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794 lines (535 loc) · 19.4 KB

File metadata and controls

794 lines (535 loc) · 19.4 KB


YAZA is a Z-80 assembler that generates flat binary code (as opposed to relocatable .rel files). It's very similar to z80asm but includes a bunch of enhancements:

  • Support for undocumented Z-80 instructions
  • Powerful expression engine
  • Support for include and incbin
  • Conditional code compilation
  • Scoped procs (ie: local symbol declarations)
  • Struct Support
  • Macro Support
  • Parameterized EQUates
  • Expressive data declarations
  • Bitmap data generation (eg: tile maps and PCG characters)


Download Zip Here


  • Windows and .NET 4.6.1 or later
  • Linux/OSX with Mono (not tested, should work)

Install as .NET Core Global Tool

dotnet tool install --global yaza

Note: if this is the first global tool you've installed, you'll probably need to logout/in for the changes to you path by dotnet to be picked up.

Command Line

yaza sourceFile.asm [options] [@responsefile]


--ast[:<filename>]         Dump the AST
--define:<symbol>[=<expr>] Define a symbol with optional value
--help                     Show these help instruction
--include:<directory>      Specifies an additional include/incbin directory
--instructionSet           Display a list of all support instructions
--list[:<filename>]        Generate a list file
--output:<filename>        Output file
--sym[:<filename>]         Generate a symbols file
--v                        Show version information

Response file containing arguments can be specified using the @ prefix

Defining a symbol without specifying a value sets the symbol's value as 1.


yaza myprogram.asm --list


Instructions should be written using the standard Zilog Z-80 instruction format. A full list of supported instructions (including undocumented instructions) can be obtained using yaza --instructionSet.


        LD  HL,0F000h
        LD  DE,0F001h
        LD  BC,03FFh

Case Insensitive

YAZA is case insensitive for everything except DEFBITS definitions. Instruction mnemonics, registers, condition flags, symbols etc... can all be specified in any case and symbol lookups are case insensitive.


Labels are declared as an identifier (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _ and $) at the start of a line followed by a colon (:):


loop:   ADD HL,DE
        DJNZ loop

Labels can also be on a line by themselves:

        ADD HL,DE
        DJNZ loop

Numeric Literals

Various numbers formats are supported:

    LD  HL,0xFFFF       ; '0x' prefix for hex
    LD  HL,0n9999       ; '0n' prefix for decimal
    LD  HL,0t7777       ; '0n' prefix for octal
    LD  HL,0b1111       ; '0b' prefix for binary

    LD  HL,0FFFFh       ; 'h' suffix for hex
    LD  HL,9999d        ; 'd' suffix for decimal
    LD  HL,9999n        ; 'n' suffix for decimal
    LD  HL,7777o        ; 'o' suffix for octal
    LD  HL,7777q        ; 'q' suffix for octal
    LD  HL,7777t        ; 't' suffix for octal
    LD  HL,1111b        ; 'b' suffix for binary

    LD  HL,$FFFF        ; '$' prefix for hex
    LD  HL,&hFFFF       ; '&h' prefix for hex
    LD  HL,&n9999       ; '&n' prefix for decimal
    LD  HL,&d9999       ; '&n' prefix for decimal
    LD  HL,&o7777       ; '&o' prefix for octal
    LD  HL,&t7777       ; '&t' prefix for octal
    LD  HL,&b1001       ; '&b' prefix for binary

The RADIX directive can be used to set the default radix to either 2, 8, 10 or 16.

    RADIX 2             ; Select binary radix
    LD  HL,1000         ; 8

    RADIX 16            ; Select hex radix
    LD  HL,0F           ; 15

Note that when the hex radix is selected, numbers must still start with a digit which might mean introducing a leading 0 (ie: 0ff not ff)

String Literals

String literals are declared using either the single or double quote delimiter.

DB  "Hello World\n"

The following C-style escapes can be used:

\" \' \\ \b \f \n \r \t

and \u can be used to declare unicode characters in hex:

"\u000D"    ; carriage return


The following operators are supported in expressions (shown in order of operation)

? ( ) [ ] { } .     ; uninit data, grouping, orderd/named struct data and member operator
~ ! - +             ; bitwise complement, logical not, negate, positive
* / %               ; multiply, divide, modulus
+ -                 ; add, subtract
DUP                 ; duplicated data operator
<< >>               ; shift left, shift right
<= >= < >           ; less-equal, greater-equal, less, greater
== !=               ; equal, not equal
&                   ; bitwise AND
^                   ; bitwise XOR
|                   ; bitwise OR
&&                  ; logical AND
||                  ; logical OR
? :                 ; ternery operator

All numeric expressions are evaluated as 64-bit signed integers. An error will be generated if the final resulting value does fit in the target operand. For boolean (aka logical) operands, zero is treated as false and any non-zero value is treated as true.

Note that parentheses are used for two purposes - expression group and pointer dereferencing.

eg: dereferencing:

LD      A,(IX+0)            ; () means dereference pointer

eg: expression grouping:

LD      A, 5*(23+10)        ; () means 23+10 before *

So this will generate an error

LD      HL,(23+5)*10        ; Invalid instruction because trying to dereference (23+5)

Instead, use this:

LD      HL,0+(23+5)*10      ; This switches the expression parser out of dereference mode

The DEFINED Operator

The defined operator checks if a symbol (either as a label, macro, equ or data type) has been defined.


if defined(DEBUG) && !defined(OPTIMIZED)
    ; debug code goes here
end if

ORG Directive

The ORG directive changes the currently perceived CPU address:

    ORG     0x400

SEEK Directive

The seek directive lets you rewind the output position of the generated code to overwrite previously generated data:

    SEEK    0           ; Rewind to the start of the file

The current output position is available through the special variable $ofs (as in "offset").

Typically used to patch over data imported with the incbin directive.

EQU Directive

The EQU directive lets you define symbols.

VRAM        EQU     0xF000
VRAMSIZE    EQU     0x400

        ; Clear screen
        LD      HL,VRAM
        LD      DE,VRAM+1
        LD      BC,VRAMSIZE-1
        LD      (HL),0x20

EQU's can themselves be defined as expressions and can reference other EQU definitions:

VRAM        EQU     0xF000
VRAMSIZE    EQU     0x400

The name of an EQU definition can optionally be followed by a colon:

VRAM:       EQU     0xF000

(but the definition must be on the same line as the name)

Parameterized EQU Directives

EQU directives can be parameterized:

PCGCHAR(label)  EQU     0x80 + (label - pcgdata) / 16


        LD HL,PCGCHAR(char2)

Parameterized equates can be overloaded based on the number of parameters. ie: multiple EQUs with the same name but a different number of parameters can be defined and the appropriate one will be used depending on how many parameters are specified where it's called.

Special Symbols

The $ symbol refers to the current instruction address:

        DJNZ    $           ; loop to self

In an EQU directive, the $ symbol resolves to the instruction address at the location the EQU was defined. eg: this works as expected

        incbin "levelData.bin"
levelDataSize EQU $-levelData

The $$ symbol also refers to the current instruction address, but when used in an EQU it resolves to the location the EQU is being invoked from - not the location where the EQU was originally defined.

The $ofs symbol refers to the current output position in the generated binary file. This can be used with the SEEK directive to position the output position (typically for patching imported incbin data). When used in EQU definitions, the $ofs is bound to the place where the EQU is defined - not where it's referenced from. The $$ofs symbol can be used to refer to the current output position of where the EQU is invoked from.

Conditional Compilation

The if, else, elseif and endif directives can be used to conditionally include code.

Use the --define command line switch to set symbols to be used during compilation. eg: suppose you want to use a common code base for multiple versions of a product you could compile different versions:

yaza myprogram.asm --define:targetMachine=MICROBEE --output:myprogram.microbee.bin
yaza myprogram.asm --define:targetMachine=TRS80 --output:myprogram.trs80.bin
TRS80       EQU     1

if targetMachine==TRS80

    ; code for TRS-80

elseif targetMachine==MICROBEE

    ; code for Microbee

elseif targetMachine==SORCERER

    ; code for Sorcerer


    error   "Unsupported machine"


Important: each branch of the if directive (even those that evaluate to false) must be syntactically correct - if directives can't be used to "commment out" invalid code.

PROC Directive

The PROC/ENDP directives can be used to define a local symbol scope.

In the following example, both functions have a local label loop that won't conflict because they're each within their own local PROC scope.

        LD  DE,0x1000
        DEC DE
        LD  A,D
        OR  E
        JR  NZ,loop

        LD  DE,0x2000
        DEC DE
        LD  A,D
        OR  E
        JR  NZ,loop

Note: although PROC's are typically used to define function scopes, they don't have to be. The label before PROC is optional and PROCs can even be nested if so desired. They're really just a scoping syntax and don't infer any other meaning.

MACRO Directive

Macros lets you define reusable pieces of code:

; Macro to zero fill memory
ZFILL(ptr,len) MACRO
    LD  HL,ptr
    LD  DE,ptr+1
    LD  BC,len-1
    LD  (HL),0

; Invoke Macro (NB: no parentheses to invoke macro)
ZFILL 0xF000, 0x400

Like parameterized EQU's, macros can be overridden based on the number of arguments. eg:

    PUSH r1
    PUSH r2

    PUSH r1
    PUSH r2
    PUSH r3

    SAVEREGS(ix,iy)     ; Will invoke the first macro
    SAVEREGS(ix,iy,hl)  ; Will invoke the second macro

Data Declaration Directives

Byte (8-bit) data can be declared with the BYTE, DB, DEFB, DM or DEFM (they're all functionally identical). Strings are emitted as UTF8:


For word (16-bit) data use the WORD, DW or DEFW directive:

SCORE:      DW  0

Using strings with 16-bit data emits UTF16:

            DW  "Hello World"           ; Will be emitted as UTF16

For uninitialized data, use the special value ?. Uninititalized data will generally be written to output as 0xFF except when the SEEK operator has been used to rewind the output position, in which case it leaves the underlying data unaffected.


For repeated data, use the DUP operator

SPACES:     DB 30 DUP ' '

or combine with the value concatenation operator ( ) to generate repeated patterns:

PATTERN:    DB 30 DUP (1,2,3)           // Repeat the values 1,2,3 for 30 times

See also STRUCT for initialization of structured data.

STRUCT Directives

The STRUCT directive can be used to define structured data:

    LEFT    DW  ?
    TOP     DW  ?
    WIDTH   DW  ?
    HEIGHT  DW  ?

You can use any form of the built-in type names. eg: this is equivalent:

    LEFT    WORD  ?
    TOP     WORD  ?
    WIDTH   WORD  ?

The fields of the the struct can be accessed from any expression and evaluate to the offset of the member field from the start of the struct:

    LD      A,RECT.TOP      ; equivalent to "LD A,2"

Structs are often used with the IX and IY registers:

    LD      IX,addressOfARectStructure

The sizeof operator can be used to get the size of a STRUCT:

    ; Move to next RECT
    LD		DE,sizeof(RECT)
    ADD		IX,DE

STRUCTs can be nested and declaration order doesn't matter:

    FRAME   BYTE    ?
    POS     COORD   ?           ; See below

    MODE    BYTE    ?
    POS     COORD   ?           ; See below

    X       BYTE    ?
    Y       BYTE    ?

    LD  A,(IX+ALIEN.POS.Y)      ; "LD A,(IX+2)"

STRUCTs can also contain array declarations using the DUP operator:

    NAME    DB      30 DUP ?    ; 30 characters for name
    SCORE   DW      ?

Note that all field declarations must be made using the uninitialized data value ?.

Declaring STRUCT Data

To declare STRUCT data, use the name of the structure and one or more initialization expressions.

For uninitialized data, use the special value ?. This reserves enough room for the structure

PlayerInfo:  PLAYER     ?

For zeroed data, use the value 0:

PlayerInfo:  PLAYER     0

To declare multiple consecutive instances, either separate values by commas:

Aliens:      ALIEN       ?,?,?,?     ; 4 uninitialized alien instances

Or, you can use the DUP operator

Aliens:      ALIEN       4 DUP 0     ; 4 zeroed alien instances

The [ ] operators can be used to declare ordered initialization data. There should be one element for each field in the target type:

PlayerInfo:  PLAYER     [ 2, [10, 20]]  ; frame = 2, POS.X = 10, POS.Y = 20

The { } operators can be used to declare named initialization data. You don't need to specify all members - unspecified members will be zero filled.

PlayerInfo:  PLAYER     { FRAME: 2, POS: { X: 20, Y: 30} }

You can combine the [ ] and { } operators, and you can split data declarations over multiple lines (although the opening [ or { must be on the same line as the struct type name)

PlayerInfo:  PLAYER     {   ; Named declaration
            FRAME: 2, 
            POS: [20,30]    ; Nested ordered declaration

To initialize array elements, use either a string:

    NAME    DB      30 DUP ?    ; 30 characters for name
    SCORE   DW      ?

HighScore: HIGHSCOREINFO [ "YAZA", 100 ]

or the DUP operator:

HighScore: HIGHSCOREINFO [ 10 DUP 'A', 100 ]

or the ( ) value concatenation operator:

HighScore: HIGHSCOREINFO [ (1,2,3), 100 ]

or a combination:

HighScore: HIGHSCOREINFO [ ("YAZA",3 DUP '!'), 100 ]

You don't need to specify values for every array element (the rest of the array will be filled with 0). Specifying too many initializers for an array will generate an error.

DS and DEFS Directives

You can reserve space for a specified number bytes with the DS or DEFS directive:

SCRATCHPAD: DS  1024            ; Same as "DB  1024 DUP ?"

And you can optionally initialize the data:

SCRATCHPAD: DS  1024,33         ; Same as "DB  1024 DUP 33"

INCLUDE and INCBIN Directives

The include directive brings in the contents of another asm file:

    include "definitions.asm"

The incbin embeds binary data from a file:

    incbin "levelmap.bin"

In both cases the included file is searched for relative to the file containing the include/incbin directive and if not found any directories specified by the --include command line option are searched.

DEFBITS and BITMAP Directives

The DEFBITS and BITMAP directives can be used to define bitmap style data directly in your source files. This can be used for defining PCG character sets, level maps or any other form of bitmap style data.

The directive works as follows:

  1. The DEFBITS directive is used to map a single character to a sequence of bits
  2. The BITMAP directive defines a set of strings using those defined characters to build up a "bitmap"
  3. YAZA breaks out a series of bytes from the assembled bitmap

The bitmap directive includes a block width and block height parameter that defines how the bitmaps is converted to bytes.


    DEFBITS "#", "1"            ; The # character will represent a one bit
    DEFBITS ".", "0"            ; The . character will represent a zero

    BITMAP  8,4                 ; How to break group the bits into bytes



The 8,4 parameters above specify how to break the bitmap pattern up into bytes. In this case the pattern will be broken into blocks of 8 x 4 so the first block would be the top left quarter of the bitmap (8 bits across, 4 rows):



These bits would the be converted to bytes:

    0xFF, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80

Then the next block to the right will be processed:



    0xFF, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01

This is repeated for all block divisions of the entire bitmap, producing the final result:

0xFF, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80,     // Top left quarter
0xFF, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,     // Top right quarter
0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0xFF,     // Bottom left 
0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0xFF,     // Bottom right

Note that the DEFBITS directive can define multiple bits:

    DEFBITS "R","0001"
    DEFBITS "G","0010"
    DEFBITS "B","0100"

    BITMAP 8,1

Instead of using a string bit pattern in DEFBITS, you can also use a bit width expression and value expression:

    DEFBITS "X", 4, 1          ; Equivalent to "0001" (value = 1, width = 4 bits)
    DEFBITS "Y", 4, 2          ; Equivalent to "0010"
    DEFBITS "Z", 4, 3          ; Equivalent to "0011"

Unlike other definitions and symbols, DEFBITS pattern can be redefined:

    DEFBITS "X", "10"           ; Original definition
    BITMAP 8,1

    DEFBITS "X", "01"           ; New definition
    BITMAP 8,1

Another example:

DEFBITS "#", "1"            ; The # character will represent a one bit
DEFBITS ".", "0"            ; The . character will represent a zero

BITMAP  1,8                 ; <== Note the block width of 1



Now each column represents a byte (with MSB bit at the top)

0xFF, 0x41, 0x41, 0xFF

Finally, the MSB/LSB parameter can be used to bit swap the generated bytes:

Another example:

BITMAP  8,1,LSB         ; LSB mean the first bits encountered are the LSB bits



Results in swapped bit order:

0xFF, 0x82, 0x82, 0xFF

ERROR and WARNING Directives

The ERROR and WARNING directives can be used to generate error and warning messages:

    ERROR "I refuse to compile"

    WARNING "This might crash"