Releases: thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e
Releases · thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v12.331.3.1...v12.331.3.2
Full Changelog: v12.331.3...v12.331.3.1
What's Changed
- Incapacitated check for spell use by @thatlonelybugbear in #162
by @GregoryWarn in #163- Closes #166 incapacitated shouldn't be considered when testing for nearby foes by @thatlonelybugbear in #167
Full Changelog: v12.331.2.1...v12.331.3
What's Changed
- Update v12.331.1 it.json by @GregoryWarn in #161
Full Changelog: v12.331.2...v12.331.2.1
What's changed
- Fix for raging and silenced checks not working properly.
- The proper flag for Subtle Spell is
flags.automated-conditions-5e.subtleSpell | Override | 1
What's Changed
- Foundry v12 only compatibility
- Changes to getDistance calculations based on the work of Illandril in Illandril's Token Tooltips (big thanks!)
- Should be calculating distances in 3D and hardcodes as Token's "height" the minimum of
(in a future update, a proper z-axis height could be implemented).
- Should be calculating distances in 3D and hardcodes as Token's "height" the minimum of
- Added casting spells checks automation (with options to do nothing/enforce/warn) for:
- Rage/Raging,
- Silenced and not having a Subtle Spell (localized string) named Active Effect, or a
flags.midi-qol.subtleSpell | Override | 1
What's Changed
- Incorporate vision checking calcs by @thatlonelybugbear in #149
- 150 change getdistance calculations to v12 schema by @thatlonelybugbear in #151
Full Changelog: v11.315331.1...v12.331.!1
Small fr.json update
Range does matter (or not!)
What's Changed
- Handle items without short and long range set more gracefully. Closes #156 by @thatlonelybugbear in #157
Full Changelog: v11.315331.2...v11.315331.3