Ads-Library-API-Script-Repository is a set of code examples to help user/researchers understand how the Meta Ad Library API works. It also provides a simple command-line interface(CLI) for users to easily use the Meta Ad Library API.
The Markup forked this repo and made the following changes to support our work on investigations:
- The default Graph API version is updated from v14.0 to v20.0 (the current version as of September 2024)
- Valid query fields are updated to be in line with current documentation, and some parameters and variables are renamed to reflect those updates
- You may set
(documented here) on queries from the command line (both default to "ALL") - The script can optionally read your access token from a
file, so you don't have to pass it every time you invoke the script - You can resume interrupted queries by passing an
cursor to the script - Headers with rate limit information are displayed as the script runs, so you can monitor usage
- CSV files are
- written as data is received, instead of waiting until we have all the data
- written using Python's
library, to reduce formatting errors - timestamped and saved in a new
- New setup and usage instructions are included in this README
This command should show you a path to the executable, like /usr/bin/python3
which python3
If Python isn't installed and you're on an Apple computer, install homebrew and use it to install python3
brew install python
You can check Python's downloads page for instructions on installing on other operating systems.
Create the environment
python3 -m venv venv
Activate it
source venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
To use these scripts to access the Meta Ad Library API, you must have a Facebook developer account, which will require you to confirm your identity (by uploading identifying documents such as a drivers license or passport) and mailing address (by entering a code that Meta sends you in the physical mail.)
Once those details are confirmed, you can create a new app (an app of type "Business" will work) which will allow you to generate an access token. That token is required by these scripts to authenticate with the API. The access token can be found on the Graph API Explorer or the Access Token Tool, where it's described as the "User Token".
The access token can be passed to the script using the -t
flag, or saved in a .env
file with the key ACCESS_TOKEN
. You can copy the .env-sample
file in this repository to .env
and fill in your token there.
cp .env-sample .env
If you choose to save the results of your query to a file, they will be saved in the output
directory, in a folder time-stamped with the time you started the query.
Here are some examples on how to use the CLI:
replace {access_token}
with your token
python3 python/ -t {access_token} -f 'page_id,ad_snapshot_url,funding_entity,ad_delivery_start_time' -c 'CA' -s '.' -v count
Assuming you've put your access token in .env
python3 python/ -f 'id,ad_creation_time,ad_creative_bodies,ad_creative_link_captions,ad_creative_link_descriptions,ad_creative_link_titles,ad_delivery_start_time,ad_delivery_stop_time,ad_snapshot_url,age_country_gender_reach_breakdown,beneficiary_payers,bylines,currency,delivery_by_region,demographic_distribution,estimated_audience_size,eu_total_reach,impressions,languages,page_id,page_name,publisher_platforms,spend,target_ages,target_gender,target_locations' -c 'US' --ad-type 'POLITICAL_AND_ISSUE_ADS' -s 'coconut' --batch-size 250 --after-date 2024-07-20 -v save_to_csv coconut_after_07_20
You can see the available arguments by passing --help
python3 python/ --help
The Meta Ad Library API CLI Utility
positional arguments:
action Action to take on the ads, possible values: count,save,save_to_csv,start_time_trending
args The parameter for the specific action
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t ACCESS_TOKEN, --access-token ACCESS_TOKEN
The Facebook developer access token
-f FIELDS, --fields FIELDS
Fields to retrieve from the Ad Library API, comma-separated, no spaces
-s SEARCH_TERMS, --search-terms SEARCH_TERMS
The terms you want to search for, space-separated
-c COUNTRY, --country COUNTRY
Country code(s), comma-separated, no spaces
--search-page-ids SEARCH_PAGE_IDS
IDs for specific Facebook pages you want to search for ads from, comma-separated, no spaces
--ad-active-status AD_ACTIVE_STATUS
Filter by the current status of the ads at the moment the script runs, can be ALL (default), ACTIVE, INACTIVE
--ad-type AD_TYPE Return this type of ad, can be ALL (default), CREDIT_ADS, EMPLOYMENT_ADS, HOUSING_ADS, POLITICAL_AND_ISSUE_ADS
--media-type MEDIA_TYPE
Return ads that contain this type of media, can be ALL (default), IMAGE, MEME, VIDEO, NONE
--after-date AFTER_DATE
Only return ads that started delivery after this date, in the format YYYY-MM-DD
--after-page-cursor AFTER_PAGE_CURSOR
Restart a previous session by passing the 'after' cursor included in the paging section of the response
--batch-size BATCH_SIZE
Request records in batches of this size, default is 250
--retry-limit RETRY_LIMIT
How many times to retry when an error occurs, default is 3
-v, --verbose
The script will query the Meta Ad Library API to get all the Ad Library information on the Facebook platform;
- Website:
- Report:
- API:
See the CONTRIBUTING file for how to help out.
Ads-Library-API-Script-Repository is licensed under the Facebook Platform License, as found in the LICENSE file.