The following files are written as statistics output. The exact meaning of the output is described as follows:
- PacketsPerSeconds of Switch #xxx
- Default: 1 Second = 1 Interval
- Precision: Values in Integer, Mean Values in Double
- Line#1: Throughput Per Intervall;...
- Line#2: [Mean Througput over all Intervalls(Mean of Line#1)];[Mean outgoing Packets/Intervall(Generated OFPACKET_IN)];[Mean incoming Packets/Intervall(Received OFPACKET_OUT)]
- Line#3: Outgoing Packets (OF_PACKET_IN) per Intervall;...
- Line#4: Incoming Packets (OF_PACKET_OUT) per Intervall;...
- RoundTripTime values in MilliSeconds of Switch #xxx
- Precision: Values in Integer, Mean in Double
- Line#1: RTT of Packet#1; RTT of Packet#2; ...
- Line#2: Mean (Line#1)
- TimeStampValues in MilliSeconds of Switch #xxx
- Default: 1 Second = 1 Intervall
- Precision: Mean in Double, Values in Integer
- Line#1: OutgoingMeanIATperIntervall (OF_PACKET_IN);
- Line#2: IncomingMeanIATperIntervall (OF_PACKET_OUT);
- Line#3: OutgingTimeStamp(OF_PACKET_IN);
- Line#4: IncomingTimeStamps(OF_PACKET_OUT);