diff --git a/index.md b/index.md
index 0a90a1c..6cad7c3 100644
--- a/index.md
+++ b/index.md
@@ -81,10 +81,10 @@ Feb 19 Presidents' Day
| 4 | **Jan 29**
`Project:` Lightning presentations | **Jan 31** [slides](slides/2_webbased_experiments.pdf)
`Skills:` [Programming experiments in jsPsych](https://sebschu.github.io/web-based-experiments/tutorials/jsPsych/) |
| 5 | **Feb 5** [slides](slides/3_preregistration_open_science.pdf)
Open science and pre-registration
[Simmons et al 2011](https://canvas.stanford.edu/files/12702652/download?download_frd=1); [Frank & Saxe 2012](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1745691612460686); [Open Science Framework 2015](https://canvas.stanford.edu/files/12702651/download?download_frd=1); [Ch. 3 of Experimentology](https://experimentology.io/3-replication) | **Feb 7**
`Skills:` [Deploying an experiment on GitHub Pages; Using proliferate to post experiments to Prolific](https://sebschu.com/web-based-experiments/tutorials/posting/)
[Degen & Tonhauser 2022](https://canvas.stanford.edu/files/12702670/download?download_frd=1); [Crump et al 2013](https://canvas.stanford.edu/files/12702658/download?download_frd=1) |
| 6 | **Feb 12**
`Project:` Experiment workshop | **Feb 14** [code sheet](code_sheets/4_ggplot.Rmd)
`Data analysis:` visualization with ggplot |
-| 7 | **Feb 19** NO CLASS -- PRESIDENTS' DAY [code sheet](code_sheets/1_linear_regression_withprompts.R)
`Data analysis:` estimation, inference, linear regression | **Feb 21**
`Data analysis:` linear regression and coefficient interpretation |
-| 8 | **Feb 26** [code sheet](code_sheets/2_mixed_effects_linear_regression_withprompts.R)
`Data analysis:` mixed effects linear regression | **Feb 28** [slides](slides/5_mixed_effects_logistic_regression.pdf) [code sheet](code_sheets/5_mixed_effects_logistic_regression_withprompts.R)
`Data analysis:` (mixed effects) logistic regression |
-| 9 | **Mar 4 **
`Data analysis:` Frequent issues and solutions in mixed effects modeling; data wrangling | **Mar 6**
`Data analysis:` (optional) Ordinal regression; Data analysis workshop
[Bürkner & Vuorre 2019](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/2515245918823199) |
-| 10 | **Mar 11**
`Project:` Final presentations | **Mar 13**
+| 7 | **Feb 19** NO CLASS -- PRESIDENTS' DAY | **Feb 21** [code sheet](code_sheets/1_linear_regression_withprompts.R)
`Data analysis:` estimation, inference, linear regression |
+| 8 | **Feb 26**
`Data analysis:` linear regression and coefficient interpretation | **Feb 28** [code sheet](code_sheets/2_mixed_effects_linear_regression_withprompts.R)
`Data analysis:` mixed effects linear regression |
+| 9 | **Mar 4 ** [slides](slides/5_mixed_effects_logistic_regression.pdf) [code sheet](code_sheets/5_mixed_effects_logistic_regression_withprompts.R)
`Data analysis:` (mixed effects) logistic regression | **Mar 6**
`Data analysis:` Frequent issues and solutions in mixed effects modeling; data wrangling |
+| 10 | **Mar 11**
`Data analysis:` (optional) Ordinal regression; Data analysis workshop
[Bürkner & Vuorre 2019](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/2515245918823199) | **Mar 13**
`Project:` Final presentations |