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wleoncio edited this page Oct 17, 2019 · 7 revisions

We verified the functions in lsasim package (version 1.0.1) and took into considertayion the following factors: sample size, test length, number of booklets, item parameters, and population distributions.

Three open-source R software package TAM (version 2.4-9), mirt (version 1.25), and ltm version (1.0-0) were chosen for IRT calibration. Default settings such as the estimation method, which is marginal maximum likelihood was used in TAM and ltm, and unconditional maximum likelihood factor analysis model in ltm, via the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm approach, were used.

We tested the following conditions:

  1. Item parameter recovery: unrotated booklet design

  2. Item parameter recovery: rotated booklet design

  3. Latent trait recovery: group differences

The current development version of lsasim (> 2.0.0) is currently going through a testing phase regarding the calculation of sampling weights. A tutorial for helping with the testing is available in the link below; all contributions are welcome.