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Releases: twilio/conversations-ios

Twilio Conversations Client iOS 2.0.0

21 Oct 07:18
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Breaking changes:

  • Major under-the-hood improvement (the “Sessionless” protocol). This improvement is designed primarily for improved reliability. While this is not a breaking code change, it does carry a meaningful impact on timing:
    • SDK commands will return success or failure up to ~10% more quickly than before.
    • Real-time updates of data are now likely to arrive after the command completes.
      For example, [TCHConversation setAttributes:] will invoke completion (i.e., success) while TCHConversation.attributes still returns the old value. To see the new value, we recommend waiting for an update event, e.g., in the conversationsClient:conversation:updated: delegate with the reason TCHConversationUpdateAttributes.
  • Some error messages have changed. E.g., trying to leave a conversation you're not part of will return error 50432, Participant not found instead of 50400, User not member of channel.
  • [TCHMessageOptions withAttributes:] method is simplified, does not take completion callback anymore, returns error if failed to set attributes.

Twilio Conversations Client iOS 1.3.1

29 Apr 16:32
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  • Fixed reconnection after restoring application from background. The issue was introduced in 1.2.0 and users are highly encouraged to upgrade to this version to avoid getting disconnection problems.

Twilio Conversations Client iOS 1.3.0

29 Mar 10:55
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  • Added possibility to set dispatch queue to get reports not from main queue, but from selected one.
  • Added support of XCFramework with arm64 simulator.
  • Added support for SPM.
  • Removed support of Carthage until it would support binary XCFrameworks.


  • Fixed an issue when connection could be not established after returning background.


  • If you are interested in Mac Catalyst support please contact support to get hands-on experience with it.

Twilio Conversations Client iOS 1.2.0

19 Jan 17:16
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  • The SDK now supports HTTP proxy. Proxy could be enabled by using a new flag useProxy passed to client properties on a client creation. Settings are read from the system configuration.
  • Added ability to defer certificates check to the OS (disable pinning) using new flag deferCertificateTrustToPlatform passed to client properties on a client creation.

Twilio Conversations Client iOS 1.1.1

27 Nov 10:33
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  • Fixed a bug when conversationDeleted doesn't come after Participant is removed by another user.
  • Fixed a bug which could lead to client synchronisation stuck.
  • Fixed a crash on accessing participantWithIdentity from multiple threads.

Twilio Conversations Client iOS 1.1.0

27 Oct 17:26
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  • Added detailed delivery receipts for message. See [Message getDetailedDeliveryReceiptsWithCompletion:]

Twilio Conversations Client iOS 1.0.0

25 Sep 18:02
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First public release for the new Conversations product.