Click this link here
Click on the top right wheel (configuration)
On the Repos, add the repo
enter: sergiohinojosa / dashboards-dt-kubernetes
then click +
Unmark the persona Workflow (early access) and set the Dashboard tags to 199
On the bottom click on Save
Open the configuration (wheel) again. A bigger list will unfold.
On the Tenant overview in Add Overview select sergiohinojosa/dashboards-dt-kubernetes
As a friendly name enter: Kubernetes Overview
Filename: 1-overview.json
Click on the +
Click on Save on the bottom
Click on Begin on the left side
Enter your tenantURL and your API-Token and click on connect.
Click on Deploy Tenant Overview
Select Kubernetes Overview
Click on Upload
If you need to modify the dashboards you can do it directly in the tenant or fork the repo ( and import the templates as the steps from above.