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-# Contributor Guide
-Welcome to the Tinkerbell Sandbox! We are really excited to have you.
-Please use the following guide on your contributing journey.
-Thanks for contributing!
-## Table of Contents
-- [Context](#Context)
-- [Architecture](#Architecture)
-- [Prerequisites](#Prerequisites)
- - [DCO Sign Off](#DCO-Sign-Off)
- - [Code of Conduct](#Code-of-Conduct)
-- [Linting](#Linting)
-## Context
-The Tinkerbell Sandbox is a repo that handles the standing up a Tinkerbell stack in many different infrastructure environments.
-Its goal is to be **_"The easiest way to setup the Tinkerbell Stack"_**.
-There are two major areas of responsibility.
-1. Stand up of the Tinkerbell application stack
- - Handled by Docker Compose ([deploy/stack/compose/docker-compose.yml](../deploy/stack/compose/docker-compose.yml))
-2. Stand up of infrastructure to support the Tinkerbell application stack
- - [Vagrant](../deploy/infrastructure/vagrant/Vagrantfile)
- - [Terraform](../deploy/infrastructure/terraform/main.tf)
-## Architecture
- Diagram
-The sandbox architecture can be broken down into 3 distinct groups.
-1. Core Services
- - [Tink Server](https://docs.tinkerbell.org/services/tink-server/)
- - GRPC Server that holds hardware, template, and workflows
- - Tink DB
- - Persistent data store for Tink Server
- - [Tink CLI](https://docs.tinkerbell.org/services/tink-cli/)
- - Tink Server client
- - [Boots](https://docs.tinkerbell.org/services/boots/)
- - DHCP, TFTP for ipxe binary download, HTTP for ipxe script download
- - [Hegel](https://docs.tinkerbell.org/services/hegel/)
- - Metadata service for use in workflow execution
-2. Support Services
- - [Hook File Server](https://docs.tinkerbell.org/services/osie/)
- - Basic file server for kernel, initramfs, self signed TLS pem file, Ubuntu cloud image, OSIE scripts
- - [Container Registry](https://docs.tinkerbell.org/services/registry/)
- - Local/Internal container registry required for Tink Worker
-3. Single Run Services
- - Tink Record Creation
- - This [script](../deploy/stack/compose/create-tink-records/create.sh) that creates Tink records from templated files ([hardware](../deploy/stack/compose/create-tink-records/manifests/hardware), [template](../deploy/stack/compose/create-tink-records/manifests/template), and workflow)
- - Tink DB Migrations
- - Builtin functionality to the Tink Server binary that will create DB schemas, tables, etc
- - TLS Setup
- - This [script](../deploy/stack/compose/generate-tls-certs/generate.sh) that handles creating the self-signed TLS certificates for the Tink Server and the Container Registry (the same certs are shared for both).
- Valid domain names are defined in the [csr.json](../deploy/stack/compose/generate-tls-certs/csr.json) file. By default the value of `TINKERBELL_HOST_IP` in the [.env](../deploy/stack/compose/.env) file is added as a valid domain name.
- This addition happens via the [generate.sh](../deploy/stack/compose/generate-tls-certs/generate.sh) script.
- - Registry Auth
- - This container (named `registry-auth` in the [docker-compose.yml](../deploy/stack/compose/docker-compose.yml)) creates the user/passwd pair for use to login to the container registry.
- Defaults to admin/Admin1234.
- These can be customized by setting `TINKERBELL_REGISTRY_USERNAME` and `TINKERBELL_REGISTRY_PASSWORD` in the [.env](../deploy/stack/compose/.env) file.
- - Registry Image Population
- - This [script](../deploy/stack/compose/sync-images-to-local-registry/upload.sh) uploads images to the local/internal container registry, including the tink-worker image.
- Any image needed in a workflow will need to be added to the [registry_images.txt](../deploy/stack/compose/sync-images-to-local-registry/registry_images.txt) file.
- The [registry_images.txt](../deploy/stack/compose/sync-images-to-local-registry/registry_images.txt) file should not contain a final newline and each line must have the form of `space`
- ```bash
- quay.io/tinkerbell/tink-worker:latest tink-worker:latest
- ```
- - Hook Setup
- - This [script](../deploy/stack/compose/fetch-osie/fetch.sh) handles downloading Hook, extracting it, and placing it in the path ([deploy/stack/compose/state/misc/osie/current](../deploy/stack/compose/state/misc/osie/current)) that the compose service `osie-bootloader` uses for serving files.
- FYI, currently only an x86_64 Hook is published so only x86_64 machines can be provisioned with the sandbox using Hook.
- - Ubuntu Image Setup
- - This [script](../deploy/stack/compose/fetch-and-convert-ubuntu-img/fetch.sh) handles downloading the Ubuntu focal cloud `.img` file and [converting it to a raw image](https://docs.tinkerbell.org/deploying-operating-systems/examples-ubuntu/).
- This will be used with workflow action [`quay.io/tinkerbell-actions/image2disk:v1.0.0`](https://artifacthub.io/packages/tbaction/tinkerbell-community/image2disk).
-## Prerequisites
-Before contributing, please be sure to complete the following.
-### DCO Sign Off
-Please read and understand the DCO found [here](DCO.md).
-### Code of Conduct
-Please read and understand the code of conduct found [here](https://github.com/tinkerbell/.github/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).
-## Linting
-To execute linting, run:
diff --git a/docs/RELEASING.md b/docs/RELEASING.md
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-# Releasing
-## Process
-For version v0.x.y:
-1. Create the annotated tag
- > NOTE: To use your GPG signature when pushing the tag, use `SIGN_TAG=1 ./contrib/tag-release.sh v0.x.y` instead)
- - `./contrib/tag-release.sh v0.x.y`
-1. Push the tag to the GitHub repository. This will automatically trigger a [Github Action](https://github.com/tinkerbell/sandbox/actions) to create a release.
- > NOTE: `origin` should be the name of the remote pointing to `github.com/tinkerbell/sandbox`
- - `git push origin v0.x.y`
-1. Review the release on GitHub.
-### Permissions
-Releasing requires a particular set of permissions.
-- Tag push access to the GitHub repository