The base templates can be found in the _default
directory. You can include
include them in your actual templates like so:
{% extends "_default/layout.base.twig" %}
The main content of the page is inserted in:
{% block content %}
{% endblock content %}
In an attempt to help you keep the size of your templates under control, there are two commonly used ways of organising templates. Example of a short template:
{% extends "_default/layout.base.twig" %}
{% block content %}
{% if action == 'edit' %}
// code handling editing of the object
{% else if action == 'create' %}
// code creating the object
{% else %}
// code listing the objects
{% endif %}
{% endblock content%}
Tables are drawn using the following structure:
{% for object in objects %}
{% if loop.first %}
{# header of the table #}
{% endif %}
{# any row of the table #}
{% if loop.last %}
{# footer/closing of the table #}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{# code when no objects available #}
{% endfor %}
When adding a string to a template, make sure it is translatable. We support three different ways of doing so:
{% trans %}Welcome to my awesome application.{% endtrans %}
{% trans "Welcome to my awesome application." %}
{{ "Welcome to my awesome application."|trans }}
Try to adhere to the guidelines below:
- Always include puncuation when it makes sense.
- Avoid splitting scentences over multiple
tags or pipes.
If you need to include a variable in your string, use placeholders. Placeholders
follow the sprintf
{{ "Hello %s, and welcome to my awesome application."|trans|format(name) }}