description |
A stylish web-based file browser |
File Browser CLI lets you create the database to use with File Browser, manage your users and all the configurations without acessing the web interface.
If you've never run File Browser, you'll need to have a database for it. Don't worry: you don't need to setup a separate database server. We're using Bolt DB which is a single file database and all managed by ourselves.
For this specific command, all the flags you have available (except "config" for the configuration file), can be given either through environment variables or configuration files.
If you don't set "config", it will look for a configuration file called .filebrowser.{json, toml, yaml, yml} in the following directories:
- ./
- $HOME/
- /etc/filebrowser/
The precedence of the configuration values are as follows:
- flags
- environment variables
- configuration file
- database values
- defaults
The environment variables are prefixed by "FB_" followed by the option name in caps. So to set "database" via an env variable, you should set FB_DATABASE.
Also, if the database path doesn't exist, File Browser will enter into the quick setup mode and a new database will be bootstraped and a new user created with the credentials from options "username" and "password".
filebrowser [flags]
Name | Shorthand | Usage |
address | a | address to listen on |
baseurl | b | base url |
cert | t | tls certificate |
config | c | config file path |
database | d | database path |
help | h | help for filebrowser |
key | k | tls key |
log | l | log output |
noauth | use the noauth auther when using quick setup | |
password | hashed password for the first user when using quick config (default "admin") | |
port | p | port to listen on |
root | r | root to prepend to relative paths |
username | username for the first user when using quick config |