These are the exercise files used for Hyperledger Blockchain Smart Contract Training course.
The course outline can be found in
Module 1 Basic Concepts of Blockchain
- How Blockchain Works
- Structure of Blockchain
- Block
- Hash
- Blockchain
- Smart Contract
- Consensus Algorithm
- Proof of Work
- Proof of Stake
Module 2 Hyperledger Fabric
- What is Hyperledger Project?
- Hyperledger DLT and Tools
- How Hyperledger Fabric Work?
- Peer Nodes
- HyperLedger Fabric Workflow
- Ledger Implementation
- State Database
- Endorsement Policy
- Chain Code
Module 3 Setup Hyperledger Composer & Fabric
- Software Requirements
- Install Composer on Local Computer
- Install Hyperledger Fabric on Virtual Machine
- Install Hyperledger Fabric on Ubuntu and Mac
Module 4 Hyperledger Composer
- What is Hyperledger Composer
- How Hyperledger Composer Work?
- Composer Playground
- Composer CLI Commands
- Upload a Business Network Application to Playground
Module 5 Composer Languages
- Composer Modeling Language
- Resources Types
- Object Oriented Types
- Arrays
- Concepts
- Import
- Transaction Processor Functions
- Composer Query Language