- What is automated testing, and what is the difference from manual testing?
- What is unit-test?
- What is TDD?
- What is the advantage of TDD? Why write tests first and then code?
- What are regression bugs and how do automated tests help solve them?
- Why do side effects impair code testability?
- What is mock and when should they be used?
- What is a spy and when should they be used?
- Is it worth testing private class methods? Why?
- Why group separate tests inside unit tests?
- How long should an ideal work cycle last: _ writing a test -> changing functionality -> refactoring_?
- What libraries are there for creating tests and running them (and how do they differ from each other)?
- How do tests help newcomers enter the project?
- How do tests help in documenting a project?
- How do tests speed up getting feedback from the work done and why is this feedback important?
- What steps in manual testing help avoid unit tests?
- Why make tests run fast?
- How to ensure that test errors are as obvious as possible?
- Do I need to automatically test the tests themselves?
- What are the boundary conditions? Why test them?
- What is heisenbug? What are the ways to debug them?
- What is fixture?
- What is code coverage with tests? What tools are there for analyzing it?
- How are unit tests different from integration tests? Why is integration harder to write and maintain?
- Why pay attention to patterns when tests fail? How can analysis of which particular test combination fall off help?
- How do tests help in designing? Why is module testability an excellent indicator of "code cleanliness"?
- How do tests help with refactoring?
- What are the advantages of the rule of one concept per unit test?
- What are the advantages of tests isolated from each other?
- How to find a balance between the number of tests and code coverage? What problems can be caused by an excessive number of unit tests?
- What is a test pyramid? What role do tests play there? What role does static code analysis play there?
- Are types a complete replacement for unit tests? Why?
- What are end-to-end tests? What is the difference from integration?
- When do tests really slow down development, and when do they speed up?
- Are tests a full part of the system and code base?
- Why is testing becoming less convenient if you test not only public but also private methods?
- What are Test Double and Fake? What is the difference from Mock and Stub?
- What is the difference between testing with behavior verification and state verification?
- Why does the application of Mocks provoke behavior verification?
- What are Solitary and Sociable tests? What are the benefits of solitary tests? Are there any benefits to Sociable tests?
- Why does Mocks simplify outside-in design?
- Why strive to ensure that tests can be run as conveniently as possible and with just one team?
- Is it worth writing "training" integration tests that are run only manually and only for testing an external API (for example, the Web API Github)?
- A quick guide to Manual Testing Vs Automated Testing
- Зачем нужны юнит-тесты
- Как, используя TDD, сократить время разработки
- Об использовании модульных тестов и TDD
- Автоматические тесты при помощи chai и mocha
- Знакомство с фронтенд-тестированием. Часть первая. Введение
- Осторожно! Возможны побочные эффекты
- JS testing tools overview
- Clean code. Part 9.
- Гид по ручному тестированию приложений: преимущества, этапы и методологии
- Test first by R. Marting
- 5 Questions Every Unit Test Must Answer by E. Elliott
- Unit Tests, How to Write Testable Code and Why it Matters
- UnitTest by M. Fowler
- Unit Tests from XP
- Test Reviews Vs. Code Reviews - Some Helpful Tips
- Types and Tests
- Mocks Aren't Stubs
- We don't write tests. There just isn't time for luxuries.
- Юнит-тестирование для чайников