A chat bot designed to accompany the Brave New Faves pirate radio show at twitch.tv/kathleen_lrr.
This bot is designed to look for YouTube links in Twitch chat, put those messages in a list, then create a text file with that list of posts. New features added recently also let the user keep track of which songs are played on stream and prints the full playlist to a text file.
To use this bot, you need to have the latest version of Anaconda for Python 3.7 installed. Download here: https://www.anaconda.com/download/
Once you have this installed, you will also need to install irc, which is what you need to interact with Twitch. Open Anaconda Prompt from the Anaconda3 folder in the Start Menu, then type the following command: apt-get install irc
Open Anaconda Promt from the Anaconda3 folder in the Start Menu.
Change your current directory to the folder where these code files are located. If you put this folder in your default directory, all you will need to do is type the following command: cd BraveNewFavesBot
To start the bot so that it can look for music recommendations, type the following command: python Run.py
BraveNewFavesBot will post a message in your chat saying that it has connected successfully. From this point on, chat messages with YouTube links in them will be put into a list! Those messages will be echoed in the bot's chat window, at twitch.tv/BraveNewFavesBot, for easy live reading.
Go to your chat and type the following command: !printlist
This creates a .txt file with all of the collected messages, including the usernames who made the suggestions, in the same folder as this file. The file name will be time-stamped so that this won't write over previous lists created when running this program.
Starting with run2.py, there are is a new feature allowing you to keep track of which requests were played on stream!
Each viewer request is now marked with a number to easily tell when the song was requested. When you choose a song to play, look at the request number before the username and description. Go to your chat and type the following command: !nowplaying X
Where X is the request's number. The chat bot will print the request message into your chat for the benefit of your audience. This will also add the song to the night's playlist.
Go to your chat and type the following command: !printplaylist
This creates a .txt file with all of the songs that have been entered using the nowplaying command in the same folder these source files. The file name will be time-stamped so that this won't write over previous lists created when running this program.