Vrchat has 3 SDKs they release: Link Make sure you update both VRC's SDK and your copy of the marker.
- SDK2
- For 2.0 avatars.
- Use an SDK2 release
- SDK3 - Avatars
- For 3.0 avatars.
- Use an SDK3 release
- SDK3 - Worlds
- The marker is only for avatars. For worlds this is a common solution.
If something goes wrong, you can clean things up.
If you did not use your own FX controller (or you clicked a "setup 3.0 defaults" button):
- You can just delete the stuff generated in /Snail/Marker3.0/Generated and try again.
If you are using your own FX controller
- Open your FX controller and delete the layers GestureMaker and ToggleMarker
- Delete from your params list "ToggleMarker"
- Delete from your menu "Toggle Marker"
- Always make sure you avatar DOES NOT have a Animator Controller assigned in the default Animator component.
- This has a random chance of breaking things
- Always check your layers and make sure the weight is 1.0
- On the trail renderer:
- Make sure Emitting is off
- People forget to turn it back off after testing
- Your marker will start out drawing by itself if you forgot
- Make sure the time is set to 120 by default
- Changing this incorrectly may make the pen not work
- Make sure Emitting is off
If the speed for your marker is too slow
- You can adjust this in the animation controller
- Change the transition state exit time to something very low.
If you want the color to match the Trail Renderer components Gradient Color
- Set the materials shader to UI/Default
If you want to control the marker with the opposite hand
- When running the setup script select opposite hand
There are other Materials available with color choices in /Assets/Snail/ExampleMaterials