-Ant targets are appropriate
-Issue #17 (Deletion Bug) description is unclear. After running the code, it was easy to recognize.
-The mentions that the working program should have subtasks, but there is no description of how it should be implemented.
-Javadoc comments were lacking
-suggested feature: be able to delete all completed tasks
-suggested feature: be able to highlight ones that have "expired"
-suggested feature: have an overall list that the tasks relate to, e.g. School: study for cs, do homework, talk to professor
(this could be what they had in mind for the subtask feature)
-suggested feature: be able to give tasks a priority
-no test coverage at all; should be able to test adding, removing, and creating tasks and comparing task dates/names, get methods
and toString methods should be tested
-save functionality is commented out because it does not work but should also be its own function not in main