Series 27, Card 7 - CLAYPEPE was created by a Japanese artist known as Mekabu. He created a total of four cards for the Rare Pepe project. The other three being TADPOLEPEPE, PEPETREK, and HAPPYRAINY. Here is what he had to say about this card, "Yes, all of my CLAY series are made of clay, not 3DCG. I use rice flour clay. It is very smooth and does not have crystals floating on the surface after drying like wheat clay and stays beautiful. Only the top left photo is wheat clay. It was made by children and is the source of the idea for CLAYPEPE." Below is an image Mekabu gave me that show the inspiration for the card and some in-progress shots.
Series 27, Card 26 - PEPELCHTNSTN was created by the French artist Zed Erwan. This card is a parody of Roy Lichtenstein's "Oh, Jeff...I Love You, Too...But..." which was created in 1964 and is one of the artists' most famous Pop art pieces. Below is a sketch Erwan shared with me on Twitter which was then colored digitally.
Series 27, Card 28 - PEPEAGYO was created by an unknown artist. They created a total of 4 cards for the Rare Pepe project (two pairs of Japanese warriors). PEPEAGYO is a parodied drawing of the wooden sculpture of the Buddhist temple protector Agyo. It was created in the year 1203 by the Japanese sculptor Unkei and is displayed at the Great South Gate at the temple known as Tōdai-ji. Protectors always come in pairs, and Agyō's is named Ungyō. He can be seen in Series 28, Card 12 - PEPEUNGYO.