- Fix possible vulnerability (arbitrary file write during archive extraction) reported by Github CodeQL.
- #43: Fix timestamps and unix permissions in TAR file entries.
- #44: Fix generation of TAR archives including files with long names.
- Upgrade commons-compress to fix CVE.
- #42: Correctly process "executable" files generated by the spring-boot-maven-plugin.
- #41: Remove comments (and then timestamps) and unreproducible properties in the following properties files: META-INF/build-info.properties (generated by Spring Boot) and BOOT-INFO/classes/git.properties (generated by Git-Commit-Id-Plugin).
- #37: Reproducible line endings for META-INF/sisu/javax.inject.Named + configuration option to add a list of text files where the line endings should be made reproducible.
- #24: Add optional property "fixZipExternalFileAttributes" to set access rights in JAR's files to be robust to different umask values.
- #27: Also strips Jenkins plugins (*.hpi).
- #33: Remove timestamps from JAXB generated files.
- Upgrade version of commons-compress to avoid potential security issue.
- #17: Add user-configurable list of additional manifest attributes to remove.
- #23: Remove OpenIDE-Module-Build-Version attribute in manifest.
- #15: Take into account multi-line attributes and sections when sorting MANIFEST.MF files.
- #16: Some tools require META-INF/MANIFEST.MF to be the first file in the archive.
- Sorts entries in MANIFEST.MF file (workaround for maven-archiver bug MSHARED-511).
- #4: Strips also tar/tar.gz/tar.bz archives - @unicolet, @tglman.
- #12: Change default ZIP timestamp to 2000/01/01 at 00:00:00 to work around Java 9 compiler bug JDK-8184940 - @io7m.
- #10: Declare the plugin's goals as thread-safe.
- Add "Automatic-Module-Name" in Manifest.
- The plugin can now be built with Java 9.
- #6: Fix wrong detection of ZIP files.
- Add M2Eclipse lifecycle mapping metadata for Eclipse IDE.
- Strips plugin.xml and plugin-help.xml files generated by maven-plugin-tools.
- #3: Allow standalone usage of strip-jar - @jumapico.
- Upgrade commons-compress to avoid reflection hack.
- Fix NPE if target folder does not exist.
- New strip-jaxb goal to normalize ObjectFactory.java files produced by JAXB/xjc.
First release for tests.
- Sorts ZIP entries by name.
- Sets file timestamps in ZIP entries to 0.
- Removes timestamps, user name and tool versions in MANIFEST.MF.
- Removes timestamp in pom.properties.