Install the packages for "How to control the robot by a Xbox Joystick".
One top of that, you also need to install rain_test, which contains a node providing a fake leap motion input.
Follow Step (1)-(3) of the instruction in "How to control the robot by a Xbox Joystick".
In summary, these steps are as follows (for real robot case):
roslaunch ur_modern_driver ur5_ros_control.launch robot_ip:=
roslaunch rain_moveit_config moveit_planning_execution.launch
rosservice call /controller_manager/switch_controller "start_controllers:
- 'joint_group_position_controller'
- 'pos_based_pos_traj_controller'
strictness: 2"
- You should set some parameters in "leapmotion_to_twist.py", for example, scaling factors.
roslaunch moveit_jog_arm jog_with_leapmotion.launch
rosrun moveit_jog_arm leapmotion_to_twist.py $(option = ROS)$ (TODO: Will be included in jog_with_leapmotion.launch)
In ROS option, the node will take a leap motion input in ROS coordinate. Otherwise, it assume that an input in Unity coordinate will be used.
That is, for this demo, just use
rosrun moveit_jog_arm leapmotion_to_twist.py ROS
- Genenate a fake leapmotion input for test purpuse
rosrun rain_test gen_fake_leap.py
- You may want to use usb cams to provide the situation of the remote site.
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-usb-cam
- Then, launch the following file:
roslaunch rain_test usb_cam_demo.launch
You make sure that you run
rosrun moveit_jog_arm leapmotion_to_twist.py demo1
. Here, depending on your robot's position, you may need to do withROS
option or customise additional option. -
Launch the following launch file (rosbridge):
roslaunch rain_unity ur5_robotiq_unity_real.launch
- Then, in the Unity side, run the scene (Scene_191016.unity) with rosbridge.
- Run the gripper controller node (Only being activated in "MODE_1" of
rosrun robotiq_s_model_control SModelTcpNode.py
rosrun robotiq_s_model_control SModelController_vr.py [gazebo or real]
- Result is : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQSg8v2cMcE