{% include nav.html %}
cd DSpace-Docker-Images/docker-compose-files/dspace-compose
docker-compose -p d6 -f docker-compose.yml -f d6.override.yml pull
docker-compose -p d6 -f docker-compose.yml -f d6.override.yml up -d
Verify that DSpace is Running
docker ps
It will take 2-5 minutes for the services to start completely. Once they have started, you can view them on the web. The first time you start DSpace, it will load some default AIP content. This process takes an additional 3-5 minutes.
See Common Tasks for additional actions you can take with your DSpace instance.
This option will pause your container and free up any ports in use. The container can be restarted.
docker-compose -p d6 -f docker-compose.yml -f d6.override.yml stop
Verify that DSpace has stopped
docker ps
docker-compose -p d6 -f docker-compose.yml -f d6.override.yml start
Verify that DSpace has restarted
docker ps
This option will delete your docker container. When you bring up a new container, it will look for an updated image. Your database and assetstore will be preserved.
docker-compose -p d6 -f docker-compose.yml -f d6.override.yml down
Verify that DSpace has stopped
docker ps
This will allow you to build a fresh installation with new data.
docker volume rm d6_assetstore d6_pgdata d6_solr_authority d6_solr_oai d6_solr_search d6_solr_statistics