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#Using Designators for an executive Using designators has several sides: simply using existing classes for designators and states, creating your own state with existing designators and finally writing custom designators.

import robot_smach_states.util.designators as ds

I want to pass a string from one state to another

variable_des = ds.VariableDesignator("Original_value")

states.WritingState(robot, variable_des.writeable) #Indicate that this state can write to variable_des
states.NormalState(robot, varibale_des) #No special indication needed

I want to specify a specific Entity

entity_des = ds.EntityByIdDesignator(robot, id="abcdef1234", name="entity_des")

states.DoSomethingWithEntity(robot, entity_des)

I want to specify an arm for grabbing

empty_arm_des = ds.UnoccupiedArmDesignator(robot.arms, robot.arms[name="empty_arm_designator")

states.DoSomethingWithArm(robot, empty_arm_des)

I want to specify an arm for placing some item

current_item = ds.EntityByIdDesignator(robot, id="abcdef1234", name="entity_des") 
#o place something, use the arms that is holding that thing
arm_with_item_designator = ds.ArmHoldingEntityDesignator(robot.arms, current_item, name="arm_with_item_designator")

states.DoSomethingWithArmThatHoldsAnItem(robot, empty_arm_des)

Using designators in a state (machine)

My state needs a designator resolving to some type

For example, the entityDes below should resolve to an EntityInfo. You can check the resolve_type of the designator and see if it matches. If it fails, you'll get an exception when the challenge starts.

import robot_smach_states.util.designators as ds
from ed.msg import EntityInfo

class SomeState(smach.State):
    def __init__(self, robot, entityDes):
        ds.check_resolve_type(entityDes, EntityInfo) #Check the resolve_type
        self.entityDes = entityDes

    def execute(self, userdata=None):
        entity = self.entityDes.resolve()
        if not entity:
            #deal with it

My state needs to write something and should check whether a designator is writeable

For example, the entityDes below should resolve to an EntityInfo. You can check the resolve_type of the designator and see if it matches. If it fails, you'll get an exception when the challenge starts.

import robot_smach_states.util.designators as ds

class SomeState(smach.State):
    def __init__(self, robot, variableDes):
        ds.is_writeable(variableDes) #Check the resolve_type
        self.variableDes = variableDes

    def execute(self, userdata=None):
         value = something

Creating your own designator

To implement your own designators, be sure to inherit from another designator class. That way, all checks and introspection stuff works out of the box.

import robot_smach_states.util.designators as ds
from ed.msg import EntityInfo

class EntityByIdDesignator(ds.Designator):
    def __init__(self, robot, id, parse=True, name=None): #Passing a name is handy for introspection
        super(EntityByIdDesignator, self).__init__(resolve_type=EntityInfo, name=name) #Specify the resolve_type and name for typechecks and introspection. 

    def _resolve(self): #Implement _resolve rather than resolve (notice the underscore). The resolve-method of the base class does typechecks. 
        entities = self.ed.get_entities(id=self.id_, parse=self.parse)
        if entities:
            return entities[0]('left'],)
            return None
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