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File metadata and controls

40 lines (35 loc) · 2.04 KB

Extending Frameworks

To add a framework, the class file must be located in lib/java_buildpack/framework and the class name added to config/components.yml. The class must have the following methods:

# An initializer for the instance.
# @param [Hash<Symbol, String>] context A shared context provided to all components
# @option context [String] :app_dir the directory that the application exists in
# @option context [Hash] :environment A hash containing all environment variables except +VCAP_APPLICATION+ and
#                                     +VCAP_SERVICES+.  Those values are available separately in parsed form.
# @option context [String] :java_home the directory that acts as +JAVA_HOME+
# @option context [Array<String>] :java_opts an array that Java options can be added to
# @option context [String] :lib_directory the directory that additional libraries are placed in
# @option context [Hash] :vcap_application The contents of the +VCAP_APPLICATION+ environment variable
# @option context [Hash] :vcap_services The contents of the +VCAP_SERVICES+ environment variable
# @option context [Hash] :configuration the configuration provided by the user
def initialize(context)

# Determines if the framework can be applied to the application
# @return [Array<String>, String, nil] If the framework can be used to run the application, a +String+ or an
#                                      +Array<String>+ that uniquely identifies the framework (e.g. +java-opts+).
#                                      Otherwise, +nil+.
def detect

# Transforms the application based on the framework.  Status output written to +STDOUT+ is expected as part of this
# invocation.
# @return [void]
def compile

# Adds any framework-specific options to +context[:java_opts]+.  Typically this includes any JRE configuration required
# by the framework, but could be anything that a framework needs to have configured.
# @return [void]
def release