diff --git a/inc/notificationtargetcase.class.php b/inc/notificationtargetcase.class.php
index 7e74e32..d42fb16 100644
--- a/inc/notificationtargetcase.class.php
+++ b/inc/notificationtargetcase.class.php
@@ -1,120 +1,137 @@
- __('Send email', 'processmaker')];
- }
- /**
- * Summary of addAdditionalTargets
- * @param mixed $event
- */
- function addAdditionalTargets($event = '') {
- $this->notification_targets = [];
- $this->notification_targets_labels = [];
- $this->addTarget(self::RECIPIENTS, __('eMail recipients', 'processmaker'), self::EMAIL_RECIPIENTS);
- }
- /**
- * Summary of addSpecificTargets
- * @param mixed $data
- * @param mixed $options
- */
- function addSpecificTargets($data, $options) {
- // test if we are in the good notification
- // then in this case add the targets from the ['recipients']
- if (isset($options['glpi_send_email'])) {
- // normalize $options['glpi_send_email'] to an array of email parameters
- $options['glpi_send_email'] = isset($options['glpi_send_email']['notifications_id']) ? [$options['glpi_send_email']] : $options['glpi_send_email'];
- foreach($options['glpi_send_email'] as $params) {
- if (isset($params['notifications_id'])
- && $params['notifications_id'] == $data['notifications_id']) {
- //Look for all targets whose type is Notification::ITEM_USER
- switch ($data['type']) {
- case self::EMAIL_RECIPIENTS:
- switch ($data['items_id']) {
- case self::RECIPIENTS :
- $this->addUsers($params);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // if no target is added to $this, then the notification will not be sent.
- }
- /**
- * Add users from $options['glpi_send_email']['to']
- *
- * @param array $email_param should contain 'recipients'
- *
- * @return void
- */
- function addUsers($email_param = []) {
- global $DB, $CFG_GLPI;
- if (isset($email_param['recipients'])) {
- $id_list = []; // for users with ids
- $email_list = []; // for standalone emails
- // normalize into array the recipient list
- $email_param['recipients'] = is_array($email_param['recipients']) ? $email_param['recipients'] : [$email_param['recipients']];
- foreach ($email_param['recipients'] as $user) {
- if (is_numeric($user)) {
- $id_list[] = intval($user);
- } else {
- $email_list[] = $user;
- }
- }
- $query = $this->getDistinctUserSql()."
- FROM `glpi_users` ".
- $this->getProfileJoinSql()."
- WHERE `glpi_users`.`id` IN (".implode(',', $id_list).")";
- foreach ($DB->request($query) as $data) {
- $this->addToRecipientsList($data);
- }
- foreach($email_list as $email){
- $this->addToRecipientsList([
- 'email' => $email,
- 'language' => $CFG_GLPI["language"],
- 'users_id' => -1
- ]);
- }
- }
- }
+ __('Send email', 'processmaker')];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Summary of addAdditionalTargets
+ * @param mixed $event
+ */
+ function addAdditionalTargets($event = '') {
+ $this->notification_targets = [];
+ $this->notification_targets_labels = [];
+ $this->addTarget(self::RECIPIENTS, __('eMail recipients', 'processmaker'), self::EMAIL_RECIPIENTS);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Summary of addSpecificTargets
+ * @param mixed $data
+ * @param mixed $options
+ */
+ function addSpecificTargets($data, $options) {
+ // test if we are in the good notification
+ // then in this case add the targets from the ['recipients']
+ if (isset($options['glpi_send_email'])) {
+ // normalize $options['glpi_send_email'] to an array of email parameters
+ $options['glpi_send_email'] = isset($options['glpi_send_email']['notifications_id']) ? [$options['glpi_send_email']] : $options['glpi_send_email'];
+ foreach($options['glpi_send_email'] as $params) {
+ if (isset($params['notifications_id'])
+ && $params['notifications_id'] == $data['notifications_id']) {
+ //Look for all targets whose type is Notification::ITEM_USER
+ switch ($data['type']) {
+ case self::EMAIL_RECIPIENTS:
+ switch ($data['items_id']) {
+ case self::RECIPIENTS :
+ $this->addUsers($params);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // if no target is added to $this, then the notification will not be sent.
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add users from $email_param['recipients']
+ *
+ * @param array $email_param should contain 'recipients'
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ function addUsers($email_param = []) {
+ global $DB, $CFG_GLPI;
+ if (isset($email_param['recipients'])) {
+ $id_list = []; // for users with ids
+ $email_list = []; // for standalone emails
+ // normalize into array the recipient list
+ $email_param['recipients'] = is_array($email_param['recipients']) ? $email_param['recipients'] : [$email_param['recipients']];
+ foreach ($email_param['recipients'] as $user) {
+ if (is_numeric($user)) {
+ $id_list[] = intval($user);
+ } else {
+ $email_list[] = $user;
+ }
+ }
+ $user = new User();
+ foreach ($id_list as $users_id) {
+ if ($user->getFromDB($users_id)) {
+ $author_email = UserEmail::getDefaultForUser($user->fields['id']);
+ $author_lang = $user->fields["language"];
+ $author_id = $user->fields['id'];
+ if (empty($author_lang)) {
+ $author_lang = $CFG_GLPI["language"];
+ }
+ if (empty($author_id)) {
+ $author_id = -1;
+ }
+ $user = [
+ 'language' => $author_lang,
+ 'users_id' => $author_id
+ ];
+ if ($this->isMailMode()) {
+ $user['email'] = $author_email;
+ }
+ $this->addToRecipientsList($user);
+ }
+ }
+ foreach($email_list as $email){
+ $this->addToRecipientsList([
+ 'email' => $email,
+ 'language' => $CFG_GLPI["language"],
+ 'users_id' => -1
+ ]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/inc/notificationtargetprocessmaker.class.php b/inc/notificationtargetprocessmaker.class.php
index cb11f33..fb23e74 100644
--- a/inc/notificationtargetprocessmaker.class.php
+++ b/inc/notificationtargetprocessmaker.class.php
@@ -1,225 +1,227 @@
- __('Process category', 'processmaker'),
- 'process.categoryid' => __('Process category id', 'processmaker'),
- 'process.categorycomment' => __('Process category comment', 'processmaker'),
- 'case.id' => __('Case id', 'processmaker'),
- 'case.title' => __('Case title', 'processmaker'),
- 'case.description' => __('Case description', 'processmaker'),
- 'case.url' => __('Case URL'),
- 'var.XXX' => __('Case variable \'XXX\'', 'processmaker'),
- 'array.YYY' => __('List of values in \'YYY\' array', 'processmaker'),
- 'array.numberofYYY' => __('Number of rows in \'YYY\' array', 'processmaker'),
- 'array.YYY.colname' => __('Value for colname in \'YYY\' array', 'processmaker'),
- '1darray.ZZZ.key' => __('Value for key in \'ZZZ\' assoc array (1-dimension array)', 'processmaker'),
- 'item.type' => __('Item type', 'processmaker'),
- 'item.id' => __('Item id', 'processmaker'),
- 'item.url' => __('Item URL', 'processmaker'),
- 'item.title' => __('Item title', 'processmaker')
- ];
- foreach ($tags as $tag => $label) {
- $elt= ['tag' => $tag,
- 'label' => $label,
- 'value' => true];
- if ($tag == 'var.XXX') {
- $elt['allowed_values'] = [__('XXX is to be replaced by any case variable names', 'processmaker')];
- }
- if ($tag == 'array.YYY') {
- $elt['allowed_values'] = [__('YYY is to be replaced by any array variables', 'processmaker')];
- $elt['foreach'] = true;
- }
- if ($tag == '1darray.ZZZ.key') {
- $elt['allowed_values'] = [__('ZZZ is to be replaced by any assoc array variables (1-dimension array with key/value pairs)', 'processmaker')];
- }
- $this->addTagToList($elt);
- }
- asort($this->tag_descriptions);
- }
- /**
- * Get all data needed for template processing
- **/
- public function addDataForTemplate($event, $options = []) {
- global $CFG_GLPI, $PM_DB;
- $excluded = ['_VAR_CHANGED_',
- 'PIN',
- 'TASK',
- 'INDEX',
- 'GLPI_.*',
- 'SYS_.*'
- ];
- $process = new PluginProcessmakerProcess;
- $process->getFromDB($options['case']->fields['plugin_processmaker_processes_id']);
- $taskcat_id = $process->fields['taskcategories_id'];
- // get case variable values
- $res = $PM_DB->query("SELECT APP_DATA, APP_TITLE, APP_DESCRIPTION FROM APPLICATION WHERE APP_NUMBER = ".$options['case']->fields['id']);
- if ($res && $PM_DB->numrows($res) == 1) {
- // get all the case variables from $PM_DB
- $caserow = $PM_DB->fetch_assoc($res);
- $case_variables = unserialize($caserow['APP_DATA']);
- $excluded_re = '/^(' . implode('|', $excluded) . ')$/u';
- foreach ($case_variables as $key => $val) {
- if (!preg_match($excluded_re, $key)) {
- if (is_array($val)) {
- // add numberof for count of rows
- $this->data["##array.numberof$key##"] = count($val);
- // get the keys/vals of the sub-array
- foreach ($val as $attribute => $row) {
- if (is_array($row)) {
- $index = isset($this->data["array.$key"]) ? count($this->data["array.$key"]) : 0;
- foreach ($row as $col_name => $col_val) {
- $this->data["array.$key"][$index]["##array.$key.$col_name##"] = $col_val;
- $this->data["##lang.array.$key.$col_name##"] = $col_name;
- }
- } else {
- $this->data["1darray.$key"]["##array.$key.$attribute##"] = $row;
- $this->data["##lang.1darray.$key.$attribute##"] = $attribute;
- }
- }
- } else {
- $this->data["##var.$key##"] = $val;
- $this->data["##lang.var.$key##"] = $key;
- }
- }
- }
- $this->data['##case.title##'] = $caserow['APP_TITLE'];
- $this->data['##case.description##'] = $caserow['APP_DESCRIPTION'];
- }
- // case id
- $this->data['##case.id##'] = $options['case']->fields['id'];
- // case URL
- $this->data['##case.url##'] = $this->formatURL($options['additionnaloption']['usertype'],
- urlencode(urlencode($CFG_GLPI["url_base"] .
- PluginProcessmakerCase::getFormURLWithID($options['case']->fields['id'], false))));
- // parent task information: meta data on process
- // will get parent of task which is the process task category
- $tmp_taskcatinfo['name'] = DropdownTranslation::getTranslatedValue($taskcat_id, 'TaskCategory', 'name');
- $tmp_taskcatinfo['comment'] = DropdownTranslation::getTranslatedValue($taskcat_id, 'TaskCategory', 'comment');
- // process title
- $this->data['##process.categoryid##'] = $taskcat_id;
- $this->data['##process.category##'] = $tmp_taskcatinfo['name'];
- $this->data['##process.categorycomment##'] = $tmp_taskcatinfo['comment'];
- // add information about item that hosts the case
- $item = new $options['case']->fields['itemtype'];
- $item->getFromDB($options['case']->fields['items_id']);
- $this->data['##item.type##'] = $item->getTypeName(1);
- $this->data['##item.id##'] = sprintf("%07d", $options['case']->fields['items_id']); // to have items_id with 7 digits with leading 0
- $this->data['##item.url##'] = $this->formatURL($options['additionnaloption']['usertype'],
- urlencode(urlencode($CFG_GLPI["url_base"] .
- $item::getFormURLWithID($options['case']->fields['items_id'], false))));
- $this->data['##item.title##'] = HTML::entities_deep($item->fields['name']);
- // add labels to tags that are not set
- $this->getTags();
- foreach ($this->tag_descriptions[NotificationTarget::TAG_LANGUAGE] as $tag => $values) {
- if (!isset($this->data[$tag])) {
- $this->data[$tag] = $values['label'];
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Get header to add to content
- **/
- function getContentHeader() {
- if ($this->getMode() == \Notification_NotificationTemplate::MODE_MAIL
- && MailCollector::getNumberOfActiveMailCollectors()
- ) {
- return NotificationTargetTicket::HEADERTAG.' '.__('To answer by email, write above this line').' '.
- NotificationTargetTicket::HEADERTAG;
- }
- return '';
- }
- /**
- * Get footer to add to content
- **/
- function getContentFooter() {
- if ($this->getMode() == \Notification_NotificationTemplate::MODE_MAIL
- && MailCollector::getNumberOfActiveMailCollectors()
- ) {
- return NotificationTargetTicket::FOOTERTAG.' '.__('To answer by email, write under this line').' '.
- NotificationTargetTicket::FOOTERTAG;
- }
- return '';
- }
+ __('Process category', 'processmaker'),
+ 'process.categoryid' => __('Process category id', 'processmaker'),
+ 'process.categorycomment' => __('Process category comment', 'processmaker'),
+ 'case.id' => __('Case id', 'processmaker'),
+ 'case.title' => __('Case title', 'processmaker'),
+ 'case.description' => __('Case description', 'processmaker'),
+ 'case.url' => __('Case URL'),
+ 'var.XXX' => __('Case variable \'XXX\'', 'processmaker'),
+ 'array.YYY' => __('List of values in \'YYY\' array', 'processmaker'),
+ 'array.numberofYYY' => __('Number of rows in \'YYY\' array', 'processmaker'),
+ 'array.YYY.colname' => __('Value for colname in \'YYY\' array', 'processmaker'),
+ '1darray.ZZZ.key' => __('Value for key in \'ZZZ\' assoc array (1-dimension array)', 'processmaker'),
+ 'item.type' => __('Item type', 'processmaker'),
+ 'item.id' => __('Item id', 'processmaker'),
+ 'item.url' => __('Item URL', 'processmaker'),
+ 'item.title' => __('Item title', 'processmaker')
+ ];
+ foreach ($tags as $tag => $label) {
+ $elt= ['tag' => $tag,
+ 'label' => $label,
+ 'value' => true];
+ if ($tag == 'var.XXX') {
+ $elt['allowed_values'] = [__('XXX is to be replaced by any case variable names', 'processmaker')];
+ }
+ if ($tag == 'array.YYY') {
+ $elt['allowed_values'] = [__('YYY is to be replaced by any array variables', 'processmaker')];
+ $elt['foreach'] = true;
+ }
+ if ($tag == '1darray.ZZZ.key') {
+ $elt['allowed_values'] = [__('ZZZ is to be replaced by any assoc array variables (1-dimension array with key/value pairs)', 'processmaker')];
+ }
+ $this->addTagToList($elt);
+ }
+ asort($this->tag_descriptions);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get all data needed for template processing
+ **/
+ public function addDataForTemplate($event, $options = []) {
+ global $CFG_GLPI, $PM_DB;
+ $excluded = ['_VAR_CHANGED_',
+ 'PIN',
+ 'TASK',
+ 'INDEX',
+ 'GLPI_.*',
+ 'SYS_.*'
+ ];
+ $process = new PluginProcessmakerProcess;
+ $process->getFromDB($options['case']->fields['plugin_processmaker_processes_id']);
+ $taskcat_id = $process->fields['taskcategories_id'];
+ // get case variable values
+ $res = $PM_DB->query("SELECT APP_DATA, APP_TITLE, APP_DESCRIPTION FROM APPLICATION WHERE APP_NUMBER = ".$options['case']->fields['id']);
+ if ($res && $PM_DB->numrows($res) == 1) {
+ // get all the case variables from $PM_DB
+ $caserow = $PM_DB->fetchAssoc($res);
+ $case_variables = unserialize($caserow['APP_DATA']);
+ $excluded_re = '/^(' . implode('|', $excluded) . ')$/u';
+ foreach ($case_variables as $key => $val) {
+ if (!preg_match($excluded_re, $key)) {
+ if (is_array($val)) {
+ // add numberof for count of rows
+ $this->data["##array.numberof$key##"] = count($val);
+ // get the keys/vals of the sub-array
+ foreach ($val as $attribute => $row) {
+ if (is_array($row)) {
+ $index = isset($this->data["array.$key"]) ? count($this->data["array.$key"]) : 0;
+ foreach ($row as $col_name => $col_val) {
+ $this->data["array.$key"][$index]["##array.$key.$col_name##"] = $col_val;
+ $this->data["##lang.array.$key.$col_name##"] = $col_name;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $this->data["1darray.$key"]["##array.$key.$attribute##"] = $row;
+ $this->data["##lang.1darray.$key.$attribute##"] = $attribute;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $this->data["##var.$key##"] = $val;
+ $this->data["##lang.var.$key##"] = $key;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $this->data['##case.title##'] = $caserow['APP_TITLE'];
+ $this->data['##case.description##'] = $caserow['APP_DESCRIPTION'];
+ }
+ // case id
+ $this->data['##case.id##'] = $options['case']->fields['id'];
+ // case URL
+ $this->data['##case.url##'] = $this->formatURL($options['additionnaloption']['usertype'],
+ urlencode(urlencode($CFG_GLPI["url_base"] .
+ PluginProcessmakerCase::getFormURLWithID($options['case']->fields['id'], false))));
+ // parent task information: meta data on process
+ // will get parent of task which is the process task category
+ $tmp_taskcatinfo['name'] = DropdownTranslation::getTranslatedValue($taskcat_id, 'TaskCategory', 'name');
+ $tmp_taskcatinfo['comment'] = DropdownTranslation::getTranslatedValue($taskcat_id, 'TaskCategory', 'comment');
+ // process title
+ $this->data['##process.categoryid##'] = $taskcat_id;
+ $this->data['##process.category##'] = $tmp_taskcatinfo['name'];
+ $this->data['##process.categorycomment##'] = $tmp_taskcatinfo['comment'];
+ // add information about item that hosts the case
+ $item = new $options['case']->fields['itemtype'];
+ $item->getFromDB($options['case']->fields['items_id']);
+ $this->data['##item.type##'] = $item->getTypeName(1);
+ $this->data['##item.id##'] = sprintf("%07d", $options['case']->fields['items_id']); // to have items_id with 7 digits with leading 0
+ $this->data['##item.url##'] = $this->formatURL($options['additionnaloption']['usertype'],
+ urlencode(urlencode($CFG_GLPI["url_base"] .
+ $item::getFormURLWithID($options['case']->fields['items_id'], false))));
+ $this->data['##item.title##'] = HTML::entities_deep($item->fields['name']);
+ // add labels to tags that are not set
+ $this->getTags();
+ foreach ($this->tag_descriptions[NotificationTarget::TAG_LANGUAGE] as $tag => $values) {
+ if (!isset($this->data[$tag])) {
+ $this->data[$tag] = $values['label'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get header to add to content
+ **/
+ function getContentHeader() {
+ if ($this->getMode() == \Notification_NotificationTemplate::MODE_MAIL
+ && MailCollector::countActiveCollectors()
+ && $this->allowResponse()
+ ) {
+ return NotificationTargetTicket::HEADERTAG.' '.__('To answer by email, write above this line').' '.
+ NotificationTargetTicket::HEADERTAG;
+ }
+ return '';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get footer to add to content
+ **/
+ function getContentFooter() {
+ if ($this->getMode() == \Notification_NotificationTemplate::MODE_MAIL
+ && MailCollector::countActiveCollectors()
+ && $this->allowResponse()
+ ) {
+ return NotificationTargetTicket::FOOTERTAG.' '.__('To answer by email, write under this line').' '.
+ NotificationTargetTicket::FOOTERTAG;
+ }
+ return '';
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/inc/notificationtargettask.class.php b/inc/notificationtargettask.class.php
index 1deff80..1e34dda 100644
--- a/inc/notificationtargettask.class.php
+++ b/inc/notificationtargettask.class.php
@@ -1,327 +1,343 @@
- ['event' => 'task_add_', 'label' => __('Task add'), 'glpi' => 'add_task'],
- 'task_reassign' => ['event' => 'task_reassign_', 'label' => __('Task re-assign'), 'glpi' => 'update_task'],
- 'task_unclaim' => ['event' => 'task_unclaim_', 'label' => __('Task un-claim'), 'glpi' => 'update_task'],
- 'task_done' => ['event' => 'task_done_', 'label' => __('Task done'), 'glpi' => 'update_task'],
- 'task_reminder' => ['event' => 'task_reminder_', 'label' => __('Task reminder'), 'glpi' => 'update_task']
- ];
- }
- /**
- * Summary of getDefaultGLPIEvents
- * Will return the GLPI default task event matching a self type
- * @param string $type
- * @return string
- */
- static function getDefaultGLPIEvents($type) {
- $events = self::getDefaultEvents();
- return $events[$type]['glpi'];
- }
- /**
- * Summary of getNotification
- * @param mixed $evt
- * @param mixed $taskcat
- * @param mixed $entity
- * @return array
- */
- static function getNotifications($evt, $taskcat, $entity) {
- // search if at least one active notification is existing for that pm task with that event 'task_update_'.$glpi_task->fields['taskcategories_id']
- $defaultEvents = self::getDefaultEvents();
- $event = $defaultEvents[$evt]['event'].$taskcat;
- $dbu = new DbUtils;
- $crit = $dbu->getEntitiesRestrictCriteria(Notification::getTable(), 'entities_id', $entity, true);
- return ['event' => $event, 'notifications' => $dbu->getAllDataFromTable(Notification::getTable(), ['itemtype' => 'PluginProcessmakerTask', 'event' => $event, 'is_active' => 1, $crit])];
- }
- /**
- * Summary of getEvents
- * @return string[]
- */
- public function getEvents() {
- global $DB;
- $actions = [];
- $defaultEvents = self::getDefaultEvents();
- $table = PluginProcessmakerTaskCategory::getTable();
- $ptable = PluginProcessmakerProcess::getTable();
- $query = "SELECT $table.taskcategories_id AS taskcat, $ptable.taskcategories_id AS ptaskcat FROM $table
- LEFT JOIN $ptable ON $ptable.id=$table.plugin_processmaker_processes_id";
- $ptaskcats = [];
- $temp = new TaskCategory;
- foreach ($DB->request($query) as $row) {
- if (!isset($ptaskcats[$row['ptaskcat']])) {
- $temp->getFromDB($row['ptaskcat']);
- $ptaskcats[$row['ptaskcat']] = $temp->fields['name'];
- }
- $temp->getFromDB($row['taskcat']);
- foreach($defaultEvents as $events) {
- $actions[$events['event'].$row['taskcat']] = $ptaskcats[$row['ptaskcat']]." > ".$temp->fields['name'].": " . $events['label'];
- }
- }
- return $actions;
- }
- /**
- * Get all data needed for template processing
- **/
- public function addDataForTemplate($event, $options = []) {
- global $PM_DB, $CFG_GLPI;
- if (!isset($options['case']) || $options['case'] == null) {
- $mycase = new PluginProcessmakerCase;
- $mycase->getFromDB($options['plugin_processmaker_cases_id']);
- $options['case'] = $mycase;
- }
- parent::addDataForTemplate($event, $options);
- $events = self::getDefaultEvents();
- $locevent = explode('_', $event);
- $baseevent = $locevent[0].'_'.$locevent[1];
- $taskcat_id = $locevent[2];
- // task action: add, update or done
- $this->data['##task.action##'] = $events[$baseevent]['label'];
- // task category information: meta data on task
- $tmp_taskcatinfo['name'] = DropdownTranslation::getTranslatedValue($taskcat_id, 'TaskCategory', 'name');
- $tmp_taskcatinfo['comment'] = DropdownTranslation::getTranslatedValue($taskcat_id, 'TaskCategory', 'comment');
- $this->data['##task.categoryid##'] = $taskcat_id;
- $this->data['##task.category##'] = $tmp_taskcatinfo['name'];
- $this->data['##task.categorycomment##'] = $tmp_taskcatinfo['comment'];
- // task information
- $taskobj = $this->obj;
- // del index
- $this->data['##task.delindex##'] = $taskobj->fields['del_index'];
- // is private?
- $this->data['##task.isprivate##'] = Dropdown::getYesNo(false);
- if ($taskobj->maybePrivate()) {
- $this->data['##task.isprivate##'] = Dropdown::getYesNo($taskobj->fields['is_private']);
- }
- // status
- $this->data['##task.status##'] = Planning::getState($taskobj->fields['state']);
- // creation date
- $this->data['##task.date##'] = Html::convDateTime($taskobj->fields['date_creation']);
- // update date
- $this->data['##task.update##'] = Html::convDateTime($taskobj->fields['date_mod']);
- // content: don't know if this could be interesting
- $this->data['##task.description##'] = $taskobj->fields['content'];
- // task creator
- // should always be Process Maker user
- $dbu = new DbUtils();
- $this->data['##task.author##'] = Html::clean($dbu->getUserName($taskobj->fields['users_id']));
- // task editor
- $this->data['##task.lastupdater##'] = Html::clean($dbu->getUserName($taskobj->fields['users_id_editor']));
- // task technician
- $this->data['##task.user##'] = '';
- $this->data['##task.user.login##'] = ''; // by default
- $tech = new User;
- if ($taskobj->fields['users_id_tech'] > 0
- && $tech->getFromDB($taskobj->fields['users_id_tech'])) {
- $this->data['##task.user##'] = Html::clean($dbu->getUserName($taskobj->fields['users_id_tech']));
- $this->data['##task.user.login##'] = $tech->fields['name'];
- }
- $oldtech = new User;
- if (isset($options['old_users_id_tech'])
- && $options['old_users_id_tech'] > 0
- && $oldtech->getFromDB($options['old_users_id_tech'])) {
- $this->data['##task.former.user##'] = Html::clean($dbu->getUserName($options['old_users_id_tech']));
- $this->data['##task.former.user.login##'] = $oldtech->fields['name'];
- }
- // task group technician
- $this->data['##task.group##'] = Html::clean(Toolbox::clean_cross_side_scripting_deep(Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_groups", $taskobj->fields['groups_id_tech'])), true, 2, false);
- // task planning
- $this->data['##task.begin##'] = '';
- $this->data['##task.end##'] = '';
- if (!is_null($taskobj->fields['begin'])) {
- $this->data['##task.begin##'] = Html::convDateTime($taskobj->fields['begin']);
- $this->data['##task.end##'] = Html::convDateTime($taskobj->fields['end']);
- }
- // task duration
- $this->data['##task.time##'] = Html::timestampToString($taskobj->fields['actiontime'], false);
- // add labels to tags that are not set
- $this->getTags();
- foreach ($this->tag_descriptions[NotificationTarget::TAG_LANGUAGE] as $tag => $values) {
- if (!isset($this->data[$tag])) {
- $this->data[$tag] = $values['label'];
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Summary of getTags
- */
- public function getTags() {
- parent::getTags();
- $tags = ['task.action' => __('Task action', 'processmaker'),
- 'task.author' => __('Writer'),
- 'task.isprivate' => __('Private'),
- 'task.date' => __('Opening date'),
- 'task.description' => __('Description'),
- 'task.categoryid' => __('Category id'),
- 'task.category' => __('Category'),
- 'task.categorycomment' => __('Category comment'),
- 'task.time' => __('Total duration'),
- 'task.user' => __('User assigned to task'),
- 'task.user.login' => __('User login assigned to task'),
- 'task.former.user' => __('Former user assigned to task'),
- 'task.former.user.login' => __('Former user login assigned to task'),
- 'task.group' => __('Group assigned to task'),
- 'task.begin' => __('Start date'),
- 'task.end' => __('End date'),
- 'task.status' => __('Status'),
- 'task.lastupdater' => __('Last updater'),
- 'task.update' => __('Last update'),
- 'task.delindex' => __('Delegation index')
- ];
- foreach ($tags as $tag => $label) {
- $elt= ['tag' => $tag,
- 'label' => $label,
- 'value' => true];
- $this->addTagToList($elt);
- }
- asort($this->tag_descriptions);
- }
- /**
- * Summary of addAdditionalTargets
- * @param mixed $event
- */
- function addAdditionalTargets($event = '') {
- $this->addTarget(Notification::TASK_ASSIGN_TECH, __('Technician in charge of the task'));
- $this->addTarget(Notification::TASK_ASSIGN_GROUP, __('Group in charge of the task'));
- $this->addTarget(Notification::OBSERVER_GROUP, __('Watcher group'));
- $this->addTarget(Notification::OBSERVER, __('Watcher'));
- $this->addTarget(Notification::AUTHOR, __('Requester'), PluginProcessmakerNotificationTargetProcessmaker::PM_USER_TYPE);
- if (strpos($event, 'task_update_') === 0) {
- $this->addTarget(Notification::OLD_TECH_IN_CHARGE,
- __('Former technician in charge of the task'));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Summary of addSpecificTargets
- * @param mixed $data
- * @param mixed $options
- */
- function addSpecificTargets($data, $options) {
- $obj = $this->obj;
- $this->obj = $options['obj'];
- switch ($data['type']) {
- case PluginProcessmakerNotificationTargetProcessmaker::PM_USER_TYPE :
- switch ($data['items_id']) {
- //Send to the requester of the ITIL object
- case Notification::AUTHOR :
- $this->addItemAuthor();
- break;
- }
- break;
- case Notification::USER_TYPE :
- switch ($data['items_id']) {
- //Notification to the ITIL object's observer group
- case Notification::OBSERVER_GROUP :
- $this->addLinkedGroupByType(CommonITILActor::OBSERVER);
- break;
- //Notification to the ITIL object's observer user
- case Notification::OBSERVER :
- $this->addLinkedUserByType(CommonITILActor::OBSERVER);
- break;
- //Send to the ITIL object followup author
- case Notification::TASK_ASSIGN_TECH :
- $this->addTaskAssignUser($options);
- break;
- //Send to the ITIL object task group assigned
- case Notification::TASK_ASSIGN_GROUP :
- $this->addTaskAssignGroup($options);
- break;
- //Send to the technician previously in charge of the task (before re-assignment)
- case Notification::OLD_TECH_IN_CHARGE :
- $this->addOldAssignTechnician($options);
- break;
- }
- }
- $this->obj = $obj;
- }
- /**
- * Summary of addOldAssignTechnician
- * @param $options
- */
- function addOldAssignTechnician($options = []) {
- global $DB;
- // In case of delete task pass user id
- if (isset($options['old_users_id_tech'])) {
- $query = $this->getDistinctUserSql()."
- FROM `glpi_users` ".
- $this->getProfileJoinSql()."
- WHERE `glpi_users`.`id` = '".$options['old_users_id_tech']."'";
- foreach ($DB->request($query) as $data) {
- $this->addToRecipientsList($data);
- }
- }
- }
+ ['event' => 'task_add_', 'label' => __('Task add'), 'glpi' => 'add_task'],
+ 'task_reassign' => ['event' => 'task_reassign_', 'label' => __('Task re-assign'), 'glpi' => 'update_task'],
+ 'task_unclaim' => ['event' => 'task_unclaim_', 'label' => __('Task un-claim'), 'glpi' => 'update_task'],
+ 'task_done' => ['event' => 'task_done_', 'label' => __('Task done'), 'glpi' => 'update_task'],
+ 'task_reminder' => ['event' => 'task_reminder_', 'label' => __('Task reminder'), 'glpi' => 'update_task']
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Summary of getDefaultGLPIEvents
+ * Will return the GLPI default task event matching a self type
+ * @param string $type
+ * @return string
+ */
+ static function getDefaultGLPIEvents($type) {
+ $events = self::getDefaultEvents();
+ return $events[$type]['glpi'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Summary of getNotification
+ * @param mixed $evt
+ * @param mixed $taskcat
+ * @param mixed $entity
+ * @return array
+ */
+ static function getNotifications($evt, $taskcat, $entity) {
+ // search if at least one active notification is existing for that pm task with that event 'task_update_'.$glpi_task->fields['taskcategories_id']
+ $defaultEvents = self::getDefaultEvents();
+ $event = $defaultEvents[$evt]['event'].$taskcat;
+ $dbu = new DbUtils;
+ $crit = $dbu->getEntitiesRestrictCriteria(Notification::getTable(), 'entities_id', $entity, true);
+ return ['event' => $event, 'notifications' => $dbu->getAllDataFromTable(Notification::getTable(), ['itemtype' => 'PluginProcessmakerTask', 'event' => $event, 'is_active' => 1, $crit])];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Summary of getEvents
+ * @return string[]
+ */
+ public function getEvents() {
+ global $DB;
+ $actions = [];
+ $defaultEvents = self::getDefaultEvents();
+ $table = PluginProcessmakerTaskCategory::getTable();
+ $ptable = PluginProcessmakerProcess::getTable();
+ $query = "SELECT $table.taskcategories_id AS taskcat, $ptable.taskcategories_id AS ptaskcat FROM $table
+ LEFT JOIN $ptable ON $ptable.id=$table.plugin_processmaker_processes_id";
+ $ptaskcats = [];
+ $temp = new TaskCategory;
+ foreach ($DB->request($query) as $row) {
+ if (!isset($ptaskcats[$row['ptaskcat']])) {
+ $temp->getFromDB($row['ptaskcat']);
+ $ptaskcats[$row['ptaskcat']] = $temp->fields['name'];
+ }
+ $temp->getFromDB($row['taskcat']);
+ foreach($defaultEvents as $events) {
+ $actions[$events['event'].$row['taskcat']] = $ptaskcats[$row['ptaskcat']]." > ".$temp->fields['name'].": " . $events['label'];
+ }
+ }
+ return $actions;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get all data needed for template processing
+ **/
+ public function addDataForTemplate($event, $options = []) {
+ global $PM_DB, $CFG_GLPI;
+ if (!isset($options['case']) || $options['case'] == null) {
+ $mycase = new PluginProcessmakerCase;
+ $mycase->getFromDB($options['plugin_processmaker_cases_id']);
+ $options['case'] = $mycase;
+ }
+ parent::addDataForTemplate($event, $options);
+ $events = self::getDefaultEvents();
+ $locevent = explode('_', $event);
+ $baseevent = $locevent[0].'_'.$locevent[1];
+ $taskcat_id = $locevent[2];
+ // task action: add, update or done
+ $this->data['##task.action##'] = $events[$baseevent]['label'];
+ // task category information: meta data on task
+ $tmp_taskcatinfo['name'] = DropdownTranslation::getTranslatedValue($taskcat_id, 'TaskCategory', 'name');
+ $tmp_taskcatinfo['comment'] = DropdownTranslation::getTranslatedValue($taskcat_id, 'TaskCategory', 'comment');
+ $this->data['##task.categoryid##'] = $taskcat_id;
+ $this->data['##task.category##'] = $tmp_taskcatinfo['name'];
+ $this->data['##task.categorycomment##'] = $tmp_taskcatinfo['comment'];
+ // task information
+ $taskobj = $this->obj;
+ // del index
+ $this->data['##task.delindex##'] = $taskobj->fields['del_index'];
+ // is private?
+ $this->data['##task.isprivate##'] = Dropdown::getYesNo(false);
+ if ($taskobj->maybePrivate()) {
+ $this->data['##task.isprivate##'] = Dropdown::getYesNo($taskobj->fields['is_private']);
+ }
+ // status
+ $this->data['##task.status##'] = Planning::getState($taskobj->fields['state']);
+ // creation date
+ $this->data['##task.date##'] = Html::convDateTime($taskobj->fields['date_creation']);
+ // update date
+ $this->data['##task.update##'] = Html::convDateTime($taskobj->fields['date_mod']);
+ // content: don't know if this could be interesting
+ $this->data['##task.description##'] = $taskobj->fields['content'];
+ // task creator
+ // should always be Process Maker user
+ $dbu = new DbUtils();
+ $this->data['##task.author##'] = Html::clean($dbu->getUserName($taskobj->fields['users_id']));
+ // task editor
+ $this->data['##task.lastupdater##'] = Html::clean($dbu->getUserName($taskobj->fields['users_id_editor']));
+ // task technician
+ $this->data['##task.user##'] = '';
+ $this->data['##task.user.login##'] = ''; // by default
+ $tech = new User;
+ if ($taskobj->fields['users_id_tech'] > 0
+ && $tech->getFromDB($taskobj->fields['users_id_tech'])) {
+ $this->data['##task.user##'] = Html::clean($dbu->getUserName($taskobj->fields['users_id_tech']));
+ $this->data['##task.user.login##'] = $tech->fields['name'];
+ }
+ $oldtech = new User;
+ if (isset($options['old_users_id_tech'])
+ && $options['old_users_id_tech'] > 0
+ && $oldtech->getFromDB($options['old_users_id_tech'])) {
+ $this->data['##task.former.user##'] = Html::clean($dbu->getUserName($options['old_users_id_tech']));
+ $this->data['##task.former.user.login##'] = $oldtech->fields['name'];
+ }
+ // task group technician
+ $this->data['##task.group##'] = Html::clean(Toolbox::clean_cross_side_scripting_deep(Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_groups", $taskobj->fields['groups_id_tech'])), true, 2, false);
+ // task planning
+ $this->data['##task.begin##'] = '';
+ $this->data['##task.end##'] = '';
+ if (!is_null($taskobj->fields['begin'])) {
+ $this->data['##task.begin##'] = Html::convDateTime($taskobj->fields['begin']);
+ $this->data['##task.end##'] = Html::convDateTime($taskobj->fields['end']);
+ }
+ // task duration
+ $this->data['##task.time##'] = Html::timestampToString($taskobj->fields['actiontime'], false);
+ // add labels to tags that are not set
+ $this->getTags();
+ foreach ($this->tag_descriptions[NotificationTarget::TAG_LANGUAGE] as $tag => $values) {
+ if (!isset($this->data[$tag])) {
+ $this->data[$tag] = $values['label'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Summary of getTags
+ */
+ public function getTags() {
+ parent::getTags();
+ $tags = ['task.action' => __('Task action', 'processmaker'),
+ 'task.author' => __('Writer'),
+ 'task.isprivate' => __('Private'),
+ 'task.date' => __('Opening date'),
+ 'task.description' => __('Description'),
+ 'task.categoryid' => __('Category id'),
+ 'task.category' => __('Category'),
+ 'task.categorycomment' => __('Category comment'),
+ 'task.time' => __('Total duration'),
+ 'task.user' => __('User assigned to task'),
+ 'task.user.login' => __('User login assigned to task'),
+ 'task.former.user' => __('Former user assigned to task'),
+ 'task.former.user.login' => __('Former user login assigned to task'),
+ 'task.group' => __('Group assigned to task'),
+ 'task.begin' => __('Start date'),
+ 'task.end' => __('End date'),
+ 'task.status' => __('Status'),
+ 'task.lastupdater' => __('Last updater'),
+ 'task.update' => __('Last update'),
+ 'task.delindex' => __('Delegation index')
+ ];
+ foreach ($tags as $tag => $label) {
+ $elt= ['tag' => $tag,
+ 'label' => $label,
+ 'value' => true];
+ $this->addTagToList($elt);
+ }
+ asort($this->tag_descriptions);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Summary of addAdditionalTargets
+ * @param mixed $event
+ */
+ function addAdditionalTargets($event = '') {
+ $this->addTarget(Notification::TASK_ASSIGN_TECH, __('Technician in charge of the task'));
+ $this->addTarget(Notification::TASK_ASSIGN_GROUP, __('Group in charge of the task'));
+ $this->addTarget(Notification::OBSERVER_GROUP, __('Watcher group'));
+ $this->addTarget(Notification::OBSERVER, __('Watcher'));
+ $this->addTarget(Notification::AUTHOR, __('Requester'), PluginProcessmakerNotificationTargetProcessmaker::PM_USER_TYPE);
+ if (strpos($event, 'task_reassign_') === 0) {
+ $this->addTarget(Notification::OLD_TECH_IN_CHARGE,
+ __('Former technician in charge of the task'));
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Summary of addSpecificTargets
+ * @param mixed $data
+ * @param mixed $options
+ */
+ function addSpecificTargets($data, $options) {
+ $obj = $this->obj;
+ $this->obj = $options['obj'];
+ switch ($data['type']) {
+ case PluginProcessmakerNotificationTargetProcessmaker::PM_USER_TYPE :
+ switch ($data['items_id']) {
+ //Send to the requester of the ITIL object
+ case Notification::AUTHOR :
+ $this->addItemAuthor();
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case Notification::USER_TYPE :
+ switch ($data['items_id']) {
+ //Notification to the ITIL object's observer group
+ case Notification::OBSERVER_GROUP :
+ $this->addLinkedGroupByType(CommonITILActor::OBSERVER);
+ break;
+ //Notification to the ITIL object's observer user
+ case Notification::OBSERVER :
+ $this->addLinkedUserByType(CommonITILActor::OBSERVER);
+ break;
+ //Send to the ITIL object followup author
+ case Notification::TASK_ASSIGN_TECH :
+ $this->addTaskAssignUser($options);
+ break;
+ //Send to the ITIL object task group assigned
+ case Notification::TASK_ASSIGN_GROUP :
+ $this->addTaskAssignGroup($options);
+ break;
+ //Send to the technician previously in charge of the task (before re-assignment)
+ case Notification::OLD_TECH_IN_CHARGE :
+ $this->addOldAssignTechnician($options);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $this->obj = $obj;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Summary of addOldAssignTechnician
+ * @param $options
+ */
+ function addOldAssignTechnician($options = []) {
+ //global $DB;
+ global $CFG_GLPI;
+ if (isset($options['old_users_id_tech'])) {
+ $user = new User();
+ if ($user->getFromDB($options['old_users_id_tech'])) {
+ $author_email = UserEmail::getDefaultForUser($user->fields['id']);
+ $author_lang = $user->fields["language"];
+ $author_id = $user->fields['id'];
+ if (empty($author_lang)) {
+ $author_lang = $CFG_GLPI["language"];
+ }
+ if (empty($author_id)) {
+ $author_id = -1;
+ }
+ $user = [
+ 'language' => $author_lang,
+ 'users_id' => $author_id
+ ];
+ if ($this->isMailMode()) {
+ $user['email'] = $author_email;
+ }
+ $this->addToRecipientsList($user);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/inc/task.class.php b/inc/task.class.php
index e7e38f6..04daec3 100644
--- a/inc/task.class.php
+++ b/inc/task.class.php
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ static function populatePlanning($params = []) :array {
$events = [];
if (isset($params['start'])) {
- $params['begin'] = '2000-01-01 00:00:00';
+ $params['begin'] = $params['start']; //'2000-01-01 00:00:00';
if ($params['type'] == 'group') {
$params['who_group'] = $params['who'];
$params['whogroup'] = $params['who'];
diff --git a/processmaker.xml b/processmaker.xml
index 8ed5d68..165ff59 100644
--- a/processmaker.xml
+++ b/processmaker.xml
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
- 4.0.5
+ 4.0.8
diff --git a/setup.php b/setup.php
index b902a8d..f562752 100644
--- a/setup.php
+++ b/setup.php
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@