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David Lu edited this page Jun 30, 2018 · 24 revisions

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Using paper.css and Pug to generate a static web page in a simple way. If you feel papoGen is good, hope you can give us a star!


papoGen is a static webpage's generator. To generate a webpage, you won't need to have web development experience. Only need do is know the format of Markdown, JSON and YAML. Then you can generate your own webpage by our pre-defined templates. Besides, if you want to design your own style of web page, you can also develop your own template by papoGen without having too much time. papoGen is developed by Toolbuddy. If you have like papoGen or our other tools, please give us a star! If you have any problem or suggestion, please feel free to contact us. We'd love to help you.

Quick Usage

  1. Installation
    » [sudo] npm install papogen -g
    • Helping Manual: List out all currently support.
      • Explains each parameter we support currently!
      • See more in here.
  2. Generation
    » papogen -s test/ -o docs/ -t papoGen -m doc

使用說明 - 中文詳細版本


  • The papoGen document (i.e., demo page) is generated by papoGen!
    • Using JSON files under the folder test/
      • In test/, there are several categories of scripts, which are in their own directory.
      • Besides, in their directory explains the format we supported.
    • View more:
  • Generating by script template
    • Using -h to list the last part of all supporting scripts.
    • Using papogen -c <script>/<format_1>/<format_2>/... -o <output> to generate our template file.
      • <script> is the blue one. (in -h output message)
      • <format> is the grey one. (in -h output message)
        • Version after 0.0.12 support several templates specified by using / to separate each format.
        • You can use json/all to get all currently supported copy to target the output directory.
  • Checking our example/ to see more!
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