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Side by Side Upgrade

Tadaya Tsuyukubo edited this page Jun 20, 2016 · 12 revisions


In this wiki we describe how to upgrade a Xenon based service using a side-by-side approach. Side-by-side in this case means that we will install the newer version of the service on a separate set of nodes and migrate all necessary data from the old node cluster to the new node cluster.


For the side-by-side upgrade to work your project will need to meet several requirements:

  • You need additional resources to set up a second node cluster.
  • The new node cluster needs to be able to connect to the old node cluster.
  • There might need to be a small time window where requests to the service are queued, at an edge device, or failed (the service appears offline).


Besides the aforementioned requirements there is also a set of assumptions that we are making:

  • Only data/state needs to be migrated between the old and new node cluster.
  • The system need to be tolerant to temporarily inconsistent data.
  • On the old node cluster active tasks will finish during the maintenance window.
  • No indirect interaction between old and new node cluster through third party entities, e.g. external data sources or hardware.
  • Your clients will be able to connect to the new node cluster, e.g. you use an external load balancer point it to the new node cluster.


If your cluster has enabled AuthN/AuthX services, in order to seamlessly access both nodes, same user(documentSelfLink) needs to exist in both node groups. For example, if [email protected] user with /core/authz/user-groups/[email protected] documentSelfLink exists in old node group, then same user /core/authz/user-groups/[email protected] needs to exists in new node group. As long as user documentSelfLinks are same, auth token for the user works for both node groups.


The side-by-side upgrade will proceed in the following steps:

  1. Install the new service on a separate set of hardware.
  • Enter the maintenance window.
  • Do the data migration.
  • Enable the new service.
  • Exit maintenance window.
Entering The Maintenance Window

When entering the maintenance window users should not be able to start new task on the old or new node cluster. Otherwise the data migration might not be complete since the underlying Lucene query only returns results available before the query was issue.

Data Migration

The data migration step starts one migration service for each data entity type that needs to be migrated. The migration service will query the old node cluster for entities and posts them to the new node cluster.

In case your data model changed, e.g. new fields in the newer version of the entity need to be filled in during migration you can supply a transformation service that the MigrationService will call in order to transform the entity before posting it to the destination.

This will allow you to do simple transformations like field re-namings or filling in missing value as well as splitting and merging objects. In order to merge objects the transformation service will need to call into the old service to retrieve the necessary objects.

In case the amount of data is larger than you can possibly migrate within your maintenance window you will need to start the migration before entering the maintenance window. To support continuous data migration the Migration service can be supplied with a timestamp which it uses to query for all document updated after the time stamp. Also the migration service returns the latest document update time it saw while paging through all entities it retrieved from the old service.

Enable The New Service

After the data migration is completed we need to make the service available to all users. This depends how you currently make the old service available to users. In case you are using an external load-balancer you can point that load-blancer to the new service.

Exiting The Maintenance Window

Now you can allow users to reach the new service.

End to End Example

This walkthrough provides a hands-on example showcasing how Xenon supports a live, side-by-side upgrade of a service. For this walkthrough, the existing (old) Xenon service is running on what we'll call the "blue" node cluster; the new version of the Xenon service will be on a separate "green" node cluster.

This walkthrough focuses solely on the Xenon components of a live upgrade; it will not go into specifics relating to a load balancer or API gateway.

Configure Xenon Host to start TaskMigrationService

The MigrationTaskService provides built-in support to migrate state from the "blue" node cluster to the new "green" node cluster.

Assuming you've cloned the xenon repo locally, modify the's start() to also start the MigrationTaskService. This is done by adding the following line after the UiService is started.

    // Start migration service
    super.startFactory(new MigrationTaskService());
    // Don't forget to add the import!
    // import;

Startup both "blue" and "green" node clusters

Next, build Xenon locally using mvn clean install -DskipTests. Then from the root xenon directory, startup our "blue" node-cluster (which will only consist of a single Xenon node for this walkthrough):

java -jar xenon-host/target/xenon-host-0.8.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar --port=8000 --id=blueNodeAtPort8000 --sandbox=xenon-host/target/xenonSandboxBlue

In a separate terminal window, startup the "green" node cluster in a similar manner (but on a different port).

java -jar xenon-host/target/xenon-host-0.8.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar --port=8001 --id=greenNodeAtPort8001 --sandbox=xenon-host/target/xenonSandboxGreen

NOTE: In our example, the ExampleService implementation is exactly the same between both "blue" and "green" deployments. In reality, these implementations would be different for an upgrade, but this walkthrough still shows how state from a previous node cluster can be migrated to a new node cluster.

Also, we only have a single node in each "cluster" ... but this is intentional to keep the walkthrough straightforward. The same steps apply for a true "cluster" of nodes (given that the "blue" and "green" node clusters are separate from each other).

Prepopulate "blue" node cluster with test data

Let's put in some test data into the "blue" node cluster. We'll use Apache's ab benchmarking utility to send HTTP POSTs to create 1,000 example service instances, but feel free to use whatever tool you want.

echo '{"name": "example-1", "counter": 1}' > /tmp/xenonExampleService.json
ab -p /tmp/xenonExampleService.json -T "application/json" -c 5 -n 1000 http://localhost:8000/core/examples

At this point, the "blue" node has 1,000 example service instances; the "green" node has zero. You can verify this:

# 8000 --> blue, has 1000 instances ; 8001 --> green, has 0 instances
curl localhost:8000/core/examples
curl localhost:8001/core/examples

Migrate state from the "blue" cluster to the "green" cluster

For this walkthrough, we only wish to migrate ExampleService state to the "green" cluster. As mentioned earlier, you'll need to create a MigrationTaskService instance for each service factory you wish to migrate.

Save the following MigrationTaskService details into a file located in /tmp/xenonMigrateExampleService.json:

    "sourceNodeGroupReference": "http://localhost:8000/core/node-groups/default",
    "destinationNodeGroupReference": "http://localhost:8001/core/node-groups/default",
    "sourceFactoryLink": "/core/examples",
    "destinationFactoryLink": "/core/examples",
    "continuousMigration": "false"

NOTE: continuousMigration is an optional field that defaults to false. If you set it to true, an ongoing migration task will be used (which defaults to firing every minute). See MigrationTaskService for more details.

Fire off a HTTP POST to create the migration task in your favorite HTTP client.

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @/tmp/xenonMigrateExampleService.json http://localhost:8001/management/migration-tasks 

The response should supply a documentSelfLink where you can see the status of the migration. I used that value and confirmed the migration finished by examining the response of: curl localhost:8001/management/migration-tasks/26167d31-63df-4dfc-a604-5774348d25f5.

Now, you can also see that all the ExampleService state was migrated to the "green" cluster.

curl localhost:8001/core/examples

It's important to note that the MigrationTaskService can compare a ServiceDocument's documentUpdateTimeMicros and only migrate it if it hasn't been migrated yet. This means you can kick off a new MigrationTaskService multiple times without worrying that duplicates will be added to the "green" cluster.

You're done! All the state from the "blue" cluster has successfully been migrated to the "green" cluster.

"Upgrading" Data/State

The MigrationTaskService also supports changes to a service's State (aka: ServiceDocument) between versions. This comes in handy if the "green" version of your service introduces new fields (or renames fields) that need to be properly initialized from the old version's state.

The MigrationTaskService accepts a stateless transformationServiceLink that takes the "blue" (or old) state as an input, and transforms it to the expected "green" (or new) state when migrating.

In this walkthrough, we did not include a transformationServiceLink in our POST body, so there was no transformation... but this functionality is available if you need it.

Selectively Choosing Data to Migrate

If you don't want to migrate all state to your "green" cluster, you can also provide a querySpec for your MigrationTaskService instance that defines precisely the state that should be migrated.

If the migration task is migrating the /core/examples factory, the default querySpec used (if not provided) would be:

"querySpec": {
    "query": {
        "occurance": "MUST_OCCUR",
        "booleanClauses": [
            "occurance": "MUST_OCCUR",
            "term": {
                "propertyName": "documentSelfLink",
                "matchValue": "/core/examples/*",
                "matchType": "WILDCARD"
        } ]
    "resultLimit": 500,
    "options": [

More details on Xenon queries can be found:

Concluding Thoughts

Admittedly, there is a bit of hand-waving here relating to a truly live upgrade with zero downtime, especially when it comes to how/when to configure an external load balancer or API gateway to ensure that your service's state is both consistent and available.

One method of ensuring a "live upgrade" might consist of:

  1. Fire off migration task for each service factory you want to migrate
  2. Monitor migration tasks. Once migration tasks are finished (or close to finished), configure your load balancer queue all requests
  3. Perform a final migration and wait until all tasks finished
  4. Configure load balancer to route traffic to "blue" node cluster

Even if the "blue" cluster contains a lot of data, the migration is done while the "blue" cluster is still live and responding to clients. Once most of the state is migrated, the maintanence window (where the load balancer is queuing requests) will be so small that clients will barely notice.

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