- Run single container app in your K8s cluster
kubectl run meinhelloworld --generator=run-pod/v1 --image=denniszielke/aci-helloworld
- Alternative: run a container as part of a deployment
kubectl create deployment hellworlds --image=denniszielke/aci-helloworld
Scale the deployment to three
kubectl scale deployment hellworlds --replicas=3
- See what you got
kubectl get pods
- Wrap your pod into a service for an individual pod
kubectl expose pod meinhelloworld --port=80 --name=hello-service
Expose your deployment using a service
kubectl expose deployment hellworlds --type=LoadBalancer --port=80
- See what you got
kubectl get service
- Edit your service to be able to be accessed from the public internet
kubectl edit service/hello-service
- This opens up an editor. Exchange ClusterIp to LoadBalancer. Close and save the file. If you want to use nano instead of vi set the following environment variable
KUBE_EDITOR="nano" kubectl edit svc/nginxpod-service
Shortcuts for vi:
switches to insert modeCRTL + C
switches to command modewq!
saves your changes and closes the file
- Check the state of your service
kubectl get service -w
- Wait until your Service got a public address. Then type this address into your webbrowser.