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/addons/api_docs/python/tfa/layers + - title: CorrelationCost + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/CorrelationCost + - title: GELU + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/GELU + - title: GroupNormalization + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/GroupNormalization + - title: InstanceNormalization + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/InstanceNormalization + - title: Maxout + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/Maxout + - title: PoincareNormalize + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/PoincareNormalize + - title: Sparsemax + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/Sparsemax + - title: WeightNormalization + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/WeightNormalization + - title: gelu + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/gelu + - title: maxout + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/maxout + - title: normalizations + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/normalizations + - title: optical_flow + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/optical_flow + - title: poincare + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/poincare + - title: sparsemax + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/sparsemax + - title: wrappers + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/wrappers +- title: tfa.losses + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/losses + - title: ContrastiveLoss + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/ContrastiveLoss + - title: contrastive_loss + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/contrastive_loss + - title: GIoULoss + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/GIoULoss + - title: giou_loss + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/giou_loss + - title: LiftedStructLoss + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/LiftedStructLoss + - title: lifted_struct_loss + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/lifted_struct_loss + - title: NpairsLoss + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/NpairsLoss + - title: NpairsMultilabelLoss + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/NpairsMultilabelLoss + - title: npairs_loss + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/npairs_loss + - title: npairs_multilabel_loss + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/npairs_multilabel_loss + - title: SigmoidFocalCrossEntropy + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/SigmoidFocalCrossEntropy + - title: sigmoid_focal_crossentropy + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/sigmoid_focal_crossentropy + - title: SparsemaxLoss + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/SparsemaxLoss + - title: sparsemax_loss + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/sparsemax_loss + - title: TripletSemiHardLoss + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/TripletSemiHardLoss + - title: triplet_semihard_loss + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/triplet_semihard_loss + - title: contrastive + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/contrastive + - title: focal_loss + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/focal_loss + - title: lifted + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/lifted + - title: metric_learning + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/metric_learning + - title: pairwise_distance + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/metric_learning/pairwise_distance + - title: npairs + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/npairs + - title: triplet + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/triplet +- title: tfa.metrics + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics + - title: CohenKappa + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/CohenKappa + - title: F1Score + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/F1Score + - title: FBetaScore + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/FBetaScore + - title: HammingLoss + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/HammingLoss + - title: hamming_distance + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/hamming_distance + - title: MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient + - title: MeanMetricWrapper + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/MeanMetricWrapper + - title: MultiLabelConfusionMatrix + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/MultiLabelConfusionMatrix + - title: RSquare + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/RSquare + - title: cohens_kappa + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/cohens_kappa + - title: f_scores + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/f_scores + - title: hamming + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/hamming + - title: hamming_loss_fn + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/hamming/hamming_loss_fn + - title: matthews_correlation_coefficient + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/matthews_correlation_coefficient + - title: multilabel_confusion_matrix + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/multilabel_confusion_matrix + - title: r_square + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/r_square + - title: utils + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/utils +- title: tfa.optimizers + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers + - title: AdamW + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/AdamW + - title: AveragedOptimizerWrapper + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/AveragedOptimizerWrapper + - title: ConditionalGradient + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/ConditionalGradient + - title: CyclicalLearningRate + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/CyclicalLearningRate + - title: ExponentialCyclicalLearningRate + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/ExponentialCyclicalLearningRate + - title: extend_with_decoupled_weight_decay + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/extend_with_decoupled_weight_decay + - title: LAMB + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/LAMB + - title: LazyAdam + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/LazyAdam + - title: Lookahead + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/Lookahead + - title: MovingAverage + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/MovingAverage + - title: RectifiedAdam + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/RectifiedAdam + - title: SGDW + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/SGDW + - title: SWA + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/SWA + - title: Triangular2CyclicalLearningRate + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/Triangular2CyclicalLearningRate + - title: TriangularCyclicalLearningRate + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/TriangularCyclicalLearningRate + - title: average_wrapper + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/average_wrapper + - title: conditional_gradient + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/conditional_gradient + - title: cyclical_learning_rate + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/cyclical_learning_rate + - title: lamb + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/lamb + - title: lazy_adam + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/lazy_adam + - title: lookahead + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/lookahead + - title: moving_average + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/moving_average + - title: rectified_adam + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/rectified_adam + - title: stochastic_weight_averaging + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/stochastic_weight_averaging + - title: weight_decay_optimizers + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/weight_decay_optimizers + - title: DecoupledWeightDecayExtension + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/weight_decay_optimizers/DecoupledWeightDecayExtension +- title: tfa.rnn + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/rnn + - title: LayerNormLSTMCell + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/rnn/LayerNormLSTMCell + - title: NASCell + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/rnn/NASCell + - title: cell + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/rnn/cell +- title: tfa.seq2seq + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq + - title: AttentionMechanism + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/AttentionMechanism + - title: AttentionWrapper + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/AttentionWrapper + - title: AttentionWrapperState + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/AttentionWrapperState + - title: BahdanauAttention + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/BahdanauAttention + - title: BahdanauMonotonicAttention + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/BahdanauMonotonicAttention + - title: BaseDecoder + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/BaseDecoder + - title: BasicDecoder + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/BasicDecoder + - title: BasicDecoderOutput + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/BasicDecoderOutput + - title: BeamSearchDecoder + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/BeamSearchDecoder + - title: BeamSearchDecoderOutput + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/BeamSearchDecoderOutput + - title: BeamSearchDecoderState + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/BeamSearchDecoderState + - title: CustomSampler + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/CustomSampler + - title: Decoder + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/Decoder + - title: dynamic_decode + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/dynamic_decode + - title: FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput + - title: gather_tree_from_array + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/gather_tree_from_array + - title: GreedyEmbeddingSampler + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/GreedyEmbeddingSampler + - title: hardmax + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/hardmax + - title: InferenceSampler + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/InferenceSampler + - title: LuongAttention + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/LuongAttention + - title: LuongMonotonicAttention + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/LuongMonotonicAttention + - title: monotonic_attention + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/monotonic_attention + - title: safe_cumprod + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/safe_cumprod + - title: SampleEmbeddingSampler + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/SampleEmbeddingSampler + - title: Sampler + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/Sampler + - title: ScheduledEmbeddingTrainingSampler + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/ScheduledEmbeddingTrainingSampler + - title: ScheduledOutputTrainingSampler + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/ScheduledOutputTrainingSampler + - title: SequenceLoss + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/SequenceLoss + - title: sequence_loss + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/sequence_loss + - title: tile_batch + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/tile_batch + - title: TrainingSampler + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/TrainingSampler + - title: attention_wrapper + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/attention_wrapper + - title: basic_decoder + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/basic_decoder + - title: beam_search_decoder + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/beam_search_decoder + - title: attention_probs_from_attn_state + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/beam_search_decoder/attention_probs_from_attn_state + - title: BeamSearchDecoderMixin + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/beam_search_decoder/BeamSearchDecoderMixin + - title: get_attention_probs + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/beam_search_decoder/get_attention_probs + - title: decoder + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/decoder + - title: loss + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/loss + - title: sampler + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/sampler + - title: bernoulli_sample + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/sampler/bernoulli_sample + - title: categorical_sample + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/sampler/categorical_sample +- title: tfa.text + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/text + - title: crf_binary_score + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_binary_score + - title: crf_decode + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_decode + - title: crf_decode_backward + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_decode_backward + - title: crf_decode_forward + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_decode_forward + - title: crf_forward + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_forward + - title: crf_log_likelihood + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_log_likelihood + - title: crf_log_norm + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_log_norm + - title: crf_multitag_sequence_score + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_multitag_sequence_score + - title: crf_sequence_score + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_sequence_score + - title: crf_unary_score + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_unary_score + - title: parse_time + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/text/parse_time + - title: skip_gram_sample + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/text/skip_gram_sample + - title: skip_gram_sample_with_text_vocab + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/text/skip_gram_sample_with_text_vocab + - title: viterbi_decode + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/text/viterbi_decode + - title: crf + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf + - title: CrfDecodeForwardRnnCell + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf/CrfDecodeForwardRnnCell + - title: parse_time_op + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/text/parse_time_op + - title: skip_gram_ops + section: + - title: Overview + path: /addons/api_docs/python/tfa/text/skip_gram_ops diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/index.md b/docs/api_docs/python/index.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..114ab5da9f --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/index.md @@ -0,0 +1,303 @@ +# All symbols in TensorFlow Addons + +## Primary symbols +* tfa +* tfa.activations +* tfa.activations.gelu +* tfa.activations.hardshrink +* tfa.activations.lisht +* tfa.activations.mish +* tfa.activations.rrelu +* tfa.activations.softshrink +* tfa.activations.sparsemax +* tfa.activations.tanhshrink +* tfa.callbacks +* tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar +* tfa.callbacks.TimeStopping +* tfa.callbacks.time_stopping +* tfa.callbacks.time_stopping.TimeStopping +* tfa.callbacks.tqdm_progress_bar +* tfa.callbacks.tqdm_progress_bar.TQDMProgressBar +* tfa.image +* tfa.image.adjust_hsv_in_yiq +* tfa.image.connected_components +* tfa.image.dense_image_warp +* tfa.image.distance_transform +* tfa.image.distance_transform.euclidean_dist_transform +* tfa.image.distort_image_ops +* tfa.image.distort_image_ops.adjust_hsv_in_yiq +* tfa.image.distort_image_ops.random_hsv_in_yiq +* tfa.image.euclidean_dist_transform +* tfa.image.filters +* tfa.image.filters.mean_filter2d +* tfa.image.filters.median_filter2d +* tfa.image.interpolate_bilinear +* tfa.image.interpolate_spline +* tfa.image.mean_filter2d +* tfa.image.median_filter2d +* tfa.image.random_hsv_in_yiq +* tfa.image.resampler +* tfa.image.resampler_ops +* tfa.image.resampler_ops.resampler +* tfa.image.rotate +* tfa.image.sparse_image_warp +* tfa.image.transform +* tfa.image.transform_ops +* tfa.image.transform_ops.angles_to_projective_transforms +* tfa.image.transform_ops.compose_transforms +* tfa.image.transform_ops.flat_transforms_to_matrices +* tfa.image.transform_ops.matrices_to_flat_transforms +* tfa.image.transform_ops.rotate +* tfa.image.transform_ops.transform +* tfa.image.translate +* tfa.image.translate_ops +* tfa.image.translate_ops.transform +* tfa.image.translate_ops.translate +* tfa.image.translate_ops.translations_to_projective_transforms +* tfa.image.utils +* tfa.image.utils.from_4D_image +* tfa.image.utils.get_ndims +* tfa.image.utils.to_4D_image +* tfa.layers +* tfa.layers.CorrelationCost +* tfa.layers.GELU +* tfa.layers.GroupNormalization +* tfa.layers.InstanceNormalization +* tfa.layers.Maxout +* tfa.layers.PoincareNormalize +* tfa.layers.Sparsemax +* tfa.layers.WeightNormalization +* tfa.layers.gelu +* tfa.layers.gelu.GELU +* tfa.layers.maxout +* tfa.layers.maxout.Maxout +* tfa.layers.normalizations +* tfa.layers.normalizations.GroupNormalization +* tfa.layers.normalizations.InstanceNormalization +* tfa.layers.optical_flow +* tfa.layers.optical_flow.CorrelationCost +* tfa.layers.poincare +* tfa.layers.poincare.PoincareNormalize +* tfa.layers.sparsemax +* tfa.layers.sparsemax.Sparsemax +* tfa.layers.sparsemax.sparsemax +* tfa.layers.wrappers +* tfa.layers.wrappers.WeightNormalization +* tfa.losses +* tfa.losses.ContrastiveLoss +* tfa.losses.GIoULoss +* tfa.losses.LiftedStructLoss +* tfa.losses.NpairsLoss +* tfa.losses.NpairsMultilabelLoss +* tfa.losses.SigmoidFocalCrossEntropy +* tfa.losses.SparsemaxLoss +* tfa.losses.TripletSemiHardLoss +* tfa.losses.contrastive +* tfa.losses.contrastive.ContrastiveLoss +* tfa.losses.contrastive.contrastive_loss +* tfa.losses.contrastive_loss +* tfa.losses.focal_loss +* tfa.losses.focal_loss.SigmoidFocalCrossEntropy +* tfa.losses.focal_loss.sigmoid_focal_crossentropy +* tfa.losses.giou_loss +* tfa.losses.lifted +* tfa.losses.lifted.LiftedStructLoss +* tfa.losses.lifted.lifted_struct_loss +* tfa.losses.lifted_struct_loss +* tfa.losses.metric_learning +* tfa.losses.metric_learning.pairwise_distance +* tfa.losses.npairs +* tfa.losses.npairs.NpairsLoss +* tfa.losses.npairs.NpairsMultilabelLoss +* tfa.losses.npairs.npairs_loss +* tfa.losses.npairs.npairs_multilabel_loss +* tfa.losses.npairs_loss +* tfa.losses.npairs_multilabel_loss +* tfa.losses.sigmoid_focal_crossentropy +* tfa.losses.sparsemax_loss +* tfa.losses.triplet +* tfa.losses.triplet.TripletSemiHardLoss +* tfa.losses.triplet.triplet_semihard_loss +* tfa.losses.triplet_semihard_loss +* tfa.metrics +* tfa.metrics.CohenKappa +* tfa.metrics.F1Score +* tfa.metrics.FBetaScore +* tfa.metrics.HammingLoss +* tfa.metrics.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient +* tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper +* tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix +* tfa.metrics.RSquare +* tfa.metrics.cohens_kappa +* tfa.metrics.cohens_kappa.CohenKappa +* tfa.metrics.f_scores +* tfa.metrics.f_scores.F1Score +* tfa.metrics.f_scores.FBetaScore +* tfa.metrics.hamming +* tfa.metrics.hamming.HammingLoss +* tfa.metrics.hamming.hamming_distance +* tfa.metrics.hamming.hamming_loss_fn +* tfa.metrics.hamming_distance +* tfa.metrics.matthews_correlation_coefficient +* tfa.metrics.matthews_correlation_coefficient.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient +* tfa.metrics.multilabel_confusion_matrix +* tfa.metrics.multilabel_confusion_matrix.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix +* tfa.metrics.r_square +* tfa.metrics.r_square.RSquare +* tfa.metrics.utils +* tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper +* tfa.optimizers +* tfa.optimizers.AdamW +* tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper +* tfa.optimizers.ConditionalGradient +* tfa.optimizers.CyclicalLearningRate +* tfa.optimizers.ExponentialCyclicalLearningRate +* tfa.optimizers.LAMB +* tfa.optimizers.LazyAdam +* tfa.optimizers.Lookahead +* tfa.optimizers.MovingAverage +* tfa.optimizers.RectifiedAdam +* tfa.optimizers.SGDW +* tfa.optimizers.SWA +* tfa.optimizers.Triangular2CyclicalLearningRate +* tfa.optimizers.TriangularCyclicalLearningRate +* tfa.optimizers.average_wrapper +* tfa.optimizers.average_wrapper.AveragedOptimizerWrapper +* tfa.optimizers.conditional_gradient +* tfa.optimizers.conditional_gradient.ConditionalGradient +* tfa.optimizers.cyclical_learning_rate +* tfa.optimizers.cyclical_learning_rate.CyclicalLearningRate +* tfa.optimizers.cyclical_learning_rate.ExponentialCyclicalLearningRate +* tfa.optimizers.cyclical_learning_rate.Triangular2CyclicalLearningRate +* tfa.optimizers.cyclical_learning_rate.TriangularCyclicalLearningRate +* tfa.optimizers.extend_with_decoupled_weight_decay +* tfa.optimizers.lamb +* tfa.optimizers.lamb.LAMB +* tfa.optimizers.lazy_adam +* tfa.optimizers.lazy_adam.LazyAdam +* tfa.optimizers.lookahead +* tfa.optimizers.lookahead.Lookahead +* tfa.optimizers.moving_average +* tfa.optimizers.moving_average.MovingAverage +* tfa.optimizers.rectified_adam +* tfa.optimizers.rectified_adam.RectifiedAdam +* tfa.optimizers.stochastic_weight_averaging +* tfa.optimizers.stochastic_weight_averaging.SWA +* tfa.optimizers.weight_decay_optimizers +* tfa.optimizers.weight_decay_optimizers.AdamW +* tfa.optimizers.weight_decay_optimizers.DecoupledWeightDecayExtension +* tfa.optimizers.weight_decay_optimizers.SGDW +* tfa.optimizers.weight_decay_optimizers.extend_with_decoupled_weight_decay +* tfa.rnn +* tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell +* tfa.rnn.NASCell +* tfa.rnn.cell +* tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell +* tfa.rnn.cell.NASCell +* tfa.seq2seq +* tfa.seq2seq.AttentionMechanism +* tfa.seq2seq.AttentionWrapper +* tfa.seq2seq.AttentionWrapperState +* tfa.seq2seq.BahdanauAttention +* tfa.seq2seq.BahdanauMonotonicAttention +* tfa.seq2seq.BaseDecoder +* tfa.seq2seq.BasicDecoder +* tfa.seq2seq.BasicDecoderOutput +* tfa.seq2seq.BeamSearchDecoder +* tfa.seq2seq.BeamSearchDecoderOutput +* tfa.seq2seq.BeamSearchDecoderState +* tfa.seq2seq.CustomSampler +* tfa.seq2seq.Decoder +* tfa.seq2seq.FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput +* tfa.seq2seq.GreedyEmbeddingSampler +* tfa.seq2seq.InferenceSampler +* tfa.seq2seq.LuongAttention +* tfa.seq2seq.LuongMonotonicAttention +* tfa.seq2seq.SampleEmbeddingSampler +* tfa.seq2seq.Sampler +* tfa.seq2seq.ScheduledEmbeddingTrainingSampler +* tfa.seq2seq.ScheduledOutputTrainingSampler +* tfa.seq2seq.SequenceLoss +* tfa.seq2seq.TrainingSampler +* tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper +* tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.AttentionMechanism +* tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.AttentionWrapper +* tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.AttentionWrapperState +* tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention +* tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauMonotonicAttention +* tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.LuongAttention +* tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.LuongMonotonicAttention +* tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.hardmax +* tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.monotonic_attention +* tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.safe_cumprod +* tfa.seq2seq.basic_decoder +* tfa.seq2seq.basic_decoder.BasicDecoder +* tfa.seq2seq.basic_decoder.BasicDecoderOutput +* tfa.seq2seq.beam_search_decoder +* tfa.seq2seq.beam_search_decoder.BeamSearchDecoder +* tfa.seq2seq.beam_search_decoder.BeamSearchDecoderMixin +* tfa.seq2seq.beam_search_decoder.BeamSearchDecoderOutput +* tfa.seq2seq.beam_search_decoder.BeamSearchDecoderState +* tfa.seq2seq.beam_search_decoder.FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput +* tfa.seq2seq.beam_search_decoder.attention_probs_from_attn_state +* tfa.seq2seq.beam_search_decoder.gather_tree_from_array +* tfa.seq2seq.beam_search_decoder.get_attention_probs +* tfa.seq2seq.beam_search_decoder.tile_batch +* tfa.seq2seq.decoder +* tfa.seq2seq.decoder.BaseDecoder +* tfa.seq2seq.decoder.Decoder +* tfa.seq2seq.decoder.dynamic_decode +* tfa.seq2seq.dynamic_decode +* tfa.seq2seq.gather_tree_from_array +* tfa.seq2seq.hardmax +* tfa.seq2seq.loss +* tfa.seq2seq.loss.SequenceLoss +* tfa.seq2seq.loss.sequence_loss +* tfa.seq2seq.monotonic_attention +* tfa.seq2seq.safe_cumprod +* tfa.seq2seq.sampler +* tfa.seq2seq.sampler.CustomSampler +* tfa.seq2seq.sampler.GreedyEmbeddingSampler +* tfa.seq2seq.sampler.InferenceSampler +* tfa.seq2seq.sampler.SampleEmbeddingSampler +* tfa.seq2seq.sampler.Sampler +* tfa.seq2seq.sampler.ScheduledEmbeddingTrainingSampler +* tfa.seq2seq.sampler.ScheduledOutputTrainingSampler +* tfa.seq2seq.sampler.TrainingSampler +* tfa.seq2seq.sampler.bernoulli_sample +* tfa.seq2seq.sampler.categorical_sample +* tfa.seq2seq.sequence_loss +* tfa.seq2seq.tile_batch +* tfa.text +* tfa.text.crf +* tfa.text.crf.CrfDecodeForwardRnnCell +* tfa.text.crf.crf_binary_score +* tfa.text.crf.crf_decode +* tfa.text.crf.crf_decode_backward +* tfa.text.crf.crf_decode_forward +* tfa.text.crf.crf_forward +* tfa.text.crf.crf_log_likelihood +* tfa.text.crf.crf_log_norm +* tfa.text.crf.crf_multitag_sequence_score +* tfa.text.crf.crf_sequence_score +* tfa.text.crf.crf_unary_score +* tfa.text.crf.viterbi_decode +* tfa.text.crf_binary_score +* tfa.text.crf_decode +* tfa.text.crf_decode_backward +* tfa.text.crf_decode_forward +* tfa.text.crf_forward +* tfa.text.crf_log_likelihood +* tfa.text.crf_log_norm +* tfa.text.crf_multitag_sequence_score +* tfa.text.crf_sequence_score +* tfa.text.crf_unary_score +* tfa.text.parse_time +* tfa.text.parse_time_op +* tfa.text.parse_time_op.parse_time +* tfa.text.skip_gram_ops +* tfa.text.skip_gram_ops.skip_gram_sample +* tfa.text.skip_gram_ops.skip_gram_sample_with_text_vocab +* tfa.text.skip_gram_sample +* tfa.text.skip_gram_sample_with_text_vocab +* tfa.text.viterbi_decode \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..291d98f736 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa.md @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Useful extra functionality for TensorFlow maintained by SIG-addons. + + + +## Modules + +[`activations`](./tfa/activations.md) module: Addititonal activation functions. + +[`callbacks`](./tfa/callbacks.md) module: Additional callbacks that conform to Keras API. + +[`image`](./tfa/image.md) module: Additional image manipulation ops. + +[`layers`](./tfa/layers.md) module: Additional layers that conform to Keras API. + +[`losses`](./tfa/losses.md) module: Additional losses that conform to Keras API. + +[`metrics`](./tfa/metrics.md) module: Additional metrics that conform to Keras API. + +[`optimizers`](./tfa/optimizers.md) module: Additional optimizers that conform to Keras API. + +[`rnn`](./tfa/rnn.md) module: Additional RNN cells that corform to Keras API. + +[`seq2seq`](./tfa/seq2seq.md) module: Additional ops for building neural network sequence to sequence decoders and + +[`text`](./tfa/text.md) module: Additional text-processing ops. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/_api_cache.json b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/_api_cache.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1c5168095c --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/_api_cache.json @@ -0,0 +1,9151 @@ +{ + "duplicate_of": { + "tfa.callbacks.TimeStopping.__eq__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__eq__", + "tfa.callbacks.TimeStopping.__ge__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ge__", + "tfa.callbacks.TimeStopping.__gt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__gt__", + "tfa.callbacks.TimeStopping.__le__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__le__", + "tfa.callbacks.TimeStopping.__lt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__lt__", + "tfa.callbacks.TimeStopping.__ne__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ne__", + "tfa.callbacks.TimeStopping.__new__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__new__", + "tfa.callbacks.TimeStopping.on_batch_begin": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.on_batch_begin", + "tfa.callbacks.TimeStopping.on_predict_batch_begin": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.on_predict_batch_begin", + "tfa.callbacks.TimeStopping.on_predict_batch_end": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.on_predict_batch_end", + "tfa.callbacks.TimeStopping.on_predict_begin": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.on_predict_begin", + "tfa.callbacks.TimeStopping.on_predict_end": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.on_predict_end", + "tfa.callbacks.TimeStopping.on_test_batch_begin": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.on_test_batch_begin", + "tfa.callbacks.TimeStopping.on_test_batch_end": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.on_test_batch_end", + "tfa.callbacks.TimeStopping.on_test_begin": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.on_test_begin", + "tfa.callbacks.TimeStopping.on_test_end": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.on_test_end", + "tfa.callbacks.TimeStopping.on_train_batch_begin": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.on_train_batch_begin", + "tfa.callbacks.TimeStopping.on_train_batch_end": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.on_train_batch_end", + "tfa.callbacks.TimeStopping.set_model": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.set_model", + "tfa.callbacks.TimeStopping.set_params": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.set_params", + "tfa.callbacks.absolute_import": "tfa.activations.absolute_import", + "tfa.callbacks.division": "tfa.activations.division", + "tfa.callbacks.print_function": "tfa.activations.print_function", + "tfa.callbacks.time_stopping.TimeStopping": "tfa.callbacks.TimeStopping", + "tfa.callbacks.time_stopping.TimeStopping.__eq__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__eq__", + "tfa.callbacks.time_stopping.TimeStopping.__ge__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ge__", + "tfa.callbacks.time_stopping.TimeStopping.__gt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__gt__", + "tfa.callbacks.time_stopping.TimeStopping.__init__": "tfa.callbacks.TimeStopping.__init__", + "tfa.callbacks.time_stopping.TimeStopping.__le__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__le__", + "tfa.callbacks.time_stopping.TimeStopping.__lt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__lt__", + "tfa.callbacks.time_stopping.TimeStopping.__ne__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ne__", + "tfa.callbacks.time_stopping.TimeStopping.__new__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__new__", + "tfa.callbacks.time_stopping.TimeStopping.get_config": "tfa.callbacks.TimeStopping.get_config", + "tfa.callbacks.time_stopping.TimeStopping.on_batch_begin": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.on_batch_begin", + "tfa.callbacks.time_stopping.TimeStopping.on_batch_end": "tfa.callbacks.TimeStopping.on_batch_end", + "tfa.callbacks.time_stopping.TimeStopping.on_epoch_begin": "tfa.callbacks.TimeStopping.on_epoch_begin", + "tfa.callbacks.time_stopping.TimeStopping.on_epoch_end": "tfa.callbacks.TimeStopping.on_epoch_end", + "tfa.callbacks.time_stopping.TimeStopping.on_predict_batch_begin": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.on_predict_batch_begin", + "tfa.callbacks.time_stopping.TimeStopping.on_predict_batch_end": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.on_predict_batch_end", + "tfa.callbacks.time_stopping.TimeStopping.on_predict_begin": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.on_predict_begin", + "tfa.callbacks.time_stopping.TimeStopping.on_predict_end": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.on_predict_end", + "tfa.callbacks.time_stopping.TimeStopping.on_test_batch_begin": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.on_test_batch_begin", + "tfa.callbacks.time_stopping.TimeStopping.on_test_batch_end": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.on_test_batch_end", + "tfa.callbacks.time_stopping.TimeStopping.on_test_begin": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.on_test_begin", + "tfa.callbacks.time_stopping.TimeStopping.on_test_end": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.on_test_end", + "tfa.callbacks.time_stopping.TimeStopping.on_train_batch_begin": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.on_train_batch_begin", + "tfa.callbacks.time_stopping.TimeStopping.on_train_batch_end": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.on_train_batch_end", + "tfa.callbacks.time_stopping.TimeStopping.on_train_begin": "tfa.callbacks.TimeStopping.on_train_begin", + "tfa.callbacks.time_stopping.TimeStopping.on_train_end": "tfa.callbacks.TimeStopping.on_train_end", + "tfa.callbacks.time_stopping.TimeStopping.set_model": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.set_model", + "tfa.callbacks.time_stopping.TimeStopping.set_params": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.set_params", + "tfa.callbacks.time_stopping.absolute_import": "tfa.activations.absolute_import", + "tfa.callbacks.time_stopping.division": "tfa.activations.division", + "tfa.callbacks.time_stopping.print_function": "tfa.activations.print_function", + "tfa.callbacks.tqdm_progress_bar.TQDMProgressBar": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar", + "tfa.callbacks.tqdm_progress_bar.TQDMProgressBar.__eq__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__eq__", + "tfa.callbacks.tqdm_progress_bar.TQDMProgressBar.__ge__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ge__", + "tfa.callbacks.tqdm_progress_bar.TQDMProgressBar.__gt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__gt__", + "tfa.callbacks.tqdm_progress_bar.TQDMProgressBar.__init__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__init__", + "tfa.callbacks.tqdm_progress_bar.TQDMProgressBar.__le__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__le__", + "tfa.callbacks.tqdm_progress_bar.TQDMProgressBar.__lt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__lt__", + "tfa.callbacks.tqdm_progress_bar.TQDMProgressBar.__ne__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ne__", + "tfa.callbacks.tqdm_progress_bar.TQDMProgressBar.__new__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__new__", + "tfa.callbacks.tqdm_progress_bar.TQDMProgressBar.format_metrics": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.format_metrics", + "tfa.callbacks.tqdm_progress_bar.TQDMProgressBar.get_config": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.get_config", + "tfa.callbacks.tqdm_progress_bar.TQDMProgressBar.on_batch_begin": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.on_batch_begin", + "tfa.callbacks.tqdm_progress_bar.TQDMProgressBar.on_batch_end": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.on_batch_end", + "tfa.callbacks.tqdm_progress_bar.TQDMProgressBar.on_epoch_begin": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.on_epoch_begin", + "tfa.callbacks.tqdm_progress_bar.TQDMProgressBar.on_epoch_end": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.on_epoch_end", + "tfa.callbacks.tqdm_progress_bar.TQDMProgressBar.on_predict_batch_begin": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.on_predict_batch_begin", + "tfa.callbacks.tqdm_progress_bar.TQDMProgressBar.on_predict_batch_end": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.on_predict_batch_end", + "tfa.callbacks.tqdm_progress_bar.TQDMProgressBar.on_predict_begin": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.on_predict_begin", + "tfa.callbacks.tqdm_progress_bar.TQDMProgressBar.on_predict_end": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.on_predict_end", + "tfa.callbacks.tqdm_progress_bar.TQDMProgressBar.on_test_batch_begin": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.on_test_batch_begin", + "tfa.callbacks.tqdm_progress_bar.TQDMProgressBar.on_test_batch_end": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.on_test_batch_end", + "tfa.callbacks.tqdm_progress_bar.TQDMProgressBar.on_test_begin": 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"tfa.activations.division", + "tfa.callbacks.tqdm_progress_bar.print_function": "tfa.activations.print_function", + "tfa.image.absolute_import": "tfa.activations.absolute_import", + "tfa.image.distance_transform.absolute_import": "tfa.activations.absolute_import", + "tfa.image.distance_transform.division": "tfa.activations.division", + "tfa.image.distance_transform.euclidean_dist_transform": "tfa.image.euclidean_dist_transform", + "tfa.image.distance_transform.print_function": "tfa.activations.print_function", + "tfa.image.distort_image_ops.absolute_import": "tfa.activations.absolute_import", + "tfa.image.distort_image_ops.adjust_hsv_in_yiq": "tfa.image.adjust_hsv_in_yiq", + "tfa.image.distort_image_ops.division": "tfa.activations.division", + "tfa.image.distort_image_ops.print_function": "tfa.activations.print_function", + "tfa.image.distort_image_ops.random_hsv_in_yiq": "tfa.image.random_hsv_in_yiq", + "tfa.image.division": "tfa.activations.division", + "tfa.image.filters.absolute_import": "tfa.activations.absolute_import", + "tfa.image.filters.division": "tfa.activations.division", + "tfa.image.filters.mean_filter2d": "tfa.image.mean_filter2d", + "tfa.image.filters.median_filter2d": "tfa.image.median_filter2d", + "tfa.image.filters.print_function": "tfa.activations.print_function", + "tfa.image.print_function": "tfa.activations.print_function", + "tfa.image.resampler_ops.absolute_import": "tfa.activations.absolute_import", + "tfa.image.resampler_ops.division": "tfa.activations.division", + "tfa.image.resampler_ops.print_function": "tfa.activations.print_function", + "tfa.image.resampler_ops.resampler": "tfa.image.resampler", + "tfa.image.transform_ops.absolute_import": "tfa.activations.absolute_import", + "tfa.image.transform_ops.division": "tfa.activations.division", + "tfa.image.transform_ops.print_function": "tfa.activations.print_function", + "tfa.image.transform_ops.rotate": "tfa.image.rotate", + "tfa.image.transform_ops.transform": "tfa.image.transform", + "tfa.image.translate_ops.absolute_import": "tfa.activations.absolute_import", + "tfa.image.translate_ops.division": "tfa.activations.division", + "tfa.image.translate_ops.print_function": "tfa.activations.print_function", + "tfa.image.translate_ops.transform": "tfa.image.transform", + "tfa.image.translate_ops.translate": "tfa.image.translate", + "tfa.image.utils.absolute_import": "tfa.activations.absolute_import", + "tfa.image.utils.division": "tfa.activations.division", + "tfa.image.utils.print_function": "tfa.activations.print_function", + "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.__eq__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__eq__", + "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.__ge__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ge__", + "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.__gt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__gt__", + "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.__le__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__le__", + "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.__lt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__lt__", + "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.__ne__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ne__", + "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.__new__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__new__", + "tfa.layers.GELU.__call__": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.__call__", + "tfa.layers.GELU.__eq__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__eq__", + "tfa.layers.GELU.__ge__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ge__", + "tfa.layers.GELU.__gt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__gt__", + "tfa.layers.GELU.__le__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__le__", + "tfa.layers.GELU.__lt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__lt__", + "tfa.layers.GELU.__ne__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ne__", + "tfa.layers.GELU.__new__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__new__", + "tfa.layers.GELU.activity_regularizer": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.activity_regularizer", + "tfa.layers.GELU.add_loss": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_loss", + "tfa.layers.GELU.add_metric": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_metric", + 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"tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__new__", + "tfa.layers.WeightNormalization.add_loss": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_loss", + "tfa.layers.WeightNormalization.add_metric": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_metric", + "tfa.layers.WeightNormalization.add_update": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_update", + "tfa.layers.WeightNormalization.add_weight": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_weight", + "tfa.layers.WeightNormalization.compute_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.compute_mask", + "tfa.layers.WeightNormalization.compute_output_signature": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.compute_output_signature", + "tfa.layers.WeightNormalization.count_params": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.count_params", + "tfa.layers.WeightNormalization.dtype": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.dtype", + "tfa.layers.WeightNormalization.dynamic": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.dynamic", + "tfa.layers.WeightNormalization.get_input_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_input_at", + "tfa.layers.WeightNormalization.get_input_mask_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_input_mask_at", + "tfa.layers.WeightNormalization.get_input_shape_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_input_shape_at", + "tfa.layers.WeightNormalization.get_losses_for": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_losses_for", + "tfa.layers.WeightNormalization.get_output_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_at", + "tfa.layers.WeightNormalization.get_output_mask_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_mask_at", + "tfa.layers.WeightNormalization.get_output_shape_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_shape_at", + "tfa.layers.WeightNormalization.get_updates_for": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_updates_for", + "tfa.layers.WeightNormalization.get_weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_weights", + "tfa.layers.WeightNormalization.input": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input", + "tfa.layers.WeightNormalization.input_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_mask", + "tfa.layers.WeightNormalization.input_shape": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_shape", + 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"tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.weights", + "tfa.layers.gelu.absolute_import": "tfa.activations.absolute_import", + "tfa.layers.gelu.division": "tfa.activations.division", + "tfa.layers.gelu.print_function": "tfa.activations.print_function", + "tfa.layers.maxout.Maxout": "tfa.layers.Maxout", + "tfa.layers.maxout.Maxout.__call__": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.__call__", + "tfa.layers.maxout.Maxout.__eq__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__eq__", + "tfa.layers.maxout.Maxout.__ge__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ge__", + "tfa.layers.maxout.Maxout.__gt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__gt__", + "tfa.layers.maxout.Maxout.__init__": "tfa.layers.Maxout.__init__", + "tfa.layers.maxout.Maxout.__le__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__le__", + "tfa.layers.maxout.Maxout.__lt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__lt__", + "tfa.layers.maxout.Maxout.__ne__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ne__", + "tfa.layers.maxout.Maxout.__new__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__new__", + 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"tfa.layers.normalizations.GroupNormalization.compute_output_signature": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.compute_output_signature", + "tfa.layers.normalizations.GroupNormalization.count_params": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.count_params", + "tfa.layers.normalizations.GroupNormalization.dtype": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.dtype", + "tfa.layers.normalizations.GroupNormalization.dynamic": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.dynamic", + "tfa.layers.normalizations.GroupNormalization.get_config": "tfa.layers.GroupNormalization.get_config", + "tfa.layers.normalizations.GroupNormalization.get_input_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_input_at", + "tfa.layers.normalizations.GroupNormalization.get_input_mask_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_input_mask_at", + "tfa.layers.normalizations.GroupNormalization.get_input_shape_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_input_shape_at", + "tfa.layers.normalizations.GroupNormalization.get_losses_for": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_losses_for", + 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"tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_loss", + "tfa.layers.normalizations.InstanceNormalization.add_metric": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_metric", + "tfa.layers.normalizations.InstanceNormalization.add_update": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_update", + "tfa.layers.normalizations.InstanceNormalization.add_weight": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_weight", + "tfa.layers.normalizations.InstanceNormalization.build": "tfa.layers.GroupNormalization.build", + "tfa.layers.normalizations.InstanceNormalization.call": "tfa.layers.GroupNormalization.call", + "tfa.layers.normalizations.InstanceNormalization.compute_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.compute_mask", + "tfa.layers.normalizations.InstanceNormalization.compute_output_shape": "tfa.layers.GroupNormalization.compute_output_shape", + "tfa.layers.normalizations.InstanceNormalization.compute_output_signature": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.compute_output_signature", + "tfa.layers.normalizations.InstanceNormalization.count_params": 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"tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_input_mask_at", + "tfa.layers.poincare.PoincareNormalize.get_input_shape_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_input_shape_at", + "tfa.layers.poincare.PoincareNormalize.get_losses_for": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_losses_for", + "tfa.layers.poincare.PoincareNormalize.get_output_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_at", + "tfa.layers.poincare.PoincareNormalize.get_output_mask_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_mask_at", + "tfa.layers.poincare.PoincareNormalize.get_output_shape_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_shape_at", + "tfa.layers.poincare.PoincareNormalize.get_updates_for": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_updates_for", + "tfa.layers.poincare.PoincareNormalize.get_weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_weights", + "tfa.layers.poincare.PoincareNormalize.input": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input", + "tfa.layers.poincare.PoincareNormalize.input_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_mask", + 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"tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_input_shape_at", + "tfa.layers.wrappers.WeightNormalization.get_losses_for": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_losses_for", + "tfa.layers.wrappers.WeightNormalization.get_output_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_at", + "tfa.layers.wrappers.WeightNormalization.get_output_mask_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_mask_at", + "tfa.layers.wrappers.WeightNormalization.get_output_shape_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_shape_at", + "tfa.layers.wrappers.WeightNormalization.get_updates_for": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_updates_for", + "tfa.layers.wrappers.WeightNormalization.get_weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_weights", + "tfa.layers.wrappers.WeightNormalization.input": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input", + "tfa.layers.wrappers.WeightNormalization.input_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_mask", + "tfa.layers.wrappers.WeightNormalization.input_shape": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_shape", + 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"tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_input_mask_at", + "tfa.metrics.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.get_input_shape_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_input_shape_at", + "tfa.metrics.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.get_losses_for": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_losses_for", + "tfa.metrics.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.get_output_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_at", + "tfa.metrics.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.get_output_mask_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_mask_at", + "tfa.metrics.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.get_output_shape_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_shape_at", + "tfa.metrics.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.get_updates_for": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_updates_for", + "tfa.metrics.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.get_weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_weights", + "tfa.metrics.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.input": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input", + "tfa.metrics.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.input_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_mask", + "tfa.metrics.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.input_shape": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_shape", + "tfa.metrics.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.input_spec": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_spec", + "tfa.metrics.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.losses": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.losses", + "tfa.metrics.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.metrics": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.metrics", + "tfa.metrics.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.name": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.name", + "tfa.metrics.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.name_scope": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.name_scope", + "tfa.metrics.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.non_trainable_variables": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.non_trainable_variables", + "tfa.metrics.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.non_trainable_weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.non_trainable_weights", + "tfa.metrics.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.output": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.output", + "tfa.metrics.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.output_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.output_mask", + "tfa.metrics.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.output_shape": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.output_shape", + "tfa.metrics.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.set_weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.set_weights", + "tfa.metrics.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.submodules": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.submodules", + "tfa.metrics.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.trainable": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.trainable", + "tfa.metrics.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.trainable_variables": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.trainable_variables", + "tfa.metrics.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.trainable_weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.trainable_weights", + "tfa.metrics.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.updates": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.updates", + "tfa.metrics.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.variables": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.variables", + "tfa.metrics.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.weights", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.__call__": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.__call__", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.__eq__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__eq__", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.__ge__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ge__", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.__gt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__gt__", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.__le__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__le__", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.__lt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__lt__", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.__ne__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ne__", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.__new__": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.__new__", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.activity_regularizer": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.activity_regularizer", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.add_loss": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_loss", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.add_metric": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_metric", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.add_update": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_update", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.add_weight": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.add_weight", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.build": "tfa.layers.GELU.build", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.call": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.call", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.compute_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.compute_mask", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.compute_output_shape": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.compute_output_shape", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.compute_output_signature": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.compute_output_signature", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.count_params": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.count_params", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.dtype": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.dtype", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.dynamic": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.dynamic", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.get_input_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_input_at", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.get_input_mask_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_input_mask_at", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.get_input_shape_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_input_shape_at", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.get_losses_for": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_losses_for", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.get_output_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_at", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.get_output_mask_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_mask_at", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.get_output_shape_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_shape_at", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.get_updates_for": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_updates_for", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.get_weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_weights", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.input": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.input_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_mask", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.input_shape": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_shape", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.input_spec": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_spec", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.losses": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.losses", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.metrics": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.metrics", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.name": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.name", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.name_scope": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.name_scope", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.non_trainable_variables": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.non_trainable_variables", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.non_trainable_weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.non_trainable_weights", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.output": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.output", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.output_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.output_mask", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.output_shape": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.output_shape", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.reset_states": "tfa.metrics.HammingLoss.reset_states", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.result": "tfa.metrics.HammingLoss.result", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.set_weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.set_weights", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.submodules": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.submodules", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.trainable": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.trainable", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.trainable_variables": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.trainable_variables", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.trainable_weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.trainable_weights", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.updates": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.updates", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.variables": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.variables", + "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.weights", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.__call__": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.__call__", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.__eq__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__eq__", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.__ge__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ge__", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.__gt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__gt__", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.__le__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__le__", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.__lt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__lt__", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.__ne__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ne__", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.__new__": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.__new__", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.activity_regularizer": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.activity_regularizer", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.add_loss": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_loss", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.add_metric": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_metric", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.add_update": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_update", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.add_weight": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.add_weight", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.build": "tfa.layers.GELU.build", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.call": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.call", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.compute_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.compute_mask", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.compute_output_shape": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.compute_output_shape", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.compute_output_signature": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.compute_output_signature", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.count_params": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.count_params", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.dtype": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.dtype", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.dynamic": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.dynamic", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.get_input_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_input_at", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.get_input_mask_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_input_mask_at", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.get_input_shape_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_input_shape_at", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.get_losses_for": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_losses_for", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.get_output_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_at", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.get_output_mask_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_mask_at", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.get_output_shape_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_shape_at", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.get_updates_for": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_updates_for", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.get_weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_weights", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.input": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.input_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_mask", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.input_shape": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_shape", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.input_spec": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_spec", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.losses": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.losses", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.metrics": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.metrics", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.name": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.name", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.name_scope": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.name_scope", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.non_trainable_variables": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.non_trainable_variables", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.non_trainable_weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.non_trainable_weights", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.output": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.output", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.output_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.output_mask", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.output_shape": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.output_shape", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.set_weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.set_weights", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.submodules": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.submodules", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.trainable": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.trainable", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.trainable_variables": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.trainable_variables", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.trainable_weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.trainable_weights", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.updates": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.updates", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.variables": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.variables", + "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.weights", + "tfa.metrics.RSquare.__call__": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.__call__", + 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"tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.call", + "tfa.metrics.RSquare.compute_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.compute_mask", + "tfa.metrics.RSquare.compute_output_shape": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.compute_output_shape", + "tfa.metrics.RSquare.compute_output_signature": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.compute_output_signature", + "tfa.metrics.RSquare.count_params": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.count_params", + "tfa.metrics.RSquare.dtype": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.dtype", + "tfa.metrics.RSquare.dynamic": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.dynamic", + "tfa.metrics.RSquare.get_input_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_input_at", + "tfa.metrics.RSquare.get_input_mask_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_input_mask_at", + "tfa.metrics.RSquare.get_input_shape_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_input_shape_at", + "tfa.metrics.RSquare.get_losses_for": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_losses_for", + "tfa.metrics.RSquare.get_output_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_at", + "tfa.metrics.RSquare.get_output_mask_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_mask_at", + "tfa.metrics.RSquare.get_output_shape_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_shape_at", + "tfa.metrics.RSquare.get_updates_for": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_updates_for", + "tfa.metrics.RSquare.get_weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_weights", + "tfa.metrics.RSquare.input": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input", + "tfa.metrics.RSquare.input_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_mask", + "tfa.metrics.RSquare.input_shape": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_shape", + "tfa.metrics.RSquare.input_spec": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_spec", + "tfa.metrics.RSquare.losses": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.losses", + "tfa.metrics.RSquare.metrics": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.metrics", + "tfa.metrics.RSquare.name": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.name", + "tfa.metrics.RSquare.name_scope": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.name_scope", + "tfa.metrics.RSquare.non_trainable_variables": 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"tfa.metrics.matthews_correlation_coefficient.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.__ne__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ne__", + "tfa.metrics.matthews_correlation_coefficient.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.__new__": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.__new__", + "tfa.metrics.matthews_correlation_coefficient.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.activity_regularizer": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.activity_regularizer", + "tfa.metrics.matthews_correlation_coefficient.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.add_loss": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_loss", + "tfa.metrics.matthews_correlation_coefficient.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.add_metric": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_metric", + "tfa.metrics.matthews_correlation_coefficient.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.add_update": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_update", + "tfa.metrics.matthews_correlation_coefficient.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.add_weight": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.add_weight", + 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"tfa.metrics.matthews_correlation_coefficient.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.get_output_mask_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_mask_at", + "tfa.metrics.matthews_correlation_coefficient.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.get_output_shape_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_shape_at", + "tfa.metrics.matthews_correlation_coefficient.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.get_updates_for": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_updates_for", + "tfa.metrics.matthews_correlation_coefficient.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.get_weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_weights", + "tfa.metrics.matthews_correlation_coefficient.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.input": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input", + "tfa.metrics.matthews_correlation_coefficient.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.input_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_mask", + "tfa.metrics.matthews_correlation_coefficient.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.input_shape": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_shape", + 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"tfa.metrics.multilabel_confusion_matrix.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.add_weight": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.add_weight", + "tfa.metrics.multilabel_confusion_matrix.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.build": "tfa.layers.GELU.build", + "tfa.metrics.multilabel_confusion_matrix.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.call": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.call", + "tfa.metrics.multilabel_confusion_matrix.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.compute_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.compute_mask", + "tfa.metrics.multilabel_confusion_matrix.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.compute_output_shape": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.compute_output_shape", + "tfa.metrics.multilabel_confusion_matrix.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.compute_output_signature": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.compute_output_signature", + "tfa.metrics.multilabel_confusion_matrix.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.count_params": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.count_params", + "tfa.metrics.multilabel_confusion_matrix.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.dtype": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.dtype", + 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"tfa.metrics.multilabel_confusion_matrix.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.get_output_mask_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_mask_at", + "tfa.metrics.multilabel_confusion_matrix.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.get_output_shape_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_shape_at", + "tfa.metrics.multilabel_confusion_matrix.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.get_updates_for": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_updates_for", + "tfa.metrics.multilabel_confusion_matrix.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.get_weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_weights", + "tfa.metrics.multilabel_confusion_matrix.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.input": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input", + "tfa.metrics.multilabel_confusion_matrix.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.input_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_mask", + "tfa.metrics.multilabel_confusion_matrix.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.input_shape": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_shape", + "tfa.metrics.multilabel_confusion_matrix.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.input_spec": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_spec", + "tfa.metrics.multilabel_confusion_matrix.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.losses": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.losses", + "tfa.metrics.multilabel_confusion_matrix.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.metrics": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.metrics", + "tfa.metrics.multilabel_confusion_matrix.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.name": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.name", + "tfa.metrics.multilabel_confusion_matrix.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.name_scope": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.name_scope", + "tfa.metrics.multilabel_confusion_matrix.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.non_trainable_variables": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.non_trainable_variables", + "tfa.metrics.multilabel_confusion_matrix.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.non_trainable_weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.non_trainable_weights", + "tfa.metrics.multilabel_confusion_matrix.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.output": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.output", + "tfa.metrics.multilabel_confusion_matrix.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.output_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.output_mask", + "tfa.metrics.multilabel_confusion_matrix.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.output_shape": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.output_shape", + "tfa.metrics.multilabel_confusion_matrix.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.reset_states": "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.reset_states", + "tfa.metrics.multilabel_confusion_matrix.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.result": "tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.result", + "tfa.metrics.multilabel_confusion_matrix.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.set_weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.set_weights", + "tfa.metrics.multilabel_confusion_matrix.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.submodules": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.submodules", + "tfa.metrics.multilabel_confusion_matrix.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.trainable": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.trainable", + "tfa.metrics.multilabel_confusion_matrix.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.trainable_variables": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.trainable_variables", + 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"tfa.metrics.RSquare", + "tfa.metrics.r_square.RSquare.__call__": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.__call__", + "tfa.metrics.r_square.RSquare.__eq__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__eq__", + "tfa.metrics.r_square.RSquare.__ge__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ge__", + "tfa.metrics.r_square.RSquare.__gt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__gt__", + "tfa.metrics.r_square.RSquare.__init__": "tfa.metrics.RSquare.__init__", + "tfa.metrics.r_square.RSquare.__le__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__le__", + "tfa.metrics.r_square.RSquare.__lt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__lt__", + "tfa.metrics.r_square.RSquare.__ne__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ne__", + "tfa.metrics.r_square.RSquare.__new__": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.__new__", + "tfa.metrics.r_square.RSquare.activity_regularizer": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.activity_regularizer", + "tfa.metrics.r_square.RSquare.add_loss": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_loss", + "tfa.metrics.r_square.RSquare.add_metric": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_metric", + "tfa.metrics.r_square.RSquare.add_update": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_update", + "tfa.metrics.r_square.RSquare.add_weight": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.add_weight", + "tfa.metrics.r_square.RSquare.build": "tfa.layers.GELU.build", + "tfa.metrics.r_square.RSquare.call": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.call", + "tfa.metrics.r_square.RSquare.compute_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.compute_mask", + "tfa.metrics.r_square.RSquare.compute_output_shape": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.compute_output_shape", + "tfa.metrics.r_square.RSquare.compute_output_signature": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.compute_output_signature", + "tfa.metrics.r_square.RSquare.count_params": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.count_params", + "tfa.metrics.r_square.RSquare.dtype": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.dtype", + "tfa.metrics.r_square.RSquare.dynamic": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.dynamic", + "tfa.metrics.r_square.RSquare.get_config": "tfa.metrics.RSquare.get_config", + 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"tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.__new__": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.__new__", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.activity_regularizer": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.activity_regularizer", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.add_loss": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_loss", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.add_metric": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_metric", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.add_update": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_update", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.add_weight": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.add_weight", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.build": "tfa.layers.GELU.build", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.call": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.call", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.compute_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.compute_mask", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.compute_output_shape": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.compute_output_shape", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.compute_output_signature": 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"tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_mask_at", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.get_output_shape_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_shape_at", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.get_updates_for": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_updates_for", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.get_weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_weights", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.input": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.input_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_mask", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.input_shape": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_shape", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.input_spec": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_spec", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.losses": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.losses", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.metrics": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.metrics", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.name": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.name", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.name_scope": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.name_scope", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.non_trainable_variables": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.non_trainable_variables", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.non_trainable_weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.non_trainable_weights", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.output": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.output", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.output_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.output_mask", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.output_shape": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.output_shape", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.reset_states": "tfa.metrics.HammingLoss.reset_states", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.result": "tfa.metrics.HammingLoss.result", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.set_weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.set_weights", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.submodules": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.submodules", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.trainable": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.trainable", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.trainable_variables": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.trainable_variables", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.trainable_weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.trainable_weights", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.update_state": "tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper.update_state", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.updates": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.updates", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.variables": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.variables", + "tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper.weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.weights", + "tfa.metrics.utils.absolute_import": "tfa.activations.absolute_import", + "tfa.metrics.utils.division": "tfa.activations.division", + "tfa.metrics.utils.print_function": "tfa.activations.print_function", + "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.__eq__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__eq__", + "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.__ge__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ge__", + "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.__gt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__gt__", + "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.__le__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__le__", + "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.__lt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__lt__", + "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.__ne__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ne__", + "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.__new__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__new__", + "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.apply_gradients": "tfa.optimizers.weight_decay_optimizers.DecoupledWeightDecayExtension.apply_gradients", + "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_config": "tfa.optimizers.weight_decay_optimizers.DecoupledWeightDecayExtension.get_config", + "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.minimize": "tfa.optimizers.weight_decay_optimizers.DecoupledWeightDecayExtension.minimize", + "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.__eq__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__eq__", + "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.__ge__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ge__", + "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.__gt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__gt__", + "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.__le__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__le__", + "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.__lt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__lt__", + "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.__ne__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ne__", + "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.__new__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__new__", + "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.add_slot": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.add_slot", + "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.add_weight": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.add_weight", + "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.get_gradients": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_gradients", + "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.get_slot": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_slot", + "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.get_slot_names": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_slot_names", + "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.get_updates": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_updates", + "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.get_weights": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_weights", + "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.iterations": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.iterations", + "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.variables": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.variables", + "tfa.optimizers.ConditionalGradient.__eq__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__eq__", + "tfa.optimizers.ConditionalGradient.__ge__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ge__", + "tfa.optimizers.ConditionalGradient.__gt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__gt__", + "tfa.optimizers.ConditionalGradient.__le__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__le__", + "tfa.optimizers.ConditionalGradient.__lt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__lt__", + "tfa.optimizers.ConditionalGradient.__ne__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ne__", + "tfa.optimizers.ConditionalGradient.__new__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__new__", + "tfa.optimizers.ConditionalGradient.add_slot": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.add_slot", + "tfa.optimizers.ConditionalGradient.add_weight": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.add_weight", + "tfa.optimizers.ConditionalGradient.get_gradients": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_gradients", + "tfa.optimizers.ConditionalGradient.get_slot": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_slot", + "tfa.optimizers.ConditionalGradient.get_slot_names": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_slot_names", + "tfa.optimizers.ConditionalGradient.get_updates": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_updates", + "tfa.optimizers.ConditionalGradient.get_weights": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_weights", + "tfa.optimizers.ConditionalGradient.iterations": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.iterations", + "tfa.optimizers.ConditionalGradient.minimize": "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.minimize", + "tfa.optimizers.ConditionalGradient.set_weights": "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.set_weights", + "tfa.optimizers.ConditionalGradient.variables": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.variables", + "tfa.optimizers.ConditionalGradient.weights": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.weights", + "tfa.optimizers.CyclicalLearningRate.__eq__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__eq__", + "tfa.optimizers.CyclicalLearningRate.__ge__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ge__", + "tfa.optimizers.CyclicalLearningRate.__gt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__gt__", + "tfa.optimizers.CyclicalLearningRate.__le__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__le__", + "tfa.optimizers.CyclicalLearningRate.__lt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__lt__", + "tfa.optimizers.CyclicalLearningRate.__ne__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ne__", + "tfa.optimizers.CyclicalLearningRate.__new__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__new__", + "tfa.optimizers.ExponentialCyclicalLearningRate.__call__": "tfa.optimizers.CyclicalLearningRate.__call__", + "tfa.optimizers.ExponentialCyclicalLearningRate.__eq__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__eq__", + "tfa.optimizers.ExponentialCyclicalLearningRate.__ge__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ge__", + "tfa.optimizers.ExponentialCyclicalLearningRate.__gt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__gt__", + "tfa.optimizers.ExponentialCyclicalLearningRate.__le__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__le__", + "tfa.optimizers.ExponentialCyclicalLearningRate.__lt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__lt__", + "tfa.optimizers.ExponentialCyclicalLearningRate.__ne__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ne__", + "tfa.optimizers.ExponentialCyclicalLearningRate.__new__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__new__", + "tfa.optimizers.ExponentialCyclicalLearningRate.get_config": "tfa.optimizers.CyclicalLearningRate.get_config", + "tfa.optimizers.LAMB.__eq__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__eq__", + "tfa.optimizers.LAMB.__ge__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ge__", + "tfa.optimizers.LAMB.__gt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__gt__", + "tfa.optimizers.LAMB.__le__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__le__", + "tfa.optimizers.LAMB.__lt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__lt__", + "tfa.optimizers.LAMB.__ne__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ne__", + "tfa.optimizers.LAMB.__new__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__new__", + "tfa.optimizers.LAMB.add_slot": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.add_slot", + "tfa.optimizers.LAMB.add_weight": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.add_weight", + "tfa.optimizers.LAMB.apply_gradients": "tfa.optimizers.ConditionalGradient.apply_gradients", + "tfa.optimizers.LAMB.get_gradients": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_gradients", + "tfa.optimizers.LAMB.get_slot": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_slot", + "tfa.optimizers.LAMB.get_slot_names": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_slot_names", + "tfa.optimizers.LAMB.get_updates": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_updates", + "tfa.optimizers.LAMB.get_weights": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_weights", + "tfa.optimizers.LAMB.iterations": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.iterations", + "tfa.optimizers.LAMB.minimize": "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.minimize", + "tfa.optimizers.LAMB.set_weights": "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.set_weights", + "tfa.optimizers.LAMB.variables": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.variables", + "tfa.optimizers.LAMB.weights": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.weights", + "tfa.optimizers.LazyAdam.__eq__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__eq__", + "tfa.optimizers.LazyAdam.__ge__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ge__", + "tfa.optimizers.LazyAdam.__gt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__gt__", + "tfa.optimizers.LazyAdam.__le__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__le__", + "tfa.optimizers.LazyAdam.__lt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__lt__", + "tfa.optimizers.LazyAdam.__ne__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ne__", + "tfa.optimizers.LazyAdam.__new__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__new__", + "tfa.optimizers.LazyAdam.add_slot": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.add_slot", + "tfa.optimizers.LazyAdam.add_weight": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.add_weight", + "tfa.optimizers.LazyAdam.apply_gradients": "tfa.optimizers.ConditionalGradient.apply_gradients", + "tfa.optimizers.LazyAdam.get_gradients": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_gradients", + "tfa.optimizers.LazyAdam.get_slot": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_slot", + "tfa.optimizers.LazyAdam.get_slot_names": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_slot_names", + "tfa.optimizers.LazyAdam.get_updates": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_updates", + "tfa.optimizers.LazyAdam.get_weights": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_weights", + "tfa.optimizers.LazyAdam.iterations": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.iterations", + "tfa.optimizers.LazyAdam.minimize": "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.minimize", + "tfa.optimizers.LazyAdam.set_weights": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.set_weights", + "tfa.optimizers.LazyAdam.variables": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.variables", + "tfa.optimizers.LazyAdam.weights": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.weights", + "tfa.optimizers.Lookahead.__eq__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__eq__", + "tfa.optimizers.Lookahead.__ge__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ge__", + "tfa.optimizers.Lookahead.__gt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__gt__", + "tfa.optimizers.Lookahead.__le__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__le__", + "tfa.optimizers.Lookahead.__lt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__lt__", + "tfa.optimizers.Lookahead.__ne__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ne__", + "tfa.optimizers.Lookahead.__new__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__new__", + "tfa.optimizers.Lookahead.add_slot": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.add_slot", + "tfa.optimizers.Lookahead.add_weight": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.add_weight", + "tfa.optimizers.Lookahead.get_gradients": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_gradients", + "tfa.optimizers.Lookahead.get_slot": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_slot", + "tfa.optimizers.Lookahead.get_slot_names": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_slot_names", + "tfa.optimizers.Lookahead.get_updates": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_updates", + "tfa.optimizers.Lookahead.get_weights": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_weights", + "tfa.optimizers.Lookahead.iterations": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.iterations", + "tfa.optimizers.Lookahead.minimize": "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.minimize", + "tfa.optimizers.Lookahead.set_weights": "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.set_weights", + "tfa.optimizers.Lookahead.variables": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.variables", + "tfa.optimizers.MovingAverage.__eq__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__eq__", + "tfa.optimizers.MovingAverage.__ge__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ge__", + "tfa.optimizers.MovingAverage.__gt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__gt__", + "tfa.optimizers.MovingAverage.__le__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__le__", + "tfa.optimizers.MovingAverage.__lt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__lt__", + "tfa.optimizers.MovingAverage.__ne__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ne__", + "tfa.optimizers.MovingAverage.__new__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__new__", + "tfa.optimizers.MovingAverage.add_slot": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.add_slot", + "tfa.optimizers.MovingAverage.add_weight": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.add_weight", + "tfa.optimizers.MovingAverage.apply_gradients": "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.apply_gradients", + "tfa.optimizers.MovingAverage.assign_average_vars": "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.assign_average_vars", + "tfa.optimizers.MovingAverage.get_gradients": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_gradients", + "tfa.optimizers.MovingAverage.get_slot": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_slot", + "tfa.optimizers.MovingAverage.get_slot_names": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_slot_names", + "tfa.optimizers.MovingAverage.get_updates": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_updates", + "tfa.optimizers.MovingAverage.get_weights": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_weights", + "tfa.optimizers.MovingAverage.iterations": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.iterations", + "tfa.optimizers.MovingAverage.learning_rate": "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.learning_rate", + "tfa.optimizers.MovingAverage.lr": "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.lr", + "tfa.optimizers.MovingAverage.minimize": "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.minimize", + "tfa.optimizers.MovingAverage.set_weights": "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.set_weights", + 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"tfa.optimizers.RectifiedAdam.get_gradients": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_gradients", + "tfa.optimizers.RectifiedAdam.get_slot": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_slot", + "tfa.optimizers.RectifiedAdam.get_slot_names": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_slot_names", + "tfa.optimizers.RectifiedAdam.get_updates": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_updates", + "tfa.optimizers.RectifiedAdam.get_weights": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_weights", + "tfa.optimizers.RectifiedAdam.iterations": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.iterations", + "tfa.optimizers.RectifiedAdam.minimize": "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.minimize", + "tfa.optimizers.RectifiedAdam.variables": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.variables", + "tfa.optimizers.RectifiedAdam.weights": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.weights", + "tfa.optimizers.SGDW.__eq__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__eq__", + "tfa.optimizers.SGDW.__ge__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ge__", + "tfa.optimizers.SGDW.__gt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__gt__", + "tfa.optimizers.SGDW.__le__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__le__", + "tfa.optimizers.SGDW.__lt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__lt__", + "tfa.optimizers.SGDW.__ne__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ne__", + "tfa.optimizers.SGDW.__new__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__new__", + "tfa.optimizers.SGDW.add_slot": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.add_slot", + "tfa.optimizers.SGDW.add_weight": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.add_weight", + "tfa.optimizers.SGDW.apply_gradients": "tfa.optimizers.weight_decay_optimizers.DecoupledWeightDecayExtension.apply_gradients", + "tfa.optimizers.SGDW.get_config": "tfa.optimizers.weight_decay_optimizers.DecoupledWeightDecayExtension.get_config", + "tfa.optimizers.SGDW.get_gradients": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_gradients", + "tfa.optimizers.SGDW.get_slot": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_slot", + "tfa.optimizers.SGDW.get_slot_names": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_slot_names", + "tfa.optimizers.SGDW.get_updates": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_updates", + "tfa.optimizers.SGDW.get_weights": 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"tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ne__", + "tfa.optimizers.moving_average.MovingAverage.__new__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__new__", + "tfa.optimizers.moving_average.MovingAverage.add_slot": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.add_slot", + "tfa.optimizers.moving_average.MovingAverage.add_weight": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.add_weight", + "tfa.optimizers.moving_average.MovingAverage.apply_gradients": "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.apply_gradients", + "tfa.optimizers.moving_average.MovingAverage.assign_average_vars": "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.assign_average_vars", + "tfa.optimizers.moving_average.MovingAverage.average_op": "tfa.optimizers.MovingAverage.average_op", + "tfa.optimizers.moving_average.MovingAverage.get_config": "tfa.optimizers.MovingAverage.get_config", + "tfa.optimizers.moving_average.MovingAverage.get_gradients": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_gradients", + "tfa.optimizers.moving_average.MovingAverage.get_slot": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_slot", + "tfa.optimizers.moving_average.MovingAverage.get_slot_names": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_slot_names", + "tfa.optimizers.moving_average.MovingAverage.get_updates": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_updates", + "tfa.optimizers.moving_average.MovingAverage.get_weights": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_weights", + "tfa.optimizers.moving_average.MovingAverage.iterations": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.iterations", + "tfa.optimizers.moving_average.MovingAverage.learning_rate": "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.learning_rate", + "tfa.optimizers.moving_average.MovingAverage.lr": "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.lr", + "tfa.optimizers.moving_average.MovingAverage.minimize": "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.minimize", + "tfa.optimizers.moving_average.MovingAverage.set_weights": "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.set_weights", + "tfa.optimizers.moving_average.MovingAverage.variables": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.variables", + "tfa.optimizers.moving_average.MovingAverage.weights": 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"tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__lt__", + "tfa.optimizers.rectified_adam.RectifiedAdam.__ne__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ne__", + "tfa.optimizers.rectified_adam.RectifiedAdam.__new__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__new__", + "tfa.optimizers.rectified_adam.RectifiedAdam.add_slot": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.add_slot", + "tfa.optimizers.rectified_adam.RectifiedAdam.add_weight": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.add_weight", + "tfa.optimizers.rectified_adam.RectifiedAdam.apply_gradients": "tfa.optimizers.ConditionalGradient.apply_gradients", + "tfa.optimizers.rectified_adam.RectifiedAdam.get_config": "tfa.optimizers.RectifiedAdam.get_config", + "tfa.optimizers.rectified_adam.RectifiedAdam.get_gradients": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_gradients", + "tfa.optimizers.rectified_adam.RectifiedAdam.get_slot": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_slot", + "tfa.optimizers.rectified_adam.RectifiedAdam.get_slot_names": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_slot_names", + "tfa.optimizers.rectified_adam.RectifiedAdam.get_updates": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_updates", + "tfa.optimizers.rectified_adam.RectifiedAdam.get_weights": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_weights", + "tfa.optimizers.rectified_adam.RectifiedAdam.iterations": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.iterations", + "tfa.optimizers.rectified_adam.RectifiedAdam.minimize": "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.minimize", + "tfa.optimizers.rectified_adam.RectifiedAdam.set_weights": "tfa.optimizers.RectifiedAdam.set_weights", + "tfa.optimizers.rectified_adam.RectifiedAdam.variables": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.variables", + "tfa.optimizers.rectified_adam.RectifiedAdam.weights": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.weights", + "tfa.optimizers.rectified_adam.absolute_import": "tfa.activations.absolute_import", + "tfa.optimizers.rectified_adam.division": "tfa.activations.division", + "tfa.optimizers.rectified_adam.print_function": "tfa.activations.print_function", + "tfa.optimizers.stochastic_weight_averaging.SWA": "tfa.optimizers.SWA", + "tfa.optimizers.stochastic_weight_averaging.SWA.__eq__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__eq__", + "tfa.optimizers.stochastic_weight_averaging.SWA.__ge__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ge__", + "tfa.optimizers.stochastic_weight_averaging.SWA.__gt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__gt__", + "tfa.optimizers.stochastic_weight_averaging.SWA.__init__": "tfa.optimizers.SWA.__init__", + "tfa.optimizers.stochastic_weight_averaging.SWA.__le__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__le__", + "tfa.optimizers.stochastic_weight_averaging.SWA.__lt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__lt__", + "tfa.optimizers.stochastic_weight_averaging.SWA.__ne__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ne__", + "tfa.optimizers.stochastic_weight_averaging.SWA.__new__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__new__", + "tfa.optimizers.stochastic_weight_averaging.SWA.add_slot": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.add_slot", + "tfa.optimizers.stochastic_weight_averaging.SWA.add_weight": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.add_weight", + "tfa.optimizers.stochastic_weight_averaging.SWA.apply_gradients": "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.apply_gradients", + "tfa.optimizers.stochastic_weight_averaging.SWA.assign_average_vars": "tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper.assign_average_vars", + "tfa.optimizers.stochastic_weight_averaging.SWA.average_op": "tfa.optimizers.SWA.average_op", + "tfa.optimizers.stochastic_weight_averaging.SWA.get_config": "tfa.optimizers.SWA.get_config", + "tfa.optimizers.stochastic_weight_averaging.SWA.get_gradients": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_gradients", + "tfa.optimizers.stochastic_weight_averaging.SWA.get_slot": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_slot", + "tfa.optimizers.stochastic_weight_averaging.SWA.get_slot_names": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_slot_names", + "tfa.optimizers.stochastic_weight_averaging.SWA.get_updates": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_updates", + "tfa.optimizers.stochastic_weight_averaging.SWA.get_weights": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.get_weights", + "tfa.optimizers.stochastic_weight_averaging.SWA.iterations": "tfa.optimizers.AdamW.iterations", + 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"tfa.activations.print_function", + "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.__call__": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.__call__", + "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.__eq__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__eq__", + "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.__ge__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ge__", + "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.__gt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__gt__", + "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.__le__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__le__", + "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.__lt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__lt__", + "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.__ne__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ne__", + "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.__new__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__new__", + "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.activity_regularizer": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.activity_regularizer", + "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.add_loss": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_loss", + "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.add_metric": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_metric", + "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.add_update": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_update", + "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.add_weight": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_weight", + "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.compute_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.compute_mask", + "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.compute_output_shape": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.compute_output_shape", + "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.compute_output_signature": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.compute_output_signature", + "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.count_params": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.count_params", + "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.dtype": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.dtype", + "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.dynamic": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.dynamic", + "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.get_input_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_input_at", + "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.get_input_mask_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_input_mask_at", + "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.get_input_shape_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_input_shape_at", + "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.get_losses_for": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_losses_for", + "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.get_output_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_at", + "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.get_output_mask_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_mask_at", + "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.get_output_shape_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_shape_at", + "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.get_updates_for": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_updates_for", + "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.get_weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_weights", + "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.input": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input", + "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.input_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_mask", + "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.input_shape": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_shape", + "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.input_spec": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_spec", + "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.losses": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.losses", + "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.metrics": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.metrics", + 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"tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_loss", + "tfa.rnn.NASCell.add_metric": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_metric", + "tfa.rnn.NASCell.add_update": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_update", + "tfa.rnn.NASCell.add_weight": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_weight", + "tfa.rnn.NASCell.compute_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.compute_mask", + "tfa.rnn.NASCell.compute_output_shape": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.compute_output_shape", + "tfa.rnn.NASCell.compute_output_signature": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.compute_output_signature", + "tfa.rnn.NASCell.count_params": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.count_params", + "tfa.rnn.NASCell.dtype": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.dtype", + "tfa.rnn.NASCell.dynamic": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.dynamic", + "tfa.rnn.NASCell.get_input_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_input_at", + "tfa.rnn.NASCell.get_input_mask_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_input_mask_at", + "tfa.rnn.NASCell.get_input_shape_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_input_shape_at", + 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"tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.activity_regularizer": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.activity_regularizer", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.add_loss": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_loss", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.add_metric": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_metric", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.add_update": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_update", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.add_weight": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_weight", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.build": "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.build", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.call": "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.call", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.compute_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.compute_mask", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.compute_output_shape": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.compute_output_shape", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.compute_output_signature": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.compute_output_signature", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.count_params": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.count_params", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.dtype": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.dtype", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.dynamic": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.dynamic", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.get_config": "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.get_config", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.get_dropout_mask_for_cell": "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.get_dropout_mask_for_cell", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.get_initial_state": "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.get_initial_state", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.get_input_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_input_at", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.get_input_mask_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_input_mask_at", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.get_input_shape_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_input_shape_at", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.get_losses_for": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_losses_for", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.get_output_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_at", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.get_output_mask_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_mask_at", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.get_output_shape_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_shape_at", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.get_recurrent_dropout_mask_for_cell": "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.get_recurrent_dropout_mask_for_cell", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.get_updates_for": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_updates_for", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.get_weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_weights", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.input": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.input_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_mask", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.input_shape": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_shape", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.input_spec": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_spec", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.losses": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.losses", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.metrics": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.metrics", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.name": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.name", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.name_scope": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.name_scope", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.non_trainable_variables": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.non_trainable_variables", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.non_trainable_weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.non_trainable_weights", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.output": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.output", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.output_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.output_mask", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.output_shape": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.output_shape", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.reset_dropout_mask": "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.reset_dropout_mask", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.reset_recurrent_dropout_mask": "tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell.reset_recurrent_dropout_mask", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.set_weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.set_weights", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.submodules": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.submodules", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.trainable": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.trainable", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.trainable_variables": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.trainable_variables", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.trainable_weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.trainable_weights", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.updates": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.updates", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.variables": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.variables", + "tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell.weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.weights", + "tfa.rnn.cell.NASCell": "tfa.rnn.NASCell", + "tfa.rnn.cell.NASCell.__call__": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.__call__", + "tfa.rnn.cell.NASCell.__eq__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__eq__", + "tfa.rnn.cell.NASCell.__ge__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ge__", + "tfa.rnn.cell.NASCell.__gt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__gt__", + "tfa.rnn.cell.NASCell.__init__": "tfa.rnn.NASCell.__init__", + "tfa.rnn.cell.NASCell.__le__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__le__", + "tfa.rnn.cell.NASCell.__lt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__lt__", + "tfa.rnn.cell.NASCell.__ne__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ne__", + "tfa.rnn.cell.NASCell.__new__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__new__", + "tfa.rnn.cell.NASCell.activity_regularizer": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.activity_regularizer", + "tfa.rnn.cell.NASCell.add_loss": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_loss", + "tfa.rnn.cell.NASCell.add_metric": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_metric", + "tfa.rnn.cell.NASCell.add_update": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_update", + "tfa.rnn.cell.NASCell.add_weight": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_weight", + "tfa.rnn.cell.NASCell.build": "tfa.rnn.NASCell.build", + "tfa.rnn.cell.NASCell.call": "tfa.rnn.NASCell.call", + "tfa.rnn.cell.NASCell.compute_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.compute_mask", + 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"tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_at", + "tfa.rnn.cell.NASCell.get_output_mask_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_mask_at", + "tfa.rnn.cell.NASCell.get_output_shape_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_shape_at", + "tfa.rnn.cell.NASCell.get_updates_for": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_updates_for", + "tfa.rnn.cell.NASCell.get_weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_weights", + "tfa.rnn.cell.NASCell.input": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input", + "tfa.rnn.cell.NASCell.input_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_mask", + "tfa.rnn.cell.NASCell.input_shape": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_shape", + "tfa.rnn.cell.NASCell.input_spec": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_spec", + "tfa.rnn.cell.NASCell.losses": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.losses", + "tfa.rnn.cell.NASCell.metrics": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.metrics", + "tfa.rnn.cell.NASCell.name": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.name", + "tfa.rnn.cell.NASCell.name_scope": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.name_scope", + 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"tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ne__", + "tfa.seq2seq.AttentionMechanism.__new__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__new__", + "tfa.seq2seq.AttentionWrapper.__call__": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.__call__", + "tfa.seq2seq.AttentionWrapper.__eq__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__eq__", + "tfa.seq2seq.AttentionWrapper.__ge__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ge__", + "tfa.seq2seq.AttentionWrapper.__gt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__gt__", + "tfa.seq2seq.AttentionWrapper.__le__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__le__", + "tfa.seq2seq.AttentionWrapper.__lt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__lt__", + "tfa.seq2seq.AttentionWrapper.__ne__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ne__", + "tfa.seq2seq.AttentionWrapper.__new__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__new__", + "tfa.seq2seq.AttentionWrapper.activity_regularizer": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.activity_regularizer", + "tfa.seq2seq.AttentionWrapper.add_loss": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_loss", + 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"tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.weights", + "tfa.seq2seq.BahdanauMonotonicAttention.__call__": "tfa.seq2seq.BahdanauAttention.__call__", + "tfa.seq2seq.BahdanauMonotonicAttention.__eq__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__eq__", + "tfa.seq2seq.BahdanauMonotonicAttention.__ge__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ge__", + "tfa.seq2seq.BahdanauMonotonicAttention.__gt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__gt__", + "tfa.seq2seq.BahdanauMonotonicAttention.__le__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__le__", + "tfa.seq2seq.BahdanauMonotonicAttention.__lt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__lt__", + "tfa.seq2seq.BahdanauMonotonicAttention.__ne__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ne__", + "tfa.seq2seq.BahdanauMonotonicAttention.__new__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__new__", + "tfa.seq2seq.BahdanauMonotonicAttention.activity_regularizer": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.activity_regularizer", + "tfa.seq2seq.BahdanauMonotonicAttention.add_loss": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_loss", + 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"tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__lt__", + "tfa.seq2seq.ScheduledOutputTrainingSampler.__ne__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ne__", + "tfa.seq2seq.ScheduledOutputTrainingSampler.__new__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__new__", + "tfa.seq2seq.ScheduledOutputTrainingSampler.batch_size": "tfa.seq2seq.TrainingSampler.batch_size", + "tfa.seq2seq.ScheduledOutputTrainingSampler.sample_ids_dtype": "tfa.seq2seq.TrainingSampler.sample_ids_dtype", + "tfa.seq2seq.ScheduledOutputTrainingSampler.sample_ids_shape": "tfa.seq2seq.TrainingSampler.sample_ids_shape", + "tfa.seq2seq.SequenceLoss.__eq__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__eq__", + "tfa.seq2seq.SequenceLoss.__ge__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ge__", + "tfa.seq2seq.SequenceLoss.__gt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__gt__", + "tfa.seq2seq.SequenceLoss.__le__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__le__", + "tfa.seq2seq.SequenceLoss.__lt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__lt__", + "tfa.seq2seq.SequenceLoss.__ne__": 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"tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_input_shape_at", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.AttentionWrapper.get_losses_for": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_losses_for", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.AttentionWrapper.get_output_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_at", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.AttentionWrapper.get_output_mask_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_mask_at", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.AttentionWrapper.get_output_shape_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_shape_at", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.AttentionWrapper.get_updates_for": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_updates_for", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.AttentionWrapper.get_weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_weights", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.AttentionWrapper.input": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.AttentionWrapper.input_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_mask", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.AttentionWrapper.input_shape": 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"tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__new__", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention.activity_regularizer": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.activity_regularizer", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention.add_loss": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_loss", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention.add_metric": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_metric", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention.add_update": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_update", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention.add_weight": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_weight", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention.alignments_size": "tfa.seq2seq.BahdanauAttention.alignments_size", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention.build": "tfa.seq2seq.BahdanauAttention.build", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention.call": "tfa.seq2seq.BahdanauAttention.call", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention.compute_mask": "tfa.seq2seq.BahdanauAttention.compute_mask", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention.compute_output_shape": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.compute_output_shape", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention.compute_output_signature": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.compute_output_signature", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention.count_params": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.count_params", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention.dtype": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.dtype", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention.dynamic": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.dynamic", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention.get_config": "tfa.seq2seq.BahdanauAttention.get_config", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention.get_input_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_input_at", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention.get_input_mask_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_input_mask_at", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention.get_input_shape_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_input_shape_at", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention.get_losses_for": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_losses_for", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention.get_output_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_at", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention.get_output_mask_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_mask_at", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention.get_output_shape_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_shape_at", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention.get_updates_for": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_updates_for", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention.get_weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_weights", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention.initial_alignments": "tfa.seq2seq.BahdanauAttention.initial_alignments", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention.initial_state": "tfa.seq2seq.BahdanauAttention.initial_state", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention.input": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention.input_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_mask", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention.input_shape": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_shape", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention.input_spec": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_spec", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention.losses": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.losses", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention.memory_initialized": "tfa.seq2seq.BahdanauAttention.memory_initialized", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention.metrics": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.metrics", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention.name": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.name", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention.name_scope": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.name_scope", + 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"tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_loss", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauMonotonicAttention.add_metric": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_metric", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauMonotonicAttention.add_update": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_update", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauMonotonicAttention.add_weight": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_weight", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauMonotonicAttention.alignments_size": "tfa.seq2seq.BahdanauAttention.alignments_size", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauMonotonicAttention.build": "tfa.seq2seq.BahdanauMonotonicAttention.build", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauMonotonicAttention.call": "tfa.seq2seq.BahdanauAttention.call", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauMonotonicAttention.compute_mask": "tfa.seq2seq.BahdanauAttention.compute_mask", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauMonotonicAttention.compute_output_shape": "tfa.metrics.CohenKappa.compute_output_shape", + 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"tfa.seq2seq.BahdanauAttention.initial_state", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauMonotonicAttention.input": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauMonotonicAttention.input_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_mask", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauMonotonicAttention.input_shape": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_shape", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauMonotonicAttention.input_spec": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_spec", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauMonotonicAttention.losses": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.losses", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauMonotonicAttention.memory_initialized": "tfa.seq2seq.BahdanauAttention.memory_initialized", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauMonotonicAttention.metrics": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.metrics", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauMonotonicAttention.name": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.name", + 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"tfa.seq2seq.LuongAttention", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.LuongAttention.__call__": "tfa.seq2seq.BahdanauAttention.__call__", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.LuongAttention.__eq__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__eq__", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.LuongAttention.__ge__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ge__", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.LuongAttention.__gt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__gt__", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.LuongAttention.__init__": "tfa.seq2seq.LuongAttention.__init__", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.LuongAttention.__le__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__le__", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.LuongAttention.__lt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__lt__", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.LuongAttention.__ne__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ne__", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.LuongAttention.__new__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__new__", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.LuongAttention.activity_regularizer": 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"tfa.seq2seq.LuongMonotonicAttention.__init__", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.LuongMonotonicAttention.__le__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__le__", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.LuongMonotonicAttention.__lt__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__lt__", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.LuongMonotonicAttention.__ne__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__ne__", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.LuongMonotonicAttention.__new__": "tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar.__new__", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.LuongMonotonicAttention.activity_regularizer": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.activity_regularizer", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.LuongMonotonicAttention.add_loss": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_loss", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.LuongMonotonicAttention.add_metric": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_metric", + "tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.LuongMonotonicAttention.add_update": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.add_update", + 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"tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_losses_for", + "tfa.seq2seq.basic_decoder.BasicDecoder.get_output_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_at", + "tfa.seq2seq.basic_decoder.BasicDecoder.get_output_mask_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_mask_at", + "tfa.seq2seq.basic_decoder.BasicDecoder.get_output_shape_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_shape_at", + "tfa.seq2seq.basic_decoder.BasicDecoder.get_updates_for": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_updates_for", + "tfa.seq2seq.basic_decoder.BasicDecoder.get_weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_weights", + "tfa.seq2seq.basic_decoder.BasicDecoder.initialize": "tfa.seq2seq.BasicDecoder.initialize", + "tfa.seq2seq.basic_decoder.BasicDecoder.input": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input", + "tfa.seq2seq.basic_decoder.BasicDecoder.input_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_mask", + "tfa.seq2seq.basic_decoder.BasicDecoder.input_shape": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_shape", + 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"tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_mask_at", + "tfa.seq2seq.beam_search_decoder.BeamSearchDecoder.get_output_shape_at": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_output_shape_at", + "tfa.seq2seq.beam_search_decoder.BeamSearchDecoder.get_updates_for": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_updates_for", + "tfa.seq2seq.beam_search_decoder.BeamSearchDecoder.get_weights": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.get_weights", + "tfa.seq2seq.beam_search_decoder.BeamSearchDecoder.initialize": "tfa.seq2seq.BeamSearchDecoder.initialize", + "tfa.seq2seq.beam_search_decoder.BeamSearchDecoder.input": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input", + "tfa.seq2seq.beam_search_decoder.BeamSearchDecoder.input_mask": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_mask", + "tfa.seq2seq.beam_search_decoder.BeamSearchDecoder.input_shape": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_shape", + "tfa.seq2seq.beam_search_decoder.BeamSearchDecoder.input_spec": "tfa.layers.CorrelationCost.input_spec", + "tfa.seq2seq.beam_search_decoder.BeamSearchDecoder.losses": 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+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.activations + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Addititonal activation functions. + + + +## Functions + +[`gelu(...)`](../tfa/activations/gelu.md): Gaussian Error Linear Unit. + +[`hardshrink(...)`](../tfa/activations/hardshrink.md): Hard shrink function. + +[`lisht(...)`](../tfa/activations/lisht.md): LiSHT: Non-Parameteric Linearly Scaled Hyperbolic Tangent Activation Function. + +[`mish(...)`](../tfa/activations/mish.md): Mish: A Self Regularized Non-Monotonic Neural Activation Function. + +[`rrelu(...)`](../tfa/activations/rrelu.md): rrelu function. + +[`softshrink(...)`](../tfa/activations/softshrink.md): Soft shrink function. + +[`sparsemax(...)`](../tfa/activations/sparsemax.md): Sparsemax activation function [1]. + +[`tanhshrink(...)`](../tfa/activations/tanhshrink.md): Applies the element-wise function: x - tanh(x) + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/activations/gelu.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/activations/gelu.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..13785a2471 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/activations/gelu.md @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.activations.gelu + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Gaussian Error Linear Unit. + +``` python +tfa.activations.gelu( + x, + approximate=True +) +``` + + + + + +Computes gaussian error linear: +`0.5 * x * (1 + tanh(sqrt(2 / pi) * (x + 0.044715 * x^3)))` or +`x * P(X <= x) = 0.5 * x * (1 + erf(x / sqrt(2)))`, where P(X) ~ N(0, 1), +depending on whether approximation is enabled. + +See [Gaussian Error Linear Units (GELUs)](https://arxiv.org/abs/1606.08415) +and [BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding](https://arxiv.org/abs/1810.04805). + +#### Args: + + +* `x`: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: + `float16`, `float32`, `float64`. +* `approximate`: bool, whether to enable approximation. + +#### Returns: + +A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `x`. + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/activations/hardshrink.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/activations/hardshrink.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7232489187 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/activations/hardshrink.md @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.activations.hardshrink + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Hard shrink function. + +``` python +tfa.activations.hardshrink( + x, + lower=-0.5, + upper=0.5 +) +``` + + + + + +Computes hard shrink function: +`x if x < lower or x > upper else 0`. + +#### Args: + + +* `x`: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: + `float16`, `float32`, `float64`. +* `lower`: `float`, lower bound for setting values to zeros. +* `upper`: `float`, upper bound for setting values to zeros. + +#### Returns: + +A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `x`. + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/activations/lisht.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/activations/lisht.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1d6534add5 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/activations/lisht.md @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.activations.lisht + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +LiSHT: Non-Parameteric Linearly Scaled Hyperbolic Tangent Activation Function. + +``` python +tfa.activations.lisht(x) +``` + + + + + +Computes linearly scaled hyperbolic tangent (LiSHT): `x * tanh(x)` + +See [LiSHT: Non-Parameteric Linearly Scaled Hyperbolic Tangent Activation Function for Neural Networks](https://arxiv.org/abs/1901.05894). + +#### Args: + + +* `x`: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: + `float16`, `float32`, `float64`. + +#### Returns: + +A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `x`. + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/activations/mish.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/activations/mish.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6028af077c --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/activations/mish.md @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.activations.mish + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Mish: A Self Regularized Non-Monotonic Neural Activation Function. + +``` python +tfa.activations.mish(x) +``` + + + + + +Computes mish activation: x * tanh(softplus(x)) + +See [Mish: A Self Regularized Non-Monotonic Neural Activation Function](https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.08681). + +#### Args: + + +* `x`: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: + `float16`, `float32`, `float64`. + +#### Returns: + +A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `x`. + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/activations/rrelu.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/activations/rrelu.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3ae4b027f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/activations/rrelu.md @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.activations.rrelu + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +rrelu function. + +``` python +tfa.activations.rrelu( + x, + lower=0.125, + upper=0.3333333333333333, + training=None, + seed=None +) +``` + + + + + +Computes rrelu function: +`x if x > 0 else random(lower, upper) * x` or +`x if x > 0 else x * (lower + upper) / 2` +depending on whether training is enabled. + +See [Empirical Evaluation of Rectified Activations in Convolutional Network](https://arxiv.org/abs/1505.00853). + +#### Args: + + +* `x`: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: + `float16`, `float32`, `float64`. +* `lower`: `float`, lower bound for random alpha. +* `upper`: `float`, upper bound for random alpha. +* `training`: `bool`, indicating whether the `call` +is meant for training or inference. +* `seed`: `int`, this sets the operation-level seed. + +#### Returns: + + +* `result`: A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `x`. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/activations/softshrink.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/activations/softshrink.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0053dd7a27 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/activations/softshrink.md @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.activations.softshrink + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Soft shrink function. + +``` python +tfa.activations.softshrink( + x, + lower=-0.5, + upper=0.5 +) +``` + + + + + +Computes soft shrink function: +`x - lower if x < lower, x - upper if x > upper else 0`. + +#### Args: + + +* `x`: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: + `float16`, `float32`, `float64`. +* `lower`: `float`, lower bound for setting values to zeros. +* `upper`: `float`, upper bound for setting values to zeros. + +#### Returns: + +A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `x`. + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/activations/sparsemax.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/activations/sparsemax.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ae30557842 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/activations/sparsemax.md @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.activations.sparsemax + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Sparsemax activation function [1]. + +**Aliases**: `tfa.layers.sparsemax.sparsemax` + +``` python +tfa.activations.sparsemax( + logits, + axis=-1 +) +``` + + + + + +For each batch `i` and class `j` we have + $$sparsemax[i, j] = max(logits[i, j] - tau(logits[i, :]), 0)$$ + +[1]: https://arxiv.org/abs/1602.02068 + +#### Args: + + +* `logits`: Input tensor. +* `axis`: Integer, axis along which the sparsemax operation is applied. + +#### Returns: + +Tensor, output of sparsemax transformation. Has the same type and +shape as `logits`. + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: In case `dim(logits) == 1`. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/activations/tanhshrink.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/activations/tanhshrink.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f22d193fd0 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/activations/tanhshrink.md @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.activations.tanhshrink + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Applies the element-wise function: x - tanh(x) + +``` python +tfa.activations.tanhshrink(x) +``` + + + + + + +#### Args: + + +* `features`: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: + `float16`, `float32`, `float64`. + +#### Returns: + +A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `features`. + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/callbacks.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/callbacks.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7fa89bad16 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/callbacks.md @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.callbacks + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Additional callbacks that conform to Keras API. + + + +## Modules + +[`time_stopping`](../tfa/callbacks/time_stopping.md) module: Callback that stops training when a specified amount of time has passed. + +[`tqdm_progress_bar`](../tfa/callbacks/tqdm_progress_bar.md) module: TQDM Progress Bar. + +## Classes + +[`class TQDMProgressBar`](../tfa/callbacks/TQDMProgressBar.md): TQDM Progress Bar for Tensorflow Keras. + +[`class TimeStopping`](../tfa/callbacks/TimeStopping.md): Stop training when a specified amount of time has passed. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/callbacks/TQDMProgressBar.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/callbacks/TQDMProgressBar.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..220ecb8233 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/callbacks/TQDMProgressBar.md @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ +
+ + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.callbacks.TQDMProgressBar + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `TQDMProgressBar` + +TQDM Progress Bar for Tensorflow Keras. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.callbacks.tqdm_progress_bar.TQDMProgressBar` + + + + +#### Arguments: + +metrics_separator (string): Custom separator between metrics. + Defaults to ' - ' +overall_bar_format (string format): Custom bar format for overall + (outer) progress bar, see https://github.com/tqdm/tqdm#parameters + for more detail. +epoch_bar_format (string format): Custom bar format for epoch + (inner) progress bar, see https://github.com/tqdm/tqdm#parameters + for more detail. +update_per_second (int): Maximum number of updates in the epochs bar + per second, this is to prevent small batches from slowing down + training. Defaults to 10. +leave_epoch_progress (bool): True to leave epoch progress bars +leave_overall_progress (bool): True to leave overall progress bar +show_epoch_progress (bool): False to hide epoch progress bars +show_overall_progress (bool): False to hide overall progress bar + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + metrics_separator=' - ', + overall_bar_format='{l_bar}{bar} {n_fmt}/{total_fmt} ETA: {remaining}s, {rate_fmt}{postfix}', + epoch_bar_format='{n_fmt}/{total_fmt}{bar} ETA: {remaining}s - {desc}', + update_per_second=10, + leave_epoch_progress=True, + leave_overall_progress=True, + show_epoch_progress=True, + show_overall_progress=True +) +``` + +Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +View source + +``` python +format_metrics( + logs={}, + factor=1 +) +``` + +Format metrics in logs into a string. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `logs`: dictionary of metrics and their values. Defaults to + empty dictionary. +factor (int): The factor we want to divide the metrics in logs + by, useful when we are computing the logs after each batch. + Defaults to 1. + + +#### Returns: + + +* `metrics_string`: a string displaying metrics using the given +formators passed in through the constructor. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +set_model(model) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +set_params(params) +``` + + + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/callbacks/TimeStopping.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/callbacks/TimeStopping.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..44e17fca2b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/callbacks/TimeStopping.md @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +
+ + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.callbacks.TimeStopping + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `TimeStopping` + +Stop training when a specified amount of time has passed. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.callbacks.time_stopping.TimeStopping` + + + + +#### Args: + + +* `seconds`: maximum amount of time before stopping. + Defaults to 86400 (1 day). +* `verbose`: verbosity mode. Defaults to 0. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + seconds=86400, + verbose=0 +) +``` + +Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +set_model(model) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +set_params(params) +``` + + + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/callbacks/time_stopping.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/callbacks/time_stopping.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a27d3b5381 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/callbacks/time_stopping.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.callbacks.time_stopping + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Callback that stops training when a specified amount of time has passed. + + + +## Classes + +[`class TimeStopping`](../../tfa/callbacks/TimeStopping.md): Stop training when a specified amount of time has passed. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/callbacks/tqdm_progress_bar.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/callbacks/tqdm_progress_bar.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..68686bd5e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/callbacks/tqdm_progress_bar.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.callbacks.tqdm_progress_bar + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +TQDM Progress Bar. + + + +## Classes + +[`class TQDMProgressBar`](../../tfa/callbacks/TQDMProgressBar.md): TQDM Progress Bar for Tensorflow Keras. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3ff7284461 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image.md @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.image + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Additional image manipulation ops. + + + +## Modules + +[`distance_transform`](../tfa/image/distance_transform.md) module: Distance transform ops. + +[`distort_image_ops`](../tfa/image/distort_image_ops.md) module: Python layer for distort_image_ops. + +[`filters`](../tfa/image/filters.md) module + +[`resampler_ops`](../tfa/image/resampler_ops.md) module: Python layer for Resampler. + +[`transform_ops`](../tfa/image/transform_ops.md) module: Image transform ops. + +[`translate_ops`](../tfa/image/translate_ops.md) module: Image translate ops. + +[`utils`](../tfa/image/utils.md) module: Image util ops. + +## Functions + +[`adjust_hsv_in_yiq(...)`](../tfa/image/adjust_hsv_in_yiq.md): Adjust hue, saturation, value of an RGB image in YIQ color space. + +[`connected_components(...)`](../tfa/image/connected_components.md): Labels the connected components in a batch of images. + +[`dense_image_warp(...)`](../tfa/image/dense_image_warp.md): Image warping using per-pixel flow vectors. + +[`euclidean_dist_transform(...)`](../tfa/image/euclidean_dist_transform.md): Applies euclidean distance transform(s) to the image(s). + +[`interpolate_bilinear(...)`](../tfa/image/interpolate_bilinear.md): Similar to Matlab's interp2 function. + +[`interpolate_spline(...)`](../tfa/image/interpolate_spline.md): Interpolate signal using polyharmonic interpolation. + +[`mean_filter2d(...)`](../tfa/image/mean_filter2d.md): Perform mean filtering on image(s). + +[`median_filter2d(...)`](../tfa/image/median_filter2d.md): Perform median filtering on image(s). + +[`random_hsv_in_yiq(...)`](../tfa/image/random_hsv_in_yiq.md): Adjust hue, saturation, value of an RGB image randomly in YIQ color + +[`resampler(...)`](../tfa/image/resampler.md): Resamples input data at user defined coordinates. + +[`rotate(...)`](../tfa/image/rotate.md): Rotate image(s) counterclockwise by the passed angle(s) in radians. + +[`sparse_image_warp(...)`](../tfa/image/sparse_image_warp.md): Image warping using correspondences between sparse control points. + +[`transform(...)`](../tfa/image/transform.md): Applies the given transform(s) to the image(s). + +[`translate(...)`](../tfa/image/translate.md): Translate image(s) by the passed vectors(s). + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/adjust_hsv_in_yiq.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/adjust_hsv_in_yiq.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c1b29b507b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/adjust_hsv_in_yiq.md @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.image.adjust_hsv_in_yiq + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Adjust hue, saturation, value of an RGB image in YIQ color space. + +**Aliases**: `tfa.image.distort_image_ops.adjust_hsv_in_yiq` + +``` python +tfa.image.adjust_hsv_in_yiq( + image, + delta_hue=0, + scale_saturation=1, + scale_value=1, + name=None +) +``` + + + + + +This is a convenience method that converts an RGB image to float +representation, converts it to YIQ, rotates the color around the +Y channel by delta_hue in radians, scales the chrominance channels +(I, Q) by scale_saturation, scales all channels (Y, I, Q) by scale_value, +converts back to RGB, and then back to the original data type. + +`image` is an RGB image. The image hue is adjusted by converting the +image to YIQ, rotating around the luminance channel (Y) by +`delta_hue` in radians, multiplying the chrominance channels (I, Q) by +`scale_saturation`, and multiplying all channels (Y, I, Q) by +`scale_value`. The image is then converted back to RGB. + +#### Args: + + +* `image`: RGB image or images. Size of the last dimension must be 3. +* `delta_hue`: float, the hue rotation amount, in radians. +* `scale_saturation`: float, factor to multiply the saturation by. +* `scale_value`: float, factor to multiply the value by. +* `name`: A name for this operation (optional). + + +#### Returns: + +Adjusted image(s), same shape and dtype as `image`. + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/connected_components.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/connected_components.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8f7961ce4b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/connected_components.md @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.image.connected_components + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Labels the connected components in a batch of images. + +``` python +tfa.image.connected_components( + images, + name=None +) +``` + + + + + +A component is a set of pixels in a single input image, which are +all adjacent and all have the same non-zero value. The components +using a squared connectivity of one (all True entries are joined with +their neighbors above,below, left, and right). Components across all +images have consecutive ids 1 through n. +Components are labeled according to the first pixel of the +component appearing in row-major order (lexicographic order by +image_index_in_batch, row, col). +Zero entries all have an output id of 0. +This op is equivalent with `scipy.ndimage.measurements.label` +on a 2D array with the default structuring element +(which is the connectivity used here). +Args: + images: A 2D (H, W) or 3D (N, H, W) Tensor of boolean image(s). + name: The name of the op. +Returns: + Components with the same shape as `images`. + False entries in `images` have value 0, and + all True entries map to a component id > 0. +Raises: + TypeError: if `images` is not 2D or 3D. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/dense_image_warp.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/dense_image_warp.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0cf8161bb9 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/dense_image_warp.md @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.image.dense_image_warp + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Image warping using per-pixel flow vectors. + +``` python +tfa.image.dense_image_warp( + image, + flow, + name=None +) +``` + + + + + +Apply a non-linear warp to the image, where the warp is specified by a +dense flow field of offset vectors that define the correspondences of +pixel values in the output image back to locations in the source image. +Specifically, the pixel value at output[b, j, i, c] is +images[b, j - flow[b, j, i, 0], i - flow[b, j, i, 1], c]. + +The locations specified by this formula do not necessarily map to an int +index. Therefore, the pixel value is obtained by bilinear +interpolation of the 4 nearest pixels around +(b, j - flow[b, j, i, 0], i - flow[b, j, i, 1]). For locations outside +of the image, we use the nearest pixel values at the image boundary. + +#### Args: + + +* `image`: 4-D float `Tensor` with shape `[batch, height, width, channels]`. +* `flow`: A 4-D float `Tensor` with shape `[batch, height, width, 2]`. +* `name`: A name for the operation (optional). + +Note that image and flow can be of type tf.half, tf.float32, or +tf.float64, and do not necessarily have to be the same type. + + +#### Returns: + +A 4-D float `Tensor` with shape`[batch, height, width, channels]` + and same type as input image. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if height < 2 or width < 2 or the inputs have the wrong + number of dimensions. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/distance_transform.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/distance_transform.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..aa8f2992f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/distance_transform.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.image.distance_transform + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Distance transform ops. + + + +## Functions + +[`euclidean_dist_transform(...)`](../../tfa/image/euclidean_dist_transform.md): Applies euclidean distance transform(s) to the image(s). + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/distort_image_ops.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/distort_image_ops.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a263e5e3bc --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/distort_image_ops.md @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.image.distort_image_ops + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Python layer for distort_image_ops. + + + +## Functions + +[`adjust_hsv_in_yiq(...)`](../../tfa/image/adjust_hsv_in_yiq.md): Adjust hue, saturation, value of an RGB image in YIQ color space. + +[`random_hsv_in_yiq(...)`](../../tfa/image/random_hsv_in_yiq.md): Adjust hue, saturation, value of an RGB image randomly in YIQ color + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/euclidean_dist_transform.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/euclidean_dist_transform.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dea8790f6a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/euclidean_dist_transform.md @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.image.euclidean_dist_transform + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Applies euclidean distance transform(s) to the image(s). + +**Aliases**: `tfa.image.distance_transform.euclidean_dist_transform` + +``` python +tfa.image.euclidean_dist_transform( + images, + dtype=tf.float32, + name=None +) +``` + + + + + + +#### Args: + + +* `images`: A tensor of shape (num_images, num_rows, num_columns, 1) (NHWC), + or (num_rows, num_columns, 1) (HWC) or (num_rows, num_columns) (HW). +* `dtype`: DType of the output tensor. +* `name`: The name of the op. + + +#### Returns: + +Image(s) with the type `dtype` and same shape as `images`, with the +transform applied. If a tensor of all ones is given as input, the +output tensor will be filled with the max value of the `dtype`. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `TypeError`: If `image` is not tf.uint8, or `dtype` is not floating point. +* `ValueError`: If `image` more than one channel, or `image` is not of + rank between 2 and 4. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/filters.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/filters.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dbc512e0a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/filters.md @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.image.filters + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + + + + +## Functions + +[`mean_filter2d(...)`](../../tfa/image/mean_filter2d.md): Perform mean filtering on image(s). + +[`median_filter2d(...)`](../../tfa/image/median_filter2d.md): Perform median filtering on image(s). + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/interpolate_bilinear.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/interpolate_bilinear.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ff86a2f0d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/interpolate_bilinear.md @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.image.interpolate_bilinear + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Similar to Matlab's interp2 function. + +``` python +tfa.image.interpolate_bilinear( + grid, + query_points, + indexing='ij', + name=None +) +``` + + + + + +Finds values for query points on a grid using bilinear interpolation. + +#### Args: + + +* `grid`: a 4-D float `Tensor` of shape `[batch, height, width, channels]`. +* `query_points`: a 3-D float `Tensor` of N points with shape + `[batch, N, 2]`. +* `indexing`: whether the query points are specified as row and column (ij), + or Cartesian coordinates (xy). +* `name`: a name for the operation (optional). + + +#### Returns: + + +* `values`: a 3-D `Tensor` with shape `[batch, N, channels]` + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the indexing mode is invalid, or if the shape of the + inputs invalid. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/interpolate_spline.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/interpolate_spline.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..05ad23f123 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/interpolate_spline.md @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.image.interpolate_spline + + + + + +
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+ + + + +Interpolate signal using polyharmonic interpolation. + +``` python +tfa.image.interpolate_spline( + train_points, + train_values, + query_points, + order, + regularization_weight=0.0, + name='interpolate_spline' +) +``` + + + + + +The interpolant has the form +$$f(x) = \sum_{i = 1}^n w_i \phi(||x - c_i||) + v^T x + b.$$ + +This is a sum of two terms: (1) a weighted sum of radial basis function +(RBF) terms, with the centers \\(c_1, ... c_n\\), and (2) a linear term +with a bias. The \\(c_i\\) vectors are 'training' points. +In the code, b is absorbed into v +by appending 1 as a final dimension to x. The coefficients w and v are +estimated such that the interpolant exactly fits the value of the function +at the \\(c_i\\) points, the vector w is orthogonal to each \\(c_i\\), +and the vector w sums to 0. With these constraints, the coefficients +can be obtained by solving a linear system. + +\\(\phi\\) is an RBF, parametrized by an interpolation +order. Using order=2 produces the well-known thin-plate spline. + +We also provide the option to perform regularized interpolation. Here, the +interpolant is selected to trade off between the squared loss on the +training data and a certain measure of its curvature +([details](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyharmonic_spline)). +Using a regularization weight greater than zero has the effect that the +interpolant will no longer exactly fit the training data. However, it may +be less vulnerable to overfitting, particularly for high-order +interpolation. + +Note the interpolation procedure is differentiable with respect to all +inputs besides the order parameter. + +We support dynamically-shaped inputs, where batch_size, n, and m are None +at graph construction time. However, d and k must be known. + +#### Args: + + +* `train_points`: `[batch_size, n, d]` float `Tensor` of n d-dimensional + locations. These do not need to be regularly-spaced. +* `train_values`: `[batch_size, n, k]` float `Tensor` of n c-dimensional + values evaluated at train_points. +* `query_points`: `[batch_size, m, d]` `Tensor` of m d-dimensional locations + where we will output the interpolant's values. +* `order`: order of the interpolation. Common values are 1 for + \\(\phi(r) = r\\), 2 for \\(\phi(r) = r^2 * log(r)\\) + (thin-plate spline), or 3 for \\(\phi(r) = r^3\\). +* `regularization_weight`: weight placed on the regularization term. + This will depend substantially on the problem, and it should always be + tuned. For many problems, it is reasonable to use no regularization. + If using a non-zero value, we recommend a small value like 0.001. +* `name`: name prefix for ops created by this function + + +#### Returns: + +`[b, m, k]` float `Tensor` of query values. We use train_points and +train_values to perform polyharmonic interpolation. The query values are +the values of the interpolant evaluated at the locations specified in +query_points. + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/mean_filter2d.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/mean_filter2d.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..895435d873 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/mean_filter2d.md @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.image.mean_filter2d + + + + + +
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+ + + + +Perform mean filtering on image(s). + +**Aliases**: `tfa.image.filters.mean_filter2d` + +``` python +tfa.image.mean_filter2d( + image, + filter_shape=(3, 3), + padding='REFLECT', + constant_values=0, + name=None +) +``` + + + + + + +#### Args: + + +* `image`: Either a 2-D `Tensor` of shape `[height, width]`, + a 3-D `Tensor` of shape `[height, width, channels]`, + or a 4-D `Tensor` of shape `[batch_size, height, width, channels]`. +* `filter_shape`: An `integer` or `tuple`/`list` of 2 integers, specifying + the height and width of the 2-D mean filter. Can be a single integer + to specify the same value for all spatial dimensions. +* `padding`: A `string`, one of "REFLECT", "CONSTANT", or "SYMMETRIC". + The type of padding algorithm to use, which is compatible with + `mode` argument in `tf.pad`. For more details, please refer to + https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/pad. +* `constant_values`: A `scalar`, the pad value to use in "CONSTANT" + padding mode. +* `name`: A name for this operation (optional). + +#### Returns: + +3-D or 4-D `Tensor` of the same dtype as input. + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If `image` is not 2, 3 or 4-dimensional, + if `padding` is other than "REFLECT", "CONSTANT" or "SYMMETRIC", + or if `filter_shape` is invalid. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/median_filter2d.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/median_filter2d.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..37b08295e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/median_filter2d.md @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.image.median_filter2d + + + + + +
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+ + + + +Perform median filtering on image(s). + +**Aliases**: `tfa.image.filters.median_filter2d` + +``` python +tfa.image.median_filter2d( + image, + filter_shape=(3, 3), + padding='REFLECT', + constant_values=0, + name=None +) +``` + + + + + + +#### Args: + + +* `image`: Either a 2-D `Tensor` of shape `[height, width]`, + a 3-D `Tensor` of shape `[height, width, channels]`, + or a 4-D `Tensor` of shape `[batch_size, height, width, channels]`. +* `filter_shape`: An `integer` or `tuple`/`list` of 2 integers, specifying + the height and width of the 2-D median filter. Can be a single integer + to specify the same value for all spatial dimensions. +* `padding`: A `string`, one of "REFLECT", "CONSTANT", or "SYMMETRIC". + The type of padding algorithm to use, which is compatible with + `mode` argument in `tf.pad`. For more details, please refer to + https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/pad. +* `constant_values`: A `scalar`, the pad value to use in "CONSTANT" + padding mode. +* `name`: A name for this operation (optional). + +#### Returns: + +3-D or 4-D `Tensor` of the same dtype as input. + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If `image` is not 2, 3 or 4-dimensional, + if `padding` is other than "REFLECT", "CONSTANT" or "SYMMETRIC", + or if `filter_shape` is invalid. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/random_hsv_in_yiq.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/random_hsv_in_yiq.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b73e1a05fb --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/random_hsv_in_yiq.md @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.image.random_hsv_in_yiq + + + + + +
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+ + + + +Adjust hue, saturation, value of an RGB image randomly in YIQ color + +**Aliases**: `tfa.image.distort_image_ops.random_hsv_in_yiq` + +``` python +tfa.image.random_hsv_in_yiq( + image, + max_delta_hue=0, + lower_saturation=1, + upper_saturation=1, + lower_value=1, + upper_value=1, + seed=None, + name=None +) +``` + + + + +space. + +Equivalent to `adjust_yiq_hsv()` but uses a `delta_h` randomly +picked in the interval `[-max_delta_hue, max_delta_hue]`, a +`scale_saturation` randomly picked in the interval +`[lower_saturation, upper_saturation]`, and a `scale_value` +randomly picked in the interval `[lower_saturation, upper_saturation]`. + +#### Args: + + +* `image`: RGB image or images. Size of the last dimension must be 3. +* `max_delta_hue`: float. Maximum value for the random delta_hue. Passing 0 + disables adjusting hue. +* `lower_saturation`: float. Lower bound for the random scale_saturation. +* `upper_saturation`: float. Upper bound for the random scale_saturation. +* `lower_value`: float. Lower bound for the random scale_value. +* `upper_value`: float. Upper bound for the random scale_value. +* `seed`: An operation-specific seed. It will be used in conjunction + with the graph-level seed to determine the real seeds that will be + used in this operation. Please see the documentation of + set_random_seed for its interaction with the graph-level random seed. +* `name`: A name for this operation (optional). + + +#### Returns: + +3-D float tensor of shape `[height, width, channels]`. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if `max_delta`, `lower_saturation`, `upper_saturation`, + `lower_value`, or `upper_value` is invalid. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/resampler.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/resampler.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a49b055919 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/resampler.md @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.image.resampler + + + + + +
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+ + + + +Resamples input data at user defined coordinates. + +**Aliases**: `tfa.image.resampler_ops.resampler` + +``` python +tfa.image.resampler( + data, + warp, + name=None +) +``` + + + + + +The resampler currently only supports bilinear interpolation of 2D data. +Args: + data: Tensor of shape `[batch_size, data_height, data_width, + data_num_channels]` containing 2D data that will be resampled. + warp: Tensor of minimum rank 2 containing the coordinates at + which resampling will be performed. Since only bilinear + interpolation is currently supported, the last dimension of the + `warp` tensor must be 2, representing the (x, y) coordinate where + x is the index for width and y is the index for height. + name: Optional name of the op. +Returns: + Tensor of resampled values from `data`. The output tensor shape + is determined by the shape of the warp tensor. For example, if `data` + is of shape `[batch_size, data_height, data_width, data_num_channels]` + and warp of shape `[batch_size, dim_0, ... , dim_n, 2]` the output will + be of shape `[batch_size, dim_0, ... , dim_n, data_num_channels]`. +Raises: + ImportError: if the wrapper generated during compilation is not + present when the function is called. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/resampler_ops.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/resampler_ops.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b02b48bcb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/resampler_ops.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.image.resampler_ops + + + + +
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+ + + +Python layer for Resampler. + + + +## Functions + +[`resampler(...)`](../../tfa/image/resampler.md): Resamples input data at user defined coordinates. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/rotate.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/rotate.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ca0a49ce89 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/rotate.md @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.image.rotate + + + + + +
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+ + + + +Rotate image(s) counterclockwise by the passed angle(s) in radians. + +**Aliases**: `tfa.image.transform_ops.rotate` + +``` python +tfa.image.rotate( + images, + angles, + interpolation='NEAREST', + name=None +) +``` + + + + + + +#### Args: + + +* `images`: A tensor of shape + (num_images, num_rows, num_columns, num_channels) + (NHWC), (num_rows, num_columns, num_channels) (HWC), or + (num_rows, num_columns) (HW). +* `angles`: A scalar angle to rotate all images by, or (if images has rank 4) + a vector of length num_images, with an angle for each image in the + batch. +* `interpolation`: Interpolation mode. Supported values: "NEAREST", + "BILINEAR". +* `name`: The name of the op. + + +#### Returns: + +Image(s) with the same type and shape as `images`, rotated by the given +angle(s). Empty space due to the rotation will be filled with zeros. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `TypeError`: If `image` is an invalid type. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/sparse_image_warp.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/sparse_image_warp.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e80f55152b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/sparse_image_warp.md @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.image.sparse_image_warp + + + + + +
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+ + + + +Image warping using correspondences between sparse control points. + +``` python +tfa.image.sparse_image_warp( + image, + source_control_point_locations, + dest_control_point_locations, + interpolation_order=2, + regularization_weight=0.0, + num_boundary_points=0, + name='sparse_image_warp' +) +``` + + + + + +Apply a non-linear warp to the image, where the warp is specified by +the source and destination locations of a (potentially small) number of +control points. First, we use a polyharmonic spline +(`tf.contrib.image.interpolate_spline`) to interpolate the displacements +between the corresponding control points to a dense flow field. +Then, we warp the image using this dense flow field +(`tf.contrib.image.dense_image_warp`). + +Let t index our control points. For regularization_weight=0, we have: +warped_image[b, dest_control_point_locations[b, t, 0], + dest_control_point_locations[b, t, 1], :] = +image[b, source_control_point_locations[b, t, 0], + source_control_point_locations[b, t, 1], :]. + +For regularization_weight > 0, this condition is met approximately, since +regularized interpolation trades off smoothness of the interpolant vs. +reconstruction of the interpolant at the control points. +See `tf.contrib.image.interpolate_spline` for further documentation of the +interpolation_order and regularization_weight arguments. + + +#### Args: + + +* `image`: `[batch, height, width, channels]` float `Tensor` +* `source_control_point_locations`: `[batch, num_control_points, 2]` float + `Tensor` +* `dest_control_point_locations`: `[batch, num_control_points, 2]` float + `Tensor` +* `interpolation_order`: polynomial order used by the spline interpolation +* `regularization_weight`: weight on smoothness regularizer in interpolation +* `num_boundary_points`: How many zero-flow boundary points to include at + each image edge.Usage: + num_boundary_points=0: don't add zero-flow points + num_boundary_points=1: 4 corners of the image + num_boundary_points=2: 4 corners and one in the middle of each edge + (8 points total) + num_boundary_points=n: 4 corners and n-1 along each edge +* `name`: A name for the operation (optional). + +Note that image and offsets can be of type tf.half, tf.float32, or +tf.float64, and do not necessarily have to be the same type. + + +#### Returns: + + +* `warped_image`: `[batch, height, width, channels]` float `Tensor` with same + type as input image. +* `flow_field`: `[batch, height, width, 2]` float `Tensor` containing the + dense flow field produced by the interpolation. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/transform.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/transform.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c577dc57e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/transform.md @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.image.transform + + + + + +
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+ + + + +Applies the given transform(s) to the image(s). + +**Aliases**: `tfa.image.transform_ops.transform`, `tfa.image.translate_ops.transform` + +``` python +tfa.image.transform( + images, + transforms, + interpolation='NEAREST', + output_shape=None, + name=None +) +``` + + + + + + +#### Args: + + +* `images`: A tensor of shape (num_images, num_rows, num_columns, + num_channels) (NHWC), (num_rows, num_columns, num_channels) (HWC), or + (num_rows, num_columns) (HW). +* `transforms`: Projective transform matrix/matrices. A vector of length 8 or + tensor of size N x 8. If one row of transforms is + [a0, a1, a2, b0, b1, b2, c0, c1], then it maps the *output* point + `(x, y)` to a transformed *input* point + `(x', y') = ((a0 x + a1 y + a2) / k, (b0 x + b1 y + b2) / k)`, + where `k = c0 x + c1 y + 1`. The transforms are *inverted* compared to + the transform mapping input points to output points. Note that + gradients are not backpropagated into transformation parameters. +* `interpolation`: Interpolation mode. + Supported values: "NEAREST", "BILINEAR". +* `output_shape`: Output dimesion after the transform, [height, width]. + If None, output is the same size as input image. + +* `name`: The name of the op. + + +#### Returns: + +Image(s) with the same type and shape as `images`, with the given +transform(s) applied. Transformed coordinates outside of the input image +will be filled with zeros. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `TypeError`: If `image` is an invalid type. +* `ValueError`: If output shape is not 1-D int32 Tensor. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/transform_ops.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/transform_ops.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c7eaa46a48 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/transform_ops.md @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.image.transform_ops + + + + +
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+ + + +Image transform ops. + + + +## Functions + +[`angles_to_projective_transforms(...)`](../../tfa/image/transform_ops/angles_to_projective_transforms.md): Returns projective transform(s) for the given angle(s). + +[`compose_transforms(...)`](../../tfa/image/transform_ops/compose_transforms.md): Composes the transforms tensors. + +[`flat_transforms_to_matrices(...)`](../../tfa/image/transform_ops/flat_transforms_to_matrices.md): Converts projective transforms to affine matrices. + +[`matrices_to_flat_transforms(...)`](../../tfa/image/transform_ops/matrices_to_flat_transforms.md): Converts affine matrices to projective transforms. + +[`rotate(...)`](../../tfa/image/rotate.md): Rotate image(s) counterclockwise by the passed angle(s) in radians. + +[`transform(...)`](../../tfa/image/transform.md): Applies the given transform(s) to the image(s). + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/transform_ops/angles_to_projective_transforms.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/transform_ops/angles_to_projective_transforms.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3f88240454 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/transform_ops/angles_to_projective_transforms.md @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.image.transform_ops.angles_to_projective_transforms + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Returns projective transform(s) for the given angle(s). + +``` python +tfa.image.transform_ops.angles_to_projective_transforms( + angles, + image_height, + image_width, + name=None +) +``` + + + + + + +#### Args: + + +* `angles`: A scalar angle to rotate all images by, or (for batches of + images) a vector with an angle to rotate each image in the batch. The + rank must be statically known (the shape is not `TensorShape(None)`. +* `image_height`: Height of the image(s) to be transformed. +* `image_width`: Width of the image(s) to be transformed. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor of shape (num_images, 8). Projective transforms which can be +given to `transform` op. + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/transform_ops/compose_transforms.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/transform_ops/compose_transforms.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a0a79c89cc --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/transform_ops/compose_transforms.md @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.image.transform_ops.compose_transforms + + + + + +
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+ + + + +Composes the transforms tensors. + +``` python +tfa.image.transform_ops.compose_transforms( + transforms, + name=None +) +``` + + + + + + +#### Args: + + +* `transforms`: List of image projective transforms to be composed. Each + transform is length 8 (single transform) or shape (N, 8) (batched + transforms). The shapes of all inputs must be equal, and at least one + input must be given. +* `name`: The name for the op. + + +#### Returns: + +A composed transform tensor. When passed to `transform` op, + equivalent to applying each of the given transforms to the image in + order. + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/transform_ops/flat_transforms_to_matrices.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/transform_ops/flat_transforms_to_matrices.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d2ab0b6d8b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/transform_ops/flat_transforms_to_matrices.md @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.image.transform_ops.flat_transforms_to_matrices + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Converts projective transforms to affine matrices. + +``` python +tfa.image.transform_ops.flat_transforms_to_matrices( + transforms, + name=None +) +``` + + + + + +Note that the output matrices map output coordinates to input coordinates. +For the forward transformation matrix, call `tf.linalg.inv` on the result. + +#### Args: + + +* `transforms`: Vector of length 8, or batches of transforms with shape + `(N, 8)`. +* `name`: The name for the op. + + +#### Returns: + +3D tensor of matrices with shape `(N, 3, 3)`. The output matrices map the + *output coordinates* (in homogeneous coordinates) of each transform to + the corresponding *input coordinates*. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If `transforms` have an invalid shape. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/transform_ops/matrices_to_flat_transforms.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/transform_ops/matrices_to_flat_transforms.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5d4f3b6135 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/transform_ops/matrices_to_flat_transforms.md @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.image.transform_ops.matrices_to_flat_transforms + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Converts affine matrices to projective transforms. + +``` python +tfa.image.transform_ops.matrices_to_flat_transforms( + transform_matrices, + name=None +) +``` + + + + + +Note that we expect matrices that map output coordinates to input +coordinates. To convert forward transformation matrices, +call `tf.linalg.inv` on the matrices and use the result here. + +#### Args: + + +* `transform_matrices`: One or more affine transformation matrices, for the + reverse transformation in homogeneous coordinates. Shape `(3, 3)` or + `(N, 3, 3)`. +* `name`: The name for the op. + + +#### Returns: + +2D tensor of flat transforms with shape `(N, 8)`, which may be passed +into `transform` op. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If `transform_matrices` have an invalid shape. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/translate.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/translate.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..53dab3e437 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/translate.md @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.image.translate + + + + + +
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+ + + + +Translate image(s) by the passed vectors(s). + +**Aliases**: `tfa.image.translate_ops.translate` + +``` python +tfa.image.translate( + images, + translations, + interpolation='NEAREST', + name=None +) +``` + + + + + + +#### Args: + + +* `images`: A tensor of shape + (num_images, num_rows, num_columns, num_channels) (NHWC), + (num_rows, num_columns, num_channels) (HWC), or + (num_rows, num_columns) (HW). The rank must be statically known (the + shape is not `TensorShape(None)`). +* `translations`: A vector representing [dx, dy] or (if images has rank 4) + a matrix of length num_images, with a [dx, dy] vector for each image + in the batch. +* `interpolation`: Interpolation mode. Supported values: "NEAREST", + "BILINEAR". +* `name`: The name of the op. + +#### Returns: + +Image(s) with the same type and shape as `images`, translated by the +given vector(s). Empty space due to the translation will be filled with +zeros. + + +#### Raises: + + +* `TypeError`: If `images` is an invalid type. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/translate_ops.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/translate_ops.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e98f9f7128 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/translate_ops.md @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.image.translate_ops + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Image translate ops. + + + +## Functions + +[`transform(...)`](../../tfa/image/transform.md): Applies the given transform(s) to the image(s). + +[`translate(...)`](../../tfa/image/translate.md): Translate image(s) by the passed vectors(s). + +[`translations_to_projective_transforms(...)`](../../tfa/image/translate_ops/translations_to_projective_transforms.md): Returns projective transform(s) for the given translation(s). + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/translate_ops/translations_to_projective_transforms.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/translate_ops/translations_to_projective_transforms.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ba80eddf80 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/translate_ops/translations_to_projective_transforms.md @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.image.translate_ops.translations_to_projective_transforms + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Returns projective transform(s) for the given translation(s). + +``` python +tfa.image.translate_ops.translations_to_projective_transforms( + translations, + name=None +) +``` + + + + + + +#### Args: + + +* `translations`: A 2-element list representing [dx, dy] or a matrix of + 2-element lists representing [dx, dy] to translate for each image + (for a batch of images). The rank must be statically known + (the shape is not `TensorShape(None)`). +* `name`: The name of the op. + +#### Returns: + +A tensor of shape (num_images, 8) projective transforms which can be +given to tfa.image.transform. + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/utils.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/utils.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..547bac03b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/utils.md @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.image.utils + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Image util ops. + + + +## Functions + +[`from_4D_image(...)`](../../tfa/image/utils/from_4D_image.md): Convert back to an image with `ndims` rank. + +[`get_ndims(...)`](../../tfa/image/utils/get_ndims.md) + +[`to_4D_image(...)`](../../tfa/image/utils/to_4D_image.md): Convert 2/3/4D image to 4D image. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/utils/from_4D_image.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/utils/from_4D_image.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a340dcb85b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/utils/from_4D_image.md @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.image.utils.from_4D_image + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Convert back to an image with `ndims` rank. + +``` python +tfa.image.utils.from_4D_image( + image, + ndims +) +``` + + + + + + +#### Args: + + +* `image`: 4D tensor. +* `ndims`: The original rank of the image. + + +#### Returns: + +`ndims`-D tensor with the same type. + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/utils/get_ndims.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/utils/get_ndims.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a7995eae03 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/utils/get_ndims.md @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.image.utils.get_ndims + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + + + +``` python +tfa.image.utils.get_ndims(image) +``` + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/utils/to_4D_image.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/utils/to_4D_image.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dd048b3951 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/image/utils/to_4D_image.md @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.image.utils.to_4D_image + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Convert 2/3/4D image to 4D image. + +``` python +tfa.image.utils.to_4D_image(image) +``` + + + + + + +#### Args: + + +* `image`: 2/3/4D tensor. + + +#### Returns: + +4D tensor with the same type. + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bbd54a217f --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers.md @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.layers + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Additional layers that conform to Keras API. + + + +## Modules + +[`gelu`](../tfa/layers/gelu.md) module: Implements GELU activation. + +[`maxout`](../tfa/layers/maxout.md) module: Implementing Maxout layer. + +[`normalizations`](../tfa/layers/normalizations.md) module + +[`optical_flow`](../tfa/layers/optical_flow.md) module: Tensorflow op performing correlation cost operation. + +[`poincare`](../tfa/layers/poincare.md) module: Implementing PoincareNormalize layer. + +[`sparsemax`](../tfa/layers/sparsemax.md) module + +[`wrappers`](../tfa/layers/wrappers.md) module + +## Classes + +[`class CorrelationCost`](../tfa/layers/CorrelationCost.md): Correlation Cost Layer. + +[`class GELU`](../tfa/layers/GELU.md): Gaussian Error Linear Unit. + +[`class GroupNormalization`](../tfa/layers/GroupNormalization.md): Group normalization layer. + +[`class InstanceNormalization`](../tfa/layers/InstanceNormalization.md): Instance normalization layer. + +[`class Maxout`](../tfa/layers/Maxout.md): Applies Maxout to the input. + +[`class PoincareNormalize`](../tfa/layers/PoincareNormalize.md): Project into the Poincare ball with norm <= 1.0 - epsilon. + +[`class Sparsemax`](../tfa/layers/Sparsemax.md): Sparsemax activation function [1]. + +[`class WeightNormalization`](../tfa/layers/WeightNormalization.md): This wrapper reparameterizes a layer by decoupling the weight's + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/CorrelationCost.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/CorrelationCost.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..37930169c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/CorrelationCost.md @@ -0,0 +1,860 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.layers.CorrelationCost + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `CorrelationCost` + +Correlation Cost Layer. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.layers.optical_flow.CorrelationCost` + + + +This layer implements the correlation operation from FlowNet Learning +Optical Flow with Convolutional Networks (Fischer et al.): +https://arxiv.org/abs/1504.06 + +#### Args: + + +* `kernel_size`: An integer specifying the height and width of the + patch used to compute the per-patch costs. +* `max_displacement`: An integer specifying the maximum search radius + for each position. +* `stride_1`: An integer specifying the stride length in the input. +* `stride_2`: An integer specifying the stride length in the patch. +* `pad`: An integer specifying the paddings in height and width. +* `data_format`: Specifies the data format. + Possible values are: + "channels_last" float [batch, height, width, channels] + "channels_first" float [batch, channels, height, width] + Defaults to `"channels_last"`. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + kernel_size, + max_displacement, + stride_1, + stride_2, + pad, + data_format, + **kwargs +) +``` + + + + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Optional regularizer function for the output of this layer. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input tensor or list of input tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. +* `AttributeError`: If no inbound nodes are found. + +


+ +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input mask tensor (potentially None) or list of input +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer, or if all inputs +have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Input shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per input tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined input_shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ + + + +


+ +Losses which are associated with this `Layer`. + +Variable regularization tensors are created when this property is accessed, +so it is eager safe: accessing `losses` under a `tf.GradientTape` will +propagate gradients back to the corresponding variables. + +#### Returns: + +A list of tensors. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the name of this module as passed or determined in the ctor. + +NOTE: This is not the same as the `self.name_scope.name` which includes +parent module names. + +


+ +Returns a `tf.name_scope` instance for this class. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one output, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor or list of output tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to more than one incoming + layers. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output mask tensor (potentially None) or list of output +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has one output, +or if all outputs have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Output shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per output tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined output shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Sequence of all sub-modules. + +Submodules are modules which are properties of this module, or found as +properties of modules which are properties of this module (and so on). + +``` +a = tf.Module() +b = tf.Module() +c = tf.Module() +a.b = b +b.c = c +assert list(a.submodules) == [b, c] +assert list(b.submodules) == [c] +assert list(c.submodules) == [] +``` + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of all submodules. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Sequence of trainable variables owned by this module and its submodules. + +Note: this method uses reflection to find variables on the current instance +and submodules. For performance reasons you may wish to cache the result +of calling this method if you don't expect the return value to change. + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of variables for the current module (sorted by attribute +name) followed by variables from all submodules recursively (breadth +first). + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + +Alias of `self.weights`. + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +__call__( + inputs, + *args, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Wraps `call`, applying pre- and post-processing steps. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: input tensor(s). +* `*args`: additional positional arguments to be passed to `self.call`. +* `**kwargs`: additional keyword arguments to be passed to `self.call`. + + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor(s). + + + +#### Note: + +- The following optional keyword arguments are reserved for specific uses: + * `training`: Boolean scalar tensor of Python boolean indicating + whether the `call` is meant for training or inference. + * `mask`: Boolean input mask. +- If the layer's `call` method takes a `mask` argument (as some Keras + layers do), its default value will be set to the mask generated + for `inputs` by the previous layer (if `input` did come from + a layer that generated a corresponding mask, i.e. if it came from + a Keras layer with masking support. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer's `call` method returns None (an invalid value). + +


+ +View source + +``` python +build(input_shape) +``` + +Creates the variables of the layer (optional, for subclass implementers). + +This is a method that implementers of subclasses of `Layer` or `Model` +can override if they need a state-creation step in-between +layer instantiation and layer call. + +This is typically used to create the weights of `Layer` subclasses. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Instance of `TensorShape`, or list of instances of + `TensorShape` if the layer expects a list of inputs + (one instance per input). + +


+ +``` python +compute_mask( + inputs, + mask=None +) +``` + +Computes an output mask tensor. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Tensor or list of tensors. +* `mask`: Tensor or list of tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +None or a tensor (or list of tensors, + one per output tensor of the layer). + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +compute_output_shape(input_shape) +``` + +Computes the output shape of the layer. + +If the layer has not been built, this method will call `build` on the +layer. This assumes that the layer will later be used with inputs that +match the input shape provided here. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Shape tuple (tuple of integers) + or list of shape tuples (one per output tensor of the layer). + Shape tuples can include None for free dimensions, + instead of an integer. + + +#### Returns: + +An input shape tuple. + + +


+ +``` python +count_params() +``` + +Count the total number of scalars composing the weights. + + +#### Returns: + +An integer count. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer isn't yet built + (in which case its weights aren't yet defined). + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config +) +``` + +Creates a layer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same layer from the config +dictionary. It does not handle layer connectivity +(handled by Network), nor weights (handled by `set_weights`). + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the + output of get_config. + + +#### Returns: + +A layer instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + +Returns the config of the layer. + +A layer config is a Python dictionary (serializable) +containing the configuration of a layer. +The same layer can be reinstantiated later +(without its trained weights) from this configuration. + +The config of a layer does not include connectivity +information, nor the layer class name. These are handled +by `Network` (one layer of abstraction above). + +#### Returns: + +Python dictionary. + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_input_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_losses_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves losses relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of loss tensors of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_output_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_updates_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves updates relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of update ops of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + +Returns the current weights of the layer. + + +#### Returns: + +Weights values as a list of numpy arrays. + + +


+ +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + +Sets the weights of the layer, from Numpy arrays. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `weights`: a list of Numpy arrays. The number + of arrays and their shape must match + number of the dimensions of the weights + of the layer (i.e. it should match the + output of `get_weights`). + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the provided weights list does not match the + layer's specifications. + +


+ +``` python +with_name_scope( + cls, + method +) +``` + +Decorator to automatically enter the module name scope. + +``` +class MyModule(tf.Module): + @tf.Module.with_name_scope + def __call__(self, x): + if not hasattr(self, 'w'): + self.w = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([x.shape[1], 64])) + return tf.matmul(x, self.w) +``` + +Using the above module would produce `tf.Variable`s and `tf.Tensor`s whose +names included the module name: + +``` +mod = MyModule() +mod(tf.ones([8, 32])) +# ==> +mod.w +# ==> +``` + +#### Args: + + +* `method`: The method to wrap. + + +#### Returns: + +The original method wrapped such that it enters the module's name scope. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/GELU.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/GELU.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..79e3db78dc --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/GELU.md @@ -0,0 +1,850 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.layers.GELU + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `GELU` + +Gaussian Error Linear Unit. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.layers.gelu.GELU` + + + +A smoother version of ReLU generally used +in the BERT or BERT architecture based models. +Original paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1606.08415 + +#### Input shape: + +Arbitrary. Use the keyword argument `input_shape` +(tuple of integers, does not include the samples axis) +when using this layer as the first layer in a model. + + + +#### Output shape: + +Same shape as the input. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + approximate=True, + **kwargs +) +``` + + + + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Optional regularizer function for the output of this layer. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input tensor or list of input tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. +* `AttributeError`: If no inbound nodes are found. + +


+ +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input mask tensor (potentially None) or list of input +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer, or if all inputs +have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Input shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per input tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined input_shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ + + + +


+ +Losses which are associated with this `Layer`. + +Variable regularization tensors are created when this property is accessed, +so it is eager safe: accessing `losses` under a `tf.GradientTape` will +propagate gradients back to the corresponding variables. + +#### Returns: + +A list of tensors. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the name of this module as passed or determined in the ctor. + +NOTE: This is not the same as the `self.name_scope.name` which includes +parent module names. + +


+ +Returns a `tf.name_scope` instance for this class. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one output, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor or list of output tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to more than one incoming + layers. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output mask tensor (potentially None) or list of output +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has one output, +or if all outputs have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Output shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per output tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined output shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Sequence of all sub-modules. + +Submodules are modules which are properties of this module, or found as +properties of modules which are properties of this module (and so on). + +``` +a = tf.Module() +b = tf.Module() +c = tf.Module() +a.b = b +b.c = c +assert list(a.submodules) == [b, c] +assert list(b.submodules) == [c] +assert list(c.submodules) == [] +``` + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of all submodules. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Sequence of trainable variables owned by this module and its submodules. + +Note: this method uses reflection to find variables on the current instance +and submodules. For performance reasons you may wish to cache the result +of calling this method if you don't expect the return value to change. + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of variables for the current module (sorted by attribute +name) followed by variables from all submodules recursively (breadth +first). + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + +Alias of `self.weights`. + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +__call__( + inputs, + *args, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Wraps `call`, applying pre- and post-processing steps. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: input tensor(s). +* `*args`: additional positional arguments to be passed to `self.call`. +* `**kwargs`: additional keyword arguments to be passed to `self.call`. + + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor(s). + + + +#### Note: + +- The following optional keyword arguments are reserved for specific uses: + * `training`: Boolean scalar tensor of Python boolean indicating + whether the `call` is meant for training or inference. + * `mask`: Boolean input mask. +- If the layer's `call` method takes a `mask` argument (as some Keras + layers do), its default value will be set to the mask generated + for `inputs` by the previous layer (if `input` did come from + a layer that generated a corresponding mask, i.e. if it came from + a Keras layer with masking support. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer's `call` method returns None (an invalid value). + +


+ +``` python +build(input_shape) +``` + +Creates the variables of the layer (optional, for subclass implementers). + +This is a method that implementers of subclasses of `Layer` or `Model` +can override if they need a state-creation step in-between +layer instantiation and layer call. + +This is typically used to create the weights of `Layer` subclasses. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Instance of `TensorShape`, or list of instances of + `TensorShape` if the layer expects a list of inputs + (one instance per input). + +


+ +``` python +compute_mask( + inputs, + mask=None +) +``` + +Computes an output mask tensor. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Tensor or list of tensors. +* `mask`: Tensor or list of tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +None or a tensor (or list of tensors, + one per output tensor of the layer). + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +compute_output_shape(input_shape) +``` + +Computes the output shape of the layer. + +If the layer has not been built, this method will call `build` on the +layer. This assumes that the layer will later be used with inputs that +match the input shape provided here. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Shape tuple (tuple of integers) + or list of shape tuples (one per output tensor of the layer). + Shape tuples can include None for free dimensions, + instead of an integer. + + +#### Returns: + +An input shape tuple. + + +


+ +``` python +count_params() +``` + +Count the total number of scalars composing the weights. + + +#### Returns: + +An integer count. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer isn't yet built + (in which case its weights aren't yet defined). + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config +) +``` + +Creates a layer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same layer from the config +dictionary. It does not handle layer connectivity +(handled by Network), nor weights (handled by `set_weights`). + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the + output of get_config. + + +#### Returns: + +A layer instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + +Returns the config of the layer. + +A layer config is a Python dictionary (serializable) +containing the configuration of a layer. +The same layer can be reinstantiated later +(without its trained weights) from this configuration. + +The config of a layer does not include connectivity +information, nor the layer class name. These are handled +by `Network` (one layer of abstraction above). + +#### Returns: + +Python dictionary. + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_input_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_losses_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves losses relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of loss tensors of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_output_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_updates_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves updates relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of update ops of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + +Returns the current weights of the layer. + + +#### Returns: + +Weights values as a list of numpy arrays. + + +


+ +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + +Sets the weights of the layer, from Numpy arrays. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `weights`: a list of Numpy arrays. The number + of arrays and their shape must match + number of the dimensions of the weights + of the layer (i.e. it should match the + output of `get_weights`). + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the provided weights list does not match the + layer's specifications. + +


+ +``` python +with_name_scope( + cls, + method +) +``` + +Decorator to automatically enter the module name scope. + +``` +class MyModule(tf.Module): + @tf.Module.with_name_scope + def __call__(self, x): + if not hasattr(self, 'w'): + self.w = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([x.shape[1], 64])) + return tf.matmul(x, self.w) +``` + +Using the above module would produce `tf.Variable`s and `tf.Tensor`s whose +names included the module name: + +``` +mod = MyModule() +mod(tf.ones([8, 32])) +# ==> +mod.w +# ==> +``` + +#### Args: + + +* `method`: The method to wrap. + + +#### Returns: + +The original method wrapped such that it enters the module's name scope. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/GroupNormalization.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/GroupNormalization.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..93479dc6a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/GroupNormalization.md @@ -0,0 +1,888 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.layers.GroupNormalization + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `GroupNormalization` + +Group normalization layer. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.layers.normalizations.GroupNormalization` + + + +Group Normalization divides the channels into groups and computes +within each group the mean and variance for normalization. +Empirically, its accuracy is more stable than batch norm in a wide +range of small batch sizes, if learning rate is adjusted linearly +with batch sizes. + +Relation to Layer Normalization: +If the number of groups is set to 1, then this operation becomes identical +to Layer Normalization. + +Relation to Instance Normalization: +If the number of groups is set to the +input dimension (number of groups is equal +to number of channels), then this operation becomes +identical to Instance Normalization. + +Arguments + groups: Integer, the number of groups for Group Normalization. + Can be in the range [1, N] where N is the input dimension. + The input dimension must be divisible by the number of groups. + axis: Integer, the axis that should be normalized. + epsilon: Small float added to variance to avoid dividing by zero. + center: If True, add offset of `beta` to normalized tensor. + If False, `beta` is ignored. + scale: If True, multiply by `gamma`. + If False, `gamma` is not used. + beta_initializer: Initializer for the beta weight. + gamma_initializer: Initializer for the gamma weight. + beta_regularizer: Optional regularizer for the beta weight. + gamma_regularizer: Optional regularizer for the gamma weight. + beta_constraint: Optional constraint for the beta weight. + gamma_constraint: Optional constraint for the gamma weight. + +Input shape + Arbitrary. Use the keyword argument `input_shape` + (tuple of integers, does not include the samples axis) + when using this layer as the first layer in a model. + +Output shape + Same shape as input. +References + - [Group Normalization](https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.08494) + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + groups=2, + axis=-1, + epsilon=0.001, + center=True, + scale=True, + beta_initializer='zeros', + gamma_initializer='ones', + beta_regularizer=None, + gamma_regularizer=None, + beta_constraint=None, + gamma_constraint=None, + **kwargs +) +``` + + + + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Optional regularizer function for the output of this layer. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input tensor or list of input tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. +* `AttributeError`: If no inbound nodes are found. + +


+ +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input mask tensor (potentially None) or list of input +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer, or if all inputs +have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Input shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per input tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined input_shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ + + + +


+ +Losses which are associated with this `Layer`. + +Variable regularization tensors are created when this property is accessed, +so it is eager safe: accessing `losses` under a `tf.GradientTape` will +propagate gradients back to the corresponding variables. + +#### Returns: + +A list of tensors. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the name of this module as passed or determined in the ctor. + +NOTE: This is not the same as the `self.name_scope.name` which includes +parent module names. + +


+ +Returns a `tf.name_scope` instance for this class. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one output, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor or list of output tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to more than one incoming + layers. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output mask tensor (potentially None) or list of output +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has one output, +or if all outputs have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Output shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per output tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined output shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Sequence of all sub-modules. + +Submodules are modules which are properties of this module, or found as +properties of modules which are properties of this module (and so on). + +``` +a = tf.Module() +b = tf.Module() +c = tf.Module() +a.b = b +b.c = c +assert list(a.submodules) == [b, c] +assert list(b.submodules) == [c] +assert list(c.submodules) == [] +``` + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of all submodules. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Sequence of trainable variables owned by this module and its submodules. + +Note: this method uses reflection to find variables on the current instance +and submodules. For performance reasons you may wish to cache the result +of calling this method if you don't expect the return value to change. + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of variables for the current module (sorted by attribute +name) followed by variables from all submodules recursively (breadth +first). + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + +Alias of `self.weights`. + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +__call__( + inputs, + *args, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Wraps `call`, applying pre- and post-processing steps. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: input tensor(s). +* `*args`: additional positional arguments to be passed to `self.call`. +* `**kwargs`: additional keyword arguments to be passed to `self.call`. + + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor(s). + + + +#### Note: + +- The following optional keyword arguments are reserved for specific uses: + * `training`: Boolean scalar tensor of Python boolean indicating + whether the `call` is meant for training or inference. + * `mask`: Boolean input mask. +- If the layer's `call` method takes a `mask` argument (as some Keras + layers do), its default value will be set to the mask generated + for `inputs` by the previous layer (if `input` did come from + a layer that generated a corresponding mask, i.e. if it came from + a Keras layer with masking support. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer's `call` method returns None (an invalid value). + +


+ +View source + +``` python +build(input_shape) +``` + +Creates the variables of the layer (optional, for subclass implementers). + +This is a method that implementers of subclasses of `Layer` or `Model` +can override if they need a state-creation step in-between +layer instantiation and layer call. + +This is typically used to create the weights of `Layer` subclasses. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Instance of `TensorShape`, or list of instances of + `TensorShape` if the layer expects a list of inputs + (one instance per input). + +


+ +``` python +compute_mask( + inputs, + mask=None +) +``` + +Computes an output mask tensor. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Tensor or list of tensors. +* `mask`: Tensor or list of tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +None or a tensor (or list of tensors, + one per output tensor of the layer). + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +compute_output_shape(input_shape) +``` + +Computes the output shape of the layer. + +If the layer has not been built, this method will call `build` on the +layer. This assumes that the layer will later be used with inputs that +match the input shape provided here. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Shape tuple (tuple of integers) + or list of shape tuples (one per output tensor of the layer). + Shape tuples can include None for free dimensions, + instead of an integer. + + +#### Returns: + +An input shape tuple. + + +


+ +``` python +count_params() +``` + +Count the total number of scalars composing the weights. + + +#### Returns: + +An integer count. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer isn't yet built + (in which case its weights aren't yet defined). + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config +) +``` + +Creates a layer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same layer from the config +dictionary. It does not handle layer connectivity +(handled by Network), nor weights (handled by `set_weights`). + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the + output of get_config. + + +#### Returns: + +A layer instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + +Returns the config of the layer. + +A layer config is a Python dictionary (serializable) +containing the configuration of a layer. +The same layer can be reinstantiated later +(without its trained weights) from this configuration. + +The config of a layer does not include connectivity +information, nor the layer class name. These are handled +by `Network` (one layer of abstraction above). + +#### Returns: + +Python dictionary. + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_input_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_losses_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves losses relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of loss tensors of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_output_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_updates_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves updates relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of update ops of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + +Returns the current weights of the layer. + + +#### Returns: + +Weights values as a list of numpy arrays. + + +


+ +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + +Sets the weights of the layer, from Numpy arrays. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `weights`: a list of Numpy arrays. The number + of arrays and their shape must match + number of the dimensions of the weights + of the layer (i.e. it should match the + output of `get_weights`). + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the provided weights list does not match the + layer's specifications. + +


+ +``` python +with_name_scope( + cls, + method +) +``` + +Decorator to automatically enter the module name scope. + +``` +class MyModule(tf.Module): + @tf.Module.with_name_scope + def __call__(self, x): + if not hasattr(self, 'w'): + self.w = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([x.shape[1], 64])) + return tf.matmul(x, self.w) +``` + +Using the above module would produce `tf.Variable`s and `tf.Tensor`s whose +names included the module name: + +``` +mod = MyModule() +mod(tf.ones([8, 32])) +# ==> +mod.w +# ==> +``` + +#### Args: + + +* `method`: The method to wrap. + + +#### Returns: + +The original method wrapped such that it enters the module's name scope. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/InstanceNormalization.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/InstanceNormalization.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d626701bd3 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/InstanceNormalization.md @@ -0,0 +1,864 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.layers.InstanceNormalization + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `InstanceNormalization` + +Instance normalization layer. + +Inherits From: [`GroupNormalization`](../../tfa/layers/GroupNormalization.md) + +**Aliases**: `tfa.layers.normalizations.InstanceNormalization` + + + +Instance Normalization is an specific case of ```GroupNormalization```since +it normalizes all features of one channel. The Groupsize is equal to the +channel size. Empirically, its accuracy is more stable than batch norm in a +wide range of small batch sizes, if learning rate is adjusted linearly +with batch sizes. + +Arguments + axis: Integer, the axis that should be normalized. + epsilon: Small float added to variance to avoid dividing by zero. + center: If True, add offset of `beta` to normalized tensor. + If False, `beta` is ignored. + scale: If True, multiply by `gamma`. + If False, `gamma` is not used. + beta_initializer: Initializer for the beta weight. + gamma_initializer: Initializer for the gamma weight. + beta_regularizer: Optional regularizer for the beta weight. + gamma_regularizer: Optional regularizer for the gamma weight. + beta_constraint: Optional constraint for the beta weight. + gamma_constraint: Optional constraint for the gamma weight. + +Input shape + Arbitrary. Use the keyword argument `input_shape` + (tuple of integers, does not include the samples axis) + when using this layer as the first layer in a model. + +Output shape + Same shape as input. + +References + - [Instance Normalization: The Missing Ingredient for Fast Stylization] + (https://arxiv.org/abs/1607.08022) + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__(**kwargs) +``` + + + + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Optional regularizer function for the output of this layer. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input tensor or list of input tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. +* `AttributeError`: If no inbound nodes are found. + +


+ +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input mask tensor (potentially None) or list of input +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer, or if all inputs +have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Input shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per input tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined input_shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ + + + +


+ +Losses which are associated with this `Layer`. + +Variable regularization tensors are created when this property is accessed, +so it is eager safe: accessing `losses` under a `tf.GradientTape` will +propagate gradients back to the corresponding variables. + +#### Returns: + +A list of tensors. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the name of this module as passed or determined in the ctor. + +NOTE: This is not the same as the `self.name_scope.name` which includes +parent module names. + +


+ +Returns a `tf.name_scope` instance for this class. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one output, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor or list of output tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to more than one incoming + layers. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output mask tensor (potentially None) or list of output +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has one output, +or if all outputs have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Output shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per output tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined output shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Sequence of all sub-modules. + +Submodules are modules which are properties of this module, or found as +properties of modules which are properties of this module (and so on). + +``` +a = tf.Module() +b = tf.Module() +c = tf.Module() +a.b = b +b.c = c +assert list(a.submodules) == [b, c] +assert list(b.submodules) == [c] +assert list(c.submodules) == [] +``` + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of all submodules. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Sequence of trainable variables owned by this module and its submodules. + +Note: this method uses reflection to find variables on the current instance +and submodules. For performance reasons you may wish to cache the result +of calling this method if you don't expect the return value to change. + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of variables for the current module (sorted by attribute +name) followed by variables from all submodules recursively (breadth +first). + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + +Alias of `self.weights`. + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +__call__( + inputs, + *args, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Wraps `call`, applying pre- and post-processing steps. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: input tensor(s). +* `*args`: additional positional arguments to be passed to `self.call`. +* `**kwargs`: additional keyword arguments to be passed to `self.call`. + + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor(s). + + + +#### Note: + +- The following optional keyword arguments are reserved for specific uses: + * `training`: Boolean scalar tensor of Python boolean indicating + whether the `call` is meant for training or inference. + * `mask`: Boolean input mask. +- If the layer's `call` method takes a `mask` argument (as some Keras + layers do), its default value will be set to the mask generated + for `inputs` by the previous layer (if `input` did come from + a layer that generated a corresponding mask, i.e. if it came from + a Keras layer with masking support. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer's `call` method returns None (an invalid value). + +


+ +View source + +``` python +build(input_shape) +``` + +Creates the variables of the layer (optional, for subclass implementers). + +This is a method that implementers of subclasses of `Layer` or `Model` +can override if they need a state-creation step in-between +layer instantiation and layer call. + +This is typically used to create the weights of `Layer` subclasses. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Instance of `TensorShape`, or list of instances of + `TensorShape` if the layer expects a list of inputs + (one instance per input). + +


+ +``` python +compute_mask( + inputs, + mask=None +) +``` + +Computes an output mask tensor. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Tensor or list of tensors. +* `mask`: Tensor or list of tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +None or a tensor (or list of tensors, + one per output tensor of the layer). + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +compute_output_shape(input_shape) +``` + +Computes the output shape of the layer. + +If the layer has not been built, this method will call `build` on the +layer. This assumes that the layer will later be used with inputs that +match the input shape provided here. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Shape tuple (tuple of integers) + or list of shape tuples (one per output tensor of the layer). + Shape tuples can include None for free dimensions, + instead of an integer. + + +#### Returns: + +An input shape tuple. + + +


+ +``` python +count_params() +``` + +Count the total number of scalars composing the weights. + + +#### Returns: + +An integer count. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer isn't yet built + (in which case its weights aren't yet defined). + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config +) +``` + +Creates a layer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same layer from the config +dictionary. It does not handle layer connectivity +(handled by Network), nor weights (handled by `set_weights`). + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the + output of get_config. + + +#### Returns: + +A layer instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + +Returns the config of the layer. + +A layer config is a Python dictionary (serializable) +containing the configuration of a layer. +The same layer can be reinstantiated later +(without its trained weights) from this configuration. + +The config of a layer does not include connectivity +information, nor the layer class name. These are handled +by `Network` (one layer of abstraction above). + +#### Returns: + +Python dictionary. + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_input_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_losses_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves losses relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of loss tensors of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_output_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_updates_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves updates relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of update ops of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + +Returns the current weights of the layer. + + +#### Returns: + +Weights values as a list of numpy arrays. + + +


+ +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + +Sets the weights of the layer, from Numpy arrays. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `weights`: a list of Numpy arrays. The number + of arrays and their shape must match + number of the dimensions of the weights + of the layer (i.e. it should match the + output of `get_weights`). + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the provided weights list does not match the + layer's specifications. + +


+ +``` python +with_name_scope( + cls, + method +) +``` + +Decorator to automatically enter the module name scope. + +``` +class MyModule(tf.Module): + @tf.Module.with_name_scope + def __call__(self, x): + if not hasattr(self, 'w'): + self.w = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([x.shape[1], 64])) + return tf.matmul(x, self.w) +``` + +Using the above module would produce `tf.Variable`s and `tf.Tensor`s whose +names included the module name: + +``` +mod = MyModule() +mod(tf.ones([8, 32])) +# ==> +mod.w +# ==> +``` + +#### Args: + + +* `method`: The method to wrap. + + +#### Returns: + +The original method wrapped such that it enters the module's name scope. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/Maxout.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/Maxout.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bad6a42a7b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/Maxout.md @@ -0,0 +1,861 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.layers.Maxout + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `Maxout` + +Applies Maxout to the input. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.layers.maxout.Maxout` + + + +"Maxout Networks" Ian J. Goodfellow, David Warde-Farley, Mehdi Mirza, Aaron +Courville, Yoshua Bengio. https://arxiv.org/abs/1302.4389 + +Usually the operation is performed in the filter/channel dimension. This +can also be used after Dense layers to reduce number of features. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `num_units`: Specifies how many features will remain after maxout + in the `axis` dimension (usually channel). + This must be a factor of number of features. +* `axis`: The dimension where max pooling will be performed. Default is the + last dimension. + + +#### Input shape: + +nD tensor with shape: `(batch_size, ..., axis_dim, ...)`. + + + +#### Output shape: + +nD tensor with shape: `(batch_size, ..., num_units, ...)`. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + num_units, + axis=-1, + **kwargs +) +``` + + + + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Optional regularizer function for the output of this layer. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input tensor or list of input tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. +* `AttributeError`: If no inbound nodes are found. + +


+ +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input mask tensor (potentially None) or list of input +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer, or if all inputs +have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Input shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per input tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined input_shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ + + + +


+ +Losses which are associated with this `Layer`. + +Variable regularization tensors are created when this property is accessed, +so it is eager safe: accessing `losses` under a `tf.GradientTape` will +propagate gradients back to the corresponding variables. + +#### Returns: + +A list of tensors. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the name of this module as passed or determined in the ctor. + +NOTE: This is not the same as the `self.name_scope.name` which includes +parent module names. + +


+ +Returns a `tf.name_scope` instance for this class. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one output, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor or list of output tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to more than one incoming + layers. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output mask tensor (potentially None) or list of output +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has one output, +or if all outputs have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Output shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per output tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined output shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Sequence of all sub-modules. + +Submodules are modules which are properties of this module, or found as +properties of modules which are properties of this module (and so on). + +``` +a = tf.Module() +b = tf.Module() +c = tf.Module() +a.b = b +b.c = c +assert list(a.submodules) == [b, c] +assert list(b.submodules) == [c] +assert list(c.submodules) == [] +``` + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of all submodules. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Sequence of trainable variables owned by this module and its submodules. + +Note: this method uses reflection to find variables on the current instance +and submodules. For performance reasons you may wish to cache the result +of calling this method if you don't expect the return value to change. + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of variables for the current module (sorted by attribute +name) followed by variables from all submodules recursively (breadth +first). + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + +Alias of `self.weights`. + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +__call__( + inputs, + *args, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Wraps `call`, applying pre- and post-processing steps. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: input tensor(s). +* `*args`: additional positional arguments to be passed to `self.call`. +* `**kwargs`: additional keyword arguments to be passed to `self.call`. + + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor(s). + + + +#### Note: + +- The following optional keyword arguments are reserved for specific uses: + * `training`: Boolean scalar tensor of Python boolean indicating + whether the `call` is meant for training or inference. + * `mask`: Boolean input mask. +- If the layer's `call` method takes a `mask` argument (as some Keras + layers do), its default value will be set to the mask generated + for `inputs` by the previous layer (if `input` did come from + a layer that generated a corresponding mask, i.e. if it came from + a Keras layer with masking support. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer's `call` method returns None (an invalid value). + +


+ +``` python +build(input_shape) +``` + +Creates the variables of the layer (optional, for subclass implementers). + +This is a method that implementers of subclasses of `Layer` or `Model` +can override if they need a state-creation step in-between +layer instantiation and layer call. + +This is typically used to create the weights of `Layer` subclasses. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Instance of `TensorShape`, or list of instances of + `TensorShape` if the layer expects a list of inputs + (one instance per input). + +


+ +``` python +compute_mask( + inputs, + mask=None +) +``` + +Computes an output mask tensor. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Tensor or list of tensors. +* `mask`: Tensor or list of tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +None or a tensor (or list of tensors, + one per output tensor of the layer). + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +compute_output_shape(input_shape) +``` + +Computes the output shape of the layer. + +If the layer has not been built, this method will call `build` on the +layer. This assumes that the layer will later be used with inputs that +match the input shape provided here. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Shape tuple (tuple of integers) + or list of shape tuples (one per output tensor of the layer). + Shape tuples can include None for free dimensions, + instead of an integer. + + +#### Returns: + +An input shape tuple. + + +


+ +``` python +count_params() +``` + +Count the total number of scalars composing the weights. + + +#### Returns: + +An integer count. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer isn't yet built + (in which case its weights aren't yet defined). + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config +) +``` + +Creates a layer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same layer from the config +dictionary. It does not handle layer connectivity +(handled by Network), nor weights (handled by `set_weights`). + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the + output of get_config. + + +#### Returns: + +A layer instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + +Returns the config of the layer. + +A layer config is a Python dictionary (serializable) +containing the configuration of a layer. +The same layer can be reinstantiated later +(without its trained weights) from this configuration. + +The config of a layer does not include connectivity +information, nor the layer class name. These are handled +by `Network` (one layer of abstraction above). + +#### Returns: + +Python dictionary. + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_input_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_losses_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves losses relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of loss tensors of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_output_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_updates_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves updates relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of update ops of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + +Returns the current weights of the layer. + + +#### Returns: + +Weights values as a list of numpy arrays. + + +


+ +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + +Sets the weights of the layer, from Numpy arrays. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `weights`: a list of Numpy arrays. The number + of arrays and their shape must match + number of the dimensions of the weights + of the layer (i.e. it should match the + output of `get_weights`). + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the provided weights list does not match the + layer's specifications. + +


+ +``` python +with_name_scope( + cls, + method +) +``` + +Decorator to automatically enter the module name scope. + +``` +class MyModule(tf.Module): + @tf.Module.with_name_scope + def __call__(self, x): + if not hasattr(self, 'w'): + self.w = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([x.shape[1], 64])) + return tf.matmul(x, self.w) +``` + +Using the above module would produce `tf.Variable`s and `tf.Tensor`s whose +names included the module name: + +``` +mod = MyModule() +mod(tf.ones([8, 32])) +# ==> +mod.w +# ==> +``` + +#### Args: + + +* `method`: The method to wrap. + + +#### Returns: + +The original method wrapped such that it enters the module's name scope. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/PoincareNormalize.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/PoincareNormalize.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5bbba69d51 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/PoincareNormalize.md @@ -0,0 +1,855 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.layers.PoincareNormalize + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `PoincareNormalize` + +Project into the Poincare ball with norm <= 1.0 - epsilon. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.layers.poincare.PoincareNormalize` + + + +https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poincare_ball_model + +Used in Poincare Embeddings for Learning Hierarchical Representations +Maximilian Nickel, Douwe Kiela https://arxiv.org/pdf/1705.08039.pdf + +For a 1-D tensor with `axis = 0`, computes + + (x * (1 - epsilon)) / ||x|| if ||x|| > 1 - epsilon + output = + x otherwise + +For `x` with more dimensions, independently normalizes each 1-D slice along +dimension `axis`. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `axis`: Axis along which to normalize. A scalar or a vector of integers. +* `epsilon`: A small deviation from the edge of the unit sphere for + numerical stability. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + axis=1, + epsilon=1e-05, + **kwargs +) +``` + + + + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Optional regularizer function for the output of this layer. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input tensor or list of input tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. +* `AttributeError`: If no inbound nodes are found. + +


+ +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input mask tensor (potentially None) or list of input +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer, or if all inputs +have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Input shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per input tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined input_shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ + + + +


+ +Losses which are associated with this `Layer`. + +Variable regularization tensors are created when this property is accessed, +so it is eager safe: accessing `losses` under a `tf.GradientTape` will +propagate gradients back to the corresponding variables. + +#### Returns: + +A list of tensors. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the name of this module as passed or determined in the ctor. + +NOTE: This is not the same as the `self.name_scope.name` which includes +parent module names. + +


+ +Returns a `tf.name_scope` instance for this class. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one output, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor or list of output tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to more than one incoming + layers. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output mask tensor (potentially None) or list of output +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has one output, +or if all outputs have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Output shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per output tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined output shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Sequence of all sub-modules. + +Submodules are modules which are properties of this module, or found as +properties of modules which are properties of this module (and so on). + +``` +a = tf.Module() +b = tf.Module() +c = tf.Module() +a.b = b +b.c = c +assert list(a.submodules) == [b, c] +assert list(b.submodules) == [c] +assert list(c.submodules) == [] +``` + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of all submodules. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Sequence of trainable variables owned by this module and its submodules. + +Note: this method uses reflection to find variables on the current instance +and submodules. For performance reasons you may wish to cache the result +of calling this method if you don't expect the return value to change. + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of variables for the current module (sorted by attribute +name) followed by variables from all submodules recursively (breadth +first). + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + +Alias of `self.weights`. + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +__call__( + inputs, + *args, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Wraps `call`, applying pre- and post-processing steps. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: input tensor(s). +* `*args`: additional positional arguments to be passed to `self.call`. +* `**kwargs`: additional keyword arguments to be passed to `self.call`. + + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor(s). + + + +#### Note: + +- The following optional keyword arguments are reserved for specific uses: + * `training`: Boolean scalar tensor of Python boolean indicating + whether the `call` is meant for training or inference. + * `mask`: Boolean input mask. +- If the layer's `call` method takes a `mask` argument (as some Keras + layers do), its default value will be set to the mask generated + for `inputs` by the previous layer (if `input` did come from + a layer that generated a corresponding mask, i.e. if it came from + a Keras layer with masking support. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer's `call` method returns None (an invalid value). + +


+ +``` python +build(input_shape) +``` + +Creates the variables of the layer (optional, for subclass implementers). + +This is a method that implementers of subclasses of `Layer` or `Model` +can override if they need a state-creation step in-between +layer instantiation and layer call. + +This is typically used to create the weights of `Layer` subclasses. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Instance of `TensorShape`, or list of instances of + `TensorShape` if the layer expects a list of inputs + (one instance per input). + +


+ +``` python +compute_mask( + inputs, + mask=None +) +``` + +Computes an output mask tensor. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Tensor or list of tensors. +* `mask`: Tensor or list of tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +None or a tensor (or list of tensors, + one per output tensor of the layer). + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +compute_output_shape(input_shape) +``` + +Computes the output shape of the layer. + +If the layer has not been built, this method will call `build` on the +layer. This assumes that the layer will later be used with inputs that +match the input shape provided here. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Shape tuple (tuple of integers) + or list of shape tuples (one per output tensor of the layer). + Shape tuples can include None for free dimensions, + instead of an integer. + + +#### Returns: + +An input shape tuple. + + +


+ +``` python +count_params() +``` + +Count the total number of scalars composing the weights. + + +#### Returns: + +An integer count. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer isn't yet built + (in which case its weights aren't yet defined). + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config +) +``` + +Creates a layer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same layer from the config +dictionary. It does not handle layer connectivity +(handled by Network), nor weights (handled by `set_weights`). + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the + output of get_config. + + +#### Returns: + +A layer instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + +Returns the config of the layer. + +A layer config is a Python dictionary (serializable) +containing the configuration of a layer. +The same layer can be reinstantiated later +(without its trained weights) from this configuration. + +The config of a layer does not include connectivity +information, nor the layer class name. These are handled +by `Network` (one layer of abstraction above). + +#### Returns: + +Python dictionary. + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_input_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_losses_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves losses relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of loss tensors of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_output_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_updates_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves updates relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of update ops of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + +Returns the current weights of the layer. + + +#### Returns: + +Weights values as a list of numpy arrays. + + +


+ +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + +Sets the weights of the layer, from Numpy arrays. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `weights`: a list of Numpy arrays. The number + of arrays and their shape must match + number of the dimensions of the weights + of the layer (i.e. it should match the + output of `get_weights`). + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the provided weights list does not match the + layer's specifications. + +


+ +``` python +with_name_scope( + cls, + method +) +``` + +Decorator to automatically enter the module name scope. + +``` +class MyModule(tf.Module): + @tf.Module.with_name_scope + def __call__(self, x): + if not hasattr(self, 'w'): + self.w = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([x.shape[1], 64])) + return tf.matmul(x, self.w) +``` + +Using the above module would produce `tf.Variable`s and `tf.Tensor`s whose +names included the module name: + +``` +mod = MyModule() +mod(tf.ones([8, 32])) +# ==> +mod.w +# ==> +``` + +#### Args: + + +* `method`: The method to wrap. + + +#### Returns: + +The original method wrapped such that it enters the module's name scope. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/Sparsemax.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/Sparsemax.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e4a75e4b69 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/Sparsemax.md @@ -0,0 +1,842 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.layers.Sparsemax + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `Sparsemax` + +Sparsemax activation function [1]. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.layers.sparsemax.Sparsemax` + + + +The output shape is the same as the input shape. + +[1]: https://arxiv.org/abs/1602.02068 + +#### Arguments: + + +* `axis`: Integer, axis along which the sparsemax normalization is applied. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + axis=-1, + **kwargs +) +``` + + + + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Optional regularizer function for the output of this layer. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input tensor or list of input tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. +* `AttributeError`: If no inbound nodes are found. + +


+ +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input mask tensor (potentially None) or list of input +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer, or if all inputs +have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Input shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per input tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined input_shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ + + + +


+ +Losses which are associated with this `Layer`. + +Variable regularization tensors are created when this property is accessed, +so it is eager safe: accessing `losses` under a `tf.GradientTape` will +propagate gradients back to the corresponding variables. + +#### Returns: + +A list of tensors. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the name of this module as passed or determined in the ctor. + +NOTE: This is not the same as the `self.name_scope.name` which includes +parent module names. + +


+ +Returns a `tf.name_scope` instance for this class. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one output, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor or list of output tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to more than one incoming + layers. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output mask tensor (potentially None) or list of output +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has one output, +or if all outputs have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Output shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per output tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined output shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Sequence of all sub-modules. + +Submodules are modules which are properties of this module, or found as +properties of modules which are properties of this module (and so on). + +``` +a = tf.Module() +b = tf.Module() +c = tf.Module() +a.b = b +b.c = c +assert list(a.submodules) == [b, c] +assert list(b.submodules) == [c] +assert list(c.submodules) == [] +``` + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of all submodules. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Sequence of trainable variables owned by this module and its submodules. + +Note: this method uses reflection to find variables on the current instance +and submodules. For performance reasons you may wish to cache the result +of calling this method if you don't expect the return value to change. + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of variables for the current module (sorted by attribute +name) followed by variables from all submodules recursively (breadth +first). + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + +Alias of `self.weights`. + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +__call__( + inputs, + *args, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Wraps `call`, applying pre- and post-processing steps. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: input tensor(s). +* `*args`: additional positional arguments to be passed to `self.call`. +* `**kwargs`: additional keyword arguments to be passed to `self.call`. + + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor(s). + + + +#### Note: + +- The following optional keyword arguments are reserved for specific uses: + * `training`: Boolean scalar tensor of Python boolean indicating + whether the `call` is meant for training or inference. + * `mask`: Boolean input mask. +- If the layer's `call` method takes a `mask` argument (as some Keras + layers do), its default value will be set to the mask generated + for `inputs` by the previous layer (if `input` did come from + a layer that generated a corresponding mask, i.e. if it came from + a Keras layer with masking support. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer's `call` method returns None (an invalid value). + +


+ +``` python +build(input_shape) +``` + +Creates the variables of the layer (optional, for subclass implementers). + +This is a method that implementers of subclasses of `Layer` or `Model` +can override if they need a state-creation step in-between +layer instantiation and layer call. + +This is typically used to create the weights of `Layer` subclasses. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Instance of `TensorShape`, or list of instances of + `TensorShape` if the layer expects a list of inputs + (one instance per input). + +


+ +``` python +compute_mask( + inputs, + mask=None +) +``` + +Computes an output mask tensor. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Tensor or list of tensors. +* `mask`: Tensor or list of tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +None or a tensor (or list of tensors, + one per output tensor of the layer). + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +compute_output_shape(input_shape) +``` + +Computes the output shape of the layer. + +If the layer has not been built, this method will call `build` on the +layer. This assumes that the layer will later be used with inputs that +match the input shape provided here. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Shape tuple (tuple of integers) + or list of shape tuples (one per output tensor of the layer). + Shape tuples can include None for free dimensions, + instead of an integer. + + +#### Returns: + +An input shape tuple. + + +


+ +``` python +count_params() +``` + +Count the total number of scalars composing the weights. + + +#### Returns: + +An integer count. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer isn't yet built + (in which case its weights aren't yet defined). + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config +) +``` + +Creates a layer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same layer from the config +dictionary. It does not handle layer connectivity +(handled by Network), nor weights (handled by `set_weights`). + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the + output of get_config. + + +#### Returns: + +A layer instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + +Returns the config of the layer. + +A layer config is a Python dictionary (serializable) +containing the configuration of a layer. +The same layer can be reinstantiated later +(without its trained weights) from this configuration. + +The config of a layer does not include connectivity +information, nor the layer class name. These are handled +by `Network` (one layer of abstraction above). + +#### Returns: + +Python dictionary. + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_input_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_losses_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves losses relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of loss tensors of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_output_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_updates_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves updates relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of update ops of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + +Returns the current weights of the layer. + + +#### Returns: + +Weights values as a list of numpy arrays. + + +


+ +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + +Sets the weights of the layer, from Numpy arrays. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `weights`: a list of Numpy arrays. The number + of arrays and their shape must match + number of the dimensions of the weights + of the layer (i.e. it should match the + output of `get_weights`). + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the provided weights list does not match the + layer's specifications. + +


+ +``` python +with_name_scope( + cls, + method +) +``` + +Decorator to automatically enter the module name scope. + +``` +class MyModule(tf.Module): + @tf.Module.with_name_scope + def __call__(self, x): + if not hasattr(self, 'w'): + self.w = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([x.shape[1], 64])) + return tf.matmul(x, self.w) +``` + +Using the above module would produce `tf.Variable`s and `tf.Tensor`s whose +names included the module name: + +``` +mod = MyModule() +mod(tf.ones([8, 32])) +# ==> +mod.w +# ==> +``` + +#### Args: + + +* `method`: The method to wrap. + + +#### Returns: + +The original method wrapped such that it enters the module's name scope. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/WeightNormalization.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/WeightNormalization.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..32a97ebe58 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/WeightNormalization.md @@ -0,0 +1,867 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.layers.WeightNormalization + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `WeightNormalization` + +This wrapper reparameterizes a layer by decoupling the weight's + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.layers.wrappers.WeightNormalization` + + +magnitude and direction. + +This speeds up convergence by improving the +conditioning of the optimization problem. +Weight Normalization: A Simple Reparameterization to Accelerate +Training of Deep Neural Networks: https://arxiv.org/abs/1602.07868 +Tim Salimans, Diederik P. Kingma (2016) +WeightNormalization wrapper works for keras and tf layers. +```python + net = WeightNormalization( + tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(2, 2, activation='relu'), + input_shape=(32, 32, 3), + data_init=True)(x) + net = WeightNormalization( + tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(16, 5, activation='relu'), + data_init=True)(net) + net = WeightNormalization( + tf.keras.layers.Dense(120, activation='relu'), + data_init=True)(net) + net = WeightNormalization( + tf.keras.layers.Dense(n_classes), + data_init=True)(net) +``` +Arguments: + layer: a layer instance. + data_init: If `True` use data dependent variable initialization +Raises: + ValueError: If not initialized with a `Layer` instance. + ValueError: If `Layer` does not contain a `kernel` of weights + NotImplementedError: If `data_init` is True and running graph execution + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + layer, + data_init=True, + **kwargs +) +``` + + + + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Optional regularizer function for the output of this layer. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input tensor or list of input tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. +* `AttributeError`: If no inbound nodes are found. + +


+ +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input mask tensor (potentially None) or list of input +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer, or if all inputs +have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Input shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per input tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined input_shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ + + + +


+ +Losses which are associated with this `Layer`. + +Variable regularization tensors are created when this property is accessed, +so it is eager safe: accessing `losses` under a `tf.GradientTape` will +propagate gradients back to the corresponding variables. + +#### Returns: + +A list of tensors. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the name of this module as passed or determined in the ctor. + +NOTE: This is not the same as the `self.name_scope.name` which includes +parent module names. + +


+ +Returns a `tf.name_scope` instance for this class. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one output, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor or list of output tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to more than one incoming + layers. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output mask tensor (potentially None) or list of output +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has one output, +or if all outputs have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Output shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per output tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined output shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Sequence of all sub-modules. + +Submodules are modules which are properties of this module, or found as +properties of modules which are properties of this module (and so on). + +``` +a = tf.Module() +b = tf.Module() +c = tf.Module() +a.b = b +b.c = c +assert list(a.submodules) == [b, c] +assert list(b.submodules) == [c] +assert list(c.submodules) == [] +``` + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of all submodules. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Sequence of trainable variables owned by this module and its submodules. + +Note: this method uses reflection to find variables on the current instance +and submodules. For performance reasons you may wish to cache the result +of calling this method if you don't expect the return value to change. + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of variables for the current module (sorted by attribute +name) followed by variables from all submodules recursively (breadth +first). + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + +Alias of `self.weights`. + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +__call__( + inputs, + *args, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Wraps `call`, applying pre- and post-processing steps. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: input tensor(s). +* `*args`: additional positional arguments to be passed to `self.call`. +* `**kwargs`: additional keyword arguments to be passed to `self.call`. + + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor(s). + + + +#### Note: + +- The following optional keyword arguments are reserved for specific uses: + * `training`: Boolean scalar tensor of Python boolean indicating + whether the `call` is meant for training or inference. + * `mask`: Boolean input mask. +- If the layer's `call` method takes a `mask` argument (as some Keras + layers do), its default value will be set to the mask generated + for `inputs` by the previous layer (if `input` did come from + a layer that generated a corresponding mask, i.e. if it came from + a Keras layer with masking support. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer's `call` method returns None (an invalid value). + +


+ +View source + +``` python +build(input_shape) +``` + +Build `Layer` + + +


+ +``` python +compute_mask( + inputs, + mask=None +) +``` + +Computes an output mask tensor. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Tensor or list of tensors. +* `mask`: Tensor or list of tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +None or a tensor (or list of tensors, + one per output tensor of the layer). + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +compute_output_shape(input_shape) +``` + +Computes the output shape of the layer. + +If the layer has not been built, this method will call `build` on the +layer. This assumes that the layer will later be used with inputs that +match the input shape provided here. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Shape tuple (tuple of integers) + or list of shape tuples (one per output tensor of the layer). + Shape tuples can include None for free dimensions, + instead of an integer. + + +#### Returns: + +An input shape tuple. + + +


+ +``` python +count_params() +``` + +Count the total number of scalars composing the weights. + + +#### Returns: + +An integer count. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer isn't yet built + (in which case its weights aren't yet defined). + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config, + custom_objects=None +) +``` + +Creates a layer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same layer from the config +dictionary. It does not handle layer connectivity +(handled by Network), nor weights (handled by `set_weights`). + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the + output of get_config. + + +#### Returns: + +A layer instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + +Returns the config of the layer. + +A layer config is a Python dictionary (serializable) +containing the configuration of a layer. +The same layer can be reinstantiated later +(without its trained weights) from this configuration. + +The config of a layer does not include connectivity +information, nor the layer class name. These are handled +by `Network` (one layer of abstraction above). + +#### Returns: + +Python dictionary. + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_input_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_losses_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves losses relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of loss tensors of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_output_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_updates_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves updates relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of update ops of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + +Returns the current weights of the layer. + + +#### Returns: + +Weights values as a list of numpy arrays. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +remove() +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + +Sets the weights of the layer, from Numpy arrays. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `weights`: a list of Numpy arrays. The number + of arrays and their shape must match + number of the dimensions of the weights + of the layer (i.e. it should match the + output of `get_weights`). + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the provided weights list does not match the + layer's specifications. + +


+ +``` python +with_name_scope( + cls, + method +) +``` + +Decorator to automatically enter the module name scope. + +``` +class MyModule(tf.Module): + @tf.Module.with_name_scope + def __call__(self, x): + if not hasattr(self, 'w'): + self.w = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([x.shape[1], 64])) + return tf.matmul(x, self.w) +``` + +Using the above module would produce `tf.Variable`s and `tf.Tensor`s whose +names included the module name: + +``` +mod = MyModule() +mod(tf.ones([8, 32])) +# ==> +mod.w +# ==> +``` + +#### Args: + + +* `method`: The method to wrap. + + +#### Returns: + +The original method wrapped such that it enters the module's name scope. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/gelu.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/gelu.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b2f1536f0e --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/gelu.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.layers.gelu + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Implements GELU activation. + + + +## Classes + +[`class GELU`](../../tfa/layers/GELU.md): Gaussian Error Linear Unit. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/maxout.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/maxout.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7181d9778d --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/maxout.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.layers.maxout + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Implementing Maxout layer. + + + +## Classes + +[`class Maxout`](../../tfa/layers/Maxout.md): Applies Maxout to the input. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/normalizations.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/normalizations.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..84cdb141a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/normalizations.md @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.layers.normalizations + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + + + + +## Classes + +[`class GroupNormalization`](../../tfa/layers/GroupNormalization.md): Group normalization layer. + +[`class InstanceNormalization`](../../tfa/layers/InstanceNormalization.md): Instance normalization layer. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/optical_flow.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/optical_flow.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2780682a99 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/optical_flow.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.layers.optical_flow + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Tensorflow op performing correlation cost operation. + + + +## Classes + +[`class CorrelationCost`](../../tfa/layers/CorrelationCost.md): Correlation Cost Layer. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/poincare.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/poincare.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7b8babebcb --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/poincare.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.layers.poincare + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Implementing PoincareNormalize layer. + + + +## Classes + +[`class PoincareNormalize`](../../tfa/layers/PoincareNormalize.md): Project into the Poincare ball with norm <= 1.0 - epsilon. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/sparsemax.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/sparsemax.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..23ee7289ff --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/sparsemax.md @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.layers.sparsemax + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + + + + +## Classes + +[`class Sparsemax`](../../tfa/layers/Sparsemax.md): Sparsemax activation function [1]. + +## Functions + +[`sparsemax(...)`](../../tfa/activations/sparsemax.md): Sparsemax activation function [1]. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/wrappers.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/wrappers.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1d4a7d7bfd --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/layers/wrappers.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.layers.wrappers + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + + + + +## Classes + +[`class WeightNormalization`](../../tfa/layers/WeightNormalization.md): This wrapper reparameterizes a layer by decoupling the weight's + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0c5a6f6a20 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses.md @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.losses + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Additional losses that conform to Keras API. + + + +## Modules + +[`contrastive`](../tfa/losses/contrastive.md) module: Implements contrastive loss. + +[`focal_loss`](../tfa/losses/focal_loss.md) module: Implements Focal loss. + +[`lifted`](../tfa/losses/lifted.md) module: Implements lifted_struct_loss. + +[`metric_learning`](../tfa/losses/metric_learning.md) module: Functions of metric learning. + +[`npairs`](../tfa/losses/npairs.md) module: Implements npairs loss. + +[`triplet`](../tfa/losses/triplet.md) module: Implements triplet loss. + +## Classes + +[`class ContrastiveLoss`](../tfa/losses/ContrastiveLoss.md): Computes the contrastive loss between `y_true` and `y_pred`. + +[`class GIoULoss`](../tfa/losses/GIoULoss.md): Implements the GIoU loss function. + +[`class LiftedStructLoss`](../tfa/losses/LiftedStructLoss.md): Computes the lifted structured loss. + +[`class NpairsLoss`](../tfa/losses/NpairsLoss.md): Computes the npairs loss between `y_true` and `y_pred`. + +[`class NpairsMultilabelLoss`](../tfa/losses/NpairsMultilabelLoss.md): Computes the npairs loss between multilabel data `y_true` and `y_pred`. + +[`class SigmoidFocalCrossEntropy`](../tfa/losses/SigmoidFocalCrossEntropy.md): Implements the focal loss function. + +[`class SparsemaxLoss`](../tfa/losses/SparsemaxLoss.md): Sparsemax loss function. + +[`class TripletSemiHardLoss`](../tfa/losses/TripletSemiHardLoss.md): Computes the triplet loss with semi-hard negative mining. + +## Functions + +[`contrastive_loss(...)`](../tfa/losses/contrastive_loss.md): Computes the contrastive loss between `y_true` and `y_pred`. + +[`giou_loss(...)`](../tfa/losses/giou_loss.md): Args: + +[`lifted_struct_loss(...)`](../tfa/losses/lifted_struct_loss.md): Computes the lifted structured loss. + +[`npairs_loss(...)`](../tfa/losses/npairs_loss.md): Computes the npairs loss between `y_true` and `y_pred`. + +[`npairs_multilabel_loss(...)`](../tfa/losses/npairs_multilabel_loss.md): Computes the npairs loss between multilabel data `y_true` and `y_pred`. + +[`sigmoid_focal_crossentropy(...)`](../tfa/losses/sigmoid_focal_crossentropy.md): Args + +[`sparsemax_loss(...)`](../tfa/losses/sparsemax_loss.md): Sparsemax loss function [1]. + +[`triplet_semihard_loss(...)`](../tfa/losses/triplet_semihard_loss.md): Computes the triplet loss with semi-hard negative mining. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/ContrastiveLoss.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/ContrastiveLoss.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..502b3b3589 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/ContrastiveLoss.md @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +
+ + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.losses.ContrastiveLoss + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `ContrastiveLoss` + +Computes the contrastive loss between `y_true` and `y_pred`. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.losses.contrastive.ContrastiveLoss` + + + +This loss encourages the embedding to be close to each other for +the samples of the same label and the embedding to be far apart at least +by the margin constant for the samples of different labels. + +See: http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/publis/pdf/hadsell-chopra-lecun-06.pdf + +We expect labels `y_true` to be provided as 1-D integer `Tensor` +with shape [batch_size] of binary integer labels. And `y_pred` must be +1-D float `Tensor` with shape [batch_size] of distances between two +embedding matrices. + +The euclidean distances `y_pred` between two embedding matrices +`a` and `b` with shape [batch_size, hidden_size] can be computed +as follows: + +```python +# y_pred = \sqrt (\sum_i (a[:, i] - b[:, i])^2) +y_pred = tf.linalg.norm(a - b, axis=1) +``` + +#### Args: + + +* `margin`: `Float`, margin term in the loss definition. + Default value is 1.0. +* `reduction`: (Optional) Type of `tf.keras.losses.Reduction` to apply. + Default value is `SUM_OVER_BATCH_SIZE`. +* `name`: (Optional) name for the loss. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + margin=1.0, + reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.SUM_OVER_BATCH_SIZE, + name='contrasitve_loss' +) +``` + +Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +__call__( + y_true, + y_pred, + sample_weight=None +) +``` + +Invokes the `Loss` instance. + + +#### Args: + + +* `y_true`: Ground truth values. shape = `[batch_size, d0, .. dN]` +* `y_pred`: The predicted values. shape = `[batch_size, d0, .. dN]` +* `sample_weight`: Optional `sample_weight` acts as a + coefficient for the loss. If a scalar is provided, then the loss is + simply scaled by the given value. If `sample_weight` is a tensor of size + `[batch_size]`, then the total loss for each sample of the batch is + rescaled by the corresponding element in the `sample_weight` vector. If + the shape of `sample_weight` is `[batch_size, d0, .. dN-1]` (or can be + broadcasted to this shape), then each loss element of `y_pred` is scaled + by the corresponding value of `sample_weight`. (Note on`dN-1`: all loss + functions reduce by 1 dimension, usually axis=-1.) + + +#### Returns: + +Weighted loss float `Tensor`. If `reduction` is `NONE`, this has + shape `[batch_size, d0, .. dN-1]`; otherwise, it is scalar. (Note `dN-1` + because all loss functions reduce by 1 dimension, usually axis=-1.) + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the shape of `sample_weight` is invalid. + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config +) +``` + +Instantiates a `Loss` from its config (output of `get_config()`). + + +#### Args: + + +* `config`: Output of `get_config()`. + + +#### Returns: + +A `Loss` instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + + + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/GIoULoss.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/GIoULoss.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cf135f595c --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/GIoULoss.md @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +
+ + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.losses.GIoULoss + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `GIoULoss` + +Implements the GIoU loss function. + + + + + +GIoU loss was first introduced in the +[Generalized Intersection over Union: +A Metric and A Loss for Bounding Box Regression] +(https://giou.stanford.edu/GIoU.pdf). +GIoU is an enhancement for models which use IoU in object detection. + +#### Usage: + + + +```python +gl = tfa.losses.GIoULoss() +boxes1 = tf.constant([[4.0, 3.0, 7.0, 5.0], [5.0, 6.0, 10.0, 7.0]]) +boxes2 = tf.constant([[3.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0], [14.0, 14.0, 15.0, 15.0]]) +loss = gl(boxes1, boxes2) +print('Loss: ', loss.numpy()) # Loss: [1.07500000298023224, 1.9333333373069763] +``` +Usage with tf.keras API: + +```python +model = tf.keras.Model(inputs, outputs) +model.compile('sgd', loss=tfa.losses.GIoULoss()) +``` + +#### Args: + + +* `mode`: one of ['giou', 'iou'], decided to calculate GIoU or IoU loss. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + mode='giou', + reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.AUTO, + name='giou_loss' +) +``` + +Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +__call__( + y_true, + y_pred, + sample_weight=None +) +``` + +Invokes the `Loss` instance. + + +#### Args: + + +* `y_true`: Ground truth values. shape = `[batch_size, d0, .. dN]` +* `y_pred`: The predicted values. shape = `[batch_size, d0, .. dN]` +* `sample_weight`: Optional `sample_weight` acts as a + coefficient for the loss. If a scalar is provided, then the loss is + simply scaled by the given value. If `sample_weight` is a tensor of size + `[batch_size]`, then the total loss for each sample of the batch is + rescaled by the corresponding element in the `sample_weight` vector. If + the shape of `sample_weight` is `[batch_size, d0, .. dN-1]` (or can be + broadcasted to this shape), then each loss element of `y_pred` is scaled + by the corresponding value of `sample_weight`. (Note on`dN-1`: all loss + functions reduce by 1 dimension, usually axis=-1.) + + +#### Returns: + +Weighted loss float `Tensor`. If `reduction` is `NONE`, this has + shape `[batch_size, d0, .. dN-1]`; otherwise, it is scalar. (Note `dN-1` + because all loss functions reduce by 1 dimension, usually axis=-1.) + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the shape of `sample_weight` is invalid. + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config +) +``` + +Instantiates a `Loss` from its config (output of `get_config()`). + + +#### Args: + + +* `config`: Output of `get_config()`. + + +#### Returns: + +A `Loss` instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + + + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/LiftedStructLoss.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/LiftedStructLoss.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..404392bbe7 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/LiftedStructLoss.md @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +
+ + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.losses.LiftedStructLoss + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `LiftedStructLoss` + +Computes the lifted structured loss. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.losses.lifted.LiftedStructLoss` + + + +The loss encourages the positive distances (between a pair of embeddings +with the same labels) to be smaller than any negative distances (between +a pair of embeddings with different labels) in the mini-batch in a way +that is differentiable with respect to the embedding vectors. +See: https://arxiv.org/abs/1511.06452. + +#### Args: + + +* `margin`: Float, margin term in the loss definition. +* `name`: Optional name for the op. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + margin=1.0, + name=None, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +__call__( + y_true, + y_pred, + sample_weight=None +) +``` + +Invokes the `Loss` instance. + + +#### Args: + + +* `y_true`: Ground truth values. shape = `[batch_size, d0, .. dN]` +* `y_pred`: The predicted values. shape = `[batch_size, d0, .. dN]` +* `sample_weight`: Optional `sample_weight` acts as a + coefficient for the loss. If a scalar is provided, then the loss is + simply scaled by the given value. If `sample_weight` is a tensor of size + `[batch_size]`, then the total loss for each sample of the batch is + rescaled by the corresponding element in the `sample_weight` vector. If + the shape of `sample_weight` is `[batch_size, d0, .. dN-1]` (or can be + broadcasted to this shape), then each loss element of `y_pred` is scaled + by the corresponding value of `sample_weight`. (Note on`dN-1`: all loss + functions reduce by 1 dimension, usually axis=-1.) + + +#### Returns: + +Weighted loss float `Tensor`. If `reduction` is `NONE`, this has + shape `[batch_size, d0, .. dN-1]`; otherwise, it is scalar. (Note `dN-1` + because all loss functions reduce by 1 dimension, usually axis=-1.) + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the shape of `sample_weight` is invalid. + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config +) +``` + +Instantiates a `Loss` from its config (output of `get_config()`). + + +#### Args: + + +* `config`: Output of `get_config()`. + + +#### Returns: + +A `Loss` instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + + + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/NpairsLoss.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/NpairsLoss.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1d7310013d --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/NpairsLoss.md @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ +
+ + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.losses.NpairsLoss + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `NpairsLoss` + +Computes the npairs loss between `y_true` and `y_pred`. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.losses.npairs.NpairsLoss` + + + +Npairs loss expects paired data where a pair is composed of samples from +the same labels and each pairs in the minibatch have different labels. +The loss takes each row of the pair-wise similarity matrix, `y_pred`, +as logits and the remapped multi-class labels, `y_true`, as labels. + +The similarity matrix `y_pred` between two embedding matrices `a` and `b` +with shape `[batch_size, hidden_size]` can be computed as follows: + +```python +# y_pred = a * b^T +y_pred = tf.matmul(a, b, transpose_a=False, transpose_b=True) +``` + +See: http://www.nec-labs.com/uploads/images/Department-Images/MediaAnalytics/papers/nips16_npairmetriclearning.pdf + +#### Args: + + +* `name`: (Optional) name for the loss. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__(name='npairs_loss') +``` + +Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +__call__( + y_true, + y_pred, + sample_weight=None +) +``` + +Invokes the `Loss` instance. + + +#### Args: + + +* `y_true`: Ground truth values. shape = `[batch_size, d0, .. dN]` +* `y_pred`: The predicted values. shape = `[batch_size, d0, .. dN]` +* `sample_weight`: Optional `sample_weight` acts as a + coefficient for the loss. If a scalar is provided, then the loss is + simply scaled by the given value. If `sample_weight` is a tensor of size + `[batch_size]`, then the total loss for each sample of the batch is + rescaled by the corresponding element in the `sample_weight` vector. If + the shape of `sample_weight` is `[batch_size, d0, .. dN-1]` (or can be + broadcasted to this shape), then each loss element of `y_pred` is scaled + by the corresponding value of `sample_weight`. (Note on`dN-1`: all loss + functions reduce by 1 dimension, usually axis=-1.) + + +#### Returns: + +Weighted loss float `Tensor`. If `reduction` is `NONE`, this has + shape `[batch_size, d0, .. dN-1]`; otherwise, it is scalar. (Note `dN-1` + because all loss functions reduce by 1 dimension, usually axis=-1.) + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the shape of `sample_weight` is invalid. + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config +) +``` + +Instantiates a `Loss` from its config (output of `get_config()`). + + +#### Args: + + +* `config`: Output of `get_config()`. + + +#### Returns: + +A `Loss` instance. + + +


+ +``` python +get_config() +``` + + + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/NpairsMultilabelLoss.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/NpairsMultilabelLoss.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..05f828ac74 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/NpairsMultilabelLoss.md @@ -0,0 +1,162 @@ +
+ + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.losses.NpairsMultilabelLoss + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `NpairsMultilabelLoss` + +Computes the npairs loss between multilabel data `y_true` and `y_pred`. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.losses.npairs.NpairsMultilabelLoss` + + + +Npairs loss expects paired data where a pair is composed of samples from +the same labels and each pairs in the minibatch have different labels. +The loss takes each row of the pair-wise similarity matrix, `y_pred`, +as logits and the remapped multi-class labels, `y_true`, as labels. + +To deal with multilabel inputs, the count of label intersection +is computed as follows: + +``` +L_{i,j} = | set_of_labels_for(i) \cap set_of_labels_for(j) | +``` + +Each row of the count based label matrix is further normalized so that +each row sums to one. + +`y_true` should be a binary indicator for classes. +That is, if `y_true[i, j] = 1`, then `i`th sample is in `j`th class; +if `y_true[i, j] = 0`, then `i`th sample is not in `j`th class. + +The similarity matrix `y_pred` between two embedding matrices `a` and `b` +with shape `[batch_size, hidden_size]` can be computed as follows: + +```python +# y_pred = a * b^T +y_pred = tf.matmul(a, b, transpose_a=False, transpose_b=True) +``` + +See: http://www.nec-labs.com/uploads/images/Department-Images/MediaAnalytics/papers/nips16_npairmetriclearning.pdf + +#### Args: + + +* `name`: (Optional) name for the loss. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__(name='npairs_multilabel_loss') +``` + +Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +__call__( + y_true, + y_pred, + sample_weight=None +) +``` + +Invokes the `Loss` instance. + + +#### Args: + + +* `y_true`: Ground truth values. shape = `[batch_size, d0, .. dN]` +* `y_pred`: The predicted values. shape = `[batch_size, d0, .. dN]` +* `sample_weight`: Optional `sample_weight` acts as a + coefficient for the loss. If a scalar is provided, then the loss is + simply scaled by the given value. If `sample_weight` is a tensor of size + `[batch_size]`, then the total loss for each sample of the batch is + rescaled by the corresponding element in the `sample_weight` vector. If + the shape of `sample_weight` is `[batch_size, d0, .. dN-1]` (or can be + broadcasted to this shape), then each loss element of `y_pred` is scaled + by the corresponding value of `sample_weight`. (Note on`dN-1`: all loss + functions reduce by 1 dimension, usually axis=-1.) + + +#### Returns: + +Weighted loss float `Tensor`. If `reduction` is `NONE`, this has + shape `[batch_size, d0, .. dN-1]`; otherwise, it is scalar. (Note `dN-1` + because all loss functions reduce by 1 dimension, usually axis=-1.) + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the shape of `sample_weight` is invalid. + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config +) +``` + +Instantiates a `Loss` from its config (output of `get_config()`). + + +#### Args: + + +* `config`: Output of `get_config()`. + + +#### Returns: + +A `Loss` instance. + + +


+ +``` python +get_config() +``` + + + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/SigmoidFocalCrossEntropy.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/SigmoidFocalCrossEntropy.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..663fcb4cf3 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/SigmoidFocalCrossEntropy.md @@ -0,0 +1,182 @@ +
+ + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.losses.SigmoidFocalCrossEntropy + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `SigmoidFocalCrossEntropy` + +Implements the focal loss function. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.losses.focal_loss.SigmoidFocalCrossEntropy` + + + +Focal loss was first introduced in the RetinaNet paper +(https://arxiv.org/pdf/1708.02002.pdf). Focal loss is extremely useful for +classification when you have highly imbalanced classes. It down-weights +well-classified examples and focuses on hard examples. The loss value is +much high for a sample which is misclassified by the classifier as compared +to the loss value corresponding to a well-classified example. One of the +best use-cases of focal loss is its usage in object detection where the +imbalance between the background class and other classes is extremely high. + +#### Usage: + + + +```python +fl = tfa.losses.SigmoidFocalCrossEntropy() +loss = fl( + [[0.97], [0.91], [0.03]], + [[1.0], [1.0], [0.0]]) +print('Loss: ', loss.numpy()) # Loss: [0.00010971, + 0.0032975, + 0.00030611] +``` +Usage with tf.keras API: + +```python +model = tf.keras.Model(inputs, outputs) +model.compile('sgd', loss=tf.keras.losses.SigmoidFocalCrossEntropy()) +``` + +Args + alpha: balancing factor, default value is 0.25 + gamma: modulating factor, default value is 2.0 + +#### Returns: + +Weighted loss float `Tensor`. If `reduction` is `NONE`, this has the same + shape as `y_true`; otherwise, it is scalar. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the shape of `sample_weight` is invalid or value of + `gamma` is less than zero + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + from_logits=False, + alpha=0.25, + gamma=2.0, + reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.NONE, + name='sigmoid_focal_crossentropy' +) +``` + +Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +__call__( + y_true, + y_pred, + sample_weight=None +) +``` + +Invokes the `Loss` instance. + + +#### Args: + + +* `y_true`: Ground truth values. shape = `[batch_size, d0, .. dN]` +* `y_pred`: The predicted values. shape = `[batch_size, d0, .. dN]` +* `sample_weight`: Optional `sample_weight` acts as a + coefficient for the loss. If a scalar is provided, then the loss is + simply scaled by the given value. If `sample_weight` is a tensor of size + `[batch_size]`, then the total loss for each sample of the batch is + rescaled by the corresponding element in the `sample_weight` vector. If + the shape of `sample_weight` is `[batch_size, d0, .. dN-1]` (or can be + broadcasted to this shape), then each loss element of `y_pred` is scaled + by the corresponding value of `sample_weight`. (Note on`dN-1`: all loss + functions reduce by 1 dimension, usually axis=-1.) + + +#### Returns: + +Weighted loss float `Tensor`. If `reduction` is `NONE`, this has + shape `[batch_size, d0, .. dN-1]`; otherwise, it is scalar. (Note `dN-1` + because all loss functions reduce by 1 dimension, usually axis=-1.) + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the shape of `sample_weight` is invalid. + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config +) +``` + +Instantiates a `Loss` from its config (output of `get_config()`). + + +#### Args: + + +* `config`: Output of `get_config()`. + + +#### Returns: + +A `Loss` instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + + + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/SparsemaxLoss.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/SparsemaxLoss.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2ff2974261 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/SparsemaxLoss.md @@ -0,0 +1,150 @@ +
+ + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.losses.SparsemaxLoss + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `SparsemaxLoss` + +Sparsemax loss function. + + + + + +Computes the generalized multi-label classification loss for the sparsemax +function. + +Because the sparsemax loss function needs both the properbility output and +the logits to compute the loss value, `from_logits` must be `True`. + +Because it computes the generalized multi-label loss, the shape of both +`y_pred` and `y_true` must be `[batch_size, num_classes]`. + +#### Args: + + +* `from_logits`: Whether `y_pred` is expected to be a logits tensor. Default + is `True`, meaning `y_pred` is the logits. +* `reduction`: (Optional) Type of `tf.keras.losses.Reduction` to apply to + loss. Default value is `SUM_OVER_BATCH_SIZE`. +* `name`: Optional name for the op. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + from_logits=True, + reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.SUM_OVER_BATCH_SIZE, + name='sparsemax_loss' +) +``` + +Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +__call__( + y_true, + y_pred, + sample_weight=None +) +``` + +Invokes the `Loss` instance. + + +#### Args: + + +* `y_true`: Ground truth values. shape = `[batch_size, d0, .. dN]` +* `y_pred`: The predicted values. shape = `[batch_size, d0, .. dN]` +* `sample_weight`: Optional `sample_weight` acts as a + coefficient for the loss. If a scalar is provided, then the loss is + simply scaled by the given value. If `sample_weight` is a tensor of size + `[batch_size]`, then the total loss for each sample of the batch is + rescaled by the corresponding element in the `sample_weight` vector. If + the shape of `sample_weight` is `[batch_size, d0, .. dN-1]` (or can be + broadcasted to this shape), then each loss element of `y_pred` is scaled + by the corresponding value of `sample_weight`. (Note on`dN-1`: all loss + functions reduce by 1 dimension, usually axis=-1.) + + +#### Returns: + +Weighted loss float `Tensor`. If `reduction` is `NONE`, this has + shape `[batch_size, d0, .. dN-1]`; otherwise, it is scalar. (Note `dN-1` + because all loss functions reduce by 1 dimension, usually axis=-1.) + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the shape of `sample_weight` is invalid. + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config +) +``` + +Instantiates a `Loss` from its config (output of `get_config()`). + + +#### Args: + + +* `config`: Output of `get_config()`. + + +#### Returns: + +A `Loss` instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + + + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/TripletSemiHardLoss.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/TripletSemiHardLoss.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2f892e5d9a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/TripletSemiHardLoss.md @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +
+ + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.losses.TripletSemiHardLoss + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `TripletSemiHardLoss` + +Computes the triplet loss with semi-hard negative mining. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.losses.triplet.TripletSemiHardLoss` + + + +The loss encourages the positive distances (between a pair of embeddings +with the same labels) to be smaller than the minimum negative distance +among which are at least greater than the positive distance plus the +margin constant (called semi-hard negative) in the mini-batch. +If no such negative exists, uses the largest negative distance instead. +See: https://arxiv.org/abs/1503.03832. + +We expect labels `y_true` to be provided as 1-D integer `Tensor` with shape +[batch_size] of multi-class integer labels. And embeddings `y_pred` must be +2-D float `Tensor` of l2 normalized embedding vectors. + +#### Args: + + +* `margin`: Float, margin term in the loss definition. Default value is 1.0. +* `name`: Optional name for the op. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + margin=1.0, + name=None, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +__call__( + y_true, + y_pred, + sample_weight=None +) +``` + +Invokes the `Loss` instance. + + +#### Args: + + +* `y_true`: Ground truth values. shape = `[batch_size, d0, .. dN]` +* `y_pred`: The predicted values. shape = `[batch_size, d0, .. dN]` +* `sample_weight`: Optional `sample_weight` acts as a + coefficient for the loss. If a scalar is provided, then the loss is + simply scaled by the given value. If `sample_weight` is a tensor of size + `[batch_size]`, then the total loss for each sample of the batch is + rescaled by the corresponding element in the `sample_weight` vector. If + the shape of `sample_weight` is `[batch_size, d0, .. dN-1]` (or can be + broadcasted to this shape), then each loss element of `y_pred` is scaled + by the corresponding value of `sample_weight`. (Note on`dN-1`: all loss + functions reduce by 1 dimension, usually axis=-1.) + + +#### Returns: + +Weighted loss float `Tensor`. If `reduction` is `NONE`, this has + shape `[batch_size, d0, .. dN-1]`; otherwise, it is scalar. (Note `dN-1` + because all loss functions reduce by 1 dimension, usually axis=-1.) + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the shape of `sample_weight` is invalid. + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config +) +``` + +Instantiates a `Loss` from its config (output of `get_config()`). + + +#### Args: + + +* `config`: Output of `get_config()`. + + +#### Returns: + +A `Loss` instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + + + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/contrastive.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/contrastive.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6c126a9576 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/contrastive.md @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.losses.contrastive + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Implements contrastive loss. + + + +## Classes + +[`class ContrastiveLoss`](../../tfa/losses/ContrastiveLoss.md): Computes the contrastive loss between `y_true` and `y_pred`. + +## Functions + +[`contrastive_loss(...)`](../../tfa/losses/contrastive_loss.md): Computes the contrastive loss between `y_true` and `y_pred`. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/contrastive_loss.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/contrastive_loss.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..825a59b325 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/contrastive_loss.md @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.losses.contrastive_loss + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Computes the contrastive loss between `y_true` and `y_pred`. + +**Aliases**: `tfa.losses.contrastive.contrastive_loss` + +``` python +tfa.losses.contrastive_loss( + y_true, + y_pred, + margin=1.0 +) +``` + + + + + +This loss encourages the embedding to be close to each other for +the samples of the same label and the embedding to be far apart at least +by the margin constant for the samples of different labels. + +The euclidean distances `y_pred` between two embedding matrices +`a` and `b` with shape [batch_size, hidden_size] can be computed +as follows: + +```python +# y_pred = \sqrt (\sum_i (a[:, i] - b[:, i])^2) +y_pred = tf.linalg.norm(a - b, axis=1) +``` + +See: http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/publis/pdf/hadsell-chopra-lecun-06.pdf + +#### Args: + + +* `y_true`: 1-D integer `Tensor` with shape [batch_size] of + binary labels indicating positive vs negative pair. +* `y_pred`: 1-D float `Tensor` with shape [batch_size] of + distances between two embedding matrices. +* `margin`: margin term in the loss definition. + + +#### Returns: + + +* `contrastive_loss`: 1-D float `Tensor` with shape [batch_size]. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/focal_loss.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/focal_loss.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b7cb0c39dc --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/focal_loss.md @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.losses.focal_loss + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Implements Focal loss. + + + +## Classes + +[`class SigmoidFocalCrossEntropy`](../../tfa/losses/SigmoidFocalCrossEntropy.md): Implements the focal loss function. + +## Functions + +[`sigmoid_focal_crossentropy(...)`](../../tfa/losses/sigmoid_focal_crossentropy.md): Args + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/giou_loss.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/giou_loss.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f68194c88c --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/giou_loss.md @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.losses.giou_loss + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Args: + +``` python +tfa.losses.giou_loss( + y_true, + y_pred, + mode='giou' +) +``` + + + + + y_true: true targets tensor. The coordinates of the each bounding + box in boxes are encoded as [y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max]. + y_pred: predictions tensor. The coordinates of the each bounding + box in boxes are encoded as [y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max]. + mode: one of ['giou', 'iou'], decided to calculate GIoU or IoU loss. + +#### Returns: + +GIoU loss float `Tensor`. + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/lifted.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/lifted.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..049410cddb --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/lifted.md @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.losses.lifted + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Implements lifted_struct_loss. + + + +## Classes + +[`class LiftedStructLoss`](../../tfa/losses/LiftedStructLoss.md): Computes the lifted structured loss. + +## Functions + +[`lifted_struct_loss(...)`](../../tfa/losses/lifted_struct_loss.md): Computes the lifted structured loss. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/lifted_struct_loss.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/lifted_struct_loss.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e3bce63ebe --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/lifted_struct_loss.md @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.losses.lifted_struct_loss + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Computes the lifted structured loss. + +**Aliases**: `tfa.losses.lifted.lifted_struct_loss` + +``` python +tfa.losses.lifted_struct_loss( + labels, + embeddings, + margin=1.0 +) +``` + + + + + + +#### Args: + + +* `labels`: 1-D tf.int32 `Tensor` with shape [batch_size] of + multiclass integer labels. +* `embeddings`: 2-D float `Tensor` of embedding vectors. Embeddings should + not be l2 normalized. +* `margin`: Float, margin term in the loss definition. + + +#### Returns: + + +* `lifted_loss`: tf.float32 scalar. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/metric_learning.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/metric_learning.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5b31433222 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/metric_learning.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.losses.metric_learning + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Functions of metric learning. + + + +## Functions + +[`pairwise_distance(...)`](../../tfa/losses/metric_learning/pairwise_distance.md): Computes the pairwise distance matrix with numerical stability. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/metric_learning/pairwise_distance.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/metric_learning/pairwise_distance.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b14ff62556 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/metric_learning/pairwise_distance.md @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.losses.metric_learning.pairwise_distance + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Computes the pairwise distance matrix with numerical stability. + +``` python +tfa.losses.metric_learning.pairwise_distance( + feature, + squared=False +) +``` + + + + + +output[i, j] = || feature[i, :] - feature[j, :] ||_2 + +#### Args: + + +* `feature`: 2-D Tensor of size [number of data, feature dimension]. +* `squared`: Boolean, whether or not to square the pairwise distances. + + +#### Returns: + + +* `pairwise_distances`: 2-D Tensor of size [number of data, number of data]. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/npairs.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/npairs.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..832c845cb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/npairs.md @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.losses.npairs + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Implements npairs loss. + + + +## Classes + +[`class NpairsLoss`](../../tfa/losses/NpairsLoss.md): Computes the npairs loss between `y_true` and `y_pred`. + +[`class NpairsMultilabelLoss`](../../tfa/losses/NpairsMultilabelLoss.md): Computes the npairs loss between multilabel data `y_true` and `y_pred`. + +## Functions + +[`npairs_loss(...)`](../../tfa/losses/npairs_loss.md): Computes the npairs loss between `y_true` and `y_pred`. + +[`npairs_multilabel_loss(...)`](../../tfa/losses/npairs_multilabel_loss.md): Computes the npairs loss between multilabel data `y_true` and `y_pred`. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/npairs_loss.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/npairs_loss.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..702b9cedc2 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/npairs_loss.md @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.losses.npairs_loss + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Computes the npairs loss between `y_true` and `y_pred`. + +**Aliases**: `tfa.losses.npairs.npairs_loss` + +``` python +tfa.losses.npairs_loss( + y_true, + y_pred +) +``` + + + + + +Npairs loss expects paired data where a pair is composed of samples from +the same labels and each pairs in the minibatch have different labels. +The loss takes each row of the pair-wise similarity matrix, `y_pred`, +as logits and the remapped multi-class labels, `y_true`, as labels. + +The similarity matrix `y_pred` between two embedding matrices `a` and `b` +with shape `[batch_size, hidden_size]` can be computed as follows: + +```python +# y_pred = a * b^T +y_pred = tf.matmul(a, b, transpose_a=False, transpose_b=True) +``` + +See: http://www.nec-labs.com/uploads/images/Department-Images/MediaAnalytics/papers/nips16_npairmetriclearning.pdf + +#### Args: + + +* `y_true`: 1-D integer `Tensor` with shape `[batch_size]` of + multi-class labels. +* `y_pred`: 2-D float `Tensor` with shape `[batch_size, batch_size]` of + similarity matrix between embedding matrices. + + +#### Returns: + + +* `npairs_loss`: float scalar. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/npairs_multilabel_loss.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/npairs_multilabel_loss.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..579d35a6a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/npairs_multilabel_loss.md @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.losses.npairs_multilabel_loss + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Computes the npairs loss between multilabel data `y_true` and `y_pred`. + +**Aliases**: `tfa.losses.npairs.npairs_multilabel_loss` + +``` python +tfa.losses.npairs_multilabel_loss( + y_true, + y_pred +) +``` + + + + + +Npairs loss expects paired data where a pair is composed of samples from +the same labels and each pairs in the minibatch have different labels. +The loss takes each row of the pair-wise similarity matrix, `y_pred`, +as logits and the remapped multi-class labels, `y_true`, as labels. + +To deal with multilabel inputs, the count of label intersection +is computed as follows: + +``` +L_{i,j} = | set_of_labels_for(i) \cap set_of_labels_for(j) | +``` + +Each row of the count based label matrix is further normalized so that +each row sums to one. + +`y_true` should be a binary indicator for classes. +That is, if `y_true[i, j] = 1`, then `i`th sample is in `j`th class; +if `y_true[i, j] = 0`, then `i`th sample is not in `j`th class. + +The similarity matrix `y_pred` between two embedding matrices `a` and `b` +with shape `[batch_size, hidden_size]` can be computed as follows: + +```python +# y_pred = a * b^T +y_pred = tf.matmul(a, b, transpose_a=False, transpose_b=True) +``` + +See: http://www.nec-labs.com/uploads/images/Department-Images/MediaAnalytics/papers/nips16_npairmetriclearning.pdf + +#### Args: + + +* `y_true`: Either 2-D integer `Tensor` with shape + `[batch_size, num_classes]`, or `SparseTensor` with dense shape + `[batch_size, num_classes]`. If `y_true` is a `SparseTensor`, then + it will be converted to `Tensor` via `tf.sparse.to_dense` first. + +* `y_pred`: 2-D float `Tensor` with shape `[batch_size, batch_size]` of + similarity matrix between embedding matrices. + + +#### Returns: + + +* `npairs_multilabel_loss`: float scalar. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/sigmoid_focal_crossentropy.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/sigmoid_focal_crossentropy.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..961aaaf0bc --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/sigmoid_focal_crossentropy.md @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.losses.sigmoid_focal_crossentropy + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Args + +**Aliases**: `tfa.losses.focal_loss.sigmoid_focal_crossentropy` + +``` python +tfa.losses.sigmoid_focal_crossentropy( + y_true, + y_pred, + alpha=0.25, + gamma=2.0, + from_logits=False +) +``` + + + + + y_true: true targets tensor. + y_pred: predictions tensor. + alpha: balancing factor. + gamma: modulating factor. + +#### Returns: + +Weighted loss float `Tensor`. If `reduction` is `NONE`,this has the +same shape as `y_true`; otherwise, it is scalar. + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/sparsemax_loss.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/sparsemax_loss.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5e1d34af90 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/sparsemax_loss.md @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.losses.sparsemax_loss + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Sparsemax loss function [1]. + +``` python +tfa.losses.sparsemax_loss( + logits, + sparsemax, + labels, + name=None +) +``` + + + + + +Computes the generalized multi-label classification loss for the sparsemax +function. The implementation is a reformulation of the original loss +function such that it uses the sparsemax properbility output instead of the +internal au variable. However, the output is identical to the original +loss function. + +[1]: https://arxiv.org/abs/1602.02068 + +#### Args: + + +* `logits`: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, + `float64`. +* `sparsemax`: A `Tensor`. Must have the same type as `logits`. +* `labels`: A `Tensor`. Must have the same type as `logits`. +* `name`: A name for the operation (optional). + +#### Returns: + +A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `logits`. + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/triplet.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/triplet.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..27f5313dfc --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/triplet.md @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.losses.triplet + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Implements triplet loss. + + + +## Classes + +[`class TripletSemiHardLoss`](../../tfa/losses/TripletSemiHardLoss.md): Computes the triplet loss with semi-hard negative mining. + +## Functions + +[`triplet_semihard_loss(...)`](../../tfa/losses/triplet_semihard_loss.md): Computes the triplet loss with semi-hard negative mining. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/triplet_semihard_loss.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/triplet_semihard_loss.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e7caeb0336 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/losses/triplet_semihard_loss.md @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.losses.triplet_semihard_loss + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Computes the triplet loss with semi-hard negative mining. + +**Aliases**: `tfa.losses.triplet.triplet_semihard_loss` + +``` python +tfa.losses.triplet_semihard_loss( + y_true, + y_pred, + margin=1.0 +) +``` + + + + + + +#### Args: + + +* `y_true`: 1-D integer `Tensor` with shape [batch_size] of + multiclass integer labels. +* `y_pred`: 2-D float `Tensor` of embedding vectors. Embeddings should + be l2 normalized. +* `margin`: Float, margin term in the loss definition. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6a51c2b3f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics.md @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.metrics + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Additional metrics that conform to Keras API. + + + +## Modules + +[`cohens_kappa`](../tfa/metrics/cohens_kappa.md) module: Implements Cohen's Kappa. + +[`f_scores`](../tfa/metrics/f_scores.md) module: Implements F scores. + +[`hamming`](../tfa/metrics/hamming.md) module: Implements Hamming distance and loss. + +[`matthews_correlation_coefficient`](../tfa/metrics/matthews_correlation_coefficient.md) module: Matthews Correlation Coefficient Implementation. + +[`multilabel_confusion_matrix`](../tfa/metrics/multilabel_confusion_matrix.md) module: Implements Multi-label confusion matrix scores. + +[`r_square`](../tfa/metrics/r_square.md) module: Implements R^2 scores. + +[`utils`](../tfa/metrics/utils.md) module: Utilities for metrics. + +## Classes + +[`class CohenKappa`](../tfa/metrics/CohenKappa.md): Computes Kappa score between two raters. + +[`class F1Score`](../tfa/metrics/F1Score.md): Computes F-1 Score. + +[`class FBetaScore`](../tfa/metrics/FBetaScore.md): Computes F-Beta score. + +[`class HammingLoss`](../tfa/metrics/HammingLoss.md): Computes hamming loss. + +[`class MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient`](../tfa/metrics/MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.md): Computes the Matthews Correlation Coefficient. + +[`class MeanMetricWrapper`](../tfa/metrics/MeanMetricWrapper.md): Wraps a stateless metric function with the Mean metric. + +[`class MultiLabelConfusionMatrix`](../tfa/metrics/MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.md): Computes Multi-label confusion matrix. + +[`class RSquare`](../tfa/metrics/RSquare.md): Compute R^2 score. + +## Functions + +[`hamming_distance(...)`](../tfa/metrics/hamming_distance.md): Computes hamming distance. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/CohenKappa.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/CohenKappa.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..98f1613eff --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/CohenKappa.md @@ -0,0 +1,926 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.metrics.CohenKappa + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `CohenKappa` + +Computes Kappa score between two raters. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.metrics.cohens_kappa.CohenKappa` + + + +The score lies in the range [-1, 1]. A score of -1 represents +complete disagreement between two raters whereas a score of 1 +represents complete agreement between the two raters. +A score of 0 means agreement by chance. + +Note: As of now, this implementation considers all labels +while calculating the Cohen's Kappa score. + +#### Usage: + + + +```python +actuals = np.array([4, 4, 3, 4, 2, 4, 1, 1], dtype=np.int32) +preds = np.array([4, 4, 3, 4, 4, 2, 1, 1], dtype=np.int32) +weights = np.array([1, 1, 2, 5, 10, 2, 3, 3], dtype=np.int32) + +m = tfa.metrics.CohenKappa(num_classes=5) +m.update_state(actuals, preds) +print('Final result: ', m.result().numpy()) # Result: 0.61904764 + +# To use this with weights, sample_weight argument can be used. +m = tfa.metrics.CohenKappa(num_classes=5) +m.update_state(actuals, preds, sample_weight=weights) +print('Final result: ', m.result().numpy()) # Result: 0.37209308 +``` + +Usage with tf.keras API: + +```python +model = tf.keras.models.Model(inputs, outputs) +model.add_metric(tfa.metrics.CohenKappa(num_classes=5)(outputs)) +model.compile('sgd', loss='mse') +``` + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + num_classes, + name='cohen_kappa', + weightage=None, + dtype=None +) +``` + +Creates a `CohenKappa` instance. + + +#### Args: + + +* `num_classes`: Number of unique classes in your dataset. +* `name`: (Optional) String name of the metric instance. +* `weightage`: (Optional) Weighting to be considered for calculating + kappa statistics. A valid value is one of + [None, 'linear', 'quadratic']. Defaults to `None`. +* `dtype`: (Optional) Data type of the metric result. + Defaults to `None`. + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the value passed for `weightage` is invalid + i.e. not any one of [None, 'linear', 'quadratic'] + +


+ +``` python +__new__( + cls, + *args, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature. + + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Optional regularizer function for the output of this layer. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input tensor or list of input tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. +* `AttributeError`: If no inbound nodes are found. + +


+ +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input mask tensor (potentially None) or list of input +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer, or if all inputs +have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Input shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per input tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined input_shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ + + + +


+ +Losses which are associated with this `Layer`. + +Variable regularization tensors are created when this property is accessed, +so it is eager safe: accessing `losses` under a `tf.GradientTape` will +propagate gradients back to the corresponding variables. + +#### Returns: + +A list of tensors. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the name of this module as passed or determined in the ctor. + +NOTE: This is not the same as the `self.name_scope.name` which includes +parent module names. + +


+ +Returns a `tf.name_scope` instance for this class. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one output, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor or list of output tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to more than one incoming + layers. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output mask tensor (potentially None) or list of output +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has one output, +or if all outputs have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Output shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per output tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined output shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Sequence of all sub-modules. + +Submodules are modules which are properties of this module, or found as +properties of modules which are properties of this module (and so on). + +``` +a = tf.Module() +b = tf.Module() +c = tf.Module() +a.b = b +b.c = c +assert list(a.submodules) == [b, c] +assert list(b.submodules) == [c] +assert list(c.submodules) == [] +``` + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of all submodules. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Sequence of trainable variables owned by this module and its submodules. + +Note: this method uses reflection to find variables on the current instance +and submodules. For performance reasons you may wish to cache the result +of calling this method if you don't expect the return value to change. + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of variables for the current module (sorted by attribute +name) followed by variables from all submodules recursively (breadth +first). + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + +Alias of `self.weights`. + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +__call__( + *args, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Accumulates statistics and then computes metric result value. + + +#### Args: + + +* `*args`: * `**kwargs`: A mini-batch of inputs to the Metric, + passed on to `update_state()`. + + +#### Returns: + +The metric value tensor. + + +


+ +``` python +build(input_shape) +``` + +Creates the variables of the layer (optional, for subclass implementers). + +This is a method that implementers of subclasses of `Layer` or `Model` +can override if they need a state-creation step in-between +layer instantiation and layer call. + +This is typically used to create the weights of `Layer` subclasses. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Instance of `TensorShape`, or list of instances of + `TensorShape` if the layer expects a list of inputs + (one instance per input). + +


+ +``` python +compute_mask( + inputs, + mask=None +) +``` + +Computes an output mask tensor. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Tensor or list of tensors. +* `mask`: Tensor or list of tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +None or a tensor (or list of tensors, + one per output tensor of the layer). + + +


+ +``` python +compute_output_shape(input_shape) +``` + +Computes the output shape of the layer. + +If the layer has not been built, this method will call `build` on the +layer. This assumes that the layer will later be used with inputs that +match the input shape provided here. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Shape tuple (tuple of integers) + or list of shape tuples (one per output tensor of the layer). + Shape tuples can include None for free dimensions, + instead of an integer. + + +#### Returns: + +An input shape tuple. + + +


+ +``` python +count_params() +``` + +Count the total number of scalars composing the weights. + + +#### Returns: + +An integer count. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer isn't yet built + (in which case its weights aren't yet defined). + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config +) +``` + +Creates a layer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same layer from the config +dictionary. It does not handle layer connectivity +(handled by Network), nor weights (handled by `set_weights`). + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the + output of get_config. + + +#### Returns: + +A layer instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + +Returns the serializable config of the metric. + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_input_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_losses_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves losses relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of loss tensors of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_output_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_updates_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves updates relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of update ops of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + +Returns the current weights of the layer. + + +#### Returns: + +Weights values as a list of numpy arrays. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +reset_states() +``` + +Resets all of the metric state variables. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +result() +``` + +Computes and returns the metric value tensor. + +Result computation is an idempotent operation that simply calculates the +metric value using the state variables. + +


+ +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + +Sets the weights of the layer, from Numpy arrays. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `weights`: a list of Numpy arrays. The number + of arrays and their shape must match + number of the dimensions of the weights + of the layer (i.e. it should match the + output of `get_weights`). + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the provided weights list does not match the + layer's specifications. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +update_state( + y_true, + y_pred, + sample_weight=None +) +``` + +Accumulates the confusion matrix condition statistics. + + +#### Args: + + +* `y_true`: Labels assigned by the first annotator with shape + `[num_samples,]`. +* `y_pred`: Labels assigned by the second annotator with shape + `[num_samples,]`. The kappa statistic is symmetric, + so swapping `y_true` and `y_pred` doesn't change the value. +sample_weight (optional): for weighting labels in confusion matrix + Defaults to `None`. The dtype for weights should be the same + as the dtype for confusion matrix. For more details, + please check `tf.math.confusion_matrix`. + + +#### Returns: + +Update op. + + +


+ +``` python +with_name_scope( + cls, + method +) +``` + +Decorator to automatically enter the module name scope. + +``` +class MyModule(tf.Module): + @tf.Module.with_name_scope + def __call__(self, x): + if not hasattr(self, 'w'): + self.w = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([x.shape[1], 64])) + return tf.matmul(x, self.w) +``` + +Using the above module would produce `tf.Variable`s and `tf.Tensor`s whose +names included the module name: + +``` +mod = MyModule() +mod(tf.ones([8, 32])) +# ==> +mod.w +# ==> +``` + +#### Args: + + +* `method`: The method to wrap. + + +#### Returns: + +The original method wrapped such that it enters the module's name scope. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/F1Score.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/F1Score.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..81a9c8be7d --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/F1Score.md @@ -0,0 +1,918 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.metrics.F1Score + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `F1Score` + +Computes F-1 Score. + +Inherits From: [`FBetaScore`](../../tfa/metrics/FBetaScore.md) + +**Aliases**: `tfa.metrics.f_scores.F1Score` + + + +It is the harmonic mean of precision and recall. +Output range is [0, 1]. Works for both multi-class +and multi-label classification. + +F-1 = 2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall) + +#### Args: + + +* `num_classes`: Number of unique classes in the dataset. +* `average`: Type of averaging to be performed on data. + Acceptable values are `None`, `micro`, `macro` + and `weighted`. Default value is None. +* `threshold`: Elements of `y_pred` above threshold are + considered to be 1, and the rest 0. If threshold is + None, the argmax is converted to 1, and the rest 0. + + +#### Returns: + +F-1 Score: float + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the `average` has values other than +[None, micro, macro, weighted]. + +`average` parameter behavior: + None: Scores for each class are returned + + micro: True positivies, false positives and + false negatives are computed globally. + + macro: True positivies, false positives and + false negatives are computed for each class + and their unweighted mean is returned. + + weighted: Metrics are computed for each class + and returns the mean weighted by the + number of true instances in each class. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + num_classes, + average=None, + threshold=None, + name='f1_score', + dtype=tf.float32 +) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +__new__( + cls, + *args, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature. + + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Optional regularizer function for the output of this layer. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input tensor or list of input tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. +* `AttributeError`: If no inbound nodes are found. + +


+ +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input mask tensor (potentially None) or list of input +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer, or if all inputs +have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Input shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per input tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined input_shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ + + + +


+ +Losses which are associated with this `Layer`. + +Variable regularization tensors are created when this property is accessed, +so it is eager safe: accessing `losses` under a `tf.GradientTape` will +propagate gradients back to the corresponding variables. + +#### Returns: + +A list of tensors. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the name of this module as passed or determined in the ctor. + +NOTE: This is not the same as the `self.name_scope.name` which includes +parent module names. + +


+ +Returns a `tf.name_scope` instance for this class. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one output, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor or list of output tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to more than one incoming + layers. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output mask tensor (potentially None) or list of output +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has one output, +or if all outputs have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Output shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per output tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined output shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Sequence of all sub-modules. + +Submodules are modules which are properties of this module, or found as +properties of modules which are properties of this module (and so on). + +``` +a = tf.Module() +b = tf.Module() +c = tf.Module() +a.b = b +b.c = c +assert list(a.submodules) == [b, c] +assert list(b.submodules) == [c] +assert list(c.submodules) == [] +``` + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of all submodules. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Sequence of trainable variables owned by this module and its submodules. + +Note: this method uses reflection to find variables on the current instance +and submodules. For performance reasons you may wish to cache the result +of calling this method if you don't expect the return value to change. + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of variables for the current module (sorted by attribute +name) followed by variables from all submodules recursively (breadth +first). + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + +Alias of `self.weights`. + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +__call__( + *args, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Accumulates statistics and then computes metric result value. + + +#### Args: + + +* `*args`: * `**kwargs`: A mini-batch of inputs to the Metric, + passed on to `update_state()`. + + +#### Returns: + +The metric value tensor. + + +


+ +``` python +build(input_shape) +``` + +Creates the variables of the layer (optional, for subclass implementers). + +This is a method that implementers of subclasses of `Layer` or `Model` +can override if they need a state-creation step in-between +layer instantiation and layer call. + +This is typically used to create the weights of `Layer` subclasses. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Instance of `TensorShape`, or list of instances of + `TensorShape` if the layer expects a list of inputs + (one instance per input). + +


+ +``` python +compute_mask( + inputs, + mask=None +) +``` + +Computes an output mask tensor. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Tensor or list of tensors. +* `mask`: Tensor or list of tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +None or a tensor (or list of tensors, + one per output tensor of the layer). + + +


+ +``` python +compute_output_shape(input_shape) +``` + +Computes the output shape of the layer. + +If the layer has not been built, this method will call `build` on the +layer. This assumes that the layer will later be used with inputs that +match the input shape provided here. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Shape tuple (tuple of integers) + or list of shape tuples (one per output tensor of the layer). + Shape tuples can include None for free dimensions, + instead of an integer. + + +#### Returns: + +An input shape tuple. + + +


+ +``` python +count_params() +``` + +Count the total number of scalars composing the weights. + + +#### Returns: + +An integer count. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer isn't yet built + (in which case its weights aren't yet defined). + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config +) +``` + +Creates a layer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same layer from the config +dictionary. It does not handle layer connectivity +(handled by Network), nor weights (handled by `set_weights`). + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the + output of get_config. + + +#### Returns: + +A layer instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + +Returns the serializable config of the metric. + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_input_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_losses_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves losses relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of loss tensors of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_output_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_updates_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves updates relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of update ops of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + +Returns the current weights of the layer. + + +#### Returns: + +Weights values as a list of numpy arrays. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +reset_states() +``` + +Resets all of the metric state variables. + +This function is called between epochs/steps, +when a metric is evaluated during training. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +result() +``` + +Computes and returns the metric value tensor. + +Result computation is an idempotent operation that simply calculates the +metric value using the state variables. + +


+ +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + +Sets the weights of the layer, from Numpy arrays. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `weights`: a list of Numpy arrays. The number + of arrays and their shape must match + number of the dimensions of the weights + of the layer (i.e. it should match the + output of `get_weights`). + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the provided weights list does not match the + layer's specifications. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +update_state( + y_true, + y_pred, + sample_weight=None +) +``` + +Accumulates statistics for the metric. + +Note: This function is executed as a graph function in graph mode. +This means: + a) Operations on the same resource are executed in textual order. + This should make it easier to do things like add the updated + value of a variable to another, for example. + b) You don't need to worry about collecting the update ops to execute. + All update ops added to the graph by this function will be executed. + As a result, code should generally work the same way with graph or + eager execution. + +Please use `tf.config.experimental_run_functions_eagerly(True)` to execute +this function eagerly for debugging or profiling. + +#### Args: + + +* `*args`: * `**kwargs`: A mini-batch of inputs to the Metric. + +


+ +``` python +with_name_scope( + cls, + method +) +``` + +Decorator to automatically enter the module name scope. + +``` +class MyModule(tf.Module): + @tf.Module.with_name_scope + def __call__(self, x): + if not hasattr(self, 'w'): + self.w = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([x.shape[1], 64])) + return tf.matmul(x, self.w) +``` + +Using the above module would produce `tf.Variable`s and `tf.Tensor`s whose +names included the module name: + +``` +mod = MyModule() +mod(tf.ones([8, 32])) +# ==> +mod.w +# ==> +``` + +#### Args: + + +* `method`: The method to wrap. + + +#### Returns: + +The original method wrapped such that it enters the module's name scope. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/FBetaScore.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/FBetaScore.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fe1bbed2d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/FBetaScore.md @@ -0,0 +1,925 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.metrics.FBetaScore + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `FBetaScore` + +Computes F-Beta score. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.metrics.f_scores.FBetaScore` + + + +It is the weighted harmonic mean of precision +and recall. Output range is [0, 1]. Works for +both multi-class and multi-label classification. + +F-Beta = (1 + beta^2) * (prec * recall) / ((beta^2 * prec) + recall) + +#### Args: + + +* `num_classes`: Number of unique classes in the dataset. +* `average`: Type of averaging to be performed on data. + Acceptable values are `None`, `micro`, `macro` and + `weighted`. Default value is None. +* `beta`: Determines the weight of precision and recall + in harmonic mean. Determines the weight given to the + precision and recall. Default value is 1. +* `threshold`: Elements of `y_pred` greater than threshold are + converted to be 1, and the rest 0. If threshold is + None, the argmax is converted to 1, and the rest 0. + + +#### Returns: + +F-Beta Score: float + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the `average` has values other than +[None, micro, macro, weighted]. + +* `ValueError`: If the `beta` value is less than or equal +to 0. + +`average` parameter behavior: + None: Scores for each class are returned + + micro: True positivies, false positives and + false negatives are computed globally. + + macro: True positivies, false positives and + false negatives are computed for each class + and their unweighted mean is returned. + + weighted: Metrics are computed for each class + and returns the mean weighted by the + number of true instances in each class. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + num_classes, + average=None, + beta=1.0, + threshold=None, + name='fbeta_score', + dtype=tf.float32 +) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +__new__( + cls, + *args, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature. + + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Optional regularizer function for the output of this layer. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input tensor or list of input tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. +* `AttributeError`: If no inbound nodes are found. + +


+ +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input mask tensor (potentially None) or list of input +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer, or if all inputs +have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Input shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per input tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined input_shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ + + + +


+ +Losses which are associated with this `Layer`. + +Variable regularization tensors are created when this property is accessed, +so it is eager safe: accessing `losses` under a `tf.GradientTape` will +propagate gradients back to the corresponding variables. + +#### Returns: + +A list of tensors. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the name of this module as passed or determined in the ctor. + +NOTE: This is not the same as the `self.name_scope.name` which includes +parent module names. + +


+ +Returns a `tf.name_scope` instance for this class. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one output, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor or list of output tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to more than one incoming + layers. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output mask tensor (potentially None) or list of output +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has one output, +or if all outputs have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Output shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per output tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined output shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Sequence of all sub-modules. + +Submodules are modules which are properties of this module, or found as +properties of modules which are properties of this module (and so on). + +``` +a = tf.Module() +b = tf.Module() +c = tf.Module() +a.b = b +b.c = c +assert list(a.submodules) == [b, c] +assert list(b.submodules) == [c] +assert list(c.submodules) == [] +``` + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of all submodules. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Sequence of trainable variables owned by this module and its submodules. + +Note: this method uses reflection to find variables on the current instance +and submodules. For performance reasons you may wish to cache the result +of calling this method if you don't expect the return value to change. + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of variables for the current module (sorted by attribute +name) followed by variables from all submodules recursively (breadth +first). + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + +Alias of `self.weights`. + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +__call__( + *args, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Accumulates statistics and then computes metric result value. + + +#### Args: + + +* `*args`: * `**kwargs`: A mini-batch of inputs to the Metric, + passed on to `update_state()`. + + +#### Returns: + +The metric value tensor. + + +


+ +``` python +build(input_shape) +``` + +Creates the variables of the layer (optional, for subclass implementers). + +This is a method that implementers of subclasses of `Layer` or `Model` +can override if they need a state-creation step in-between +layer instantiation and layer call. + +This is typically used to create the weights of `Layer` subclasses. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Instance of `TensorShape`, or list of instances of + `TensorShape` if the layer expects a list of inputs + (one instance per input). + +


+ +``` python +compute_mask( + inputs, + mask=None +) +``` + +Computes an output mask tensor. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Tensor or list of tensors. +* `mask`: Tensor or list of tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +None or a tensor (or list of tensors, + one per output tensor of the layer). + + +


+ +``` python +compute_output_shape(input_shape) +``` + +Computes the output shape of the layer. + +If the layer has not been built, this method will call `build` on the +layer. This assumes that the layer will later be used with inputs that +match the input shape provided here. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Shape tuple (tuple of integers) + or list of shape tuples (one per output tensor of the layer). + Shape tuples can include None for free dimensions, + instead of an integer. + + +#### Returns: + +An input shape tuple. + + +


+ +``` python +count_params() +``` + +Count the total number of scalars composing the weights. + + +#### Returns: + +An integer count. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer isn't yet built + (in which case its weights aren't yet defined). + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config +) +``` + +Creates a layer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same layer from the config +dictionary. It does not handle layer connectivity +(handled by Network), nor weights (handled by `set_weights`). + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the + output of get_config. + + +#### Returns: + +A layer instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + +Returns the serializable config of the metric. + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_input_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_losses_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves losses relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of loss tensors of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_output_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_updates_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves updates relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of update ops of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + +Returns the current weights of the layer. + + +#### Returns: + +Weights values as a list of numpy arrays. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +reset_states() +``` + +Resets all of the metric state variables. + +This function is called between epochs/steps, +when a metric is evaluated during training. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +result() +``` + +Computes and returns the metric value tensor. + +Result computation is an idempotent operation that simply calculates the +metric value using the state variables. + +


+ +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + +Sets the weights of the layer, from Numpy arrays. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `weights`: a list of Numpy arrays. The number + of arrays and their shape must match + number of the dimensions of the weights + of the layer (i.e. it should match the + output of `get_weights`). + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the provided weights list does not match the + layer's specifications. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +update_state( + y_true, + y_pred, + sample_weight=None +) +``` + +Accumulates statistics for the metric. + +Note: This function is executed as a graph function in graph mode. +This means: + a) Operations on the same resource are executed in textual order. + This should make it easier to do things like add the updated + value of a variable to another, for example. + b) You don't need to worry about collecting the update ops to execute. + All update ops added to the graph by this function will be executed. + As a result, code should generally work the same way with graph or + eager execution. + +Please use `tf.config.experimental_run_functions_eagerly(True)` to execute +this function eagerly for debugging or profiling. + +#### Args: + + +* `*args`: * `**kwargs`: A mini-batch of inputs to the Metric. + +


+ +``` python +with_name_scope( + cls, + method +) +``` + +Decorator to automatically enter the module name scope. + +``` +class MyModule(tf.Module): + @tf.Module.with_name_scope + def __call__(self, x): + if not hasattr(self, 'w'): + self.w = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([x.shape[1], 64])) + return tf.matmul(x, self.w) +``` + +Using the above module would produce `tf.Variable`s and `tf.Tensor`s whose +names included the module name: + +``` +mod = MyModule() +mod(tf.ones([8, 32])) +# ==> +mod.w +# ==> +``` + +#### Args: + + +* `method`: The method to wrap. + + +#### Returns: + +The original method wrapped such that it enters the module's name scope. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/HammingLoss.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/HammingLoss.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a1d5c290ca --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/HammingLoss.md @@ -0,0 +1,871 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.metrics.HammingLoss + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `HammingLoss` + +Computes hamming loss. + +Inherits From: [`MeanMetricWrapper`](../../tfa/metrics/MeanMetricWrapper.md) + +**Aliases**: `tfa.metrics.hamming.HammingLoss` + + + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + mode, + name='hamming_loss', + threshold=None, + dtype=tf.float32 +) +``` + +Creates a `MeanMetricWrapper` instance. + + +#### Args: + + +* `fn`: The metric function to wrap, with signature + `fn(y_true, y_pred, **kwargs)`. +* `name`: (Optional) string name of the metric instance. +* `dtype`: (Optional) data type of the metric result. +* `**kwargs`: The keyword arguments that are passed on to `fn`. + +


+ +``` python +__new__( + cls, + *args, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature. + + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Optional regularizer function for the output of this layer. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input tensor or list of input tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. +* `AttributeError`: If no inbound nodes are found. + +


+ +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input mask tensor (potentially None) or list of input +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer, or if all inputs +have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Input shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per input tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined input_shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ + + + +


+ +Losses which are associated with this `Layer`. + +Variable regularization tensors are created when this property is accessed, +so it is eager safe: accessing `losses` under a `tf.GradientTape` will +propagate gradients back to the corresponding variables. + +#### Returns: + +A list of tensors. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the name of this module as passed or determined in the ctor. + +NOTE: This is not the same as the `self.name_scope.name` which includes +parent module names. + +


+ +Returns a `tf.name_scope` instance for this class. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one output, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor or list of output tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to more than one incoming + layers. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output mask tensor (potentially None) or list of output +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has one output, +or if all outputs have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Output shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per output tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined output shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Sequence of all sub-modules. + +Submodules are modules which are properties of this module, or found as +properties of modules which are properties of this module (and so on). + +``` +a = tf.Module() +b = tf.Module() +c = tf.Module() +a.b = b +b.c = c +assert list(a.submodules) == [b, c] +assert list(b.submodules) == [c] +assert list(c.submodules) == [] +``` + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of all submodules. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Sequence of trainable variables owned by this module and its submodules. + +Note: this method uses reflection to find variables on the current instance +and submodules. For performance reasons you may wish to cache the result +of calling this method if you don't expect the return value to change. + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of variables for the current module (sorted by attribute +name) followed by variables from all submodules recursively (breadth +first). + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + +Alias of `self.weights`. + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +__call__( + *args, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Accumulates statistics and then computes metric result value. + + +#### Args: + + +* `*args`: * `**kwargs`: A mini-batch of inputs to the Metric, + passed on to `update_state()`. + + +#### Returns: + +The metric value tensor. + + +


+ +``` python +build(input_shape) +``` + +Creates the variables of the layer (optional, for subclass implementers). + +This is a method that implementers of subclasses of `Layer` or `Model` +can override if they need a state-creation step in-between +layer instantiation and layer call. + +This is typically used to create the weights of `Layer` subclasses. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Instance of `TensorShape`, or list of instances of + `TensorShape` if the layer expects a list of inputs + (one instance per input). + +


+ +``` python +compute_mask( + inputs, + mask=None +) +``` + +Computes an output mask tensor. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Tensor or list of tensors. +* `mask`: Tensor or list of tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +None or a tensor (or list of tensors, + one per output tensor of the layer). + + +


+ +``` python +compute_output_shape(input_shape) +``` + +Computes the output shape of the layer. + +If the layer has not been built, this method will call `build` on the +layer. This assumes that the layer will later be used with inputs that +match the input shape provided here. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Shape tuple (tuple of integers) + or list of shape tuples (one per output tensor of the layer). + Shape tuples can include None for free dimensions, + instead of an integer. + + +#### Returns: + +An input shape tuple. + + +


+ +``` python +count_params() +``` + +Count the total number of scalars composing the weights. + + +#### Returns: + +An integer count. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer isn't yet built + (in which case its weights aren't yet defined). + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config +) +``` + +Creates a layer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same layer from the config +dictionary. It does not handle layer connectivity +(handled by Network), nor weights (handled by `set_weights`). + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the + output of get_config. + + +#### Returns: + +A layer instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + +Returns the serializable config of the metric. + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_input_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_losses_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves losses relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of loss tensors of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_output_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_updates_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves updates relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of update ops of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + +Returns the current weights of the layer. + + +#### Returns: + +Weights values as a list of numpy arrays. + + +


+ +``` python +reset_states() +``` + +Resets all of the metric state variables. + +This function is called between epochs/steps, +when a metric is evaluated during training. + +


+ +``` python +result() +``` + +Computes and returns the metric value tensor. + +Result computation is an idempotent operation that simply calculates the +metric value using the state variables. + +


+ +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + +Sets the weights of the layer, from Numpy arrays. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `weights`: a list of Numpy arrays. The number + of arrays and their shape must match + number of the dimensions of the weights + of the layer (i.e. it should match the + output of `get_weights`). + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the provided weights list does not match the + layer's specifications. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +update_state( + y_true, + y_pred, + sample_weight=None +) +``` + +Accumulates metric statistics. + +`y_true` and `y_pred` should have the same shape. +Args: + y_true: The ground truth values. + y_pred: The predicted values. + sample_weight: Optional weighting of each example. Defaults to 1. + Can be a `Tensor` whose rank is either 0, or the same rank as + `y_true`, and must be broadcastable to `y_true`. +Returns: + Update op. + +


+ +``` python +with_name_scope( + cls, + method +) +``` + +Decorator to automatically enter the module name scope. + +``` +class MyModule(tf.Module): + @tf.Module.with_name_scope + def __call__(self, x): + if not hasattr(self, 'w'): + self.w = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([x.shape[1], 64])) + return tf.matmul(x, self.w) +``` + +Using the above module would produce `tf.Variable`s and `tf.Tensor`s whose +names included the module name: + +``` +mod = MyModule() +mod(tf.ones([8, 32])) +# ==> +mod.w +# ==> +``` + +#### Args: + + +* `method`: The method to wrap. + + +#### Returns: + +The original method wrapped such that it enters the module's name scope. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..42c91c3abb --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.md @@ -0,0 +1,910 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.metrics.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient` + +Computes the Matthews Correlation Coefficient. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.metrics.matthews_correlation_coefficient.MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient` + + + +The statistic is also known as the phi coefficient. +The Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) is used in +machine learning as a measure of the quality of binary +and multiclass classifications. It takes into account +true and false positives and negatives and is generally +regarded as a balanced measure which can be used even +if the classes are of very different sizes. The correlation +coefficient value of MCC is between -1 and +1. A +coefficient of +1 represents a perfect prediction, +0 an average random prediction and -1 an inverse +prediction. The statistic is also known as +the phi coefficient. + +MCC = (TP * TN) - (FP * FN) / + ((TP + FP) * (TP + FN) * (TN + FP ) * (TN + FN))^(1/2) + +#### Usage: + + +```python +actuals = tf.constant([[1.0], [1.0], [1.0], [0.0]], + dtype=tf.float32) +preds = tf.constant([[1.0], [0.0], [1.0], [1.0]], + dtype=tf.float32) +# Matthews correlation coefficient +mcc = MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient(num_classes=1) +mcc.update_state(actuals, preds) +print('Matthews correlation coefficient is:', +mcc.result().numpy()) +# Matthews correlation coefficient is : -0.33333334 +``` + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + num_classes=None, + name='MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient', + dtype=tf.float32 +) +``` + +Creates a Matthews Correlation Coefficient instanse. + + +#### Args: + + +* `num_classes`: Number of unique classes in the dataset. +* `name`: (Optional) String name of the metric instance. +* `dtype`: (Optional) Data type of the metric result. +Defaults to `tf.float32`. + +


+ +``` python +__new__( + cls, + *args, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature. + + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Optional regularizer function for the output of this layer. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input tensor or list of input tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. +* `AttributeError`: If no inbound nodes are found. + +


+ +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input mask tensor (potentially None) or list of input +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer, or if all inputs +have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Input shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per input tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined input_shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ + + + +


+ +Losses which are associated with this `Layer`. + +Variable regularization tensors are created when this property is accessed, +so it is eager safe: accessing `losses` under a `tf.GradientTape` will +propagate gradients back to the corresponding variables. + +#### Returns: + +A list of tensors. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the name of this module as passed or determined in the ctor. + +NOTE: This is not the same as the `self.name_scope.name` which includes +parent module names. + +


+ +Returns a `tf.name_scope` instance for this class. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one output, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor or list of output tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to more than one incoming + layers. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output mask tensor (potentially None) or list of output +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has one output, +or if all outputs have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Output shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per output tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined output shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Sequence of all sub-modules. + +Submodules are modules which are properties of this module, or found as +properties of modules which are properties of this module (and so on). + +``` +a = tf.Module() +b = tf.Module() +c = tf.Module() +a.b = b +b.c = c +assert list(a.submodules) == [b, c] +assert list(b.submodules) == [c] +assert list(c.submodules) == [] +``` + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of all submodules. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Sequence of trainable variables owned by this module and its submodules. + +Note: this method uses reflection to find variables on the current instance +and submodules. For performance reasons you may wish to cache the result +of calling this method if you don't expect the return value to change. + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of variables for the current module (sorted by attribute +name) followed by variables from all submodules recursively (breadth +first). + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + +Alias of `self.weights`. + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +__call__( + *args, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Accumulates statistics and then computes metric result value. + + +#### Args: + + +* `*args`: * `**kwargs`: A mini-batch of inputs to the Metric, + passed on to `update_state()`. + + +#### Returns: + +The metric value tensor. + + +


+ +``` python +build(input_shape) +``` + +Creates the variables of the layer (optional, for subclass implementers). + +This is a method that implementers of subclasses of `Layer` or `Model` +can override if they need a state-creation step in-between +layer instantiation and layer call. + +This is typically used to create the weights of `Layer` subclasses. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Instance of `TensorShape`, or list of instances of + `TensorShape` if the layer expects a list of inputs + (one instance per input). + +


+ +``` python +compute_mask( + inputs, + mask=None +) +``` + +Computes an output mask tensor. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Tensor or list of tensors. +* `mask`: Tensor or list of tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +None or a tensor (or list of tensors, + one per output tensor of the layer). + + +


+ +``` python +compute_output_shape(input_shape) +``` + +Computes the output shape of the layer. + +If the layer has not been built, this method will call `build` on the +layer. This assumes that the layer will later be used with inputs that +match the input shape provided here. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Shape tuple (tuple of integers) + or list of shape tuples (one per output tensor of the layer). + Shape tuples can include None for free dimensions, + instead of an integer. + + +#### Returns: + +An input shape tuple. + + +


+ +``` python +count_params() +``` + +Count the total number of scalars composing the weights. + + +#### Returns: + +An integer count. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer isn't yet built + (in which case its weights aren't yet defined). + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config +) +``` + +Creates a layer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same layer from the config +dictionary. It does not handle layer connectivity +(handled by Network), nor weights (handled by `set_weights`). + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the + output of get_config. + + +#### Returns: + +A layer instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + +Returns the serializable config of the metric. + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_input_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_losses_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves losses relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of loss tensors of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_output_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_updates_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves updates relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of update ops of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + +Returns the current weights of the layer. + + +#### Returns: + +Weights values as a list of numpy arrays. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +reset_states() +``` + +Resets all of the metric state variables. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +result() +``` + +Computes and returns the metric value tensor. + +Result computation is an idempotent operation that simply calculates the +metric value using the state variables. + +


+ +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + +Sets the weights of the layer, from Numpy arrays. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `weights`: a list of Numpy arrays. The number + of arrays and their shape must match + number of the dimensions of the weights + of the layer (i.e. it should match the + output of `get_weights`). + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the provided weights list does not match the + layer's specifications. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +update_state( + y_true, + y_pred, + sample_weight=None +) +``` + +Accumulates statistics for the metric. + +Note: This function is executed as a graph function in graph mode. +This means: + a) Operations on the same resource are executed in textual order. + This should make it easier to do things like add the updated + value of a variable to another, for example. + b) You don't need to worry about collecting the update ops to execute. + All update ops added to the graph by this function will be executed. + As a result, code should generally work the same way with graph or + eager execution. + +Please use `tf.config.experimental_run_functions_eagerly(True)` to execute +this function eagerly for debugging or profiling. + +#### Args: + + +* `*args`: * `**kwargs`: A mini-batch of inputs to the Metric. + +


+ +``` python +with_name_scope( + cls, + method +) +``` + +Decorator to automatically enter the module name scope. + +``` +class MyModule(tf.Module): + @tf.Module.with_name_scope + def __call__(self, x): + if not hasattr(self, 'w'): + self.w = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([x.shape[1], 64])) + return tf.matmul(x, self.w) +``` + +Using the above module would produce `tf.Variable`s and `tf.Tensor`s whose +names included the module name: + +``` +mod = MyModule() +mod(tf.ones([8, 32])) +# ==> +mod.w +# ==> +``` + +#### Args: + + +* `method`: The method to wrap. + + +#### Returns: + +The original method wrapped such that it enters the module's name scope. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/MeanMetricWrapper.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/MeanMetricWrapper.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..98f5791939 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/MeanMetricWrapper.md @@ -0,0 +1,871 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.metrics.MeanMetricWrapper + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `MeanMetricWrapper` + +Wraps a stateless metric function with the Mean metric. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.metrics.utils.MeanMetricWrapper` + + + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + fn, + name=None, + dtype=None, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Creates a `MeanMetricWrapper` instance. + + +#### Args: + + +* `fn`: The metric function to wrap, with signature + `fn(y_true, y_pred, **kwargs)`. +* `name`: (Optional) string name of the metric instance. +* `dtype`: (Optional) data type of the metric result. +* `**kwargs`: The keyword arguments that are passed on to `fn`. + +


+ +``` python +__new__( + cls, + *args, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature. + + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Optional regularizer function for the output of this layer. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input tensor or list of input tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. +* `AttributeError`: If no inbound nodes are found. + +


+ +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input mask tensor (potentially None) or list of input +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer, or if all inputs +have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Input shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per input tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined input_shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ + + + +


+ +Losses which are associated with this `Layer`. + +Variable regularization tensors are created when this property is accessed, +so it is eager safe: accessing `losses` under a `tf.GradientTape` will +propagate gradients back to the corresponding variables. + +#### Returns: + +A list of tensors. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the name of this module as passed or determined in the ctor. + +NOTE: This is not the same as the `self.name_scope.name` which includes +parent module names. + +


+ +Returns a `tf.name_scope` instance for this class. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one output, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor or list of output tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to more than one incoming + layers. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output mask tensor (potentially None) or list of output +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has one output, +or if all outputs have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Output shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per output tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined output shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Sequence of all sub-modules. + +Submodules are modules which are properties of this module, or found as +properties of modules which are properties of this module (and so on). + +``` +a = tf.Module() +b = tf.Module() +c = tf.Module() +a.b = b +b.c = c +assert list(a.submodules) == [b, c] +assert list(b.submodules) == [c] +assert list(c.submodules) == [] +``` + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of all submodules. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Sequence of trainable variables owned by this module and its submodules. + +Note: this method uses reflection to find variables on the current instance +and submodules. For performance reasons you may wish to cache the result +of calling this method if you don't expect the return value to change. + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of variables for the current module (sorted by attribute +name) followed by variables from all submodules recursively (breadth +first). + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + +Alias of `self.weights`. + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +__call__( + *args, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Accumulates statistics and then computes metric result value. + + +#### Args: + + +* `*args`: * `**kwargs`: A mini-batch of inputs to the Metric, + passed on to `update_state()`. + + +#### Returns: + +The metric value tensor. + + +


+ +``` python +build(input_shape) +``` + +Creates the variables of the layer (optional, for subclass implementers). + +This is a method that implementers of subclasses of `Layer` or `Model` +can override if they need a state-creation step in-between +layer instantiation and layer call. + +This is typically used to create the weights of `Layer` subclasses. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Instance of `TensorShape`, or list of instances of + `TensorShape` if the layer expects a list of inputs + (one instance per input). + +


+ +``` python +compute_mask( + inputs, + mask=None +) +``` + +Computes an output mask tensor. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Tensor or list of tensors. +* `mask`: Tensor or list of tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +None or a tensor (or list of tensors, + one per output tensor of the layer). + + +


+ +``` python +compute_output_shape(input_shape) +``` + +Computes the output shape of the layer. + +If the layer has not been built, this method will call `build` on the +layer. This assumes that the layer will later be used with inputs that +match the input shape provided here. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Shape tuple (tuple of integers) + or list of shape tuples (one per output tensor of the layer). + Shape tuples can include None for free dimensions, + instead of an integer. + + +#### Returns: + +An input shape tuple. + + +


+ +``` python +count_params() +``` + +Count the total number of scalars composing the weights. + + +#### Returns: + +An integer count. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer isn't yet built + (in which case its weights aren't yet defined). + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config +) +``` + +Creates a layer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same layer from the config +dictionary. It does not handle layer connectivity +(handled by Network), nor weights (handled by `set_weights`). + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the + output of get_config. + + +#### Returns: + +A layer instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + +Returns the serializable config of the metric. + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_input_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_losses_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves losses relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of loss tensors of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_output_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_updates_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves updates relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of update ops of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + +Returns the current weights of the layer. + + +#### Returns: + +Weights values as a list of numpy arrays. + + +


+ +``` python +reset_states() +``` + +Resets all of the metric state variables. + +This function is called between epochs/steps, +when a metric is evaluated during training. + +


+ +``` python +result() +``` + +Computes and returns the metric value tensor. + +Result computation is an idempotent operation that simply calculates the +metric value using the state variables. + +


+ +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + +Sets the weights of the layer, from Numpy arrays. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `weights`: a list of Numpy arrays. The number + of arrays and their shape must match + number of the dimensions of the weights + of the layer (i.e. it should match the + output of `get_weights`). + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the provided weights list does not match the + layer's specifications. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +update_state( + y_true, + y_pred, + sample_weight=None +) +``` + +Accumulates metric statistics. + +`y_true` and `y_pred` should have the same shape. +Args: + y_true: The ground truth values. + y_pred: The predicted values. + sample_weight: Optional weighting of each example. Defaults to 1. + Can be a `Tensor` whose rank is either 0, or the same rank as + `y_true`, and must be broadcastable to `y_true`. +Returns: + Update op. + +


+ +``` python +with_name_scope( + cls, + method +) +``` + +Decorator to automatically enter the module name scope. + +``` +class MyModule(tf.Module): + @tf.Module.with_name_scope + def __call__(self, x): + if not hasattr(self, 'w'): + self.w = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([x.shape[1], 64])) + return tf.matmul(x, self.w) +``` + +Using the above module would produce `tf.Variable`s and `tf.Tensor`s whose +names included the module name: + +``` +mod = MyModule() +mod(tf.ones([8, 32])) +# ==> +mod.w +# ==> +``` + +#### Args: + + +* `method`: The method to wrap. + + +#### Returns: + +The original method wrapped such that it enters the module's name scope. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..955e7950d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.md @@ -0,0 +1,914 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.metrics.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `MultiLabelConfusionMatrix` + +Computes Multi-label confusion matrix. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.metrics.multilabel_confusion_matrix.MultiLabelConfusionMatrix` + + + +Class-wise confusion matrix is computed for the +evaluation of classification. + +If multi-class input is provided, it will be treated +as multilabel data. + +Consider classification problem with two classes +(i.e num_classes=2). + +Resultant matrix `M` will be in the shape of (num_classes, 2, 2). + +Every class `i` has a dedicated 2*2 matrix that contains: + +- true negatives for class i in M(0,0) +- false positives for class i in M(0,1) +- false negatives for class i in M(1,0) +- true positives for class i in M(1,1) + +```python +# multilabel confusion matrix +y_true = tf.constant([[1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0]], + dtype=tf.int32) +y_pred = tf.constant([[1, 0, 0],[0, 1, 1]], + dtype=tf.int32) +output = MultiLabelConfusionMatrix(num_classes=3) +output.update_state(y_true, y_pred) +print('Confusion matrix:', output.result().numpy()) + +# Confusion matrix: [[[1 0] [0 1]] [[1 0] [0 1]] + [[0 1] [1 0]]] + +# if multiclass input is provided +y_true = tf.constant([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]], + dtype=tf.int32) +y_pred = tf.constant([[1, 0, 0],[0, 0, 1]], + dtype=tf.int32) +output = MultiLabelConfusionMatrix(num_classes=3) +output.update_state(y_true, y_pred) +print('Confusion matrix:', output.result().numpy()) + +# Confusion matrix: [[[1 0] [0 1]] [[1 0] [1 0]] [[1 1] [0 0]]] +``` + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + num_classes, + name='Multilabel_confusion_matrix', + dtype=tf.int32 +) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +__new__( + cls, + *args, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature. + + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Optional regularizer function for the output of this layer. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input tensor or list of input tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. +* `AttributeError`: If no inbound nodes are found. + +


+ +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input mask tensor (potentially None) or list of input +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer, or if all inputs +have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Input shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per input tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined input_shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ + + + +


+ +Losses which are associated with this `Layer`. + +Variable regularization tensors are created when this property is accessed, +so it is eager safe: accessing `losses` under a `tf.GradientTape` will +propagate gradients back to the corresponding variables. + +#### Returns: + +A list of tensors. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the name of this module as passed or determined in the ctor. + +NOTE: This is not the same as the `self.name_scope.name` which includes +parent module names. + +


+ +Returns a `tf.name_scope` instance for this class. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one output, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor or list of output tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to more than one incoming + layers. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output mask tensor (potentially None) or list of output +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has one output, +or if all outputs have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Output shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per output tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined output shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Sequence of all sub-modules. + +Submodules are modules which are properties of this module, or found as +properties of modules which are properties of this module (and so on). + +``` +a = tf.Module() +b = tf.Module() +c = tf.Module() +a.b = b +b.c = c +assert list(a.submodules) == [b, c] +assert list(b.submodules) == [c] +assert list(c.submodules) == [] +``` + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of all submodules. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Sequence of trainable variables owned by this module and its submodules. + +Note: this method uses reflection to find variables on the current instance +and submodules. For performance reasons you may wish to cache the result +of calling this method if you don't expect the return value to change. + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of variables for the current module (sorted by attribute +name) followed by variables from all submodules recursively (breadth +first). + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + +Alias of `self.weights`. + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +__call__( + *args, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Accumulates statistics and then computes metric result value. + + +#### Args: + + +* `*args`: * `**kwargs`: A mini-batch of inputs to the Metric, + passed on to `update_state()`. + + +#### Returns: + +The metric value tensor. + + +


+ +``` python +build(input_shape) +``` + +Creates the variables of the layer (optional, for subclass implementers). + +This is a method that implementers of subclasses of `Layer` or `Model` +can override if they need a state-creation step in-between +layer instantiation and layer call. + +This is typically used to create the weights of `Layer` subclasses. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Instance of `TensorShape`, or list of instances of + `TensorShape` if the layer expects a list of inputs + (one instance per input). + +


+ +``` python +compute_mask( + inputs, + mask=None +) +``` + +Computes an output mask tensor. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Tensor or list of tensors. +* `mask`: Tensor or list of tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +None or a tensor (or list of tensors, + one per output tensor of the layer). + + +


+ +``` python +compute_output_shape(input_shape) +``` + +Computes the output shape of the layer. + +If the layer has not been built, this method will call `build` on the +layer. This assumes that the layer will later be used with inputs that +match the input shape provided here. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Shape tuple (tuple of integers) + or list of shape tuples (one per output tensor of the layer). + Shape tuples can include None for free dimensions, + instead of an integer. + + +#### Returns: + +An input shape tuple. + + +


+ +``` python +count_params() +``` + +Count the total number of scalars composing the weights. + + +#### Returns: + +An integer count. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer isn't yet built + (in which case its weights aren't yet defined). + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config +) +``` + +Creates a layer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same layer from the config +dictionary. It does not handle layer connectivity +(handled by Network), nor weights (handled by `set_weights`). + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the + output of get_config. + + +#### Returns: + +A layer instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + +Returns the serializable config of the metric. + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_input_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_losses_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves losses relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of loss tensors of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_output_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_updates_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves updates relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of update ops of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + +Returns the current weights of the layer. + + +#### Returns: + +Weights values as a list of numpy arrays. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +reset_states() +``` + +Resets all of the metric state variables. + +This function is called between epochs/steps, +when a metric is evaluated during training. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +result() +``` + +Computes and returns the metric value tensor. + +Result computation is an idempotent operation that simply calculates the +metric value using the state variables. + +


+ +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + +Sets the weights of the layer, from Numpy arrays. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `weights`: a list of Numpy arrays. The number + of arrays and their shape must match + number of the dimensions of the weights + of the layer (i.e. it should match the + output of `get_weights`). + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the provided weights list does not match the + layer's specifications. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +update_state( + y_true, + y_pred +) +``` + +Accumulates statistics for the metric. + +Note: This function is executed as a graph function in graph mode. +This means: + a) Operations on the same resource are executed in textual order. + This should make it easier to do things like add the updated + value of a variable to another, for example. + b) You don't need to worry about collecting the update ops to execute. + All update ops added to the graph by this function will be executed. + As a result, code should generally work the same way with graph or + eager execution. + +Please use `tf.config.experimental_run_functions_eagerly(True)` to execute +this function eagerly for debugging or profiling. + +#### Args: + + +* `*args`: * `**kwargs`: A mini-batch of inputs to the Metric. + +


+ +``` python +with_name_scope( + cls, + method +) +``` + +Decorator to automatically enter the module name scope. + +``` +class MyModule(tf.Module): + @tf.Module.with_name_scope + def __call__(self, x): + if not hasattr(self, 'w'): + self.w = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([x.shape[1], 64])) + return tf.matmul(x, self.w) +``` + +Using the above module would produce `tf.Variable`s and `tf.Tensor`s whose +names included the module name: + +``` +mod = MyModule() +mod(tf.ones([8, 32])) +# ==> +mod.w +# ==> +``` + +#### Args: + + +* `method`: The method to wrap. + + +#### Returns: + +The original method wrapped such that it enters the module's name scope. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/RSquare.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/RSquare.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..038828c7b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/RSquare.md @@ -0,0 +1,886 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.metrics.RSquare + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `RSquare` + +Compute R^2 score. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.metrics.r_square.RSquare` + + + + This is also called as coefficient of determination. + It tells how close are data to the fitted regression line. + + - Highest score can be 1.0 and it indicates that the predictors + perfectly accounts for variation in the target. + - Score 0.0 indicates that the predictors do not + account for variation in the target. + - It can also be negative if the model is worse. + + Usage: + ```python + actuals = tf.constant([1, 4, 3], dtype=tf.float32) + preds = tf.constant([2, 4, 4], dtype=tf.float32) + result = tf.keras.metrics.RSquare() + result.update_state(actuals, preds) + print('R^2 score is: ', r1.result().numpy()) # 0.57142866 +``` + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + name='r_square', + dtype=tf.float32 +) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +__new__( + cls, + *args, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature. + + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Optional regularizer function for the output of this layer. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input tensor or list of input tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. +* `AttributeError`: If no inbound nodes are found. + +


+ +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input mask tensor (potentially None) or list of input +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer, or if all inputs +have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Input shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per input tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined input_shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ + + + +


+ +Losses which are associated with this `Layer`. + +Variable regularization tensors are created when this property is accessed, +so it is eager safe: accessing `losses` under a `tf.GradientTape` will +propagate gradients back to the corresponding variables. + +#### Returns: + +A list of tensors. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the name of this module as passed or determined in the ctor. + +NOTE: This is not the same as the `self.name_scope.name` which includes +parent module names. + +


+ +Returns a `tf.name_scope` instance for this class. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one output, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor or list of output tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to more than one incoming + layers. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output mask tensor (potentially None) or list of output +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has one output, +or if all outputs have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Output shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per output tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined output shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Sequence of all sub-modules. + +Submodules are modules which are properties of this module, or found as +properties of modules which are properties of this module (and so on). + +``` +a = tf.Module() +b = tf.Module() +c = tf.Module() +a.b = b +b.c = c +assert list(a.submodules) == [b, c] +assert list(b.submodules) == [c] +assert list(c.submodules) == [] +``` + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of all submodules. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Sequence of trainable variables owned by this module and its submodules. + +Note: this method uses reflection to find variables on the current instance +and submodules. For performance reasons you may wish to cache the result +of calling this method if you don't expect the return value to change. + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of variables for the current module (sorted by attribute +name) followed by variables from all submodules recursively (breadth +first). + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + +Alias of `self.weights`. + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +__call__( + *args, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Accumulates statistics and then computes metric result value. + + +#### Args: + + +* `*args`: * `**kwargs`: A mini-batch of inputs to the Metric, + passed on to `update_state()`. + + +#### Returns: + +The metric value tensor. + + +


+ +``` python +build(input_shape) +``` + +Creates the variables of the layer (optional, for subclass implementers). + +This is a method that implementers of subclasses of `Layer` or `Model` +can override if they need a state-creation step in-between +layer instantiation and layer call. + +This is typically used to create the weights of `Layer` subclasses. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Instance of `TensorShape`, or list of instances of + `TensorShape` if the layer expects a list of inputs + (one instance per input). + +


+ +``` python +compute_mask( + inputs, + mask=None +) +``` + +Computes an output mask tensor. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Tensor or list of tensors. +* `mask`: Tensor or list of tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +None or a tensor (or list of tensors, + one per output tensor of the layer). + + +


+ +``` python +compute_output_shape(input_shape) +``` + +Computes the output shape of the layer. + +If the layer has not been built, this method will call `build` on the +layer. This assumes that the layer will later be used with inputs that +match the input shape provided here. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Shape tuple (tuple of integers) + or list of shape tuples (one per output tensor of the layer). + Shape tuples can include None for free dimensions, + instead of an integer. + + +#### Returns: + +An input shape tuple. + + +


+ +``` python +count_params() +``` + +Count the total number of scalars composing the weights. + + +#### Returns: + +An integer count. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer isn't yet built + (in which case its weights aren't yet defined). + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config +) +``` + +Creates a layer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same layer from the config +dictionary. It does not handle layer connectivity +(handled by Network), nor weights (handled by `set_weights`). + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the + output of get_config. + + +#### Returns: + +A layer instance. + + +


+ +``` python +get_config() +``` + +Returns the serializable config of the metric. + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_input_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_losses_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves losses relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of loss tensors of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_output_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_updates_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves updates relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of update ops of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + +Returns the current weights of the layer. + + +#### Returns: + +Weights values as a list of numpy arrays. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +reset_states() +``` + +Resets all of the metric state variables. + +This function is called between epochs/steps, +when a metric is evaluated during training. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +result() +``` + +Computes and returns the metric value tensor. + +Result computation is an idempotent operation that simply calculates the +metric value using the state variables. + +


+ +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + +Sets the weights of the layer, from Numpy arrays. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `weights`: a list of Numpy arrays. The number + of arrays and their shape must match + number of the dimensions of the weights + of the layer (i.e. it should match the + output of `get_weights`). + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the provided weights list does not match the + layer's specifications. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +update_state( + y_true, + y_pred +) +``` + +Accumulates statistics for the metric. + +Note: This function is executed as a graph function in graph mode. +This means: + a) Operations on the same resource are executed in textual order. + This should make it easier to do things like add the updated + value of a variable to another, for example. + b) You don't need to worry about collecting the update ops to execute. + All update ops added to the graph by this function will be executed. + As a result, code should generally work the same way with graph or + eager execution. + +Please use `tf.config.experimental_run_functions_eagerly(True)` to execute +this function eagerly for debugging or profiling. + +#### Args: + + +* `*args`: * `**kwargs`: A mini-batch of inputs to the Metric. + +


+ +``` python +with_name_scope( + cls, + method +) +``` + +Decorator to automatically enter the module name scope. + +``` +class MyModule(tf.Module): + @tf.Module.with_name_scope + def __call__(self, x): + if not hasattr(self, 'w'): + self.w = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([x.shape[1], 64])) + return tf.matmul(x, self.w) +``` + +Using the above module would produce `tf.Variable`s and `tf.Tensor`s whose +names included the module name: + +``` +mod = MyModule() +mod(tf.ones([8, 32])) +# ==> +mod.w +# ==> +``` + +#### Args: + + +* `method`: The method to wrap. + + +#### Returns: + +The original method wrapped such that it enters the module's name scope. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/cohens_kappa.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/cohens_kappa.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bfdbe29e9e --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/cohens_kappa.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.metrics.cohens_kappa + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Implements Cohen's Kappa. + + + +## Classes + +[`class CohenKappa`](../../tfa/metrics/CohenKappa.md): Computes Kappa score between two raters. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/f_scores.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/f_scores.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..378366d95a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/f_scores.md @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.metrics.f_scores + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Implements F scores. + + + +## Classes + +[`class F1Score`](../../tfa/metrics/F1Score.md): Computes F-1 Score. + +[`class FBetaScore`](../../tfa/metrics/FBetaScore.md): Computes F-Beta score. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/hamming.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/hamming.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d24c021fa3 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/hamming.md @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.metrics.hamming + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Implements Hamming distance and loss. + + + +## Classes + +[`class HammingLoss`](../../tfa/metrics/HammingLoss.md): Computes hamming loss. + +## Functions + +[`hamming_distance(...)`](../../tfa/metrics/hamming_distance.md): Computes hamming distance. + +[`hamming_loss_fn(...)`](../../tfa/metrics/hamming/hamming_loss_fn.md): Computes hamming loss. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/hamming/hamming_loss_fn.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/hamming/hamming_loss_fn.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9ec55e2ccd --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/hamming/hamming_loss_fn.md @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.metrics.hamming.hamming_loss_fn + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Computes hamming loss. + +``` python +tfa.metrics.hamming.hamming_loss_fn( + y_true, + y_pred, + threshold, + mode +) +``` + + + + + +Hamming loss is the fraction of wrong labels to the total number +of labels. + +In multi-class classification, hamming loss is calculated as the +hamming distance between `actual` and `predictions`. +In multi-label classification, hamming loss penalizes only the +individual labels. + +#### Args: + + + +* `y_true`: actual target value +* `y_pred`: predicted target value +* `threshold`: Elements of `y_pred` greater than threshold are + converted to be 1, and the rest 0. If threshold is + None, the argmax is converted to 1, and the rest 0. +* `mode`: multi-class or multi-label + + +#### Returns: + + +hamming loss: float + + + +#### Usage: + + + +```python +# multi-class hamming loss +hl = HammingLoss(mode='multiclass', threshold=0.6) +actuals = tf.constant([[1, 0, 0, 0],[0, 0, 1, 0], + [0, 0, 0, 1],[0, 1, 0, 0]], + dtype=tf.float32) +predictions = tf.constant([[0.8, 0.1, 0.1, 0], + [0.2, 0, 0.8, 0], + [0.05, 0.05, 0.1, 0.8], + [1, 0, 0, 0]], + dtype=tf.float32) +hl.update_state(actuals, predictions) +print('Hamming loss: ', hl.result().numpy()) # 0.25 + +# multi-label hamming loss +hl = HammingLoss(mode='multilabel', threshold=0.8) +actuals = tf.constant([[1, 0, 1, 0],[0, 1, 0, 1], + [0, 0, 0,1]], dtype=tf.int32) +predictions = tf.constant([[0.82, 0.5, 0.90, 0], + [0, 1, 0.4, 0.98], + [0.89, 0.79, 0, 0.3]], + dtype=tf.float32) +hl.update_state(actuals, predictions) +print('Hamming loss: ', hl.result().numpy()) # 0.16666667 +``` + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/hamming_distance.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/hamming_distance.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c5a39e808b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/hamming_distance.md @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.metrics.hamming_distance + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Computes hamming distance. + +**Aliases**: `tfa.metrics.hamming.hamming_distance` + +``` python +tfa.metrics.hamming_distance( + actuals, + predictions +) +``` + + + + + +Hamming distance is for comparing two binary strings. +It is the number of bit positions in which two bits +are different. + +#### Args: + + +* `actuals`: actual target value +* `predictions`: predicted value + + +#### Returns: + +hamming distance: float + + + +#### Usage: + + + +```python +actuals = tf.constant([1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1], + dtype=tf.int32) +predictions = tf.constant([1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1], + dtype=tf.int32) +result = hamming_distance(actuals, predictions) +print('Hamming distance: ', result.numpy()) +``` + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/matthews_correlation_coefficient.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/matthews_correlation_coefficient.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bce309fd02 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/matthews_correlation_coefficient.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.metrics.matthews_correlation_coefficient + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Matthews Correlation Coefficient Implementation. + + + +## Classes + +[`class MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient`](../../tfa/metrics/MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient.md): Computes the Matthews Correlation Coefficient. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/multilabel_confusion_matrix.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/multilabel_confusion_matrix.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..369ace8913 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/multilabel_confusion_matrix.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.metrics.multilabel_confusion_matrix + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Implements Multi-label confusion matrix scores. + + + +## Classes + +[`class MultiLabelConfusionMatrix`](../../tfa/metrics/MultiLabelConfusionMatrix.md): Computes Multi-label confusion matrix. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/r_square.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/r_square.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..02081c688a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/r_square.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.metrics.r_square + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Implements R^2 scores. + + + +## Classes + +[`class RSquare`](../../tfa/metrics/RSquare.md): Compute R^2 score. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/utils.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/utils.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..939ee56f56 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/metrics/utils.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.metrics.utils + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Utilities for metrics. + + + +## Classes + +[`class MeanMetricWrapper`](../../tfa/metrics/MeanMetricWrapper.md): Wraps a stateless metric function with the Mean metric. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1c31285d25 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers.md @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.optimizers + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Additional optimizers that conform to Keras API. + + + +## Modules + +[`average_wrapper`](../tfa/optimizers/average_wrapper.md) module + +[`conditional_gradient`](../tfa/optimizers/conditional_gradient.md) module: Conditional Gradient optimizer. + +[`cyclical_learning_rate`](../tfa/optimizers/cyclical_learning_rate.md) module: Cyclical Learning Rate Schedule policies for TensorFlow. + +[`lamb`](../tfa/optimizers/lamb.md) module: Layer-wise Adaptive Moments (LAMB) optimizer. + +[`lazy_adam`](../tfa/optimizers/lazy_adam.md) module: Variant of the Adam optimizer that handles sparse updates more efficiently. + +[`lookahead`](../tfa/optimizers/lookahead.md) module + +[`moving_average`](../tfa/optimizers/moving_average.md) module + +[`rectified_adam`](../tfa/optimizers/rectified_adam.md) module: Rectified Adam (RAdam) optimizer. + +[`stochastic_weight_averaging`](../tfa/optimizers/stochastic_weight_averaging.md) module: An implementation of the Stochastic Weight Averaging optimizer. + +[`weight_decay_optimizers`](../tfa/optimizers/weight_decay_optimizers.md) module: Base class to make optimizers weight decay ready. + +## Classes + +[`class AdamW`](../tfa/optimizers/AdamW.md): Optimizer that implements the Adam algorithm with weight decay. + +[`class AveragedOptimizerWrapper`](../tfa/optimizers/AveragedOptimizerWrapper.md): Updated base class for optimizers. + +[`class ConditionalGradient`](../tfa/optimizers/ConditionalGradient.md): Optimizer that implements the Conditional Gradient optimization. + +[`class CyclicalLearningRate`](../tfa/optimizers/CyclicalLearningRate.md): A LearningRateSchedule that uses cyclical schedule. + +[`class ExponentialCyclicalLearningRate`](../tfa/optimizers/ExponentialCyclicalLearningRate.md): A LearningRateSchedule that uses cyclical schedule. + +[`class LAMB`](../tfa/optimizers/LAMB.md): Optimizer that implements the Layer-wise Adaptive Moments (LAMB). + +[`class LazyAdam`](../tfa/optimizers/LazyAdam.md): Variant of the Adam optimizer that handles sparse updates more + +[`class Lookahead`](../tfa/optimizers/Lookahead.md): This class allows to extend optimizers with the lookahead mechanism. + +[`class MovingAverage`](../tfa/optimizers/MovingAverage.md): Optimizer that computes a moving average of the variables. + +[`class RectifiedAdam`](../tfa/optimizers/RectifiedAdam.md): Variant of the Adam optimizer whose adaptive learning rate is rectified + +[`class SGDW`](../tfa/optimizers/SGDW.md): Optimizer that implements the Momentum algorithm with weight_decay. + +[`class SWA`](../tfa/optimizers/SWA.md): This class extends optimizers with Stochastic Weight Averaging (SWA). + +[`class Triangular2CyclicalLearningRate`](../tfa/optimizers/Triangular2CyclicalLearningRate.md): A LearningRateSchedule that uses cyclical schedule. + +[`class TriangularCyclicalLearningRate`](../tfa/optimizers/TriangularCyclicalLearningRate.md): A LearningRateSchedule that uses cyclical schedule. + +## Functions + +[`extend_with_decoupled_weight_decay(...)`](../tfa/optimizers/extend_with_decoupled_weight_decay.md): Factory function returning an optimizer class with decoupled weight + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/AdamW.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/AdamW.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2845806ea8 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/AdamW.md @@ -0,0 +1,401 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.optimizers.AdamW + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `AdamW` + +Optimizer that implements the Adam algorithm with weight decay. + +Inherits From: [`DecoupledWeightDecayExtension`](../../tfa/optimizers/weight_decay_optimizers/DecoupledWeightDecayExtension.md) + +**Aliases**: `tfa.optimizers.weight_decay_optimizers.AdamW` + + + +This is an implementation of the AdamW optimizer described in "Decoupled +Weight Decay Regularization" by Loshchilov & Hutter +(https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.05101) +([pdf])(https://arxiv.org/pdf/1711.05101.pdf). + +It computes the update step of `tf.keras.optimizers.Adam` and additionally +decays the variable. Note that this is different from adding L2 +regularization on the variables to the loss: it regularizes variables with +large gradients more than L2 regularization would, which was shown to yield +better training loss and generalization error in the paper above. + +For further information see the documentation of the Adam Optimizer. + +This optimizer can also be instantiated as +```python +extend_with_decoupled_weight_decay(tf.keras.optimizers.Adam, + weight_decay=weight_decay) +``` + +Note: when applying a decay to the learning rate, be sure to manually apply +the decay to the `weight_decay` as well. For example: + +```python +step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False) +schedule = tf.optimizers.schedules.PiecewiseConstantDecay( + [10000, 15000], [1e-0, 1e-1, 1e-2]) +# lr and wd can be a function or a tensor +lr = 1e-1 * schedule(step) +wd = lambda: 1e-4 * schedule(step) + +# ... + +optimizer = tfa.optimizers.AdamW(learning_rate=lr, weight_decay=wd) +``` + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + weight_decay, + learning_rate=0.001, + beta_1=0.9, + beta_2=0.999, + epsilon=1e-07, + amsgrad=False, + name='AdamW', + **kwargs +) +``` + +Construct a new AdamW optimizer. + +For further information see the documentation of the Adam Optimizer. + +#### Args: + + +* `weight_decay`: A Tensor or a floating point value. The weight decay. +* `learning_rate`: A Tensor or a floating point value. The learning + rate. +* `beta_1`: A float value or a constant float tensor. The exponential + decay rate for the 1st moment estimates. +* `beta_2`: A float value or a constant float tensor. The exponential + decay rate for the 2nd moment estimates. +* `epsilon`: A small constant for numerical stability. This epsilon is + "epsilon hat" in the Kingma and Ba paper (in the formula just + before Section 2.1), not the epsilon in Algorithm 1 of the + paper. +* `amsgrad`: boolean. Whether to apply AMSGrad variant of this + algorithm from the paper "On the Convergence of Adam and + beyond". +* `name`: Optional name for the operations created when applying + gradients. Defaults to "AdamW". +* `**kwargs`: keyword arguments. Allowed to be {`clipnorm`, + `clipvalue`, `lr`, `decay`}. `clipnorm` is clip gradients by + norm; `clipvalue` is clip gradients by value, `decay` is + included for backward compatibility to allow time inverse decay + of learning rate. `lr` is included for backward compatibility, + recommended to use `learning_rate` instead. + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Variable. The number of training steps this Optimizer has run. + + +


+ +Returns variables of this Optimizer based on the order created. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +add_slot( + var, + slot_name, + initializer='zeros' +) +``` + +Add a new slot variable for `var`. + + +


+ +``` python +add_weight( + name, + shape, + dtype=None, + initializer='zeros', + trainable=None, + synchronization=tf_variables.VariableSynchronization.AUTO, + aggregation=tf_variables.VariableAggregation.NONE +) +``` + + + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +apply_gradients( + grads_and_vars, + name=None, + decay_var_list=None +) +``` + +Apply gradients to variables. + +This is the second part of `minimize()`. It returns an `Operation` that +applies gradients. + +#### Args: + + +* `grads_and_vars`: List of (gradient, variable) pairs. +* `name`: Optional name for the returned operation. Default to the + name passed to the `Optimizer` constructor. +* `decay_var_list`: Optional list of variables to be decayed. Defaults + to all variables in var_list. + +#### Returns: + +An `Operation` that applies the specified gradients. If +`global_step` was not None, that operation also increments +`global_step`. + + +#### Raises: + + +* `TypeError`: If `grads_and_vars` is malformed. +* `ValueError`: If none of the variables have gradients. + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config, + custom_objects=None +) +``` + +Creates an optimizer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same optimizer from the config +dictionary. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the output of get_config. +* `custom_objects`: A Python dictionary mapping names to additional Python + objects used to create this optimizer, such as a function used for a + hyperparameter. + + +#### Returns: + +An optimizer instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +get_gradients( + loss, + params +) +``` + +Returns gradients of `loss` with respect to `params`. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `loss`: Loss tensor. +* `params`: List of variables. + + +#### Returns: + +List of gradient tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: In case any gradient cannot be computed (e.g. if gradient + function not implemented). + +


+ +``` python +get_slot( + var, + slot_name +) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +get_slot_names() +``` + +A list of names for this optimizer's slots. + + +


+ +``` python +get_updates( + loss, + params +) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + + + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +minimize( + loss, + var_list, + grad_loss=None, + name=None, + decay_var_list=None +) +``` + +Minimize `loss` by updating `var_list`. + +This method simply computes gradient using `tf.GradientTape` and calls +`apply_gradients()`. If you want to process the gradient before +applying then call `tf.GradientTape` and `apply_gradients()` explicitly +instead of using this function. + +#### Args: + + +* `loss`: A callable taking no arguments which returns the value to + minimize. +* `var_list`: list or tuple of `Variable` objects to update to + minimize `loss`, or a callable returning the list or tuple of + `Variable` objects. Use callable when the variable list would + otherwise be incomplete before `minimize` since the variables + are created at the first time `loss` is called. +* `grad_loss`: Optional. A `Tensor` holding the gradient computed for + `loss`. +* `decay_var_list`: Optional list of variables to be decayed. Defaults + to all variables in var_list. +* `name`: Optional name for the returned operation. + +#### Returns: + +An Operation that updates the variables in `var_list`. If +`global_step` was not `None`, that operation also increments +`global_step`. + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If some of the variables are not `Variable` objects. + +


+ +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +variables() +``` + +Returns variables of this Optimizer based on the order created. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/AveragedOptimizerWrapper.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/AveragedOptimizerWrapper.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..92670020e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/AveragedOptimizerWrapper.md @@ -0,0 +1,583 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.optimizers.AveragedOptimizerWrapper + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `AveragedOptimizerWrapper` + +Updated base class for optimizers. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.optimizers.average_wrapper.AveragedOptimizerWrapper` + + + +This class defines the API to add Ops to train a model. You never use this +class directly, but instead instantiate one of its subclasses such as +`tf.keras.optimizers.SGD`, `tf.keras.optimizers.Adam`. + +### Usage + +```python +# Create an optimizer with the desired parameters. +opt = tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(learning_rate=0.1) +# `loss` is a callable that takes no argument and returns the value +# to minimize. +loss = lambda: 3 * var1 * var1 + 2 * var2 * var2 +# In graph mode, returns op that minimizes the loss by updating the listed +# variables. +opt_op = opt.minimize(loss, var_list=[var1, var2]) +opt_op.run() +# In eager mode, simply call minimize to update the list of variables. +opt.minimize(loss, var_list=[var1, var2]) +``` + +### Custom training loop with Keras models + +In Keras models, sometimes variables are created when the model is first +called, instead of construction time. Examples include 1) sequential models +without input shape pre-defined, or 2) subclassed models. Pass var_list as +callable in these cases. + +#### Example: + + +```python +opt = tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(learning_rate=0.1) +model = tf.keras.Sequential() +model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(num_hidden, activation='relu')) +model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(num_classes, activation='sigmoid')) +loss_fn = lambda: tf.keras.losses.mse(model(input), output) +var_list_fn = lambda: model.trainable_weights +for input, output in data: + opt.minimize(loss_fn, var_list_fn) +``` + +### Processing gradients before applying them. + +Calling `minimize()` takes care of both computing the gradients and +applying them to the variables. If you want to process the gradients +before applying them you can instead use the optimizer in three steps: + +1. Compute the gradients with `tf.GradientTape`. +2. Process the gradients as you wish. +3. Apply the processed gradients with `apply_gradients()`. + +#### Example: + + + +```python +# Create an optimizer. +opt = tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(learning_rate=0.1) + +# Compute the gradients for a list of variables. +with tf.GradientTape() as tape: + loss = +vars = +grads = tape.gradient(loss, vars) + +# Process the gradients, for example cap them, etc. +# capped_grads = [MyCapper(g) for g in grads] +processed_grads = [process_gradient(g) for g in grads] + +# Ask the optimizer to apply the processed gradients. +opt.apply_gradients(zip(processed_grads, var_list)) +``` + +### Use with `tf.distribute.Strategy`. + +This optimizer class is `tf.distribute.Strategy` aware, which means it +automatically sums gradients across all replicas. To average gradients, +you divide your loss by the global batch size, which is done +automatically if you use `tf.keras` built-in training or evaluation loops. +See the `reduction` argument of your loss which should be set to +`tf.keras.losses.Reduction.SUM_OVER_BATCH_SIZE` for averaging or +`tf.keras.losses.Reduction.SUM` for not. + +If you are not using these and you want to average gradients, you should use +`tf.math.reduce_sum` to add up your per-example losses and then divide by the +global batch size. Note that when using `tf.distribute.Strategy`, the first +component of a tensor's shape is the *replica-local* batch size, which is off +by a factor equal to the number of replicas being used to compute a single +step. As a result, using `tf.math.reduce_mean` will give the wrong answer, +resulting in gradients that can be many times too big. + +### Variable Constraint + +All Keras optimizers respect variable constraints. If constraint function is +passed to any variable, the constraint will be applied to the variable after +the gradient has been applied to the variable. +Important: If gradient is sparse tensor, variable constraint is not supported. + +### Thread Compatibility + +The entire optimizer is currently thread compatible, not thread-safe. The user +needs to perform synchronization if necessary. + +### Slots + +Many optimizer subclasses, such as `Adam` and `Adagrad` allocate and manage +additional variables associated with the variables to train. These are called +Slots. Slots have names and you can ask the optimizer for the names of +the slots that it uses. Once you have a slot name you can ask the optimizer +for the variable it created to hold the slot value. + +This can be useful if you want to log debug a training algorithm, report stats +about the slots, etc. + +### Hyper parameters + +These are arguments passed to the optimizer subclass constructor +(the `__init__` method), and then passed to `self._set_hyper()`. +They can be either regular Python values (like 1.0), tensors, or +callables. If they are callable, the callable will be called during +`apply_gradients()` to get the value for the hyper parameter. + +Hyper parameters can be overwritten through user code: + +#### Example: + + + +```python +# Create an optimizer with the desired parameters. +opt = tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(learning_rate=0.1) +# `loss` is a callable that takes no argument and returns the value +# to minimize. +loss = lambda: 3 * var1 + 2 * var2 +# In eager mode, simply call minimize to update the list of variables. +opt.minimize(loss, var_list=[var1, var2]) +# update learning rate +opt.learning_rate = 0.05 +opt.minimize(loss, var_list=[var1, var2]) +``` + +### Write a customized optimizer. +If you intend to create your own optimization algorithm, simply inherit from +this class and override the following methods: + + - resource_apply_dense (update variable given gradient tensor is dense) + - resource_apply_sparse (update variable given gradient tensor is sparse) + - create_slots (if your optimizer algorithm requires additional variables) + - get_config (serialization of the optimizer, include all hyper parameters) + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + optimizer, + sequential_update=True, + name='AverageOptimizer', + **kwargs +) +``` + +Create a new Optimizer. + +This must be called by the constructors of subclasses. +Note that Optimizer instances should not bind to a single graph, +and so shouldn't keep Tensors as member variables. Generally +you should be able to use the _set_hyper()/state.get_hyper() +facility instead. + +This class in stateful and thread-compatible. + +#### Args: + + +* `name`: A non-empty string. The name to use for accumulators created + for the optimizer. +* `**kwargs`: keyword arguments. Allowed to be {`clipnorm`, `clipvalue`, `lr`, + `decay`}. `clipnorm` is clip gradients by norm; `clipvalue` is clip + gradients by value, `decay` is included for backward compatibility to + allow time inverse decay of learning rate. `lr` is included for backward + compatibility, recommended to use `learning_rate` instead. + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If name is malformed. +* `RuntimeError`: If _create_slots has been overridden instead of + _create_vars. + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Variable. The number of training steps this Optimizer has run. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns variables of this Optimizer based on the order created. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +add_slot( + var, + slot_name, + initializer='zeros' +) +``` + +Add a new slot variable for `var`. + + +


+ +``` python +add_weight( + name, + shape, + dtype=None, + initializer='zeros', + trainable=None, + synchronization=tf_variables.VariableSynchronization.AUTO, + aggregation=tf_variables.VariableAggregation.NONE +) +``` + + + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +apply_gradients( + grads_and_vars, + name=None +) +``` + +Apply gradients to variables. + +This is the second part of `minimize()`. It returns an `Operation` that +applies gradients. + +#### Args: + + +* `grads_and_vars`: List of (gradient, variable) pairs. +* `name`: Optional name for the returned operation. Default to the name + passed to the `Optimizer` constructor. + + +#### Returns: + +An `Operation` that applies the specified gradients. The `iterations` +will be automatically increased by 1. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `TypeError`: If `grads_and_vars` is malformed. +* `ValueError`: If none of the variables have gradients. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +assign_average_vars(var_list) +``` + +Assign variables in var_list with their respective averages. + + +#### Args: + + +* `var_list`: List of model variables to be assigned to their average. + + +#### Returns: + + +* `assign_op`: The op corresponding to the assignment operation of +variables to their average. + + +#### Example: + + +```python +model = tf.Sequential([...]) +opt = tfa.optimizers.SWA( + tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(lr=2.0), 100, 10) +model.compile(opt, ...) +model.fit(x, y, ...) + +# Update the weights to their mean before saving +opt.assign_average_vars(model.variables) + +model.save('model.h5') +``` + +


+ +View source + +``` python +average_op( + var, + average_var +) +``` + + + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +@classmethod +from_config( + cls, + config, + custom_objects=None +) +``` + +Creates an optimizer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same optimizer from the config +dictionary. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the output of get_config. +* `custom_objects`: A Python dictionary mapping names to additional Python + objects used to create this optimizer, such as a function used for a + hyperparameter. + + +#### Returns: + +An optimizer instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + +Returns the config of the optimimizer. + +An optimizer config is a Python dictionary (serializable) +containing the configuration of an optimizer. +The same optimizer can be reinstantiated later +(without any saved state) from this configuration. + +#### Returns: + +Python dictionary. + + +


+ +``` python +get_gradients( + loss, + params +) +``` + +Returns gradients of `loss` with respect to `params`. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `loss`: Loss tensor. +* `params`: List of variables. + + +#### Returns: + +List of gradient tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: In case any gradient cannot be computed (e.g. if gradient + function not implemented). + +


+ +``` python +get_slot( + var, + slot_name +) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +get_slot_names() +``` + +A list of names for this optimizer's slots. + + +


+ +``` python +get_updates( + loss, + params +) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +minimize( + loss, + var_list, + grad_loss=None, + name=None +) +``` + +Minimize `loss` by updating `var_list`. + +This method simply computes gradient using `tf.GradientTape` and calls +`apply_gradients()`. If you want to process the gradient before applying +then call `tf.GradientTape` and `apply_gradients()` explicitly instead +of using this function. + +#### Args: + + +* `loss`: A callable taking no arguments which returns the value to minimize. +* `var_list`: list or tuple of `Variable` objects to update to minimize + `loss`, or a callable returning the list or tuple of `Variable` objects. + Use callable when the variable list would otherwise be incomplete before + `minimize` since the variables are created at the first time `loss` is + called. +* `grad_loss`: Optional. A `Tensor` holding the gradient computed for `loss`. +* `name`: Optional name for the returned operation. + + +#### Returns: + +An `Operation` that updates the variables in `var_list`. The `iterations` +will be automatically increased by 1. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If some of the variables are not `Variable` objects. + +


+ +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +variables() +``` + +Returns variables of this Optimizer based on the order created. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/ConditionalGradient.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/ConditionalGradient.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f2641d0730 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/ConditionalGradient.md @@ -0,0 +1,374 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.optimizers.ConditionalGradient + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `ConditionalGradient` + +Optimizer that implements the Conditional Gradient optimization. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.optimizers.conditional_gradient.ConditionalGradient` + + + +This optimizer helps handle constraints well. + +Currently only supports frobenius norm constraint. +See https://arxiv.org/pdf/1803.06453.pdf + +``` +variable -= (1-learning_rate) * (variable + lambda_ * gradient + / (frobenius_norm(gradient) + epsilon)) +``` + +Note that `lambda_` here refers to the constraint "lambda" in +the paper. `epsilon` is constant with tiny value as compared to +the value of frobenius norm of gradient. The purpose of `epsilon` +here is to avoid the case that the value of frobenius norm of +gradient is 0. + +In this implementation, `epsilon` defaults to $10^{-7}$. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + learning_rate, + lambda_, + epsilon=1e-07, + use_locking=False, + name='ConditionalGradient', + **kwargs +) +``` + +Construct a new conditional gradient optimizer. + + +#### Args: + + +* `learning_rate`: A `Tensor` or a floating point value. or a schedule + that is a `tf.keras.optimizers.schedules.LearningRateSchedule` + The learning rate. +* `lambda_`: A `Tensor` or a floating point value. The constraint. +* `epsilon`: A `Tensor` or a floating point value. A small constant + for numerical stability when handling the case of norm of + gradient to be zero. +* `use_locking`: If `True`, use locks for update operations. +* `name`: Optional name prefix for the operations created when + applying gradients. Defaults to 'ConditionalGradient'. +* `**kwargs`: keyword arguments. Allowed to be {`clipnorm`, + `clipvalue`, `lr`, `decay`}. `clipnorm` is clip gradients + by norm; `clipvalue` is clip gradients by value, `decay` is + included for backward compatibility to allow time inverse + decay of learning rate. `lr` is included for backward + compatibility, recommended to use `learning_rate` instead. + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Variable. The number of training steps this Optimizer has run. + + +


+ +Returns variables of this Optimizer based on the order created. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +add_slot( + var, + slot_name, + initializer='zeros' +) +``` + +Add a new slot variable for `var`. + + +


+ +``` python +add_weight( + name, + shape, + dtype=None, + initializer='zeros', + trainable=None, + synchronization=tf_variables.VariableSynchronization.AUTO, + aggregation=tf_variables.VariableAggregation.NONE +) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +apply_gradients( + grads_and_vars, + name=None +) +``` + +Apply gradients to variables. + +This is the second part of `minimize()`. It returns an `Operation` that +applies gradients. + +#### Args: + + +* `grads_and_vars`: List of (gradient, variable) pairs. +* `name`: Optional name for the returned operation. Default to the name + passed to the `Optimizer` constructor. + + +#### Returns: + +An `Operation` that applies the specified gradients. The `iterations` +will be automatically increased by 1. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `TypeError`: If `grads_and_vars` is malformed. +* `ValueError`: If none of the variables have gradients. + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config, + custom_objects=None +) +``` + +Creates an optimizer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same optimizer from the config +dictionary. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the output of get_config. +* `custom_objects`: A Python dictionary mapping names to additional Python + objects used to create this optimizer, such as a function used for a + hyperparameter. + + +#### Returns: + +An optimizer instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + +Returns the config of the optimimizer. + +An optimizer config is a Python dictionary (serializable) +containing the configuration of an optimizer. +The same optimizer can be reinstantiated later +(without any saved state) from this configuration. + +#### Returns: + +Python dictionary. + + +


+ +``` python +get_gradients( + loss, + params +) +``` + +Returns gradients of `loss` with respect to `params`. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `loss`: Loss tensor. +* `params`: List of variables. + + +#### Returns: + +List of gradient tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: In case any gradient cannot be computed (e.g. if gradient + function not implemented). + +


+ +``` python +get_slot( + var, + slot_name +) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +get_slot_names() +``` + +A list of names for this optimizer's slots. + + +


+ +``` python +get_updates( + loss, + params +) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +minimize( + loss, + var_list, + grad_loss=None, + name=None +) +``` + +Minimize `loss` by updating `var_list`. + +This method simply computes gradient using `tf.GradientTape` and calls +`apply_gradients()`. If you want to process the gradient before applying +then call `tf.GradientTape` and `apply_gradients()` explicitly instead +of using this function. + +#### Args: + + +* `loss`: A callable taking no arguments which returns the value to minimize. +* `var_list`: list or tuple of `Variable` objects to update to minimize + `loss`, or a callable returning the list or tuple of `Variable` objects. + Use callable when the variable list would otherwise be incomplete before + `minimize` since the variables are created at the first time `loss` is + called. +* `grad_loss`: Optional. A `Tensor` holding the gradient computed for `loss`. +* `name`: Optional name for the returned operation. + + +#### Returns: + +An `Operation` that updates the variables in `var_list`. The `iterations` +will be automatically increased by 1. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If some of the variables are not `Variable` objects. + +


+ +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +variables() +``` + +Returns variables of this Optimizer based on the order created. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/CyclicalLearningRate.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/CyclicalLearningRate.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..909dd8c65c --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/CyclicalLearningRate.md @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +
+ + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.optimizers.CyclicalLearningRate + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `CyclicalLearningRate` + +A LearningRateSchedule that uses cyclical schedule. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.optimizers.cyclical_learning_rate.CyclicalLearningRate` + + + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + initial_learning_rate, + maximal_learning_rate, + step_size, + scale_fn, + scale_mode='cycle', + name=None +) +``` + +Applies cyclical schedule to the learning rate. + +See Cyclical Learning Rates for Training Neural Networks. https://arxiv.org/abs/1506.01186 + + +```python +lr_schedule = tf.keras.optimizers.schedules.CyclicalLearningRate( + initial_learning_rate=1e-4, + maximal_learning_rate=1e-2, + step_size=2000, + scale_fn=lambda x: 1., + scale_mode="cycle", + name="MyCyclicScheduler") + +model.compile(optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.SGD( + learning_rate=lr_schedule), + loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy', + metrics=['accuracy']) + +model.fit(data, labels, epochs=5) +``` + +You can pass this schedule directly into a +`tf.keras.optimizers.Optimizer` as the learning rate. + +#### Args: + + +* `initial_learning_rate`: A scalar `float32` or `float64` `Tensor` or + a Python number. The initial learning rate. +* `maximal_learning_rate`: A scalar `float32` or `float64` `Tensor` or + a Python number. The maximum learning rate. +* `step_size`: A scalar `float32` or `float64` `Tensor` or a + Python number. Step size. +* `scale_fn`: A function. Scheduling function applied in cycle +* `scale_mode`: ['cycle', 'iterations']. Mode to apply during cyclic + schedule +* `name`: (Optional) Name for the operation. + + +#### Returns: + +Updated learning rate value. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__call__(step) +``` + +Call self as a function. + + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config +) +``` + +Instantiates a `LearningRateSchedule` from its config. + + +#### Args: + + +* `config`: Output of `get_config()`. + + +#### Returns: + +A `LearningRateSchedule` instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + + + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/ExponentialCyclicalLearningRate.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/ExponentialCyclicalLearningRate.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9b9fce0b1e --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/ExponentialCyclicalLearningRate.md @@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ +
+ + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.optimizers.ExponentialCyclicalLearningRate + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `ExponentialCyclicalLearningRate` + +A LearningRateSchedule that uses cyclical schedule. + +Inherits From: [`CyclicalLearningRate`](../../tfa/optimizers/CyclicalLearningRate.md) + +**Aliases**: `tfa.optimizers.cyclical_learning_rate.ExponentialCyclicalLearningRate` + + + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + initial_learning_rate, + maximal_learning_rate, + step_size, + scale_mode='iterations', + gamma=1.0, + name='ExponentialCyclicalLearningRate' +) +``` + +Applies exponential cyclical schedule to the learning rate. + +See Cyclical Learning Rates for Training Neural Networks. https://arxiv.org/abs/1506.01186 + + +```python +from tf.keras.optimizers import schedules + +lr_schedule = ExponentialCyclicalLearningRate( + initial_learning_rate=1e-4, + maximal_learning_rate=1e-2, + step_size=2000, + scale_mode="cycle", + gamma=0.96, + name="MyCyclicScheduler") + +model.compile(optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.SGD( + learning_rate=lr_schedule), + loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy', + metrics=['accuracy']) + +model.fit(data, labels, epochs=5) +``` + +You can pass this schedule directly into a +`tf.keras.optimizers.Optimizer` as the learning rate. + +#### Args: + + +* `initial_learning_rate`: A scalar `float32` or `float64` `Tensor` or + a Python number. The initial learning rate. +* `maximal_learning_rate`: A scalar `float32` or `float64` `Tensor` or + a Python number. The maximum learning rate. +* `step_size`: A scalar `float32` or `float64` `Tensor` or a + Python number. Step size. +* `scale_fn`: A function. Scheduling function applied in cycle +* `scale_mode`: ['cycle', 'iterations']. Mode to apply during cyclic + schedule +* `gamma`: A scalar `float32` or `float64` `Tensor` or a + Python number. Gamma value. +* `name`: (Optional) Name for the operation. + + +#### Returns: + +Updated learning rate value. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__call__(step) +``` + +Call self as a function. + + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config +) +``` + +Instantiates a `LearningRateSchedule` from its config. + + +#### Args: + + +* `config`: Output of `get_config()`. + + +#### Returns: + +A `LearningRateSchedule` instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + + + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/LAMB.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/LAMB.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f40e460094 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/LAMB.md @@ -0,0 +1,369 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.optimizers.LAMB + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `LAMB` + +Optimizer that implements the Layer-wise Adaptive Moments (LAMB). + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.optimizers.lamb.LAMB` + + + +See paper [Large Batch Optimization for Deep Learning: Training BERT +in 76 minutes](https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.00962). + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + learning_rate=0.001, + beta_1=0.9, + beta_2=0.999, + epsilon=1e-06, + weight_decay_rate=0.0, + exclude_from_weight_decay=None, + exclude_from_layer_adaptation=None, + name='LAMB', + **kwargs +) +``` + +Construct a new LAMB optimizer. + + +#### Args: + + +* `learning_rate`: A `Tensor` or a floating point value. or a schedule + that is a `tf.keras.optimizers.schedules.LearningRateSchedule` + The learning rate. +* `beta_1`: A `float` value or a constant `float` tensor. + The exponential decay rate for the 1st moment estimates. +* `beta_2`: A `float` value or a constant `float` tensor. + The exponential decay rate for the 2nd moment estimates. +* `epsilon`: A small constant for numerical stability. +* `weight_decay_rate`: weight decay rate. +* `exclude_from_weight_decay`: comma separated name patterns of + variables excluded from weight decay. Variables whose name + contain a substring matching the pattern will be excluded. +* `exclude_from_layer_adaptation`: comma separated name patterns of + variables excluded from layer adaptation. Variables whose name + contain a substring matching the pattern will be excluded. +* `name`: Optional name for the operations created when applying + gradients. Defaults to "LAMB". +* `**kwargs`: keyword arguments. Allowed to be {`clipnorm`, + `clipvalue`, `lr`, `decay`}. `clipnorm` is clip gradients by + norm; `clipvalue` is clip gradients by value, `decay` is + included for backward compatibility to allow time inverse + decay of learning rate. `lr` is included for backward + compatibility, recommended to use `learning_rate` instead. + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Variable. The number of training steps this Optimizer has run. + + +


+ +Returns variables of this Optimizer based on the order created. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +add_slot( + var, + slot_name, + initializer='zeros' +) +``` + +Add a new slot variable for `var`. + + +


+ +``` python +add_weight( + name, + shape, + dtype=None, + initializer='zeros', + trainable=None, + synchronization=tf_variables.VariableSynchronization.AUTO, + aggregation=tf_variables.VariableAggregation.NONE +) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +apply_gradients( + grads_and_vars, + name=None +) +``` + +Apply gradients to variables. + +This is the second part of `minimize()`. It returns an `Operation` that +applies gradients. + +#### Args: + + +* `grads_and_vars`: List of (gradient, variable) pairs. +* `name`: Optional name for the returned operation. Default to the name + passed to the `Optimizer` constructor. + + +#### Returns: + +An `Operation` that applies the specified gradients. The `iterations` +will be automatically increased by 1. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `TypeError`: If `grads_and_vars` is malformed. +* `ValueError`: If none of the variables have gradients. + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config, + custom_objects=None +) +``` + +Creates an optimizer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same optimizer from the config +dictionary. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the output of get_config. +* `custom_objects`: A Python dictionary mapping names to additional Python + objects used to create this optimizer, such as a function used for a + hyperparameter. + + +#### Returns: + +An optimizer instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + +Returns the config of the optimimizer. + +An optimizer config is a Python dictionary (serializable) +containing the configuration of an optimizer. +The same optimizer can be reinstantiated later +(without any saved state) from this configuration. + +#### Returns: + +Python dictionary. + + +


+ +``` python +get_gradients( + loss, + params +) +``` + +Returns gradients of `loss` with respect to `params`. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `loss`: Loss tensor. +* `params`: List of variables. + + +#### Returns: + +List of gradient tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: In case any gradient cannot be computed (e.g. if gradient + function not implemented). + +


+ +``` python +get_slot( + var, + slot_name +) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +get_slot_names() +``` + +A list of names for this optimizer's slots. + + +


+ +``` python +get_updates( + loss, + params +) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +minimize( + loss, + var_list, + grad_loss=None, + name=None +) +``` + +Minimize `loss` by updating `var_list`. + +This method simply computes gradient using `tf.GradientTape` and calls +`apply_gradients()`. If you want to process the gradient before applying +then call `tf.GradientTape` and `apply_gradients()` explicitly instead +of using this function. + +#### Args: + + +* `loss`: A callable taking no arguments which returns the value to minimize. +* `var_list`: list or tuple of `Variable` objects to update to minimize + `loss`, or a callable returning the list or tuple of `Variable` objects. + Use callable when the variable list would otherwise be incomplete before + `minimize` since the variables are created at the first time `loss` is + called. +* `grad_loss`: Optional. A `Tensor` holding the gradient computed for `loss`. +* `name`: Optional name for the returned operation. + + +#### Returns: + +An `Operation` that updates the variables in `var_list`. The `iterations` +will be automatically increased by 1. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If some of the variables are not `Variable` objects. + +


+ +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +variables() +``` + +Returns variables of this Optimizer based on the order created. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/LazyAdam.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/LazyAdam.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c072bdbc95 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/LazyAdam.md @@ -0,0 +1,377 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.optimizers.LazyAdam + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `LazyAdam` + +Variant of the Adam optimizer that handles sparse updates more + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.optimizers.lazy_adam.LazyAdam` + + +efficiently. + +The original Adam algorithm maintains two moving-average accumulators for +each trainable variable; the accumulators are updated at every step. +This class provides lazier handling of gradient updates for sparse +variables. It only updates moving-average accumulators for sparse variable +indices that appear in the current batch, rather than updating the +accumulators for all indices. Compared with the original Adam optimizer, +it can provide large improvements in model training throughput for some +applications. However, it provides slightly different semantics than the +original Adam algorithm, and may lead to different empirical results. + +Note, amsgrad is currently not supported and the argument can only be +False. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + learning_rate=0.001, + beta_1=0.9, + beta_2=0.999, + epsilon=1e-07, + amsgrad=False, + name='LazyAdam', + **kwargs +) +``` + +Constructs a new LazyAdam optimizer. + + +#### Args: + + +* `learning_rate`: A `Tensor` or a floating point value. or a schedule + that is a `tf.keras.optimizers.schedules.LearningRateSchedule` + The learning rate. +* `beta_1`: A `float` value or a constant `float` tensor. + The exponential decay rate for the 1st moment estimates. +* `beta_2`: A `float` value or a constant `float` tensor. + The exponential decay rate for the 2nd moment estimates. +* `epsilon`: A small constant for numerical stability. + This epsilon is "epsilon hat" in + [Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization. Kingma et al., 2014] + (http://arxiv.org/abs/1412.6980) (in the formula just + before Section 2.1), not the epsilon in Algorithm 1 of the paper. +* `amsgrad`: `boolean`. Whether to apply AMSGrad variant of this + algorithm from the paper "On the Convergence of Adam and beyond". + Note that this argument is currently not supported and the + argument can only be `False`. +* `name`: Optional name for the operations created when applying + gradients. Defaults to "LazyAdam". +* `**kwargs`: keyword arguments. Allowed to be {`clipnorm`, `clipvalue`, + `lr`, `decay`}. `clipnorm` is clip gradients by norm; `clipvalue` + is clip gradients by value, `decay` is included for backward + compatibility to allow time inverse decay of learning rate. `lr` + is included for backward compatibility, recommended to use + `learning_rate` instead. + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Variable. The number of training steps this Optimizer has run. + + +


+ +Returns variables of this Optimizer based on the order created. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +add_slot( + var, + slot_name, + initializer='zeros' +) +``` + +Add a new slot variable for `var`. + + +


+ +``` python +add_weight( + name, + shape, + dtype=None, + initializer='zeros', + trainable=None, + synchronization=tf_variables.VariableSynchronization.AUTO, + aggregation=tf_variables.VariableAggregation.NONE +) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +apply_gradients( + grads_and_vars, + name=None +) +``` + +Apply gradients to variables. + +This is the second part of `minimize()`. It returns an `Operation` that +applies gradients. + +#### Args: + + +* `grads_and_vars`: List of (gradient, variable) pairs. +* `name`: Optional name for the returned operation. Default to the name + passed to the `Optimizer` constructor. + + +#### Returns: + +An `Operation` that applies the specified gradients. The `iterations` +will be automatically increased by 1. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `TypeError`: If `grads_and_vars` is malformed. +* `ValueError`: If none of the variables have gradients. + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config, + custom_objects=None +) +``` + +Creates an optimizer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same optimizer from the config +dictionary. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the output of get_config. +* `custom_objects`: A Python dictionary mapping names to additional Python + objects used to create this optimizer, such as a function used for a + hyperparameter. + + +#### Returns: + +An optimizer instance. + + +


+ +``` python +get_config() +``` + +Returns the config of the optimimizer. + +An optimizer config is a Python dictionary (serializable) +containing the configuration of an optimizer. +The same optimizer can be reinstantiated later +(without any saved state) from this configuration. + +#### Returns: + +Python dictionary. + + +


+ +``` python +get_gradients( + loss, + params +) +``` + +Returns gradients of `loss` with respect to `params`. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `loss`: Loss tensor. +* `params`: List of variables. + + +#### Returns: + +List of gradient tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: In case any gradient cannot be computed (e.g. if gradient + function not implemented). + +


+ +``` python +get_slot( + var, + slot_name +) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +get_slot_names() +``` + +A list of names for this optimizer's slots. + + +


+ +``` python +get_updates( + loss, + params +) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +minimize( + loss, + var_list, + grad_loss=None, + name=None +) +``` + +Minimize `loss` by updating `var_list`. + +This method simply computes gradient using `tf.GradientTape` and calls +`apply_gradients()`. If you want to process the gradient before applying +then call `tf.GradientTape` and `apply_gradients()` explicitly instead +of using this function. + +#### Args: + + +* `loss`: A callable taking no arguments which returns the value to minimize. +* `var_list`: list or tuple of `Variable` objects to update to minimize + `loss`, or a callable returning the list or tuple of `Variable` objects. + Use callable when the variable list would otherwise be incomplete before + `minimize` since the variables are created at the first time `loss` is + called. +* `grad_loss`: Optional. A `Tensor` holding the gradient computed for `loss`. +* `name`: Optional name for the returned operation. + + +#### Returns: + +An `Operation` that updates the variables in `var_list`. The `iterations` +will be automatically increased by 1. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If some of the variables are not `Variable` objects. + +


+ +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +variables() +``` + +Returns variables of this Optimizer based on the order created. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/Lookahead.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/Lookahead.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..09b72bac7c --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/Lookahead.md @@ -0,0 +1,388 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.optimizers.Lookahead + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `Lookahead` + +This class allows to extend optimizers with the lookahead mechanism. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.optimizers.lookahead.Lookahead` + + + +The mechanism is proposed by Michael R. Zhang et.al in the paper +[Lookahead Optimizer: k steps forward, 1 step back] +(https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.08610v1). The optimizer iteratively updates two +sets of weights: the search directions for weights are chosen by the inner +optimizer, while the "slow weights" are updated each `k` steps based on the +directions of the "fast weights" and the two sets of weights are +synchronized. This method improves the learning stability and lowers the +variance of its inner optimizer. + +#### Example of usage: + + + +```python +opt = tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(learning_rate) +opt = tfa.optimizers.Lookahead(opt) +``` + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + optimizer, + sync_period=6, + slow_step_size=0.5, + name='Lookahead', + **kwargs +) +``` + +Wrap optimizer with the lookahead mechanism. + + +#### Args: + + +* `optimizer`: The original optimizer that will be used to compute + and apply the gradients. +* `sync_period`: An integer. The synchronization period of lookahead. + Enable lookahead mechanism by setting it with a positive value. +* `slow_step_size`: A floating point value. + The ratio for updating the slow weights. +* `name`: Optional name for the operations created when applying + gradients. Defaults to "Lookahead". +* `**kwargs`: keyword arguments. Allowed to be {`clipnorm`, + `clipvalue`, `lr`, `decay`}. `clipnorm` is clip gradients + by norm; `clipvalue` is clip gradients by value, `decay` is + included for backward compatibility to allow time inverse + decay of learning rate. `lr` is included for backward + compatibility, recommended to use `learning_rate` instead. + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Variable. The number of training steps this Optimizer has run. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns variables of this Optimizer based on the order created. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +add_slot( + var, + slot_name, + initializer='zeros' +) +``` + +Add a new slot variable for `var`. + + +


+ +``` python +add_weight( + name, + shape, + dtype=None, + initializer='zeros', + trainable=None, + synchronization=tf_variables.VariableSynchronization.AUTO, + aggregation=tf_variables.VariableAggregation.NONE +) +``` + + + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +apply_gradients( + grads_and_vars, + name=None +) +``` + +Apply gradients to variables. + +This is the second part of `minimize()`. It returns an `Operation` that +applies gradients. + +#### Args: + + +* `grads_and_vars`: List of (gradient, variable) pairs. +* `name`: Optional name for the returned operation. Default to the name + passed to the `Optimizer` constructor. + + +#### Returns: + +An `Operation` that applies the specified gradients. The `iterations` +will be automatically increased by 1. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `TypeError`: If `grads_and_vars` is malformed. +* `ValueError`: If none of the variables have gradients. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +@classmethod +from_config( + cls, + config, + custom_objects=None +) +``` + +Creates an optimizer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same optimizer from the config +dictionary. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the output of get_config. +* `custom_objects`: A Python dictionary mapping names to additional Python + objects used to create this optimizer, such as a function used for a + hyperparameter. + + +#### Returns: + +An optimizer instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + +Returns the config of the optimimizer. + +An optimizer config is a Python dictionary (serializable) +containing the configuration of an optimizer. +The same optimizer can be reinstantiated later +(without any saved state) from this configuration. + +#### Returns: + +Python dictionary. + + +


+ +``` python +get_gradients( + loss, + params +) +``` + +Returns gradients of `loss` with respect to `params`. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `loss`: Loss tensor. +* `params`: List of variables. + + +#### Returns: + +List of gradient tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: In case any gradient cannot be computed (e.g. if gradient + function not implemented). + +


+ +``` python +get_slot( + var, + slot_name +) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +get_slot_names() +``` + +A list of names for this optimizer's slots. + + +


+ +``` python +get_updates( + loss, + params +) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +minimize( + loss, + var_list, + grad_loss=None, + name=None +) +``` + +Minimize `loss` by updating `var_list`. + +This method simply computes gradient using `tf.GradientTape` and calls +`apply_gradients()`. If you want to process the gradient before applying +then call `tf.GradientTape` and `apply_gradients()` explicitly instead +of using this function. + +#### Args: + + +* `loss`: A callable taking no arguments which returns the value to minimize. +* `var_list`: list or tuple of `Variable` objects to update to minimize + `loss`, or a callable returning the list or tuple of `Variable` objects. + Use callable when the variable list would otherwise be incomplete before + `minimize` since the variables are created at the first time `loss` is + called. +* `grad_loss`: Optional. A `Tensor` holding the gradient computed for `loss`. +* `name`: Optional name for the returned operation. + + +#### Returns: + +An `Operation` that updates the variables in `var_list`. The `iterations` +will be automatically increased by 1. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If some of the variables are not `Variable` objects. + +


+ +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +variables() +``` + +Returns variables of this Optimizer based on the order created. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/MovingAverage.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/MovingAverage.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2bdb0247e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/MovingAverage.md @@ -0,0 +1,446 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.optimizers.MovingAverage + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `MovingAverage` + +Optimizer that computes a moving average of the variables. + +Inherits From: [`AveragedOptimizerWrapper`](../../tfa/optimizers/AveragedOptimizerWrapper.md) + +**Aliases**: `tfa.optimizers.moving_average.MovingAverage` + + + +Empirically it has been found that using the moving average of the trained +parameters of a deep network is better than using its trained parameters +directly. This optimizer allows you to compute this moving average and swap +the variables at save time so that any code outside of the training loop +will use by default the average values instead of the original ones. + +#### Example of usage: + + + +```python +opt = tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(learning_rate) +opt = tfa.optimizers.MovingAverage(opt) + +``` + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + optimizer, + sequential_update=True, + average_decay=0.99, + num_updates=None, + name='MovingAverage', + **kwargs +) +``` + +Construct a new MovingAverage optimizer. + + +#### Args: + + +* `optimizer`: str or `tf.keras.optimizers.Optimizer` that will be + used to compute and apply gradients. +* `sequential_update`: Bool. If False, will compute the moving average + at the same time as the model is updated, potentially doing + benign data races. If True, will update the moving average + after gradient updates. +* `average_decay`: float. Decay to use to maintain the moving averages + of trained variables. +* `num_updates`: Optional count of the number of updates applied to + variables. +* `name`: Optional name for the operations created when applying + gradients. Defaults to "MovingAverage". +* `**kwargs`: keyword arguments. Allowed to be {`clipnorm`, + `clipvalue`, `lr`, `decay`}. `clipnorm` is clip gradients by + norm; `clipvalue` is clip gradients by value, `decay` is + included for backward compatibility to allow time inverse + decay of learning rate. `lr` is included for backward + compatibility, recommended to use `learning_rate` instead. + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Variable. The number of training steps this Optimizer has run. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns variables of this Optimizer based on the order created. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +add_slot( + var, + slot_name, + initializer='zeros' +) +``` + +Add a new slot variable for `var`. + + +


+ +``` python +add_weight( + name, + shape, + dtype=None, + initializer='zeros', + trainable=None, + synchronization=tf_variables.VariableSynchronization.AUTO, + aggregation=tf_variables.VariableAggregation.NONE +) +``` + + + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +apply_gradients( + grads_and_vars, + name=None +) +``` + +Apply gradients to variables. + +This is the second part of `minimize()`. It returns an `Operation` that +applies gradients. + +#### Args: + + +* `grads_and_vars`: List of (gradient, variable) pairs. +* `name`: Optional name for the returned operation. Default to the name + passed to the `Optimizer` constructor. + + +#### Returns: + +An `Operation` that applies the specified gradients. The `iterations` +will be automatically increased by 1. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `TypeError`: If `grads_and_vars` is malformed. +* `ValueError`: If none of the variables have gradients. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +assign_average_vars(var_list) +``` + +Assign variables in var_list with their respective averages. + + +#### Args: + + +* `var_list`: List of model variables to be assigned to their average. + + +#### Returns: + + +* `assign_op`: The op corresponding to the assignment operation of +variables to their average. + + +#### Example: + + +```python +model = tf.Sequential([...]) +opt = tfa.optimizers.SWA( + tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(lr=2.0), 100, 10) +model.compile(opt, ...) +model.fit(x, y, ...) + +# Update the weights to their mean before saving +opt.assign_average_vars(model.variables) + +model.save('model.h5') +``` + +


+ +View source + +``` python +average_op( + var, + average_var +) +``` + + + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config, + custom_objects=None +) +``` + +Creates an optimizer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same optimizer from the config +dictionary. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the output of get_config. +* `custom_objects`: A Python dictionary mapping names to additional Python + objects used to create this optimizer, such as a function used for a + hyperparameter. + + +#### Returns: + +An optimizer instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + +Returns the config of the optimimizer. + +An optimizer config is a Python dictionary (serializable) +containing the configuration of an optimizer. +The same optimizer can be reinstantiated later +(without any saved state) from this configuration. + +#### Returns: + +Python dictionary. + + +


+ +``` python +get_gradients( + loss, + params +) +``` + +Returns gradients of `loss` with respect to `params`. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `loss`: Loss tensor. +* `params`: List of variables. + + +#### Returns: + +List of gradient tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: In case any gradient cannot be computed (e.g. if gradient + function not implemented). + +


+ +``` python +get_slot( + var, + slot_name +) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +get_slot_names() +``` + +A list of names for this optimizer's slots. + + +


+ +``` python +get_updates( + loss, + params +) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +minimize( + loss, + var_list, + grad_loss=None, + name=None +) +``` + +Minimize `loss` by updating `var_list`. + +This method simply computes gradient using `tf.GradientTape` and calls +`apply_gradients()`. If you want to process the gradient before applying +then call `tf.GradientTape` and `apply_gradients()` explicitly instead +of using this function. + +#### Args: + + +* `loss`: A callable taking no arguments which returns the value to minimize. +* `var_list`: list or tuple of `Variable` objects to update to minimize + `loss`, or a callable returning the list or tuple of `Variable` objects. + Use callable when the variable list would otherwise be incomplete before + `minimize` since the variables are created at the first time `loss` is + called. +* `grad_loss`: Optional. A `Tensor` holding the gradient computed for `loss`. +* `name`: Optional name for the returned operation. + + +#### Returns: + +An `Operation` that updates the variables in `var_list`. The `iterations` +will be automatically increased by 1. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If some of the variables are not `Variable` objects. + +


+ +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +variables() +``` + +Returns variables of this Optimizer based on the order created. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/RectifiedAdam.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/RectifiedAdam.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a3d5cb449e --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/RectifiedAdam.md @@ -0,0 +1,420 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.optimizers.RectifiedAdam + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `RectifiedAdam` + +Variant of the Adam optimizer whose adaptive learning rate is rectified + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.optimizers.rectified_adam.RectifiedAdam` + + +so as to have a consistent variance. + +It implements the Rectified Adam (a.k.a. RAdam) proposed by +Liyuan Liu et al. in [On The Variance Of The Adaptive Learning Rate +And Beyond](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1908.03265v1.pdf). + +#### Example of usage: + + + +```python +opt = tfa.optimizers.RectifiedAdam(lr=1e-3) +``` + +Note: `amsgrad` is not described in the original paper. Use it with + caution. + +RAdam is not a placement of the heuristic warmup, the settings should be +kept if warmup has already been employed and tuned in the baseline method. +You can enable warmup by setting `total_steps` and `warmup_proportion`: + +```python +opt = tfa.optimizers.RectifiedAdam( + lr=1e-3, + total_steps=10000, + warmup_proportion=0.1, + min_lr=1e-5, +) +``` + +In the above example, the learning rate will increase linearly +from 0 to `lr` in 1000 steps, then decrease linearly from `lr` to `min_lr` +in 9000 steps. + +Lookahead, proposed by Michael R. Zhang et.al in the paper +[Lookahead Optimizer: k steps forward, 1 step back] +(https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.08610v1), can be integrated with RAdam, +which is announced by Less Wright and the new combined optimizer can also +be called "Ranger". The mechanism can be enabled by using the lookahead +wrapper. For example: + +```python +radam = tfa.optimizers.RectifiedAdam() +ranger = tfa.optimizers.Lookahead(radam, sync_period=6, slow_step_size=0.5) +``` + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + learning_rate=0.001, + beta_1=0.9, + beta_2=0.999, + epsilon=1e-07, + weight_decay=0.0, + amsgrad=False, + sma_threshold=5.0, + total_steps=0, + warmup_proportion=0.1, + min_lr=0.0, + name='RectifiedAdam', + **kwargs +) +``` + +Construct a new RAdam optimizer. + + +#### Args: + + +* `learning_rate`: A `Tensor` or a floating point value. or a schedule + that is a `tf.keras.optimizers.schedules.LearningRateSchedule` + The learning rate. +* `beta_1`: A float value or a constant float tensor. + The exponential decay rate for the 1st moment estimates. +* `beta_2`: A float value or a constant float tensor. + The exponential decay rate for the 2nd moment estimates. +* `epsilon`: A small constant for numerical stability. +* `weight_decay`: A floating point value. Weight decay for each param. +* `amsgrad`: boolean. Whether to apply AMSGrad variant of this + algorithm from the paper "On the Convergence of Adam and + beyond". +sma_threshold. A float value. + The threshold for simple mean average. +* `total_steps`: An integer. Total number of training steps. + Enable warmup by setting a positive value. +* `warmup_proportion`: A floating point value. + The proportion of increasing steps. +* `min_lr`: A floating point value. Minimum learning rate after warmup. +* `name`: Optional name for the operations created when applying + gradients. Defaults to "RectifiedAdam". +* `**kwargs`: keyword arguments. Allowed to be {`clipnorm`, + `clipvalue`, `lr`, `decay`}. `clipnorm` is clip gradients + by norm; `clipvalue` is clip gradients by value, `decay` is + included for backward compatibility to allow time inverse + decay of learning rate. `lr` is included for backward + compatibility, recommended to use `learning_rate` instead. + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Variable. The number of training steps this Optimizer has run. + + +


+ +Returns variables of this Optimizer based on the order created. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +add_slot( + var, + slot_name, + initializer='zeros' +) +``` + +Add a new slot variable for `var`. + + +


+ +``` python +add_weight( + name, + shape, + dtype=None, + initializer='zeros', + trainable=None, + synchronization=tf_variables.VariableSynchronization.AUTO, + aggregation=tf_variables.VariableAggregation.NONE +) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +apply_gradients( + grads_and_vars, + name=None +) +``` + +Apply gradients to variables. + +This is the second part of `minimize()`. It returns an `Operation` that +applies gradients. + +#### Args: + + +* `grads_and_vars`: List of (gradient, variable) pairs. +* `name`: Optional name for the returned operation. Default to the name + passed to the `Optimizer` constructor. + + +#### Returns: + +An `Operation` that applies the specified gradients. The `iterations` +will be automatically increased by 1. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `TypeError`: If `grads_and_vars` is malformed. +* `ValueError`: If none of the variables have gradients. + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config, + custom_objects=None +) +``` + +Creates an optimizer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same optimizer from the config +dictionary. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the output of get_config. +* `custom_objects`: A Python dictionary mapping names to additional Python + objects used to create this optimizer, such as a function used for a + hyperparameter. + + +#### Returns: + +An optimizer instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + +Returns the config of the optimimizer. + +An optimizer config is a Python dictionary (serializable) +containing the configuration of an optimizer. +The same optimizer can be reinstantiated later +(without any saved state) from this configuration. + +#### Returns: + +Python dictionary. + + +


+ +``` python +get_gradients( + loss, + params +) +``` + +Returns gradients of `loss` with respect to `params`. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `loss`: Loss tensor. +* `params`: List of variables. + + +#### Returns: + +List of gradient tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: In case any gradient cannot be computed (e.g. if gradient + function not implemented). + +


+ +``` python +get_slot( + var, + slot_name +) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +get_slot_names() +``` + +A list of names for this optimizer's slots. + + +


+ +``` python +get_updates( + loss, + params +) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +minimize( + loss, + var_list, + grad_loss=None, + name=None +) +``` + +Minimize `loss` by updating `var_list`. + +This method simply computes gradient using `tf.GradientTape` and calls +`apply_gradients()`. If you want to process the gradient before applying +then call `tf.GradientTape` and `apply_gradients()` explicitly instead +of using this function. + +#### Args: + + +* `loss`: A callable taking no arguments which returns the value to minimize. +* `var_list`: list or tuple of `Variable` objects to update to minimize + `loss`, or a callable returning the list or tuple of `Variable` objects. + Use callable when the variable list would otherwise be incomplete before + `minimize` since the variables are created at the first time `loss` is + called. +* `grad_loss`: Optional. A `Tensor` holding the gradient computed for `loss`. +* `name`: Optional name for the returned operation. + + +#### Returns: + +An `Operation` that updates the variables in `var_list`. The `iterations` +will be automatically increased by 1. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If some of the variables are not `Variable` objects. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +variables() +``` + +Returns variables of this Optimizer based on the order created. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/SGDW.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/SGDW.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9dd7d95ce7 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/SGDW.md @@ -0,0 +1,389 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.optimizers.SGDW + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `SGDW` + +Optimizer that implements the Momentum algorithm with weight_decay. + +Inherits From: [`DecoupledWeightDecayExtension`](../../tfa/optimizers/weight_decay_optimizers/DecoupledWeightDecayExtension.md) + +**Aliases**: `tfa.optimizers.weight_decay_optimizers.SGDW` + + + +This is an implementation of the SGDW optimizer described in "Decoupled +Weight Decay Regularization" by Loshchilov & Hutter +(https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.05101) +([pdf])(https://arxiv.org/pdf/1711.05101.pdf). +It computes the update step of `tf.keras.optimizers.SGD` and additionally +decays the variable. Note that this is different from adding +L2 regularization on the variables to the loss. Decoupling the weight decay +from other hyperparameters (in particular the learning rate) simplifies +hyperparameter search. + +For further information see the documentation of the SGD Optimizer. + +This optimizer can also be instantiated as +```python +extend_with_decoupled_weight_decay(tf.keras.optimizers.SGD, + weight_decay=weight_decay) +``` + +Note: when applying a decay to the learning rate, be sure to manually apply +the decay to the `weight_decay` as well. For example: + +```python +step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False) +schedule = tf.optimizers.schedules.PiecewiseConstantDecay( + [10000, 15000], [1e-0, 1e-1, 1e-2]) +# lr and wd can be a function or a tensor +lr = 1e-1 * schedule(step) +wd = lambda: 1e-4 * schedule(step) + +# ... + +optimizer = tfa.optimizers.SGDW( + learning_rate=lr, weight_decay=wd, momentum=0.9) +``` + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + weight_decay, + learning_rate=0.001, + momentum=0.0, + nesterov=False, + name='SGDW', + **kwargs +) +``` + +Construct a new SGDW optimizer. + +For further information see the documentation of the SGD Optimizer. + +#### Args: + + +* `learning_rate`: float hyperparameter >= 0. Learning rate. +* `momentum`: float hyperparameter >= 0 that accelerates SGD in the + relevant direction and dampens oscillations. +* `nesterov`: boolean. Whether to apply Nesterov momentum. +* `name`: Optional name prefix for the operations created when applying + gradients. Defaults to 'SGD'. +* `**kwargs`: keyword arguments. Allowed to be {`clipnorm`, + `clipvalue`, `lr`, `decay`}. `clipnorm` is clip gradients by + norm; `clipvalue` is clip gradients by value, `decay` is + included for backward compatibility to allow time inverse decay + of learning rate. `lr` is included for backward compatibility, + recommended to use `learning_rate` instead. + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Variable. The number of training steps this Optimizer has run. + + +


+ +Returns variables of this Optimizer based on the order created. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +add_slot( + var, + slot_name, + initializer='zeros' +) +``` + +Add a new slot variable for `var`. + + +


+ +``` python +add_weight( + name, + shape, + dtype=None, + initializer='zeros', + trainable=None, + synchronization=tf_variables.VariableSynchronization.AUTO, + aggregation=tf_variables.VariableAggregation.NONE +) +``` + + + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +apply_gradients( + grads_and_vars, + name=None, + decay_var_list=None +) +``` + +Apply gradients to variables. + +This is the second part of `minimize()`. It returns an `Operation` that +applies gradients. + +#### Args: + + +* `grads_and_vars`: List of (gradient, variable) pairs. +* `name`: Optional name for the returned operation. Default to the + name passed to the `Optimizer` constructor. +* `decay_var_list`: Optional list of variables to be decayed. Defaults + to all variables in var_list. + +#### Returns: + +An `Operation` that applies the specified gradients. If +`global_step` was not None, that operation also increments +`global_step`. + + +#### Raises: + + +* `TypeError`: If `grads_and_vars` is malformed. +* `ValueError`: If none of the variables have gradients. + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config, + custom_objects=None +) +``` + +Creates an optimizer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same optimizer from the config +dictionary. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the output of get_config. +* `custom_objects`: A Python dictionary mapping names to additional Python + objects used to create this optimizer, such as a function used for a + hyperparameter. + + +#### Returns: + +An optimizer instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +get_gradients( + loss, + params +) +``` + +Returns gradients of `loss` with respect to `params`. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `loss`: Loss tensor. +* `params`: List of variables. + + +#### Returns: + +List of gradient tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: In case any gradient cannot be computed (e.g. if gradient + function not implemented). + +


+ +``` python +get_slot( + var, + slot_name +) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +get_slot_names() +``` + +A list of names for this optimizer's slots. + + +


+ +``` python +get_updates( + loss, + params +) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + + + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +minimize( + loss, + var_list, + grad_loss=None, + name=None, + decay_var_list=None +) +``` + +Minimize `loss` by updating `var_list`. + +This method simply computes gradient using `tf.GradientTape` and calls +`apply_gradients()`. If you want to process the gradient before +applying then call `tf.GradientTape` and `apply_gradients()` explicitly +instead of using this function. + +#### Args: + + +* `loss`: A callable taking no arguments which returns the value to + minimize. +* `var_list`: list or tuple of `Variable` objects to update to + minimize `loss`, or a callable returning the list or tuple of + `Variable` objects. Use callable when the variable list would + otherwise be incomplete before `minimize` since the variables + are created at the first time `loss` is called. +* `grad_loss`: Optional. A `Tensor` holding the gradient computed for + `loss`. +* `decay_var_list`: Optional list of variables to be decayed. Defaults + to all variables in var_list. +* `name`: Optional name for the returned operation. + +#### Returns: + +An Operation that updates the variables in `var_list`. If +`global_step` was not `None`, that operation also increments +`global_step`. + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If some of the variables are not `Variable` objects. + +


+ +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +variables() +``` + +Returns variables of this Optimizer based on the order created. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/SWA.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/SWA.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5c15287767 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/SWA.md @@ -0,0 +1,472 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.optimizers.SWA + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `SWA` + +This class extends optimizers with Stochastic Weight Averaging (SWA). + +Inherits From: [`AveragedOptimizerWrapper`](../../tfa/optimizers/AveragedOptimizerWrapper.md) + +**Aliases**: `tfa.optimizers.stochastic_weight_averaging.SWA` + + + +The Stochastic Weight Averaging mechanism was proposed by Pavel Izmailov +et. al in the paper [Averaging Weights Leads to Wider Optima and +Better Generalization](https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.05407). The optimizer +implements averaging of multiple points along the trajectory of SGD. The +optimizer expects an inner optimizer which will be used to apply the +gradients to the variables and itself computes a running average of the +variables every `k` steps (which generally corresponds to the end +of a cycle when a cyclic learning rate is employed). + +We also allow the specification of the number of steps averaging +should first happen after. Let's say, we want averaging to happen every `k` +steps after the first `m` steps. After step `m` we'd take a snapshot of the +variables and then average the weights appropriately at step `m + k`, +`m + 2k` and so on. The assign_average_vars function can be called at the +end of training to obtain the averaged_weights from the optimizer. + +Note: If your model has batch-normalization layers you would need to run +the final weights through the data to compute the running mean and +variance corresponding to the activations for each layer of the network. +From the paper: If the DNN uses batch normalization we run one +additional pass over the data, to compute the running mean and standard +deviation of the activations for each layer of the network with SWA +weights after the training is finished, since these statistics are not +collected during training. For most deep learning libraries, such as +PyTorch or Tensorflow, one can typically collect these statistics by +making a forward pass over the data in training mode +([Averaging Weights Leads to Wider Optima and Better +Generalization](https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.05407)) + +#### Example of usage: + + + +```python +opt = tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(learning_rate) +opt = tfa.optimizers.SWA(opt, start_averaging=m, average_period=k) +``` + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + optimizer, + start_averaging=0, + average_period=10, + name='SWA', + sequential_update=True, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Wrap optimizer with the Stochastic Weight Averaging mechanism. + + +#### Args: + + +* `optimizer`: The original optimizer that will be used to compute and + apply the gradients. +* `start_averaging`: An integer. Threshold to start averaging using + SWA. Averaging only occurs at `start_averaging` iters, must + be >= 0. If start_averaging = m, the first snapshot will be + taken after the mth application of gradients (where the first + iteration is iteration 0). +* `average_period`: An integer. The synchronization period of SWA. The + averaging occurs every average_period steps. Averaging period + needs to be >= 1. +* `name`: Optional name for the operations created when applying + gradients. Defaults to 'SWA'. +* `sequential_update`: Bool. If False, will compute the moving average + at the same time as the model is updated, potentially doing + benign data races. If True, will update the moving average + after gradient updates. +* `**kwargs`: keyword arguments. Allowed to be {`clipnorm`, + `clipvalue`, `lr`, `decay`}. `clipnorm` is clip gradients by + norm; `clipvalue` is clip gradients by value, `decay` is + included for backward compatibility to allow time inverse + decay of learning rate. `lr` is included for backward + compatibility, recommended to use `learning_rate` instead. + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Variable. The number of training steps this Optimizer has run. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns variables of this Optimizer based on the order created. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +add_slot( + var, + slot_name, + initializer='zeros' +) +``` + +Add a new slot variable for `var`. + + +


+ +``` python +add_weight( + name, + shape, + dtype=None, + initializer='zeros', + trainable=None, + synchronization=tf_variables.VariableSynchronization.AUTO, + aggregation=tf_variables.VariableAggregation.NONE +) +``` + + + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +apply_gradients( + grads_and_vars, + name=None +) +``` + +Apply gradients to variables. + +This is the second part of `minimize()`. It returns an `Operation` that +applies gradients. + +#### Args: + + +* `grads_and_vars`: List of (gradient, variable) pairs. +* `name`: Optional name for the returned operation. Default to the name + passed to the `Optimizer` constructor. + + +#### Returns: + +An `Operation` that applies the specified gradients. The `iterations` +will be automatically increased by 1. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `TypeError`: If `grads_and_vars` is malformed. +* `ValueError`: If none of the variables have gradients. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +assign_average_vars(var_list) +``` + +Assign variables in var_list with their respective averages. + + +#### Args: + + +* `var_list`: List of model variables to be assigned to their average. + + +#### Returns: + + +* `assign_op`: The op corresponding to the assignment operation of +variables to their average. + + +#### Example: + + +```python +model = tf.Sequential([...]) +opt = tfa.optimizers.SWA( + tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(lr=2.0), 100, 10) +model.compile(opt, ...) +model.fit(x, y, ...) + +# Update the weights to their mean before saving +opt.assign_average_vars(model.variables) + +model.save('model.h5') +``` + +


+ +View source + +``` python +average_op( + var, + average_var +) +``` + + + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config, + custom_objects=None +) +``` + +Creates an optimizer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same optimizer from the config +dictionary. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the output of get_config. +* `custom_objects`: A Python dictionary mapping names to additional Python + objects used to create this optimizer, such as a function used for a + hyperparameter. + + +#### Returns: + +An optimizer instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + +Returns the config of the optimimizer. + +An optimizer config is a Python dictionary (serializable) +containing the configuration of an optimizer. +The same optimizer can be reinstantiated later +(without any saved state) from this configuration. + +#### Returns: + +Python dictionary. + + +


+ +``` python +get_gradients( + loss, + params +) +``` + +Returns gradients of `loss` with respect to `params`. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `loss`: Loss tensor. +* `params`: List of variables. + + +#### Returns: + +List of gradient tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: In case any gradient cannot be computed (e.g. if gradient + function not implemented). + +


+ +``` python +get_slot( + var, + slot_name +) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +get_slot_names() +``` + +A list of names for this optimizer's slots. + + +


+ +``` python +get_updates( + loss, + params +) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +minimize( + loss, + var_list, + grad_loss=None, + name=None +) +``` + +Minimize `loss` by updating `var_list`. + +This method simply computes gradient using `tf.GradientTape` and calls +`apply_gradients()`. If you want to process the gradient before applying +then call `tf.GradientTape` and `apply_gradients()` explicitly instead +of using this function. + +#### Args: + + +* `loss`: A callable taking no arguments which returns the value to minimize. +* `var_list`: list or tuple of `Variable` objects to update to minimize + `loss`, or a callable returning the list or tuple of `Variable` objects. + Use callable when the variable list would otherwise be incomplete before + `minimize` since the variables are created at the first time `loss` is + called. +* `grad_loss`: Optional. A `Tensor` holding the gradient computed for `loss`. +* `name`: Optional name for the returned operation. + + +#### Returns: + +An `Operation` that updates the variables in `var_list`. The `iterations` +will be automatically increased by 1. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If some of the variables are not `Variable` objects. + +


+ +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +variables() +``` + +Returns variables of this Optimizer based on the order created. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/Triangular2CyclicalLearningRate.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/Triangular2CyclicalLearningRate.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1bb4b62c31 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/Triangular2CyclicalLearningRate.md @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +
+ + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.optimizers.Triangular2CyclicalLearningRate + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `Triangular2CyclicalLearningRate` + +A LearningRateSchedule that uses cyclical schedule. + +Inherits From: [`CyclicalLearningRate`](../../tfa/optimizers/CyclicalLearningRate.md) + +**Aliases**: `tfa.optimizers.cyclical_learning_rate.Triangular2CyclicalLearningRate` + + + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + initial_learning_rate, + maximal_learning_rate, + step_size, + scale_mode='cycle', + name='Triangular2CyclicalLearningRate' +) +``` + +Applies triangular2 cyclical schedule to the learning rate. + +See Cyclical Learning Rates for Training Neural Networks. https://arxiv.org/abs/1506.01186 + + +```python +from tf.keras.optimizers import schedules + +lr_schedule = schedules.Triangular2CyclicalLearningRate( + initial_learning_rate=1e-4, + maximal_learning_rate=1e-2, + step_size=2000, + scale_mode="cycle", + name="MyCyclicScheduler") + +model.compile(optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.SGD( + learning_rate=lr_schedule), + loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy', + metrics=['accuracy']) + +model.fit(data, labels, epochs=5) +``` + +You can pass this schedule directly into a +`tf.keras.optimizers.Optimizer` as the learning rate. + +#### Args: + + +* `initial_learning_rate`: A scalar `float32` or `float64` `Tensor` or + a Python number. The initial learning rate. +* `maximal_learning_rate`: A scalar `float32` or `float64` `Tensor` or + a Python number. The maximum learning rate. +* `step_size`: A scalar `float32` or `float64` `Tensor` or a + Python number. Step size. +* `scale_fn`: A function. Scheduling function applied in cycle +* `scale_mode`: ['cycle', 'iterations']. Mode to apply during cyclic + schedule +* `name`: (Optional) Name for the operation. + + +#### Returns: + +Updated learning rate value. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__call__(step) +``` + +Call self as a function. + + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config +) +``` + +Instantiates a `LearningRateSchedule` from its config. + + +#### Args: + + +* `config`: Output of `get_config()`. + + +#### Returns: + +A `LearningRateSchedule` instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + + + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/TriangularCyclicalLearningRate.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/TriangularCyclicalLearningRate.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e4e69e8cc1 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/TriangularCyclicalLearningRate.md @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +
+ + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.optimizers.TriangularCyclicalLearningRate + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `TriangularCyclicalLearningRate` + +A LearningRateSchedule that uses cyclical schedule. + +Inherits From: [`CyclicalLearningRate`](../../tfa/optimizers/CyclicalLearningRate.md) + +**Aliases**: `tfa.optimizers.cyclical_learning_rate.TriangularCyclicalLearningRate` + + + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + initial_learning_rate, + maximal_learning_rate, + step_size, + scale_mode='cycle', + name='TriangularCyclicalLearningRate' +) +``` + +Applies triangular cyclical schedule to the learning rate. + +See Cyclical Learning Rates for Training Neural Networks. https://arxiv.org/abs/1506.01186 + + +```python +from tf.keras.optimizers import schedules + +lr_schedule = schedules.TriangularCyclicalLearningRate( + initial_learning_rate=1e-4, + maximal_learning_rate=1e-2, + step_size=2000, + scale_mode="cycle", + name="MyCyclicScheduler") + +model.compile(optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.SGD( + learning_rate=lr_schedule), + loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy', + metrics=['accuracy']) + +model.fit(data, labels, epochs=5) +``` + +You can pass this schedule directly into a +`tf.keras.optimizers.Optimizer` as the learning rate. + +#### Args: + + +* `initial_learning_rate`: A scalar `float32` or `float64` `Tensor` or + a Python number. The initial learning rate. +* `maximal_learning_rate`: A scalar `float32` or `float64` `Tensor` or + a Python number. The maximum learning rate. +* `step_size`: A scalar `float32` or `float64` `Tensor` or a + Python number. Step size. +* `scale_fn`: A function. Scheduling function applied in cycle +* `scale_mode`: ['cycle', 'iterations']. Mode to apply during cyclic + schedule +* `name`: (Optional) Name for the operation. + + +#### Returns: + +Updated learning rate value. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__call__(step) +``` + +Call self as a function. + + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config +) +``` + +Instantiates a `LearningRateSchedule` from its config. + + +#### Args: + + +* `config`: Output of `get_config()`. + + +#### Returns: + +A `LearningRateSchedule` instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + + + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/average_wrapper.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/average_wrapper.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f8e157dbd4 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/average_wrapper.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.optimizers.average_wrapper + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + + + + +## Classes + +[`class AveragedOptimizerWrapper`](../../tfa/optimizers/AveragedOptimizerWrapper.md): Updated base class for optimizers. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/conditional_gradient.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/conditional_gradient.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d4d36b8f68 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/conditional_gradient.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.optimizers.conditional_gradient + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Conditional Gradient optimizer. + + + +## Classes + +[`class ConditionalGradient`](../../tfa/optimizers/ConditionalGradient.md): Optimizer that implements the Conditional Gradient optimization. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/cyclical_learning_rate.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/cyclical_learning_rate.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dc9e8f5957 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/cyclical_learning_rate.md @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.optimizers.cyclical_learning_rate + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Cyclical Learning Rate Schedule policies for TensorFlow. + + + +## Classes + +[`class CyclicalLearningRate`](../../tfa/optimizers/CyclicalLearningRate.md): A LearningRateSchedule that uses cyclical schedule. + +[`class ExponentialCyclicalLearningRate`](../../tfa/optimizers/ExponentialCyclicalLearningRate.md): A LearningRateSchedule that uses cyclical schedule. + +[`class Triangular2CyclicalLearningRate`](../../tfa/optimizers/Triangular2CyclicalLearningRate.md): A LearningRateSchedule that uses cyclical schedule. + +[`class TriangularCyclicalLearningRate`](../../tfa/optimizers/TriangularCyclicalLearningRate.md): A LearningRateSchedule that uses cyclical schedule. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/extend_with_decoupled_weight_decay.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/extend_with_decoupled_weight_decay.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7fadcd9a83 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/extend_with_decoupled_weight_decay.md @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.optimizers.extend_with_decoupled_weight_decay + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Factory function returning an optimizer class with decoupled weight + +**Aliases**: `tfa.optimizers.weight_decay_optimizers.extend_with_decoupled_weight_decay` + +``` python +tfa.optimizers.extend_with_decoupled_weight_decay(base_optimizer) +``` + + + + +decay. + +Returns an optimizer class. An instance of the returned class computes the +update step of `base_optimizer` and additionally decays the weights. +E.g., the class returned by +`extend_with_decoupled_weight_decay(tf.keras.optimizers.Adam)` is +equivalent to tfa.optimizers.AdamW. + +The API of the new optimizer class slightly differs from the API of the +base optimizer: +- The first argument to the constructor is the weight decay rate. +- `minimize` and `apply_gradients` accept the optional keyword argument + `decay_var_list`, which specifies the variables that should be decayed. + If `None`, all variables that are optimized are decayed. + +#### Usage example: + + +```python +# MyAdamW is a new class +MyAdamW = extend_with_decoupled_weight_decay(tf.keras.optimizers.Adam) +# Create a MyAdamW object +optimizer = MyAdamW(weight_decay=0.001, learning_rate=0.001) +# update var1, var2 but only decay var1 +optimizer.minimize(loss, var_list=[var1, var2], decay_variables=[var1]) + +Note: this extension decays weights BEFORE applying the update based +on the gradient, i.e. this extension only has the desired behaviour for +optimizers which do not depend on the value of 'var' in the update step! + +Note: when applying a decay to the learning rate, be sure to manually apply +the decay to the `weight_decay` as well. For example: + +```python +step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False) +schedule = tf.optimizers.schedules.PiecewiseConstantDecay( + [10000, 15000], [1e-0, 1e-1, 1e-2]) +# lr and wd can be a function or a tensor +lr = 1e-1 * schedule(step) +wd = lambda: 1e-4 * schedule(step) + +# ... + +optimizer = tfa.optimizers.AdamW(learning_rate=lr, weight_decay=wd) +``` + +Note: you might want to register your own custom optimizer using +`tf.keras.utils.get_custom_objects()`. + +#### Args: + + +* `base_optimizer`: An optimizer class that inherits from + tf.optimizers.Optimizer. + + +#### Returns: + +A new optimizer class that inherits from DecoupledWeightDecayExtension +and base_optimizer. + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/lamb.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/lamb.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..760ebf0db5 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/lamb.md @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.optimizers.lamb + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Layer-wise Adaptive Moments (LAMB) optimizer. + + +See paper [Large Batch Optimization for Deep Learning: Training BERT in +76 minutes](https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.00962). + +## Classes + +[`class LAMB`](../../tfa/optimizers/LAMB.md): Optimizer that implements the Layer-wise Adaptive Moments (LAMB). + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/lazy_adam.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/lazy_adam.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4e26e8d7e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/lazy_adam.md @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.optimizers.lazy_adam + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Variant of the Adam optimizer that handles sparse updates more efficiently. + + +Compared with the original Adam optimizer, the one in this file can +provide a large improvement in model training throughput for some +applications. However, it provides slightly different semantics than the +original Adam algorithm, and may lead to different empirical results. + +## Classes + +[`class LazyAdam`](../../tfa/optimizers/LazyAdam.md): Variant of the Adam optimizer that handles sparse updates more + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/lookahead.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/lookahead.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..983e3ecf5b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/lookahead.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.optimizers.lookahead + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + + + + +## Classes + +[`class Lookahead`](../../tfa/optimizers/Lookahead.md): This class allows to extend optimizers with the lookahead mechanism. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/moving_average.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/moving_average.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1bf4bebcf2 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/moving_average.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.optimizers.moving_average + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + + + + +## Classes + +[`class MovingAverage`](../../tfa/optimizers/MovingAverage.md): Optimizer that computes a moving average of the variables. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/rectified_adam.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/rectified_adam.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..311097ac49 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/rectified_adam.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.optimizers.rectified_adam + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Rectified Adam (RAdam) optimizer. + + + +## Classes + +[`class RectifiedAdam`](../../tfa/optimizers/RectifiedAdam.md): Variant of the Adam optimizer whose adaptive learning rate is rectified + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/stochastic_weight_averaging.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/stochastic_weight_averaging.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c05799442b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/stochastic_weight_averaging.md @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.optimizers.stochastic_weight_averaging + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +An implementation of the Stochastic Weight Averaging optimizer. + + +The Stochastic Weight Averaging mechanism was proposed by Pavel Izmailov +et. al in the paper [Averaging Weights Leads to Wider Optima and Better +Generalization](https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.05407). The optimizer +implements averaging of multiple points along the trajectory of SGD. +This averaging has shown to improve model performance on validation/test +sets whilst possibly causing a small increase in loss on the training +set. + +## Classes + +[`class SWA`](../../tfa/optimizers/SWA.md): This class extends optimizers with Stochastic Weight Averaging (SWA). + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/weight_decay_optimizers.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/weight_decay_optimizers.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cf41b57238 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/weight_decay_optimizers.md @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.optimizers.weight_decay_optimizers + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Base class to make optimizers weight decay ready. + + + +## Classes + +[`class AdamW`](../../tfa/optimizers/AdamW.md): Optimizer that implements the Adam algorithm with weight decay. + +[`class DecoupledWeightDecayExtension`](../../tfa/optimizers/weight_decay_optimizers/DecoupledWeightDecayExtension.md): This class allows to extend optimizers with decoupled weight decay. + +[`class SGDW`](../../tfa/optimizers/SGDW.md): Optimizer that implements the Momentum algorithm with weight_decay. + +## Functions + +[`extend_with_decoupled_weight_decay(...)`](../../tfa/optimizers/extend_with_decoupled_weight_decay.md): Factory function returning an optimizer class with decoupled weight + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/weight_decay_optimizers/DecoupledWeightDecayExtension.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/weight_decay_optimizers/DecoupledWeightDecayExtension.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..93def88db5 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/optimizers/weight_decay_optimizers/DecoupledWeightDecayExtension.md @@ -0,0 +1,206 @@ +
+ + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.optimizers.weight_decay_optimizers.DecoupledWeightDecayExtension + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `DecoupledWeightDecayExtension` + +This class allows to extend optimizers with decoupled weight decay. + + + + + +It implements the decoupled weight decay described by Loshchilov & Hutter +(https://arxiv.org/pdf/1711.05101.pdf), in which the weight decay is +decoupled from the optimization steps w.r.t. to the loss function. +For SGD variants, this simplifies hyperparameter search since it decouples +the settings of weight decay and learning rate. +For adaptive gradient algorithms, it regularizes variables with large +gradients more than L2 regularization would, which was shown to yield +better training loss and generalization error in the paper above. + +This class alone is not an optimizer but rather extends existing +optimizers with decoupled weight decay. We explicitly define the two +examples used in the above paper (SGDW and AdamW), but in general this +can extend any OptimizerX by using +`extend_with_decoupled_weight_decay( + OptimizerX, weight_decay=weight_decay)`. +In order for it to work, it must be the first class the Optimizer with +weight decay inherits from, e.g. + +```python +class AdamW(DecoupledWeightDecayExtension, tf.keras.optimizers.Adam): + def __init__(self, weight_decay, *args, **kwargs): + super(AdamW, self).__init__(weight_decay, *args, **kwargs). +``` + +Note: this extension decays weights BEFORE applying the update based +on the gradient, i.e. this extension only has the desired behaviour for +optimizers which do not depend on the value of'var' in the update step! + +Note: when applying a decay to the learning rate, be sure to manually apply +the decay to the `weight_decay` as well. For example: + +```python +step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False) +schedule = tf.optimizers.schedules.PiecewiseConstantDecay( + [10000, 15000], [1e-0, 1e-1, 1e-2]) +# lr and wd can be a function or a tensor +lr = 1e-1 * schedule(step) +wd = lambda: 1e-4 * schedule(step) + +# ... + +optimizer = tfa.optimizers.AdamW(learning_rate=lr, weight_decay=wd) +``` + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + weight_decay, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Extension class that adds weight decay to an optimizer. + + +#### Args: + + +* `weight_decay`: A `Tensor` or a floating point value, the factor by + which a variable is decayed in the update step. +* `**kwargs`: Optional list or tuple or set of `Variable` objects to + decay. + + + +## Methods + +


+ +View source + +``` python +apply_gradients( + grads_and_vars, + name=None, + decay_var_list=None +) +``` + +Apply gradients to variables. + +This is the second part of `minimize()`. It returns an `Operation` that +applies gradients. + +#### Args: + + +* `grads_and_vars`: List of (gradient, variable) pairs. +* `name`: Optional name for the returned operation. Default to the + name passed to the `Optimizer` constructor. +* `decay_var_list`: Optional list of variables to be decayed. Defaults + to all variables in var_list. + +#### Returns: + +An `Operation` that applies the specified gradients. If +`global_step` was not None, that operation also increments +`global_step`. + + +#### Raises: + + +* `TypeError`: If `grads_and_vars` is malformed. +* `ValueError`: If none of the variables have gradients. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + + + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +minimize( + loss, + var_list, + grad_loss=None, + name=None, + decay_var_list=None +) +``` + +Minimize `loss` by updating `var_list`. + +This method simply computes gradient using `tf.GradientTape` and calls +`apply_gradients()`. If you want to process the gradient before +applying then call `tf.GradientTape` and `apply_gradients()` explicitly +instead of using this function. + +#### Args: + + +* `loss`: A callable taking no arguments which returns the value to + minimize. +* `var_list`: list or tuple of `Variable` objects to update to + minimize `loss`, or a callable returning the list or tuple of + `Variable` objects. Use callable when the variable list would + otherwise be incomplete before `minimize` since the variables + are created at the first time `loss` is called. +* `grad_loss`: Optional. A `Tensor` holding the gradient computed for + `loss`. +* `decay_var_list`: Optional list of variables to be decayed. Defaults + to all variables in var_list. +* `name`: Optional name for the returned operation. + +#### Returns: + +An Operation that updates the variables in `var_list`. If +`global_step` was not `None`, that operation also increments +`global_step`. + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If some of the variables are not `Variable` objects. + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/rnn.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/rnn.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..82e600503f --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/rnn.md @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.rnn + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Additional RNN cells that corform to Keras API. + + + +## Modules + +[`cell`](../tfa/rnn/cell.md) module: Module for RNN Cells. + +## Classes + +[`class LayerNormLSTMCell`](../tfa/rnn/LayerNormLSTMCell.md): LSTM cell with layer normalization and recurrent dropout. + +[`class NASCell`](../tfa/rnn/NASCell.md): Neural Architecture Search (NAS) recurrent network cell. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/rnn/LayerNormLSTMCell.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/rnn/LayerNormLSTMCell.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ab78ed9715 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/rnn/LayerNormLSTMCell.md @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.rnn.LayerNormLSTMCell + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `LayerNormLSTMCell` + +LSTM cell with layer normalization and recurrent dropout. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.rnn.cell.LayerNormLSTMCell` + + + +This class adds layer normalization and recurrent dropout to a LSTM unit. +Layer normalization implementation is based on: + + https://arxiv.org/abs/1607.06450. + +"Layer Normalization" Jimmy Lei Ba, Jamie Ryan Kiros, Geoffrey E. Hinton + +and is applied before the internal nonlinearities. +Recurrent dropout is based on: + + https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.05118 + +"Recurrent Dropout without Memory Loss" +Stanislau Semeniuta, Aliaksei Severyn, Erhardt Barth. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/rnn/NASCell.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/rnn/NASCell.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f93d34c0c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/rnn/NASCell.md @@ -0,0 +1,891 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.rnn.NASCell + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `NASCell` + +Neural Architecture Search (NAS) recurrent network cell. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.rnn.cell.NASCell` + + + +This implements the recurrent cell from the paper: + + https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.01578 + +Barret Zoph and Quoc V. Le. +"Neural Architecture Search with Reinforcement Learning" Proc. ICLR 2017. + +The class uses an optional projection layer. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + units, + projection=None, + use_bias=False, + kernel_initializer='glorot_uniform', + recurrent_initializer='glorot_uniform', + projection_initializer='glorot_uniform', + bias_initializer='zeros', + **kwargs +) +``` + +Initialize the parameters for a NAS cell. + + +#### Args: + + +* `units`: int, The number of units in the NAS cell. +* `projection`: (optional) int, The output dimensionality for the + projection matrices. If None, no projection is performed. +* `use_bias`: (optional) bool, If True then use biases within the cell. + This is False by default. +* `kernel_initializer`: Initializer for kernel weight. +* `recurrent_initializer`: Initializer for recurrent kernel weight. +* `projection_initializer`: Initializer for projection weight, used when + projection is not None. +* `bias_initializer`: Initializer for bias, used when use_bias is True. +* `**kwargs`: Additional keyword arguments. + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Optional regularizer function for the output of this layer. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input tensor or list of input tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. +* `AttributeError`: If no inbound nodes are found. + +


+ +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input mask tensor (potentially None) or list of input +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer, or if all inputs +have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Input shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per input tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined input_shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ + + + +


+ +Losses which are associated with this `Layer`. + +Variable regularization tensors are created when this property is accessed, +so it is eager safe: accessing `losses` under a `tf.GradientTape` will +propagate gradients back to the corresponding variables. + +#### Returns: + +A list of tensors. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the name of this module as passed or determined in the ctor. + +NOTE: This is not the same as the `self.name_scope.name` which includes +parent module names. + +


+ +Returns a `tf.name_scope` instance for this class. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one output, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor or list of output tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to more than one incoming + layers. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output mask tensor (potentially None) or list of output +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has one output, +or if all outputs have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Output shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per output tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined output shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Integer or TensorShape: size of outputs produced by this cell. + + +


+ +size(s) of state(s) used by this cell. + +It can be represented by an Integer, a TensorShape or a tuple of Integers +or TensorShapes. + +


+ +Sequence of all sub-modules. + +Submodules are modules which are properties of this module, or found as +properties of modules which are properties of this module (and so on). + +``` +a = tf.Module() +b = tf.Module() +c = tf.Module() +a.b = b +b.c = c +assert list(a.submodules) == [b, c] +assert list(b.submodules) == [c] +assert list(c.submodules) == [] +``` + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of all submodules. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Sequence of trainable variables owned by this module and its submodules. + +Note: this method uses reflection to find variables on the current instance +and submodules. For performance reasons you may wish to cache the result +of calling this method if you don't expect the return value to change. + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of variables for the current module (sorted by attribute +name) followed by variables from all submodules recursively (breadth +first). + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + +Alias of `self.weights`. + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +__call__( + inputs, + *args, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Wraps `call`, applying pre- and post-processing steps. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: input tensor(s). +* `*args`: additional positional arguments to be passed to `self.call`. +* `**kwargs`: additional keyword arguments to be passed to `self.call`. + + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor(s). + + + +#### Note: + +- The following optional keyword arguments are reserved for specific uses: + * `training`: Boolean scalar tensor of Python boolean indicating + whether the `call` is meant for training or inference. + * `mask`: Boolean input mask. +- If the layer's `call` method takes a `mask` argument (as some Keras + layers do), its default value will be set to the mask generated + for `inputs` by the previous layer (if `input` did come from + a layer that generated a corresponding mask, i.e. if it came from + a Keras layer with masking support. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer's `call` method returns None (an invalid value). + +


+ +View source + +``` python +build(inputs_shape) +``` + +Creates the variables of the layer (optional, for subclass implementers). + +This is a method that implementers of subclasses of `Layer` or `Model` +can override if they need a state-creation step in-between +layer instantiation and layer call. + +This is typically used to create the weights of `Layer` subclasses. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Instance of `TensorShape`, or list of instances of + `TensorShape` if the layer expects a list of inputs + (one instance per input). + +


+ +``` python +compute_mask( + inputs, + mask=None +) +``` + +Computes an output mask tensor. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Tensor or list of tensors. +* `mask`: Tensor or list of tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +None or a tensor (or list of tensors, + one per output tensor of the layer). + + +


+ +``` python +compute_output_shape(input_shape) +``` + +Computes the output shape of the layer. + +If the layer has not been built, this method will call `build` on the +layer. This assumes that the layer will later be used with inputs that +match the input shape provided here. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Shape tuple (tuple of integers) + or list of shape tuples (one per output tensor of the layer). + Shape tuples can include None for free dimensions, + instead of an integer. + + +#### Returns: + +An input shape tuple. + + +


+ +``` python +count_params() +``` + +Count the total number of scalars composing the weights. + + +#### Returns: + +An integer count. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer isn't yet built + (in which case its weights aren't yet defined). + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config +) +``` + +Creates a layer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same layer from the config +dictionary. It does not handle layer connectivity +(handled by Network), nor weights (handled by `set_weights`). + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the + output of get_config. + + +#### Returns: + +A layer instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + +Returns the config of the layer. + +A layer config is a Python dictionary (serializable) +containing the configuration of a layer. +The same layer can be reinstantiated later +(without its trained weights) from this configuration. + +The config of a layer does not include connectivity +information, nor the layer class name. These are handled +by `Network` (one layer of abstraction above). + +#### Returns: + +Python dictionary. + + +


+ +``` python +get_initial_state( + inputs=None, + batch_size=None, + dtype=None +) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_input_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_losses_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves losses relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of loss tensors of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_output_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_updates_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves updates relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of update ops of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + +Returns the current weights of the layer. + + +#### Returns: + +Weights values as a list of numpy arrays. + + +


+ +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + +Sets the weights of the layer, from Numpy arrays. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `weights`: a list of Numpy arrays. The number + of arrays and their shape must match + number of the dimensions of the weights + of the layer (i.e. it should match the + output of `get_weights`). + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the provided weights list does not match the + layer's specifications. + +


+ +``` python +with_name_scope( + cls, + method +) +``` + +Decorator to automatically enter the module name scope. + +``` +class MyModule(tf.Module): + @tf.Module.with_name_scope + def __call__(self, x): + if not hasattr(self, 'w'): + self.w = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([x.shape[1], 64])) + return tf.matmul(x, self.w) +``` + +Using the above module would produce `tf.Variable`s and `tf.Tensor`s whose +names included the module name: + +``` +mod = MyModule() +mod(tf.ones([8, 32])) +# ==> +mod.w +# ==> +``` + +#### Args: + + +* `method`: The method to wrap. + + +#### Returns: + +The original method wrapped such that it enters the module's name scope. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/rnn/cell.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/rnn/cell.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b59d2bfa31 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/rnn/cell.md @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.rnn.cell + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Module for RNN Cells. + + + +## Classes + +[`class LayerNormLSTMCell`](../../tfa/rnn/LayerNormLSTMCell.md): LSTM cell with layer normalization and recurrent dropout. + +[`class NASCell`](../../tfa/rnn/NASCell.md): Neural Architecture Search (NAS) recurrent network cell. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6e7a4595b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq.md @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.seq2seq + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Additional ops for building neural network sequence to sequence decoders and + +losses. + +## Modules + +[`attention_wrapper`](../tfa/seq2seq/attention_wrapper.md) module: A powerful dynamic attention wrapper object. + +[`basic_decoder`](../tfa/seq2seq/basic_decoder.md) module: A class of Decoders that may sample to generate the next input. + +[`beam_search_decoder`](../tfa/seq2seq/beam_search_decoder.md) module: A decoder that performs beam search. + +[`decoder`](../tfa/seq2seq/decoder.md) module: Seq2seq layer operations for use in neural networks. + +[`loss`](../tfa/seq2seq/loss.md) module: Seq2seq loss operations for use in sequence models. + +[`sampler`](../tfa/seq2seq/sampler.md) module: A library of sampler for use with SamplingDecoders. + +## Classes + +[`class AttentionMechanism`](../tfa/seq2seq/AttentionMechanism.md) + +[`class AttentionWrapper`](../tfa/seq2seq/AttentionWrapper.md): Wraps another `RNNCell` with attention. + +[`class AttentionWrapperState`](../tfa/seq2seq/AttentionWrapperState.md): `namedtuple` storing the state of a `AttentionWrapper`. + +[`class BahdanauAttention`](../tfa/seq2seq/BahdanauAttention.md): Implements Bahdanau-style (additive) attention. + +[`class BahdanauMonotonicAttention`](../tfa/seq2seq/BahdanauMonotonicAttention.md): Monotonic attention mechanism with Bahadanau-style energy function. + +[`class BaseDecoder`](../tfa/seq2seq/BaseDecoder.md): An RNN Decoder that is based on a Keras layer. + +[`class BasicDecoder`](../tfa/seq2seq/BasicDecoder.md): Basic sampling decoder. + +[`class BasicDecoderOutput`](../tfa/seq2seq/BasicDecoderOutput.md): BasicDecoderOutput(rnn_output, sample_id) + +[`class BeamSearchDecoder`](../tfa/seq2seq/BeamSearchDecoder.md): BeamSearch sampling decoder. + +[`class BeamSearchDecoderOutput`](../tfa/seq2seq/BeamSearchDecoderOutput.md): BeamSearchDecoderOutput(scores, predicted_ids, parent_ids) + +[`class BeamSearchDecoderState`](../tfa/seq2seq/BeamSearchDecoderState.md): BeamSearchDecoderState(cell_state, log_probs, finished, lengths, accumulated_attention_probs) + +[`class CustomSampler`](../tfa/seq2seq/CustomSampler.md): Base abstract class that allows the user to customize sampling. + +[`class Decoder`](../tfa/seq2seq/Decoder.md): An RNN Decoder abstract interface object. + +[`class FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput`](../tfa/seq2seq/FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput.md): Final outputs returned by the beam search after all decoding is + +[`class GreedyEmbeddingSampler`](../tfa/seq2seq/GreedyEmbeddingSampler.md): A sampler for use during inference. + +[`class InferenceSampler`](../tfa/seq2seq/InferenceSampler.md): A helper to use during inference with a custom sampling function. + +[`class LuongAttention`](../tfa/seq2seq/LuongAttention.md): Implements Luong-style (multiplicative) attention scoring. + +[`class LuongMonotonicAttention`](../tfa/seq2seq/LuongMonotonicAttention.md): Monotonic attention mechanism with Luong-style energy function. + +[`class SampleEmbeddingSampler`](../tfa/seq2seq/SampleEmbeddingSampler.md): A sampler for use during inference. + +[`class Sampler`](../tfa/seq2seq/Sampler.md): Interface for implementing sampling in seq2seq decoders. + +[`class ScheduledEmbeddingTrainingSampler`](../tfa/seq2seq/ScheduledEmbeddingTrainingSampler.md): A training sampler that adds scheduled sampling. + +[`class ScheduledOutputTrainingSampler`](../tfa/seq2seq/ScheduledOutputTrainingSampler.md): A training sampler that adds scheduled sampling directly to outputs. + +[`class SequenceLoss`](../tfa/seq2seq/SequenceLoss.md): Weighted cross-entropy loss for a sequence of logits. + +[`class TrainingSampler`](../tfa/seq2seq/TrainingSampler.md): A Sampler for use during training. + +## Functions + +[`dynamic_decode(...)`](../tfa/seq2seq/dynamic_decode.md): Perform dynamic decoding with `decoder`. + +[`gather_tree_from_array(...)`](../tfa/seq2seq/gather_tree_from_array.md): Calculates the full beams for `TensorArray`s. + +[`hardmax(...)`](../tfa/seq2seq/hardmax.md): Returns batched one-hot vectors. + +[`monotonic_attention(...)`](../tfa/seq2seq/monotonic_attention.md): Compute monotonic attention distribution from choosing probabilities. + +[`safe_cumprod(...)`](../tfa/seq2seq/safe_cumprod.md): Computes cumprod of x in logspace using cumsum to avoid underflow. + +[`sequence_loss(...)`](../tfa/seq2seq/sequence_loss.md): Weighted cross-entropy loss for a sequence of logits. + +[`tile_batch(...)`](../tfa/seq2seq/tile_batch.md): Tile the batch dimension of a (possibly nested structure of) tensor(s) + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/AttentionMechanism.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/AttentionMechanism.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..acfd8250de --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/AttentionMechanism.md @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +
+ + + + +
+ +# tfa.seq2seq.AttentionMechanism + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `AttentionMechanism` + + + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.AttentionMechanism` + + + + +## Properties + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/AttentionWrapper.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/AttentionWrapper.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6325baccb3 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/AttentionWrapper.md @@ -0,0 +1,993 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.seq2seq.AttentionWrapper + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `AttentionWrapper` + +Wraps another `RNNCell` with attention. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.AttentionWrapper` + + + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + cell, + attention_mechanism, + attention_layer_size=None, + alignment_history=False, + cell_input_fn=None, + output_attention=True, + initial_cell_state=None, + name=None, + attention_layer=None, + attention_fn=None, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Construct the `AttentionWrapper`. + +**NOTE** If you are using the `BeamSearchDecoder` with a cell wrapped +in `AttentionWrapper`, then you must ensure that: + +- The encoder output has been tiled to `beam_width` via + tfa.seq2seq.tile_batch (NOT `tf.tile`). +- The `batch_size` argument passed to the `get_initial_state` method of + this wrapper is equal to `true_batch_size * beam_width`. +- The initial state created with `get_initial_state` above contains a + `cell_state` value containing properly tiled final state from the + encoder. + +#### An example: + + + +``` +tiled_encoder_outputs = tfa.seq2seq.tile_batch( + encoder_outputs, multiplier=beam_width) +tiled_encoder_final_state = tfa.seq2seq.tile_batch( + encoder_final_state, multiplier=beam_width) +tiled_sequence_length = tfa.seq2seq.tile_batch( + sequence_length, multiplier=beam_width) +attention_mechanism = MyFavoriteAttentionMechanism( + num_units=attention_depth, + memory=tiled_inputs, + memory_sequence_length=tiled_sequence_length) +attention_cell = AttentionWrapper(cell, attention_mechanism, ...) +decoder_initial_state = attention_cell.get_initial_state( + batch_size=true_batch_size * beam_width, dtype=dtype) +decoder_initial_state = decoder_initial_state.clone( + cell_state=tiled_encoder_final_state) +``` + +#### Args: + + +* `cell`: An instance of `RNNCell`. +* `attention_mechanism`: A list of `AttentionMechanism` instances or a + single instance. +* `attention_layer_size`: A list of Python integers or a single Python + integer, the depth of the attention (output) layer(s). If None + (default), use the context as attention at each time step. + Otherwise, feed the context and cell output into the attention + layer to generate attention at each time step. If + attention_mechanism is a list, attention_layer_size must be a list + of the same length. If attention_layer is set, this must be None. + If attention_fn is set, it must guaranteed that the outputs of + attention_fn also meet the above requirements. +* `alignment_history`: Python boolean, whether to store alignment history + from all time steps in the final output state (currently stored as + a time major `TensorArray` on which you must call `stack()`). +* `cell_input_fn`: (optional) A `callable`. The default is: + `lambda inputs, attention: + tf.concat([inputs, attention], -1)`. +* `output_attention`: Python bool. If `True` (default), the output at + each time step is the attention value. This is the behavior of + Luong-style attention mechanisms. If `False`, the output at each + time step is the output of `cell`. This is the behavior of + Bhadanau-style attention mechanisms. In both cases, the + `attention` tensor is propagated to the next time step via the + state and is used there. This flag only controls whether the + attention mechanism is propagated up to the next cell in an RNN + stack or to the top RNN output. +* `initial_cell_state`: The initial state value to use for the cell when + the user calls `get_initial_state()`. Note that if this value is + provided now, and the user uses a `batch_size` argument of + `get_initial_state` which does not match the batch size of + `initial_cell_state`, proper behavior is not guaranteed. +* `name`: Name to use when creating ops. +* `attention_layer`: A list of `tf.tf.keras.layers.Layer` instances or a + single `tf.tf.keras.layers.Layer` instance taking the context + and cell output as inputs to generate attention at each time step. + If None (default), use the context as attention at each time step. + If attention_mechanism is a list, attention_layer must be a list of + the same length. If attention_layers_size is set, this must be + None. +* `attention_fn`: An optional callable function that allows users to + provide their own customized attention function, which takes input + (attention_mechanism, cell_output, attention_state, + attention_layer) and outputs (attention, alignments, + next_attention_state). If provided, the attention_layer_size should + be the size of the outputs of attention_fn. +* `**kwargs`: Other keyword arguments for layer creation. + + +#### Raises: + + +* `TypeError`: `attention_layer_size` is not None and + (`attention_mechanism` is a list but `attention_layer_size` is not; + or vice versa). +* `ValueError`: if `attention_layer_size` is not None, + `attention_mechanism` is a list, and its length does not match that + of `attention_layer_size`; if `attention_layer_size` and + `attention_layer` are set simultaneously. + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Optional regularizer function for the output of this layer. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input tensor or list of input tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. +* `AttributeError`: If no inbound nodes are found. + +


+ +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input mask tensor (potentially None) or list of input +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer, or if all inputs +have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Input shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per input tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined input_shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ + + + +


+ +Losses which are associated with this `Layer`. + +Variable regularization tensors are created when this property is accessed, +so it is eager safe: accessing `losses` under a `tf.GradientTape` will +propagate gradients back to the corresponding variables. + +#### Returns: + +A list of tensors. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the name of this module as passed or determined in the ctor. + +NOTE: This is not the same as the `self.name_scope.name` which includes +parent module names. + +


+ +Returns a `tf.name_scope` instance for this class. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one output, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor or list of output tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to more than one incoming + layers. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output mask tensor (potentially None) or list of output +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has one output, +or if all outputs have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Output shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per output tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined output shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Integer or TensorShape: size of outputs produced by this cell. + + +


+ +The `state_size` property of `AttentionWrapper`. + + +#### Returns: + +An `AttentionWrapperState` tuple containing shapes used +by this object. + + +


+ +Sequence of all sub-modules. + +Submodules are modules which are properties of this module, or found as +properties of modules which are properties of this module (and so on). + +``` +a = tf.Module() +b = tf.Module() +c = tf.Module() +a.b = b +b.c = c +assert list(a.submodules) == [b, c] +assert list(b.submodules) == [c] +assert list(c.submodules) == [] +``` + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of all submodules. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Sequence of trainable variables owned by this module and its submodules. + +Note: this method uses reflection to find variables on the current instance +and submodules. For performance reasons you may wish to cache the result +of calling this method if you don't expect the return value to change. + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of variables for the current module (sorted by attribute +name) followed by variables from all submodules recursively (breadth +first). + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + +Alias of `self.weights`. + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +__call__( + inputs, + *args, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Wraps `call`, applying pre- and post-processing steps. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: input tensor(s). +* `*args`: additional positional arguments to be passed to `self.call`. +* `**kwargs`: additional keyword arguments to be passed to `self.call`. + + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor(s). + + + +#### Note: + +- The following optional keyword arguments are reserved for specific uses: + * `training`: Boolean scalar tensor of Python boolean indicating + whether the `call` is meant for training or inference. + * `mask`: Boolean input mask. +- If the layer's `call` method takes a `mask` argument (as some Keras + layers do), its default value will be set to the mask generated + for `inputs` by the previous layer (if `input` did come from + a layer that generated a corresponding mask, i.e. if it came from + a Keras layer with masking support. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer's `call` method returns None (an invalid value). + +


+ +``` python +build(input_shape) +``` + +Creates the variables of the layer (optional, for subclass implementers). + +This is a method that implementers of subclasses of `Layer` or `Model` +can override if they need a state-creation step in-between +layer instantiation and layer call. + +This is typically used to create the weights of `Layer` subclasses. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Instance of `TensorShape`, or list of instances of + `TensorShape` if the layer expects a list of inputs + (one instance per input). + +


+ +``` python +compute_mask( + inputs, + mask=None +) +``` + +Computes an output mask tensor. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Tensor or list of tensors. +* `mask`: Tensor or list of tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +None or a tensor (or list of tensors, + one per output tensor of the layer). + + +


+ +``` python +compute_output_shape(input_shape) +``` + +Computes the output shape of the layer. + +If the layer has not been built, this method will call `build` on the +layer. This assumes that the layer will later be used with inputs that +match the input shape provided here. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Shape tuple (tuple of integers) + or list of shape tuples (one per output tensor of the layer). + Shape tuples can include None for free dimensions, + instead of an integer. + + +#### Returns: + +An input shape tuple. + + +


+ +``` python +count_params() +``` + +Count the total number of scalars composing the weights. + + +#### Returns: + +An integer count. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer isn't yet built + (in which case its weights aren't yet defined). + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config +) +``` + +Creates a layer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same layer from the config +dictionary. It does not handle layer connectivity +(handled by Network), nor weights (handled by `set_weights`). + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the + output of get_config. + + +#### Returns: + +A layer instance. + + +


+ +``` python +get_config() +``` + +Returns the config of the layer. + +A layer config is a Python dictionary (serializable) +containing the configuration of a layer. +The same layer can be reinstantiated later +(without its trained weights) from this configuration. + +The config of a layer does not include connectivity +information, nor the layer class name. These are handled +by `Network` (one layer of abstraction above). + +#### Returns: + +Python dictionary. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_initial_state( + inputs=None, + batch_size=None, + dtype=None +) +``` + +Return an initial (zero) state tuple for this `AttentionWrapper`. + +**NOTE** Please see the initializer documentation for details of how +to call `get_initial_state` if using an `AttentionWrapper` with a +`BeamSearchDecoder`. + +#### Args: + + +* `inputs`: The inputs that will be fed to this cell. +* `batch_size`: `0D` integer tensor: the batch size. +* `dtype`: The internal state data type. + + +#### Returns: + +An `AttentionWrapperState` tuple containing zeroed out tensors and, +possibly, empty `TensorArray` objects. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: (or, possibly at runtime, InvalidArgument), if + `batch_size` does not match the output size of the encoder passed + to the wrapper object at initialization time. + +


+ +``` python +get_input_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_input_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_losses_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves losses relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of loss tensors of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_output_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_updates_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves updates relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of update ops of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + +Returns the current weights of the layer. + + +#### Returns: + +Weights values as a list of numpy arrays. + + +


+ +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + +Sets the weights of the layer, from Numpy arrays. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `weights`: a list of Numpy arrays. The number + of arrays and their shape must match + number of the dimensions of the weights + of the layer (i.e. it should match the + output of `get_weights`). + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the provided weights list does not match the + layer's specifications. + +


+ +``` python +with_name_scope( + cls, + method +) +``` + +Decorator to automatically enter the module name scope. + +``` +class MyModule(tf.Module): + @tf.Module.with_name_scope + def __call__(self, x): + if not hasattr(self, 'w'): + self.w = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([x.shape[1], 64])) + return tf.matmul(x, self.w) +``` + +Using the above module would produce `tf.Variable`s and `tf.Tensor`s whose +names included the module name: + +``` +mod = MyModule() +mod(tf.ones([8, 32])) +# ==> +mod.w +# ==> +``` + +#### Args: + + +* `method`: The method to wrap. + + +#### Returns: + +The original method wrapped such that it enters the module's name scope. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/AttentionWrapperState.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/AttentionWrapperState.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..482a9a98cc --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/AttentionWrapperState.md @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.seq2seq.AttentionWrapperState + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `AttentionWrapperState` + +`namedtuple` storing the state of a `AttentionWrapper`. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.AttentionWrapperState` + + + + +#### Contains: + + +- `cell_state`: The state of the wrapped `RNNCell` at the previous time + step. +- `attention`: The attention emitted at the previous time step. +- `time`: int32 scalar containing the current time step. +- `alignments`: A single or tuple of `Tensor`(s) containing the + alignments emitted at the previous time step for each attention + mechanism. +- `alignment_history`: (if enabled) a single or tuple of `TensorArray`(s) + containing alignment matrices from all time steps for each attention + mechanism. Call `stack()` on each to convert to a `Tensor`. +- `attention_state`: A single or tuple of nested objects + containing attention mechanism state for each attention mechanism. + The objects may contain Tensors or TensorArrays. + + +


+ +``` python +__new__( + _cls, + cell_state, + attention, + time, + alignments, + alignment_history, + attention_state +) +``` + +Create new instance of AttentionWrapperState(cell_state, attention, time, alignments, alignment_history, attention_state) + + + + +## Properties + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +View source + +``` python +clone(**kwargs) +``` + +Clone this object, overriding components provided by kwargs. + +The new state fields' shape must match original state fields' shape. +This will be validated, and original fields' shape will be propagated +to new fields. + +#### Example: + + + +```python +initial_state = attention_wrapper.get_initial_state( + batch_size=..., dtype=...) +initial_state = initial_state.clone(cell_state=encoder_state) +``` + +#### Args: + + +* `**kwargs`: Any properties of the state object to replace in the + returned `AttentionWrapperState`. + + +#### Returns: + +A new `AttentionWrapperState` whose properties are the same as +this one, except any overridden properties as provided in `kwargs`. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/BahdanauAttention.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/BahdanauAttention.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dc7ee84038 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/BahdanauAttention.md @@ -0,0 +1,1021 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.seq2seq.BahdanauAttention + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `BahdanauAttention` + +Implements Bahdanau-style (additive) attention. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauAttention` + + + +This attention has two forms. The first is Bahdanau attention, +as described in: + +Dzmitry Bahdanau, Kyunghyun Cho, Yoshua Bengio. +"Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate." +ICLR 2015. https://arxiv.org/abs/1409.0473 + +The second is the normalized form. This form is inspired by the +weight normalization article: + +Tim Salimans, Diederik P. Kingma. +"Weight Normalization: A Simple Reparameterization to Accelerate + Training of Deep Neural Networks." +https://arxiv.org/abs/1602.07868 + +To enable the second form, construct the object with parameter +`normalize=True`. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + units, + memory=None, + memory_sequence_length=None, + normalize=False, + probability_fn='softmax', + kernel_initializer='glorot_uniform', + dtype=None, + name='BahdanauAttention', + **kwargs +) +``` + +Construct the Attention mechanism. + + +#### Args: + + +* `units`: The depth of the query mechanism. +* `memory`: The memory to query; usually the output of an RNN encoder. + This tensor should be shaped `[batch_size, max_time, ...]`. +* `memory_sequence_length`: (optional): Sequence lengths for the batch + entries in memory. If provided, the memory tensor rows are masked + with zeros for values past the respective sequence lengths. +* `normalize`: Python boolean. Whether to normalize the energy term. +* `probability_fn`: (optional) string, the name of function to convert + the attention score to probabilities. The default is `softmax` + which is `tf.nn.softmax`. Other options is `hardmax`, which is + hardmax() within this module. Any other value will result into + validation error. Default to use `softmax`. +* `kernel_initializer`: (optional), the name of the initializer for the + attention kernel. +* `dtype`: The data type for the query and memory layers of the attention + mechanism. +* `name`: Name to use when creating ops. +* `**kwargs`: Dictionary that contains other common arguments for layer + creation. + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Optional regularizer function for the output of this layer. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input tensor or list of input tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. +* `AttributeError`: If no inbound nodes are found. + +


+ +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input mask tensor (potentially None) or list of input +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer, or if all inputs +have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Input shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per input tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined input_shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ + + + +


+ +Losses which are associated with this `Layer`. + +Variable regularization tensors are created when this property is accessed, +so it is eager safe: accessing `losses` under a `tf.GradientTape` will +propagate gradients back to the corresponding variables. + +#### Returns: + +A list of tensors. + + +


+ +Returns `True` if this attention mechanism has been initialized with +a memory. + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the name of this module as passed or determined in the ctor. + +NOTE: This is not the same as the `self.name_scope.name` which includes +parent module names. + +


+ +Returns a `tf.name_scope` instance for this class. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one output, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor or list of output tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to more than one incoming + layers. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output mask tensor (potentially None) or list of output +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has one output, +or if all outputs have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Output shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per output tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined output shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ + + + +


+ +Sequence of all sub-modules. + +Submodules are modules which are properties of this module, or found as +properties of modules which are properties of this module (and so on). + +``` +a = tf.Module() +b = tf.Module() +c = tf.Module() +a.b = b +b.c = c +assert list(a.submodules) == [b, c] +assert list(b.submodules) == [c] +assert list(c.submodules) == [] +``` + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of all submodules. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Sequence of trainable variables owned by this module and its submodules. + +Note: this method uses reflection to find variables on the current instance +and submodules. For performance reasons you may wish to cache the result +of calling this method if you don't expect the return value to change. + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of variables for the current module (sorted by attribute +name) followed by variables from all submodules recursively (breadth +first). + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + +Alias of `self.weights`. + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__call__( + inputs, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Preprocess the inputs before calling `base_layer.__call__()`. + +Note that there are situation here, one for setup memory, and one with +actual query and state. +1. When the memory has not been configured, we just pass all the param + to base_layer.__call__(), which will then invoke self.call() with + proper inputs, which allows this class to setup memory. +2. When the memory has already been setup, the input should contain + query and state, and optionally processed memory. If the processed + memory is not included in the input, we will have to append it to + the inputs and give it to the base_layer.__call__(). The processed + memory is the output of first invocation of self.__call__(). If we + don't add it here, then from keras perspective, the graph is + disconnected since the output from previous call is never used. + +#### Args: + + +* `inputs`: the inputs tensors. +* `**kwargs`: dict, other keyeword arguments for the `__call__()` + +


+ +View source + +``` python +build(input_shape) +``` + +Creates the variables of the layer (optional, for subclass implementers). + +This is a method that implementers of subclasses of `Layer` or `Model` +can override if they need a state-creation step in-between +layer instantiation and layer call. + +This is typically used to create the weights of `Layer` subclasses. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Instance of `TensorShape`, or list of instances of + `TensorShape` if the layer expects a list of inputs + (one instance per input). + +


+ +View source + +``` python +compute_mask( + inputs, + mask=None +) +``` + +Computes an output mask tensor. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Tensor or list of tensors. +* `mask`: Tensor or list of tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +None or a tensor (or list of tensors, + one per output tensor of the layer). + + +


+ +``` python +compute_output_shape(input_shape) +``` + +Computes the output shape of the layer. + +If the layer has not been built, this method will call `build` on the +layer. This assumes that the layer will later be used with inputs that +match the input shape provided here. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Shape tuple (tuple of integers) + or list of shape tuples (one per output tensor of the layer). + Shape tuples can include None for free dimensions, + instead of an integer. + + +#### Returns: + +An input shape tuple. + + +


+ +``` python +count_params() +``` + +Count the total number of scalars composing the weights. + + +#### Returns: + +An integer count. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer isn't yet built + (in which case its weights aren't yet defined). + +


+ +View source + +``` python +deserialize_inner_layer_from_config( + cls, + config, + custom_objects +) +``` + +Helper method that reconstruct the query and memory from the config. + +In the get_config() method, the query and memory layer configs are +serialized into dict for persistence, this method perform the reverse +action to reconstruct the layer from the config. + +#### Args: + + +* `config`: dict, the configs that will be used to reconstruct the + object. +* `custom_objects`: dict mapping class names (or function names) of + custom (non-Keras) objects to class/functions. + +#### Returns: + + +* `config`: dict, the config with layer instance created, which is ready + to be used as init parameters. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +@classmethod +from_config( + cls, + config, + custom_objects=None +) +``` + +Creates a layer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same layer from the config +dictionary. It does not handle layer connectivity +(handled by Network), nor weights (handled by `set_weights`). + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the + output of get_config. + + +#### Returns: + +A layer instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + +Returns the config of the layer. + +A layer config is a Python dictionary (serializable) +containing the configuration of a layer. +The same layer can be reinstantiated later +(without its trained weights) from this configuration. + +The config of a layer does not include connectivity +information, nor the layer class name. These are handled +by `Network` (one layer of abstraction above). + +#### Returns: + +Python dictionary. + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_input_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_losses_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves losses relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of loss tensors of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_output_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_updates_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves updates relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of update ops of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + +Returns the current weights of the layer. + + +#### Returns: + +Weights values as a list of numpy arrays. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +initial_alignments( + batch_size, + dtype +) +``` + +Creates the initial alignment values for the `AttentionWrapper` +class. + +This is important for AttentionMechanisms that use the previous +alignment to calculate the alignment at the next time step +(e.g. monotonic attention). + +The default behavior is to return a tensor of all zeros. + +#### Args: + + +* `batch_size`: `int32` scalar, the batch_size. +* `dtype`: The `dtype`. + + +#### Returns: + +A `dtype` tensor shaped `[batch_size, alignments_size]` +(`alignments_size` is the values' `max_time`). + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +initial_state( + batch_size, + dtype +) +``` + +Creates the initial state values for the `AttentionWrapper` class. + +This is important for AttentionMechanisms that use the previous +alignment to calculate the alignment at the next time step +(e.g. monotonic attention). + +The default behavior is to return the same output as +initial_alignments. + +#### Args: + + +* `batch_size`: `int32` scalar, the batch_size. +* `dtype`: The `dtype`. + + +#### Returns: + +A structure of all-zero tensors with shapes as described by +`state_size`. + + +


+ +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + +Sets the weights of the layer, from Numpy arrays. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `weights`: a list of Numpy arrays. The number + of arrays and their shape must match + number of the dimensions of the weights + of the layer (i.e. it should match the + output of `get_weights`). + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the provided weights list does not match the + layer's specifications. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +setup_memory( + memory, + memory_sequence_length=None, + memory_mask=None +) +``` + +Pre-process the memory before actually query the memory. + +This should only be called once at the first invocation of call(). + +#### Args: + + +* `memory`: The memory to query; usually the output of an RNN encoder. + This tensor should be shaped `[batch_size, max_time, ...]`. +memory_sequence_length (optional): Sequence lengths for the batch + entries in memory. If provided, the memory tensor rows are masked + with zeros for values past the respective sequence lengths. +* `memory_mask`: (Optional) The boolean tensor with shape `[batch_size, + max_time]`. For any value equal to False, the corresponding value + in memory should be ignored. + +


+ +``` python +with_name_scope( + cls, + method +) +``` + +Decorator to automatically enter the module name scope. + +``` +class MyModule(tf.Module): + @tf.Module.with_name_scope + def __call__(self, x): + if not hasattr(self, 'w'): + self.w = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([x.shape[1], 64])) + return tf.matmul(x, self.w) +``` + +Using the above module would produce `tf.Variable`s and `tf.Tensor`s whose +names included the module name: + +``` +mod = MyModule() +mod(tf.ones([8, 32])) +# ==> +mod.w +# ==> +``` + +#### Args: + + +* `method`: The method to wrap. + + +#### Returns: + +The original method wrapped such that it enters the module's name scope. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/BahdanauMonotonicAttention.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/BahdanauMonotonicAttention.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..65b9015c72 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/BahdanauMonotonicAttention.md @@ -0,0 +1,1019 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.seq2seq.BahdanauMonotonicAttention + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `BahdanauMonotonicAttention` + +Monotonic attention mechanism with Bahadanau-style energy function. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.BahdanauMonotonicAttention` + + + +This type of attention enforces a monotonic constraint on the attention +distributions; that is once the model attends to a given point in the +memory it can't attend to any prior points at subsequence output timesteps. +It achieves this by using the _monotonic_probability_fn instead of softmax +to construct its attention distributions. Since the attention scores are +passed through a sigmoid, a learnable scalar bias parameter is applied +after the score function and before the sigmoid. Otherwise, it is +equivalent to BahdanauAttention. This approach is proposed in + +Colin Raffel, Minh-Thang Luong, Peter J. Liu, Ron J. Weiss, Douglas Eck, +"Online and Linear-Time Attention by Enforcing Monotonic Alignments." +ICML 2017. https://arxiv.org/abs/1704.00784 + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + units, + memory=None, + memory_sequence_length=None, + normalize=False, + sigmoid_noise=0.0, + sigmoid_noise_seed=None, + score_bias_init=0.0, + mode='parallel', + kernel_initializer='glorot_uniform', + dtype=None, + name='BahdanauMonotonicAttention', + **kwargs +) +``` + +Construct the Attention mechanism. + + +#### Args: + + +* `units`: The depth of the query mechanism. +* `memory`: The memory to query; usually the output of an RNN encoder. + This tensor should be shaped `[batch_size, max_time, ...]`. +* `memory_sequence_length`: (optional): Sequence lengths for the batch + entries in memory. If provided, the memory tensor rows are masked + with zeros for values past the respective sequence lengths. +* `normalize`: Python boolean. Whether to normalize the energy term. +* `sigmoid_noise`: Standard deviation of pre-sigmoid noise. See the + docstring for `_monotonic_probability_fn` for more information. +* `sigmoid_noise_seed`: (optional) Random seed for pre-sigmoid noise. +* `score_bias_init`: Initial value for score bias scalar. It's + recommended to initialize this to a negative value when the length + of the memory is large. +* `mode`: How to compute the attention distribution. Must be one of + 'recursive', 'parallel', or 'hard'. See the docstring for + tfa.seq2seq.monotonic_attention for more information. +* `kernel_initializer`: (optional), the name of the initializer for the + attention kernel. +* `dtype`: The data type for the query and memory layers of the attention + mechanism. +* `name`: Name to use when creating ops. +* `**kwargs`: Dictionary that contains other common arguments for layer + creation. + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Optional regularizer function for the output of this layer. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input tensor or list of input tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. +* `AttributeError`: If no inbound nodes are found. + +


+ +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input mask tensor (potentially None) or list of input +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer, or if all inputs +have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Input shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per input tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined input_shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ + + + +


+ +Losses which are associated with this `Layer`. + +Variable regularization tensors are created when this property is accessed, +so it is eager safe: accessing `losses` under a `tf.GradientTape` will +propagate gradients back to the corresponding variables. + +#### Returns: + +A list of tensors. + + +


+ +Returns `True` if this attention mechanism has been initialized with +a memory. + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the name of this module as passed or determined in the ctor. + +NOTE: This is not the same as the `self.name_scope.name` which includes +parent module names. + +


+ +Returns a `tf.name_scope` instance for this class. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one output, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor or list of output tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to more than one incoming + layers. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output mask tensor (potentially None) or list of output +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has one output, +or if all outputs have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Output shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per output tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined output shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ + + + +


+ +Sequence of all sub-modules. + +Submodules are modules which are properties of this module, or found as +properties of modules which are properties of this module (and so on). + +``` +a = tf.Module() +b = tf.Module() +c = tf.Module() +a.b = b +b.c = c +assert list(a.submodules) == [b, c] +assert list(b.submodules) == [c] +assert list(c.submodules) == [] +``` + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of all submodules. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Sequence of trainable variables owned by this module and its submodules. + +Note: this method uses reflection to find variables on the current instance +and submodules. For performance reasons you may wish to cache the result +of calling this method if you don't expect the return value to change. + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of variables for the current module (sorted by attribute +name) followed by variables from all submodules recursively (breadth +first). + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + +Alias of `self.weights`. + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__call__( + inputs, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Preprocess the inputs before calling `base_layer.__call__()`. + +Note that there are situation here, one for setup memory, and one with +actual query and state. +1. When the memory has not been configured, we just pass all the param + to base_layer.__call__(), which will then invoke self.call() with + proper inputs, which allows this class to setup memory. +2. When the memory has already been setup, the input should contain + query and state, and optionally processed memory. If the processed + memory is not included in the input, we will have to append it to + the inputs and give it to the base_layer.__call__(). The processed + memory is the output of first invocation of self.__call__(). If we + don't add it here, then from keras perspective, the graph is + disconnected since the output from previous call is never used. + +#### Args: + + +* `inputs`: the inputs tensors. +* `**kwargs`: dict, other keyeword arguments for the `__call__()` + +


+ +View source + +``` python +build(input_shape) +``` + +Creates the variables of the layer (optional, for subclass implementers). + +This is a method that implementers of subclasses of `Layer` or `Model` +can override if they need a state-creation step in-between +layer instantiation and layer call. + +This is typically used to create the weights of `Layer` subclasses. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Instance of `TensorShape`, or list of instances of + `TensorShape` if the layer expects a list of inputs + (one instance per input). + +


+ +View source + +``` python +compute_mask( + inputs, + mask=None +) +``` + +Computes an output mask tensor. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Tensor or list of tensors. +* `mask`: Tensor or list of tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +None or a tensor (or list of tensors, + one per output tensor of the layer). + + +


+ +``` python +compute_output_shape(input_shape) +``` + +Computes the output shape of the layer. + +If the layer has not been built, this method will call `build` on the +layer. This assumes that the layer will later be used with inputs that +match the input shape provided here. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Shape tuple (tuple of integers) + or list of shape tuples (one per output tensor of the layer). + Shape tuples can include None for free dimensions, + instead of an integer. + + +#### Returns: + +An input shape tuple. + + +


+ +``` python +count_params() +``` + +Count the total number of scalars composing the weights. + + +#### Returns: + +An integer count. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer isn't yet built + (in which case its weights aren't yet defined). + +


+ +View source + +``` python +deserialize_inner_layer_from_config( + cls, + config, + custom_objects +) +``` + +Helper method that reconstruct the query and memory from the config. + +In the get_config() method, the query and memory layer configs are +serialized into dict for persistence, this method perform the reverse +action to reconstruct the layer from the config. + +#### Args: + + +* `config`: dict, the configs that will be used to reconstruct the + object. +* `custom_objects`: dict mapping class names (or function names) of + custom (non-Keras) objects to class/functions. + +#### Returns: + + +* `config`: dict, the config with layer instance created, which is ready + to be used as init parameters. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +@classmethod +from_config( + cls, + config, + custom_objects=None +) +``` + +Creates a layer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same layer from the config +dictionary. It does not handle layer connectivity +(handled by Network), nor weights (handled by `set_weights`). + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the + output of get_config. + + +#### Returns: + +A layer instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + +Returns the config of the layer. + +A layer config is a Python dictionary (serializable) +containing the configuration of a layer. +The same layer can be reinstantiated later +(without its trained weights) from this configuration. + +The config of a layer does not include connectivity +information, nor the layer class name. These are handled +by `Network` (one layer of abstraction above). + +#### Returns: + +Python dictionary. + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_input_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_losses_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves losses relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of loss tensors of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_output_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_updates_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves updates relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of update ops of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + +Returns the current weights of the layer. + + +#### Returns: + +Weights values as a list of numpy arrays. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +initial_alignments( + batch_size, + dtype +) +``` + +Creates the initial alignment values for the monotonic attentions. + +Initializes to dirac distributions, i.e. +[1, 0, 0, ...memory length..., 0] for all entries in the batch. + +#### Args: + + +* `batch_size`: `int32` scalar, the batch_size. +* `dtype`: The `dtype`. + + +#### Returns: + +A `dtype` tensor shaped `[batch_size, alignments_size]` +(`alignments_size` is the values' `max_time`). + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +initial_state( + batch_size, + dtype +) +``` + +Creates the initial state values for the `AttentionWrapper` class. + +This is important for AttentionMechanisms that use the previous +alignment to calculate the alignment at the next time step +(e.g. monotonic attention). + +The default behavior is to return the same output as +initial_alignments. + +#### Args: + + +* `batch_size`: `int32` scalar, the batch_size. +* `dtype`: The `dtype`. + + +#### Returns: + +A structure of all-zero tensors with shapes as described by +`state_size`. + + +


+ +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + +Sets the weights of the layer, from Numpy arrays. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `weights`: a list of Numpy arrays. The number + of arrays and their shape must match + number of the dimensions of the weights + of the layer (i.e. it should match the + output of `get_weights`). + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the provided weights list does not match the + layer's specifications. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +setup_memory( + memory, + memory_sequence_length=None, + memory_mask=None +) +``` + +Pre-process the memory before actually query the memory. + +This should only be called once at the first invocation of call(). + +#### Args: + + +* `memory`: The memory to query; usually the output of an RNN encoder. + This tensor should be shaped `[batch_size, max_time, ...]`. +memory_sequence_length (optional): Sequence lengths for the batch + entries in memory. If provided, the memory tensor rows are masked + with zeros for values past the respective sequence lengths. +* `memory_mask`: (Optional) The boolean tensor with shape `[batch_size, + max_time]`. For any value equal to False, the corresponding value + in memory should be ignored. + +


+ +``` python +with_name_scope( + cls, + method +) +``` + +Decorator to automatically enter the module name scope. + +``` +class MyModule(tf.Module): + @tf.Module.with_name_scope + def __call__(self, x): + if not hasattr(self, 'w'): + self.w = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([x.shape[1], 64])) + return tf.matmul(x, self.w) +``` + +Using the above module would produce `tf.Variable`s and `tf.Tensor`s whose +names included the module name: + +``` +mod = MyModule() +mod(tf.ones([8, 32])) +# ==> +mod.w +# ==> +``` + +#### Args: + + +* `method`: The method to wrap. + + +#### Returns: + +The original method wrapped such that it enters the module's name scope. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/BaseDecoder.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/BaseDecoder.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b585d02747 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/BaseDecoder.md @@ -0,0 +1,977 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.seq2seq.BaseDecoder + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `BaseDecoder` + +An RNN Decoder that is based on a Keras layer. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.seq2seq.decoder.BaseDecoder` + + + +Concepts used by this interface: +- `inputs`: (structure of) tensors and TensorArrays that is passed as input + to the RNNCell composing the decoder, at each time step. +- `state`: (structure of) tensors and TensorArrays that is passed to the + RNNCell instance as the state. +- `memory`: (sturecute of) tensors that is usually the full output of the + encoder, which will be used for the attention wrapper for the RNNCell. +- `finished`: boolean tensor telling whether each sequence in the batch is + finished. +- `training`: boolean whether it should behave in training mode or in + inference mode. +- `outputs`: Instance of BasicDecoderOutput. Result of the decoding, at + each time step. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + output_time_major=False, + impute_finished=False, + maximum_iterations=None, + parallel_iterations=32, + swap_memory=False, + **kwargs +) +``` + + + + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Optional regularizer function for the output of this layer. + + +


+ +The batch size of input values. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input tensor or list of input tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. +* `AttributeError`: If no inbound nodes are found. + +


+ +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input mask tensor (potentially None) or list of input +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer, or if all inputs +have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Input shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per input tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined input_shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ + + + +


+ +Losses which are associated with this `Layer`. + +Variable regularization tensors are created when this property is accessed, +so it is eager safe: accessing `losses` under a `tf.GradientTape` will +propagate gradients back to the corresponding variables. + +#### Returns: + +A list of tensors. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the name of this module as passed or determined in the ctor. + +NOTE: This is not the same as the `self.name_scope.name` which includes +parent module names. + +


+ +Returns a `tf.name_scope` instance for this class. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one output, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor or list of output tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to more than one incoming + layers. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +A (possibly nested tuple of...) dtype[s]. + + +


+ +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output mask tensor (potentially None) or list of output +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has one output, +or if all outputs have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Output shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per output tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined output shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +A (possibly nested tuple of...) integer[s] or `TensorShape` +object[s]. + +


+ +Sequence of all sub-modules. + +Submodules are modules which are properties of this module, or found as +properties of modules which are properties of this module (and so on). + +``` +a = tf.Module() +b = tf.Module() +c = tf.Module() +a.b = b +b.c = c +assert list(a.submodules) == [b, c] +assert list(b.submodules) == [c] +assert list(c.submodules) == [] +``` + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of all submodules. + + +


+ +Describes whether the Decoder keeps track of finished states. + +Most decoders will emit a true/false `finished` value independently +at each time step. In this case, the `dynamic_decode` function keeps +track of which batch entries are already finished, and performs a +logical OR to insert new batches to the finished set. + +Some decoders, however, shuffle batches / beams between time steps and +`dynamic_decode` will mix up the finished state across these entries +because it does not track the reshuffle across time steps. In this +case, it is up to the decoder to declare that it will keep track of its +own finished state by setting this property to `True`. + +#### Returns: + +Python bool. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Sequence of trainable variables owned by this module and its submodules. + +Note: this method uses reflection to find variables on the current instance +and submodules. For performance reasons you may wish to cache the result +of calling this method if you don't expect the return value to change. + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of variables for the current module (sorted by attribute +name) followed by variables from all submodules recursively (breadth +first). + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + +Alias of `self.weights`. + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +__call__( + inputs, + *args, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Wraps `call`, applying pre- and post-processing steps. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: input tensor(s). +* `*args`: additional positional arguments to be passed to `self.call`. +* `**kwargs`: additional keyword arguments to be passed to `self.call`. + + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor(s). + + + +#### Note: + +- The following optional keyword arguments are reserved for specific uses: + * `training`: Boolean scalar tensor of Python boolean indicating + whether the `call` is meant for training or inference. + * `mask`: Boolean input mask. +- If the layer's `call` method takes a `mask` argument (as some Keras + layers do), its default value will be set to the mask generated + for `inputs` by the previous layer (if `input` did come from + a layer that generated a corresponding mask, i.e. if it came from + a Keras layer with masking support. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer's `call` method returns None (an invalid value). + +


+ +``` python +build(input_shape) +``` + +Creates the variables of the layer (optional, for subclass implementers). + +This is a method that implementers of subclasses of `Layer` or `Model` +can override if they need a state-creation step in-between +layer instantiation and layer call. + +This is typically used to create the weights of `Layer` subclasses. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Instance of `TensorShape`, or list of instances of + `TensorShape` if the layer expects a list of inputs + (one instance per input). + +


+ +``` python +compute_mask( + inputs, + mask=None +) +``` + +Computes an output mask tensor. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Tensor or list of tensors. +* `mask`: Tensor or list of tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +None or a tensor (or list of tensors, + one per output tensor of the layer). + + +


+ +``` python +compute_output_shape(input_shape) +``` + +Computes the output shape of the layer. + +If the layer has not been built, this method will call `build` on the +layer. This assumes that the layer will later be used with inputs that +match the input shape provided here. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Shape tuple (tuple of integers) + or list of shape tuples (one per output tensor of the layer). + Shape tuples can include None for free dimensions, + instead of an integer. + + +#### Returns: + +An input shape tuple. + + +


+ +``` python +count_params() +``` + +Count the total number of scalars composing the weights. + + +#### Returns: + +An integer count. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer isn't yet built + (in which case its weights aren't yet defined). + +


+ +View source + +``` python +finalize( + outputs, + final_state, + sequence_lengths +) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config +) +``` + +Creates a layer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same layer from the config +dictionary. It does not handle layer connectivity +(handled by Network), nor weights (handled by `set_weights`). + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the + output of get_config. + + +#### Returns: + +A layer instance. + + +


+ +``` python +get_config() +``` + +Returns the config of the layer. + +A layer config is a Python dictionary (serializable) +containing the configuration of a layer. +The same layer can be reinstantiated later +(without its trained weights) from this configuration. + +The config of a layer does not include connectivity +information, nor the layer class name. These are handled +by `Network` (one layer of abstraction above). + +#### Returns: + +Python dictionary. + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_input_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_losses_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves losses relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of loss tensors of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_output_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_updates_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves updates relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of update ops of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + +Returns the current weights of the layer. + + +#### Returns: + +Weights values as a list of numpy arrays. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +initialize( + inputs, + initial_state=None, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Called before any decoding iterations. + +This methods must compute initial input values and initial state. + +#### Args: + + +* `inputs`: (structure of) tensors that contains the input for the + decoder. In the normal case, it's a tensor with shape + [batch, timestep, embedding]. +* `initial_state`: (structure of) tensors that contains the initial state + for the RNNCell. +* `**kwargs`: Other arguments that are passed in from layer.call() + method. It could contains item like input sequence_length, or + masking for input. + + +#### Returns: + +`(finished, initial_inputs, initial_state)`: initial values of +'finished' flags, inputs and state. + + +


+ +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + +Sets the weights of the layer, from Numpy arrays. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `weights`: a list of Numpy arrays. The number + of arrays and their shape must match + number of the dimensions of the weights + of the layer (i.e. it should match the + output of `get_weights`). + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the provided weights list does not match the + layer's specifications. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +step( + time, + inputs, + state, + training +) +``` + +Called per step of decoding (but only once for dynamic decoding). + + +#### Args: + + +* `time`: Scalar `int32` tensor. Current step number. +* `inputs`: RNNCell input (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for this + time step. +* `state`: RNNCell state (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] from + previous time step. +* `training`: Python boolean. Indicates whether the layer should + behave in training mode or in inference mode. + + +#### Returns: + +`(outputs, next_state, next_inputs, finished)`: `outputs` is an +object containing the decoder output, `next_state` is a +(structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays, `next_inputs` is the +tensor that should be used as input for the next step, `finished` is +a boolean tensor telling whether the sequence is complete, for each +sequence in the batch. + + +


+ +``` python +with_name_scope( + cls, + method +) +``` + +Decorator to automatically enter the module name scope. + +``` +class MyModule(tf.Module): + @tf.Module.with_name_scope + def __call__(self, x): + if not hasattr(self, 'w'): + self.w = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([x.shape[1], 64])) + return tf.matmul(x, self.w) +``` + +Using the above module would produce `tf.Variable`s and `tf.Tensor`s whose +names included the module name: + +``` +mod = MyModule() +mod(tf.ones([8, 32])) +# ==> +mod.w +# ==> +``` + +#### Args: + + +* `method`: The method to wrap. + + +#### Returns: + +The original method wrapped such that it enters the module's name scope. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/BasicDecoder.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/BasicDecoder.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e4efd2c479 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/BasicDecoder.md @@ -0,0 +1,951 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.seq2seq.BasicDecoder + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `BasicDecoder` + +Basic sampling decoder. + +Inherits From: [`BaseDecoder`](../../tfa/seq2seq/BaseDecoder.md) + +**Aliases**: `tfa.seq2seq.basic_decoder.BasicDecoder` + + + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + cell, + sampler, + output_layer=None, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Initialize BasicDecoder. + + +#### Args: + + +* `cell`: An `RNNCell` instance. +* `sampler`: A `Sampler` instance. +* `output_layer`: (Optional) An instance of `tf.layers.Layer`, i.e., + `tf.layers.Dense`. Optional layer to apply to the RNN output prior + to storing the result or sampling. +* `**kwargs`: Other keyward arguments for layer creation. + + +#### Raises: + + +* `TypeError`: if `cell`, `helper` or `output_layer` have an incorrect +type. + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Optional regularizer function for the output of this layer. + + +


+ +The batch size of input values. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input tensor or list of input tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. +* `AttributeError`: If no inbound nodes are found. + +


+ +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input mask tensor (potentially None) or list of input +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer, or if all inputs +have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Input shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per input tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined input_shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ + + + +


+ +Losses which are associated with this `Layer`. + +Variable regularization tensors are created when this property is accessed, +so it is eager safe: accessing `losses` under a `tf.GradientTape` will +propagate gradients back to the corresponding variables. + +#### Returns: + +A list of tensors. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the name of this module as passed or determined in the ctor. + +NOTE: This is not the same as the `self.name_scope.name` which includes +parent module names. + +


+ +Returns a `tf.name_scope` instance for this class. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one output, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor or list of output tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to more than one incoming + layers. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +A (possibly nested tuple of...) dtype[s]. + + +


+ +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output mask tensor (potentially None) or list of output +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has one output, +or if all outputs have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Output shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per output tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined output shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +A (possibly nested tuple of...) integer[s] or `TensorShape` +object[s]. + +


+ +Sequence of all sub-modules. + +Submodules are modules which are properties of this module, or found as +properties of modules which are properties of this module (and so on). + +``` +a = tf.Module() +b = tf.Module() +c = tf.Module() +a.b = b +b.c = c +assert list(a.submodules) == [b, c] +assert list(b.submodules) == [c] +assert list(c.submodules) == [] +``` + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of all submodules. + + +


+ +Describes whether the Decoder keeps track of finished states. + +Most decoders will emit a true/false `finished` value independently +at each time step. In this case, the `dynamic_decode` function keeps +track of which batch entries are already finished, and performs a +logical OR to insert new batches to the finished set. + +Some decoders, however, shuffle batches / beams between time steps and +`dynamic_decode` will mix up the finished state across these entries +because it does not track the reshuffle across time steps. In this +case, it is up to the decoder to declare that it will keep track of its +own finished state by setting this property to `True`. + +#### Returns: + +Python bool. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Sequence of trainable variables owned by this module and its submodules. + +Note: this method uses reflection to find variables on the current instance +and submodules. For performance reasons you may wish to cache the result +of calling this method if you don't expect the return value to change. + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of variables for the current module (sorted by attribute +name) followed by variables from all submodules recursively (breadth +first). + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + +Alias of `self.weights`. + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +__call__( + inputs, + *args, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Wraps `call`, applying pre- and post-processing steps. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: input tensor(s). +* `*args`: additional positional arguments to be passed to `self.call`. +* `**kwargs`: additional keyword arguments to be passed to `self.call`. + + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor(s). + + + +#### Note: + +- The following optional keyword arguments are reserved for specific uses: + * `training`: Boolean scalar tensor of Python boolean indicating + whether the `call` is meant for training or inference. + * `mask`: Boolean input mask. +- If the layer's `call` method takes a `mask` argument (as some Keras + layers do), its default value will be set to the mask generated + for `inputs` by the previous layer (if `input` did come from + a layer that generated a corresponding mask, i.e. if it came from + a Keras layer with masking support. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer's `call` method returns None (an invalid value). + +


+ +``` python +build(input_shape) +``` + +Creates the variables of the layer (optional, for subclass implementers). + +This is a method that implementers of subclasses of `Layer` or `Model` +can override if they need a state-creation step in-between +layer instantiation and layer call. + +This is typically used to create the weights of `Layer` subclasses. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Instance of `TensorShape`, or list of instances of + `TensorShape` if the layer expects a list of inputs + (one instance per input). + +


+ +``` python +compute_mask( + inputs, + mask=None +) +``` + +Computes an output mask tensor. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Tensor or list of tensors. +* `mask`: Tensor or list of tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +None or a tensor (or list of tensors, + one per output tensor of the layer). + + +


+ +``` python +compute_output_shape(input_shape) +``` + +Computes the output shape of the layer. + +If the layer has not been built, this method will call `build` on the +layer. This assumes that the layer will later be used with inputs that +match the input shape provided here. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Shape tuple (tuple of integers) + or list of shape tuples (one per output tensor of the layer). + Shape tuples can include None for free dimensions, + instead of an integer. + + +#### Returns: + +An input shape tuple. + + +


+ +``` python +count_params() +``` + +Count the total number of scalars composing the weights. + + +#### Returns: + +An integer count. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer isn't yet built + (in which case its weights aren't yet defined). + +


+ +View source + +``` python +finalize( + outputs, + final_state, + sequence_lengths +) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config +) +``` + +Creates a layer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same layer from the config +dictionary. It does not handle layer connectivity +(handled by Network), nor weights (handled by `set_weights`). + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the + output of get_config. + + +#### Returns: + +A layer instance. + + +


+ +``` python +get_config() +``` + +Returns the config of the layer. + +A layer config is a Python dictionary (serializable) +containing the configuration of a layer. +The same layer can be reinstantiated later +(without its trained weights) from this configuration. + +The config of a layer does not include connectivity +information, nor the layer class name. These are handled +by `Network` (one layer of abstraction above). + +#### Returns: + +Python dictionary. + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_input_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_losses_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves losses relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of loss tensors of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_output_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_updates_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves updates relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of update ops of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + +Returns the current weights of the layer. + + +#### Returns: + +Weights values as a list of numpy arrays. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +initialize( + inputs, + initial_state=None, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Initialize the decoder. + + +


+ +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + +Sets the weights of the layer, from Numpy arrays. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `weights`: a list of Numpy arrays. The number + of arrays and their shape must match + number of the dimensions of the weights + of the layer (i.e. it should match the + output of `get_weights`). + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the provided weights list does not match the + layer's specifications. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +step( + time, + inputs, + state, + training=None +) +``` + +Perform a decoding step. + + +#### Args: + + +* `time`: scalar `int32` tensor. +* `inputs`: A (structure of) input tensors. +* `state`: A (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays. +* `training`: Python boolean. + + +#### Returns: + +`(outputs, next_state, next_inputs, finished)`. + + +


+ +``` python +with_name_scope( + cls, + method +) +``` + +Decorator to automatically enter the module name scope. + +``` +class MyModule(tf.Module): + @tf.Module.with_name_scope + def __call__(self, x): + if not hasattr(self, 'w'): + self.w = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([x.shape[1], 64])) + return tf.matmul(x, self.w) +``` + +Using the above module would produce `tf.Variable`s and `tf.Tensor`s whose +names included the module name: + +``` +mod = MyModule() +mod(tf.ones([8, 32])) +# ==> +mod.w +# ==> +``` + +#### Args: + + +* `method`: The method to wrap. + + +#### Returns: + +The original method wrapped such that it enters the module's name scope. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/BasicDecoderOutput.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/BasicDecoderOutput.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..48493bf4a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/BasicDecoderOutput.md @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +
+ + + + + +
+ +# tfa.seq2seq.BasicDecoderOutput + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `BasicDecoderOutput` + +BasicDecoderOutput(rnn_output, sample_id) + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.seq2seq.basic_decoder.BasicDecoderOutput` + + + + +


+ +``` python +__new__( + _cls, + rnn_output, + sample_id +) +``` + +Create new instance of BasicDecoderOutput(rnn_output, sample_id) + + + + +## Properties + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/BeamSearchDecoder.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/BeamSearchDecoder.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4e55320140 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/BeamSearchDecoder.md @@ -0,0 +1,1042 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.seq2seq.BeamSearchDecoder + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `BeamSearchDecoder` + +BeamSearch sampling decoder. + +Inherits From: [`BeamSearchDecoderMixin`](../../tfa/seq2seq/beam_search_decoder/BeamSearchDecoderMixin.md), [`BaseDecoder`](../../tfa/seq2seq/BaseDecoder.md) + +**Aliases**: `tfa.seq2seq.beam_search_decoder.BeamSearchDecoder` + + + +**NOTE** If you are using the `BeamSearchDecoder` with a cell wrapped in +`AttentionWrapper`, then you must ensure that: + +- The encoder output has been tiled to `beam_width` via + tfa.seq2seq.tile_batch (NOT `tf.tile`). +- The `batch_size` argument passed to the `get_initial_state` method of + this wrapper is equal to `true_batch_size * beam_width`. +- The initial state created with `get_initial_state` above contains a + `cell_state` value containing properly tiled final state from the + encoder. + +#### An example: + + + +``` +tiled_encoder_outputs = tfa.seq2seq.tile_batch( + encoder_outputs, multiplier=beam_width) +tiled_encoder_final_state = tfa.seq2seq.tile_batch( + encoder_final_state, multiplier=beam_width) +tiled_sequence_length = tfa.seq2seq.tile_batch( + sequence_length, multiplier=beam_width) +attention_mechanism = MyFavoriteAttentionMechanism( + num_units=attention_depth, + memory=tiled_inputs, + memory_sequence_length=tiled_sequence_length) +attention_cell = AttentionWrapper(cell, attention_mechanism, ...) +decoder_initial_state = attention_cell.get_initial_state( + batch_size=true_batch_size * beam_width, dtype=dtype) +decoder_initial_state = decoder_initial_state.clone( + cell_state=tiled_encoder_final_state) +``` + +Meanwhile, with `AttentionWrapper`, coverage penalty is suggested to use +when computing scores (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1609.08144.pdf). It encourages +the decoding to cover all inputs. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + cell, + beam_width, + embedding_fn=None, + output_layer=None, + length_penalty_weight=0.0, + coverage_penalty_weight=0.0, + reorder_tensor_arrays=True, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Initialize the BeamSearchDecoder. + + +#### Args: + + +* `cell`: An `RNNCell` instance. +* `beam_width`: Python integer, the number of beams. +* `embedding_fn`: A callable that takes a vector tensor of `ids` + (argmax ids). +* `output_layer`: (Optional) An instance of `tf.keras.layers.Layer`, + i.e., `tf.keras.layers.Dense`. Optional layer to apply to the RNN + output prior to storing the result or sampling. +* `length_penalty_weight`: Float weight to penalize length. Disabled with + 0.0. +* `coverage_penalty_weight`: Float weight to penalize the coverage of + source sentence. Disabled with 0.0. +* `reorder_tensor_arrays`: If `True`, `TensorArray`s' elements within the + cell state will be reordered according to the beam search path. If + the `TensorArray` can be reordered, the stacked form will be + returned. Otherwise, the `TensorArray` will be returned as is. Set + this flag to `False` if the cell state contains `TensorArray`s that + are not amenable to reordering. +* `**kwargs`: Dict, other keyword arguments for initialization. + + +#### Raises: + + +* `TypeError`: if `cell` is not an instance of `RNNCell`, + or `output_layer` is not an instance of `tf.keras.layers.Layer`. + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Optional regularizer function for the output of this layer. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input tensor or list of input tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. +* `AttributeError`: If no inbound nodes are found. + +


+ +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input mask tensor (potentially None) or list of input +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer, or if all inputs +have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Input shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per input tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined input_shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ + + + +


+ +Losses which are associated with this `Layer`. + +Variable regularization tensors are created when this property is accessed, +so it is eager safe: accessing `losses` under a `tf.GradientTape` will +propagate gradients back to the corresponding variables. + +#### Returns: + +A list of tensors. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the name of this module as passed or determined in the ctor. + +NOTE: This is not the same as the `self.name_scope.name` which includes +parent module names. + +


+ +Returns a `tf.name_scope` instance for this class. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one output, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor or list of output tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to more than one incoming + layers. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +A (possibly nested tuple of...) dtype[s]. + + +


+ +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output mask tensor (potentially None) or list of output +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has one output, +or if all outputs have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Output shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per output tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined output shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ + + + +


+ +Sequence of all sub-modules. + +Submodules are modules which are properties of this module, or found as +properties of modules which are properties of this module (and so on). + +``` +a = tf.Module() +b = tf.Module() +c = tf.Module() +a.b = b +b.c = c +assert list(a.submodules) == [b, c] +assert list(b.submodules) == [c] +assert list(c.submodules) == [] +``` + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of all submodules. + + +


+ +The BeamSearchDecoder shuffles its beams and their finished state. + +For this reason, it conflicts with the `dynamic_decode` function's +tracking of finished states. Setting this property to true avoids +early stopping of decoding due to mismanagement of the finished state +in `dynamic_decode`. + +#### Returns: + +`True`. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Sequence of trainable variables owned by this module and its submodules. + +Note: this method uses reflection to find variables on the current instance +and submodules. For performance reasons you may wish to cache the result +of calling this method if you don't expect the return value to change. + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of variables for the current module (sorted by attribute +name) followed by variables from all submodules recursively (breadth +first). + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + +Alias of `self.weights`. + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +__call__( + inputs, + *args, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Wraps `call`, applying pre- and post-processing steps. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: input tensor(s). +* `*args`: additional positional arguments to be passed to `self.call`. +* `**kwargs`: additional keyword arguments to be passed to `self.call`. + + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor(s). + + + +#### Note: + +- The following optional keyword arguments are reserved for specific uses: + * `training`: Boolean scalar tensor of Python boolean indicating + whether the `call` is meant for training or inference. + * `mask`: Boolean input mask. +- If the layer's `call` method takes a `mask` argument (as some Keras + layers do), its default value will be set to the mask generated + for `inputs` by the previous layer (if `input` did come from + a layer that generated a corresponding mask, i.e. if it came from + a Keras layer with masking support. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer's `call` method returns None (an invalid value). + +


+ +``` python +build(input_shape) +``` + +Creates the variables of the layer (optional, for subclass implementers). + +This is a method that implementers of subclasses of `Layer` or `Model` +can override if they need a state-creation step in-between +layer instantiation and layer call. + +This is typically used to create the weights of `Layer` subclasses. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Instance of `TensorShape`, or list of instances of + `TensorShape` if the layer expects a list of inputs + (one instance per input). + +


+ +``` python +compute_mask( + inputs, + mask=None +) +``` + +Computes an output mask tensor. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Tensor or list of tensors. +* `mask`: Tensor or list of tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +None or a tensor (or list of tensors, + one per output tensor of the layer). + + +


+ +``` python +compute_output_shape(input_shape) +``` + +Computes the output shape of the layer. + +If the layer has not been built, this method will call `build` on the +layer. This assumes that the layer will later be used with inputs that +match the input shape provided here. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Shape tuple (tuple of integers) + or list of shape tuples (one per output tensor of the layer). + Shape tuples can include None for free dimensions, + instead of an integer. + + +#### Returns: + +An input shape tuple. + + +


+ +``` python +count_params() +``` + +Count the total number of scalars composing the weights. + + +#### Returns: + +An integer count. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer isn't yet built + (in which case its weights aren't yet defined). + +


+ +View source + +``` python +finalize( + outputs, + final_state, + sequence_lengths +) +``` + +Finalize and return the predicted_ids. + + +#### Args: + + +* `outputs`: An instance of BeamSearchDecoderOutput. +* `final_state`: An instance of BeamSearchDecoderState. Passed through to + the output. +* `sequence_lengths`: An `int64` tensor shaped + `[batch_size, beam_width]`. The sequence lengths determined for + each beam during decode. **NOTE** These are ignored; the updated + sequence lengths are stored in `final_state.lengths`. + + +#### Returns: + + +* `outputs`: An instance of `FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput` where the + predicted_ids are the result of calling _gather_tree. +* `final_state`: The same input instance of `BeamSearchDecoderState`. + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config +) +``` + +Creates a layer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same layer from the config +dictionary. It does not handle layer connectivity +(handled by Network), nor weights (handled by `set_weights`). + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the + output of get_config. + + +#### Returns: + +A layer instance. + + +


+ +``` python +get_config() +``` + +Returns the config of the layer. + +A layer config is a Python dictionary (serializable) +containing the configuration of a layer. +The same layer can be reinstantiated later +(without its trained weights) from this configuration. + +The config of a layer does not include connectivity +information, nor the layer class name. These are handled +by `Network` (one layer of abstraction above). + +#### Returns: + +Python dictionary. + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_input_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_losses_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves losses relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of loss tensors of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_output_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_updates_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves updates relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of update ops of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + +Returns the current weights of the layer. + + +#### Returns: + +Weights values as a list of numpy arrays. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +initialize( + embedding, + start_tokens, + end_token, + initial_state +) +``` + +Initialize the decoder. + + +#### Args: + + +* `embedding`: A tensor from the embedding layer output, which is the + `params` argument for `embedding_lookup`. +* `start_tokens`: `int32` vector shaped `[batch_size]`, the start tokens. +* `end_token`: `int32` scalar, the token that marks end of decoding. +* `initial_state`: A (possibly nested tuple of...) tensors and +TensorArrays. + +#### Returns: + +`(finished, start_inputs, initial_state)`. + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If `start_tokens` is not a vector or `end_token` is not a + scalar. + +


+ +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + +Sets the weights of the layer, from Numpy arrays. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `weights`: a list of Numpy arrays. The number + of arrays and their shape must match + number of the dimensions of the weights + of the layer (i.e. it should match the + output of `get_weights`). + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the provided weights list does not match the + layer's specifications. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +step( + time, + inputs, + state, + training=None, + name=None +) +``` + +Perform a decoding step. + + +#### Args: + + +* `time`: scalar `int32` tensor. +* `inputs`: A (structure of) input tensors. +* `state`: A (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays. +* `training`: Python boolean. Indicates whether the layer should + behave in training mode or in inference mode. Only relevant + when `dropout` or `recurrent_dropout` is used. +* `name`: Name scope for any created operations. + + +#### Returns: + +`(outputs, next_state, next_inputs, finished)`. + + +


+ +``` python +with_name_scope( + cls, + method +) +``` + +Decorator to automatically enter the module name scope. + +``` +class MyModule(tf.Module): + @tf.Module.with_name_scope + def __call__(self, x): + if not hasattr(self, 'w'): + self.w = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([x.shape[1], 64])) + return tf.matmul(x, self.w) +``` + +Using the above module would produce `tf.Variable`s and `tf.Tensor`s whose +names included the module name: + +``` +mod = MyModule() +mod(tf.ones([8, 32])) +# ==> +mod.w +# ==> +``` + +#### Args: + + +* `method`: The method to wrap. + + +#### Returns: + +The original method wrapped such that it enters the module's name scope. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/BeamSearchDecoderOutput.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/BeamSearchDecoderOutput.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..630aea5ee5 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/BeamSearchDecoderOutput.md @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +
+ + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.seq2seq.BeamSearchDecoderOutput + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `BeamSearchDecoderOutput` + +BeamSearchDecoderOutput(scores, predicted_ids, parent_ids) + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.seq2seq.beam_search_decoder.BeamSearchDecoderOutput` + + + + +


+ +``` python +__new__( + _cls, + scores, + predicted_ids, + parent_ids +) +``` + +Create new instance of BeamSearchDecoderOutput(scores, predicted_ids, parent_ids) + + + + +## Properties + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/BeamSearchDecoderState.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/BeamSearchDecoderState.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1e9fab3e2d --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/BeamSearchDecoderState.md @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.seq2seq.BeamSearchDecoderState + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `BeamSearchDecoderState` + +BeamSearchDecoderState(cell_state, log_probs, finished, lengths, accumulated_attention_probs) + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.seq2seq.beam_search_decoder.BeamSearchDecoderState` + + + + +


+ +``` python +__new__( + _cls, + cell_state, + log_probs, + finished, + lengths, + accumulated_attention_probs +) +``` + +Create new instance of BeamSearchDecoderState(cell_state, log_probs, finished, lengths, accumulated_attention_probs) + + + + +## Properties + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/CustomSampler.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/CustomSampler.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0e3ef7b8d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/CustomSampler.md @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.seq2seq.CustomSampler + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `CustomSampler` + +Base abstract class that allows the user to customize sampling. + +Inherits From: [`Sampler`](../../tfa/seq2seq/Sampler.md) + +**Aliases**: `tfa.seq2seq.sampler.CustomSampler` + + + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + initialize_fn, + sample_fn, + next_inputs_fn, + sample_ids_shape=None, + sample_ids_dtype=None +) +``` + +Initializer. + + +#### Args: + + +* `initialize_fn`: callable that returns `(finished, next_inputs)` for + the first iteration. +* `sample_fn`: callable that takes `(time, outputs, state)` and emits + tensor `sample_ids`. +* `next_inputs_fn`: callable that takes + `(time, outputs, state, sample_ids)` and emits + `(finished, next_inputs, next_state)`. +* `sample_ids_shape`: Either a list of integers, or a 1-D Tensor of type + `int32`, the shape of each value in the `sample_ids` batch. + Defaults to a scalar. +* `sample_ids_dtype`: The dtype of the `sample_ids` tensor. Defaults to + int32. + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Batch size of tensor returned by `sample`. + +Returns a scalar int32 tensor. The return value might not +available before the invocation of initialize(), in this case, +ValueError is raised. + +


+ +DType of tensor returned by `sample`. + +Returns a DType. The return value might not available before the +invocation of initialize(). + +


+ +Shape of tensor returned by `sample`, excluding the batch dimension. + +Returns a `TensorShape`. The return value might not available +before the invocation of initialize(). + + + +## Methods + +


+ +View source + +``` python +initialize( + inputs, + **kwargs +) +``` + +initialize the sampler with the input tensors. + +This method suppose to be only invoke once before the calling other +methods of the Sampler. + +#### Args: + + +* `inputs`: A (structure of) input tensors, it could be a nested tuple or + a single tensor. +* `**kwargs`: Other kwargs for initialization. It could contain tensors + like mask for inputs, or non tensor parameter. + + +#### Returns: + +`(initial_finished, initial_inputs)`. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +next_inputs( + time, + outputs, + state, + sample_ids +) +``` + +Returns `(finished, next_inputs, next_state)`. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +sample( + time, + outputs, + state +) +``` + +Returns `sample_ids`. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/Decoder.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/Decoder.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5b693aaedc --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/Decoder.md @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.seq2seq.Decoder + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `Decoder` + +An RNN Decoder abstract interface object. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.seq2seq.decoder.Decoder` + + + +Concepts used by this interface: +- `inputs`: (structure of) tensors and TensorArrays that is passed as input + to the RNNCell composing the decoder, at each time step. +- `state`: (structure of) tensors and TensorArrays that is passed to the + RNNCell instance as the state. +- `finished`: boolean tensor telling whether each sequence in the batch is + finished. +- `training`: boolean whether it should behave in training mode or in + inference mode. +- `outputs`: Instance of BasicDecoderOutput. Result of the decoding, at + each time step. + +## Properties + +


+ +The batch size of input values. + + +


+ +A (possibly nested tuple of...) dtype[s]. + + +


+ +A (possibly nested tuple of...) integer[s] or `TensorShape` +object[s]. + +


+ +Describes whether the Decoder keeps track of finished states. + +Most decoders will emit a true/false `finished` value independently +at each time step. In this case, the `dynamic_decode` function keeps +track of which batch entries are already finished, and performs a +logical OR to insert new batches to the finished set. + +Some decoders, however, shuffle batches / beams between time steps and +`dynamic_decode` will mix up the finished state across these entries +because it does not track the reshuffle across time steps. In this +case, it is up to the decoder to declare that it will keep track of its +own finished state by setting this property to `True`. + +#### Returns: + +Python bool. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +View source + +``` python +finalize( + outputs, + final_state, + sequence_lengths +) +``` + + + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +initialize(name=None) +``` + +Called before any decoding iterations. + +This methods must compute initial input values and initial state. + +#### Args: + + +* `name`: Name scope for any created operations. + + +#### Returns: + +`(finished, initial_inputs, initial_state)`: initial values of +'finished' flags, inputs and state. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +step( + time, + inputs, + state, + training=None, + name=None +) +``` + +Called per step of decoding (but only once for dynamic decoding). + + +#### Args: + + +* `time`: Scalar `int32` tensor. Current step number. +* `inputs`: RNNCell input (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] for this + time step. +* `state`: RNNCell state (possibly nested tuple of) tensor[s] from + previous time step. +* `training`: Python boolean. Indicates whether the layer should behave + in training mode or in inference mode. Only relevant + when `dropout` or `recurrent_dropout` is used. +* `name`: Name scope for any created operations. + + +#### Returns: + +`(outputs, next_state, next_inputs, finished)`: `outputs` is an +object containing the decoder output, `next_state` is a (structure +of) state tensors and TensorArrays, `next_inputs` is the tensor that +should be used as input for the next step, `finished` is a boolean +tensor telling whether the sequence is complete, for each sequence in +the batch. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..323e514e12 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput.md @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +
+ + + + + +
+ +# tfa.seq2seq.FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput` + +Final outputs returned by the beam search after all decoding is + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.seq2seq.beam_search_decoder.FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput` + + +finished. + +#### Args: + + +* `predicted_ids`: The final prediction. A tensor of shape + `[batch_size, T, beam_width]` (or `[T, batch_size, beam_width]` if + `output_time_major` is True). Beams are ordered from best to worst. +* `beam_search_decoder_output`: An instance of `BeamSearchDecoderOutput` that + describes the state of the beam search. + +


+ +``` python +__new__( + _cls, + predicted_ids, + beam_search_decoder_output +) +``` + +Create new instance of FinalBeamDecoderOutput(predicted_ids, beam_search_decoder_output) + + + + +## Properties + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/GreedyEmbeddingSampler.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/GreedyEmbeddingSampler.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7477724e9d --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/GreedyEmbeddingSampler.md @@ -0,0 +1,162 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.seq2seq.GreedyEmbeddingSampler + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `GreedyEmbeddingSampler` + +A sampler for use during inference. + +Inherits From: [`Sampler`](../../tfa/seq2seq/Sampler.md) + +**Aliases**: `tfa.seq2seq.sampler.GreedyEmbeddingSampler` + + + +Uses the argmax of the output (treated as logits) and passes the +result through an embedding layer to get the next input. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__(embedding_fn=None) +``` + +Initializer. + + +#### Args: + + +* `embedding_fn`: A optional callable that takes a vector tensor of `ids` + (argmax ids), or the `params` argument for `embedding_lookup`. The + returned tensor will be passed to the decoder input. Default to use + `tf.nn.embedding_lookup`. + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Batch size of tensor returned by `sample`. + +Returns a scalar int32 tensor. The return value might not +available before the invocation of initialize(), in this case, +ValueError is raised. + +


+ +DType of tensor returned by `sample`. + +Returns a DType. The return value might not available before the +invocation of initialize(). + +


+ +Shape of tensor returned by `sample`, excluding the batch dimension. + +Returns a `TensorShape`. The return value might not available +before the invocation of initialize(). + + + +## Methods + +


+ +View source + +``` python +initialize( + embedding, + start_tokens=None, + end_token=None +) +``` + +Initialize the GreedyEmbeddingSampler. + + +#### Args: + + +* `embedding`: tensor that contains embedding states matrix. It will be + used to generate generate outputs with start_tokens and end_tokens. + The embedding will be ignored if the embedding_fn has been provided + at __init__(). +* `start_tokens`: `int32` vector shaped `[batch_size]`, the start tokens. +* `end_token`: `int32` scalar, the token that marks end of decoding. + + +#### Returns: + +Tuple of two items: `(finished, self.start_inputs)`. + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if `start_tokens` is not a 1D tensor or `end_token` is + not a scalar. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +next_inputs( + time, + outputs, + state, + sample_ids +) +``` + +next_inputs_fn for GreedyEmbeddingHelper. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +sample( + time, + outputs, + state +) +``` + +sample for GreedyEmbeddingHelper. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/InferenceSampler.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/InferenceSampler.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..99630b9e36 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/InferenceSampler.md @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.seq2seq.InferenceSampler + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `InferenceSampler` + +A helper to use during inference with a custom sampling function. + +Inherits From: [`Sampler`](../../tfa/seq2seq/Sampler.md) + +**Aliases**: `tfa.seq2seq.sampler.InferenceSampler` + + + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + sample_fn, + sample_shape, + sample_dtype, + end_fn, + next_inputs_fn=None +) +``` + +Initializer. + + +#### Args: + + +* `sample_fn`: A callable that takes `outputs` and emits tensor + `sample_ids`. +* `sample_shape`: Either a list of integers, or a 1-D Tensor of type + `int32`, the shape of the each sample in the batch returned by + `sample_fn`. +* `sample_dtype`: the dtype of the sample returned by `sample_fn`. +* `end_fn`: A callable that takes `sample_ids` and emits a `bool` vector + shaped `[batch_size]` indicating whether each sample is an end + token. +* `next_inputs_fn`: (Optional) A callable that takes `sample_ids` and + returns the next batch of inputs. If not provided, `sample_ids` is + used as the next batch of inputs. + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Batch size of tensor returned by `sample`. + +Returns a scalar int32 tensor. The return value might not +available before the invocation of initialize(), in this case, +ValueError is raised. + +


+ +DType of tensor returned by `sample`. + +Returns a DType. The return value might not available before the +invocation of initialize(). + +


+ +Shape of tensor returned by `sample`, excluding the batch dimension. + +Returns a `TensorShape`. The return value might not available +before the invocation of initialize(). + + + +## Methods + +


+ +View source + +``` python +initialize(start_inputs) +``` + +initialize the sampler with the input tensors. + +This method suppose to be only invoke once before the calling other +methods of the Sampler. + +#### Args: + + +* `inputs`: A (structure of) input tensors, it could be a nested tuple or + a single tensor. +* `**kwargs`: Other kwargs for initialization. It could contain tensors + like mask for inputs, or non tensor parameter. + + +#### Returns: + +`(initial_finished, initial_inputs)`. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +next_inputs( + time, + outputs, + state, + sample_ids +) +``` + +Returns `(finished, next_inputs, next_state)`. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +sample( + time, + outputs, + state +) +``` + +Returns `sample_ids`. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/LuongAttention.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/LuongAttention.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ed4e1cb9d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/LuongAttention.md @@ -0,0 +1,1012 @@ +
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+ +# tfa.seq2seq.LuongAttention + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `LuongAttention` + +Implements Luong-style (multiplicative) attention scoring. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.LuongAttention` + + + +This attention has two forms. The first is standard Luong attention, +as described in: + +Minh-Thang Luong, Hieu Pham, Christopher D. Manning. +[Effective Approaches to Attention-based Neural Machine Translation. +EMNLP 2015.](https://arxiv.org/abs/1508.04025) + +The second is the scaled form inspired partly by the normalized form of +Bahdanau attention. + +To enable the second form, construct the object with parameter +`scale=True`. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + units, + memory=None, + memory_sequence_length=None, + scale=False, + probability_fn='softmax', + dtype=None, + name='LuongAttention', + **kwargs +) +``` + +Construct the AttentionMechanism mechanism. + + +#### Args: + + +* `units`: The depth of the attention mechanism. +* `memory`: The memory to query; usually the output of an RNN encoder. + This tensor should be shaped `[batch_size, max_time, ...]`. +* `memory_sequence_length`: (optional): Sequence lengths for the batch + entries in memory. If provided, the memory tensor rows are masked + with zeros for values past the respective sequence lengths. +* `scale`: Python boolean. Whether to scale the energy term. +* `probability_fn`: (optional) string, the name of function to convert + the attention score to probabilities. The default is `softmax` + which is `tf.nn.softmax`. Other options is `hardmax`, which is + hardmax() within this module. Any other value will result + intovalidation error. Default to use `softmax`. +* `dtype`: The data type for the memory layer of the attention mechanism. +* `name`: Name to use when creating ops. +* `**kwargs`: Dictionary that contains other common arguments for layer + creation. + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Optional regularizer function for the output of this layer. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input tensor or list of input tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. +* `AttributeError`: If no inbound nodes are found. + +


+ +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input mask tensor (potentially None) or list of input +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer, or if all inputs +have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Input shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per input tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined input_shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ + + + +


+ +Losses which are associated with this `Layer`. + +Variable regularization tensors are created when this property is accessed, +so it is eager safe: accessing `losses` under a `tf.GradientTape` will +propagate gradients back to the corresponding variables. + +#### Returns: + +A list of tensors. + + +


+ +Returns `True` if this attention mechanism has been initialized with +a memory. + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the name of this module as passed or determined in the ctor. + +NOTE: This is not the same as the `self.name_scope.name` which includes +parent module names. + +


+ +Returns a `tf.name_scope` instance for this class. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one output, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor or list of output tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to more than one incoming + layers. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output mask tensor (potentially None) or list of output +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has one output, +or if all outputs have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Output shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per output tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined output shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ + + + +


+ +Sequence of all sub-modules. + +Submodules are modules which are properties of this module, or found as +properties of modules which are properties of this module (and so on). + +``` +a = tf.Module() +b = tf.Module() +c = tf.Module() +a.b = b +b.c = c +assert list(a.submodules) == [b, c] +assert list(b.submodules) == [c] +assert list(c.submodules) == [] +``` + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of all submodules. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Sequence of trainable variables owned by this module and its submodules. + +Note: this method uses reflection to find variables on the current instance +and submodules. For performance reasons you may wish to cache the result +of calling this method if you don't expect the return value to change. + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of variables for the current module (sorted by attribute +name) followed by variables from all submodules recursively (breadth +first). + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + +Alias of `self.weights`. + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__call__( + inputs, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Preprocess the inputs before calling `base_layer.__call__()`. + +Note that there are situation here, one for setup memory, and one with +actual query and state. +1. When the memory has not been configured, we just pass all the param + to base_layer.__call__(), which will then invoke self.call() with + proper inputs, which allows this class to setup memory. +2. When the memory has already been setup, the input should contain + query and state, and optionally processed memory. If the processed + memory is not included in the input, we will have to append it to + the inputs and give it to the base_layer.__call__(). The processed + memory is the output of first invocation of self.__call__(). If we + don't add it here, then from keras perspective, the graph is + disconnected since the output from previous call is never used. + +#### Args: + + +* `inputs`: the inputs tensors. +* `**kwargs`: dict, other keyeword arguments for the `__call__()` + +


+ +View source + +``` python +build(input_shape) +``` + +Creates the variables of the layer (optional, for subclass implementers). + +This is a method that implementers of subclasses of `Layer` or `Model` +can override if they need a state-creation step in-between +layer instantiation and layer call. + +This is typically used to create the weights of `Layer` subclasses. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Instance of `TensorShape`, or list of instances of + `TensorShape` if the layer expects a list of inputs + (one instance per input). + +


+ +View source + +``` python +compute_mask( + inputs, + mask=None +) +``` + +Computes an output mask tensor. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Tensor or list of tensors. +* `mask`: Tensor or list of tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +None or a tensor (or list of tensors, + one per output tensor of the layer). + + +


+ +``` python +compute_output_shape(input_shape) +``` + +Computes the output shape of the layer. + +If the layer has not been built, this method will call `build` on the +layer. This assumes that the layer will later be used with inputs that +match the input shape provided here. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Shape tuple (tuple of integers) + or list of shape tuples (one per output tensor of the layer). + Shape tuples can include None for free dimensions, + instead of an integer. + + +#### Returns: + +An input shape tuple. + + +


+ +``` python +count_params() +``` + +Count the total number of scalars composing the weights. + + +#### Returns: + +An integer count. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer isn't yet built + (in which case its weights aren't yet defined). + +


+ +View source + +``` python +deserialize_inner_layer_from_config( + cls, + config, + custom_objects +) +``` + +Helper method that reconstruct the query and memory from the config. + +In the get_config() method, the query and memory layer configs are +serialized into dict for persistence, this method perform the reverse +action to reconstruct the layer from the config. + +#### Args: + + +* `config`: dict, the configs that will be used to reconstruct the + object. +* `custom_objects`: dict mapping class names (or function names) of + custom (non-Keras) objects to class/functions. + +#### Returns: + + +* `config`: dict, the config with layer instance created, which is ready + to be used as init parameters. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +@classmethod +from_config( + cls, + config, + custom_objects=None +) +``` + +Creates a layer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same layer from the config +dictionary. It does not handle layer connectivity +(handled by Network), nor weights (handled by `set_weights`). + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the + output of get_config. + + +#### Returns: + +A layer instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + +Returns the config of the layer. + +A layer config is a Python dictionary (serializable) +containing the configuration of a layer. +The same layer can be reinstantiated later +(without its trained weights) from this configuration. + +The config of a layer does not include connectivity +information, nor the layer class name. These are handled +by `Network` (one layer of abstraction above). + +#### Returns: + +Python dictionary. + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_input_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_losses_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves losses relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of loss tensors of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_output_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_updates_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves updates relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of update ops of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + +Returns the current weights of the layer. + + +#### Returns: + +Weights values as a list of numpy arrays. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +initial_alignments( + batch_size, + dtype +) +``` + +Creates the initial alignment values for the `AttentionWrapper` +class. + +This is important for AttentionMechanisms that use the previous +alignment to calculate the alignment at the next time step +(e.g. monotonic attention). + +The default behavior is to return a tensor of all zeros. + +#### Args: + + +* `batch_size`: `int32` scalar, the batch_size. +* `dtype`: The `dtype`. + + +#### Returns: + +A `dtype` tensor shaped `[batch_size, alignments_size]` +(`alignments_size` is the values' `max_time`). + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +initial_state( + batch_size, + dtype +) +``` + +Creates the initial state values for the `AttentionWrapper` class. + +This is important for AttentionMechanisms that use the previous +alignment to calculate the alignment at the next time step +(e.g. monotonic attention). + +The default behavior is to return the same output as +initial_alignments. + +#### Args: + + +* `batch_size`: `int32` scalar, the batch_size. +* `dtype`: The `dtype`. + + +#### Returns: + +A structure of all-zero tensors with shapes as described by +`state_size`. + + +


+ +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + +Sets the weights of the layer, from Numpy arrays. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `weights`: a list of Numpy arrays. The number + of arrays and their shape must match + number of the dimensions of the weights + of the layer (i.e. it should match the + output of `get_weights`). + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the provided weights list does not match the + layer's specifications. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +setup_memory( + memory, + memory_sequence_length=None, + memory_mask=None +) +``` + +Pre-process the memory before actually query the memory. + +This should only be called once at the first invocation of call(). + +#### Args: + + +* `memory`: The memory to query; usually the output of an RNN encoder. + This tensor should be shaped `[batch_size, max_time, ...]`. +memory_sequence_length (optional): Sequence lengths for the batch + entries in memory. If provided, the memory tensor rows are masked + with zeros for values past the respective sequence lengths. +* `memory_mask`: (Optional) The boolean tensor with shape `[batch_size, + max_time]`. For any value equal to False, the corresponding value + in memory should be ignored. + +


+ +``` python +with_name_scope( + cls, + method +) +``` + +Decorator to automatically enter the module name scope. + +``` +class MyModule(tf.Module): + @tf.Module.with_name_scope + def __call__(self, x): + if not hasattr(self, 'w'): + self.w = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([x.shape[1], 64])) + return tf.matmul(x, self.w) +``` + +Using the above module would produce `tf.Variable`s and `tf.Tensor`s whose +names included the module name: + +``` +mod = MyModule() +mod(tf.ones([8, 32])) +# ==> +mod.w +# ==> +``` + +#### Args: + + +* `method`: The method to wrap. + + +#### Returns: + +The original method wrapped such that it enters the module's name scope. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/LuongMonotonicAttention.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/LuongMonotonicAttention.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dae455fa1d --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/LuongMonotonicAttention.md @@ -0,0 +1,1014 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.seq2seq.LuongMonotonicAttention + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `LuongMonotonicAttention` + +Monotonic attention mechanism with Luong-style energy function. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.LuongMonotonicAttention` + + + +This type of attention enforces a monotonic constraint on the attention +distributions; that is once the model attends to a given point in the +memory it can't attend to any prior points at subsequence output timesteps. +It achieves this by using the _monotonic_probability_fn instead of softmax +to construct its attention distributions. Otherwise, it is equivalent to +LuongAttention. This approach is proposed in + +[Colin Raffel, Minh-Thang Luong, Peter J. Liu, Ron J. Weiss, Douglas Eck, +"Online and Linear-Time Attention by Enforcing Monotonic Alignments." +ICML 2017.](https://arxiv.org/abs/1704.00784) + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + units, + memory=None, + memory_sequence_length=None, + scale=False, + sigmoid_noise=0.0, + sigmoid_noise_seed=None, + score_bias_init=0.0, + mode='parallel', + dtype=None, + name='LuongMonotonicAttention', + **kwargs +) +``` + +Construct the Attention mechanism. + + +#### Args: + + +* `units`: The depth of the query mechanism. +* `memory`: The memory to query; usually the output of an RNN encoder. + This tensor should be shaped `[batch_size, max_time, ...]`. +* `memory_sequence_length`: (optional): Sequence lengths for the batch + entries in memory. If provided, the memory tensor rows are masked + with zeros for values past the respective sequence lengths. +* `scale`: Python boolean. Whether to scale the energy term. +* `sigmoid_noise`: Standard deviation of pre-sigmoid noise. See the + docstring for `_monotonic_probability_fn` for more information. +* `sigmoid_noise_seed`: (optional) Random seed for pre-sigmoid noise. +* `score_bias_init`: Initial value for score bias scalar. It's + recommended to initialize this to a negative value when the length + of the memory is large. +* `mode`: How to compute the attention distribution. Must be one of + 'recursive', 'parallel', or 'hard'. See the docstring for + tfa.seq2seq.monotonic_attention for more information. +* `dtype`: The data type for the query and memory layers of the attention + mechanism. +* `name`: Name to use when creating ops. +* `**kwargs`: Dictionary that contains other common arguments for layer + creation. + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Optional regularizer function for the output of this layer. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input tensor or list of input tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. +* `AttributeError`: If no inbound nodes are found. + +


+ +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input mask tensor (potentially None) or list of input +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer, or if all inputs +have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Input shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per input tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined input_shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ + + + +


+ +Losses which are associated with this `Layer`. + +Variable regularization tensors are created when this property is accessed, +so it is eager safe: accessing `losses` under a `tf.GradientTape` will +propagate gradients back to the corresponding variables. + +#### Returns: + +A list of tensors. + + +


+ +Returns `True` if this attention mechanism has been initialized with +a memory. + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the name of this module as passed or determined in the ctor. + +NOTE: This is not the same as the `self.name_scope.name` which includes +parent module names. + +


+ +Returns a `tf.name_scope` instance for this class. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one output, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor or list of output tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to more than one incoming + layers. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output mask tensor (potentially None) or list of output +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has one output, +or if all outputs have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Output shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per output tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined output shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ + + + +


+ +Sequence of all sub-modules. + +Submodules are modules which are properties of this module, or found as +properties of modules which are properties of this module (and so on). + +``` +a = tf.Module() +b = tf.Module() +c = tf.Module() +a.b = b +b.c = c +assert list(a.submodules) == [b, c] +assert list(b.submodules) == [c] +assert list(c.submodules) == [] +``` + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of all submodules. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Sequence of trainable variables owned by this module and its submodules. + +Note: this method uses reflection to find variables on the current instance +and submodules. For performance reasons you may wish to cache the result +of calling this method if you don't expect the return value to change. + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of variables for the current module (sorted by attribute +name) followed by variables from all submodules recursively (breadth +first). + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + +Alias of `self.weights`. + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__call__( + inputs, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Preprocess the inputs before calling `base_layer.__call__()`. + +Note that there are situation here, one for setup memory, and one with +actual query and state. +1. When the memory has not been configured, we just pass all the param + to base_layer.__call__(), which will then invoke self.call() with + proper inputs, which allows this class to setup memory. +2. When the memory has already been setup, the input should contain + query and state, and optionally processed memory. If the processed + memory is not included in the input, we will have to append it to + the inputs and give it to the base_layer.__call__(). The processed + memory is the output of first invocation of self.__call__(). If we + don't add it here, then from keras perspective, the graph is + disconnected since the output from previous call is never used. + +#### Args: + + +* `inputs`: the inputs tensors. +* `**kwargs`: dict, other keyeword arguments for the `__call__()` + +


+ +View source + +``` python +build(input_shape) +``` + +Creates the variables of the layer (optional, for subclass implementers). + +This is a method that implementers of subclasses of `Layer` or `Model` +can override if they need a state-creation step in-between +layer instantiation and layer call. + +This is typically used to create the weights of `Layer` subclasses. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Instance of `TensorShape`, or list of instances of + `TensorShape` if the layer expects a list of inputs + (one instance per input). + +


+ +View source + +``` python +compute_mask( + inputs, + mask=None +) +``` + +Computes an output mask tensor. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Tensor or list of tensors. +* `mask`: Tensor or list of tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +None or a tensor (or list of tensors, + one per output tensor of the layer). + + +


+ +``` python +compute_output_shape(input_shape) +``` + +Computes the output shape of the layer. + +If the layer has not been built, this method will call `build` on the +layer. This assumes that the layer will later be used with inputs that +match the input shape provided here. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Shape tuple (tuple of integers) + or list of shape tuples (one per output tensor of the layer). + Shape tuples can include None for free dimensions, + instead of an integer. + + +#### Returns: + +An input shape tuple. + + +


+ +``` python +count_params() +``` + +Count the total number of scalars composing the weights. + + +#### Returns: + +An integer count. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer isn't yet built + (in which case its weights aren't yet defined). + +


+ +View source + +``` python +deserialize_inner_layer_from_config( + cls, + config, + custom_objects +) +``` + +Helper method that reconstruct the query and memory from the config. + +In the get_config() method, the query and memory layer configs are +serialized into dict for persistence, this method perform the reverse +action to reconstruct the layer from the config. + +#### Args: + + +* `config`: dict, the configs that will be used to reconstruct the + object. +* `custom_objects`: dict mapping class names (or function names) of + custom (non-Keras) objects to class/functions. + +#### Returns: + + +* `config`: dict, the config with layer instance created, which is ready + to be used as init parameters. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +@classmethod +from_config( + cls, + config, + custom_objects=None +) +``` + +Creates a layer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same layer from the config +dictionary. It does not handle layer connectivity +(handled by Network), nor weights (handled by `set_weights`). + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the + output of get_config. + + +#### Returns: + +A layer instance. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +get_config() +``` + +Returns the config of the layer. + +A layer config is a Python dictionary (serializable) +containing the configuration of a layer. +The same layer can be reinstantiated later +(without its trained weights) from this configuration. + +The config of a layer does not include connectivity +information, nor the layer class name. These are handled +by `Network` (one layer of abstraction above). + +#### Returns: + +Python dictionary. + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_input_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_losses_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves losses relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of loss tensors of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_output_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_updates_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves updates relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of update ops of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + +Returns the current weights of the layer. + + +#### Returns: + +Weights values as a list of numpy arrays. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +initial_alignments( + batch_size, + dtype +) +``` + +Creates the initial alignment values for the monotonic attentions. + +Initializes to dirac distributions, i.e. +[1, 0, 0, ...memory length..., 0] for all entries in the batch. + +#### Args: + + +* `batch_size`: `int32` scalar, the batch_size. +* `dtype`: The `dtype`. + + +#### Returns: + +A `dtype` tensor shaped `[batch_size, alignments_size]` +(`alignments_size` is the values' `max_time`). + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +initial_state( + batch_size, + dtype +) +``` + +Creates the initial state values for the `AttentionWrapper` class. + +This is important for AttentionMechanisms that use the previous +alignment to calculate the alignment at the next time step +(e.g. monotonic attention). + +The default behavior is to return the same output as +initial_alignments. + +#### Args: + + +* `batch_size`: `int32` scalar, the batch_size. +* `dtype`: The `dtype`. + + +#### Returns: + +A structure of all-zero tensors with shapes as described by +`state_size`. + + +


+ +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + +Sets the weights of the layer, from Numpy arrays. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `weights`: a list of Numpy arrays. The number + of arrays and their shape must match + number of the dimensions of the weights + of the layer (i.e. it should match the + output of `get_weights`). + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the provided weights list does not match the + layer's specifications. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +setup_memory( + memory, + memory_sequence_length=None, + memory_mask=None +) +``` + +Pre-process the memory before actually query the memory. + +This should only be called once at the first invocation of call(). + +#### Args: + + +* `memory`: The memory to query; usually the output of an RNN encoder. + This tensor should be shaped `[batch_size, max_time, ...]`. +memory_sequence_length (optional): Sequence lengths for the batch + entries in memory. If provided, the memory tensor rows are masked + with zeros for values past the respective sequence lengths. +* `memory_mask`: (Optional) The boolean tensor with shape `[batch_size, + max_time]`. For any value equal to False, the corresponding value + in memory should be ignored. + +


+ +``` python +with_name_scope( + cls, + method +) +``` + +Decorator to automatically enter the module name scope. + +``` +class MyModule(tf.Module): + @tf.Module.with_name_scope + def __call__(self, x): + if not hasattr(self, 'w'): + self.w = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([x.shape[1], 64])) + return tf.matmul(x, self.w) +``` + +Using the above module would produce `tf.Variable`s and `tf.Tensor`s whose +names included the module name: + +``` +mod = MyModule() +mod(tf.ones([8, 32])) +# ==> +mod.w +# ==> +``` + +#### Args: + + +* `method`: The method to wrap. + + +#### Returns: + +The original method wrapped such that it enters the module's name scope. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/SampleEmbeddingSampler.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/SampleEmbeddingSampler.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9cf4e2e08a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/SampleEmbeddingSampler.md @@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.seq2seq.SampleEmbeddingSampler + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `SampleEmbeddingSampler` + +A sampler for use during inference. + +Inherits From: [`GreedyEmbeddingSampler`](../../tfa/seq2seq/GreedyEmbeddingSampler.md) + +**Aliases**: `tfa.seq2seq.sampler.SampleEmbeddingSampler` + + + +Uses sampling (from a distribution) instead of argmax and passes the +result through an embedding layer to get the next input. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + embedding_fn=None, + softmax_temperature=None, + seed=None +) +``` + +Initializer. + + +#### Args: + + +* `embedding_fn`: (Optional) A callable that takes a vector tensor of + `ids` (argmax ids), or the `params` argument for + `embedding_lookup`. The returned tensor will be passed to the + decoder input. +* `softmax_temperature`: (Optional) `float32` scalar, value to divide the + logits by before computing the softmax. Larger values (above 1.0) + result in more random samples, while smaller values push the + sampling distribution towards the argmax. Must be strictly greater + than 0. Defaults to 1.0. +* `seed`: (Optional) The sampling seed. + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if `start_tokens` is not a 1D tensor or `end_token` is + not a scalar. + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Batch size of tensor returned by `sample`. + +Returns a scalar int32 tensor. The return value might not +available before the invocation of initialize(), in this case, +ValueError is raised. + +


+ +DType of tensor returned by `sample`. + +Returns a DType. The return value might not available before the +invocation of initialize(). + +


+ +Shape of tensor returned by `sample`, excluding the batch dimension. + +Returns a `TensorShape`. The return value might not available +before the invocation of initialize(). + + + +## Methods + +


+ +View source + +``` python +initialize( + embedding, + start_tokens=None, + end_token=None +) +``` + +Initialize the GreedyEmbeddingSampler. + + +#### Args: + + +* `embedding`: tensor that contains embedding states matrix. It will be + used to generate generate outputs with start_tokens and end_tokens. + The embedding will be ignored if the embedding_fn has been provided + at __init__(). +* `start_tokens`: `int32` vector shaped `[batch_size]`, the start tokens. +* `end_token`: `int32` scalar, the token that marks end of decoding. + + +#### Returns: + +Tuple of two items: `(finished, self.start_inputs)`. + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if `start_tokens` is not a 1D tensor or `end_token` is + not a scalar. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +next_inputs( + time, + outputs, + state, + sample_ids +) +``` + +next_inputs_fn for GreedyEmbeddingHelper. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +sample( + time, + outputs, + state +) +``` + +sample for SampleEmbeddingHelper. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/Sampler.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/Sampler.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..773c669364 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/Sampler.md @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.seq2seq.Sampler + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `Sampler` + +Interface for implementing sampling in seq2seq decoders. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.seq2seq.sampler.Sampler` + + + +Sampler instances are used by `BasicDecoder`. The normal usage of a sampler +is like below: +sampler = Sampler(init_args) +(initial_finished, initial_inputs) = sampler.initialize(input_tensors) +for time_step in range(time): + cell_output, cell_state = cell.call(cell_input, previous_state) + sample_ids = sampler.sample(time_step, cell_output, cell_state) + (finished, next_inputs, next_state) = sampler.next_inputs( + time_step,cell_output, cell_state) + +Note that all the tensor input should not be feed to Sampler as __init__() +parameters, instead, they should be feed by decoders via initialize(). + +## Properties + +


+ +Batch size of tensor returned by `sample`. + +Returns a scalar int32 tensor. The return value might not +available before the invocation of initialize(), in this case, +ValueError is raised. + +


+ +DType of tensor returned by `sample`. + +Returns a DType. The return value might not available before the +invocation of initialize(). + +


+ +Shape of tensor returned by `sample`, excluding the batch dimension. + +Returns a `TensorShape`. The return value might not available +before the invocation of initialize(). + + + +## Methods + +


+ +View source + +``` python +initialize( + inputs, + **kwargs +) +``` + +initialize the sampler with the input tensors. + +This method suppose to be only invoke once before the calling other +methods of the Sampler. + +#### Args: + + +* `inputs`: A (structure of) input tensors, it could be a nested tuple or + a single tensor. +* `**kwargs`: Other kwargs for initialization. It could contain tensors + like mask for inputs, or non tensor parameter. + + +#### Returns: + +`(initial_finished, initial_inputs)`. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +next_inputs( + time, + outputs, + state, + sample_ids +) +``` + +Returns `(finished, next_inputs, next_state)`. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +sample( + time, + outputs, + state +) +``` + +Returns `sample_ids`. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/ScheduledEmbeddingTrainingSampler.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/ScheduledEmbeddingTrainingSampler.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..006a57ddde --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/ScheduledEmbeddingTrainingSampler.md @@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.seq2seq.ScheduledEmbeddingTrainingSampler + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `ScheduledEmbeddingTrainingSampler` + +A training sampler that adds scheduled sampling. + +Inherits From: [`TrainingSampler`](../../tfa/seq2seq/TrainingSampler.md) + +**Aliases**: `tfa.seq2seq.sampler.ScheduledEmbeddingTrainingSampler` + + + +Returns -1s for sample_ids where no sampling took place; valid +sample id values elsewhere. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + sampling_probability, + embedding_fn=None, + time_major=False, + seed=None, + scheduling_seed=None +) +``` + +Initializer. + + +#### Args: + + +* `sampling_probability`: A `float32` 0-D or 1-D tensor: the probability + of sampling categorically from the output ids instead of reading + directly from the inputs. +* `embedding_fn`: A callable that takes a vector tensor of `ids` + (argmax ids), or the `params` argument for `embedding_lookup`. +* `time_major`: Python bool. Whether the tensors in `inputs` are time + major. If `False` (default), they are assumed to be batch major. +* `seed`: The sampling seed. +* `scheduling_seed`: The schedule decision rule sampling seed. + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if `sampling_probability` is not a scalar or vector. + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Batch size of tensor returned by `sample`. + +Returns a scalar int32 tensor. The return value might not +available before the invocation of initialize(), in this case, +ValueError is raised. + +


+ +DType of tensor returned by `sample`. + +Returns a DType. The return value might not available before the +invocation of initialize(). + +


+ +Shape of tensor returned by `sample`, excluding the batch dimension. + +Returns a `TensorShape`. The return value might not available +before the invocation of initialize(). + + + +## Methods + +


+ +View source + +``` python +initialize( + inputs, + sequence_length=None, + mask=None, + embedding=None +) +``` + +Initialize the TrainSampler. + + +#### Args: + + +* `inputs`: A (structure of) input tensors. +* `sequence_length`: An int32 vector tensor. +* `mask`: A boolean 2D tensor. + + +#### Returns: + +(finished, next_inputs), a tuple of two items. The first item is a + boolean vector to indicate whether the item in the batch has + finished. The second item is the first slide of input data based on + the timestep dimension (usually the second dim of the input). + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +next_inputs( + time, + outputs, + state, + sample_ids +) +``` + +Returns `(finished, next_inputs, next_state)`. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +sample( + time, + outputs, + state +) +``` + +Returns `sample_ids`. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/ScheduledOutputTrainingSampler.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/ScheduledOutputTrainingSampler.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..692951ca87 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/ScheduledOutputTrainingSampler.md @@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.seq2seq.ScheduledOutputTrainingSampler + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `ScheduledOutputTrainingSampler` + +A training sampler that adds scheduled sampling directly to outputs. + +Inherits From: [`TrainingSampler`](../../tfa/seq2seq/TrainingSampler.md) + +**Aliases**: `tfa.seq2seq.sampler.ScheduledOutputTrainingSampler` + + + +Returns False for sample_ids where no sampling took place; True +elsewhere. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + sampling_probability, + time_major=False, + seed=None, + next_inputs_fn=None +) +``` + +Initializer. + + +#### Args: + + +* `sampling_probability`: A `float32` scalar tensor: the probability of + sampling from the outputs instead of reading directly from the + inputs. +* `time_major`: Python bool. Whether the tensors in `inputs` are time + major. If `False` (default), they are assumed to be batch major. +* `seed`: The sampling seed. +* `next_inputs_fn`: (Optional) callable to apply to the RNN outputs to + create the next input when sampling. If `None` (default), the RNN + outputs will be used as the next inputs. + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if `sampling_probability` is not a scalar or vector. + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Batch size of tensor returned by `sample`. + +Returns a scalar int32 tensor. The return value might not +available before the invocation of initialize(), in this case, +ValueError is raised. + +


+ +DType of tensor returned by `sample`. + +Returns a DType. The return value might not available before the +invocation of initialize(). + +


+ +Shape of tensor returned by `sample`, excluding the batch dimension. + +Returns a `TensorShape`. The return value might not available +before the invocation of initialize(). + + + +## Methods + +


+ +View source + +``` python +initialize( + inputs, + sequence_length=None, + mask=None, + auxiliary_inputs=None +) +``` + +Initialize the TrainSampler. + + +#### Args: + + +* `inputs`: A (structure of) input tensors. +* `sequence_length`: An int32 vector tensor. +* `mask`: A boolean 2D tensor. + + +#### Returns: + +(finished, next_inputs), a tuple of two items. The first item is a + boolean vector to indicate whether the item in the batch has + finished. The second item is the first slide of input data based on + the timestep dimension (usually the second dim of the input). + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +next_inputs( + time, + outputs, + state, + sample_ids +) +``` + +Returns `(finished, next_inputs, next_state)`. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +sample( + time, + outputs, + state +) +``` + +Returns `sample_ids`. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/SequenceLoss.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/SequenceLoss.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0e52c84b15 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/SequenceLoss.md @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +
+ + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.seq2seq.SequenceLoss + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `SequenceLoss` + +Weighted cross-entropy loss for a sequence of logits. + + + +**Aliases**: `tfa.seq2seq.loss.SequenceLoss` + + + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + average_across_timesteps=False, + average_across_batch=False, + sum_over_timesteps=True, + sum_over_batch=True, + softmax_loss_function=None, + name=None +) +``` + +Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__call__( + y_true, + y_pred, + sample_weight=None +) +``` + +Override the parent __call__ to have a customized reduce +behavior. + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config +) +``` + +Instantiates a `Loss` from its config (output of `get_config()`). + + +#### Args: + + +* `config`: Output of `get_config()`. + + +#### Returns: + +A `Loss` instance. + + +


+ +``` python +get_config() +``` + + + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/TrainingSampler.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/TrainingSampler.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..36e064c32f --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/TrainingSampler.md @@ -0,0 +1,162 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.seq2seq.TrainingSampler + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `TrainingSampler` + +A Sampler for use during training. + +Inherits From: [`Sampler`](../../tfa/seq2seq/Sampler.md) + +**Aliases**: `tfa.seq2seq.sampler.TrainingSampler` + + + +Only reads inputs. + +Returned sample_ids are the argmax of the RNN output logits. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__(time_major=False) +``` + +Initializer. + + +#### Args: + + +* `time_major`: Python bool. Whether the tensors in `inputs` are time + major. If `False` (default), they are assumed to be batch major. + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if `sequence_length` is not a 1D tensor or `mask` is + not a 2D boolean tensor. + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Batch size of tensor returned by `sample`. + +Returns a scalar int32 tensor. The return value might not +available before the invocation of initialize(), in this case, +ValueError is raised. + +


+ +DType of tensor returned by `sample`. + +Returns a DType. The return value might not available before the +invocation of initialize(). + +


+ +Shape of tensor returned by `sample`, excluding the batch dimension. + +Returns a `TensorShape`. The return value might not available +before the invocation of initialize(). + + + +## Methods + +


+ +View source + +``` python +initialize( + inputs, + sequence_length=None, + mask=None +) +``` + +Initialize the TrainSampler. + + +#### Args: + + +* `inputs`: A (structure of) input tensors. +* `sequence_length`: An int32 vector tensor. +* `mask`: A boolean 2D tensor. + + +#### Returns: + +(finished, next_inputs), a tuple of two items. The first item is a + boolean vector to indicate whether the item in the batch has + finished. The second item is the first slide of input data based on + the timestep dimension (usually the second dim of the input). + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +next_inputs( + time, + outputs, + state, + sample_ids +) +``` + +Returns `(finished, next_inputs, next_state)`. + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +sample( + time, + outputs, + state +) +``` + +Returns `sample_ids`. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/attention_wrapper.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/attention_wrapper.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f1a3242f3c --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/attention_wrapper.md @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +A powerful dynamic attention wrapper object. + + + +## Classes + +[`class AttentionMechanism`](../../tfa/seq2seq/AttentionMechanism.md) + +[`class AttentionWrapper`](../../tfa/seq2seq/AttentionWrapper.md): Wraps another `RNNCell` with attention. + +[`class AttentionWrapperState`](../../tfa/seq2seq/AttentionWrapperState.md): `namedtuple` storing the state of a `AttentionWrapper`. + +[`class BahdanauAttention`](../../tfa/seq2seq/BahdanauAttention.md): Implements Bahdanau-style (additive) attention. + +[`class BahdanauMonotonicAttention`](../../tfa/seq2seq/BahdanauMonotonicAttention.md): Monotonic attention mechanism with Bahadanau-style energy function. + +[`class LuongAttention`](../../tfa/seq2seq/LuongAttention.md): Implements Luong-style (multiplicative) attention scoring. + +[`class LuongMonotonicAttention`](../../tfa/seq2seq/LuongMonotonicAttention.md): Monotonic attention mechanism with Luong-style energy function. + +## Functions + +[`hardmax(...)`](../../tfa/seq2seq/hardmax.md): Returns batched one-hot vectors. + +[`monotonic_attention(...)`](../../tfa/seq2seq/monotonic_attention.md): Compute monotonic attention distribution from choosing probabilities. + +[`safe_cumprod(...)`](../../tfa/seq2seq/safe_cumprod.md): Computes cumprod of x in logspace using cumsum to avoid underflow. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/basic_decoder.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/basic_decoder.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..66c66f5417 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/basic_decoder.md @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.seq2seq.basic_decoder + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +A class of Decoders that may sample to generate the next input. + + + +## Classes + +[`class BasicDecoder`](../../tfa/seq2seq/BasicDecoder.md): Basic sampling decoder. + +[`class BasicDecoderOutput`](../../tfa/seq2seq/BasicDecoderOutput.md): BasicDecoderOutput(rnn_output, sample_id) + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/beam_search_decoder.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/beam_search_decoder.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7a342044cd --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/beam_search_decoder.md @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.seq2seq.beam_search_decoder + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +A decoder that performs beam search. + + + +## Classes + +[`class BeamSearchDecoder`](../../tfa/seq2seq/BeamSearchDecoder.md): BeamSearch sampling decoder. + +[`class BeamSearchDecoderMixin`](../../tfa/seq2seq/beam_search_decoder/BeamSearchDecoderMixin.md): BeamSearchDecoderMixin contains the common methods for + +[`class BeamSearchDecoderOutput`](../../tfa/seq2seq/BeamSearchDecoderOutput.md): BeamSearchDecoderOutput(scores, predicted_ids, parent_ids) + +[`class BeamSearchDecoderState`](../../tfa/seq2seq/BeamSearchDecoderState.md): BeamSearchDecoderState(cell_state, log_probs, finished, lengths, accumulated_attention_probs) + +[`class FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput`](../../tfa/seq2seq/FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput.md): Final outputs returned by the beam search after all decoding is + +## Functions + +[`attention_probs_from_attn_state(...)`](../../tfa/seq2seq/beam_search_decoder/attention_probs_from_attn_state.md): Calculates the average attention probabilities. + +[`gather_tree_from_array(...)`](../../tfa/seq2seq/gather_tree_from_array.md): Calculates the full beams for `TensorArray`s. + +[`get_attention_probs(...)`](../../tfa/seq2seq/beam_search_decoder/get_attention_probs.md): Get attention probabilities from the cell state. + +[`tile_batch(...)`](../../tfa/seq2seq/tile_batch.md): Tile the batch dimension of a (possibly nested structure of) tensor(s) + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/beam_search_decoder/BeamSearchDecoderMixin.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/beam_search_decoder/BeamSearchDecoderMixin.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1919eb832c --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/beam_search_decoder/BeamSearchDecoderMixin.md @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.seq2seq.beam_search_decoder.BeamSearchDecoderMixin + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `BeamSearchDecoderMixin` + +BeamSearchDecoderMixin contains the common methods for + + + + +BeamSearchDecoder. + +It is expected to be used a base class for concrete +BeamSearchDecoder. Since this is a mixin class, it is expected to be +used together with other class as base. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + cell, + beam_width, + output_layer=None, + length_penalty_weight=0.0, + coverage_penalty_weight=0.0, + reorder_tensor_arrays=True, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Initialize the BeamSearchDecoderMixin. + + +#### Args: + + +* `cell`: An `RNNCell` instance. +* `beam_width`: Python integer, the number of beams. +* `output_layer`: (Optional) An instance of `tf.keras.layers.Layer`, + i.e., `tf.keras.layers.Dense`. Optional layer to apply to the RNN + output prior to storing the result or sampling. +* `length_penalty_weight`: Float weight to penalize length. Disabled with + 0.0. +* `coverage_penalty_weight`: Float weight to penalize the coverage of + source sentence. Disabled with 0.0. +* `reorder_tensor_arrays`: If `True`, `TensorArray`s' elements within the + cell state will be reordered according to the beam search path. If + the `TensorArray` can be reordered, the stacked form will be + returned. Otherwise, the `TensorArray` will be returned as is. Set + this flag to `False` if the cell state contains `TensorArray`s that + are not amenable to reordering. +* `**kwargs`: Dict, other keyword arguments for parent class. + + +#### Raises: + + +* `TypeError`: if `cell` is not an instance of `RNNCell`, + or `output_layer` is not an instance of `tf.keras.layers.Layer`. + + + +## Properties + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +The BeamSearchDecoder shuffles its beams and their finished state. + +For this reason, it conflicts with the `dynamic_decode` function's +tracking of finished states. Setting this property to true avoids +early stopping of decoding due to mismanagement of the finished state +in `dynamic_decode`. + +#### Returns: + +`True`. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +View source + +``` python +finalize( + outputs, + final_state, + sequence_lengths +) +``` + +Finalize and return the predicted_ids. + + +#### Args: + + +* `outputs`: An instance of BeamSearchDecoderOutput. +* `final_state`: An instance of BeamSearchDecoderState. Passed through to + the output. +* `sequence_lengths`: An `int64` tensor shaped + `[batch_size, beam_width]`. The sequence lengths determined for + each beam during decode. **NOTE** These are ignored; the updated + sequence lengths are stored in `final_state.lengths`. + + +#### Returns: + + +* `outputs`: An instance of `FinalBeamSearchDecoderOutput` where the + predicted_ids are the result of calling _gather_tree. +* `final_state`: The same input instance of `BeamSearchDecoderState`. + +


+ +View source + +``` python +step( + time, + inputs, + state, + training=None, + name=None +) +``` + +Perform a decoding step. + + +#### Args: + + +* `time`: scalar `int32` tensor. +* `inputs`: A (structure of) input tensors. +* `state`: A (structure of) state tensors and TensorArrays. +* `training`: Python boolean. Indicates whether the layer should + behave in training mode or in inference mode. Only relevant + when `dropout` or `recurrent_dropout` is used. +* `name`: Name scope for any created operations. + + +#### Returns: + +`(outputs, next_state, next_inputs, finished)`. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/beam_search_decoder/attention_probs_from_attn_state.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/beam_search_decoder/attention_probs_from_attn_state.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..40abf87452 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/beam_search_decoder/attention_probs_from_attn_state.md @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.seq2seq.beam_search_decoder.attention_probs_from_attn_state + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Calculates the average attention probabilities. + +``` python +tfa.seq2seq.beam_search_decoder.attention_probs_from_attn_state(attention_state) +``` + + + + + + +#### Args: + + +* `attention_state`: An instance of `AttentionWrapperState`. + + +#### Returns: + +The attention probabilities in the given AttentionWrapperState. +If there're multiple attention mechanisms, return the average value from +all attention mechanisms. + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/beam_search_decoder/get_attention_probs.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/beam_search_decoder/get_attention_probs.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e9e9e1dc25 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/beam_search_decoder/get_attention_probs.md @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.seq2seq.beam_search_decoder.get_attention_probs + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Get attention probabilities from the cell state. + +``` python +tfa.seq2seq.beam_search_decoder.get_attention_probs( + next_cell_state, + coverage_penalty_weight +) +``` + + + + + + +#### Args: + + +* `next_cell_state`: The next state from the cell, e.g. an instance of + AttentionWrapperState if the cell is attentional. +* `coverage_penalty_weight`: Float weight to penalize the coverage of source + sentence. Disabled with 0.0. + + +#### Returns: + +The attention probabilities with shape + `[batch_size, beam_width, max_time]` if coverage penalty is enabled. + Otherwise, returns None. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If no cell is attentional but coverage penalty is enabled. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/decoder.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/decoder.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..09cf86f4f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/decoder.md @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.seq2seq.decoder + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Seq2seq layer operations for use in neural networks. + + + +## Classes + +[`class BaseDecoder`](../../tfa/seq2seq/BaseDecoder.md): An RNN Decoder that is based on a Keras layer. + +[`class Decoder`](../../tfa/seq2seq/Decoder.md): An RNN Decoder abstract interface object. + +## Functions + +[`dynamic_decode(...)`](../../tfa/seq2seq/dynamic_decode.md): Perform dynamic decoding with `decoder`. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/dynamic_decode.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/dynamic_decode.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f222efb1a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/dynamic_decode.md @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.seq2seq.dynamic_decode + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Perform dynamic decoding with `decoder`. + +**Aliases**: `tfa.seq2seq.decoder.dynamic_decode` + +``` python +tfa.seq2seq.dynamic_decode( + decoder, + output_time_major=False, + impute_finished=False, + maximum_iterations=None, + parallel_iterations=32, + swap_memory=False, + training=None, + scope=None, + **kwargs +) +``` + + + + + +Calls initialize() once and step() repeatedly on the Decoder object. + +#### Args: + + +* `decoder`: A `Decoder` instance. +* `output_time_major`: Python boolean. Default: `False` (batch major). If + `True`, outputs are returned as time major tensors (this mode is + faster). Otherwise, outputs are returned as batch major tensors (this + adds extra time to the computation). +* `impute_finished`: Python boolean. If `True`, then states for batch + entries which are marked as finished get copied through and the + corresponding outputs get zeroed out. This causes some slowdown at + each time step, but ensures that the final state and outputs have + the correct values and that backprop ignores time steps that were + marked as finished. +* `maximum_iterations`: `int32` scalar, maximum allowed number of decoding + steps. Default is `None` (decode until the decoder is fully done). +* `parallel_iterations`: Argument passed to `tf.while_loop`. +* `swap_memory`: Argument passed to `tf.while_loop`. +* `training`: Python boolean. Indicates whether the layer should behave + in training mode or in inference mode. Only relevant + when `dropout` or `recurrent_dropout` is used. +* `scope`: Optional variable scope to use. +* `**kwargs`: dict, other keyword arguments for dynamic_decode. It might + contain arguments for `BaseDecoder` to initialize, which takes all + tensor inputs during call(). + + +#### Returns: + +`(final_outputs, final_state, final_sequence_lengths)`. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `TypeError`: if `decoder` is not an instance of `Decoder`. +* `ValueError`: if `maximum_iterations` is provided but is not a scalar. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/gather_tree_from_array.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/gather_tree_from_array.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b2d6205e29 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/gather_tree_from_array.md @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.seq2seq.gather_tree_from_array + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Calculates the full beams for `TensorArray`s. + +**Aliases**: `tfa.seq2seq.beam_search_decoder.gather_tree_from_array` + +``` python +tfa.seq2seq.gather_tree_from_array( + t, + parent_ids, + sequence_length +) +``` + + + + + + +#### Args: + + +* `t`: A stacked `TensorArray` of size `max_time` that contains `Tensor`s of + shape `[batch_size, beam_width, s]` or `[batch_size * beam_width, s]` + where `s` is the depth shape. +* `parent_ids`: The parent ids of shape `[max_time, batch_size, beam_width]`. +* `sequence_length`: The sequence length of shape `[batch_size, beam_width]`. + + +#### Returns: + +A `Tensor` which is a stacked `TensorArray` of the same size and type as +`t` and where beams are sorted in each `Tensor` according to +`parent_ids`. + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/hardmax.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/hardmax.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..add49cd13a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/hardmax.md @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.seq2seq.hardmax + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Returns batched one-hot vectors. + +**Aliases**: `tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.hardmax` + +``` python +tfa.seq2seq.hardmax( + logits, + name=None +) +``` + + + + + +The depth index containing the `1` is that of the maximum logit value. + +#### Args: + + +* `logits`: A batch tensor of logit values. +* `name`: Name to use when creating ops. + +#### Returns: + +A batched one-hot tensor. + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/loss.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/loss.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d22a04dce8 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/loss.md @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.seq2seq.loss + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Seq2seq loss operations for use in sequence models. + + + +## Classes + +[`class SequenceLoss`](../../tfa/seq2seq/SequenceLoss.md): Weighted cross-entropy loss for a sequence of logits. + +## Functions + +[`sequence_loss(...)`](../../tfa/seq2seq/sequence_loss.md): Weighted cross-entropy loss for a sequence of logits. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/monotonic_attention.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/monotonic_attention.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6353925fdf --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/monotonic_attention.md @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.seq2seq.monotonic_attention + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Compute monotonic attention distribution from choosing probabilities. + +**Aliases**: `tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.monotonic_attention` + +``` python +tfa.seq2seq.monotonic_attention( + p_choose_i, + previous_attention, + mode +) +``` + + + + + +Monotonic attention implies that the input sequence is processed in an +explicitly left-to-right manner when generating the output sequence. In +addition, once an input sequence element is attended to at a given output +timestep, elements occurring before it cannot be attended to at subsequent +output timesteps. This function generates attention distributions +according to these assumptions. For more information, see `Online and +Linear-Time Attention by Enforcing Monotonic Alignments`. + +#### Args: + + +* `p_choose_i`: Probability of choosing input sequence/memory element i. + Should be of shape (batch_size, input_sequence_length), and should all + be in the range [0, 1]. +* `previous_attention`: The attention distribution from the previous output + timestep. Should be of shape (batch_size, input_sequence_length). For + the first output timestep, preevious_attention[n] should be + [1, 0, 0, ..., 0] for all n in [0, ... batch_size - 1]. +* `mode`: How to compute the attention distribution. Must be one of + 'recursive', 'parallel', or 'hard'. + * 'recursive' uses tf.scan to recursively compute the distribution. + This is slowest but is exact, general, and does not suffer from + numerical instabilities. + * 'parallel' uses parallelized cumulative-sum and cumulative-product + operations to compute a closed-form solution to the recurrence + relation defining the attention distribution. This makes it more + efficient than 'recursive', but it requires numerical checks which + make the distribution non-exact. This can be a problem in + particular when input_sequence_length is long and/or p_choose_i has + entries very close to 0 or 1. + * 'hard' requires that the probabilities in p_choose_i are all either + 0 or 1, and subsequently uses a more efficient and exact solution. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor of shape (batch_size, input_sequence_length) representing the +attention distributions for each sequence in the batch. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: mode is not one of 'recursive', 'parallel', 'hard'. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/safe_cumprod.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/safe_cumprod.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d7f1d65e51 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/safe_cumprod.md @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.seq2seq.safe_cumprod + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Computes cumprod of x in logspace using cumsum to avoid underflow. + +**Aliases**: `tfa.seq2seq.attention_wrapper.safe_cumprod` + +``` python +tfa.seq2seq.safe_cumprod( + x, + *args, + **kwargs +) +``` + + + + + +The cumprod function and its gradient can result in numerical instabilities +when its argument has very small and/or zero values. As long as the +argument is all positive, we can instead compute the cumulative product as +exp(cumsum(log(x))). This function can be called identically to +tf.cumprod. + +#### Args: + + +* `x`: Tensor to take the cumulative product of. +* `*args`: Passed on to cumsum; these are identical to those in cumprod. +* `**kwargs`: Passed on to cumsum; these are identical to those in cumprod. + +#### Returns: + +Cumulative product of x. + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/sampler.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/sampler.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..220e458c74 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/sampler.md @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.seq2seq.sampler + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +A library of sampler for use with SamplingDecoders. + + + +## Classes + +[`class CustomSampler`](../../tfa/seq2seq/CustomSampler.md): Base abstract class that allows the user to customize sampling. + +[`class GreedyEmbeddingSampler`](../../tfa/seq2seq/GreedyEmbeddingSampler.md): A sampler for use during inference. + +[`class InferenceSampler`](../../tfa/seq2seq/InferenceSampler.md): A helper to use during inference with a custom sampling function. + +[`class SampleEmbeddingSampler`](../../tfa/seq2seq/SampleEmbeddingSampler.md): A sampler for use during inference. + +[`class Sampler`](../../tfa/seq2seq/Sampler.md): Interface for implementing sampling in seq2seq decoders. + +[`class ScheduledEmbeddingTrainingSampler`](../../tfa/seq2seq/ScheduledEmbeddingTrainingSampler.md): A training sampler that adds scheduled sampling. + +[`class ScheduledOutputTrainingSampler`](../../tfa/seq2seq/ScheduledOutputTrainingSampler.md): A training sampler that adds scheduled sampling directly to outputs. + +[`class TrainingSampler`](../../tfa/seq2seq/TrainingSampler.md): A Sampler for use during training. + +## Functions + +[`bernoulli_sample(...)`](../../tfa/seq2seq/sampler/bernoulli_sample.md): Samples from Bernoulli distribution. + +[`categorical_sample(...)`](../../tfa/seq2seq/sampler/categorical_sample.md): Samples from categorical distribution. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/sampler/bernoulli_sample.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/sampler/bernoulli_sample.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..13764b348a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/sampler/bernoulli_sample.md @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.seq2seq.sampler.bernoulli_sample + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Samples from Bernoulli distribution. + +``` python +tfa.seq2seq.sampler.bernoulli_sample( + probs=None, + logits=None, + dtype=tf.int32, + sample_shape=(), + seed=None +) +``` + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/sampler/categorical_sample.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/sampler/categorical_sample.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..75fcd050d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/sampler/categorical_sample.md @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.seq2seq.sampler.categorical_sample + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Samples from categorical distribution. + +``` python +tfa.seq2seq.sampler.categorical_sample( + logits, + dtype=tf.int32, + sample_shape=(), + seed=None +) +``` + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/sequence_loss.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/sequence_loss.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7ca79ab80a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/sequence_loss.md @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.seq2seq.sequence_loss + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Weighted cross-entropy loss for a sequence of logits. + +**Aliases**: `tfa.seq2seq.loss.sequence_loss` + +``` python +tfa.seq2seq.sequence_loss( + logits, + targets, + weights, + average_across_timesteps=True, + average_across_batch=True, + sum_over_timesteps=False, + sum_over_batch=False, + softmax_loss_function=None, + name=None +) +``` + + + + + +Depending on the values of `average_across_timesteps` / +`sum_over_timesteps` and `average_across_batch` / `sum_over_batch`, the +return Tensor will have rank 0, 1, or 2 as these arguments reduce the +cross-entropy at each target, which has shape +`[batch_size, sequence_length]`, over their respective dimensions. For +example, if `average_across_timesteps` is `True` and `average_across_batch` +is `False`, then the return Tensor will have shape `[batch_size]`. + +Note that `average_across_timesteps` and `sum_over_timesteps` cannot be +True at same time. Same for `average_across_batch` and `sum_over_batch`. + +The recommended loss reduction in tf 2.0 has been changed to sum_over, +instead of weighted average. User are recommend to use `sum_over_timesteps` +and `sum_over_batch` for reduction. + +#### Args: + + +* `logits`: A Tensor of shape + `[batch_size, sequence_length, num_decoder_symbols]` and dtype float. + The logits correspond to the prediction across all classes at each + timestep. +* `targets`: A Tensor of shape `[batch_size, sequence_length]` and dtype + int. The target represents the true class at each timestep. +* `weights`: A Tensor of shape `[batch_size, sequence_length]` and dtype + float. `weights` constitutes the weighting of each prediction in the + sequence. When using `weights` as masking, set all valid timesteps to 1 + and all padded timesteps to 0, e.g. a mask returned by + `tf.sequence_mask`. +* `average_across_timesteps`: If set, sum the cost across the sequence + dimension and divide the cost by the total label weight across + timesteps. +* `average_across_batch`: If set, sum the cost across the batch dimension and + divide the returned cost by the batch size. +* `sum_over_timesteps`: If set, sum the cost across the sequence dimension + and divide the size of the sequence. Note that any element with 0 + weights will be excluded from size calculation. +* `sum_over_batch`: if set, sum the cost across the batch dimension and + divide the total cost by the batch size. Not that any element with 0 + weights will be excluded from size calculation. +* `softmax_loss_function`: Function (labels, logits) -> loss-batch + to be used instead of the standard softmax (the default if this is + None). **Note that to avoid confusion, it is required for the function + to accept named arguments.** +* `name`: Optional name for this operation, defaults to "sequence_loss". + + +#### Returns: + +A float Tensor of rank 0, 1, or 2 depending on the +`average_across_timesteps` and `average_across_batch` arguments. By +default, it has rank 0 (scalar) and is the weighted average cross-entropy +(log-perplexity) per symbol. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: logits does not have 3 dimensions or targets does not have 2 + dimensions or weights does not have 2 dimensions. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/tile_batch.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/tile_batch.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..aff96305f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/seq2seq/tile_batch.md @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.seq2seq.tile_batch + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Tile the batch dimension of a (possibly nested structure of) tensor(s) + +**Aliases**: `tfa.seq2seq.beam_search_decoder.tile_batch` + +``` python +tfa.seq2seq.tile_batch( + t, + multiplier, + name=None +) +``` + + + + +t. + +For each tensor t in a (possibly nested structure) of tensors, +this function takes a tensor t shaped `[batch_size, s0, s1, ...]` composed +of minibatch entries `t[0], ..., t[batch_size - 1]` and tiles it to have a +shape `[batch_size * multiplier, s0, s1, ...]` composed of minibatch +entries `t[0], t[0], ..., t[1], t[1], ...` where each minibatch entry is +repeated `multiplier` times. + +#### Args: + + +* `t`: `Tensor` shaped `[batch_size, ...]`. +* `multiplier`: Python int. +* `name`: Name scope for any created operations. + + +#### Returns: + +A (possibly nested structure of) `Tensor` shaped +`[batch_size * multiplier, ...]`. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if tensor(s) `t` do not have a statically known rank or +the rank is < 1. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..07711ec029 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text.md @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.text + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + +Additional text-processing ops. + + + +## Modules + +[`crf`](../tfa/text/crf.md) module + +[`parse_time_op`](../tfa/text/parse_time_op.md) module: Parse time ops. + +[`skip_gram_ops`](../tfa/text/skip_gram_ops.md) module: Skip-gram sampling ops from https://arxiv.org/abs/1301.3781. + +## Functions + +[`crf_binary_score(...)`](../tfa/text/crf_binary_score.md): Computes the binary scores of tag sequences. + +[`crf_decode(...)`](../tfa/text/crf_decode.md): Decode the highest scoring sequence of tags. + +[`crf_decode_backward(...)`](../tfa/text/crf_decode_backward.md): Computes backward decoding in a linear-chain CRF. + +[`crf_decode_forward(...)`](../tfa/text/crf_decode_forward.md): Computes forward decoding in a linear-chain CRF. + +[`crf_forward(...)`](../tfa/text/crf_forward.md): Computes the alpha values in a linear-chain CRF. + +[`crf_log_likelihood(...)`](../tfa/text/crf_log_likelihood.md): Computes the log-likelihood of tag sequences in a CRF. + +[`crf_log_norm(...)`](../tfa/text/crf_log_norm.md): Computes the normalization for a CRF. + +[`crf_multitag_sequence_score(...)`](../tfa/text/crf_multitag_sequence_score.md): Computes the unnormalized score of all tag sequences matching + +[`crf_sequence_score(...)`](../tfa/text/crf_sequence_score.md): Computes the unnormalized score for a tag sequence. + +[`crf_unary_score(...)`](../tfa/text/crf_unary_score.md): Computes the unary scores of tag sequences. + +[`parse_time(...)`](../tfa/text/parse_time.md): Parse an input string according to the provided format string into a + +[`skip_gram_sample(...)`](../tfa/text/skip_gram_sample.md): Generates skip-gram token and label paired Tensors from the input + +[`skip_gram_sample_with_text_vocab(...)`](../tfa/text/skip_gram_sample_with_text_vocab.md): Skip-gram sampling with a text vocabulary file. + +[`viterbi_decode(...)`](../tfa/text/viterbi_decode.md): Decode the highest scoring sequence of tags outside of TensorFlow. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b67d6e5b72 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf.md @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.text.crf + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + + + + +## Classes + +[`class CrfDecodeForwardRnnCell`](../../tfa/text/crf/CrfDecodeForwardRnnCell.md): Computes the forward decoding in a linear-chain CRF. + +## Functions + +[`crf_binary_score(...)`](../../tfa/text/crf_binary_score.md): Computes the binary scores of tag sequences. + +[`crf_decode(...)`](../../tfa/text/crf_decode.md): Decode the highest scoring sequence of tags. + +[`crf_decode_backward(...)`](../../tfa/text/crf_decode_backward.md): Computes backward decoding in a linear-chain CRF. + +[`crf_decode_forward(...)`](../../tfa/text/crf_decode_forward.md): Computes forward decoding in a linear-chain CRF. + +[`crf_forward(...)`](../../tfa/text/crf_forward.md): Computes the alpha values in a linear-chain CRF. + +[`crf_log_likelihood(...)`](../../tfa/text/crf_log_likelihood.md): Computes the log-likelihood of tag sequences in a CRF. + +[`crf_log_norm(...)`](../../tfa/text/crf_log_norm.md): Computes the normalization for a CRF. + +[`crf_multitag_sequence_score(...)`](../../tfa/text/crf_multitag_sequence_score.md): Computes the unnormalized score of all tag sequences matching + +[`crf_sequence_score(...)`](../../tfa/text/crf_sequence_score.md): Computes the unnormalized score for a tag sequence. + +[`crf_unary_score(...)`](../../tfa/text/crf_unary_score.md): Computes the unary scores of tag sequences. + +[`viterbi_decode(...)`](../../tfa/text/viterbi_decode.md): Decode the highest scoring sequence of tags outside of TensorFlow. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf/CrfDecodeForwardRnnCell.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf/CrfDecodeForwardRnnCell.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a58f94f16d --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf/CrfDecodeForwardRnnCell.md @@ -0,0 +1,866 @@ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +# tfa.text.crf.CrfDecodeForwardRnnCell + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +## Class `CrfDecodeForwardRnnCell` + +Computes the forward decoding in a linear-chain CRF. + + + + + + +


+ +View source + +``` python +__init__( + transition_params, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Initialize the CrfDecodeForwardRnnCell. + + +#### Args: + + +* `transition_params`: A [num_tags, num_tags] matrix of binary + potentials. This matrix is expanded into a + [1, num_tags, num_tags] in preparation for the broadcast + summation occurring within the cell. + + + +## Properties + +


+ +Optional regularizer function for the output of this layer. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input tensor or list of input tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. +* `AttributeError`: If no inbound nodes are found. + +


+ +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Input mask tensor (potentially None) or list of input +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer, or if all inputs +have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Input shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per input tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined input_shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ + + + +


+ +Losses which are associated with this `Layer`. + +Variable regularization tensors are created when this property is accessed, +so it is eager safe: accessing `losses` under a `tf.GradientTape` will +propagate gradients back to the corresponding variables. + +#### Returns: + +A list of tensors. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the name of this module as passed or determined in the ctor. + +NOTE: This is not the same as the `self.name_scope.name` which includes +parent module names. + +


+ +Returns a `tf.name_scope` instance for this class. + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one output, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor or list of output tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to more than one incoming + layers. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, +i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. + +#### Returns: + +Output mask tensor (potentially None) or list of output +mask tensors. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer is connected to +more than one incoming layers. + +


+ +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer. + +Only applicable if the layer has one output, +or if all outputs have the same shape. + +#### Returns: + +Output shape, as an integer shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples, one tuple per output tensor). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `AttributeError`: if the layer has no defined output shape. +* `RuntimeError`: if called in Eager mode. + +


+ +Integer or TensorShape: size of outputs produced by this cell. + + +


+ +size(s) of state(s) used by this cell. + +It can be represented by an Integer, a TensorShape or a tuple of Integers +or TensorShapes. + +


+ +Sequence of all sub-modules. + +Submodules are modules which are properties of this module, or found as +properties of modules which are properties of this module (and so on). + +``` +a = tf.Module() +b = tf.Module() +c = tf.Module() +a.b = b +b.c = c +assert list(a.submodules) == [b, c] +assert list(b.submodules) == [c] +assert list(c.submodules) == [] +``` + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of all submodules. + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Sequence of trainable variables owned by this module and its submodules. + +Note: this method uses reflection to find variables on the current instance +and submodules. For performance reasons you may wish to cache the result +of calling this method if you don't expect the return value to change. + +#### Returns: + +A sequence of variables for the current module (sorted by attribute +name) followed by variables from all submodules recursively (breadth +first). + + +


+ + + + +


+ + + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + +Alias of `self.weights`. + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + +


+ +Returns the list of all layer variables/weights. + + +#### Returns: + +A list of variables. + + + + +## Methods + +


+ +``` python +__call__( + inputs, + *args, + **kwargs +) +``` + +Wraps `call`, applying pre- and post-processing steps. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: input tensor(s). +* `*args`: additional positional arguments to be passed to `self.call`. +* `**kwargs`: additional keyword arguments to be passed to `self.call`. + + +#### Returns: + +Output tensor(s). + + + +#### Note: + +- The following optional keyword arguments are reserved for specific uses: + * `training`: Boolean scalar tensor of Python boolean indicating + whether the `call` is meant for training or inference. + * `mask`: Boolean input mask. +- If the layer's `call` method takes a `mask` argument (as some Keras + layers do), its default value will be set to the mask generated + for `inputs` by the previous layer (if `input` did come from + a layer that generated a corresponding mask, i.e. if it came from + a Keras layer with masking support. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer's `call` method returns None (an invalid value). + +


+ +View source + +``` python +build(input_shape) +``` + +Creates the variables of the layer (optional, for subclass implementers). + +This is a method that implementers of subclasses of `Layer` or `Model` +can override if they need a state-creation step in-between +layer instantiation and layer call. + +This is typically used to create the weights of `Layer` subclasses. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Instance of `TensorShape`, or list of instances of + `TensorShape` if the layer expects a list of inputs + (one instance per input). + +


+ +``` python +compute_mask( + inputs, + mask=None +) +``` + +Computes an output mask tensor. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Tensor or list of tensors. +* `mask`: Tensor or list of tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +None or a tensor (or list of tensors, + one per output tensor of the layer). + + +


+ +``` python +compute_output_shape(input_shape) +``` + +Computes the output shape of the layer. + +If the layer has not been built, this method will call `build` on the +layer. This assumes that the layer will later be used with inputs that +match the input shape provided here. + +#### Arguments: + + +* `input_shape`: Shape tuple (tuple of integers) + or list of shape tuples (one per output tensor of the layer). + Shape tuples can include None for free dimensions, + instead of an integer. + + +#### Returns: + +An input shape tuple. + + +


+ +``` python +count_params() +``` + +Count the total number of scalars composing the weights. + + +#### Returns: + +An integer count. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: if the layer isn't yet built + (in which case its weights aren't yet defined). + +


+ +``` python +from_config( + cls, + config +) +``` + +Creates a layer from its config. + +This method is the reverse of `get_config`, +capable of instantiating the same layer from the config +dictionary. It does not handle layer connectivity +(handled by Network), nor weights (handled by `set_weights`). + +#### Arguments: + + +* `config`: A Python dictionary, typically the + output of get_config. + + +#### Returns: + +A layer instance. + + +


+ +``` python +get_config() +``` + +Returns the config of the layer. + +A layer config is a Python dictionary (serializable) +containing the configuration of a layer. +The same layer can be reinstantiated later +(without its trained weights) from this configuration. + +The config of a layer does not include connectivity +information, nor the layer class name. These are handled +by `Network` (one layer of abstraction above). + +#### Returns: + +Python dictionary. + + +


+ +``` python +get_initial_state( + inputs=None, + batch_size=None, + dtype=None +) +``` + + + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_input_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_input_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the input shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple inputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_losses_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves losses relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of loss tensors of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_output_mask_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output mask tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A mask tensor +(or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). + + +


+ +``` python +get_output_shape_at(node_index) +``` + +Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer at a given node. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `node_index`: Integer, index of the node + from which to retrieve the attribute. + E.g. `node_index=0` will correspond to the + first time the layer was called. + + +#### Returns: + +A shape tuple +(or list of shape tuples if the layer has multiple outputs). + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `RuntimeError`: If called in Eager mode. + +


+ +``` python +get_updates_for(inputs) +``` + +Retrieves updates relevant to a specific set of inputs. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `inputs`: Input tensor or list/tuple of input tensors. + + +#### Returns: + +List of update ops of the layer that depend on `inputs`. + + +


+ +``` python +get_weights() +``` + +Returns the current weights of the layer. + + +#### Returns: + +Weights values as a list of numpy arrays. + + +


+ +``` python +set_weights(weights) +``` + +Sets the weights of the layer, from Numpy arrays. + + +#### Arguments: + + +* `weights`: a list of Numpy arrays. The number + of arrays and their shape must match + number of the dimensions of the weights + of the layer (i.e. it should match the + output of `get_weights`). + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If the provided weights list does not match the + layer's specifications. + +


+ +``` python +with_name_scope( + cls, + method +) +``` + +Decorator to automatically enter the module name scope. + +``` +class MyModule(tf.Module): + @tf.Module.with_name_scope + def __call__(self, x): + if not hasattr(self, 'w'): + self.w = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([x.shape[1], 64])) + return tf.matmul(x, self.w) +``` + +Using the above module would produce `tf.Variable`s and `tf.Tensor`s whose +names included the module name: + +``` +mod = MyModule() +mod(tf.ones([8, 32])) +# ==> +mod.w +# ==> +``` + +#### Args: + + +* `method`: The method to wrap. + + +#### Returns: + +The original method wrapped such that it enters the module's name scope. + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_binary_score.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_binary_score.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..629d79d7fe --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_binary_score.md @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.text.crf_binary_score + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Computes the binary scores of tag sequences. + +**Aliases**: `tfa.text.crf.crf_binary_score` + +``` python +tfa.text.crf_binary_score( + tag_indices, + sequence_lengths, + transition_params +) +``` + + + + + + +#### Args: + + +* `tag_indices`: A [batch_size, max_seq_len] matrix of tag indices. +* `sequence_lengths`: A [batch_size] vector of true sequence lengths. +* `transition_params`: A [num_tags, num_tags] matrix of binary potentials. + +#### Returns: + + +* `binary_scores`: A [batch_size] vector of binary scores. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_decode.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_decode.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e0859ee69a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_decode.md @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.text.crf_decode + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Decode the highest scoring sequence of tags. + +**Aliases**: `tfa.text.crf.crf_decode` + +``` python +tfa.text.crf_decode( + potentials, + transition_params, + sequence_length +) +``` + + + + + + +#### Args: + + +* `potentials`: A [batch_size, max_seq_len, num_tags] tensor of + unary potentials. +* `transition_params`: A [num_tags, num_tags] matrix of + binary potentials. +* `sequence_length`: A [batch_size] vector of true sequence lengths. + + +#### Returns: + + +* `decode_tags`: A [batch_size, max_seq_len] matrix, with dtype `tf.int32`. + Contains the highest scoring tag indices. +* `best_score`: A [batch_size] vector, containing the score of `decode_tags`. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_decode_backward.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_decode_backward.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..242268d178 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_decode_backward.md @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.text.crf_decode_backward + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Computes backward decoding in a linear-chain CRF. + +**Aliases**: `tfa.text.crf.crf_decode_backward` + +``` python +tfa.text.crf_decode_backward( + inputs, + state +) +``` + + + + + + +#### Args: + + +* `inputs`: A [batch_size, num_tags] matrix of + backpointer of next step (in time order). +* `state`: A [batch_size, 1] matrix of tag index of next step. + + +#### Returns: + + +* `new_tags`: A [batch_size, num_tags] + tensor containing the new tag indices. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_decode_forward.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_decode_forward.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3ea916fb37 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_decode_forward.md @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.text.crf_decode_forward + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Computes forward decoding in a linear-chain CRF. + +**Aliases**: `tfa.text.crf.crf_decode_forward` + +``` python +tfa.text.crf_decode_forward( + inputs, + state, + transition_params, + sequence_lengths +) +``` + + + + + + +#### Args: + + +* `inputs`: A [batch_size, num_tags] matrix of unary potentials. +* `state`: A [batch_size, num_tags] matrix containing the previous step's + score values. +* `transition_params`: A [num_tags, num_tags] matrix of binary potentials. +* `sequence_lengths`: A [batch_size] vector of true sequence lengths. + + +#### Returns: + + +* `backpointers`: A [batch_size, num_tags] matrix of backpointers. +* `new_state`: A [batch_size, num_tags] matrix of new score values. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_forward.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_forward.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..51af79dbea --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_forward.md @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.text.crf_forward + + + + + +
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+ + + + +Computes the alpha values in a linear-chain CRF. + +**Aliases**: `tfa.text.crf.crf_forward` + +``` python +tfa.text.crf_forward( + inputs, + state, + transition_params, + sequence_lengths +) +``` + + + + + +See http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~mcollins/fb.pdf for reference. + +#### Args: + + +* `inputs`: A [batch_size, num_tags] matrix of unary potentials. +* `state`: A [batch_size, num_tags] matrix containing the previous alpha + values. +* `transition_params`: A [num_tags, num_tags] matrix of binary potentials. + This matrix is expanded into a [1, num_tags, num_tags] in preparation + for the broadcast summation occurring within the cell. +* `sequence_lengths`: A [batch_size] vector of true sequence lengths. + + +#### Returns: + + +* `new_alphas`: A [batch_size, num_tags] matrix containing the + new alpha values. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_log_likelihood.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_log_likelihood.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..94110d1557 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_log_likelihood.md @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.text.crf_log_likelihood + + + + + +
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+ + + + +Computes the log-likelihood of tag sequences in a CRF. + +**Aliases**: `tfa.text.crf.crf_log_likelihood` + +``` python +tfa.text.crf_log_likelihood( + inputs, + tag_indices, + sequence_lengths, + transition_params=None +) +``` + + + + + + +#### Args: + + +* `inputs`: A [batch_size, max_seq_len, num_tags] tensor of unary potentials + to use as input to the CRF layer. +* `tag_indices`: A [batch_size, max_seq_len] matrix of tag indices for which + we compute the log-likelihood. +* `sequence_lengths`: A [batch_size] vector of true sequence lengths. +* `transition_params`: A [num_tags, num_tags] transition matrix, + if available. + +#### Returns: + + +* `log_likelihood`: A [batch_size] `Tensor` containing the log-likelihood of + each example, given the sequence of tag indices. +* `transition_params`: A [num_tags, num_tags] transition matrix. This is + either provided by the caller or created in this function. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_log_norm.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_log_norm.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6fa82f3eb0 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_log_norm.md @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.text.crf_log_norm + + + + + +
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+ + + + +Computes the normalization for a CRF. + +**Aliases**: `tfa.text.crf.crf_log_norm` + +``` python +tfa.text.crf_log_norm( + inputs, + sequence_lengths, + transition_params +) +``` + + + + + + +#### Args: + + +* `inputs`: A [batch_size, max_seq_len, num_tags] tensor of unary potentials + to use as input to the CRF layer. +* `sequence_lengths`: A [batch_size] vector of true sequence lengths. +* `transition_params`: A [num_tags, num_tags] transition matrix. + +#### Returns: + + +* `log_norm`: A [batch_size] vector of normalizers for a CRF. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_multitag_sequence_score.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_multitag_sequence_score.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3c4e5864ef --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_multitag_sequence_score.md @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.text.crf_multitag_sequence_score + + + + + +
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+ + + + +Computes the unnormalized score of all tag sequences matching + +**Aliases**: `tfa.text.crf.crf_multitag_sequence_score` + +``` python +tfa.text.crf_multitag_sequence_score( + inputs, + tag_bitmap, + sequence_lengths, + transition_params +) +``` + + + + +tag_bitmap. + +tag_bitmap enables more than one tag to be considered correct at each time +step. This is useful when an observed output at a given time step is +consistent with more than one tag, and thus the log likelihood of that +observation must take into account all possible consistent tags. + +Using one-hot vectors in tag_bitmap gives results identical to +crf_sequence_score. + +#### Args: + + +* `inputs`: A [batch_size, max_seq_len, num_tags] tensor of unary potentials + to use as input to the CRF layer. +* `tag_bitmap`: A [batch_size, max_seq_len, num_tags] boolean tensor + representing all active tags at each index for which to calculate the + unnormalized score. +* `sequence_lengths`: A [batch_size] vector of true sequence lengths. +* `transition_params`: A [num_tags, num_tags] transition matrix. + +#### Returns: + + +* `sequence_scores`: A [batch_size] vector of unnormalized sequence scores. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_sequence_score.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_sequence_score.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a4ae6f99b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_sequence_score.md @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.text.crf_sequence_score + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Computes the unnormalized score for a tag sequence. + +**Aliases**: `tfa.text.crf.crf_sequence_score` + +``` python +tfa.text.crf_sequence_score( + inputs, + tag_indices, + sequence_lengths, + transition_params +) +``` + + + + + + +#### Args: + + +* `inputs`: A [batch_size, max_seq_len, num_tags] tensor of unary potentials + to use as input to the CRF layer. +* `tag_indices`: A [batch_size, max_seq_len] matrix of tag indices for which + we compute the unnormalized score. +* `sequence_lengths`: A [batch_size] vector of true sequence lengths. +* `transition_params`: A [num_tags, num_tags] transition matrix. + +#### Returns: + + +* `sequence_scores`: A [batch_size] vector of unnormalized sequence scores. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_unary_score.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_unary_score.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f6ebbe584c --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/crf_unary_score.md @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.text.crf_unary_score + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Computes the unary scores of tag sequences. + +**Aliases**: `tfa.text.crf.crf_unary_score` + +``` python +tfa.text.crf_unary_score( + tag_indices, + sequence_lengths, + inputs +) +``` + + + + + + +#### Args: + + +* `tag_indices`: A [batch_size, max_seq_len] matrix of tag indices. +* `sequence_lengths`: A [batch_size] vector of true sequence lengths. +* `inputs`: A [batch_size, max_seq_len, num_tags] tensor of unary potentials. + +#### Returns: + + +* `unary_scores`: A [batch_size] vector of unary scores. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/parse_time.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/parse_time.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f05039434a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/parse_time.md @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.text.parse_time + + + + + +
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+ + + + +Parse an input string according to the provided format string into a + +**Aliases**: `tfa.text.parse_time_op.parse_time` + +``` python +tfa.text.parse_time( + time_string, + time_format, + output_unit +) +``` + + + + +Unix time. + +Parse an input string according to the provided format string into a Unix +time, the number of seconds / milliseconds / microseconds / nanoseconds +elapsed since January 1, 1970 UTC. + +Uses strftime()-like formatting options, with the same extensions as +FormatTime(), but with the exceptions that %E#S is interpreted as %E*S, and +%E#f as %E*f. %Ez and %E*z also accept the same inputs. + +%Y consumes as many numeric characters as it can, so the matching +data should always be terminated with a non-numeric. %E4Y always +consumes exactly four characters, including any sign. + +Unspecified fields are taken from the default date and time of ... + + "1970-01-01 00:00:00.0 +0000" + +For example, parsing a string of "15:45" (%H:%M) will return an +Unix time that represents "1970-01-01 15:45:00.0 +0000". + +Note that ParseTime only heeds the fields year, month, day, hour, +minute, (fractional) second, and UTC offset. Other fields, like +weekday (%a or %A), while parsed for syntactic validity, are +ignored in the conversion. + +Date and time fields that are out-of-range will be treated as +errors rather than normalizing them like `absl::CivilSecond` does. +For example, it is an error to parse the date "Oct 32, 2013" +because 32 is out of range. + +A leap second of ":60" is normalized to ":00" of the following +minute with fractional seconds discarded. The following table +shows how the given seconds and subseconds will be parsed: + + "59.x" -> 59.x // exact + "60.x" -> 00.0 // normalized + "00.x" -> 00.x // exact + +#### Args: + + +* `time_string`: The input time string to be parsed. +* `time_format`: The time format. +* `output_unit`: The output unit of the parsed unix time. Can only be SECOND, + MILLISECOND, MICROSECOND, NANOSECOND. + + +#### Returns: + +the number of seconds / milliseconds / microseconds / nanoseconds elapsed + since January 1, 1970 UTC. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If `output_unit` is not a valid value, + if parsing `time_string` according to `time_format` failed. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/parse_time_op.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/parse_time_op.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..70cadfd726 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/parse_time_op.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.text.parse_time_op + + + + +
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+ + + +Parse time ops. + + + +## Functions + +[`parse_time(...)`](../../tfa/text/parse_time.md): Parse an input string according to the provided format string into a + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/skip_gram_ops.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/skip_gram_ops.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..856a1f5f90 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/skip_gram_ops.md @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# Module: tfa.text.skip_gram_ops + + + + +
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+ + + +Skip-gram sampling ops from https://arxiv.org/abs/1301.3781. + + + +## Functions + +[`skip_gram_sample(...)`](../../tfa/text/skip_gram_sample.md): Generates skip-gram token and label paired Tensors from the input + +[`skip_gram_sample_with_text_vocab(...)`](../../tfa/text/skip_gram_sample_with_text_vocab.md): Skip-gram sampling with a text vocabulary file. + + + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/skip_gram_sample.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/skip_gram_sample.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d612bf524e --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/skip_gram_sample.md @@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.text.skip_gram_sample + + + + + +
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+ + + + +Generates skip-gram token and label paired Tensors from the input + +**Aliases**: `tfa.text.skip_gram_ops.skip_gram_sample` + +``` python +tfa.text.skip_gram_sample( + input_tensor, + min_skips=1, + max_skips=5, + start=0, + limit=-1, + emit_self_as_target=False, + vocab_freq_table=None, + vocab_min_count=None, + vocab_subsampling=None, + corpus_size=None, + batch_size=None, + batch_capacity=None, + seed=None, + name=None +) +``` + + + + +tensor. + +Generates skip-gram `("token", "label")` pairs using each element in the +rank-1 `input_tensor` as a token. The window size used for each token will +be randomly selected from the range specified by `[min_skips, max_skips]`, +inclusive. See https://arxiv.org/abs/1301.3781 for more details about +skip-gram. + +For example, given `input_tensor = ["the", "quick", "brown", "fox", +"jumps"]`, `min_skips = 1`, `max_skips = 2`, `emit_self_as_target = False`, +the output `(tokens, labels)` pairs for the token "quick" will be randomly +selected from either `(tokens=["quick", "quick"], labels=["the", "brown"])` +for 1 skip, or `(tokens=["quick", "quick", "quick"], +labels=["the", "brown", "fox"])` for 2 skips. + +If `emit_self_as_target = True`, each token will also be emitted as a label +for itself. From the previous example, the output will be either +`(tokens=["quick", "quick", "quick"], labels=["the", "quick", "brown"])` +for 1 skip, or `(tokens=["quick", "quick", "quick", "quick"], +labels=["the", "quick", "brown", "fox"])` for 2 skips. + +The same process is repeated for each element of `input_tensor` and +concatenated together into the two output rank-1 `Tensors` (one for all the +tokens, another for all the labels). + +If `vocab_freq_table` is specified, tokens in `input_tensor` that are not +present in the vocabulary are discarded. Tokens whose frequency counts are +below `vocab_min_count` are also discarded. Tokens whose frequency +proportions in the corpus exceed `vocab_subsampling` may be randomly +down-sampled. See Eq. 5 in http://arxiv.org/abs/1310.4546 for more details +about subsampling. + +Due to the random window sizes used for each token, the lengths of the +outputs are non-deterministic, unless `batch_size` is specified to batch +the outputs to always return `Tensors` of length `batch_size`. + +#### Args: + + +* `input_tensor`: A rank-1 `Tensor` from which to generate skip-gram + candidates. +* `min_skips`: `int` or scalar `Tensor` specifying the minimum window size to + randomly use for each token. Must be >= 0 and <= `max_skips`. If + `min_skips` and `max_skips` are both 0, the only label outputted will + be the token itself when `emit_self_as_target = True` - + or no output otherwise. +* `max_skips`: `int` or scalar `Tensor` specifying the maximum window size to + randomly use for each token. Must be >= 0. +* `start`: `int` or scalar `Tensor` specifying the position in + `input_tensor` from which to start generating skip-gram candidates. +* `limit`: `int` or scalar `Tensor` specifying the maximum number of + elements in `input_tensor` to use in generating skip-gram candidates. + -1 means to use the rest of the `Tensor` after `start`. +* `emit_self_as_target`: `bool` or scalar `Tensor` specifying whether to emit + each token as a label for itself. +* `vocab_freq_table`: (Optional) A lookup table (subclass of + `lookup.InitializableLookupTableBase`) that maps tokens to their raw + frequency counts. If specified, any token in `input_tensor` that is not + found in `vocab_freq_table` will be filtered out before generating + skip-gram candidates. While this will typically map to integer raw + frequency counts, it could also map to float frequency proportions. + `vocab_min_count` and `corpus_size` should be in the same units + as this. +* `vocab_min_count`: (Optional) `int`, `float`, or scalar `Tensor` specifying + minimum frequency threshold (from `vocab_freq_table`) for a token to be + kept in `input_tensor`. If this is specified, `vocab_freq_table` must + also be specified - and they should both be in the same units. +* `vocab_subsampling`: (Optional) `float` specifying frequency proportion + threshold for tokens from `input_tensor`. Tokens that occur more + frequently (based on the ratio of the token's `vocab_freq_table` value + to the `corpus_size`) will be randomly down-sampled. Reasonable + starting values may be around 1e-3 or 1e-5. If this is specified, both + `vocab_freq_table` and `corpus_size` must also be specified. See Eq. 5 + in http://arxiv.org/abs/1310.4546 for more details. +* `corpus_size`: (Optional) `int`, `float`, or scalar `Tensor` specifying the + total number of tokens in the corpus (e.g., sum of all the frequency + counts of `vocab_freq_table`). Used with `vocab_subsampling` for + down-sampling frequently occurring tokens. If this is specified, + `vocab_freq_table` and `vocab_subsampling` must also be specified. +* `batch_size`: (Optional) `int` specifying batch size of returned `Tensors`. +* `batch_capacity`: (Optional) `int` specifying batch capacity for the queue + used for batching returned `Tensors`. Only has an effect if + `batch_size` > 0. Defaults to 100 * `batch_size` if not specified. +* `seed`: (Optional) `int` used to create a random seed for window size and + subsampling. See `set_random_seed` docs for behavior. +* `name`: (Optional) A `string` name or a name scope for the operations. + + +#### Returns: + +A `tuple` containing (token, label) `Tensors`. Each output `Tensor` is of +rank-1 and has the same type as `input_tensor`. The `Tensors` will be of +length `batch_size`; if `batch_size` is not specified, they will be of +random length, though they will be in sync with each other as long as +they are evaluated together. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If `vocab_freq_table` is not provided, but `vocab_min_count`, + `vocab_subsampling`, or `corpus_size` is specified. + If `vocab_subsampling` and `corpus_size` are not both present or + both absent. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/skip_gram_sample_with_text_vocab.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/skip_gram_sample_with_text_vocab.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9103ad45d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/skip_gram_sample_with_text_vocab.md @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.text.skip_gram_sample_with_text_vocab + + + + + +
+ + + View source on GitHub + +
+ + + + +Skip-gram sampling with a text vocabulary file. + +**Aliases**: `tfa.text.skip_gram_ops.skip_gram_sample_with_text_vocab` + +``` python +tfa.text.skip_gram_sample_with_text_vocab( + input_tensor, + vocab_freq_file, + vocab_token_index=0, + vocab_token_dtype=tf.dtypes.string, + vocab_freq_index=1, + vocab_freq_dtype=tf.dtypes.float64, + vocab_delimiter=',', + vocab_min_count=0, + vocab_subsampling=None, + corpus_size=None, + min_skips=1, + max_skips=5, + start=0, + limit=-1, + emit_self_as_target=False, + batch_size=None, + batch_capacity=None, + seed=None, + name=None +) +``` + + + + + +Wrapper around `skip_gram_sample()` for use with a text vocabulary file. +The vocabulary file is expected to be a plain-text file, with lines of +`vocab_delimiter`-separated columns. The `vocab_token_index` column should +contain the vocabulary term, while the `vocab_freq_index` column should +contain the number of times that term occurs in the corpus. For example, +with a text vocabulary file of: + + ``` + bonjour,fr,42 + hello,en,777 + hola,es,99 + ``` + +You should set `vocab_delimiter=","`, `vocab_token_index=0`, and +`vocab_freq_index=2`. + +See `skip_gram_sample()` documentation for more details about the skip-gram +sampling process. + +#### Args: + + +* `input_tensor`: A rank-1 `Tensor` from which to generate skip-gram candidates. +* `vocab_freq_file`: `string` specifying full file path to the text vocab file. +* `vocab_token_index`: `int` specifying which column in the text vocab file + contains the tokens. +* `vocab_token_dtype`: `DType` specifying the format of the tokens in the text vocab file. +* `vocab_freq_index`: `int` specifying which column in the text vocab file + contains the frequency counts of the tokens. +* `vocab_freq_dtype`: `DType` specifying the format of the frequency counts + in the text vocab file. +* `vocab_delimiter`: `string` specifying the delimiter used in the text vocab + file. +* `vocab_min_count`: `int`, `float`, or scalar `Tensor` specifying + minimum frequency threshold (from `vocab_freq_file`) for a token to be + kept in `input_tensor`. This should correspond with `vocab_freq_dtype`. +* `vocab_subsampling`: (Optional) `float` specifying frequency proportion + threshold for tokens from `input_tensor`. Tokens that occur more + frequently will be randomly down-sampled. Reasonable starting values + may be around 1e-3 or 1e-5. See Eq. 5 in http://arxiv.org/abs/1310.4546 + for more details. +* `corpus_size`: (Optional) `int`, `float`, or scalar `Tensor` specifying the + total number of tokens in the corpus (e.g., sum of all the frequency + counts of `vocab_freq_file`). Used with `vocab_subsampling` for + down-sampling frequently occurring tokens. If this is specified, + `vocab_freq_file` and `vocab_subsampling` must also be specified. + If `corpus_size` is needed but not supplied, then it will be calculated + from `vocab_freq_file`. You might want to supply your own value if you + have already eliminated infrequent tokens from your vocabulary files + (where frequency < vocab_min_count) to save memory in the internal + token lookup table. Otherwise, the unused tokens' variables will waste + memory. The user-supplied `corpus_size` value must be greater than or + equal to the sum of all the frequency counts of `vocab_freq_file`. +* `min_skips`: `int` or scalar `Tensor` specifying the minimum window size to + randomly use for each token. Must be >= 0 and <= `max_skips`. If + `min_skips` and `max_skips` are both 0, the only label outputted will + be the token itself. +* `max_skips`: `int` or scalar `Tensor` specifying the maximum window size to + randomly use for each token. Must be >= 0. +* `start`: `int` or scalar `Tensor` specifying the position in `input_tensor` + from which to start generating skip-gram candidates. +* `limit`: `int` or scalar `Tensor` specifying the maximum number of elements + in `input_tensor` to use in generating skip-gram candidates. -1 means + to use the rest of the `Tensor` after `start`. +* `emit_self_as_target`: `bool` or scalar `Tensor` specifying whether to emit + each token as a label for itself. +* `batch_size`: (Optional) `int` specifying batch size of returned `Tensors`. +* `batch_capacity`: (Optional) `int` specifying batch capacity for the queue + used for batching returned `Tensors`. Only has an effect if + `batch_size` > 0. Defaults to 100 * `batch_size` if not specified. +* `seed`: (Optional) `int` used to create a random seed for window size and + subsampling. See + [`set_random_seed`](../../g3doc/python/constant_op.md#set_random_seed) + for behavior. +* `name`: (Optional) A `string` name or a name scope for the operations. + + +#### Returns: + +A `tuple` containing (token, label) `Tensors`. Each output `Tensor` is of +rank-1 and has the same type as `input_tensor`. The `Tensors` will be of +length `batch_size`; if `batch_size` is not specified, they will be of +random length, though they will be in sync with each other as long as +they are evaluated together. + + + +#### Raises: + + +* `ValueError`: If `vocab_token_index` or `vocab_freq_index` is less than 0 + or exceeds the number of columns in `vocab_freq_file`. + If `vocab_token_index` and `vocab_freq_index` are both set to the same + column. If any token in `vocab_freq_file` has a negative frequency. + diff --git a/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/viterbi_decode.md b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/viterbi_decode.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9896db72d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api_docs/python/tfa/text/viterbi_decode.md @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +
+ + +
+ +# tfa.text.viterbi_decode + + + + + +
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+ + + + +Decode the highest scoring sequence of tags outside of TensorFlow. + +**Aliases**: `tfa.text.crf.viterbi_decode` + +``` python +tfa.text.viterbi_decode( + score, + transition_params +) +``` + + + + + +This should only be used at test time. + +#### Args: + + +* `score`: A [seq_len, num_tags] matrix of unary potentials. +* `transition_params`: A [num_tags, num_tags] matrix of binary potentials. + + +#### Returns: + + +* `viterbi`: A [seq_len] list of integers containing the highest scoring tag + indices. +* `viterbi_score`: A float containing the score for the Viterbi sequence. + diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt index c37c03f8cb..6452e8905b 100644 --- a/requirements.txt +++ b/requirements.txt @@ -1 +1 @@ -tf-nightly \ No newline at end of file +tensorflow>=2.1.0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tensorflow_addons/version.py b/tensorflow_addons/version.py index 1ae4ed7ba3..c4eac20093 100644 --- a/tensorflow_addons/version.py +++ b/tensorflow_addons/version.py @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ # stable release (indicated by `_VERSION_SUFFIX = ''`). Outside the context of a # release branch, the current version is by default assumed to be a # 'development' version, labeled 'dev'. -_VERSION_SUFFIX = 'dev' +_VERSION_SUFFIX = '' # Example, '0.1.0-dev' __version__ = '.'.join([ diff --git a/tools/ci_build/builds/release_linux.sh b/tools/ci_build/builds/release_linux.sh index c02e674432..8ad2e41184 100755 --- a/tools/ci_build/builds/release_linux.sh +++ b/tools/ci_build/builds/release_linux.sh @@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ for version in ${PYTHON_VERSIONS}; do build_pip_pkg # Package Whl - bazel-bin/build_pip_pkg artifacts --nightly + # bazel-bin/build_pip_pkg artifacts --nightly # Uncomment and use this command for release branches - #bazel-bin/build_pip_pkg artifacts + bazel-bin/build_pip_pkg artifacts done # Clean up diff --git a/tools/ci_build/builds/release_macos.sh b/tools/ci_build/builds/release_macos.sh index e683a89a42..16abef246f 100755 --- a/tools/ci_build/builds/release_macos.sh +++ b/tools/ci_build/builds/release_macos.sh @@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ for version in ${PYTHON_VERSIONS}; do build_pip_pkg # Package Whl - bazel-bin/build_pip_pkg artifacts --nightly + # bazel-bin/build_pip_pkg artifacts --nightly # Uncomment and use this command for release branches - #bazel-bin/build_pip_pkg artifacts + bazel-bin/build_pip_pkg artifacts done # Clean up diff --git a/tools/ci_build/builds/release_windows.sh b/tools/ci_build/builds/release_windows.sh index a53fa5e4ad..91bf26f7ba 100644 --- a/tools/ci_build/builds/release_windows.sh +++ b/tools/ci_build/builds/release_windows.sh @@ -39,4 +39,4 @@ echo 'y' | ./configure.sh --quiet --test_output=errors \ build_pip_pkg -bazel-bin/build_pip_pkg artifacts --nightly +bazel-bin/build_pip_pkg artifacts