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File metadata and controls

89 lines (62 loc) · 3.36 KB

How to Control the Robot with RelaxedIK

The method is basically similar to "How to control the robot by a Xbox Joystick", but replacing Moveit with RelaxedIK. Currently, the user interface is Rviz Marker.


  • Install the following packages according to "How to control the robot by a Xbox Joystick".

    • universal_robot
    • ur_modern_driver
    • ros_control
  • One top of that, you also need to install the followings:

    git clone -b -dev

    If the above cloning doesn't work, then use this alternatively:

    git clone
    git checkout dev
  • You also need to set some parameters in in relaxed_ik package.

  • NOTE: You should rename the source folder relaxed_ik-origin to relaxed_ik.

Execution (after all settings in

  • Load a robot (Real or Gazebo)

    • Real UR5: roslaunch ur_modern_driver ur5_ros_control.launch robot_ip:=
    • Gazebo UR5: roslaunch rain_gazebo ur5_robotiq.launch
  • Change ros_control

rosservice call /controller_manager/switch_controller "start_controllers:
- 'joint_group_position_controller'
- 'pos_based_pos_traj_controller'
strictness: 2"
  • Load the robot info file (it automatically accesses to /joint_states and use it as starting_config)
roslaunch relaxed_ik load_info_file.launch
  • Run Relaxed IK solver

    • Rust-version (recommended) : roslaunch relaxed_ik relaxed_ik_rust.launch
    • Python-version: roslaunch relaxed_ik relaxed_ik_python.launch
  • Rviz (Rviz takes \joint_states from the robot and provides new joint position command via /joint_group_position_controller/command)

roslaunch relaxed_ik rviz_viewer_no_pub_norsp.launch 
rosrun relaxed_ik


  • (Update: 25 Nov 2019) Now, we can use another user interface when using In the code, you need to define user_interface, and make sure the appropriate input device node is running.

    • Joystick

      1. Make sure the joystick connected: rosparam set joy_node/dev "/dev/input/js1"
      2. Run joy_node: rosrun joy joy_node
    • HTC Vive 0. Turn on HTC vive controllers.

      1. Launch the SteamVR's vrserver: roslaunch vive_ros server_vr.launch
      2. Launch the node: roslaunch vive_ros vive.launch
      • Note: To close the node you can Ctrl+C. To close the vr server you have to kill the process. For convenience: rosrun vive_ros
    • Execution with Unity (using Twist msg)

      1. Launch rosbridge: roslaunch rain_unity ur5_robotiq_unity_real.launch
      2. Run a Unity application.
