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Using 'TF' parameter to Force Type

Toby Allen edited this page Oct 1, 2016 · 1 revision

It is possible to have DocTo not check the type and simply pass to word. This is designed to allow an older version of DocTo to work with a newer version of Word.


Lets imagine that in 5 years time Microsoft decides word has to support the GDF (Google Doc Format!) so they add a new type wdFormatGoogleDoc.

wdFormatGoogleDoc = 27;

This doesn't exist in the compiled form of DocTo, so anyone running an older version using

DocTo -f "c:\mydir\myfile.doc" -o "c:\myoutputdir\myfile.gdf" -t wdFormatGoogleDoc
DocTo -f "c:\mydir\myfile.doc" -o "c:\myoutputdir\myfile.gdf" -t 27

would recieve an error

200 : Invalid File Format specified

however if use specify -TF (Force Type)

DocTo -f "c:\mydir\myfile.doc" -o "c:\myoutputdir\myfile.gdf" -tf wdFormatGoogleDoc
DocTo -f "c:\mydir\myfile.doc" -o "c:\myoutputdir\myfile.gdf" -tf 27

You will not recieve an error and the -tf integer value (27) will be passed directly to Word.