To add authentication to your app using Asgardeo, you will first need to create an application in the Asgardeo console. If you don't have an Asgardeo account, you can signup for one free.
After creating an application, take note of the configuration values listed in the Quick Start and Info tabs. You will be using those values as follows.
export const config = {
issuer: '<your_org_name>/oauth2/token',
clientId: '<your_application_id>',
redirectUrl: '<your_appAuthRedirectScheme>://example',
scopes: ['openid', 'profile']
// Log in to get an authentication token
const authState = await authorize(config);
// Refresh token
const refreshedState = await refresh(config, {
refreshToken: authState.refreshToken,
// Revoke token
await revoke(config, {
tokenToRevoke: refreshedState.refreshToken
// End session
await logout(config, {
idToken: authState.idToken,
postLogoutRedirectUrl: '<your_appAuthRedirectScheme>:/logout'