Releases: triwaca/Decabot
Beta October 2020
Basic beta version, suittable for beta testers to test build their Decabots. Working sensors (without external libs) are: ultrasonic, servo, led matrix, shift register (for step motors) and buttons. External libs needed are UniqueID, and MFRC-522 (when using RFID). Also can be used without shift register, connecting ports 7-13 to step motor controllers. Included function to invert rotation from motors.
Basic Beta Tester
Basic beta version, suittable for beta testers to test build their Decabots. Working sensors (without external libs) are: ultrasonic, servo, led matrix, shift register (for step motors) and buttons. External libs needed are UniqueID, and MFRC-522 (when using RFID). Also can be used without shift register, connecting ports 7-13 to step motor controllers.