Turso welcomes contributions from the community. This manual provides guidelines for contributing to libsql-android
Make sure to join us on Discord — (#libsql-android
channel) to discuss your ideas and get help.
- Android Studio (latest version recommended)
- Java Development Kit (JDK) 17 or higher
- Android SDK (API level 21 or higher)
- Rust and Cargo (latest stable version)
- Android NDK (version 26.1.10909125 or compatible)
- Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix:
git switch -c my-new-feature
- Make changes and commit them with a clear commit message
- Push your changes to your fork:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Open a Pull Request on the main repository
- Fork and clone the repository
- Open the project in Android Studio
- Make sure you have the Rust plugin installed in Android Studio
- Set up the
environment variable to point to your NDK installation - Sync the project with Gradle files
- Open the project in Android Studio
- Wait for the Gradle sync to complete
- Select a target device (emulator or physical device)
- Click
To build the library, run the following command from the project root:
./gradlew :libsql:assembleRelease
This will generate the AAR file in the libsql/build/outputs/aar/
- Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix:
git switch -c my-new-feature
- Make changes and commit them with a clear commit message
- Push your changes to your fork
git push origin my-new-feature
- Open a Pull Request on the main repository
To run the instrumented tests, use the following command:
./gradlew :libsql:connectedAndroidTest