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Publications |
In reverse chronological order:
- Bench-Capon, T., and Gordon, T.F. (2022) Implementing a Theory of a Legal Domain. Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX 2022). IOS Press, pp. 13-22.
- Atkinson, K., Bench-Capon, T., Bex, F., Gordon, T.F. et al. (2020). In memoriam Douglas N. Walton: the influence of Doug Walton on AI and law. Artificial Intelligence and Law, 28, 281–326.
Gordon, Thomas F. and Friederich, Horst and Walton, Douglas (2018). Representing Argumentation Schemes with Constraint Handling Rules (CHR). Argument and Computation, 9(2), 91-119.
Gordon, Thomas F. (2018). Defining argument weighing functions. IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications, 5(3), 747-773.
Walton, Douglas and Gordon, Thomas F. (2018). How Computational Tools Can Help Rhetoric and Informal Logic with Argument Invention. Argumentation,
Gordon, Thomas F. (2018). Towards Requirements Analysis for Formal Argumentation. In (Baroni, Pietro and Gabbay, Dov and Giacomin, Massimiliano and van der Torre, Leendart, Eds.) Handbook of Formal Argumentation. College Publications.
Walton, Douglas and Gordon, Thomas F. (2017). Argument Invention with the Carneades Argumentation System. Script-Ed, 14(2), 169-207.
Gordon, Thomas F. (2017). Arguing about Open Source Licensing Issues on the Web. In (Paglieri, Fabio and Reed, Chris, Eds.), Arguing on the Web: Theory, Analysis, and Applications. In press. College Publications.
Gordon, Thomas F. and Friederich, Horst (2017). Representing Argumentation Schemes with Constraint Handling Rules (CHR). In (Bex, Floris and Grasso, Floriana and Green, Nancy, Eds.). Proceedings of the 17th Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (pp. 30-37). Aachen, Germany: CEUR.
Walton, Douglas and Gordon, Thomas F. (2017). Cumulative Arguments in Artificial Intelligence and Informal Logic. Revista de Argumentacion, (14), 1-28.
- Gordon, Thomas F. and Walton, Douglas (2016). Formalizing Balancing Arguments. Proceedings of the 2016 conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2016) (pp. 327-338): IOS Press. Note: This version corrects an error in Definition 7 (Applicable Argument). The conference proceedings includes the uncorrected verson.
- Walton, Douglas and Gordon, Thomas F. (2015). Formalizing Informal Logic. Informal Logic, 35(4), 508-538.
- Bench-Capon, Trevor and Gordon, Thomas F. (2015). Two Tools for Prototyping Legal CBR. Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX 2015). IOS Press, pp. 177-178.
- Bench-Capon, Trevor and Gordon, Thomas F. (2015). Tools for Rapid Prototyping of Legal Cased-Based Reasoning (ULCS-15-005). Liverpool, United Kingdom: University of Liverpool.
- Gordon, Thomas F. (2015). Carneades ICCMA: A Straightforward Implementation of a Solver for Abstract Argumentation in the Go Programming Language. In System Descriptions of the First International Competition on Computational Models of Argumentation (ICCMA'15), Thimm, Matthias and Villata, Serena, Eds., pp. 54-57.
- Gordon, Thomas F. 2015. Still craving a Porsche. In Advances in knowledge representation, logic programming, and abstract argumentation : essays dedicated to Gerhard Brewka on the occasion of his 60th birthday, 356--359. Vol. 9060: Springer.
- Gordon, Thomas F. (2014). Software Engineering for Research on Legal Argumentation. Proceedings of the First International Workshop for Research on Legal Argumenation (MET-ARG)
- Gordon, Thomas F.. "A Demonstration of the MARKOS License Analyser." In Computational Models of Argument – Proceedings of COMMA 2014, edited by Simon Parsons,- Nir Oren, Chris Reed and Federico Cerutti, 461-462. Vol. 266, 2014.
- Walton, D. N.; Tindale, C. W. & Gordon, T. F. (2014), 'Applying Recent Argumentation Methods to Some Ancient Examples of Plausible Reasoning', Argumentation 28(1), 85–119. (Doi: 10.1007/s10503-013-9306-y.)
- Gordon, T. F. (2013). Structured Consultation with Argument Graphs. In K. Atkinson, H. Prakken & A. Wyner (ed.), From Knowledge Representation to Argumentation in AI, Law and Policy Making (pp. 115–134). College Publications.
- Gordon, T. F. (2013), Introducing the Carneades Web Application, in 'Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2013)', ACM Press, pp. 243–244.
- Ceci, M., and Gordon, T. F. Browsing case-law: An application of the Carneades argumentation system. In Proceedings of the RuleML2012@ECAI Challenge, H. Aït-Kaci, Y.-J. Hu, G. J. Nalepa, M. Palmirani, and D. Roman, Eds., vol. 874 (2012), pp. 79–95.
- Gordon, T. F. The Carneades web service. In Computational Models of Argument – Proceedings of COMMA 2012 (Amsterdam, 2012), B. Verheij, S. Szeider, and S. Woltran, Eds., IOS Press, pp. 517–518.
- Bex, F., Gordon, T., Lawrence, J., and Reed, C. Interchanging arguments between Carneades and AIF. In Computational Models of Argument – Proceedings of COMMA 2012 (2012), B. Verheij, S. Szeider, and S. Woltran, Eds., pp. 390–397.
- Walton, D. and Gordon, T. F. (2012). The Carneades model of argument invention. Pragmatics & Cognition, 20(1):1–31.
- Gordon, T. F., and Walton, D. A Carneades Reconstruction of Popov v Hayashi. Artificial Intelligence and Law 20, 1 (2012), 37–56. doi:10.1007/s10506-012-9120-0
- Gordon, Thomas F. 2011. The Policy Modeling Tool of the IMPACT Argumentation Toolbox. In Proceedings of the Jurix Workshop on Modelling Policy-Making (MPM 2011), 29-38.
- Gordon, T.F. Combining Rules and Ontologies with Carneades. Proceedings of the 5th International RuleML2011@BRF Challenge, CEUR Workshop Proceedings (2011), 103-110.
- Gordon, T.F. Analyzing Open Source License Compatibility Issues with Carneades. Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL-2011), ACM Press (2011), 50-55.
- Gordon, T. F., & Walton, D. (2011). A Formal Model of Legal Proof Standards and Burdens. In F. van Emeren, B. Garssen, J. A. Blair, & G. R. Mitchell (Eds.), 7th Conference on Argumentation of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA 2010) (pp. 644-655). Amsterdam: Sic Sac.
- Gordon, T.F. Report on a Prototype Decision Support System for OSS License Compatibility Issues. Qualipso (IST- FP6-IP-034763), Deliverable A1.D2.1.3, 2010.
- Gordon, T.F. An Overview of the Carneades Argumentation Support System. In C.W. Tindale and C. Reed, Dialectics, Dialogue and Argumentation. An Examination of- Douglas Walton's Theories of Reasoning. College Publications, 2010, 145-156.
- Brewka, G. and Gordon, T.F. Carneades and Abstract Dialectical Frameworks: A Reconstruction. Computational Models of Argument – Proceedings of COMMA 2010, IOS Press (2010), 3–12.
- Ballnat, S. and Gordon, T.F. Goal Selection in Argumentation Processes — A Formal Model of Abduction in Argument Evaluation Structures. Computational Models of Argument – Proceedings of COMMA 2010, IOS Press (2010), 51–62.
- Grabmair, M., Gordon, T.F., and Walton, D. Probabilistic Semantics for the Carneades Argument Model Using Bayesian Belief Networks. Computational Models of Argument – Proceedings of COMMA 2010, IOS Press (2010), 255–266.
- Gordon, T.F. Foundations of Argumentation Technology – Summary of Habilitation Thesis. Technical University of Berlin, 2009.
- Gordon, T. F., Governatori, G., and Rotolo, A. Rules and norms: Requirements for rule interchange languages in the legal domain. In Rule Representation, Interchange and Reasoning on the Web (Berlin, 5-7 November 2009), G. Governatori, J. Hall, and A. Paschke, Eds., no. 5858 in LNCS, Springer, pp. 282–296.
- Walton, D., and Gordon, T. F. Jumping to a conclusion: Fallacies and standards of proof. Informal Logic 29, 2 (2009), 215–243.
- Bench-Capon, T., and Gordon, T. F. Isomorphism and argumentation. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2009) (New York, NY, USA, 2009), C. D. Hafner, Ed., ACM Press.
- Lauritsen, M., and Gordon, T. F. Toward a general theory of document modeling. In 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2009) (New York, NY, USA, 2009), C. D. Hafner, Ed., ACM Press.
- Gordon, T. F., and Walton, D. Legal reasoning with argumentation schemes. In 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2009) (New York, NY, USA, 2009), C. D. Hafner, Ed., ACM Press.
- Gordon, T. F., and Walton, D. Proof burdens and standards. In Argumentation in Artificial Intelligence, I. Rahwan and G. Simari, Eds. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 2009, 239-260.
- Gordon, T. F. Juristische Argumentation als Modellierungsprozess. In Roland Traunmüller and Maria Wimmer, editors, Informatik in Recht und Verwaltung: Gestern - Heute - Morgen, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), pages 104–112. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, Germany, 2009.
- Macintosh, A., Gordon, T. F., and Renton, A. Providing argument support for e-participation. Journal of Information Technology & Politics 6, 1 (2009), 43–59.
- Gordon, T. F. Constructing legal arguments with rules in the legal knowledge interchange format (LKIF). In Computable Models of the Law, P. Casanovas, N. Casellas, R. Rubino, and G. Sartor, Eds., no. 4884 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Verlag, 2008, pp. 162–184. (Also available on Springerlink.)
- Gordon, T. F. The Legal Knowledge Interchange Format (LKIF). Deliverable 4.1, European Commission, 2008.
- Gordon, T. F. Hybrid reasoning with argumentation schemes. In Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA 08) (July 2008).
- Gordon, T. F. (2007). 20 Years of ICAIL: Reflections on the Field of AI and Law. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2007). (OpenDocument format License: Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International.
- Gordon, T. F. Visualizing Carneades argument graphs. Law, Probability and Risk 6, 1-4 (2007), 109–117.
- Gordon, T. F. Constructing arguments with a computational model of an argumentation scheme for legal rules. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (2007), pp. 117-121.
- Gordon, T. F., Prakken, H., and Walton, D. The Carneades model of argument and burden of proof. Artificial Intelligence 171, 10-11 (2007), 875–896.
- Apostolou, D., Babic, F., Bafoutsou, G., Butka, P., Dioudis, S., Mach, M., Macintosh, A., Gordon, T., Halaris, C., Kafentzis, K., Mentzas, G., Paralic, M., Paralic, J., Renton, A., Rosendahl, A., Sabol, T., Schneider, C., Thorleifsdottir, A., and Wimmer, M. (2007). eParticipation: The potential of new and emerging technologies. Technical report, DemoNet – EU IST Network of Excellence.
- Gordon, T. F., and Walton, D. Pierson vs. Post revisted — a reconstruction using the Carneades Argumentation Framework. In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 06) (Liverpool, 2006), P. E. Dunne and T. Bench-Capon, Eds., IOS Press.
- Gordon, T. F., and Walton, D. The Carneades argumentation framework — using presumptions and exceptions to model critical questions. In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 06) (Liverpool, September 2006), P. E. Dunne, Ed.
- Gordon, T. F. Encyclopedia of Digital Government. Idea Group, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 2006, ch. Legal Knowledge Systems, pp. 1161–1166.
- Gordon, T. F. Information technology for good governance. In French-German Symposium on Governance, Law and Technology (September 2005), D. Bourcier, Ed., University of Paris, pp. 87–95.
- Gordon, T. F. Artificial intelligence and legal theory at law schools. In Artificial Intelligence and Legal Education (Bologna, Italy, 2005), H. Yoshino, K. D. Ashley, and K. Nitta, Eds., Gedit Edizioni, pp. 53–58.
- Walton, D., and Gordon, T. F. Critical questions in computational models of legal argument. In Argumentation in Artificial Intelligence and Law (Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 2005), P. E. Dunne and T. Bench-Capon, Eds., IAAIL Workshop Series, Wolf Legal Publishers, pp. 103–111.
- Gordon, T. F. (2005). A computational model of argument for legal reasoning support systems. In Dunne, P. E. and Bench-Capon, T., editors, Argumentation in Artificial Intelligence and Law, IAAIL Workshop Series, pages 53–64. Wolf Legal Publishers.
- Glassey, O., and Gordon, T. F. Feasibility study for a legal knowledge system in the County of Herford. In Electronic Government — 4th International Conference, EGOV 2005 (Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2005), M. Wimmer, R. Traunmüller, Å. Grönlund, and K. V. Andersen, Eds., Springer-Verlag, pp. 186–197.
- Glassey, O., Gordon, T., and Pattberg, J. Machbarkeitstudie eines wissenbasierten Rechtsberatungssystems im Kreis Herford. In Effizienz von e-Lösungen in Staat und Gesellschaft; Aktuelle Fragen der Rechtsinformatik (2005), E. Schweighofer, D. Liebwald, S. Augeneder, and T. Menzel, Eds., Boorberg-Verlag, pp. 379–386.
- Gordon, Thomas F., ed. Legal Knowledge and Information Systems – JURIX 2004: The Seventeenth Conference. Vol. 120. Berlin: IOS Press, 2004.
- Gordon, Thomas F. "Die Bedeutung von eGovernance für die Öffentliche Verwaltung." Verwaltung und Management 10.5 (2004): 258–63.
- Gordon, Thomas F. "eGovernance and its Value for Public Adminsitration." Knowledge-Based Services for the Public Sector. Ed. Donato Malerba. Bonn, 2004.
- Gordon, Thomas F. On the Need for Standard Document Formats for Egovernance Applications of Legal Knowledge-Based Systems. Workshop on Artificial Intelligence to Support eGovernment. Cambridge, UK, 2003.
- Gordon, Thomas F. A Use Case Analysis of Legal Knowledge-Based Systems. Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX 2003). Utrecht: IOS Press,
- Gordon, Thomas F. An Open, Scalable and Distributed Platform for Public Discourse. Informatik 2003. Eds. Klaus Dittrich, et al. Frankfurt am Main: Springer Verlag, 2003. 232-34. Vol. 2.
- Gordon, Thomas F., and Oliver Märker. "Mediation Systems ." Neue Medien in Der Konfliktvermittlung - Mit Beispielen Aus Politik Und Wirtschaft. Eds. Oliver Märker and Matthias Trénel. Berlin: Edition Sigma, 2002. 61-84.
- Gordon, Thomas F., and Gernot Richter. "Discourse Support Systems for Deliberative Democracy." eGovernment: State of the Art and Perspectives (EGOV). Eds. Roland Traunmüller and Klaus Lenk. Aix-en-Provence: Springer Verlag, 2002. 248-55.
- Märker, Oliver, et al. "Internet-Based Citizen Participation in the City of Esslingen. Relevance - Moderation - Software." Corp 2002 - "Who Plans Europe's Future?" Ed. Manfred Schrenk: Technical University of Vienna, 2002.
- Gordon, Thomas F., "Introduction to the ERCIM News Special Issue on E-Government", ERCIM News, No. 48, January, 2002.
- Gordon, Thomas F., and Oliver Märker. "Mediation Systems ." Sustainability in the Information Society; 15th International Symposium Informatics for Environment Protection. Eds. Lorenz M. Hilty and Paul W. Gilgen. Zürich: Metropolis Verlag, 2001. 737-42.
- Gordon, Thomas F., Angi Voss, Gernot Richter and Oliver Märker. "Zeno: Groupware for Discourses on the Internet." Künstliche Intelligenz 2.1 (2001): 43-45.
- Schmidt-Belz, Barbara, Thomas F. Gordon, and Hans Voss. "Urban Planning with Geomed - First User Experiences."Eurocities, 4th European Digital Cities Conference. Salzburg, 1999. 135-38.
- Prakken, Henry., and Thomas F. Gordon. Rules of order for electronic group decision making — a formal methodology. In Collaboration between Human and Artificial Societies, J. A. Padget, Ed., Springer Lecture Notes in AI. Berlin, 1999, pp. 246–263.
- Gordon, Thomas F., and Nikos Karacapilidis. "The Zeno Argumentation Framework." Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law. Melbourne, Austrailia, 1997. 10-18.
- Gordon, Thomas F. "Computational Dialectics." Computers as Assistants - A New Generation of Support Systems. Ed. Peter Hoschka: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1996. 186-203.
- Brewka, Gerhard, and Thomas F. Gordon. "Proceedings of the FAPR-96 Workshop on Computational Dialectics." (1996).
- Brewka, Gerhard, Thomas F. Gordon, and Nikos Karacapilidis. "Mediating Systems for Group Decision Making: the Zeno System." KI-95 Workshop on Computational Dialectics: Models of Argumentation, Negotiation and Decision Making, 1995.
- Karacapilidis, Nikos I., and Thomas F. Gordon. "Dialectical Planning." Proceedings of 14th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-95); Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems,. Montreal, Canada, 1995. 239-50.
- Gordon, Thomas F. The Pleadings Game; an Artificial Intelligence Model of Procedural Justice. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1995.
- Gordon, Thomas F. "Computational Dialectics." Workshop Kooperative Juristische Informationssysteme. Gmd Studien. Sankt Augustin, Germany, 1994. 25-36.
- Brewka, Gerhard, and Thomas F. Gordon. "How to Buy a Porsche: An Approach to Defeasible Decision Making." Working Notes of the AAAI-94 Workshop on Computational Dialectics. Seattle, Washington, 1994. 28-38.
- Gordon, Thomas. F. The Pleadings Game — an exercise in computational dialectics. Artificial Intelligence and Law 2, 4 (1994), 239–292.
- Gordon, Thomas. F. The Pleadings Game; formalizing procedural justice. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law. 1993, pp. 10–19.
- Gordon, Thomas F. 1993. The Pleadings Game; An Artificial Intelligence Model of Procedural Justice. PhD Thesis. Technical University of Darmstadt.
- Gordon, Thomas F. "Artificial Intelligence: A Hermeneutic Defense ." Software Development and Reality Construction. Ed. Christiane Floyd and Heinz Züllighoven and Reinhard Budde and Reinhard Keil-Slawik, 1992. 280-90.
- Gordon, Thomas F. "A Theory Construction Approach to Legal Document Assembly." Expert Systems in Law. Ed. Antonio A. Martino. Amsterdam, 1992. 211-25.
- Gordon, Thomas F. "An Abductive Theory of Legal Issues." International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 35 (1991): 95-118.
- Gordon, Thomas F. "Issue Spotting in a System for Searching Interpretation Spaces." Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law. 1989. 157-64.
- Gordon, Thomas F. The Argument Construction Set – A Constructive Approach to Legal Expert Systems: German Research Institute for Mathematics and Data Processing (GMD), 1988.
- Gordon, Thomas F. "The Importance of Nonmonotonicity for Legal Reasoning." Expert Systems in Law; Impacts on Legal Theory and Computer Law. Eds. H. Fiedler, F. Haft and R. Traunmüller. Tübingen, 1988. 111-26.
- Gordon, Thomas F. "Oblog-2: A Hybrid Knowledge Representation System for Defeasible Reasoning." International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law. Boston, 1987. 231-39.
- Gordon, Thomas F. "Some Problems with Prolog as a Knowledge Representation Language for Legal Expert Systems." Yearbook of Law, Computers & Technology. Ed. C. Arnold. London, 1987. 52-67.
- Fiedler, Herbert, and Thomas F. Gordon. "Recht und Rechtsanwendung als Paradigma wissensbasierter Systeme." Tagungsband Wissensbasierte Systeme. Ed. W. Brauer and W. Wahlster, 1987.
- Gordon, Thomas F. "The Role of Exceptions in Models of the Law." Formalisierung im Recht und Ansätze juristischer Expertensysteme. Ed. R. Traunmüller H. Fiedler. Munich, 1986. 52-59.