This program is a group study project for ITMO University.
It allows to generate fake people's data.
To install dependencies run these commands:
$ pip3 install
$ pip3 install Faker
Set up settings in config directory
Replace 'sub' in config.ini file.
You should paste a token of your bot here:
token = stub
In commad line you run this and bot is working:
To add this bot, you just need to click this link and choose a server. After this you are able to use your bot freely.
!generate — to generate a person
!ping — checks if the bot is alive. Expected answer — "pong"
!help — standart command which shows you all the abilities of the bot
If you want to change the preffix, you can simply correct it and pass it as a parametr in get_bot function.
Many thanks to all those who participated in the development of the bot:
- Alexander Kostyurenko - Arthasasyan
- Ilya Elikov - ilyashn
- Ekaterina Ladokhina - jnannni
- Alina Terekhova - atereh
- Anna Doshchenko - anna2506