Releases: twmacro/pyyeti
Version 0.99.4
Bug fix for the op2 reader (now can handle more than 32 superelements).
Update the n2p.find_xyz_triples routine to be more robust and added the "tol" parameter.
Update the file to update the install notes
Version 0.99.3
Minor update; primarily made the matplotlib import in optional by using try/except.
Also improved testing for the new "asm2uset" routine.
Version 0.99.2
Primarily minor documentation updates and bug fixes.
Enhanced the nastran.bulk.rdseconct routine to accept more card formats.
Version 0.99.1
- update uset usage in cb.cbcheck and cb.mk_net_drms (can include non bset DOF)
- attempt to prevent datacursor.DataCursor._setup_annotations() (scatter) from resetting axes limits
Version 0.99.0
Add pyyeti.nastran.bulk.asm2uset -- a more robust version of "bulk2uset" specifically for Nastran .asm files.
Add rdspoints, rdseconct in the same "bulk" module.
Bug fixes and documentation updates
Version 0.98.9
- Add ERA: Eigensystem Realization Algorithm
- ODE update: only compute static_ic if have non-zero initial forces
- Made pandas optional in cyclecount module -- can be significantly faster
- Cleaned up n2p.find_xyz_triples and made more lenient
- A number of documentation updates
Version 0.98.7
Update handling of residual flexibility modes in the fsolve (and solvepsd) routines.
Fixed small issues with the datacursor.
Numerous documentation updates, including new copy button in the HTML code blocks.
Updates for numpy and matplotlib deprecations
Version 0.98.4
Primarily documentation updates, including links to tutorials added where applicable.
Added scripts lsop2 and lsop4.
Added "eig_success" attribute to SolveUnc.pc for complex eigenvalue method.
Release version 0.98.3
Add numba to Python rainflow counter
Add SolveUnc.pc.eig_success indicator for complex eigenvalue solver
Try 3: fixing github setup settings for v0.98.2
Try 3: fixing github setup settings for v0.98.2