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458 lines (350 loc) · 27.6 KB

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458 lines (350 loc) · 27.6 KB



Protocol Changes

  • Sets chunk_validator_only_kickout_threshold to 70. Uses this kickout threshold as a cutoff threshold for contribution of endorsement ratio in rewards calculation: if endorsement ratio is above 70%, the contribution of endorsement ratio in average uptime calculation is 100%, otherwise it is 0%. Endorsements received are now included in BlockHeader to improve kickout and reward calculation for chunk validators.

Non-protocol Changes

  • Added documentation and a reference script to recover the data lost in archival nodes at the beginning of 2024.
  • Archival nodes only: Stop saving partial chunks to PartialChunks column in the Cold DB. Instead, archival nodes will reconstruct partial chunks from the Chunks column.


Protocol Changes

  • The minimum validator stake has been set to a lower value. The small-stake validators that were kicked out during the shift to stateless validation will be able to rejoin the network.
  • Better algorithm for validator kickouts
  • (Testnet only) update the eth-implicit accounts contract on testnet to match the one on mainnet.

Non-protocol Changes

  • Fix spammy messages about calculating gas for PromiseYield receipts.
  • Don't crash when the CPU doesn't have SHA-NI instructions. It's still a hardware requirement, there is no guarantee that nodes without this instruction will be able to keep up with the network, but neard will now be able to run (slowly) on CPUs without this instruction.


Protocol Changes

  • Eth-Implicit Accounts NEP-0518
  • Host Functions for BLS12-381 Curve Operations NEP-0488

Non-protocol Changes

  • Enforce rate limits to received network messages #11617. Rate limits are configured by default, but they can be overridden through the experimental configuration option received_messages_rate_limits.

  • Increase sync blocks requested and make it configurable through a parameter in the client config #11820. Increase default max sync block requests to 10 from 5.


Protocol Changes

Non-protocol Changes

No Changes


Protocol Changes

No Changes

Non-protocol Changes


Protocol Changes

  • Use more precise gas costs for function calls #10943 that should lead to more efficient chunk utilization.

Non-protocol Changes

  • Limit overcharging by decoupling minimum_new_receipt_gas from the function call and setting it to a constant value. #10941
  • These PRs introduce a change in the default behaviour of broadcast_tx_commit,send_tx, tx, EXPERIMENTAL_tx_status RPC methods. The default behaviour no longer waits for refund receipts. If you do need to wait for refund receipts, you need ask about it explicitly by using TxExecutionStatus::Final option ("wait_until": "FINAL" in the json request). More information in the #10792 #10948
  • Adds improvements to the sweat contract prefetcher logic. Add new prefetcher logic for kaiching contract. #10899
  • Improves prefetcher logic to speedup chunk finalization by prefetching keys related to refund receipts and actions such as: Delegate, AddKey, DeleteKey. #10936
  • Add more metrics for receipt processing. #10944


Protocol Changes

  • Resharding v2 - new implementation for resharding and a new shard layout for production networks. #10303, NEP-0508
  • Restrict the creation of non-implicit top-level account that are longer than 32 bytes. Only the registrar account can create them. #9589
  • Adjust the number of block producers and chunk producers on testnet to facilitate testing of chunk-only producers #9563

Non-protocol Changes

  • Add prometheus metrics for the internal state of the doomslug. #9458
  • Fix EXPERIMENTAL_protocol_config to apply overrides from EpochConfig. #9692
  • Add config option tx_routing_height_horizon to configure how many chunk producers are notified about the tx. #10251


Protocol Changes

  • The support for fixed shards in shard layout was removed. #9219

Non-protocol Changes

  • New option transaction_pool_size_limit in config.json allows to limit the size of the node's transaction pool. By default the limit is set to 100 MB. #3284
  • Database snapshots at the end of an epoch. This lets a node obtain state parts using flat storage. #9090
  • Number of transactions included in a chunk will be lowered if there is a congestion of more than 20000 delayed receipts in a shard. #9222
  • Our more efficient and scalable V2 routing protocol is implemented. It shadows the V1 protocol for now while we verify its performance. #9187
  • The default config now enables TIER1 outbound connections by default. #9349
  • State Sync from GCS is available for experimental use. #9398


Protocol Changes

  • Upgrade the contract preparation code to use finite-wasm, which guarantees deterministic limits on execution time and space of compiled contracts

Non-protocol Changes

  • Dump state by multiple nodes, each node will refer to s3 for which parts need to be dumped. #9049
  • Small values in the flat storage trie are inlined for faster accesses #9029
  • A current protocol version metric is added to the prometheus metrics under near_current_protocol_version #9030
  • The transaction pool size is tracked, and if the transaction_pool_size_limit config option is set, we now avoid storing more than the specified size of transactions in each shard's transaction pool #8970 and #9036


Protocol Changes

  • Flat Storage for reads, reducing number of DB accesses for state read from 2 * key.len() in the worst case to 2. #8761, NEP-399
  • Contract preparation and gas charging for wasm execution also switched to using our own code, as per the finite-wasm specification. Contract execution gas costs will change slightly for expected use cases. This opens up opportunities for further changing the execution gas costs (eg. with different costs per opcode) to lower contract execution cost long-term. #8912
  • Compute Costs are implemented and stabilized. Compute usage of the chunk is now limited according to the compute costs. #8915, NEP-455.
  • Write related storage compute costs are increased which means they fill a chunk sooner but gas costs are unaffected. #8924

Non-protocol Changes

  • undo-block tool to reset the chain head from current head to its prev block. Use the tool by running: ./target/release/neard undo-block. #8681
  • Add prometheus metrics for expected number of blocks/chunks at the end of the epoch. #8759
  • Node can sync State from S3. #8789
  • Node can sync State from local filesystem. #8913
  • Add per shard granularity for chunks in validator info metric. #8934


Protocol Changes

Non-protocol Changes

  • State-viewer tool to dump and apply state changes from/to a range of blocks. #8628
  • Experimental option to dump state of every epoch to external storage. #8661
  • Add prometheus metrics for tracked shards, block height within epoch, if is block/chunk producer. #8728
  • State sync is disabled by default #8730
  • Node can restart if State Sync gets interrupted. #8732
  • Merged two neard view-state commands: apply-state-parts and dump-state-parts into a single state-parts command. #8739
  • Add to the JSON config. #8871



  • Fix: rosetta zero balance accounts #8833



  • Fix vulnerabilities in block outcome root validation and total supply validation #8790


Protocol Changes

  • Stabilize ed25519_verify feature: introducing a host function to verify ed25519 signatures efficiently. #8098 NEP-364
  • Added STUN-based self-discovery to make configuration of TIER1 network easier in the simplest validator setups. #8472
  • Stabilize zero balance account feature: allows account to not hold balance under certain conditions and enables a more smooth onboarding experience where users don't have to first acquire NEAR tokens to pay for the storage of their accounts. #8378 NEP-448
  • Stabilize meta transactions on the protocol level. NEP-366, Tracking issue #8075, Stabilization #8601

Non-protocol Changes

  • Config validation can be done by following command: ./target/debug/neard --home {path_to_config_files} validate-config. This will show error if there are file issues or semantic issues in config.json, genesis.json, records.json, node_key.json and validator_key.json. #8485
  • Comments are allowed in configs. This includes config.json, genesis.json, node_key.json and validator_key.json. You can use //, # and /*...*/ for comments. #8423
  • /debug page now has client_config linked. You can also check your client_config directly at /debug/client_config #8400
  • Added cold store loop - a background thread that copies data from hot to cold storage and a new json rpc endpoing - split_storage_info - that exposes debug info about the split storage. #8432
  • ClientConfig can be updated while the node is running. dyn_config.json is no longer needed as its contents were merged into config.json. #8240
  • TIER2 network stabilization. Long-lasting active connections are persisted to DB and are re-established automatically if either node restarts. A new neard flag --connect-to-reliable-peers-on-startup is provided to toggle this behavior; it defaults to true. The PeerStore is no longer persisted to DB and is now kept in-memory. #8579, #8580.


Non-protocol Changes

  • Enable TIER1 network. Participants of the BFT consensus (block & chunk producers) now can establish direct TIER1 connections between each other, which will optimize the communication latency and minimize the number of dropped chunks. To configure this feature, see advanced_configuration/networking. #8141 #8085 #7759
  • [Network] Started creating connections with larger nonces, that are periodically refreshed Start creating connections (edges) with large nonces #7966
  • /status response has now two more fields: node_public_key and validator_public_key. The node_key field is now deprecated and should not be used since it confusingly holds validator key. #7828
  • Added near_node_protocol_upgrade_voting_start Prometheus metric whose value is timestamp when voting for the next protocol version starts. #7877
  • neard cmd can now verify proofs from JSON files. #7840
  • In storage configuration, the value trie_cache_capacities now is no longer a hard limit but instead sets a memory consumption limit. For large trie nodes, the limits are close to equivalent. For small values, there can now fit more in the cache than previously. #7749
  • New options store.trie_cache and store.view_trie_cache in config.json to set limits on the trie cache. Deprecates the never announced store.trie_cache_capacities option which was mentioned in previous change. #7578
  • New option store.background_migration_threads in config.json. Defines number of threads to execute background migrations of storage. Currently used for flat storage migration. Set to 8 by default, can be reduced if it slows down block processing too much or increased if you want to speed up migration. #8088,
  • Tracing of work across actix workers within a process: #7866, #7819, #7773.
  • Scope of collected tracing information can be configured at run-time: #7701.
  • Attach node's chain_id, node_id, and account_id values to tracing information: #7711.
  • Change exporter of tracing information from opentelemetry-jaeger to opentelemetry-otlp: #7563.
  • Tracing of requests across processes: #8004.
  • Gas profiles as displayed in the EXPERIMENTAL_tx_status are now more detailed and give the gas cost per parameter.


Protocol Changes

  • Stabilize account_id_in_function_call_permission feature: enforcing validity of account ids in function call permission. #7569

Non-protocol Changes

  • use_db_migration_snapshot and db_migration_snapshot_path options are now deprecated. If they are set in config.json the node will fail if migration needs to be performed. Use store.migration_snapshot instead to configure the behaviour #7486
  • Added near_peer_message_sent_by_type_bytes and near_peer_message_sent_by_type_total Prometheus metrics measuring size and number of messages sent to peers. #7523
  • near_peer_message_received_total Prometheus metric is now deprecated. Instead of it aggregate near_peer_message_received_by_type_total metric. For example, to get total rate of received messages use sum(rate(near_peer_message_received_by_type_total{...}[5m])). #7548
  • Few changes to view_state JSON RPC query:
    • The requset has now an optional include_proof argument. When set to true, response’s proof will be populated.
    • The proof within each value in values list of a view_state response is now deprecated and will be removed in the future. Client code should ignore the field.
    • The proof field directly within view_state response is currently always sent even if proof has not been requested. In the future the field will be skipped in those cases. Clients should accept responses with this field missing (unless they set include_proof). #7603
  • Backtraces on panics are enabled by default, so you no longer need to set RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environmental variable. To disable backtraces, set RUST_BACKTRACE=0. #7562
  • Enable receipt prefetching by default. This feature makes receipt processing faster by parallelizing IO requests, which has been introduced in #7590 and enabled by default with #7661. Configurable in config.json using store.enable_receipt_prefetching.

1.29.0 [2022-08-15]

Protocol Changes

  • Stabilized protocol_feature_chunk_only_producers. Validators will now be assigned to blocks and chunks separately.
  • The validator uptime kickout threshold has been reduced to 80%
  • Edge nonces between peers can now optionally indicate an expiration time

Non-protocol Changes

  • The logic around forwarding chunks to validators is improved
  • Approvals and partial encoded chunks are now sent multiple times, which should reduce stalls due to lost approvals when the network is under high load
  • We now keep a list of "TIER1" accounts (validators) for whom latency/reliability of messages routed through the network is critical
  • /debug HTTP page has been improved
  • Messages aren't routed through peers that are too far behind
  • Log lines printed every 10 seconds are now less expensive to compute
  • message broadcasts have been improved/optimized
  • network.external_address field in config.json file is deprecated. In fact it has never been used and only served to confuse everyone #7300
  • Due to increasing state size, improved shard cache for Trie nodes to put more nodes in memory. Requires 3 GB more RAM #7429

1.28.0 [2022-07-27]

Protocol Changes

  • Stabilized alt_bn128_g1_multiexp, alt_bn128_g1_sum, alt_bn128_pairing_check host functions #6813.

Non-protocol Changes

  • Added path option to StoreConfig which makes location to the RocksDB configurable via config.json file (at store.path path) rather than being hard-coded to data directory in neard home directory #6938
  • Removed testnet alias for localnet command; it’s been deprecated since 1.24 #7033
  • Removed undocumented unsafe_reset_all and unsafe_reset_data commands; they were deprecated since 1.25
  • Key files can use private_key field instead of secret_key now; this improves interoperability with near cli which uses the former name #7030
  • Latency of network messages is now measured #7050

1.27.0 [2022-06-22]

Protocol Changes

  • Introduced protobuf encoding as the new network protocol. Borsh support will be removed in two releases as per normal protocol upgrade policies #6672

Non-protocol Changes

  • Added near_peer_message_received_by_type_bytes #6661 and near_dropped_message_by_type_and_reason_count #6678 metrics.
  • Removed near_<msg-type>_{total,bytes} #6661, near_<msg-type>_dropped, near_drop_message_unknown_account and near_dropped_messages_count #6678 metrics.
  • Added near_action_called_count metric [#6679]((near#6679)
  • Removed near_action_<action-type>_total metrics [#6679]((near#6679)
  • Added near_build_info metric which exports neard’s build information #6680
  • Make it possible to update logging at runtime: #6665
  • Use correct cost in gas profile for adding function call key #6749

1.26.0 [2022-05-18]

Protocol Changes

  • Enable access key nonce range for implicit accounts to prevent tx hash collisions #5482
  • Include promise_batch_action_function_call_weight host function on the runtime #6285 #6536
  • Increase deployment cost #6397
  • Limit the number of locals per contract to 1_000_000
  • Ensure caching all nodes in the chunk for which touching trie node cost was charged, reduce cost of future reads in a chunk #6628
  • Lower storage key limit to 2 KiB

Non-protocol Changes

  • Switch to LZ4+ZSTD compression from Snappy in RocksDB #6365
  • Moved Client Actor to separate thread - should improve performance #6333
  • Safe DB migrations using RocksDB checkpoints #6282
  • NEP205: Configurable start of protocol upgrade voting #6309
  • Make max_open_files and col_state_cache_size parameters configurable #6584
  • Make RocksDB block_size configurable #6631
  • Increase default max_open_files RocksDB parameter from 512 to 10k #6607
  • Use kebab-case names for neard subcommands to make them consistent with flag names. snake_case names are still valid for existing subcommands but kebab-case will be used for new commands.

1.25.0 [2022-03-16]

Protocol Changes

  • max_gas_burnt has been increased to 300.

Non-protocol Changes

  • More Prometheus metrics related to epoch, sync state, node version, chunk fullness and missing chunks have been added.
  • Progress bar is now displayed when downloading config.json and genesis.json.
  • Status line printed in logs by neard is now more descriptive.
  • view_state is now a command of neard; state-viewer is no longer a separate binary.
  • RUST_LOG environment variable is now correctly respected.
  • NetworkConfig::verify will now fail if configuration is invalid rather than printing error and continuing.
  • Fixed a minor bug which resulted in DB Not Found errors when requesting chunks.
  • Updated to wasmer-near 2.2.0 which fixes a potential crash and improves cost estimator working.
  • neard init will no longer override node or validator private keys.
  • Rosetta RPC now populates related_transactions field.
  • Rosetta RPC support is now compiled in by default. The feature still needs to be explicitly turned on and is experimental.
  • Rosetta RPC /network/status end point correctly works on non-archival nodes.
  • unsafe_reset_all and unsafe_reset_data commands are now deprecated. Use rm explicitly instead.

1.24.0 [2022-02-14]

Protocol Changes

  • Enable access key nonce range for implicit accounts to prevent tx hash collisions.
  • Upgraded our version of pwasm-utils to 0.18 -- the old one severely undercounted stack usage in some cases.

Non-protocol Changes

  • Fix a bug in chunk requesting where validator might request chunks even if parent block hasn’t been processed yet.
  • Fix memory leak in near-network.
  • Change block sync to request 5 blocks at a time

1.23.0 [2021-12-13]

Protocol Changes

  • Further lower regular_op_cost from 2_207_874 to 822_756.
  • Limit number of wasm functions in one contract to 10_000. #4954
  • Add block header v3, required by new validator selection algorithm
  • Move to new validator selection and sampling algorithm. Now we would be able to use all available seats. First step to enable chunk only producers.

Non-protocol Changes

  • Increase RocksDB cache size to 512 MB for state column to speed up blocks processing #5212

1.22.0 [2021-11-15]

Protocol Changes

  • Upgrade from Wasmer 0 to Wasmer 2, bringing better performance and reliability. #4934
  • Lower regular_op_cost (execution of a single WASM instruction) from 3_856_371 to 2_207_874. #4979
  • Lower data receipt cost and base cost of ecrecover host function.
  • Upgrade from one shard to four shards (Simple Nightshade Phase 0)

1.21.0 [2021-09-06]

Protocol Changes

  • Fix some receipts that were stuck previously due to #4228. #4248

Non-protocol Changes

  • Improve contract module serialization/deserialization speed by 30% #4448
  • Make AccountId strictly typed and correct by construction #4621
  • Address test dependency issue #4556 #4606. #4622.
  • Fix neard shutdown issue #4429. #4442

1.20.0 [2021-07-26]

Protocol Changes

  • Introduce new host functions ecrecover and ripemd160. #4380
  • Make Account a versioned struct. #4089
  • Limit the size of transactions to 4MB. #4107
  • Cap maximum gas price to 20x of minimum gas price. #4308, #4382
  • Fix storageUsage for accounts that were affected by #3824. #4272
  • Fix a bug in computation of gas for refunds. #4405

Non-protocol Changes

  • Compile contracts after state sync. #4344
  • Introduce max_gas_burnt_view config for rpc. #4381
  • Fix wasmer 0.17 memory leak #4411