A library for working with Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) queries. See the following RFCs for background:
- RFC 7480: HTTP Usage in the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP)
- RFC 9082: Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) Query Format)
- RFC 9083: JSON Responses for the Registration Data Access Protocol)
- RFC 9224: Finding the Authoritative Registration Data (RDAP) Service
- RFC 8521: Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) Object Tagging
The bulk of the logic here is for looking up the server for a particular query.
$ rdap import
$ rdap.init
$ rdap
"cidr0_cidrs": (
0: h(
"length": 24
"country": AU
- Downloads the bootstrap files from the IANA server and stores them locally for later server lookup operations.
- Downloads any bootstrap file that has been updated since it was last downloaded. This should be run periodically via a cronjob or similar.
- Takes a single IP address/range, ASN, domain name, or entity handle, and returns the RDAP result for the associated lookup operation as a hash. If no server can be found for the argument, returns null. (Entity handle server lookup is by way of object tags, and the coverage for that is very limited: most entities have to be retrieved by way of links from other objects, or server-specific fetch operations.)