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Book Dash celebrations, upcoming events and welcoming Arya

Hello and welcome to our latest Newsletter, curated by me: Alexandra, The Turing Way Research Project Manager, with contributions from the amazing The Turing Way team.

Below are some highlights of what you will find in this edition:

  • 🔥 Join us in celebrating another great The Turing Way Book Dash success!
  • 📚💨 The Turing Way participation at the Collaborations Workshop
  • 📢 Please join us in welcoming Arya, our new Google Summer of Code student – fill out our simple user survey!

Carry on reading this newsletter for 'Community News', 'Opportunities' and more updates from The Turing Way community.

To keep up to date with community events, you can also subscribe to our shared calendar here. If you're interested in keeping up in real-time, please check out our Welcome page, join our Slack workspace, follow the project on Twitter, or join us on Fosstodon.

Community News and Updates

Thanks to all the Book Dash contributors!

From 22-26 May 2023, The Turing Way hosted its 9th book dash. Thanks to the 37 participants that attended and worked collaboratively to submit 28 issues and 35 pull requests on topics ranging from open hardware to research ethics, to data feminism, to accessibility!

It has been an amazing week with opportunities to engage with our community and expand our network. We are thrilled by some of the comments received by the participants:

"Enjoyed collaborating with people from different parts of the world in creating content and also reviewing work done by others. I really like the way the Book Dash is structured as I get to participate in it while also working on other stuff throughout the week!" (Book Dash Participant, May 2023)

"I appreciate collaborating in real-time with people who have some of the same goals I do. We can make decisions and get some interactive things [done] much faster.
I enjoy working with people from different backgrounds to we can get many perspectives on concepts like accessibility. The Book Dash helps me to focus and get things done that [I] didn't follow through with between BookDashes.
" (Book Dash Participant, May 2023)

Check out some of our highlights below, and get involved with some ongoing projects:

Merged chapters:

New Chapters and Other Works in Progress:

Invitation to collaborate:

Alt: Screenshot of a group of smiling people on Zoom, waving to their cameras. From top to bottom, left to right: Malvika Sharan has both hands up and is wearing a stripped green shirt. Her background is white with stacks of books and plants in the background. Anne Lee Steele has one hand up, and is wearing a patterned sweater. Her background shows a few windows that have tall green trees. Batool Almarzouq wears a dark pink headscarf, and has her hand placed on her chin. Her background is a white empty office space. Arielle Bennett has glasses and red lipstick and white headphones, has one hand up and a grey sweatshirt. Her background is blurred. Goodnews Sandy is sticking her tongue out while wearing a yellow shirt, in a blurred empty office space. Liz is smiling but not waving, with a background that has a full book shelf on the right side. Esther Plomp has glasses, is also smiling and not waving, with a TTW image as a background. Danny Garside is sitting on a wooden bench, smiling with black headphones. Emma Karoune has black headphones, glasses, and headscarf and has both hands up while smiling. Her background is blurred white. Laurel Ascenzi has one hand up while smiling, and is wearing a striped black and white sweater and glasses. She has a string of blue lights up behind her. Kirstie Whitaker is sitting on a sofa with a striped blanket behind her. Her background has light green walls and framed photos. Saranjeet Kaur is wearing glasses and wired headphones while smiling, wearing a light green shirt.

In the photo, from left to right: Malvika Sharan, Anne Lee Steele, Batool Almarzouq, Arielle Bennett, Goodnews Sandy, Liz Hare, Danny Garside, Emma Karoune, Laura Ascenzi, Kirstie Whitaker and Saranjeet Kaur.

We are very grateful to all the people who participated, but we want to highlight the following people:

  • Poet and creative writer, Jonny Heath, for his inspiring workshop on Creative Writing.
  • The TPS Director and project lead, Kirstie Whitaker, for leading the Show and Tell Lunch and a Community Share-out Session. See below for a preview!
  • Scribe and illustrator, Jem Milton from Scriberia, for creating beautiful illustrations from ideas shared by our participants. All illustrations will be shared here
  • Last but not least our organising committee members, application reviewers and session chairs: Alden Conner, Anne Lee Steele, Arielle Bennett, Batool Almarzouq, Carlos Martinez, Emma Karoune Esther Plomp, Lena Karvovskaya and everyone who mentored and supported the Book Dash participants.

Malvika would also like to thank Alex, Esther and Julien Colomb for coordinating and managing on-site as well as hybrid participants at the Turing (London) and TU Delft.

Alt: Zoom screen shot of the Show & Tell Lunch on the 3rd day of Book Dash. People are smiling and holding up various items on screen: including a Raspberry Pi, Mechanical keyboard, gardening materials, woven baskets, strawberries, jewellery, phones with images, and more.

In the photo, from left to right: Margaret Hamilton room at the Turing, Kirstie Whitaker, Gabin Kayumbi, Malvika Sharan, Susana Roman Garcia, Natalie Zelenka, Vicky Hellon, Jim Madge, Anna Zanchetta, Alexandra Araujo Alvarez, Jennifer Ding, Alden Conner, Cari H, Cami Rincon, Irma Hafidz.

To find out how to contribute and be part of The Turing Way Community, join our Community calls below.

Recurring Community Calls ☕

Join us at our other regular Community Calls

All are welcome to these calls, no sign-up is needed!

  • Collaboration Cafe: The next call is on 07 June 2023, 15:00-17:00 UTC in your time zone. Join us for a Community Chat in the main room, and work on your own projects in break-out rooms!
  • Translation and Localisation Weekly Meetings: every second Tuesday at 16:00 UTC (in your time zone). These calls are for co-working on translation and localisation efforts across several languages, and for learning more about the work of the team.
  • Infrastructure Monthly Meetings: the second Thursday of the month, on the 08 June 2023 at 16:00 UTC - (in your time zone). These calls are for co-working on infrastructure support, and for learning more about the work of the team.
  • Fireside Chats: Last Friday of bimonthly - time and dates are dependent on speakers and organisers' availability). Save the date to our next Fireside Chat on 30 June 2023 Follow us on Eventbrite to be alerted about upcoming events.

Welcome Arya, a Google Summer of Code 2023 student who invites you to fill out a user survey!

We are excited to welcome Arya as a part of Google Summer Of Code 2023. She will be working on improving the usability of The Turing Way book by enhancing the user interface and creating a much better browsing experience based on different user profile.

Arya is a pre-final year undergraduate student of Computer Science Engineering with a specialisation in AI from Amrita University, India. She is a Python programmer and is interested in web development. She brings her experience working with React, Flask and Django.

In her GSoC project with The Turing Way, she would like to know more about how different users navigate our guides, and where improvements are needed.

👉 Help her development work by filling out a short (2 mins) user survey.

Alt: Close-up photo of Arya. She has brown skin and black hair, her lips are closed but she is smiling. She is wearing small earing in her left ear. Arya, our Google Summer of Code student.

If you would like to share ideas for improving the usability of The Turing Way Book, please don't hesitate to contact The Turing Way team.

Meeting Turing Way Members In Person!

Collaborations Workshop (2-4 May 2023)

Congratulations to The Software Sustainability Institute for organising another successful Collaborations Workshop 2023 (CW23).

The Turing Way core team members and collaborators participated in the following talks and workshops:

  • Hari Sood, Anne Lee Steele and Cami Rincon delivered a session on "Pathways to Sustainability for Research Projects and Outputs". Zenodo link
  • Anne Steele and Emma Karoune (Alan Turing Institute) facilitated a workshop about “Research Infrastructure Roles: Perspectives, Paths, and Lived Experiences”. Zenodo link.
  • Reina Camacho Toro (CNRS/CERN, LA-CoNGA physics), Camila Rangel (The Alan Turing Institute) and Nicolás Palopoli (National University of Quilmes, Metadocencia) led a session about “Communities of practice and the pursuit for Open science on a global scale”.
  • Anne Fouilloux (Simula Research Laboratory), Alejandro Coca-Castro (The Alan Turing Institute) and Jean Iaquinta (The University of Oslo) facilitated a workshop about "Research Object Hub (RoHub) for FAIR research data management and Open Science in Practice"

Alt: Photo of attendees at the Collaborations Workshop. There are approx 50 people in the photo. Behind them there is a projection of a zoom call with more partipants. We can also see 3 round tables and chairs Photo of the attendees at the CW23, May 2023 Manchester, UK. Photo taken from the SSI Twitter account.

Connect at the Upcoming Events

DiveRSE Seminar - Supporting EDI within the RSE community (08 June 2023)

"Improving Diversity and Inclusion in the RSE Community" is a conference for people interested in improving Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Research Software Engineering community, be they Chairs of Committees or RSEs in multi-disciplinary teams.

It provides a framework to understand that the underlying problem is systemic and explains that discrimination has an accumulated impact over time for diverse candidates, and it gives you practical advice and tips on things you can do right now to make a difference.

📅 When?: Thursday, 08 June 2023; 11:00 - 12:00 UTC 📍Where?: Online (Register to receive the Zoom link) 🌱Open to all - Registration required! ✍️ Register: here

Read more about the Seminar here

RSE Asia Asociation - Upcoming Community Call (15 June 2023)

📅 When?: Thursday, 15 June 2023; 7:00 - 8:00 UTC 📍Where?: Online (Register to receive the Zoom link)Open to all 🌱Open to all - Registration required! ✍️ Register: here

Open Science Conference (27-29 June 2023)

The conference is an international event dedicated to the Open Science movement, bringing together researchers, librarians, practitioners, infrastructure providers, policymakers, and other important stakeholders to discuss the latest and future developments in Open Science.

  • "The Turing Way - a Book, a Community, a Global Collaboration" in the Practical Solutions for Open Science track, 27 June 2023
  • "Research Infrastructure Roles: Perspectives, Paths, and Open Research Practices" workshop, 28 June 2023

👉 Check the programme and register here

Open Science Festival (4-5 July 2023)

The second German Open Science Festival will take place in Cologne in July 2023, featuring a mix of current topics and formats related to Open Science. Open Science strives for science in which accessibility, transparency, reproducibility, reusability and, above all, open communication from the standard.

📍 ZB MED - Information Centre for Life Sciences and CECAD (University of Cologne).

👉 Read more and register - deadline 6 June 2023

CERN-NASA Open Science Summit 2023: “Accelerating the Adoption of Open Science” (10-14 July 2023)

In celebration of the 2023 Year of Open Science, CERN and NASA are jointly organizing “Accelerating the Adoption of Open Science”, a week-long open science summit at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, from 10 to 14 July 2023. This event will bring together relevant stakeholders in the physical sciences and international policymakers (e.g. UNESCO, European Commission).

Attendance to the workshops associated with this event will be limited to 80 people and will consist primarily of invited individuals. A limited number of slots will be available for conference registrants for in-person workshop participation.

Find more information here and register for the event

📅 Check out our centralised event schedule to learn more about what is happening in the community.

If you are attending an event and would like to meet folks from across the community, please include that in this pad

For more events, subscribe to the Open Research Calendar.

If you want us to promote your future events in the upcoming Newsletters, send me (Alex) an email or Anne with the info. The #events channel on Slack is also a great option to promote community events.

Community News

Alt: Scriberia image with a man working in his laptop trying to balance how to work with data, showing the logos of social media platforms, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Twitter and facebook  and a comment that says "Am I using the Data responsibly?"

Illustration by Scriberia. Used under a CC-BY 4.0 licence. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3332807.

State of Open: The UK in 2023 Survey

Open UK is inviting everyone based in the UK to complete The UK in 2023 Survey.

This survey will feed into our "State of Open: The UK in 2023" Report which will be shared under a creative commons licence and provided in 3 further Phases. Phase one is at

Deadline: 11 June 2023 (midnight BST)

Respond to the survey here

Invest in Open Infrastructure (IOI): Call for proposals

This call will provide funding to projects that support the development of open research infrastructure services, to strengthen sustainability and resilience and increase the adoption of open infrastructure that underpins research and knowledge creation.

  • Areas: capacity building, strengthening community governance, critical shared infrastructure
  • Level of funding: USD 5,000-25,000
  • Deadline for applications: 31 July 2023

Get more information here

World of Open Source: Global Spotlight 2023

Linux Foundation Research is asking for your help with a new research study on open source trends and opportunities on a global scale.

The results of this survey will help identify regional trends and opportunities and will facilitate the development of this year’s Europe Spotlight, Japan Spotlight, and other region-specific reports.

The survey is available in 8 languages

Talks and Workshops

  • Eirini Zormpa, Alden Conner and Rachael Stickland attended the Edinburgh Open Research and facilitated a workshop about Research infrastructure roles: perspectives, paths and lived experiences on 16 May 2023. Zenodo link
  • Rachael Ainsworth gave a talk about "Reproducible data science: The Turing Ways at the IAA-CSIC Severo Ochoa SKA Open Science School in Granada, Spain on 8 May 2023. Zenodo link
  • Florencia D'Andrea gave a presentation about "From research software engineering to data science: how technology will impact the way we research" at the Global Health Seminars at Washington State University on 09 May 2023. Github link
  • Anne Lee participated in the EDS Book + Climate Informations "Chat with Experts" online event on 19 May 2023.
  • Anne Lee Steele gave a talk about "An Introduction to The Turing Way" for the OSPO++ Community on 25 May 2023.

Tweets, Toots, & Mentions

Alt: two screen-shots, one from Twitter and another from Mastodon. The one from Twitter is from Alejandro Coca which says: "Thanks to @Turingway #Bookdash organisers to make #accessibility a priority with a parent-friendly environment and culture. The aid fund to cover childcare boosted my learning experience and unlocked new contriburions to the e-book and scriberian illustrations". The Mastodon one is from Esther Plomp and says "Turing Way Book dash blogpost. LAst week we hosted an in-person hub for the Turing way book dash. We wrote about it in short blog. We highlight what everyone worked on and try to give you an impression of what was going on during our hub. Joind us for the next Book Dash in November if you fear you're missing out"

  1. Tweet by Alejandro Coca - Link to tweet
  2. Toot by Dr Esther Plomp - Link to toot. Read the blogpost here

In The Turing Way Orbit

Roles at The Turing

👉Research Associate, AI and Autonomous Systems for Biodiversity Monitoring 💰 £42,893 - £48,510/yr 🗓️ 13 June 2023

👉Research Engineer/Senior Research Engineer 💰 £42,893 - £48,300/yr for the Research Engineer and £51,476 - £56,000/yr for the Senior Research Engineer 🗓️ 14 June 2023

👉Research Associate - Human Machine Teaming, Reinforcement Learning 💰 £42,893 - £48,510/yr 🗓️ 18 June 2023

👉Research Development Manager 💰 £40,950 - £44,100/yr 🗓️ 26 June 2023

Visit The Alan Turing career page to access more opportunities.

Other opportunities

  • Conference: The Research Data Alliance 21st Plenary is scheduled to take place 23–26 October 2023, Salzburg, Austria.
    • ⏰ Submit your session application by 09 June 2023
    • 📍 Location: Hybrid
    • 🔗 Read Details
  • Job: UCL - ARC Research Programme Manager
    • ⏰ Apply by 11 June 2023
    • 📍 Location: Hybrid (20% - 80% on site)
    • 💰 £39,508 - £47,355/yr
    • 🔗 Read Details
  • Grants: Sage Concept Grants
    • ⏰ Submit your application by 20 June 2023
    • 💰 £15,000 to scale up, and £2,000 for new ideas
    • 🔗 Read Details
  • Conference: Mozilla House (Round Tables, Workshops, Installations)
    • ⏰ 19-21 June, 2023
    • 📍 Location: Amsterdam
    • 🔗 Read Details.

Get involved + Connect with us!

You are welcome to join The Turing Way community, and learn more about the project.

If you'd like to contribute to the next newsletter, please email me @[email protected] or Anne Lee Steele at [email protected]! Feel free to send a message on Slack, or book some time in on Anne's calendly to say hello.

Be safe, stay open and thanks for reading our newsletter!

Thank you for reading this newsletter. Tell us how we can improve our newsletter by emailing [email protected].

Did you miss the last newsletters? Check them out here.