For feature additions or bug fixes on this project
Make your feature addition or bug fix.
Add tests for it. This is vital - please don't skip this part.
Ensure that all tests pass, and that you have reasonable coverage, by running:
composer install --dev vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=PSR2 src && vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text
The Travis CI build runs on PHP 7.4 and 8.0.
Commit the modifications to your own forked repo in your topic branch.
Ensure your code is nicely formatted in the PSR-2 style and that all tests pass.
Check that the Travis CI build passed. If not, rinse and repeat.
For adding a library to the list of libraries that currently use / extend GovTalk
- Once you have a something that you want this library to reference, add the project to Composer and Travis.
- Fork this project
- Update the (and nothing else) to include
- The name of your library/project
- The full name of the Composer Package
- The name of the maintainer of the package
- Comit the changes to your own forked repo.
- Submit a pull request.