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362 lines (305 loc) · 7.46 KB

File metadata and controls

362 lines (305 loc) · 7.46 KB



Subscription support (simple)

const schema = `
  type Notification {
    id: ID!
    message: String

  type Query {
    notifications: [Notification]

  type Mutation {
    addNotification(message: String): Notification

  type Subscription {
    notificationAdded: Notification

let idCount = 1
const notifications = [
    id: idCount,
    message: 'Notification message'

const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    notifications: () => notifications
  Mutation: {
    addNotification: async (_, { message }, { pubsub }) => {
      const id = idCount++
      const notification = {
      await pubsub.publish({
        topic: 'NOTIFICATION_ADDED',
        payload: {
          notificationAdded: notification

      return notification
  Subscription: {
    notificationAdded: {
      // You can also subscribe to multiple topics at once using an array like this:
      //  pubsub.subscribe(['TOPIC1', 'TOPIC2'])
      subscribe: async (root, args, { pubsub }) =>
        await pubsub.subscribe('NOTIFICATION_ADDED')

app.register(mercurius, {
  subscription: true

Subscription filters

const schema = `
  type Notification {
    id: ID!
    message: String

  type Query {
    notifications: [Notification]

  type Mutation {
    addNotification(message: String): Notification

  type Subscription {
    notificationAdded(contains: String): Notification

let idCount = 1
const notifications = [
    id: idCount,
    message: 'Notification message'

const { withFilter } = mercurius

const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    notifications: () => notifications
  Mutation: {
    addNotification: async (_, { message }, { pubsub }) => {
      const id = idCount++
      const notification = {
      await pubsub.publish({
        topic: 'NOTIFICATION_ADDED',
        payload: {
          notificationAdded: notification

      return notification
  Subscription: {
    notificationAdded: {
      subscribe: withFilter(
        (root, args, { pubsub }) => pubsub.subscribe('NOTIFICATION_ADDED'),
        (payload, { contains }) => {
          if (!contains) return true
          return payload.notificationAdded.message.includes(contains)

app.register(mercurius, {
  subscription: true

Subscription Context

The context for the Subscription includes:

  • app, the Fastify application
  • reply, an object that pretend to be a Reply object from Fastify without its decorators.
  • reply.request, the real request object from Fastify

During the connection initialization phase, all content of proerty payload of the connection_init packet is automatically copied inside request.headers. In case an headers property is specified within payload, that's used instead.

Build a custom GraphQL context object for subscriptions

const resolvers = {
  Mutation: {
    sendMessage: async (_, { message, userId }, { pubsub }) => {
      await pubsub.publish({
        topic: userId,
        payload: message

      return "OK"
  Subscription: {
    receivedMessage: {
      // If someone calls the sendMessage mutation with the Id of the user that was added
      // to the subscription context, that user receives the message.
      subscribe: (root, args, { pubsub, user }) => pubsub.subscribe(

app.register(mercurius, {
  subscription: {
      // Add the decoded JWT from the Authorization header to the subscription context.
      context: (_, req) => ({ user: jwt.verify(req.headers["Authorization"].slice(7))})

Subscription support (with redis)

const redis = require('mqemitter-redis')
const emitter = redis({
  port: 6579,
  host: ''

const schema = `
  type Vote {
    id: ID!
    title: String!
    ayes: Int
    noes: Int

  type Query {
    votes: [Vote]

  type Mutation {
    voteAye(voteId: ID!): Vote
    voteNo(voteId: ID!): Vote

  type Subscription {
    voteAdded(voteId: ID!): Vote
const votes = []

const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    votes: async () => votes
  Mutation: {
    voteAye: async (_, { voteId }, { pubsub }) => {
      if (voteId <= votes.length) {
        votes[voteId - 1].ayes++
        await pubsub.publish({
          topic: `VOTE_ADDED_${voteId}`,
          payload: {
            voteAdded: votes[voteId - 1]

        return votes[voteId - 1]

      throw new Error('Invalid vote id')
    voteNo: async (_, { voteId }, { pubsub }) => {
      if (voteId <= votes.length) {
        votes[voteId - 1].noes++
        await pubsub.publish({
          topic: `VOTE_ADDED_${voteId}`,
          payload: {
            voteAdded: votes[voteId - 1]

        return votes[voteId - 1]

      throw new Error('Invalid vote id')
  Subscription: {
    voteAdded: {
      subscribe: async (root, { voteId }, { pubsub }) => {
        // subscribe only for a vote with a given id
        return await pubsub.subscribe(`VOTE_ADDED_${voteId}`)

app.register(mercurius, {
  subscription: {
    verifyClient: (info, next) => {
      if (info.req.headers['x-fastify-header'] !== 'fastify is awesome !') {
        return next(false) // the connection is not allowed
      next(true) // the connection is allowed

Subscriptions with custom PubSub

Note that when passing both pubsub and emitter options, emitter will be ignored.

class CustomPubSub {
  constructor () {
    this.emitter = new EventEmitter()

  async subscribe (topic, queue) {
    const listener = (value) => {

    const close = () => {
      this.emitter.removeListener(topic, listener)

    this.emitter.on(topic, listener)
    queue.close = close

  publish (event, callback) {
    this.emitter.emit(event.topic, event.payload)

const pubsub = new CustomPubSub()

app.register(mercurius, {
  subscription: {

Subscriptions with @fastify/websocket

Mercurius uses @fastify/websocket internally, but you can still use it by registering before mercurius plugin. If so, it is recommened to set the appropriate options.maxPayload like this:

const fastifyWebsocket = require('@fastify/websocket')

app.register(fastifyWebsocket, {
  options: {
    maxPayload: 1048576

app.register(mercurius, {
  subscription: true

app.get('/', { websocket: true }, (connection, req) => {
  connection.socket.on('message', message => {
    connection.socket.send('hi from server')