95.3 | 93.1 | 93.2 | 95.4 | 94.3 syn2005-5-ed | 86.8 | 95.5 | 91.0 | 91.4 | 95.7 | 93.5 | 92.7 | 95.8 | 94.2 syn2010-5-ed | 85.0 | 94.4 | 89.5 | 90.9 | 94.8 | 92.8 | 91.8 | 94.8 | 93.3

Binarized language model comparison : KenLM Vs Korektor

Ken LM parameters ARPA LM Binarized KenLM Binarized Korektor LM
No pruning 3.2G 415MB
trigram pruning (singleton) 1.2G 884M (probing), 425M (trie) 194M
trigram+bigram pruning (singleton) 540M 401M (probing), 202M (trie) 82M
trigram+bigram pruning (singleton+ count 2 ngrams) 290M 240M (probing), 135M (trie) 46M
Spell checker error detection performance: unpruned Vs pruned LM models
Test dataset LM pruning parameters Precision Recall F1-score
Olga no_pruning 95.0 95.9 95.4
" prune_001 (trigram singleton) 95.0 95.9 95.4
" prune_01 (bigram+trigram singletons) 95.0 95.9 95.4
" prune_02 (bigram+trigram singleton and count 2 ngrams) 95.0 95.9 95.4
Diacritics error detection performance: unpruned Vs pruned LM models
Test dataset LM pruning parameters Precision Recall F1-score
dejiny no_pruning 99.5 97.9 98.7
" prune_001 (trigram singleton) 99.5 97.9 98.7
" prune_01 (bigram+trigram singletons) 99.5 97.9 98.7
" prune_02 (bigram+trigram singleton and count 2 ngrams) 99.5 97.8 98.6
lisky no_pruning 99.5 98.1 98.8
" prune_001 (trigram singleton) 99.5 98.1 98.8
" prune_01 (bigram+trigram singletons) 99.4 98.1 98.8
" prune_02 (bigram+trigram singleton and count 2 ngrams) 99.4 98.1 98.8
povesti no_pruning 98.8 94.5 96.6
" prune_001 (trigram singleton) 98.7 94.5 96.6
" prune_01 (bigram+trigram singletons) 98.7 94.4 96.5
" prune_02 (bigram+trigram singleton and count 2 ngrams) 98.7 94.4 96.5
Spell checker error correction performance: unpruned Vs pruned LM models
Item top-1 top-1 top-1 top-2 top-2 top-2 top-3 top-3 top-3
Dataset (syn2005) precision recall F1-score precision recall F1-score precision recall F1-score
no_pruning 86.8 95.5 91.0 91.8 95.7 93.7 93.2 95.8 94.5
prune_001 (trigram singleton) 87.3 95.5 91.2 91.8 95.7 93.7 93.2 95.8 94.5
prune_01 (bigram+trigram singletons) 87.7 95.5 91.5 91.8 95.7 93.7 93.2 95.8 94.5
prune_02 (bigram+trigram singleton and count 2 ngrams) 86.4 95.5 90.7 91.4 95.7 93.5 92.7 95.8 94.2
-/- -/- top-1 top-1 top-1 top-2 top-2 top-2 top-3 top-3 top-3
Test dataset LM pruning parameters precision recall F1-score precision recall F1-score precision recall F1-score
dejiny no_pruning 98.8 97.9 98.4 99.4 97.9 98.6 99.4 97.9 98.6
" prune_001 98.8 97.9 98.3 99.3 97.9 98.6 99.4 97.9 98.6
" prune_01 98.8 97.8 98.3 99.3 97.9 98.6 99.4 97.9 98.6
" prune_02 98.8 97.8 98.3 99.3 97.8 98.6 99.4 97.8 98.6
lisky no_pruning 98.5 98.1 98.3 99.1 98.1 98.6 99.2 98.1 98.7
" prune_001 98.5 98.1 98.3 99.1 98.1 98.6 99.2 98.1 98.7
" prune_01 98.4 98.1 98.3 99.1 98.1 98.6 99.2 98.1 98.7
" prune_02 98.4 98.1 98.2 99.1 98.1 98.6 99.2 98.1 98.7
povesti no_pruning 96.2 94.4 95.3 97.6 94.4 96.0 98.0 94.5 96.2
" prune_001 96.1 94.3 95.2 97.6 94.4 96.0 97.9 94.4 96.2
" prune_01 96.1 94.3 95.2 97.5 94.4 95.9 97.9 94.4 96.1
" prune_02 96.1 94.3 95.2 97.5 94.3 95.9 97.9 94.4 96.1
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