- Turn off Scroll Lock: by seaching "On-screen Keyboard" and then pressing Scrl Lk
- Print Screen Variations:
Alt + PrintScreen
: capture current window onlyWin + PrintScreen
: save a png to Pictures/Screenshots folder
Rename files with regex:
dir | Rename-item -whatif -Newname {$.name -replace '[regex string]', '[replace]'} dir | Rename-item -Newname {$.name -replace '[regex string]', '[replace]'}
Sort by...:
Alt + VO
Expand columns:
Alt+ VSF
View properties:
Alt + Enter
Copy as path:
Alt + HCP
Create new folder:
Ctrl + Shift + N
Open in new window:
Ctrl + Enter
orCtrl + double-click
- Minimize:
to shift focus to local machine;Win-D
to minimize all orWin-T
to select the taskbar source