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PP-Radar on VoD

While 3+1D Radars do output a spatially three-dimensional point cloud, it is not very straightforward to train PointPillars on the radar point cloud using OpenPCDet. A few modifications are needed to adapt this library to our radar point cloud containing seven features per target - [x, y, z, RCS, doppler, compensated_doppler, time].

Note: The steps listed here are only to provide a starting point to the users and not a manual for reproducing results.

OpenPCDet version

All experiments presented in our paper are performed by modifying the following version of OpenPCDet:

We do not track their repository and hence may not be able to offer support for later versions. It is the recommended version to implement the modifications listed below.

Config Files

Through dataset and model configuration files, we bring changes to parameters including but not limited to:

  • Point Cloud Range
  • Voxel Size
  • Point Features
  • Augmentations
  • Max Point per Voxel
  • VFE (Voxel Feature Encoder)

Dataset Config

OpenPCDet first generates an info .pkl file for training and evaluation of networks. Refer to their document linked below for detailed steps.

To facilitate this, create a dataset configuration file named radar_5frames_as_kitti_dataset.yaml under


Use the following config parameters as a starting point.

DATASET: 'KittiDataset'
DATA_PATH: '/view_of_delft/radar_5frames'

POINT_CLOUD_RANGE: [0, -25.6, -3, 51.2, 25.6, 2]

    'train': train,
    'test': val

    'train': [kitti_infos_train.pkl],
    'test': [kitti_infos_val.pkl],


    DISABLE_AUG_LIST: ['placeholder']
        - NAME: random_world_flip
          ALONG_AXIS_LIST: ['x']

        - NAME: random_world_scaling
          WORLD_SCALE_RANGE: [0.95, 1.05]

    encoding_type: absolute_coordinates_encoding,
    used_feature_list: ['x', 'y', 'z', 'rcs', 'v_r', 'v_r_comp', 'time'],
    src_feature_list: ['x', 'y', 'z', 'rcs', 'v_r', 'v_r_comp', 'time'],

    - NAME: mask_points_and_boxes_outside_range

    - NAME: shuffle_points
        'train': True,
        'test': False

    - NAME: transform_points_to_voxels
      VOXEL_SIZE: [0.16, 0.16, 5]
        'train': 16000,
        'test': 40000

PointPillar Config

In order to train/evaluate/infer a PointPillar on our radar point cloud, create a model configuration file under


Again, use the following setup as a starting point for your models.

CLASS_NAMES: ['Car', 'Pedestrian', 'Cyclist']

    _BASE_CONFIG_: cfgs/dataset_configs/radar_5frames_as_kitti_dataset.yaml
    POINT_CLOUD_RANGE: [0, -25.6, -3, 51.2, 25.6, 2]
        - NAME: mask_points_and_boxes_outside_range

        - NAME: shuffle_points
          SHUFFLE_ENABLED: {
            'train': True,
            'test': False

        - NAME: transform_points_to_voxels
          VOXEL_SIZE: [0.16, 0.16, 5]
          MAX_POINTS_PER_VOXEL: 10
            'train': 16000,
            'test': 40000
        DISABLE_AUG_LIST: ['random_world_rotation', 'gt_sampling']

            - NAME: random_world_flip
              ALONG_AXIS_LIST: ['x']

            - NAME: random_world_scaling
              WORLD_SCALE_RANGE: [0.95, 1.05]

    NAME: PointPillar

        NAME: Radar7PillarVFE
        USE_XYZ: True
        USE_RCS: True
        USE_VR: True
        USE_VR_COMP: True
        USE_TIME: True
        USE_NORM: True
        USE_ELEVATION: True
        USE_DISTANCE: False
        NUM_FILTERS: [64]

        NAME: PointPillarScatter
        NUM_BEV_FEATURES: 64

        NAME: BaseBEVBackbone
        LAYER_NUMS: [3, 5, 5]
        LAYER_STRIDES: [2, 2, 2]
        NUM_FILTERS: [64, 128, 256]
        UPSAMPLE_STRIDES: [1, 2, 4]
        NUM_UPSAMPLE_FILTERS: [128, 128, 128]

        NAME: AnchorHeadSingle
        CLASS_AGNOSTIC: False

        DIR_OFFSET: 0.78539
        DIR_LIMIT_OFFSET: 0.0
        NUM_DIR_BINS: 2

                'class_name': 'Car',
                'anchor_sizes': [[3.9, 1.6, 1.56]],
                'anchor_rotations': [0, 1.57],
                'anchor_bottom_heights': [-1.78],
                'align_center': False,
                'feature_map_stride': 2,
                'matched_threshold': 0.6,
                'unmatched_threshold': 0.45
                'class_name': 'Pedestrian',
                'anchor_sizes': [[0.8, 0.6, 1.73]],
                'anchor_rotations': [0, 1.57],
                'anchor_bottom_heights': [-0.6],
                'align_center': False,
                'feature_map_stride': 2,
                'matched_threshold': 0.5,
                'unmatched_threshold': 0.35
                'class_name': 'Cyclist',
                'anchor_sizes': [[1.76, 0.6, 1.73]],
                'anchor_rotations': [0, 1.57],
                'anchor_bottom_heights': [-0.6],
                'align_center': False,
                'feature_map_stride': 2,
                'matched_threshold': 0.5,
                'unmatched_threshold': 0.35

            NAME: AxisAlignedTargetAssigner
            POS_FRACTION: -1.0
            SAMPLE_SIZE: 512
            NORM_BY_NUM_EXAMPLES: False
            MATCH_HEIGHT: False
            BOX_CODER: ResidualCoder

            LOSS_WEIGHTS: {
                'cls_weight': 1.0,
                'loc_weight': 2.0,
                'dir_weight': 0.2,
                'code_weights': [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]

        RECALL_THRESH_LIST: [0.3, 0.5, 0.7]
        SCORE_THRESH: 0.1
        OUTPUT_RAW_SCORE: False

        EVAL_METRIC: kitti

            MULTI_CLASSES_NMS: False
            NMS_TYPE: nms_gpu
            NMS_THRESH: 0.01
            NMS_PRE_MAXSIZE: 4096
            NMS_POST_MAXSIZE: 500

    NUM_EPOCHS: 80

    OPTIMIZER: adam_onecycle
    LR: 0.003
    WEIGHT_DECAY: 0.01
    MOMENTUM: 0.9

    MOMS: [0.95, 0.85]
    PCT_START: 0.4
    DIV_FACTOR: 10
    DECAY_STEP_LIST: [35, 45]
    LR_DECAY: 0.1
    LR_CLIP: 0.0000001

    LR_WARMUP: False



To utilize the radar features like RCS and Doppler which are not available in LiDAR point cloud, we need to modify the PillarVFE in the following file:


Create a new PillarVFE class like below.

class Radar7PillarVFE(VFETemplate):
def __init__(self, model_cfg, num_point_features, voxel_size, point_cloud_range):

    num_point_features = 0
    self.use_norm = self.model_cfg.USE_NORM  # whether to use batchnorm in the PFNLayer
    self.use_xyz = self.model_cfg.USE_XYZ
    self.with_distance = self.model_cfg.USE_DISTANCE
    self.selected_indexes = []

    ## check if config has the correct params, if not, throw exception
    radar_config_params = ["USE_RCS", "USE_VR", "USE_VR_COMP", "USE_TIME", "USE_ELEVATION"]

    if all(hasattr(self.model_cfg, attr) for attr in radar_config_params):
        self.use_RCS = self.model_cfg.USE_RCS
        self.use_vr = self.model_cfg.USE_VR
        self.use_vr_comp = self.model_cfg.USE_VR_COMP
        self.use_time = self.model_cfg.USE_TIME
        self.use_elevation = self.model_cfg.USE_ELEVATION

        raise Exception("config does not have the right parameters, please use a radar config")

    self.available_features = ['x', 'y', 'z', 'rcs', 'v_r', 'v_r_comp', 'time']

    num_point_features += 6  # center_x, center_y, center_z, mean_x, mean_y, mean_z, time, we need 6 new

    self.x_ind = self.available_features.index('x')
    self.y_ind = self.available_features.index('y')
    self.z_ind = self.available_features.index('z')
    self.rcs_ind = self.available_features.index('rcs')
    self.vr_ind = self.available_features.index('v_r')
    self.vr_comp_ind = self.available_features.index('v_r_comp')
    self.time_ind = self.available_features.index('time')

    if self.use_xyz:  # if x y z coordinates are used, add 3 channels and save the indexes
        num_point_features += 3  # x, y, z
        self.selected_indexes.extend((self.x_ind, self.y_ind, self.z_ind))  # adding x y z channels to the indexes

    if self.use_RCS:  # add 1 if RCS is used and save the indexes
        num_point_features += 1
        self.selected_indexes.append(self.rcs_ind)  # adding  RCS channels to the indexes

    if self.use_vr:  # add 1 if vr is used and save the indexes. Note, we use compensated vr!
        num_point_features += 1
        self.selected_indexes.append(self.vr_ind)  # adding  v_r_comp channels to the indexes

    if self.use_vr_comp:  # add 1 if vr is used (as proxy for sensor cue) and save the indexes
        num_point_features += 1

    if self.use_time:  # add 1 if time is used and save the indexes
        num_point_features += 1
        self.selected_indexes.append(self.time_ind)  # adding  time channel to the indexes

    print("number of point features used: " + str(num_point_features))
    print("6 of these are 2 * (x y z)  coordinates realtive to mean and center of pillars")
    print(str(len(self.selected_indexes)) + " are selected original features: ")

    for k in self.selected_indexes:
        print(str(k) + ": " + self.available_features[k])

    self.selected_indexes = torch.LongTensor(self.selected_indexes)  # turning used indexes into Tensor

    self.num_filters = self.model_cfg.NUM_FILTERS
    assert len(self.num_filters) > 0
    num_filters = [num_point_features] + list(self.num_filters)

    pfn_layers = []
    for i in range(len(num_filters) - 1):
        in_filters = num_filters[i]
        out_filters = num_filters[i + 1]
            PFNLayer(in_filters, out_filters, self.use_norm, last_layer=(i >= len(num_filters) - 2))
    self.pfn_layers = nn.ModuleList(pfn_layers)

    ## saving size of the voxel
    self.voxel_x = voxel_size[0]
    self.voxel_y = voxel_size[1]
    self.voxel_z = voxel_size[2]

    ## saving offsets, start of point cloud in x, y, z + half a voxel, e.g. in y it starts around -39 m
    self.x_offset = self.voxel_x / 2 + point_cloud_range[0]
    self.y_offset = self.voxel_y / 2 + point_cloud_range[1]
    self.z_offset = self.voxel_z / 2 + point_cloud_range[2]

def get_output_feature_dim(self):
    return self.num_filters[-1]  # number of outputs in last output channel

def get_paddings_indicator(self, actual_num, max_num, axis=0):
    actual_num = torch.unsqueeze(actual_num, axis + 1)
    max_num_shape = [1] * len(actual_num.shape)
    max_num_shape[axis + 1] = -1
    max_num = torch.arange(max_num,, device=actual_num.device).view(max_num_shape)
    paddings_indicator = > max_num
    return paddings_indicator

def forward(self, batch_dict, **kwargs):
    ## coordinate system notes
    # x is pointing forward, y is left right, z is up down
    # spconv returns voxel_coords as  [batch_idx, z_idx, y_idx, x_idx], that is why coords is indexed backwards

    voxel_features, voxel_num_points, coords = batch_dict['voxels'], batch_dict['voxel_num_points'], batch_dict[

    if not self.use_elevation:  # if we ignore elevation (z) and v_z
        voxel_features[:, :, self.z_ind] = 0  # set z to zero before doing anything

    orig_xyz = voxel_features[:, :, :self.z_ind + 1]  # selecting x y z

    # calculate mean of points in pillars for x y z and save the offset from the mean
    # Note: they do not take the mean directly, as each pillar is filled up with 0-s. Instead, they sum and divide by num of points
    points_mean = orig_xyz.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True) / voxel_num_points.type_as(voxel_features).view(-1, 1, 1)
    f_cluster = orig_xyz - points_mean  # offset from cluster mean

    # calculate center for each pillar and save points' offset from the center. voxel_coordinate * voxel size + offset should be the center of pillar (coords are indexed backwards)
    f_center = torch.zeros_like(orig_xyz)
    f_center[:, :, 0] = voxel_features[:, :, self.x_ind] - (
                coords[:, 3].to(voxel_features.dtype).unsqueeze(1) * self.voxel_x + self.x_offset)
    f_center[:, :, 1] = voxel_features[:, :, self.y_ind] - (
                coords[:, 2].to(voxel_features.dtype).unsqueeze(1) * self.voxel_y + self.y_offset)
    f_center[:, :, 2] = voxel_features[:, :, self.z_ind] - (
                coords[:, 1].to(voxel_features.dtype).unsqueeze(1) * self.voxel_z + self.z_offset)

    voxel_features = voxel_features[:, :, self.selected_indexes]  # filtering for used features

    features = [voxel_features, f_cluster, f_center]

    if self.with_distance:  # if with_distance is true, include range to the points as well
        points_dist = torch.norm(orig_xyz, 2, 2, keepdim=True)  # first 2: L2 norm second 2: along 2. dim

    ## finishing up the feature extraction with correct shape and masking
    features =, dim=-1)

    voxel_count = features.shape[1]
    mask = self.get_paddings_indicator(voxel_num_points, voxel_count, axis=0)
    mask = torch.unsqueeze(mask, -1).type_as(voxel_features)
    features *= mask

    for pfn in self.pfn_layers:
        features = pfn(features)
    features = features.squeeze()
    batch_dict['pillar_features'] = features
    return batch_dict

Further, ensure that this class is added in the following file.


It should then look something like this.

from .mean_vfe import MeanVFE
from .pillar_vfe import PillarVFE, Radar7PillarVFE
from .vfe_template import VFETemplate
__all__ = {
    'VFETemplate': VFETemplate,
    'MeanVFE': MeanVFE,
    'PillarVFE': PillarVFE,
    'Radar7PillarVFE': Radar7PillarVFE,

While loading the point cloud from .bin files for radar, the get function needs to be modified at:


number_of_channels = 7  # ['x', 'y', 'z', 'rcs', 'v_r', 'v_r_comp', 'time']
points = np.fromfile(str(lidar_file), dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, number_of_channels)

# replace the list values with statistical values; for x, y, z and time, use 0 and 1 as means and std to avoid normalization
means = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]  # 'x', 'y', 'z', 'rcs', 'v_r', 'v_r_comp', 'time'
stds =  [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]  # 'x', 'y', 'z', 'rcs', 'v_r', 'v_r_comp', 'time'

#in practice, you should use either train, or train+val values to calculate mean and stds. Note that x, y, z, and time are not normed, but you can experiment with that.
#means = [0, 0, 0, mean_RCS (~ -13.0), mean_v_r (~-3.0), mean_vr_comp (~ -0.1), 0]  # 'x', 'y', 'z', 'rcs', 'v_r', 'v_r_comp', 'time'
#stds =  [1, 1, 1, std_RCS (~14.0),  std_v_r (~8.0),    std_v_r_comp (~6.0), 0]  # 'x', 'y', 'z', 'rcs', 'v_r', 'v_r_comp', 'time'

#we then norm the channels
points = (points - means)/stds