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HOME > [SNOWPLOW TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION](Snowplow technical documentation) > Trackers


## 1. Overview

The Snowplow Arduino tracker allows you to track Snowplow events from an IP-connected Arduino arduino board.

The tracker should be straightforward to use if you are familiar with Arduino development; any prior experience with Snowplow's JavaScript tracker or Google Analytics (which has a similar API to Snowplow) is helpful but not necessary.

Note that this tracker has access to a much more restricted set of Snowplow events than other trackers.

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## 2. General configuration and parameters ### 2.1 Initialization

Assuming you have completed the Arduino Tracker Setup for your Lua project, you are now ready to initialize the Lua Tracker.

You must add some initialization code to the top of your Arduino sketch, before your setup() function:

#### 2.1.1 Required headers

Make sure you have the following includes:

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <SnowplowTracker.h>

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#### 2.1.2 Initialize SnowplowTracker

After your includes but before your setup() function, initialize your SnowplowTracker something like this:

// MAC address of this Arduino. Update with your shield's MAC address.
const byte mac[] = { 0x90, 0xA2, 0xDA, 0x00, 0xF8, 0xA0 };

// Snowplow app name
const char *snowplowAppName = "my-arduino-project";

// Snowplow Tracker
SnowplowTracker snowplow(&Ethernet, mac, snowplowAppName);

Note that this initialization includes setting the application ID for your Arduino project, as well as your device's MAC address.

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### 2.2 Setting the endpoint

Endpoint refers to the location of your collector: you need to point your Arduino tracker to your collector endpoint, to ensure that data generated by your Arduino is logged by the collector.

If you are using a Cloudfront collector you can use initCf to set the endpoint. If you are using any other collector (e.g. the Clojure collector, or SnowCannon), then you should use initUrl.

#### 2.2.1 Setting a Cloudfront endpoint using `initCf()`

You can set the collector endpoint for the Cloudfront collector by adding to your setup() function:


So if your Cloudfront subdomain is d3rkrsqld9gmqf, you would include:


This completes the initialization of your SnowplowTracker.

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#### 2.2.2 Setting a non-Cloudfront endpoint using `initUrl()`

If you are running a different collector (not the Cloudfront collector) then add to your setup() function:


So if your collector endpoint is at '' then you would include:


This completes the initialization of your SnowplowTracker.

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### 2.3 Setting the user ID

The Arduino Tracker automatically passes to the collector the mac_address supplied on initialization.

However you may want to additionally identify a specific Arduino board by a more business-friendly name. To do this, you use the setUserId method.

#### 2.3.1 Setting the user ID using `setUserId`

To set a business-friendly user ID for this Arduino, use the setUserId() method i.e.:


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## 3. Tracking specific events

Snowplow has been built to enable you to track a wide range of events that occur when users interact with your websites and apps. We are constantly growing the range of functions available in order to capture that data more richly.

All tracking functions at a glance:

Function Description
trackStructEvent Track a Snowplow custom structured event
### 3.1 Common

All events are tracked with specific Arduino C++ functions of the form trackXXX, where XXX is the name of the event to track.

A given event type may have multiple different signatures (to support slightly different argument options or types).

### 3.1.1 Return codes

All trackXXX functions return an integer to report the status of the attempt to track the given event object.

The full list of return codes are given below:

Constant Integer value Description
ERROR_CONNECTION_FAILED -1 Could not connect to Snowplow collector
ERROR_TIMED_OUT -2 Snowplow collector did not respond
ERROR_INVALID_RESPONSE -3 Snowplow collector's response couldn't be parsed
ERROR_MISSING_ARGUMENT -4 Required argument(s) to trackXXX missing
ERROR_HTTP_STATUS -5 HTTP status code returned by Snowplow collector was server or client error
N/A 1-399 Non-error HTTP status code returned by Snowplow collector

You can access these constants in your code by prepending with SnowplowTracker::, for example:

int ret_val = snowplow.trackXXX;
if (ret_val == SnowplowTracker::ERROR_HTTP_STATUS) {

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### 3.2 Tracking custom structured events

Custom structured events are the only form of tracking currently supported by the Snowplow Arduino tracker. Whenever you want to record an event or sensor reading from your IP-connected Arduino, use trackStructEvent to send this data to Snowplow.

Some examples of tracking custom structured events from your Arduino board(s) might include:

  • Monitoring the environment (temperature, humidity, light levels etc) in your warehouse/factory/workplace/shop/museum
  • Tracking the movement of products around your shop/warehouse/factory using Arduino, [RFID readers] arduino-rfid and Snowplow
  • Sending vehicle fleet information (locations, speeds, fuel levels etc) back to Snowplow using Arduino's [3G and GPS] 3g-gps shields
#### 3.2.1 `trackStructEvent` overview

There are five arguments associated with each structured event. Of them, only the first two are required:

Name Required? Description
aCategory Yes The name you supply for the group of objects you want to track e.g. 'sensor', 'ecomm'
aAction Yes A string which defines the type of user interaction for the web object e.g. 'read-temp', 'wifi-strength'
aLabel No An optional string which identifies the specific object being actioned e.g. ID of the sensor being read
aProperty No An optional string describing the object or the action performed on it. This might be whether the temperature reading is in Fahrenheit or Celsius
aValue No An optional float or double to quantify or further describe the user action. This might be the price of an item added-to-basket, or the starting time of the video where play was just pressed

There are four slightly different signatures for the tractStructEvent, depending on what type of aValue you want to supply:

#### 3.2.2 `trackStructEvent`: no `aValue`

The relevant signature for trackStructEvent if you have no aValue to log is:

int trackStructEvent(const char *aCategory,
                     const char *aAction,
                     const char *aLabel = NULL,
                     const char *aProperty = NULL) const;

Note that this version defaults aLabel and aProperty to NULL if you don't set them. Here's an example invocation:

snowplow.trackStructEvent("example", "basic ping");

See Tracking return codes above for the return codes supported by trackStructEvent.

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#### 3.2.3 `trackStructEvent`: integer `aValue`

The relevant signature for trackStructEvent if aValue is an integer is:

int trackStructEvent(const char *aCategory,
                     const char *aAction,
                     const char *aLabel,
                     const char *aProperty,
                     const int aValue) const;


  • Because aValue must be a float or double, this version of trackStructEvent appends ".0" to the end of the int before sending to Snowplow
  • If you don't want to set aLabel or aProperty, pass in NULL in their place

Here's an example invocation:

snowplow.trackStructEvent("example", "profile-update", "age", NULL, 22);

See Tracking return codes above for the return codes supported by trackStructEvent.

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#### 3.2.4 `trackStructEvent`: double `aValue`

The relevant signature for trackStructEvent to track a double in aValue is:

int trackStructEvent(const char *aCategory,
                     const char *aAction,
                     const char *aLabel,
                     const char *aProperty,
                     const double aValue,
                     const int aValuePrecision = 2) const;

aValuePrecision lets you specify the number of decimal places to use when logging the double aValue (it defaults to two decimal places). Note that the default type for floating point literals in Arduino is double, not float.

Here's an example invocation:

snowplow.trackStructEvent("example", "constant", NULL, "pi", 3.14159, 5);

See Tracking return codes above for the return codes supported by trackStructEvent.

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#### 3.2.5 `trackStructEvent`: float `aValue`

The relevant signature for trackStructEvent to track a float in aValue is:

int trackStructEvent(const char *aCategory,
                     const char *aAction,
                     const char *aLabel,
                     const char *aProperty,
                     const float aValue,
                     const int aValuePrecision = 2) const;

aValuePrecision lets you specify the number of decimal places to use when logging the float aValue (it defaults to two decimal places). Note that the default type for floating point literals in Arduino is double, not float.

Here's an example invocation:

snowplow.trackStructEvent("example", "temp reading", NULL, "celsius", 15.3f, 1);

See Tracking return codes above for the return codes supported by trackStructEvent.

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### 3.3 Tracking custom unstructured events

This feature is on the roadmap: it has not been developed yet.

### 4 Testing and debugging

Arduino is a difficult platform to test and debug software on, so it's important to understand what options the Snowplow Arduino Tracker has for debugging.

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#### 4.1 Setup debugging

By default, debug logging to your Arduino Serial Monitor console is switched on for the Snowplow Arduino Tracker, which should help you to identify any problems debugging your Snowplow event tracking.

To switch off this logging when you are finished testing, edit this line found near the top of your copy of SnowplowTracker.cpp:

#define LOG_LEVEL   0x03 // Change to 0x00 when you've finished testing

As the comment says, change "0x03" to "0x00" to switch off all logging to your Arduino Serial Monitor console.

The full set of logging levels are as follows:

Constant Integer value Description
NO_LOG 0x00 Don't print any messages to the Serial Monitor console
ERROR_LEVEL 0x01 Only print errors to the console
INFO_LEVEL 0x02 Print errors and important messages to the console
DEBUG_LEVEL 0x03 Print all errors and messages to the console

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