Avoid false negative tests by verifying they fail when key setup is removed.
This is a quick proof-of-concept minitest plugin, but it mostly works fine!
See this lightning talk for an example of how false negative tests are a problem, why catching them programmatically might not work out, and some more practical advice for writing more robust tests in the first place. You probably want to do that before using this gem, but feel free to try it out anyway!
Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing:
$ bundle add minitest-verify
If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install the gem by executing:
$ gem install minitest-verify
This is a false negative test. It always passes because post
and comment
are completely unrelated: there's no reason post.comments
would ever include comment
require "minitest/autorun"
class PostTest < Minitest::Test
def test_comments_excludes_hidden_comments
post = create(:post)
comment = create(:comment, hidden: true)
refute_includes post.comments, comment
We can pull out the key setup and wrap it with verify_fails_without
require "minitest/autorun"
require "minitest/verify"
class PostTest < Minitest::Test
include Minitest::Verify
def test_comments_excludes_hidden_comments
post = create(:post)
comment = create(:comment)
verify_fails_without { comment.update!(hidden: true) }
refute_includes post.comments, comment
Now run the test with the --verify
$ ruby post_test.rb --verify
This will cause the test to run twice. First it runs with the contents of the verify_fails_without
block evaluated (normal run). Then it runs without the contents of the verify_fails_without
block evaluated (verification run). If the test still passes without having evaluated the code inside the block, it's a false negative and you'll see a verification failure in your test output:
# Running:
Finished in 0.000380s, 2631.5783 runs/s, 5263.1565 assertions/s.
1) Failure:
PostTest#test_comments_excludes_hidden_comments [post_test.rb:11]:
Expected at least one assertion to fail.
1 runs, 2 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips